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1000+ posts

Programming other than Scratch

TheJellyConference wrote:

What would you say are the best programming languages to learn?
Right about…………………here \/ ………………………………….to here \/

Last edited by MegaApuTurkUltra (Feb. 23, 2015 19:52:28)

$(".box-head")[0].textContent = "committing AT crimes since $whenever"
100+ posts

Programming other than Scratch

i just know as tiny bit of python and i can inspect element.
i know, im horrible i shouldnt be here
100+ posts

Programming other than Scratch

I know Scratch, Python, and a bit of Java.

Moving on from Scratch? Learn a C derivative or Java.
Please give me an internet (Yes, I am UnitedUntitled.) In return you get a slogan.
“Scratch is awesome” 43 translations later with Yandex we get “What is good”.

Being awesome, staying awesome. -PaganoLeo10

100+ posts

Programming other than Scratch

I know HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Alice, Lego Mindstorms (NXT and EV3), PHP, Python, some Swift, and I don't really get Java.
30 posts

Programming other than Scratch

MegaApuTurkUltra wrote:

TheJellyConference wrote:

What would you say are the best programming languages to learn?
Right about…………………here \/ ………………………………….to here \/

Lol, I can't believe I still haven't learned Java yet…
But I do know C#.
35 posts

Programming other than Scratch

MegaApuTurkUltra wrote:

TheJellyConference wrote:

What would you say are the best programming languages to learn?
Right about…………………here \/ ………………………………….to here \/

Cool - thanks. I was going to have a look at java soon. Haven't heard of the C derivates though… I'll look into that. Thanks for the help!

"Logic will get you from A to B.

Imagination will take you everywhere"

Albert Einstein

Want to learn a bit of javascript? Well, click here for a simple tutorial!
500+ posts

Programming other than Scratch

I know JavaScript, PHP (a little ._.), JQuery (is that even a language?), SQL. And also not considered to be programming languages, HTML and CSS(3). Currently learning C++

Last edited by P444 (Feb. 24, 2015 12:53:37)

Hey there random person scrolling through one of my posts! Hope you have a nice day (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧

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30 posts

Programming other than Scratch

sillyscratch25 wrote:

MegaApuTurkUltra wrote:

TheJellyConference wrote:

What would you say are the best programming languages to learn?
Right about…………………here \/ ………………………………….to here \/

Lol, I can't believe I still haven't learned Java yet…
But I do know C#.
I've tried some Java, and I'm pleasantly surprised. It's a bit like a cross between C# and JavaScript, I like it.
1000+ posts

Programming other than Scratch

I'm pretty awesome at Scratch…

Python… I know a little bit…

I… Can make a link in… HTML…


And that's my story

Also I recently photocopied a burrito!

Last edited by Alberknyis (March 1, 2015 11:19:17)

stop [all v] ::stack
100+ posts

Programming other than Scratch

I'm learning JavaScript as of now. It's very simplistic. Right now I am learning how to make a Rock Paper Scissors game. That's all in the way of the maths.random thing and functions. But I keep messing up my syntax.

The way I'm learning the languages is JS —> ruby —> python —> pygame

And if your wondering where I'm learning js, it's here: https://www.codecademy.com

It's very useful.

I got nothing
100+ posts

Programming other than Scratch

I started with fake VBScript viruses, which is actually just a short script that makes a couple of dialog boxes with messages like “Oh no, your pc is infected with a horrible virus!!! :O” Later I decided to do serious stuff, and I learned C#. I'm also pretty good at html and css, and I've made several websites. I also speak a bit of php and javascript and probably also other stuff I didn't think of at the moment.

1000+ posts

Programming other than Scratch

For your information, HTML/CSS is not a programming language, but a markup language

21 posts

Programming other than Scratch

I know C, C++, Javascript, and C#.
I also know HTML and CSS. Maximum of the time I use C#.
22 posts

Programming other than Scratch

I know Java and Lua, and I'm creating a language. IDK what to call it yet.

 (all but letter () of [world])
100+ posts

Programming other than Scratch

I can, uh, change the title of a webpage?


1000+ posts

Programming other than Scratch

bluehairkid wrote:

I can, uh, change the title of a webpage?

XD I have a high enough of a skill to make this.

Yeah, I used to know C# a little bit last year, when I had no experience with programming.

Pet peeve: Lag. Just, lag. Lag, lag, LAG SPIKE-
There is a need for perfection, even if it's unusual: www.vetpetmon.com
A retired Scratcher who won't be using scratch. I usually go on the forums. I mostly play Unturned, but sometimes, I make mods for games. Knows many programming languages: 100% of HTML, about 60% of CSS, 1% JS, 2% of C#, 50% TSC (for CS modding) and, 1% ASM. Is experienced at Beatbox. I also like writing stories about topics that are interesting to me. I'm well known for my variety of skills that range from programming, art, music, writing, and more. Yes, I have too many hobbies, and I am in 6 fandoms right now!
81 posts

Programming other than Scratch

print('That's it. That's all I know.')

100+ posts

Programming other than Scratch

I mostly work in Python, but I also know some C# and VB.Net. I can do a bit of JS, nothing serious though. I also thought I could use this chance to shamelessly self promote my Python based Scratch editor that I am working on SKIPY. If you know python + pygame, feel free to help!
1000+ posts

Programming other than Scratch

Python, inside-out.
>>> line = '21384023159021384923108490321859534'
>>> n = 6
>>> [int(line[i:i+n]) for i in range(0, len(line), n)]
[213840, 231590, 213849, 231084, 903218, 59534]
Other things like HTML, JavaScript, I've picked up. I also know AppleScript (kind of pointless I'm running windows) and bit of C++

55 posts

Programming other than Scratch

I know Scratch (Obviously) and I am hoping to learn more advanced coding and get into C++ stuff.

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