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[Distro Links in OP] Linux, Software and Support

I'm currently using a type-2 hypervisor (switching to type-1 dual boot soon instead of type-2 virtulization) to run Ubuntu and it was easy to setup.

I prefer type-1 hypervisors instead of dual-booting directly.
1000+ posts

[Distro Links in OP] Linux, Software and Support

MagicCrayon9342 wrote:

my ISOs always work
nice luck!

MagicCrayon9342 wrote:

this is where i spend my life
in the terminal
_ _ ___ _ _ _____ _____ _ __ | |__ __ ___ _____ __ _
| | | |/ _ \| | | | / _ \ \ / / _ \ '_ \ | '_ \ / _` \ \ / / _ \ / _` |
| |_| | (_) | |_| | | __/\ V / __/ | | | | | | | (_| |\ V / __/ | (_| |
\__, |\___/ \__,_| \___| \_/ \___|_| |_| |_| |_|\__,_| \_/ \___| \__,_|
_ _ _ _ _
__ _(_)_ __| |_ _ _ __ _| | ___| | ___ _ __ _ _ __ __| |
\ \ / / | '__| __| | | |/ _` | | / __| |/ / | | | / _` | '_ \ / _` |
\ V /| | | | |_| |_| | (_| | | \__ \ <| |_| | | (_| | | | | (_| |
\_/ |_|_| \__|\__,_|\__,_|_| |___/_|\_\\__, | \__,_|_| |_|\__,_|
_ _ _
_____ _____ _ __ _ _| |_| |__ (_)_ __ __ _
/ _ \ \ / / _ \ '__| | | | __| '_ \| | '_ \ / _` |
| __/\ V / __/ | | |_| | |_| | | | | | | | (_| |
\___| \_/ \___|_| \__, |\__|_| |_|_|_| |_|\__, |
|___/ |___/
I mean, you probably needed to use a computer to open the terminal, and to use the computer you probably own one, so you buy it irl

Here are some of my followers!

I joined: 5 years, 9 months, 24 days ago (31/03/2018)
I have: 479 followers
In total, I have attained: 1,403 loves, 1,145 favourites, and 33,731 views.
Fun Fact: If my account continued to gain followers at a similar rate to right now, in 14,210 years I would reach the number of followers griffpatch has today! Try to imagine how many followers he would have then!
Thank you everyone!
Script created by god286.
1000+ posts

[Distro Links in OP] Linux, Software and Support

One time balena etcher destroyed both my USB drives and I couldn't use them no matter how many times i tried to reformat it just never could.

1000+ posts

[Distro Links in OP] Linux, Software and Support

MagicCrayon9342 wrote:

One time balena etcher destroyed both my USB drives and I couldn't use them no matter how many times i tried to reformat it just never could.

Sorry, you have to wait 60 seconds between posts.

Here are some of my followers!

I joined: 5 years, 9 months, 24 days ago (31/03/2018)
I have: 479 followers
In total, I have attained: 1,403 loves, 1,145 favourites, and 33,731 views.
Fun Fact: If my account continued to gain followers at a similar rate to right now, in 14,210 years I would reach the number of followers griffpatch has today! Try to imagine how many followers he would have then!
Thank you everyone!
Script created by god286.
1000+ posts

[Distro Links in OP] Linux, Software and Support

b1048546 wrote:

I'm currently using a type-2 hypervisor (switching to type-1 dual boot soon instead of type-2 virtulization) to run Ubuntu and it was easy to setup.

I prefer type-1 hypervisors instead of dual-booting directly.
Dual-booting directly means without virtulization by the way. Better stability.
1000+ posts

[Distro Links in OP] Linux, Software and Support


1000+ posts

[Distro Links in OP] Linux, Software and Support

kccuber wrote:

MagicCrayon9342 wrote:

the whole ISO verifying part is completely optional, in fact its stupid to waste your time on it
bruh, i downloaded a corrupted ubuntu iso once and it wasted my time. flashed it 3 times but same thing, froze during the install process
I destroyed my Ubuntu desktop once. Thanks to virtulization, I got it back easily.
1000+ posts

[Distro Links in OP] Linux, Software and Support

b1048546 wrote:

kccuber wrote:

MagicCrayon9342 wrote:

the whole ISO verifying part is completely optional, in fact its stupid to waste your time on it
bruh, i downloaded a corrupted ubuntu iso once and it wasted my time. flashed it 3 times but same thing, froze during the install process
I destroyed my Ubuntu desktop once. Thanks to virtulization, I got it back easily.
even on my first time trying Linux, I never broke it. Its weird seeing other new people breaking it.

