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39 posts


jcpbuilder wrote:

We can probably announce it as soon as we come up with a title. The only problem is… the title.

I have a few names but none of them sound good (to me)

Option 1: The New Jedi
Pros: Simple and to the point
Cons: Sounds incomplete without ‘Order’ at the end but that's the wip name for the Rey movie and the series name for the Yuuzhan Vong books

Option 2: Darkness Rising (or Rising Darkness)
Pros: Descriptive
Cons: Doesn't sound like a SW movie name

Option 3: Rise of the Eternal Empire
Pros: Simple and to the point
Cons: a bit long

Actually, now that I think about it, option 3 is the one I like the most. Do any of you have ideas?
i like darkness rising

I'm RAB2010 I create games and draw characters.
games in progress: Slimeclops 2, FUTURE WARFARE SECRET INVASION I
If you need sprites please ask at the tungsten league
500+ posts


RAB2010 wrote:

jcpbuilder wrote:

We can probably announce it as soon as we come up with a title. The only problem is… the title.

I have a few names but none of them sound good (to me)

Option 1: The New Jedi
Pros: Simple and to the point
Cons: Sounds incomplete without ‘Order’ at the end but that's the wip name for the Rey movie and the series name for the Yuuzhan Vong books

Option 2: Darkness Rising (or Rising Darkness)
Pros: Descriptive
Cons: Doesn't sound like a SW movie name

Option 3: Rise of the Eternal Empire
Pros: Simple and to the point
Cons: a bit long

Actually, now that I think about it, option 3 is the one I like the most. Do any of you have ideas?
i like darkness rising
Okay. We can use that.

"He said to him, ‘If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead.’” - Luke 16:31

Many men will volunteer to die. But few will be patient in the face of pain. - Mandalorian Neo-Crusader, Canderous Ordo

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