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- SuperGachaStudio
67 posts
Studio Updates FAQ
XDDDDDDDDDDDD I'm sleeping when not onlol I’m actually role playing with someone while MrBeast plays in the background while this goes on- Im eating a bagel and doing some shark game on roblox while this all happens lol
- B-17E
71 posts
Studio Updates FAQ
Loading comments on old format was easier, you can just click “see more” and all the comments will show. On the other hand, when you click “see more” on the new update, it is a PAIN to load all the comments just to get to the bottom of the conversation, roleplay, etc (forgot to include this).
- 1920bw27
14 posts
Studio Updates FAQ
when green flag clicked
say [we want the old studios back!] for (2) secs
- Haluria_games
100+ posts
Studio Updates FAQ
idk za-chary's profile is flooded in comments saying they love the updateYeah. Geez a war!! eifuwrnfuarwfunjrwaijnfIf they did, then scratch would be a desert of drowning 8 year old childrenThey can't ban us all for having an opinion. United we will stand. Then can't ban 90% of scratch ¯\_(ツ)_/¯Agreed. I'll make a whole project about it and we all can remix it to take part as one big community…Well, that sucks. Looks like Scratch Team is going to have to ban all of us, because we're not stopping until this is properly addressed. for saying the new update is bad, i got my main account blocked until July 14 oof'
i will not say what my main is cus then scratch team'll get this account as well.The fact that SO many people agree with me, it makes me happy. I'm so proud of this community.
- B-17E
71 posts
Studio Updates FAQ
I agree too!The fact that SO many people agree with me, it makes me happy. I'm so proud of this community.
- BlinsMoosick
4 posts
Studio Updates FAQ
I agree too!The fact that SO many people agree with me, it makes me happy. I'm so proud of this community.

- SuperGachaStudio
67 posts
Studio Updates FAQ
We wont give up! #GETRIDOFTHEUPDATE!
“No one can win every battle, but no man should fall without a struggle!”- Peter Parker
“No one can win every battle, but no man should fall without a struggle!”- Peter Parker
- yourpxwer--
25 posts
Studio Updates FAQ
I have one: hey, could someone quote one of the neurodivergent complaints from earlier in the thread? I'm sending an email asking for at least a timeline on when they can reverse it and ND struggles are a very legitimate concern I want to include
new page epic +1 please, I'm part of a really active studio with all my friends and i don't want to just freeze and get a sensory overload every time i want to talk to my friends
To neurotypical people: Basically a sensory overload feels like hundreds of people are yelling at you different ideas and you can't do anything except freeze, at least for me. These are usually triggered by bright colors, sudden changes, lots of bright lights or loud sounds, or large visuals. It depends for the person, but these are common triggers
Last edited by yourpxwer-- (July 7, 2021 16:26:39)
- catlover530
100+ posts
Studio Updates FAQ
I'm gonna do a small rant here if that's alright.
I have another reason for why I don't like this update. Me and one of my friends have a company together called MikLover CO. which I'm sure none of you have heard of. In this studio, I'm the creator, and my friend mikserpi24 is the co-owner and has to settle for being a manager. Well now, my friend can't make any changes to the studio, so a whole bunch of responsibility has been dumped on me. Thanks a lot Scratch. This really helps. NOT And also, role playing is my life. I love it and I'm sure a lot of you guys do to. A 25 comment limit doesn't really help. Also, someone is taking a summer long break, and I'm in charge of all of their studios while they are gone. What to you want me to do now? I'm only manager so I can't change the studio description so if nessacery. If you took the time to read this, could you quote me and give me some ideas? Thanks.
I have another reason for why I don't like this update. Me and one of my friends have a company together called MikLover CO. which I'm sure none of you have heard of. In this studio, I'm the creator, and my friend mikserpi24 is the co-owner and has to settle for being a manager. Well now, my friend can't make any changes to the studio, so a whole bunch of responsibility has been dumped on me. Thanks a lot Scratch. This really helps. NOT And also, role playing is my life. I love it and I'm sure a lot of you guys do to. A 25 comment limit doesn't really help. Also, someone is taking a summer long break, and I'm in charge of all of their studios while they are gone. What to you want me to do now? I'm only manager so I can't change the studio description so if nessacery. If you took the time to read this, could you quote me and give me some ideas? Thanks.
