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44 posts

StorageOS - An OS Made to be Better, in Every Way! - v1.23.8 SOON!

im a british girl and when i moved to america everyone always asks me for tea
100+ posts

StorageOS - An OS Made to be Better, in Every Way! - v1.23.8 SOON!

YC72909 wrote:

TheTeacherOfLogos wrote:

Alright, I wanna start working on the website today. I need the specs of the website; what content, style, etc?
tbh, Idrk, I'll try and check in with the owner (if he's available) but, the font is Inter btw, do you know how to import Inter in css? I really love that font, but i can't include it cuz idk how I guess it is a reasonable font because it's sans-serif, it looks quite normal, and none of the big tech companies are currently using it. Google uses Roboto, Microsoft uses Calibri, and Apple uses SF Pro. Inter is also kinda stylish
can't you just do this
<body style='font-family: "inter"; color: rgb(whatever, whatever, whatever); background-color: rgb(whatever, whatever, whatever);'>

kumquat please laugh im so funny right

fastidioso creatore di widgen di google translate

100+ posts

StorageOS - An OS Made to be Better, in Every Way! - v1.23.8 SOON!

unsullied123-rblx wrote:

YC72909 wrote:

TheTeacherOfLogos wrote:

Alright, I wanna start working on the website today. I need the specs of the website; what content, style, etc?
tbh, Idrk, I'll try and check in with the owner (if he's available) but, the font is Inter btw, do you know how to import Inter in css? I really love that font, but i can't include it cuz idk how I guess it is a reasonable font because it's sans-serif, it looks quite normal, and none of the big tech companies are currently using it. Google uses Roboto, Microsoft uses Calibri, and Apple uses SF Pro. Inter is also kinda stylish
can't you just do this
<body style='font-family: "inter"; color: rgb(whatever, whatever, whatever); background-color: rgb(whatever, whatever, whatever);'>
no doesn't workk
100+ posts

StorageOS - An OS Made to be Better, in Every Way! - v1.23.8 SOON!

sonofthedripseagod wrote:

im a british girl and when i moved to america everyone always asks me for tea
XD nobody is interested in my “chinese food” somebody rudely asked me if that was puke
44 posts

StorageOS - An OS Made to be Better, in Every Way! - v1.23.8 SOON!


YC72909 wrote:

sonofthedripseagod wrote:

im a british girl and when i moved to america everyone always asks me for tea
XD nobody is interested in my “chinese food” somebody rudely asked me if that was puke

100+ posts

StorageOS - An OS Made to be Better, in Every Way! - v1.23.8 SOON!

YC72909 wrote:

unsullied123-rblx wrote:

YC72909 wrote:

TheTeacherOfLogos wrote:

Alright, I wanna start working on the website today. I need the specs of the website; what content, style, etc?
tbh, Idrk, I'll try and check in with the owner (if he's available) but, the font is Inter btw, do you know how to import Inter in css? I really love that font, but i can't include it cuz idk how I guess it is a reasonable font because it's sans-serif, it looks quite normal, and none of the big tech companies are currently using it. Google uses Roboto, Microsoft uses Calibri, and Apple uses SF Pro. Inter is also kinda stylish
can't you just do this
<body style='font-family: "inter"; color: rgb(whatever, whatever, whatever); background-color: rgb(whatever, whatever, whatever);'>
no doesn't workk
download the font and put it under another folder on your webpage
@font-face {
font-family: inter;
src: url(inter.woff);

div {
font-family: inter;
(put the font in the root folder)
w3schools is always a lifesaver

kumquat please laugh im so funny right

fastidioso creatore di widgen di google translate

100+ posts

StorageOS - An OS Made to be Better, in Every Way! - v1.23.8 SOON!

unsullied123-rblx wrote:

YC72909 wrote:

unsullied123-rblx wrote:

YC72909 wrote:

TheTeacherOfLogos wrote:

Alright, I wanna start working on the website today. I need the specs of the website; what content, style, etc?
tbh, Idrk, I'll try and check in with the owner (if he's available) but, the font is Inter btw, do you know how to import Inter in css? I really love that font, but i can't include it cuz idk how I guess it is a reasonable font because it's sans-serif, it looks quite normal, and none of the big tech companies are currently using it. Google uses Roboto, Microsoft uses Calibri, and Apple uses SF Pro. Inter is also kinda stylish
can't you just do this
<body style='font-family: "inter"; color: rgb(whatever, whatever, whatever); background-color: rgb(whatever, whatever, whatever);'>
no doesn't workk
download the font and put it under another folder on your webpage
@font-face {
font-family: inter;
src: url(inter.woff);

div {
font-family: inter;
(put the font in the root folder)
w3schools is always a lifesaver
oh okay yeah makes sense
30 posts

StorageOS - An OS Made to be Better, in Every Way! - v1.23.8 SOON!

