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- » ~ ⚙ Super Skill Store ⚙ ~ ⭐ Better Than You Expected! ⭐ Happily Hiring! ⭐ Open and Ordering! ⭐ Praying for Partners!
- Mrcakeyman89
1000+ posts
~ ⚙ Super Skill Store ⚙ ~ ⭐ Better Than You Expected! ⭐ Happily Hiring! ⭐ Open and Ordering! ⭐ Praying for Partners!
~ ⚙ Super Skill Store ⚙ ~ Better Than You Expected!

|| Homepage, Reviews, About this Shop, Things we Sell || Forms, Package Forms, Rules || All Staff, Partners || Our Awards, Credits & Rights, Portfolio ||
Reviews!“It looks nice, I like the banner design” - Kenguin26“Wow! This is much more than I expected! The delivery time, the quality, the flexibility! Great shop!” - TurtleTheWizKid“This was, in a word: amazing. This shop and its employees can work hard in the face of uncertainty, as was how i left them. They completed it within an hour of my request, and tehy even gave me four designs to choose from! This is a great shop, and if you're looking to be surprised, come to this shop, like i did!” - SpritesmasherI love it! I thought that I was going to get just a regauler standstill one but I get both a standstill and an anamation! - ILoveBucketHeadThe order was done a good while before deadline, and was really awesome- filly3000
You need to come here! Even if you push their limits a little, they still make your order better than you expect! - captain_technologyCome to the super skill store, they offer you tons of variety’s of art and help. I’m definitely gonna come back again. They give you your order fast enough that you don’t need to go to a different store. Come to the super skill store now and have your needs finished! - -Zoid-The Super Skill Store gives orders that are even better that you've expected! This shop should be the best shop in this entire discussion forum! - abcde26Took some time to get exactly what I wanted, but the end result was LEGENDARY! - ScratchCat1038The banners made here are amazing and very skilfully done. Well done. - DraftHouseThe Super Skill Store really had super skill! I asked for a detailed PFP, and it turned out beautifully. There was a problem with no one taking my order, but they fixed that in about less then a day. After it was taken, it got done in about 2 days! Asking for something so beautiful, with a human and an animal, really takes skill, and they did that!!! I really recommend The Super Skill Store! - TheRoyalCookieThey truly have the skill you're looking for! - AIGamesDeveloperThe thumbnail I got was amazing and I can tell how much effort was put into the art. I love it so much and I'll I’ll definitely come back here if I ever need any more project thumbnails for books or something. Thank you so much! - yishujiaI really liked it! Not what I thought it would look like, but it turned out better! I recommend this shop for anyone who wants a reasonably speedy order. - -JetpackAnimations-I expected it to take a week or so but it was done in 3 days! The artwork is amazing and I expect all the other things to be very good! - AJ-Scratch-AJAmazing service! 1000% recommended! - jemunmI asked for something that isn't on the services list, yet it was provided to me speedily and effectively! - ellagreen14I love this! It is not what I expected but… BETTER!! I was sooo surprised and happy - YaraloveskittycatsThis is a wonderful shop! I wanted a banner and put the due date 3 days from then, and it was done by the next day instead! This is definitely the shop to go to!Please give a review, we really appreciate it.- Coral_123
About This ShopThis is a fun little shop that sells a whole RANGE of things! From PFP's to OC's, we can give you better than you expected! The skills in this shop are like no other, just fill out an order form and have fun!
Things We Sell!-Project Thumbnails
-Studio Thumbnails
-Profile Pictures
-Project Reviews/Testing
-Code Help
-Forum Banners
-Profile Banners
-Image Hosting
-MusicTry requesting something not on our list, and we might just give it to you and add it to the list!![]()
Last edited by Mrcakeyman89 (Dec. 6, 2021 14:46:45)
- Mrcakeyman89
1000+ posts
~ ⚙ Super Skill Store ⚙ ~ ⭐ Better Than You Expected! ⭐ Happily Hiring! ⭐ Open and Ordering! ⭐ Praying for Partners!