- -ElectronicArts-
1000+ posts
Studio Updates FAQ
Hmm susI agree too!The fact that SO many people agree with me, it makes me happy. I'm so proud of this community.
- TheMemelord5
35 posts
Studio Updates FAQ
I'm tired of being nice to the people who make life harder for others. No, I'm not talking about the Scratch Team, surprisingly. I'm talking about the consequences to what they do, the people that the updates have brought to this site.
I've been with Scratch for six years, and nowadays I'm an older creator. I've seen a lot of “things”, for lack of a Scratch-friendly term, and I've for some reason stuck with the site through all of them. The rise of art thieves, bullies, and spammers who more often than not go unpunished, the horrid change that was Scratch 3.0, most of my friends getting banned for trivial things like asking people not to recolor or having minor blood in their art (whilst said bullies and blatant art thieves go unchecked), or simply leaving because Scratch kept making changes to push people off of the site.
This is a whole new level, Scratch Team. I don't know if any of you have a DeviantArt account, but that site perfectly mirrors what's going on here. In the effort to be “modern” and “trendy”, it hurts its' users. They went from pushing a visual update that 70-80% of the community didn't really want (sound familiar?) to starting to spew out increasingly useless updates that did more harm than good. Unannounced. (also sound familiar?)
What happens when a platform stops listening to its' users? It crashes. DeviantArt two years ago was highly active and bustling with all sorts of creative minds. Now, it's just a desert filled with those who don't have anywhere else to go- mostly artists who draw things that cannot be mentioned on this website.
Yea, Scratch is “free to join” but that also means you, me, everyone here is more than welcome to leave if we don't enjoy what's here. It's not an excuse for crappy creative decisions and updates.
I'm leaving if this isn't fixed, and so will many artists, groups, roleplayers, and other creative-minded people. You'll be left with the cheesy platformers and the seven-year-olds, at best. But I guess that's what you want, isn't it? With your lax policies on art thieves, you've been pushing away artists for years. Huh, I wonder why most artists leave the platform when they're old enough for social media? It's because SCRATCH IS NOT ARTIST-FRIENDLY. Scratch 3.0 killed the potential of many people over 12 seeing this site and being like “oh, hey, this seems cool.”
Experienced creators of ANY genre are pushed away by the remixers, bullies, and the Scratch Team themselves. In conclusion-
Scratch Is Making These Changes Because They Don't Want Older/More Experienced Creators.
Older creators, I'd understand. I'm at the top of Scratch's target age, and they profess blatantly to be a children's website. But what they are doing is also pushing the most skilled and creative members of the site (some of which ARE young, but let's be honest, the most skilled creators are more mature regardless of age because they've put in the time and effort to learn something hard)),off.
I know ST does not care about individual Scratchers (They've shown that over and over again despite what they say) but if this update isn't repealed soon, I'm going to YouTube fulltime. Finally. And good riddance, to those who have been trying to push me off the platform since the day I turned 13. I'll leave you to your desert of small children and crappy content. Good day.
Heh, I'm sorry if this has ruined anyone's perspective of me. But I'm human, and I'm sick of the * the ST keeps pulling. Hence, I'm going to use my voice, and not very politely.
If I'm completely honest, I agree 100%. Scratch quite obviously cares only about 3 year olds that can't tell the difference between their right and left (hence why they swapped the editor around, apparently.), rather than the people who have actually used the site properly for years. Why? Who knows? Not like we'll ever find out.
Part of all this is why I've basically faded into double obscurity here (i was already kinda obscure but now i don't even do anything). Sure, updates take time to get used to, but 3.0 was just a major blow to my motivation to do things here. Now all I do is poop-post (wording it that way because scratch is gonna throw a wah wah baby tantrum if i don't), and while I enjoy that, I sometimes miss making big fight collab remixes and cool characters and stuff.
