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1000+ posts

Down With Tinypic!

OmnipotentPotato wrote:

cheeseeater wrote:

ChocolatePi wrote:

peppermintpatty5 wrote:

VoltageGames wrote:

ChocolatePi wrote:

JudasR wrote:

the itopic for bbcode help was changed to reflect the topics paranoid accusations anyway, i don't know why you guys are still arguing about stuff
What do you mean by that?

Oh, I see it. Well, so be it! We are spreading the word of the Tinypic mutiny!
Do you even know what a mutiny is.
@VoltageGames why are you encouraging this dangerous website in your signature? I know you're free to put whatever you want there but if you even read the first page of this topic, you'd know what a horrible website you are supporting.
pssst it's because they don't want to agree with us
It's their very own proper gander.

(I know it's spelt wrong. But it's swageh)
It doesn't really matter. Tinypic: VoltageGames. CubeUpload: everyone else.
Yes, OmnipotentPotato, you are correct; everyone is entitled to their own opinion, whether it put's their PC at risk or not.
500+ posts

Down With Tinypic!

CubeUpload test ^^^


Last edited by Langdon35 (Dec. 8, 2014 21:28:48)

71 posts

Down With Tinypic!

ChocolatePi wrote:

JudasR wrote:

ChocolatePi wrote:

VoltageGames wrote:

ChocolatePi wrote:

JudasR wrote:

the itopic for bbcode help was changed to reflect the topics paranoid accusations anyway, i don't know why you guys are still arguing about stuff
What do you mean by that?

Oh, I see it. Well, so be it! We are spreading the word of the Tinypic mutiny!
Do you even know what a mutiny is.
A mutiny is overthrowing a certain person or group of authority. We are overthrowing tinypic as our image provider.

And keep a respectful tone in your internet voice (be respectful to others and don't say stuff like “do you even” or “seriously”). When I read that, it almost sounded rude.
in what way did tinypic have any authority whatsoever, it's just one of multiple image hosts that scratch allows
It has control over our images, I guess, and it's one of the sites that many Scratchers look up to for their images.
it was one of three or four sites specifically for uploading images that scratchers could choose from. it was never even the first suggestion; i remember being pleasantly surprised that it was on the list of allowed hosting sites since i already had an account on it and didn't want to make another one on photobucket or imageshack


Last edited by JudasR (Dec. 8, 2014 21:34:26)

1000+ posts

Down With Tinypic!

JudasR wrote:

ChocolatePi wrote:

JudasR wrote:

ChocolatePi wrote:

VoltageGames wrote:

ChocolatePi wrote:

JudasR wrote:

the itopic for bbcode help was changed to reflect the topics paranoid accusations anyway, i don't know why you guys are still arguing about stuff
What do you mean by that?

Oh, I see it. Well, so be it! We are spreading the word of the Tinypic mutiny!
Do you even know what a mutiny is.
A mutiny is overthrowing a certain person or group of authority. We are overthrowing tinypic as our image provider.

And keep a respectful tone in your internet voice (be respectful to others and don't say stuff like “do you even” or “seriously”). When I read that, it almost sounded rude.
in what way did tinypic have any authority whatsoever, it's just one of multiple image hosts that scratch allows
It has control over our images, I guess, and it's one of the sites that many Scratchers look up to for their images.
it was one of three or four sites specifically for uploading images that scratchers could choose from. it was never even the first suggestion; i remember being pleasantly surprised that it was on the list of allowed hosting sites since i already had an account on it and didn't want to make another one on photobucket or imageshack

Fine: I was wrong when I said mutiny, but you get my point. TinyPic is overall very shady, and Paddle2see already said there has been malware there in the past. It's no argument - it should be taken off the list.
71 posts

Down With Tinypic!

the reason it's not going to get taken off the list of accepted image hosts is in the bbcode itopic: already posted images would break if it was straight up taken off the list. using tinypic is discouraged, but they're not going to block it

1000+ posts

Down With Tinypic!

Will the images break if they block it? Maybe it will just not let users upload it anymore…
1000+ posts

Down With Tinypic!

ChocolatePi wrote:

VoltageGames wrote:

ChocolatePi wrote:

JudasR wrote:

the itopic for bbcode help was changed to reflect the topics paranoid accusations anyway, i don't know why you guys are still arguing about stuff
What do you mean by that?

Oh, I see it. Well, so be it! We are spreading the word of the Tinypic mutiny!
Do you even know what a mutiny is.
A mutiny is overthrowing a certain person or group of authority. We are overthrowing tinypic as our image provider.