|| Homepage, Reviews, About this Shop, Things we Sell || Forms, Package Forms, Rules || All Staff, Partners || Our Awards, Credits & Rights, Portfolio ||
Order FormUsername:
What would you like?:
Urgency Level:
Due Date:
Are you following this shop? (Topic):
Where would you like us to contact you?:
Other:Employee Application FormUsername:
How active are you?:
Work examples:
Have you /Do you work(ed) at other shops?:
Are you following our topic?:
Why should you be chosen?:
Can you do image hosting?:
Have you read the rules?:
Other:Shop Partnership Form]Username:
Shop name & Link:
Owner of Shop:
What your shop sells:
Are you following this topic?:
Your banner (Optional):Review FormUsername:
Rate (1/10):
Who did it? (Optional):
Was it what you wanted?:
Was it done on time?:
Quick review for our front page (Optional):Vacation FormUsername:
Day you will leave:
Day you will come back:
Why?:Resigning FormUsername:
When you will leave:
Why will you leave (Optional):
Package FormsNew Scratcher Package*
Must be new scratcherUsername:
PFP Details:
Intro Details:
Outro Details (Optional):
Due date:
Are you following this topic?:
Where would you like us to contact you?
Other:New Shop Owner's Package*
Must have started shop in last two weeksUsername:
New Shop Name & Link:
Banner 1 Details:
Banner 2 Details (Optional):
Partnership Details (Optional):
Are you following this topic?:
Where would you like us to contact you?:
Due Date:
Other:New Animator's Package*
Must have posted first animation in last monthUsername:
OC Details:
Background Costume Details:
Sound Effect
Background Music
Are you following this topic?:
Where would you like us to contact you?:
Due Date:
Other:New “Forumer's” Package*
Must have less than 100 postsUsername:
Full Signature (Images included):
Image Hosted Image 1:
Image Hosted Image 2 (Optional):
1 kumquat protecting Scratch block
Are you following this topic?:
Where would you like us to contact you?:
Due Date:
Other:Logo Package*
No RequirementsUsername:
Thumbnail 1:
Thumbnail 2 (Optional):
Banner 1:
Banner 2 (Optional):
Are you following this topic?:
Where would you like us to contact you?:
Due Date:
Other:Premium Skill Package!
The Manager will give this out to specific people! (All Items are Optional, you can choose which ones you want.)Username:
PFP Description:
Project or Studio Thumbnail:
Forum Banner:
Profile Banner:
Background Music
Sound Effect
Are you following this topic?:
Where would you like us to contact you?:
Due Date:
Those eligible for this package: @Sikecon, @cs4233117, @qloakonscratch
Rules!-All workers must be kind and respectful
-Every week you must reply to an activity check
-If you don't they will get 1 strike. (an *)
-Most packages are only allowed once per person.
-Everyone who orders is encouraged to give a review
-Please don't bump unless you work here. There has been confusion about this, but it's a basic rule for being in shops in the forums.
-If you get a message saying that there was activity here, then you click on it, it'll bring you to the last post that you havn't seen. Then you then scroll down to see all the OTHER posts that you haven't seen, there could be a whole ‘nother page with posts that you haven’t seen. Make sure to check.
-All who fill out the Employee Application Form, must include the word “online”. Don't make it obvious.
Last edited by Mrcakeyman89 (Dec. 6, 2021 14:44:26)
- Mrcakeyman89
1000+ posts
~ ⚙ Super Skill Store ⚙ ~ ⭐ Better Than You Expected! ⭐ Happily Hiring! ⭐ Open and Ordering! ⭐ Praying for Partners!
|| Homepage, Reviews, About this Shop, Things we Sell || Forms, Package Forms, Rules || All Staff, Partners || Our Awards, Credits & Rights, Portfolio ||
All Staff!@Mrcakeyman89 (Manager, Lead BBCode)
@Lightning-Animates (Co-Manager 1)
@Dreamy-Orders (Lead Project Artist)
@GeoNifffler* (Lead Logo-ist)
@filly3000 (Secretary)
@NationaI / Polygon
$ @-Winking- $
$ @showierdata9978 $
$ @BIC_Studios* (Lead Tester) $* = one strike from not responding to an activity check. 2 strikes means removal from BoD.$ $ = on leave or informed me of slight inactivity.
On Leave@-Winking- - Comes back Jan. 1st
@showierdata9978 - ?
@BIC_Studios* (Lead Tester) - Comes back 8th of Dec. (about)
Board of DirectorsManager: Mrcakeyman89
Runs the whole shop, can reject orders and applications, and does the UOC
Co-Manager 1: Lightning-Animates
If Mrcakeyman89 isn't active, this person takes over. Can reject orders and applications, as well as accept partnerships. (Make sure to inform the Manager if you do accept one with the link to the post). Also can do UOC.
Co-Manager 2:
If the Co-Manager 1 isn't active, this person takes over. Can reject orders and applications. Also can do the UOC.