Now, I'm sure you're going to ask "if you want to do it, why not, y'know, do it?"
Good question.
It's partly, because of Scratch, like I said above, but the most prominent reason is because I basically kind of just…moved on. Early on, I dreamed of being as popular as people like Dhilly (that dude that only makes bouncy stick people and somehow gets millions of views a day, which is honestly infuriating when you compare him to people who put 10 times more effort into their projects), WazzoTV, and other popular “celebrities” at the time. Eventually, though, they all seemed to fade into obscurity, and I moved on to make my own, more original works, rather than just slapping “Animation” at the end of all my projects' titles. Then 3.0 came, and basically everything I did kind of fell apart. It was so drastically new, and so many old features had been changed or downright removed, that I just gave up. Not immediately, of course, I tried making it work, and over time I got…slightly used to it, but overall that creative spark that kept me going had fizzled out. Then I got older and moved on to things like Roblox and whatnot, and the rest is history.
But I apologize for digressing to talk about my life story that nobody asked for. The big picture here is that Scratch really doesn't care about the older users here who exercise their creativity to make basically artistic wonders on their cave drawing-level engine instead favoring the ones within their age group that make simple projects like “chase the mouse” or “help me fly a kite” or “wasting my life away on a children's platform that truly doesn't care about me - animation meme”. Nobody has a say in this except the ST themselves, no matter how loud you shout you'll fall on deaf ears. At this point, moving on to YouTube is the best option, because if you can't convince them, you might as well stop sticking around somewhere you can barely stand. Maybe so many people will leave that the Scratch Dictatorship (calling them that now for no real reason) will finally get the idea that they're doing this all wrong?
Anyway, if you choose to leave, I wish you luck in your YouTube career or whatever you're using it for. Sooner or later, I just might be gone too.
- SuperGachaStudio
67 posts
Studio Updates FAQ
We wont give up! #GETRIDOFTHEUPDATE!
“No one can win every battle, but no man should fall without a struggle!”- Peter Parker
- Crazibot
500+ posts
Studio Updates FAQ
Now that you guys point it out, I feel like they are trying to push older creators off. When I first joined, which I'll just say I was young, I loved the place. Everyone is nice and everyone was welcoming. -sorry for not snipping but I want people to see this-Really well written and this brings up some really great points. I also don’t really like the 3.0 style and I know they (ST) say that scratch is for all ages but they are pushing older creators off the site by making changes and it’s slowly becoming more populated with children and less experienced creators. I think that the ST don’t really think children have opinions or don’t really know how to express them (which is not true) so that’s why they didn’t announce it before. I’m just really annoyed at this whole situation because so many peoples’ scratch lives have been ruined because of this. -snipped for ya
Sorry if it sounds rude or anything, just me when there is something I have a strong opinion on :)
Now every day I have to worry about the common problems of but not limited to:
- Art theft
- Being Mass reported
- Getting bullied in anyway
- Getting a project taken down that sometimes doesn't even make sense
- Getting muted because apparently frick is a bad word
- Getting doxxed
- Getting odd comments to me or my friends that feel threatening or full out awkward
At one point I'll just move to something and keep more of my anonymity there…
Last edited by Crazibot (July 7, 2021 16:32:00)
- Epic-Frosty-Fox
34 posts
Studio Updates FAQ
Scratch change back the studios #undotheupdate
- Watermelon23skittles
3 posts
Studio Updates FAQ
My problems with the studio update————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
Ok first,, lemme start of by saying this: In my opinion, this update to the the studios was VERY UNCALLED FOR. there was ZERO notice about the this update happening and everyone,, even myself,, were rightfully upset and confused about this update to scratch- Scratch Team,, you need to have better communication with us as a community when you are about to make BIG changes to this site like this one,, and not say it AFTER the update is released. In my opinion,, doing that would seem ingenue and your lack of communication with us ENDS HERE.
