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  • » REVIVED! | Reviewing Hut™️ | Premium reviews, premium items to help ur shop, Premium Reviews AND Premium items! [RSS Feed]
1000+ posts

REVIVED! | Reviewing Hut™️ | Premium reviews, premium items to help ur shop, Premium Reviews AND Premium items!

astro_code1 wrote:

MyScratchedAccount wrote:

astro_code1 wrote:

MyScratchedAccount wrote:

astro_code1 wrote:

Username: @astro_code1
-form snip-

Want an ad? Use the form

Sure! I'll fill out the form immediately!
Username: @astro_code1
What are you advertising?:https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/825765617
Name of Shop or Advertisement: Open DMC contest
Banners (optional) none
Text to insert: Open DMC contest! Join now! (Big and bold)
Colors or style BBcode? Color=073a4f
Links: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/825765617 is the link to the contest please make it clickable!!
Other: (optional)
T&C read?: absolutely!
You can only advertise shops or profiles neve mind I will allow that. I will add it later due to 1 min left on scratch.mit.edu at moment

Last edited by MyScratchedAccount (April 6, 2023 23:54:28)


Give An Internet - - My Profile - My Best Project Of The Week - Am I Online? - on wiki, go to my talk

Scratched//Boy/Him/He////Likes Apples//Coder //
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100+ posts

REVIVED! | Reviewing Hut™️ | Premium reviews, premium items to help ur shop, Premium Reviews AND Premium items!

MyScratchedAccount wrote:

astro_code1 wrote:

MyScratchedAccount wrote:

astro_code1 wrote:

MyScratchedAccount wrote:

astro_code1 wrote:

Username: @astro_code1
-form snip-

Want an ad? Use the form

Sure! I'll fill out the form immediately!
Username: @astro_code1
What are you advertising?:https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/825765617
Name of Shop or Advertisement: Open DMC contest
Banners (optional) none
Text to insert: Open DMC contest! Join now! (Big and bold)
Colors or style BBcode? Color=073a4f
Links: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/825765617 is the link to the contest please make it clickable!!
Other: (optional)
T&C read?: absolutely!
You can only advertise shops or profiles neve mind I will allow that. I will add it later due to 1 min left on scratch.mit.edu at moment

Oki! Thanks!

Astro Here!
Join my DMC contest! PG's and entries desperately needed! link to contest :D
82 posts

REVIVED! | Reviewing Hut™️ | Premium reviews, premium items to help ur shop, Premium Reviews AND Premium items!

Join Shop Form
Username: Cloneforce99
Shop Name: MultiMall
Shop Banner URL: (optional)
Slogan/Motto/Catchphrase: (optional)
Description: Your one stop shop for PFPs, code, SFX and more!
Link To Shop: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/648201/?page=1
Have you read the T&C? Yes.
Other: (optional)

I am coder with over 3 and a half years of experience. I go on Scratch in my spare time and code great games like my World of Tanks games. (link to studio): https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/32491047
I own a shop! https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/718180/?page=1
1000+ posts

REVIVED! | Reviewing Hut™️ | Premium reviews, premium items to help ur shop, Premium Reviews AND Premium items!

Cloneforce99 wrote:

Join Shop Form
Username: Cloneforce99
Shop Name: MultiMall
Shop Banner URL: (optional)
Slogan/Motto/Catchphrase: (optional)
Description: Your one stop shop for PFPs, code, SFX and more!
Link To Shop: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/648201/?page=1
Have you read the T&C? Yes.
Other: (optional)

astro_code1 wrote:

MyScratchedAccount wrote:

astro_code1 wrote:

MyScratchedAccount wrote:

astro_code1 wrote:

MyScratchedAccount wrote:

astro_code1 wrote:

Username: @astro_code1
-form snip-

Want an ad? Use the form

Sure! I'll fill out the form immediately!
Username: @astro_code1
What are you advertising?:https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/825765617
Name of Shop or Advertisement: Open DMC contest
Banners (optional) none
Text to insert: Open DMC contest! Join now! (Big and bold)
Colors or style BBcode? Color=073a4f
Links: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/825765617 is the link to the contest please make it clickable!!
Other: (optional)
T&C read?: absolutely!
You can only advertise shops or profiles neve mind I will allow that. I will add it later due to 1 min left on scratch.mit.edu at moment

Oki! Thanks!
Added! Ad will be taken down after a week

Last edited by MyScratchedAccount (April 7, 2023 01:01:21)


Give An Internet - - My Profile - My Best Project Of The Week - Am I Online? - on wiki, go to my talk

Scratched//Boy/Him/He////Likes Apples//Coder //
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1000+ posts

REVIVED! | Reviewing Hut™️ | Premium reviews, premium items to help ur shop, Premium Reviews AND Premium items!

