Discuss Scratch

100+ posts

Programming other than Scratch

I know HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript. (a little bit of SQL, Python, and Ruby, but not much)

If we're counting frameworks, then I also know Bootstrap and jQuery pretty well. In the soon future I want to use SASS as a CSS pre-processor, and maybe even Jade for HTML.

(I know this doesn't count as a programming language, but I also know how to use GitHub and Git Bash )

500+ posts

Programming other than Scratch

yay i kinda know rust-ish now

3x3 pb: 13.240
3x3 avg: ~21-26
100+ posts

Programming other than Scratch

I know html, some php, css, and I'm hazy on javascript. I'm curently learning java. (I'm doing pretty good!)

Ever wanted to be part of a animated series!? Sign up now! Click here to sign up!
500+ posts

Programming other than Scratch

I know a bit of c++, am currenty learning it

I used to make stuff on here, now i just come on when i'm bored, don't expect anything from me now.
Last edited by Greenduck54 (Jan. 1, 2020 00:00:00)
oh no, the joke is dead because that time is no longer in the future :I
Last edited by Greenduck54 (Apr. 20, 2069 00:00:00)
that's better
100+ posts

Programming other than Scratch

Greenduck54 wrote:

I know a bit of c++, am currenty learning it
Cool, I think you should learn java. I perfer it over c++. (yes, I know some c++)

Ever wanted to be part of a animated series!? Sign up now! Click here to sign up!
100+ posts

Programming other than Scratch

Scratchedbcat wrote:

Greenduck54 wrote:

I know a bit of c++, am currenty learning it
Cool, I think you should learn java. I perfer it over c++. (yes, I know some c++)
  • Java forces everything to be in classes
  • C++ is directly compiled, making it slightly faster. It also means more opportunities for optimizations like cache-friendly linear iteration where deemed necessary (larger games mostly). Java is running in an abstract machine, and you can't say what the particular runtime implementation does that may affect these optimizations
  • I'd come up with more points but I need to get to sleep

Last edited by StackMasher (June 6, 2017 21:17:23)

100+ posts

Programming other than Scratch

I know Scratch, a little bit of Python and JavaScript, and some HTML
when green flag clicked
repeat until <[Likes programming?] = [Yes]>
ask [Do you like programming (other than Scratch)] and wait
if <(answer) = [Yes]> then
set [Likes programming?] to [Yes]
say [Yay!] for (Infinity) secs
Do happy dance :)

you just lost the game
when I receive [thought about the game]
lose the game
go to [random person]
broadcast [thought about the game]
34 posts

Programming other than Scratch

Is this still a thing?

I know: JS, Jquery, a little bit AngularJS (obsolate) and React, have worked with Ionic for a few weeks.

C#, java, SQL and a little python but don't really like it.

Plan to learn C/C++ and functional programming (Haskell/Scala/F#) ~> one of those
35 posts

Programming other than Scratch

I can only program Scratch and Arduino. Want to learn JavaScript, Basic and maybe Python or some other language. Anyone who knows Arduino over here?
1000+ posts

Programming other than Scratch

I've done HTML, CSS, Visual Basic, and Javascript

Smug scottish ego
87 posts

Programming other than Scratch

I'm an expert in repairing my constantly breaking PC… if that counts…

This is the secondary account of @Jetpackturtle
100+ posts

Programming other than Scratch

I know Python, HTML, Visual C#, a bit of Unity C# and a bit of JavaScript.

I want to learn more about JavaScript and Unity. I am trying to do more with Python, too!

If this post was useful, then a miracle has occured.

SeperateTitan92 - Scratch
SeperateTitan92 - Ideas/Requests Topic

Enjoy your day!
14 posts

Programming other than Scratch

Only JAVA and dark basic
14 posts

Programming other than Scratch

Only JAVA and dark basic
16 posts

Programming other than Scratch

I know Scratch (obviously), Python, HTML, CSS, a bit of JavaScript. I plan to learn C, C++ and Java.

Do you like video games? Come to My Profile

1000+ posts

Programming other than Scratch

I'm learning python, I know scratch, and I know tosh.

If you're seeing this signature, that means I've come out of my social anxiety hole.

Also, I edit the Scratch Wiki. Check it out sometime it's cool I guess.
50 posts

Programming other than Scratch

Python, HTML/CSS/JS, GameMaker
61 posts

Programming other than Scratch

I know Python (very well), Small Basic, and still learning Processing

Here is an animation I made in Processing:

########################## E ^ ^       ^               
| | v v |v| |||v | N | | ^ | ^
v | | | | v ||v v C | ^ | ^ | |
| | | | || v O ^ | | | | ^ |
| | v | || D | | | ^| | | |
| v v || E | | ^ || | | |
v vv D ##########################
100+ posts

Programming other than Scratch

I do HTML, Python, CSS, JS… lots of things. I mostly do Scratch though

Last edited by Chickadeerobin (Sept. 17, 2019 02:06:57)

hOI! i'm tEMMIE!!! welcom to… da TEM SHOP!!!
us tems have a DEEP HISTORY!!!

play sound[ Tem Shop v]
100+ posts

Programming other than Scratch

onlyNones wrote:

I know Python (very well), Small Basic, and still learning Processing

Here is an animation I made in Processing:

Is this with the turtle?

hOI! i'm tEMMIE!!! welcom to… da TEM SHOP!!!
us tems have a DEEP HISTORY!!!

play sound[ Tem Shop v]

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