And keep a respectful tone in your internet voice (be respectful to others and don't say stuff like “do you even” or “seriously”). When I read that, it almost sounded rude.
Do you even lift bro?

…jk. Good point on internet respect!

$(".box-head")[0].textContent = "committing AT crimes since $whenever"
1000+ posts

Down With Tinypic!

MegaApuTurkUltra wrote:

ChocolatePi wrote:

VoltageGames wrote:

ChocolatePi wrote:

JudasR wrote:

the itopic for bbcode help was changed to reflect the topics paranoid accusations anyway, i don't know why you guys are still arguing about stuff
What do you mean by that?

Oh, I see it. Well, so be it! We are spreading the word of the Tinypic mutiny!
Do you even know what a mutiny is.
A mutiny is overthrowing a certain person or group of authority. We are overthrowing tinypic as our image provider.

And keep a respectful tone in your internet voice (be respectful to others and don't say stuff like “do you even” or “seriously”). When I read that, it almost sounded rude.
Do you even lift bro?

…jk. Good point on internet respect!
I do, though I tend to only work on biceps and ignore the other muscles in my body.

100+ posts

Down With Tinypic!

ChocolatePi wrote:

Tresdin wrote:

If it's going to mention completely legal drug use it's an added bonus that it says to do it responsibly- for example, not underage.
It's not appropriate for a kid's site to encourage another site where it encourages alcohol, legal or not.
So all sites relating to kid's sites should be devoid of mentions of/deny the existence of alcohol? That isn't really how the world works. G-rated films can have alcohol in them…

You came to a battle wearing that?
1000+ posts

Down With Tinypic!

Tresdin wrote:

ChocolatePi wrote:

Tresdin wrote:

If it's going to mention completely legal drug use it's an added bonus that it says to do it responsibly- for example, not underage.
It's not appropriate for a kid's site to encourage another site where it encourages alcohol, legal or not.
So all sites relating to kid's sites should be devoid of mentions of/deny the existence of alcohol? That isn't really how the world works. G-rated films can have alcohol in them…
…So it's okay if I mention beer and wine and vodka, etc. exist, but I have to spread anti-alcoholism propaganda about them so that I'm okay?

100+ posts

Down With Tinypic!

TheHockeyist wrote:

Tresdin wrote:

ChocolatePi wrote:

Tresdin wrote:

If it's going to mention completely legal drug use it's an added bonus that it says to do it responsibly- for example, not underage.
It's not appropriate for a kid's site to encourage another site where it encourages alcohol, legal or not.
So all sites relating to kid's sites should be devoid of mentions of/deny the existence of alcohol? That isn't really how the world works. G-rated films can have alcohol in them…
…So it's okay if I mention beer and wine and vodka, etc. exist, but I have to spread anti-alcoholism propaganda about them so that I'm okay?

You came to a battle wearing that?
1000+ posts

Down With Tinypic!

Tresdin wrote:

TheHockeyist wrote:

Tresdin wrote:

ChocolatePi wrote:

Tresdin wrote:

If it's going to mention completely legal drug use it's an added bonus that it says to do it responsibly- for example, not underage.
It's not appropriate for a kid's site to encourage another site where it encourages alcohol, legal or not.
So all sites relating to kid's sites should be devoid of mentions of/deny the existence of alcohol? That isn't really how the world works. G-rated films can have alcohol in them…
…So it's okay if I mention beer and wine and vodka, etc. exist, but I have to spread anti-alcoholism propaganda about them so that I'm okay?
G-rated films can have alcohol.
Therefore, it's okay if I mention beer and wine and vodka, etc. exist.
But they might think I'm spreading alcoholism propaganda.
I do not want people to think that.
Therefore, I probably have to spread anti-alcoholism propaganda about the drugs if I mention them.

Last edited by TheHockeyist (Dec. 8, 2014 23:25:43)

1000+ posts

Down With Tinypic!

TheHockeyist wrote:

Tresdin wrote:

TheHockeyist wrote:

Tresdin wrote:

ChocolatePi wrote:

Tresdin wrote:

If it's going to mention completely legal drug use it's an added bonus that it says to do it responsibly- for example, not underage.
It's not appropriate for a kid's site to encourage another site where it encourages alcohol, legal or not.
So all sites relating to kid's sites should be devoid of mentions of/deny the existence of alcohol? That isn't really how the world works. G-rated films can have alcohol in them…
…So it's okay if I mention beer and wine and vodka, etc. exist, but I have to spread anti-alcoholism propaganda about them so that I'm okay?
G-rated films can have alcohol.
Therefore, it's okay if I mention beer and wine and vodka, etc. exist.
But they might think I'm spreading alcoholism propaganda.
I do not want people to think that.
Therefore, I probably have to spread anti-alcoholism propaganda about the drugs if I mention them.
Not to mention it is legal for kids to drink in many countries.

