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- Crazibot
500+ posts
Studio Updates FAQ
Heavily agree. I'm honestly a fan of the layout, it makes me feel organized for some reason- but i hate the new studio things like the fact you have to add curators one by one with usernames. for people like me who do rp's and have a lot of followers this is terrible. and the fact the comments chain stops at 25, its really annoying. I'm trying to be positive about this but its hard when this update makes it difficult to do my favorite things on scratch.
With the removal of the add followers option, it's way harder to invite people into a RP studio. (which is one of the most affected studio type with this update)
The 25 limit is a bit stupid. I think it should be bigger. Some of my best roleplays have gone into 100s, even 200s in replies.
It's really hard to stay positive about this update… even when just about everything is flawed…
- randomguyboi
100+ posts
Studio Updates FAQ
Well, let’s see here.Wait i never saw anything about animators having the problemIn some cases, the creators that are indirectly being told to leave don’t have anything else to use to create their content.I agree. ST doesn't want its artists, roleplayers, and other types of creators to be here. It's made that clear enough. -snip-
As a fellow older community member, I agree with everything you just said.
Animators often move to YouTube anyway, but sometimes they are still active on scratch.
Scratch heavily moderates the lives of Scratch animators off-site. Many of these animators use scratch to create their animations and games.
Also, artists and roleplayers on scratch often only have scratch to go on.
The dependence on scratch for many things is just highlighting the fact that scratch is starting to not appreciate its creators, I believe.
- WindowsWhiz1234
100+ posts
Studio Updates FAQ
Kind of crazy how many and many of my forum posts are coming from this “Incident”.
It makes me think that maybe I'll get to 1,000 posts by the time this is over, but who knows how long this will last.
I'm only protesting peacefully, not throwing bombs. (whatever that didn't make any sense because why would you throw a bomb and also this is a forum how do you get weapons on a forum…

It makes me think that maybe I'll get to 1,000 posts by the time this is over, but who knows how long this will last.
I'm only protesting peacefully, not throwing bombs. (whatever that didn't make any sense because why would you throw a bomb and also this is a forum how do you get weapons on a forum…

