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- » The Cookie Shoppe: The taste of joy! Now Hiring! We do image hosting and resizing!
- PeriwinkleVibes
500+ posts
The Cookie Shoppe: The taste of joy! Now Hiring! We do image hosting and resizing!

Welcome to the Cookie Shoppe!
We have banners, logos, intros/outros and much more!
Best shop ever, listened and was polite! ☆☆☆☆☆
It was just like I wanted! PeriwinkleVibes also finished it in a short amount of time, which makes me happier. ☆☆☆☆☆
very perfect! ☆☆☆☆☆Please leave a review after you receive your order
Last edited by PeriwinkleVibes (July 25, 2021 14:42:03)
- PeriwinkleVibes
500+ posts
The Cookie Shoppe: The taste of joy! Now Hiring! We do image hosting and resizing!

Order Forms
Image Hosted or not?:
Are you following this topic?:
If not, where should we contact you when your order is finished? (Profile, Forums, Project, etc):
Logos/Profile Pictures
Dimensions (preset is 500x500):
Image Hosted or not?:
Are you following this topic?:
If not, where should we contact you when your order is finished? (Profile, Forums, Project, etc):
Intro or Outro?:
Effect (Pulse, Wave, or Drop):
Link to O.C. (optional):
Are you following this topic?:
If not, where should we contact you when your order is finished? (Profile, Forums, Project, etc):
Do you have an order that doesn’t fit any of the other forms? Fill out this one!
Type of item:
Image Hosted or Not?:
Are you following this topic?:
If not, where should we contact you when your order is finished? (Profile, Forums, Project, etc):
Other Forms
Work Application
Shops you’re in:
Activity Level (Be honest):
Times you’ve ordered from the Cookie Shoppe:
Department (you can choose multiple: banners, intro/outro, logo/pfp, other):
Position (if you want to be in the board of directors):
Examples of your work:
Partner Form
Owner of the shop/federation:
Name of the shop/federation:
Link to banner:
Break/Leave Form
Day you’re leaving:
Day you’re coming back (optional):
Reason (optional):
Review Form
Person who took your order:
Rating out of 5:
Review for our front page:
Ad Space Request
What you want to advertise:
Which ad space do you want?:
Title of advertisement:
Description of advertisement:
Background image:
Board of Directors
Owner (PeriwinkleVibes) - Owns the store
Co-Owner (AIGamesDeveloper) - Helps the owner, can take over if the owner has over 1 month of inactivity
Secretary (Filly3000) - Posts the UOC and makes sure it’s up to date
Public Relations Officer (Filly3000) - Partners with other shops
Announcer (open) - Announces to other shops if there has been a change in our shop
Head of Banners (PeriwinkleVibes) - Manages the Banner Department
Head of Logos (Lightning_Bolt77) - Manages the Logo Department
Head of Intros/Outros (open) - Manages the Intro/Outro Department
Other positions
Worker: Filly3000
Worker: -MyNewAccount-
Worker: cs4233117
Junior Worker: ErniDooDaa
Junior Worker:
List of workers
PeriwinkleVibes - Everything
Filly3000 - Banners, Logos/Pfps, Thumbnails
-MyNewAccount- - Banners
ErniDooDaa - Logos
cs4233117 - Banners, logo/pfp, image hosting, image resizing.
Lightning_Bolt77 - Banners, Logos/Pfps
Black - Always Active
Green - Very Active
Blue - Somewhat Active
Red - Inactive
Purple - On Break

Last edited by PeriwinkleVibes (Sept. 12, 2021 13:33:09)
- PeriwinkleVibes
500+ posts
The Cookie Shoppe: The taste of joy! Now Hiring! We do image hosting and resizing!

Rules + Rights
Be kind to the customer
Be kind to the worker
Be honest
Staff are allowed to order
Staff cannot get a 10/10 or a 0/10 on their staff application
If a staff member keeps an order for more than a week past it’s due date, you can request for someone else to do it instead
You are not allowed to spam, advertise (unless you want to partner), or post random scratchblocks
Include the word “chocolate chip” in your work application
Specials are “special” orders! Here’s what the Cookie Shoppe offers:
Reviews for a project
Front page review for a shop
And more to come!

Last edited by PeriwinkleVibes (Aug. 30, 2021 21:48:35)
- PeriwinkleVibes
500+ posts
The Cookie Shoppe: The taste of joy! Now Hiring! We do image hosting and resizing!