1. The stuff about “oH yOu nEeD tO bE a sCrAtChEr iN oRdEr tO bE aPaRt oF a sTuDiO!!1!” Is utter bull *. Why??? Because if they don’t have scratcher status,, all they can do is make projects and comment on people’s stuff??? In my opinion that’s basically making the person’s account restricted unless they work their off,,
2. Congratulations Scratch Team!! You have now made the manager role a useless function!! /sarc
but in all seriousness,, what the hell??? You do realize that one person NEEDS multiple managers to run a studio and to keep it in check,,,
“Over the years, we have heard from many of you that allowing managers to make major changes to studios has made it harder to manage and run a successful studio. This change is intended to give studio owners more creative control over their spaces.”
I understand that sometimes there are people who are utter trash and ruin people’s studios,, but you could’ve done this problem differently,, like having a “demote” feature which allows the owner or any other manager to demote somebody back into a creator if they ever mess up a studio,, because one person can’t manage a studio by themselves and need others to help as well,,, also maybe have a toggle feature to have an option to have managers edit studios
3. Ok that’s pointless,, If the owner deleted their account and that owner still has their studio up,, shouldn’t the power of being the owner of that studio be passed onto the next manager??? Or at least- their should be an option for the owner to give their ownership of a studio to any manager-
4. “Over the years, we have heard from many of you that allowing managers to make major changes to studios has made it harder to manage and run a successful studio. As a way to address this, studio owners will now be the only people allowed to edit studio descriptions, titles, and thumbnails, which will prevent others from changing or destroying the work you have done in your studios,such as managers defacing the studio description or using it as a space for chatting.”
This I can somewhat understand but,,, that would make studios that I’m apart of like the the DRFC useless because now NO ONE can edit the title,, or change the thumbnail for and giggles,, except for the owner- also now studios that use manager chat are now utterly useless!!! Tysm scratch team!! /sarc
5. Ok I’m skipping the manager limit thingy but I think there should be no manager limit- NOW MY BIGGEST PROBLEM IS THE REPLY LIMIT,, for those who don’t know the reply limit now is I believe 25 replies per thread,, As someone who’s done a lot of rps,, sometimes the thread can reach over to about 100+ replies if I’m rping with someone on their page,,, this will make role-playing with someone much more difficult on scratch now- because if one thread reaches this VERY SHORT limit,, I would have to make a new thread,, over and over and over again and I don’t wanna do that because I don’t want to mess up someone’s profile with endless threads of role-playing,, the same can be said for rp studios and literally all the dr rps I’m in- there shouldn’t be a reply limit and even if there was, AT LEAST make the limit for replies 100 replies and not 25,,
6. The new layout is horrible,, especially on mobile since I use an iPad all the time,, the studio comments seem like they are too the side and when someone replies to your comments,, it looks even more bad- tbh,, I liked the old layout and honestly they should’ve never changed the layout and kept it the way it was because compared to the profile and projects pages,, it just feels off-
And now here’s a message to all the members of the Scratch Team,,
You guys need to have better communication like I said before,, it’s utterly ridiculous how you don’t give us a heads up if you are planning to upgrade your site- Scratch is a big community and you know that. It makes you all seem ingenue and you wouldn’t have THIS MUCH backlash if you’d give us the heads up BEFORE you did this. Secondly,, listen to what the community has to say- don’t just say you want constructive criticism then when you get it,, you mute people or delete comments you don’t like,, that shows that you can’t take criticism. And finally,, ACTUALLY DO SOMETHING ABOUT THE UPDATE. If many people are giving you suggestions on how to improve your site,, take those suggestions into consideration and use them to actually improve your site. I do not mean to sound mean,, I’m just giving my honest opinion.
That’s all from me,, if you agree,, feel free to quote this post!!
I agree peachii! I am not a fan of this and think they should have let us know. this really kinda freaked me out also people can have sensory overload and this is not a good move. I am not against ST, but I do not like the functions one bit. like what are the points of managers now if you can't do anything unless you are a studio owner? why even keep the manager role if it's pointless, also, I also hate the reply limit because now I have to keep making threads to roleplay, which stinks. I really do think they should have let us know more about this whole thing.
