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82 posts

MultiMall shop! PFPs, Code, SFX and more!

Welcome to the MultiMall! Here, you can request art, code, or anything that we have an employee for!
Here are our Forms:

Order Form
Deadline: (At least 7 days)
Color scheme: (Only for Art)
Size: (Only for Art)
Do you want a certain person to do it?: (username, or no)
Anything else:

Review Form
Link to Product:
Satisfaction: /10

Application Form
Prefered Job:
2nd Choice Job:
Time on Scratch:
Example work of your type: (Art, code, etc)
Status: (Scratcher/New Scratcher)
References: (Must have at least one)
Activity: /10
Enployed at other shops?: (Link to shop, or no)
Have you read the T&C, and the Now hiring section?:
Have a shop?: (Link to shop, or no)
Have you ever been muted and/or banned?: ( BE HONEST, PLEASE)
Why would we choose you?:

Terms and Conditions

-Must fill out complete form, or it will be rejected
-Must stay active if enployed
-Referances are people that will vouch for you that your application is truthful. You don't have to do anything for it, I just go to your referances' profile and ask them to make sure it looks true.
-There are employee bonuses such as:
-Every year of ACTIVE enployment there will be a gift for you.
-We can, under ANY circumstance change or add something to the Terms and Conditions, or reject an application/order.
-This is a rough draft. Let me know if anything needs to be added.
-Do not raid or spam
-Be kind, and have fun
-Message me on my profile (land-o1234) if any of my enployees, or customers are being unkind.
-One order per 5 days per person.

Now Hiring!

We need people like YOU to be on our staff!
Look at the empty positions on the staff list, choose which one you want, and fill out an application!
You need to be descriptive in your application. Please use 2 or more sentances in your “Why would we choose you” section.

Example Form Your request will be rejected if you copy this in any shape or form
Application Form
Username: @Cloneforce99
Prefered Job: Coder
2nd Choice Job: Part time artist
Time on Scratch: 3 years, 7 months
Example work of your type: Star Wars: Survival, World of Tanks
Status: Scratcher
References: @crumbthehog @1234jay
Activity: 9/10
Enployed at other shops?: No
Have you read the T&C, and the Now hiring section?: Yes
Have a shop?: No
Have you ever been muted and/or banned? If so, for what reason?: Muted yes, banned no. (Muted for copying text art)
Why would we choose you?: I am a good coder, and enjoy helping other scratchers out.

One application per 3 days to prevent spamming.

List of employees

Owner: @Cloneforce99 (Reviews all projects before being given to customers)
Manager: OPEN (Can hire members, In charge when Owner is gone)
Assistant Manager: @TeslaDummy (Can hire members)
Original Owner: @land-o1234
Department Heads
Chief Artist: @20136271616sky (Reviews art before being given to Owner.)
Chief SFX producer: OPEN (Reviews SFX before being given to Owner.)
Chief Composer: @TheRealSaladKing (Reviews music before being given to Owner.)
Chief Scripter: @-TheProdigy- (Reviews code before being given to Owner.)
Chief Signature/Banner Maker: OPEN (Reviews signatures/banners before being given to Owner.)
Trainer: OPEN (Trains new employees, and makes sure they do everything right.)

Artists: OPEN
@Cloneforce99 part time

SFX Producers: OPEN

Composers: OPEN


Signature/Banner Makers: OPEN

If you are an employee, please let me know if you can do these.

Thanks for visiting!

Last edited by Cloneforce99 (Oct. 19, 2023 13:22:01)

I am coder with over 3 and a half years of experience. I go on Scratch in my spare time and code great games like my World of Tanks games. (link to studio): https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/32491047
I own a shop! https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/718180/?page=1
100+ posts

MultiMall shop! PFPs, Code, SFX and more!

Hi there! I am @Jamesiriuspottercode , and I want to retire. I am so sad to take this decition

My roles in the Scratch Community: SDS helper: X4 , SWC Reviewer, SES X11 PPTBF X2, Curated X3, Top Loved X1, FPC #562, FPCA Studio Curator

82 posts

MultiMall shop! PFPs, Code, SFX and more!

Dinosaur-Code wrote:

Hi there! I am @Jamesiriuspottercode , and I want to retire. I am so sad to take this decition

OK. I'm sorry to see you go. I wish you the best in whatever else you end up doing.

I am coder with over 3 and a half years of experience. I go on Scratch in my spare time and code great games like my World of Tanks games. (link to studio): https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/32491047
I own a shop! https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/718180/?page=1
100+ posts

MultiMall shop! PFPs, Code, SFX and more!

Cloneforce99 wrote:

Dinosaur-Code wrote:

Hi there! I am @Jamesiriuspottercode , and I want to retire. I am so sad to take this decition

OK. I'm sorry to see you go. I wish you the best in whatever else you end up doing.

My roles in the Scratch Community: SDS helper: X4 , SWC Reviewer, SES X11 PPTBF X2, Curated X3, Top Loved X1, FPC #562, FPCA Studio Curator

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