By Filly3000

By PeriwinkleVibes

By PeriwinkleVibes

By -MyNewAccount-
Last edited by PeriwinkleVibes (July 22, 2021 20:28:59)
- PeriwinkleVibes
500+ posts
The Cookie Shoppe: The taste of joy! Now Hiring! We do image hosting and resizing!

The Water Otters

The Super Skill Store

The Mockup Gathering

The Retro Shop 3.0

Luigi’s Voice Acting Shop

The Wolf Shop

The Electric Shop

United Shops of Scratch

Shop Connection Alliance

The Arctic Shop

Banner Shop

The Peregrine Falcon Shop

Scratch Banner & Design Academy

The 101 Art and Design Shop

Last edited by PeriwinkleVibes (Sept. 6, 2021 12:31:54)
- PeriwinkleVibes
500+ posts
The Cookie Shoppe: The taste of joy! Now Hiring! We do image hosting and resizing!

Quick Copy-Paste
Untaken and Overdue
Untaken and Nearly Due
Untaken and Not Due
[color=red]Untaken and Overdue[/color]
[color=orange]Untaken and Nearly Due[/color]
[color=green]Untaken and Not Due[/color]
Activity Check
Please respond to this activity check when it is posted
Responded: PeriwinkleVibes
Not Responded: Filly3000 -MyNewAccount- cs4233117 ErniDooDaa
On Break: N/A
[big]Activity Check[/big]
[small]Please respond to this activity check when it is posted[/small]
Responded: PeriwinkleVibes
Not Responded: Filly3000 -MyNewAccount- cs4233117 ErniDooDaa
On Break: N/A[/code]
Your application has been… accepted!
Your application has been… denied. Please apply again in 1 week.
[big]Your application has been… [color=green]accepted![/color]
Your application has been… [color=red]denied[/color]. Please apply again in 1 week.[/big]
Annnnddd… done!
Last edited by PeriwinkleVibes (July 27, 2021 00:26:22)
- filly3000
1000+ posts
The Cookie Shoppe: The taste of joy! Now Hiring! We do image hosting and resizing!
Username: filly3000
Shops you’re in: The Water Otter, Samoyed World, (the previous floral shops), Super Skill Shop
Activity Level (Be honest): 7/10
Times you’ve ordered from the Cookie Shoppe: 0
Department (you can choose multiple: banners, intro/outro, logo/pfp, other): Banner, logo/pfp, thumbnails
Position (if you want to be in the board of directors): Secretary or Partner-er (I dont really need them, just here to apply for staff)
Examples of your work: link1 link2 link3 link4 link5 link6
Other: chocolate chip
Shops you’re in: The Water Otter, Samoyed World, (the previous floral shops), Super Skill Shop
Activity Level (Be honest): 7/10
Times you’ve ordered from the Cookie Shoppe: 0
Department (you can choose multiple: banners, intro/outro, logo/pfp, other): Banner, logo/pfp, thumbnails
Position (if you want to be in the board of directors): Secretary or Partner-er (I dont really need them, just here to apply for staff)
Examples of your work: link1 link2 link3 link4 link5 link6
Other: chocolate chip
- filly3000
1000+ posts
The Cookie Shoppe: The taste of joy! Now Hiring! We do image hosting and resizing!
Username: filly3000
Owner of the shop/federation: -zoid-
Name of the shop/federation: The Water Otters
Link: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/521553/
Link to banner: https://u.cubeupload.com/0ranges/FF19F8F5C09440178FF6.png
Other: N/A
Owner of the shop/federation: -zoid-
Name of the shop/federation: The Water Otters
Link: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/521553/
Link to banner: https://u.cubeupload.com/0ranges/FF19F8F5C09440178FF6.png