Activity check
You have to respond or get a strike.


Not responded

Last edited by MyScratchedAccount (April 7, 2023 01:19:35)


Give An Internet - - My Profile - My Best Project Of The Week - Am I Online? - on wiki, go to my talk

Scratched//Boy/Him/He////Likes Apples//Coder //
Go to Codin[co
1000+ posts

REVIVED! | Reviewing Hut™️ | Premium reviews, premium items to help ur shop, Premium Reviews AND Premium items!

MyScratchedAccount wrote:

Activity check
You have to respond or get a strike.


Not responded
Bumping this, bumping this shop, Bumping this AND the shop


Give An Internet - - My Profile - My Best Project Of The Week - Am I Online? - on wiki, go to my talk

Scratched//Boy/Him/He////Likes Apples//Coder //
Go to Codin[co
1000+ posts

REVIVED! | Reviewing Hut™️ | Premium reviews, premium items to help ur shop, Premium Reviews AND Premium items!

MyScratchedAccount wrote:

MyScratchedAccount wrote:

Activity check
You have to respond or get a strike.


Not responded
Bumping this, bumping this shop, Bumping this AND the shop

Hi! I'm kinosaurs515!

These are my trusty guardians who protect my signature from evil kumquats! If you want to create a guardian for me, tell me on my profile! I can creat one for you too!
(=I)()(K) // This is Kino. No one knows why, but he has a hole in his body. He is very protective and energetic, but just isn't brave.

-_- // This is Lance. Lance is tired all the time, but is still somewhat "helpful".

define AWAKE
broadcast [ sleep] // This is Sleep. Just as the code says, as if he's awake, he will sleep.

when green flag clicked
if <not <[bumped] = [true]>> then // This is Bump. He helps bump my posts. Because he is Bump, he has a bump on his head.
broadcast [ bump]
stop [ all]
say [Yay! It was bumped!] for (2) secs

when I receive [ NOISE] // This is Nosy. He noses a lot with a long nose.

define BE NOSY
Nose with nose until they say nose
1000+ posts

REVIVED! | Reviewing Hut™️ | Premium reviews, premium items to help ur shop, Premium Reviews AND Premium items!



Give An Internet - - My Profile - My Best Project Of The Week - Am I Online? - on wiki, go to my talk

Scratched//Boy/Him/He////Likes Apples//Coder //
Go to Codin[co
100+ posts

REVIVED! | Reviewing Hut™️ | Premium reviews, premium items to help ur shop, Premium Reviews AND Premium items!

Username: IzyantheLegend
Shop Name: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/b2/Izyan%27s_Flag_shop.png
Slogan/Motto/Catchphrase: “Flags are the best!”
Description: Izyan's Flag Shop is a custom Flag shop
Link To Shop: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/676122/
Have you read the T&C?: Yes
Other: (optional)

I like reviews

Last edited by IzyantheLegend (April 7, 2023 09:12:13)

- IzyantheLegend -

Scratch developer and JavaScript/HTML5 Learner.

Owner of Izyan's Flag Shop

500+ posts

REVIVED! | Reviewing Hut™️ | Premium reviews, premium items to help ur shop, Premium Reviews AND Premium items!

Join Shop Form
Username: TheDogLover796
Shop Name: Happy Paws 2.0
Shop Banner URL: (optional) https://u.cubeupload.com/TheAmazingDog1234/af1Happypaws20.png
Slogan/Motto/Catchphrase: (optional) “not only that it's a dog's paradise, it's your's, too.”
Description: What do you mean?
Link To Shop: Here
Have you read the T&C? Yep!
Other: (optional) I really love reviews. Thanks so much!

i like dogs

call me tdl. mainly active on QaS
100+ posts

REVIVED! | Reviewing Hut™️ | Premium reviews, premium items to help ur shop, Premium Reviews AND Premium items!

Join Shop Form
Username: –Tom
Shop Name: The Retro Shop
Shop Banner URL: (optional) Here!
Slogan/Motto/Catchphrase: (optional) We sell everything retro, banners, pfps, however you would like it retro, we can-a do it!
Description: The Retro Shop sell retro stuff.
Link To Shop: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/671638/
Have you read the T&C? Yes, and I can't wait for reviews!
Other: (optional) lol nothing to put here

Welcome to my signature. Unlike a real one, it is longer.
(Not on Scratch much anymore)


There is nothing here. Why are you still here, in the void?
1000+ posts

REVIVED! | Reviewing Hut™️ | Premium reviews, premium items to help ur shop, Premium Reviews AND Premium items!



Give An Internet - - My Profile - My Best Project Of The Week - Am I Online? - on wiki, go to my talk

Scratched//Boy/Him/He////Likes Apples//Coder //
Go to Codin[co
100+ posts

REVIVED! | Reviewing Hut™️ | Premium reviews, premium items to help ur shop, Premium Reviews AND Premium items!

