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100+ posts

Water Otters ~ Banners, Logos, and More! ~ We will fit all your needs! Just order!

Water Otters ~ Banners, Logos, and More! ~ We will fit all your needs! Just order!

Homepage ▪ Order PagePortfolioStaffPartner PageCredits and Rights
We will make you all the things you need, whenever you need. We love to make our customers happy, so don’t be shy to fill out a order form! We will be happy to give

-Signature Banners
-Scripting Help


The logo was just what I was looking for. Two cricketbats and balls. The background of grass made it feel as if I was on a field. The text and the text frame are wonderful and add a sense of personalization. -Cricket_Productions

they are really nice and the banners are cute. -Ash_TY

The Water Otters is an amazing shop! My banner looks really nice and it was delivered in around 2 hours. -GraciousGoat

I really loved the PFP and OC that Water Otters made me - they are amazing! -ErniDooDaa

The banner is exactly what I asked for and more! It's so much better than the banner I had pictured in my head! -Starstriker3000

The gray fits perfectly against the black and is exactly the feel I was looking for! Great job! --bloominq

This is the best shop ever!!!! Fast orders, good design, etc. Anything you need can come from this shop, ITS THE BEST EVER!!!!!! -maxkyle112233445566


Please leave a review if you enjoyed your order, it helps us out a lot!

Staff Applications!

To be hired, you must submit this form. If there's something missing, we'll ask you to redo the form/edit the post. After submitting your application, if it's flawless, our team will give you a fake order to measure time efficiency and quality. You must do the fake order in order to be hired.

Why you want to be an otter:
What you specialize in (Banners, Logos, intros outros, none, or all of them.):
Link to one of your banners or logos:
Activity level 1-10:
Job you want (Security, Reporter, or Water Otter):
Scratch Age:
Shop experience:
Shops that you are or used to work at:
Can you do image hosting?:
Are you following this topic (REQUIRED):

If I don’t accept you into our staff, please don’t be mad. I don’t accept everyone. I only accept those who know how to make the items we sell listed and make them with quality.

Review Form
Otter who took your order:
Your favorite part:

Last edited by -zoid- (Sept. 8, 2021 13:27:53)

100+ posts

Water Otters ~ Banners, Logos, and More! ~ We will fit all your needs! Just order!

Order Page

Homepage ▪ Order Page ▪ PortfolioStaffPartner PageCredits and Rights

NOTE: You can only order three times per week. This rule was created to prevent any internet trolls from getting infinite orders.

Banner Order-
Banner Maker:
Banner type (Profile, signature etc):
Are you following this topic (optional):

Logo Order-
Logo Maker:
Letter or Picture:
Font (only if you chose letter):
Background colors:
Are you following this topic (optional):

Intro Order-
Intro Maker:
Sound effects:
Run time:
Are you following this topic (optional):

Outro Order-
Outro Maker:
Sound effects:
Motion Explanation:
Are you following this topic (optional):

Emoji Order-
Emoji Maker:
Are you following this topic (optional):

Scripting Help-
Script Helper:
Project link that you need help with:
Advanced coding or Minorly Advanced:
Are you following this topic (optional):

Order Packages
NOTE: You can only get 2 packages per scratcher. If your a new scratcher, shop maker, forumer, and animator, then you have to decide which packages you want, sorry. This rule was created to prevent any internet trolls from getting infinite packages.

Package Form
Package you want:
Who do you want to do this order:
Are you following this discussion(optional):

New Scratcher Package
REQUIREMENTS: Profile status MUST be new scratcher.
Profile Picture
Project Thumbnail

Scratcher Package
REQUIREMENTS: must have scratcher status to order this package
Profile Picture
2 Banners
3 Project Reviews
New Shop Owner Package
REQUIREMENTS: Must have started a shop in the past week.
Shop Banner
Shop Studio Picture
New Forumer Package
REQUIREMENTS: Must have started using forums in the past week.
Profile Picture
Signature Banner
Shop banner for starting a new shop (Optional):
New Animator Package
REQUIREMENTS: Must have started animating in the past week
1 OC
1 Other character
1 Intro
1 Outro

Last edited by -zoid- (July 13, 2021 19:32:56)

100+ posts

Water Otters ~ Banners, Logos, and More! ~ We will fit all your needs! Just order!