StorageOS wrote:

Quote this if you are active! Anyone who doesn't quote this before April 30, 2023 @ 11:59:59 UTC will be fired, no questions asked.
im still here

This is an automated signature. If you want to make your own, go here.
100+ posts

StorageOS - An OS Made to be Better, in Every Way! - v1.23.8 SOON!

YC72909 wrote:

@StorageOS my you make me manager of the StorageOS Projects studio? (I am co-owner now
Got it, I'll do that shortly.

sonofthedripseagod wrote:

Username: sonofthedripseagod
Job: artist
Promote to: head artist
I'll promote you!

TheTeacherOfLogos wrote:

Alright, I wanna start working on the website today. I need the specs of the website; what content, style, etc?
One quick question: what are you using to make the site? Depending, I can help.


As for actual styling, a spacious layout would be nice. For the CSS, if possible, use vanilla CSS instead of something like Bootstrap because its easier to change and more flexible. If you must, go ahead though.

Content: TBD

Join StorageOS! Click here to learn more.

Hello! This is my signature.
13 posts

StorageOS - An OS Made to be Better, in Every Way! - v1.23.8 SOON!

StorageOS wrote:

Quote this if you are active! Anyone who doesn't quote this before April 30, 2023 @ 11:59:59 UTC will be fired, no questions asked.
100+ posts

StorageOS - An OS Made to be Better, in Every Way! - v1.23.8 SOON!

Rindo23 wrote:

Username / nickname: Rindo23
Job: Tester
Have you read and agree to the rules stated? Tes
Activity: 9/10
Experience: 7/10
Why do you want this job? To test and say if there is problems
How will you help? Check problems
100+ posts

StorageOS - An OS Made to be Better, in Every Way! - v1.23.8 SOON!

Roblox888i wrote:

Username / nickname: Roblox888i
Job: Head artist
Have you read and agree to the rules stated? yes
Activity: x/10 10
Experience: x/10 10
Why do you want this job? i like os
How will you help? i will disgin
Other: no
44 posts

StorageOS - An OS Made to be Better, in Every Way! - v1.23.8 SOON!

StorageOS wrote:

YC72909 wrote:

@StorageOS my you make me manager of the StorageOS Projects studio? (I am co-owner now
Got it, I'll do that shortly.

sonofthedripseagod wrote:

Username: sonofthedripseagod
Job: artist
Promote to: head artist
I'll promote you!

TheTeacherOfLogos wrote:

Alright, I wanna start working on the website today. I need the specs of the website; what content, style, etc?
One quick question: what are you using to make the site? Depending, I can help.


As for actual styling, a spacious layout would be nice. For the CSS, if possible, use vanilla CSS instead of something like Bootstrap because its easier to change and more flexible. If you must, go ahead though.

Content: TBD

yay thanks!
100+ posts

StorageOS - An OS Made to be Better, in Every Way! - v1.23.8 SOON!

ProdigyMathGameStaff wrote:

Username / nickname:
Job: Artist/Tester
Have you read and agree to the rules stated? Yes
Activity: 7/10
Experience: 8/10 for artist, 9/10 for testing position
Why do you want this job? I think StorageOS is an awesome project, and also I’ve been an avid fan of Operating Systems and computers since I laid hands on my first laptop/computer. I also want to share my skills with a team, and Storage OS seems to provide that opportunity!
How will you help? I’ll help with most of the art for, say, the logos for the apps, and/or backgrounds. If I’m a tester, I’ll report early bugs I find and might suggest improvements that the StorageOS team could possibly add/fix.
Other: @StorageOS is cool
100+ posts

StorageOS - An OS Made to be Better, in Every Way! - v1.23.8 SOON!

sonofthedripseagod wrote:

StorageOS wrote:

YC72909 wrote:

@StorageOS my you make me manager of the StorageOS Projects studio? (I am co-owner now
Got it, I'll do that shortly.

sonofthedripseagod wrote:

Username: sonofthedripseagod
Job: artist
Promote to: head artist
I'll promote you!

TheTeacherOfLogos wrote:

Alright, I wanna start working on the website today. I need the specs of the website; what content, style, etc?
One quick question: what are you using to make the site? Depending, I can help.


As for actual styling, a spacious layout would be nice. For the CSS, if possible, use vanilla CSS instead of something like Bootstrap because its easier to change and more flexible. If you must, go ahead though.