- Hoodiestrings
10 posts
Studio Updates FAQ
i don't like this update at all. the layout is okay, but i hate the fact that you cant edit it if you aren't the studio creator???? me and my friends have a manager chat in a studio we own and now we can't use it because of this. and the fact that you have to invite people by username. imagine you want to invite all your followers. that'd be really painful to do. this update is awful and i'd like it reverted or at least improved to where certain managers can edit too.
exactly, its honestly terrible and unfair. I think they should have atleast asked the community what they wanted in the update instead of taking so much stuff away
- Crazibot
500+ posts
Studio Updates FAQ
Ah, you have a good point.And we're going to do so until ST: OHMYGOSH, THEY WON“T STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Me: ”I can do this all day"-Captian America
- They apologize to us, at least
- They take back the update
- They change the update so it's more suitable to us
…still sweet to see a whole community is coming together…
Not to be a party pooper or anything, but past events have shown that that's NOT going to be happening any time soon. The ST, as has been said several times over, really just doesn't care about its userbase unless a baby orangutan makes a ball-bouncing project. Not only that, but in the ST's defense, they put months, possibly years of effort into 3.0. Shame it went to waste, sort of, but that's life.
TL;DR don't expect the people who run this place to undo all of their work because their userbase threw a tantrum. No offense to anyone, of course, but I'm not holding back because “scratch is kid website so be nice and happy!!!” anymore.
It gives me a good reason to leave… along with many others. XP
- bxtta-
9 posts
Studio Updates FAQ
It would work, I tested it myself. The 25-thread rule doesn't apply for profiles /yet/. Unfortunately, the ST may change that, too. For now, yes, it's possible to rp on people's pfs. Random question can't we rp on our profile's?
Wouldn't be easier ?
But ig it wouldn't work
- WindowsWhiz1234
100+ posts
Studio Updates FAQ
I hope everyone in this thread is wrongWell, let’s see here.Wait i never saw anything about animators having the problemIn some cases, the creators that are indirectly being told to leave don’t have anything else to use to create their content.I agree. ST doesn't want its artists, roleplayers, and other types of creators to be here. It's made that clear enough. -snip-
As a fellow older community member, I agree with everything you just said.
Animators often move to YouTube anyway, but sometimes they are still active on scratch.
Scratch heavily moderates the lives of Scratch animators off-site. Many of these animators use scratch to create their animations and games.
Also, artists and roleplayers on scratch often only have scratch to go on.
The dependence on scratch for many things is just highlighting the fact that scratch is starting to not appreciate its creators, I believe.
- WindowsWhiz1234
100+ posts
Studio Updates FAQ
If they update the profiles the same way they did the studios, we're all gonna dieIt would work, I tested it myself. The 25-thread rule doesn't apply for profiles /yet/. Unfortunately, the ST may change that, too. For now, yes, it's possible to rp on people's pfs. Random question can't we rp on our profile's?
Wouldn't be easier ?
But ig it wouldn't work
- TheMemelord5
35 posts
Studio Updates FAQ
Well, I doubt anyone's going to listen to this, but complaining on a forum and insulting the ST isn't going to get us anywhere. If we want change, we're going to have to contact the ST themselves and explain our thoughts on this in a POLITE AND RESPECTFUL MANNER. They have no real right to listen to people who just spray them with hate and act like stuck-up rich kids. That being said, don't expect change to come immediately, if at all. The ST isn't just a collective hive mind of robots, they're real people, too. And Scratch is NON-PROFIT, so I imagine they don't get paid much for what they do. They put all their effort into this update, and it'd be kind of odd to just wipe it all away in a day.
Last edited by TheMemelord5 (July 7, 2021 16:55:06)
- PokemonDude21
100+ posts
Studio Updates FAQ
I sixth this.i fifth thisI fourth thisI third this! I want the original Scratch studios back too!And we're going to do so until ST: OHMYGOSH, THEY WON“T STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Me: ”I can do this all day"-Captian America
- They apologize to us, at least
- They take back the update
- They change the update so it's more suitable to us
…still sweet to see a whole community is coming together…
I second this, we will stop once we get our scratch back, and we do it peacfully
- bxtta-
9 posts
Studio Updates FAQ
I seventh this.I sixth this.i fifth thisI fourth thisI third this! I want the original Scratch studios back too!And we're going to do so until ST: OHMYGOSH, THEY WON“T STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Me: ”I can do this all day"-Captian America
- They apologize to us, at least
- They take back the update
- They change the update so it's more suitable to us
…still sweet to see a whole community is coming together…
I second this, we will stop once we get our scratch back, and we do it peacfully
- -lunarmoth-
87 posts
Studio Updates FAQ
POLITE AND RESPECTFUL MANNER. They have no real right to listen to people who just spray them with hate and act like stuck-up rich kids. That being said, don't expect change to come immediately, if at all. The ST isn't just a collective hive mind of robots, they're real people, too. And Scratch is NON-PROFIT, so I imagine they don't get paid much for what they do. They put all their effort into this update, and it'd be kind of odd to just wipe it all away in a day.I can’t contact them though- Well, I doubt anyone's going to listen to this, but complaining on a forum and insulting the ST isn't going to get us anywhere. If we want change, we're going to have to contact the ST themselves and explain our thoughts on this in a
- Ratloverjunior
49 posts
Studio Updates FAQ
I eighth this.I seventh this.I sixth this.i fifth thisI fourth thisI third this! I want the original Scratch studios back too!And we're going to do so until ST: OHMYGOSH, THEY WON“T STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Me: ”I can do this all day"-Captian America
- They apologize to us, at least
- They take back the update
- They change the update so it's more suitable to us
…still sweet to see a whole community is coming together…
I second this, we will stop once we get our scratch back, and we do it peacfully
- Crazibot
500+ posts
Studio Updates FAQ
POLITE AND RESPECTFUL MANNER. They have no real right to listen to people who just spray them with hate and act like stuck-up rich kids. That being said, don't expect change to come immediately, if at all. The ST isn't just a collective hive mind of robots, they're real people, too. And Scratch is NON-PROFIT, so I imagine they don't get paid much for what they do. They put all their effort into this update, and it'd be kind of odd to just wipe it all away in a day.Ok then… then what should we do? /lh Well, I doubt anyone's going to listen to this, but complaining on a forum and insulting the ST isn't going to get us anywhere. If we want change, we're going to have to contact the ST themselves and explain our thoughts on this in a
- -lunarmoth-
87 posts
Studio Updates FAQ
Last edited by -lunarmoth- (July 7, 2021 16:58:09)
- BurritoDesigns
73 posts
Studio Updates FAQ
This is so relatable on so many levelsNow that you guys point it out, I feel like they are trying to push older creators off. When I first joined, which I'll just say I was young, I loved the place. Everyone is nice and everyone was welcoming. -sorry for not snipping but I want people to see this-Really well written and this brings up some really great points. I also don’t really like the 3.0 style and I know they (ST) say that scratch is for all ages but they are pushing older creators off the site by making changes and it’s slowly becoming more populated with children and less experienced creators. I think that the ST don’t really think children have opinions or don’t really know how to express them (which is not true) so that’s why they didn’t announce it before. I’m just really annoyed at this whole situation because so many peoples’ scratch lives have been ruined because of this. -snipped for ya
Sorry if it sounds rude or anything, just me when there is something I have a strong opinion on :)
Now every day I have to worry about the common problems of but not limited to:
- Art theft
- Being Mass reported
- Getting bullied in anyway
- Getting a project taken down that sometimes doesn't even make sense
- Getting muted because apparently frick is a bad word
- Getting doxxed
- Getting odd comments to me or my friends that feel threatening or full out awkward
At one point I'll just move to something and keep more of my anonymity there…
- xShadowCatx
29 posts
Studio Updates FAQ
It would work, I tested it myself. The 25-thread rule doesn't apply for profiles /yet/. Unfortunately, the ST may change that, too. For now, yes, it's possible to rp on people's pfs. Random question can't we rp on our profile's?
Wouldn't be easier ?
But ig it wouldn't work
I’m pretty sure role playing on profiles is a good idea, people have been doing things like making alts and such. But since the update came out of nowhere, (thanks ST! /sarc) nobody is really prepared, and spreading the word about rping on a Profile/project might be difficult.

- -lunarmoth-
87 posts
Studio Updates FAQ
I eight this.I seventh this-I sixth this.i fifth thisI fourth thisI third this! I want the original Scratch studios back too!And we're going to do so until ST: OHMYGOSH, THEY WON“T STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Me: ”I can do this all day"-Captian America
- They apologize to us, at least
- They take back the update
- They change the update so it's more suitable to us
…still sweet to see a whole community is coming together…
I second this, we will stop once we get our scratch back, and we do it peacfully