Some orders we’ve taken…

HomepageOrder Page ▪ Portfolio ▪ StaffPartner PageCredits and Rights

By @Filly3000

By @Filly3000

By @-MyNewAccount-

By @PeriwinkleVibes

By @PeriwinkleVibes

By @cs4233117

By @PeriwinkleVibes

By @Isauree

By @PeriwinkleVibes

By @-MyNewAccount-

Last edited by -zoid- (July 23, 2021 22:42:35)

100+ posts

Water Otters ~ Banners, Logos, and More! ~ We will fit all your needs! Just order!


HomepageOrder PagePortfolio ▪ Staff ▪ Partner PageCredits and Rights

Employee of the Month: @PeriwinkleVibes

Reason: For creating the shop home page banner, bump banner, celebration banners, and logos. Yet still having enough time to make banners and logos/pfps for our customers. —Official Water Otter of the Month—

King Otter: @-Zoid- ~ Intros, Outros and Banners ~ Owner ~ Partially Active
Queen Otter: @filly3000 ~ Banners, Logos and Emojis ~ Organizer ~ Active
Secretary Otter: @-MyNewAccount- ~ Banners and Logos ~ UOC Manager ~ Active

Security Otter: @
Reporter Otter: @
Water Otter: @PeriwinkleVibes ~ Banners and Logos ~ Shop Banner Maker ~ Partially Active
Water Otter: @cs4233117 ~ Banners and Scipting Help ~ Active
Water Otter: @Zikazoda ~ Logos ~ Active
Water Otter: @Isauree ~ Banners ~ Active
Water Otter: @Lightning_Bolt77 ~ Banners ~ Active
Water Otter: @-bloominq ~ Banners, Intros and Outros ~ Active
Water Otter: @ErniDooDaa ~ Logos ~ Active
Water Otter: @

On Break-
@-MyNewAccount- *Sept 18th-25th*

Break Form-
How long you’ll be on break:
Why your going on break (if your comfortable with saying):

Resignation form-
Why you want to quit being an otter:
Did you enjoy working here:

Last edited by -zoid- (Aug. 31, 2021 21:12:24)

100+ posts

Water Otters ~ Banners, Logos, and More! ~ We will fit all your needs! Just order!

Partner Page

HomepageOrder PagePortfolioStaff ▪ Partner Page ▪ Credits and Rights
Partner Form:
Temporarily CLOSED


Super Skill Store by @Mrcakeyman89

The Express Shop by @ComputerCole

Samoyed World by @Sapphire_Lights

Just Ask by @Austinato

The Apple Shop by @-CocaBleuAAA-

The Cookie Shoppe by @PeriwinkleVibes
The Floral Shop 3

Shop Directories and Federations

The United Shops Of Scratch by @78ch3

The Shop Connection Alliance by @cs4233117

Last edited by -zoid- (July 23, 2021 22:26:39)

100+ posts

Water Otters ~ Banners, Logos, and More! ~ We will fit all your needs! Just order!

Credits and Rights

HomepageOrder PagePortfolioStaffPartner Page ▪ Credits and Rights


Customer Rules
*I will do my order correctly and how it is written
*I will be happy with the order the staff gave me
*I will POLITELY ask for some changes if I do not like the order the staff gave me.
*I will be polite to the staff, for they are working hard to make me and others happy.
*I will follow the rules how it is written
*I will not make ANY loopholes in the rules.
*I will accept this shop and if they are not selling what I want I can kindly leave.
*I will not talk back to the staff.

Customer Rights
*I can ask for some changes if I do not like my order
*I can make my order be whatever I want. That’s the beauty of shops.
*I can always come back to this shop whenever I need to.
*I can be a humble and honest customer. If I don’t like my order I don’t have to lie and say I like it. I can just tell the Staff member who made the item for me that I want some changes.
Staff Rights
*Staff Members have the right to reject orders if it is inappropriate or far too complex.
*Staff Members can take a break if they have to do something in real life.
*Staff Members can NOT order.
*Staff Members can bump topic or individual messages if not getting enough attention/notice

Staff Rules
*I will be respectful to all customers no matter how weird and disturbing their request is. (Unless its TOO disturbing you can reject it.)
*I will be kind to all customers
*I will not judge customers on their beliefs, religion, or if their a furry or part of the LBTQ+ Community.
*I will always make our customers happy
*I will be polite to the customers
*I will be responsible with the task of making orders for customers.
*I will work my HARDEST on the orders my customers have requested for me
*I will be active on this shop
*I will respond to activity checks.