Other: N/A
- PeriwinkleVibes
500+ posts
The Cookie Shoppe: The taste of joy! Now Hiring! We do image hosting and resizing!
Username: filly3000
Shops you’re in: The Water Otter, Samoyed World, (the previous floral shops), Super Skill Shop
Activity Level (Be honest): 7/10
Times you’ve ordered from the Cookie Shoppe: 0
Department (you can choose multiple: banners, intro/outro, logo/pfp, other): Banner, logo/pfp, thumbnails
Position (if you want to be in the board of directors): Secretary or Partner-er (I dont really need them, just here to apply for staff)
Examples of your work: link1 link2 link3 link4 link5 link6
Other: chocolate chip
Username: filly3000
Owner of the shop/federation: -zoid-
Name of the shop/federation: The Water Otters
Link: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/521553/
Link to banner: https://u.cubeupload.com/0ranges/FF19F8F5C09440178FF6.png
Other: N/A
Your application has been… accepted!
Both accepted! You can be the secretary/partner-er and also a regular worker
Last edited by PeriwinkleVibes (July 19, 2021 13:02:17)
- -MyNewAccount-
1000+ posts
The Cookie Shoppe: The taste of joy! Now Hiring! We do image hosting and resizing!
hey peri, maybe in the quick copy-paste, put in [code] and [/code] tags, so the workers can copy-paste the bbcode?
Last edited by -MyNewAccount- (July 19, 2021 13:04:28)
- PeriwinkleVibes
500+ posts
The Cookie Shoppe: The taste of joy! Now Hiring! We do image hosting and resizing!
Yep! Thanks! hey peri, maybe in the quick copy-paste, put in [code] and [/code] tags, so the workers can copy-paste the bbcode?
- filly3000
1000+ posts
The Cookie Shoppe: The taste of joy! Now Hiring! We do image hosting and resizing!
Wait.. No test order?
Your application has been… accepted!
Both accepted! You can be the secretary/partner-er and also a regular worker
- PeriwinkleVibes
500+ posts
The Cookie Shoppe: The taste of joy! Now Hiring! We do image hosting and resizing!
I mean… do you want one? I already know that you’re good Wait.. No test order?Your application has been… accepted!
Both accepted! You can be the secretary/partner-er and also a regular worker
- filly3000
1000+ posts
The Cookie Shoppe: The taste of joy! Now Hiring! We do image hosting and resizing!
Idk, maybe for the portfolio xDI mean… do you want one? I already know that you’re good Wait.. No test order?Your application has been… accepted!
Both accepted! You can be the secretary/partner-er and also a regular worker
- PeriwinkleVibes
500+ posts
The Cookie Shoppe: The taste of joy! Now Hiring! We do image hosting and resizing!
Ok XDIdk, maybe for the portfolio xDI mean… do you want one? I already know that you’re good Wait.. No test order?Your application has been… accepted!
Both accepted! You can be the secretary/partner-er and also a regular worker
Username: Cloudie-Cloud
Colors: light blue
Text: I want it to say “Cloudie-Cloud” and underneath “Animator - Coder - Swimmer”
Font: handwriting/curvy
Animation: I want the words and images to slide in from the left
Images/Drawings: a cloud
Image Hosted or not?: Image Hosted
Other: none
- filly3000
1000+ posts
The Cookie Shoppe: The taste of joy! Now Hiring! We do image hosting and resizing!
@Cloudie-Cloud, Your banner is ready!

Feel free to ask for any changes, and don't forget to leave us a review if you liked your order!
Have a nice day!

Have a nice day!

- PeriwinkleVibes
500+ posts
The Cookie Shoppe: The taste of joy! Now Hiring! We do image hosting and resizing!
@Cloudie-Cloud, Your banner is ready!Rating: 9/10Feel free to ask for any changes, and don't forget to leave us a review if you liked your order!https://u.cubeupload.com/Reverse_Karma/CloudieCloud.gif
Have a nice day!
Pass grade: 6/10
Final result: passed!
(By Cookie Shoppe law I’m not allowed to give you a 10/10)
Last edited by PeriwinkleVibes (July 20, 2021 12:43:28)
- filly3000
1000+ posts
The Cookie Shoppe: The taste of joy! Now Hiring! We do image hosting and resizing!
Ty!@Cloudie-Cloud, Your banner is ready!Rating: 9/10Feel free to ask for any changes, and don't forget to leave us a review if you liked your order!https://u.cubeupload.com/Reverse_Karma/CloudieCloud.gif
Have a nice day!
Pass grade: 6/10
Final result: passed!
(By Cookie Shoppe law I’m not allowed to give you a 10/10)

- -MyNewAccount-
1000+ posts
The Cookie Shoppe: The taste of joy! Now Hiring! We do image hosting and resizing!
@Cloudie-Cloud, Your banner is ready!wait- filly did you open a cubeupload account?Feel free to ask for any changes, and don't forget to leave us a review if you liked your order!https://u.cubeupload.com/Reverse_Karma/CloudieCloud.gif
Have a nice day!
- filly3000
1000+ posts
The Cookie Shoppe: The taste of joy! Now Hiring! We do image hosting and resizing!
yes hehe@Cloudie-Cloud, Your banner is ready!wait- filly did you open a cubeupload account?Feel free to ask for any changes, and don't forget to leave us a review if you liked your order!https://u.cubeupload.com/Reverse_Karma/CloudieCloud.gif
Have a nice day!