1000+ posts

Down With Tinypic!

I'm confused…. are you guys arguing about wheter or not supporting alcohol and drugs is kid-friendly? Some things in life I will just never understand.
1000+ posts

Down With Tinypic!

OmnipotentPotato wrote:

cheeseeater wrote:

ChocolatePi wrote:

peppermintpatty5 wrote:

VoltageGames wrote:

ChocolatePi wrote:

JudasR wrote:

the itopic for bbcode help was changed to reflect the topics paranoid accusations anyway, i don't know why you guys are still arguing about stuff
What do you mean by that?

Oh, I see it. Well, so be it! We are spreading the word of the Tinypic mutiny!
Do you even know what a mutiny is.
@VoltageGames why are you encouraging this dangerous website in your signature? I know you're free to put whatever you want there but if you even read the first page of this topic, you'd know what a horrible website you are supporting.
pssst it's because they don't want to agree with us
It's their very own proper gander.

(I know it's spelt wrong. But it's swageh)
It doesn't really matter. Tinypic: VoltageGames. CubeUpload: everyone else.
Good point: Tinypic - 1, Cubeupload - at least 5

100+ posts

Down With Tinypic!

TheHockeyist wrote:

Tresdin wrote:

TheHockeyist wrote:

Tresdin wrote:

ChocolatePi wrote:

Tresdin wrote:

If it's going to mention completely legal drug use it's an added bonus that it says to do it responsibly- for example, not underage.
It's not appropriate for a kid's site to encourage another site where it encourages alcohol, legal or not.
So all sites relating to kid's sites should be devoid of mentions of/deny the existence of alcohol? That isn't really how the world works. G-rated films can have alcohol in them…
…So it's okay if I mention beer and wine and vodka, etc. exist, but I have to spread anti-alcoholism propaganda about them so that I'm okay?
G-rated films can have alcohol.
Therefore, it's okay if I mention beer and wine and vodka, etc. exist.
But they might think I'm spreading alcoholism propaganda.
I do not want people to think that.
Therefore, I probably have to spread anti-alcoholism propaganda about the drugs if I mention them.
Alcohol is not a bad thing. Adults can and do enjoy it responsibly and legally. Most american adults drink. It's fine to mention its existence for reasons outside of it being allowed in G-rated films, that was just the simplest explanation showing that the acknowledgement of usage of alcohol isn't poisonous to children.

What is “anti-alcoholism propaganda” to you? “Drink responsibly”? Your age / poor education on drugs is showing very well

You came to a battle wearing that?
1000+ posts

Down With Tinypic!

ChocolatePi wrote:

Will the images break if they block it? Maybe it will just not let users upload it anymore…
Actually, now that I think about it, the page has to “retrieve” the images from Tinypic when it loads so it might break the images in all circumstances.

1000+ posts

Down With Tinypic!

Personally, I refuse to go to another image hosting website ever in my life! xDDDD Okay, maybe a bit ridiculous, but now I go to these sites: (Warning! List is extremely long!)





Umm… xD That's about it except for the occasional exception.
100+ posts

Down With Tinypic!

peppermintpatty5 wrote:

ChocolatePi wrote:

Will the images break if they block it? Maybe it will just not let users upload it anymore…
Actually, now that I think about it, the page has to “retrieve” the images from Tinypic when it loads so it might break the images in all circumstances.
The actual code only stops a user when they're posting, it doesn't block tinypic.com from being accessed. It is literally just not letting IMG tags go around the text tinypic.com.
1000+ posts

Down With Tinypic!

Detriment wrote:

peppermintpatty5 wrote:

ChocolatePi wrote:

Will the images break if they block it? Maybe it will just not let users upload it anymore…
Actually, now that I think about it, the page has to “retrieve” the images from Tinypic when it loads so it might break the images in all circumstances.
The actual code only stops a user when they're posting, it doesn't block tinypic.com from being accessed. It is literally just not letting IMG tags go around the text tinypic.com.
Aha, ok. That makes sense.


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