Activity Check Info (For Staff Only)
I will send an activity check every week down there. You MUST respond to the activity check so I know your loyal and active to this shop. If you don’t respond you get one strike (an *). If you get three strikes you are FIRED. So you must be active to this shop is basically what I’m saying.

In the application form you MUST include the word “RiverRaft” somewhere in your form. Make sure it’s hidden though.


This shop was HIGHLY inspired by Buzzy Bees and Super Skill Store You should DEFINITELY check out those shops!

*Homepage Banner was made by @PeriWinkleVibes Go follow her

*@Filly3000 for suggesting a lot of ideas for this shop to improve. Also for being there for me and being my motivation and first person of staff. She also helped this shop during its hardest and darkest times and helped it with info. Make sure to follow her, she makes the best banners!

*@-MyNewAccount- for helping us a lot with information and shop directories! Go follow her!

Last edited by -zoid- (July 28, 2021 14:49:14)

3 posts

Water Otters ~ Banners, Logos, and More! ~ We will fit all your needs! Just order!

can i be staff
100+ posts

Water Otters ~ Banners, Logos, and More! ~ We will fit all your needs! Just order!

chinchiIIas_are_cool wrote:

can i be staff
Please fill out the form.

1000+ posts

Water Otters ~ Banners, Logos, and More! ~ We will fit all your needs! Just order!

Username: filly3000
Why you want to be an otter: I want to offer my services to shops which are new/ need them
What you specialize in (Banners, Logos, etc,): Banners
Link to one of your banners or logos: link
Activity level 1-10: 7
Scratch Age: almost 5 mnths

Highlight this text and Shift + Down

My signature was made by Lightning Studios 3.0

 ^U^:: #BBDEF0 ring
This is Reily. She protects my signature from evil kumquats

Thanks to clove for my current banner
Thanks to procrastinating- for my previous banner
Thanks to PeriwinkleVibes for Reily

100+ posts

Water Otters ~ Banners, Logos, and More! ~ We will fit all your needs! Just order!

filly3000 wrote:

Username: filly3000
Why you want to be an otter: I want to offer my services to shops which are new/ need them
What you specialize in (Banners, Logos, etc,): Banners
Link to one of your banners or logos: link
Activity level 1-10: 7
Scratch Age: almost 5 mnths

Wow! You are my first staff member, so thank you! And your form was flawless! I looked at your banners and they are amazing! Your hired!

(Sorry for late reply, I was sleeping lol)

Last edited by -zoid- (June 14, 2021 13:32:15)

1000+ posts

Water Otters ~ Banners, Logos, and More! ~ We will fit all your needs! Just order!

-zoid- wrote:

filly3000 wrote:

Username: filly3000
Why you want to be an otter: I want to offer my services to shops which are new/ need them
What you specialize in (Banners, Logos, etc,): Banners
Link to one of your banners or logos: link
Activity level 1-10: 7
Scratch Age: almost 5 mnths

Wow! You are my first staff member, so thank you! And your form was flawless! I looked at your banners and they are amazing! Your hired!

(Sorry for late reply, I was sleeping lol)

Highlight this text and Shift + Down

My signature was made by Lightning Studios 3.0

 ^U^:: #BBDEF0 ring
This is Reily. She protects my signature from evil kumquats

Thanks to clove for my current banner
Thanks to procrastinating- for my previous banner
Thanks to PeriwinkleVibes for Reily

100+ posts

Water Otters ~ Banners, Logos, and More! ~ We will fit all your needs! Just order!

filly3000 wrote:

-zoid- wrote:

filly3000 wrote:

Username: filly3000
Why you want to be an otter: I want to offer my services to shops which are new/ need them
What you specialize in (Banners, Logos, etc,): Banners
Link to one of your banners or logos: link
Activity level 1-10: 7
Scratch Age: almost 5 mnths

Wow! You are my first staff member, so thank you! And your form was flawless! I looked at your banners and they are amazing! Your hired!

(Sorry for late reply, I was sleeping lol)
No prob!

This is my first shop ever, and I started using forums 2 days ago. Do you think im good for a beginner?

Also, I will let you know, I took some inspo from other shops, so this want entirely my idea, but, I am going to do an activity check EVERY week. If you don’t respond to the check you get one strike next to your name, *, three strikes and your fired. I know it seems harsh, but I just want to make sure your active. But it’s not that hard, you just need to reply to a activity check every week!