1000+ posts

[Distro Links in OP] Linux, Software and Support

1000+ posts

[Distro Links in OP] Linux, Software and Support

MagicCrayon9342 wrote:

b1048546 wrote:

kccuber wrote:

MagicCrayon9342 wrote:

the whole ISO verifying part is completely optional, in fact its stupid to waste your time on it
bruh, i downloaded a corrupted ubuntu iso once and it wasted my time. flashed it 3 times but same thing, froze during the install process
I destroyed my Ubuntu desktop once. Thanks to virtulization, I got it back easily.
even on my first time trying Linux, I never broke it. Its weird seeing other new people breaking it.
Everyone's user experience is different, but I like virtualization because it can make help in making even Windows stable.
1000+ posts

[Distro Links in OP] Linux, Software and Support

b1048546 wrote:

MagicCrayon9342 wrote:

b1048546 wrote:

kccuber wrote:

MagicCrayon9342 wrote:

the whole ISO verifying part is completely optional, in fact its stupid to waste your time on it
bruh, i downloaded a corrupted ubuntu iso once and it wasted my time. flashed it 3 times but same thing, froze during the install process
I destroyed my Ubuntu desktop once. Thanks to virtulization, I got it back easily.
even on my first time trying Linux, I never broke it. Its weird seeing other new people breaking it.
Everyone's user experience is different, but I like virtualization because it can make help in making even Windows stable.
i had previous experience with WSL, plus. Even on Windows I always used the terminal.

1000+ posts

[Distro Links in OP] Linux, Software and Support

MagicCrayon9342 wrote:

b1048546 wrote:

MagicCrayon9342 wrote:

even on my first time trying Linux, I never broke it. Its weird seeing other new people breaking it.
Everyone's user experience is different, but I like virtualization because it can make help in making even Windows stable.
i had previous experience with WSL, plus. Even on Windows I always used the terminal.
I have experience with the terminal but I never use it, even on Linux.
1000+ posts

[Distro Links in OP] Linux, Software and Support

b1048546 wrote:

MagicCrayon9342 wrote:

b1048546 wrote:

MagicCrayon9342 wrote:

even on my first time trying Linux, I never broke it. Its weird seeing other new people breaking it.
Everyone's user experience is different, but I like virtualization because it can make help in making even Windows stable.
i had previous experience with WSL, plus. Even on Windows I always used the terminal.
I have experience with the terminal but I never use it, even on Linux.
Linux is so much better when you pop open a terminal
all the app stores for linux are so slow, especially discover

Last edited by MagicCrayon9342 (Dec. 15, 2021 03:24:30)

1000+ posts

[Distro Links in OP] Linux, Software and Support

MagicCrayon9342 wrote:

Linux is so much better when you pop open a terminal
I never do anything that would be faster using the terminal. 95% of the things I do on MacOS (host OS) aren't faster with the terminal.
1000+ posts

[Distro Links in OP] Linux, Software and Support

 ____            _    _              
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|_| |_| |_|\__,_|_| |_|\__,_|\__, |\___|_| \__,_|_| |_|\__,_|
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\__, |\___/ \__,_| |_|_| |_.__/ \___| \__,_| |_| |_|\__,_|\___|_|\_\___|_|

1000+ posts

[Distro Links in OP] Linux, Software and Support

1000+ posts

[Distro Links in OP] Linux, Software and Support

My favorite benefit of virtualization is snapshots. Very useful when making changes to things.
1000+ posts

[Distro Links in OP] Linux, Software and Support

b1048546 wrote:

My favorite benefit of virtualization is snapshots. Very useful when making changes to things.
VMs are bottlenecked and slow as HECK. Especially without guest thing driver things

1000+ posts

[Distro Links in OP] Linux, Software and Support

MagicCrayon9342 wrote:

b1048546 wrote:

My favorite benefit of virtualization is snapshots. Very useful when making changes to things.
VMs are bottlenecked and slow as HECK. Especially without guest thing driver things
You're talking about type-2 and I'm talking about type-1.
1000+ posts

[Distro Links in OP] Linux, Software and Support

b1048546 wrote:

MagicCrayon9342 wrote:

b1048546 wrote:

My favorite benefit of virtualization is snapshots. Very useful when making changes to things.
VMs are bottlenecked and slow as HECK. Especially without guest thing driver things
You're talking about type-2 and I'm talking about type-1.

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