Content: TBD

yay thanks!
Also, as I said earlier, Inter font
How to make different fonts:
Make a new Google Drawing (drawings.new)
Go to Insert>Word Art
Add the text into the box
Change the text to the correct font (e.g. our Inter font)
Download as .svg (Scalable Vector Graphic) and upload to Scratch costume editor.
6. Edit the text in Scratch
100+ posts

StorageOS - An OS Made to be Better, in Every Way! - v1.23.8 SOON!

TheTeacherOfLogos wrote:

Username / nickname: TheTeacherOfLogos, but you can just call me Nolan
Job: Website developer. I know you have reached max coders, but I am well-versed in HTML, CSS and JS. I can provide a portfolio of my projects if necessary.
Have you read and agree to the rules stated? Yes
Activity: 9/10. I have not been very active recently, but it was really because I did not have anything to do on scratch. If I am hired, I will become much more active. If I have a job on scratch, my activity will definitely be in the 8-9/10 range.
Experience: 9/10
Why do you want this job? I want to get back to Scratch. Also, I have years of coding experience with both hard-coding and scratch coding, so I will be a useful resource in the development of StorageOS.
How will you help? I can provide assistance to other programmers. I will make my main focus the development of the website. Again, I am very experienced with website development, so I could be a big help.
Other: Just say the word if you want my portfolio!
100+ posts

StorageOS - An OS Made to be Better, in Every Way! - v1.23.8 SOON!

YC72909 wrote:

Roblox888i wrote:

Username / nickname: Roblox888i
Job: Head artist
Have you read and agree to the rules stated? yes
Activity: x/10 10
Experience: x/10 10
Why do you want this job? i like os
How will you help? i will disgin
Other: no

when green flag clicked
turn cw (450) degrees
set [quote v] to [infinite]
if <someone quoting on one of my messages :: sensing> then
change [☁ quotes v] by (1)

(;\)) :: list // It's Smiloperator!
(:\() :: boolean // It's Sadoolean. He is sad :(
Mostly all the time on: Android Linux 10.0
Sometime on: Windows NT 10.0 (it's tiny10)
On my computer I code Scratch with: Scratch 3 (Online), Scratch 1.4 (Offline)
On my phone I code Scratch with: Scratch 3 (Online), Broken Scratch 3 (Offline)
31 posts

StorageOS - An OS Made to be Better, in Every Way! - v1.23.8 SOON!

YC72909 wrote:

TheTeacherOfLogos wrote:

Alright, I wanna start working on the website today. I need the specs of the website; what content, style, etc?
tbh, Idrk, I'll try and check in with the owner (if he's available) but, the font is Inter btw, do you know how to import Inter in css? I really love that font, but i can't include it cuz idk how I guess it is a reasonable font because it's sans-serif, it looks quite normal, and none of the big tech companies are currently using it. Google uses Roboto, Microsoft uses Calibri, and Apple uses SF Pro. Inter is also kinda stylish
There is a much easier way to do this.

@import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Inter&display=swap');
THEN you can use

#headerexample {
background-color: red;
font-family: Inter;

when green flag clicked
say [Yo, I'm Nolan (TTOL)! I'm a 13 year old programmer with HTML, CSS and JS and I'm also a graphic designer!] for (2) secs
define drawCircle
point in direction (0 v)
pen down
set pen color to (30)
repeat (360)
move (1) steps
turn ccw (1) degrees
New Scratcher
100+ posts

StorageOS - An OS Made to be Better, in Every Way! - v1.23.8 SOON!

TheTeacherOfLogos wrote:

YC72909 wrote:

TheTeacherOfLogos wrote:

Alright, I wanna start working on the website today. I need the specs of the website; what content, style, etc?
tbh, Idrk, I'll try and check in with the owner (if he's available) but, the font is Inter btw, do you know how to import Inter in css? I really love that font, but i can't include it cuz idk how I guess it is a reasonable font because it's sans-serif, it looks quite normal, and none of the big tech companies are currently using it. Google uses Roboto, Microsoft uses Calibri, and Apple uses SF Pro. Inter is also kinda stylish
There is a much easier way to do this.

@import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Inter&display=swap');
THEN you can use

#headerexample {
background-color: red;
font-family: Inter;
You can actually use [code] to make it display nicer like this:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<p>See, it's nicer now!</p>
100+ posts

StorageOS - An OS Made to be Better, in Every Way! - v1.23.8 SOON!

Rindo23 wrote:

YC72909 wrote:

Roblox888i wrote:

Username / nickname: Roblox888i
Job: Head artist
Have you read and agree to the rules stated? yes
Activity: x/10 10
Experience: x/10 10
Why do you want this job? i like os
How will you help? i will disgin
Other: no

You're welcome

Could you test my settings app (and customization) and see if there are ay problems/improvements? Also, does it work in mobile? Please let me know if you find anything that we could make better

Thank you,
YC72909 (co-owner)

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