Last edited by -zoid- (June 14, 2021 14:56:19)

1000+ posts

Water Otters ~ Banners, Logos, and More! ~ We will fit all your needs! Just order!

-zoid- wrote:

filly3000 wrote:

-zoid- wrote:

filly3000 wrote:

Not bad for a beginner, i mean already opened a shop! That's pretty cool. Just maybe you should add different sections in the staff (like artists, security, coders, intro makers, etc) and add a ‘codeword’ in the staff rules so that if someone new is applying they have to mention the codeword so that we know they have read the rules. Also who is doing BB code? I thought new scratchers couldn't access it.

Highlight this text and Shift + Down

My signature was made by Lightning Studios 3.0

 ^U^:: #BBDEF0 ring
This is Reily. She protects my signature from evil kumquats

Thanks to clove for my current banner
Thanks to procrastinating- for my previous banner
Thanks to PeriwinkleVibes for Reily

100+ posts

Water Otters ~ Banners, Logos, and More! ~ We will fit all your needs! Just order!

filly3000 wrote:

-zoid- wrote:

filly3000 wrote:

-zoid- wrote:

filly3000 wrote:

Not bad for a beginner, i mean already opened a shop! That's pretty cool. Just maybe you should add different sections in the staff (like artists, security, coders, intro makers, etc) and add a ‘codeword’ in the staff rules so that if someone new is applying they have to mention the codeword so that we know they have read the rules. Also who is doing BB code? I thought new scratchers couldn't access it.

Oh sorry, I just said bbcode because I heard other shops say it and I wanted to sound professional XD. I have no idea what it means 0-0 I will probably take it off lol. Yes! Thanks! I will add the code word right now. I will also do that section idea you made! I will also make a credits and rights section and credit you for all these ideas lol

500+ posts

Water Otters ~ Banners, Logos, and More! ~ We will fit all your needs! Just order!

Partner Form:
Shop Name/Link: The floral shop (link in my siggy)
Services (Banner, Pfps, Thumbnails, Logos, etc): Banners, backgrounds, thumbnails and Pfps
Owner: me
Shop Age: 11 days

Last edited by PeriwinkleVibes (June 14, 2021 15:44:27)

Generation 7: the first time you see this copy and paste it on top of your signature in the scratch forums and increase generation by 1. Social experiment.

Highlight + CTRL + Shift + Down

100+ posts

Water Otters ~ Banners, Logos, and More! ~ We will fit all your needs! Just order!

PeriwinkleVibes wrote:

Partner Form:
Shop Name/Link: The floral shop (link in my siggy)
Services (Banner, Pfps, Thumbnails, Logos, etc): Banners, backgrounds, thumbnails and Pfps
Owner: me
Shop Age: 11 days

Okay sure! We will partner!

Here’s the link to my shop banner

1000+ posts

Water Otters ~ Banners, Logos, and More! ~ We will fit all your needs! Just order!


Highlight this text and Shift + Down

My signature was made by Lightning Studios 3.0

 ^U^:: #BBDEF0 ring
This is Reily. She protects my signature from evil kumquats

Thanks to clove for my current banner
Thanks to procrastinating- for my previous banner
Thanks to PeriwinkleVibes for Reily

1000+ posts

Water Otters ~ Banners, Logos, and More! ~ We will fit all your needs! Just order!

Package Idea:
Scratcher Package note: must have scratcher status to order this package
2 Profile Pictures
2 Banners
3 Project Reviews

Highlight this text and Shift + Down

My signature was made by Lightning Studios 3.0

 ^U^:: #BBDEF0 ring
This is Reily. She protects my signature from evil kumquats

Thanks to clove for my current banner
Thanks to procrastinating- for my previous banner
Thanks to PeriwinkleVibes for Reily

New Scratcher
2 posts

Water Otters ~ Banners, Logos, and More! ~ We will fit all your needs! Just order!

Hey I'd like to order a banner
Banner type : profile picture
Color : Violet or blue
Text : Ash_ty

Last edited by ash_ty (June 17, 2021 07:27:43)

1000+ posts

Water Otters ~ Banners, Logos, and More! ~ We will fit all your needs! Just order!

ash_ty wrote:


Highlight this text and Shift + Down

My signature was made by Lightning Studios 3.0

 ^U^:: #BBDEF0 ring
This is Reily. She protects my signature from evil kumquats

Thanks to clove for my current banner
Thanks to procrastinating- for my previous banner
Thanks to PeriwinkleVibes for Reily

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