Chief Executive:
Can accept partnerships with shops. Can also do the UOC.
Helps make the big decisions in the shop. Can also do the UOC.
Secretary: filly3000
Makes sure the UOC is up to date and has not missed any orders or made any mistakes.
Lead Logo-ist: GeoNifffler
Does the harder logo orders. Logos include: PFP's, Thumbnails, and Logo's in general.
Lead Banner Maker:
Does the harder banner orders.
Lead BBCode: Mrcakeyman89
Does the harder BBCode orders.
Lead Code:
Does the harder Code orders.
Lead Project Artist: @Dreamy-Orders
Does the harder project art orders. Project art includes: Sprites, Backdrops, and Costumes.
Lead Tester: BIC_Studios
Makes sure the Testers are giving good reviews and not being too mean or too vague.
Check out some of these great shops!Partners!Scratch Banner & Design AcademyTagStyle2Living ArtThe Image Finder ShopThe Floral Shop 2The limelight ShopThe Block ShopWater Otters 2.0How to make unique shops+ ideas
https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/521626/The Apple ShopThe Cookie ShoppeThe Electric ShopCoders Request Shop!The Grand GalaThe 2021 Fall Emerawards™Lightning Studios 3.0The Milky Way ExpressFeathered FindsThe 101 Art and Design ShopLightning Orders StoreThe Multimedia ShopShop TemplateHappy Shop 2.0We're accepting partners! Fill out the form on the above page and join us!
Last edited by Mrcakeyman89 (Dec. 6, 2021 14:43:54)
- Mrcakeyman89
1000+ posts
~ ⚙ Super Skill Store ⚙ ~ ⭐ Better Than You Expected! ⭐ Happily Hiring! ⭐ Open and Ordering! ⭐ Praying for Partners!
|| Homepage, Reviews, About this Shop, Things we Sell || Forms, Package Forms, Rules || All Staff, Partners || Our Awards, Credits & Rights, Portfolio ||
Aqua Awards Award!Don't believe us? See the official post!
Lightning_Bolt77 Awards Award!Don't believe us? See the official project!
Emerald Awards Awards!
Everybody wins when they try their best!
The rarest award of them all! This award only appears in the Fall Emerawards
Do you smell bacon?
The egg award. I gave this to you on Halloween for baking stuff! Not to throw them on houses!
Thanks for partnering with us!
_________________________________________________________________________________________Don't believe us? See the official post!
Credits & RightsBanner by @-MagicAesthetics- (Thanks so much!)
Thanks to @PeriwinkleVibes for the “New Forumer's Package” Package idea
Thanks to @-AquaCodes- and @Lightning_Bolt77 for the awards given to this shop!
Thanks to @PeriwinkleVibes and @Lightning_Bolt77 for the wonderful bump banner:[img]https://u.cubeupload.com/0ranges1/E7D7A9857DC4463DB697.png[/img]
- We have the right to reject orders. (And partnerships, and worker applications)
- We have the right to reject orders not using the form
- We (but mostly I, Mrcakeyman89) have the right to leave the forms the way they are, and only change them when I see fit.
PortfolioCheck out some of the cool things we've made!
By @unicornstartower89 for @filly3000
By @filly3000 for @bubblyrainbow
By @Spritesmasher for Test Order
By @PeriwinkleVibes for @bussert
By @Jolia_RKW for @Yaraloveskittycats
By @PeriwinkleVibes for -zoid-
By @filly3000 for The Emerald Awards
By @filly3000 for The Code Shop
By @qloakonscratch for 100 Pages!
By @PancakeBarrage for the Rainy Stars Shop
Thank you for visiting the Super Skill Store! Please come again! :D
Last edited by Mrcakeyman89 (Nov. 24, 2021 15:35:51)
- Sikecon
1000+ posts
~ ⚙ Super Skill Store ⚙ ~ ⭐ Better Than You Expected! ⭐ Happily Hiring! ⭐ Open and Ordering! ⭐ Praying for Partners!
no one seems to pay attention to this topic xd
Do you have like a preview of whatever you're selling? If so, can you edit your first post so that people will expect what they will get?
i'd recommend providing a preview of everything you're selling, just in case igigig
Do you have like a preview of whatever you're selling? If so, can you edit your first post so that people will expect what they will get?
i'd recommend providing a preview of everything you're selling, just in case igigig
- Mrcakeyman89
1000+ posts
~ ⚙ Super Skill Store ⚙ ~ ⭐ Better Than You Expected! ⭐ Happily Hiring! ⭐ Open and Ordering! ⭐ Praying for Partners!
no one seems to pay attention to this topic xd
Do you have like a preview of whatever you're selling? If so, can you edit your first post so that people will expect what they will get?
i'd recommend providing a preview of everything you're selling, just in case igigig
Do you mean in the very beginning say all the things I sell?