- catlover530
100+ posts
Studio Updates FAQ
Did anyone just experience server troubles? I just did. Wonder what that means… 

- PotatoTheMoose
29 posts
Studio Updates FAQ
I agree. ST doesn't want its artists, roleplayers, and other types of creators to be here. It's made that clear enough. I'm tired of being nice to the people who make life harder for others. No, I'm not talking about the Scratch Team, surprisingly. I'm talking about the consequences to what they do, the people that the updates have brought to this site.
I've been with Scratch for six years, and nowadays I'm an older creator. I've seen a lot of “things”, for lack of a Scratch-friendly term, and I've for some reason stuck with the site through all of them. The rise of art thieves, bullies, and spammers who more often than not go unpunished, the horrid change that was Scratch 3.0, most of my friends getting banned for trivial things like asking people not to recolor or having minor blood in their art (whilst said bullies and blatant art thieves go unchecked), or simply leaving because Scratch kept making changes to push people off of the site.
This is a whole new level, Scratch Team. I don't know if any of you have a DeviantArt account, but that site perfectly mirrors what's going on here. In the effort to be “modern” and “trendy”, it hurts its' users. They went from pushing a visual update that 70-80% of the community didn't really want (sound familiar?) to starting to spew out increasingly useless updates that did more harm than good. Unannounced. (also sound familiar?)
What happens when a platform stops listening to its' users? It crashes. DeviantArt two years ago was highly active and bustling with all sorts of creative minds. Now, it's just a desert filled with those who don't have anywhere else to go- mostly artists who draw things that cannot be mentioned on this website.
Yea, Scratch is “free to join” but that also means you, me, everyone here is more than welcome to leave if we don't enjoy what's here. It's not an excuse for crappy creative decisions and updates.
I'm leaving if this isn't fixed, and so will many artists, groups, roleplayers, and other creative-minded people. You'll be left with the cheesy platformers and the seven-year-olds, at best. But I guess that's what you want, isn't it? With your lax policies on art thieves, you've been pushing away artists for years. Huh, I wonder why most artists leave the platform when they're old enough for social media? It's because SCRATCH IS NOT ARTIST-FRIENDLY. Scratch 3.0 killed the potential of many people over 12 seeing this site and being like “oh, hey, this seems cool.”
Experienced creators of ANY genre are pushed away by the remixers, bullies, and the Scratch Team themselves. In conclusion-
Scratch Is Making These Changes Because They Don't Want Older/More Experienced Creators.
Older creators, I'd understand. I'm at the top of Scratch's target age, and they profess blatantly to be a children's website. But what they are doing is also pushing the most skilled and creative members of the site (some of which ARE young, but let's be honest, the most skilled creators are more mature regardless of age because they've put in the time and effort to learn something hard)),off.
I know ST does not care about individual Scratchers (They've shown that over and over again despite what they say) but if this update isn't repealed soon, I'm going to YouTube fulltime. Finally. And good riddance, to those who have been trying to push me off the platform since the day I turned 13. I'll leave you to your desert of small children and crappy content. Good day.
Heh, I'm sorry if this has ruined anyone's perspective of me. But I'm human, and I'm sick of the * the ST keeps pulling. Hence, I'm going to use my voice, and not very politely.
- BurritoDesigns
73 posts
Studio Updates FAQ
Hey guys, who's ready to watch this entire thread dissolve into complete and utter chaos as the so-called “rebels” attempt to start a war against the ST because they aren't willing to undo months of hard work? I know I am! Let's get the popcorn!
In all seriousness, the idea of a “war” or “rebellion” on a children's coding website is ridiculous to me. Sure, I understand that the idea of being part of a group fighting for change is appealing to you, but this isn't the way to do it. Diplomacy is much more effective.
In all seriousness, the idea of a “war” or “rebellion” on a children's coding website is ridiculous to me. Sure, I understand that the idea of being part of a group fighting for change is appealing to you, but this isn't the way to do it. Diplomacy is much more effective.
Last edited by BurritoDesigns (July 7, 2021 16:34:11)
- HermioneJK
11 posts
Studio Updates FAQ
Please can you allow managers to edit the description! It is ruining a lot of good studios and barely anyone likes it!!