Can you do all the partnerships?

- IzyantheLegend -

Scratch developer and JavaScript/HTML5 Learner.

Owner of Izyan's Flag Shop

1000+ posts

REVIVED! | Reviewing Hut™️ | Premium reviews, premium items to help ur shop, Premium Reviews AND Premium items!

IzyantheLegend wrote:

Can you do all the partnerships?
Yes. I am doing it now (i hacked screen time just to do this)


Give An Internet - - My Profile - My Best Project Of The Week - Am I Online? - on wiki, go to my talk

Scratched//Boy/Him/He////Likes Apples//Coder //
Go to Codin[co
100+ posts

REVIVED! | Reviewing Hut™️ | Premium reviews, premium items to help ur shop, Premium Reviews AND Premium items!

MyScratchedAccount wrote:

IzyantheLegend wrote:

Can you do all the partnerships?
Yes. I am doing it now (i hacked screen time just to do this)
I used to do that when I had screentime (I don't have an iPad anymore)

- IzyantheLegend -

Scratch developer and JavaScript/HTML5 Learner.

Owner of Izyan's Flag Shop

1000+ posts

REVIVED! | Reviewing Hut™️ | Premium reviews, premium items to help ur shop, Premium Reviews AND Premium items!

April Reviewing (for staff)
Kino, it’s time to review! Here are your shops. The my shops part are the ones I do. Make sure to send the links of the reviews to me when you say done. Links to shops on shops page. When there is more staff, I will do it in a shop taking orders style. Do a test order and when the order is done, then go to recourse room and use that review template.

Your Shops
Coding hut- not reviewed
Retro shop - not reviewed
Astros store - not reviewed
Multi mall: not reviewed

My shops
Everything shop - not reviewed
Happy paws 2.0 - review order given, not reviewed
Flag shop - reviewed
Magic art shop - review order given, not reviewed

Last edited by MyScratchedAccount (April 8, 2023 21:16:39)


Give An Internet - - My Profile - My Best Project Of The Week - Am I Online? - on wiki, go to my talk

Scratched//Boy/Him/He////Likes Apples//Coder //
Go to Codin[co
1000+ posts

REVIVED! | Reviewing Hut™️ | Premium reviews, premium items to help ur shop, Premium Reviews AND Premium items!

You will be given a strike if you don’t do the review stuff at https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/post/7131674/
I gave you 5 points for responding to activity check

Last edited by MyScratchedAccount (April 7, 2023 23:54:30)


Give An Internet - - My Profile - My Best Project Of The Week - Am I Online? - on wiki, go to my talk

Scratched//Boy/Him/He////Likes Apples//Coder //
Go to Codin[co
1000+ posts

REVIVED! | Reviewing Hut™️ | Premium reviews, premium items to help ur shop, Premium Reviews AND Premium items!

MyScratchedAccount wrote:

You will be given a strike if you don’t do the review stuff at https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/post/7131674/
I gave you 5 points for responding to activity check


Give An Internet - - My Profile - My Best Project Of The Week - Am I Online? - on wiki, go to my talk

Scratched//Boy/Him/He////Likes Apples//Coder //
Go to Codin[co
1000+ posts

REVIVED! | Reviewing Hut™️ | Premium reviews, premium items to help ur shop, Premium Reviews AND Premium items!

MyScratchedAccount wrote:

MyScratchedAccount wrote:

You will be given a strike if you don’t do the review stuff at https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/post/7131674/
I gave you 5 points for responding to activity check
Look at the quote above


Give An Internet - - My Profile - My Best Project Of The Week - Am I Online? - on wiki, go to my talk

Scratched//Boy/Him/He////Likes Apples//Coder //
Go to Codin[co
1000+ posts

REVIVED! | Reviewing Hut™️ | Premium reviews, premium items to help ur shop, Premium Reviews AND Premium items!

MyScratchedAccount wrote:

MyScratchedAccount wrote:

MyScratchedAccount wrote:

You will be given a strike if you don’t do the review stuff at https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/post/7131674/
I gave you 5 points for responding to activity check
Look at the quote above
Never mind I will make them. Respond activity check. Respond or get a appealable strike

Last edited by MyScratchedAccount (April 8, 2023 21:49:42)


Give An Internet - - My Profile - My Best Project Of The Week - Am I Online? - on wiki, go to my talk

Scratched//Boy/Him/He////Likes Apples//Coder //
Go to Codin[co
  • Discussion Forums
  • » Requests
  • » REVIVED! | Reviewing Hut™️ | Premium reviews, premium items to help ur shop, Premium Reviews AND Premium items! [RSS Feed]

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