- Sikecon
1000+ posts
~ ⚙ Super Skill Store ⚙ ~ ⭐ Better Than You Expected! ⭐ Happily Hiring! ⭐ Open and Ordering! ⭐ Praying for Partners!
no one seems to pay attention to this topic xd
Do you have like a preview of whatever you're selling? If so, can you edit your first post so that people will expect what they will get?
i'd recommend providing a preview of everything you're selling, just in case igigig
Do you mean in the very beginning say all the things I sell?
Well, I guess, but also a picture for your items.
I mean, we all have unique themes when it comes to art, right?
So i'd like you to draw an example banner/thumbnail/pfp, etc and post the image on your topic.
make sure to label each image!
Last edited by Sikecon (April 17, 2021 21:59:44)
- Mrcakeyman89
1000+ posts
~ ⚙ Super Skill Store ⚙ ~ ⭐ Better Than You Expected! ⭐ Happily Hiring! ⭐ Open and Ordering! ⭐ Praying for Partners!
no one seems to pay attention to this topic xd
Do you have like a preview of whatever you're selling? If so, can you edit your first post so that people will expect what they will get?
i'd recommend providing a preview of everything you're selling, just in case igigig
Do you mean in the very beginning say all the things I sell?
Well, I guess, but also a picture for your items.
I mean, we all have unique themes when it comes to art, right?
So i'd like you to draw an example banner/thumbnail/pfp, etc and post the image on your topic.
make sure to label each image!
Hmm ok I'll do that later I need to eat supper!

- Sikecon
1000+ posts
~ ⚙ Super Skill Store ⚙ ~ ⭐ Better Than You Expected! ⭐ Happily Hiring! ⭐ Open and Ordering! ⭐ Praying for Partners!
no one seems to pay attention to this topic xd
Do you have like a preview of whatever you're selling? If so, can you edit your first post so that people will expect what they will get?
i'd recommend providing a preview of everything you're selling, just in case igigig
Do you mean in the very beginning say all the things I sell?
Well, I guess, but also a picture for your items.
I mean, we all have unique themes when it comes to art, right?
So i'd like you to draw an example banner/thumbnail/pfp, etc and post the image on your topic.
make sure to label each image!
Hmm ok I'll do that later I need to eat supper!
ok good luck

- Mrcakeyman89
1000+ posts
~ ⚙ Super Skill Store ⚙ ~ ⭐ Better Than You Expected! ⭐ Happily Hiring! ⭐ Open and Ordering! ⭐ Praying for Partners!
Alright I did it. (And bump XD)
- Mrcakeyman89
1000+ posts
~ ⚙ Super Skill Store ⚙ ~ ⭐ Better Than You Expected! ⭐ Happily Hiring! ⭐ Open and Ordering! ⭐ Praying for Partners!
Aaaand bump…
- Mrcakeyman89
1000+ posts
~ ⚙ Super Skill Store ⚙ ~ ⭐ Better Than You Expected! ⭐ Happily Hiring! ⭐ Open and Ordering! ⭐ Praying for Partners!
Bump… *sigh*
- Mrcakeyman89
1000+ posts
~ ⚙ Super Skill Store ⚙ ~ ⭐ Better Than You Expected! ⭐ Happily Hiring! ⭐ Open and Ordering! ⭐ Praying for Partners!
- Mrcakeyman89
1000+ posts
~ ⚙ Super Skill Store ⚙ ~ ⭐ Better Than You Expected! ⭐ Happily Hiring! ⭐ Open and Ordering! ⭐ Praying for Partners!
- Mrcakeyman89
1000+ posts
~ ⚙ Super Skill Store ⚙ ~ ⭐ Better Than You Expected! ⭐ Happily Hiring! ⭐ Open and Ordering! ⭐ Praying for Partners!
- Mrcakeyman89
1000+ posts
~ ⚙ Super Skill Store ⚙ ~ ⭐ Better Than You Expected! ⭐ Happily Hiring! ⭐ Open and Ordering! ⭐ Praying for Partners!
- rosieclub
36 posts
~ ⚙ Super Skill Store ⚙ ~ ⭐ Better Than You Expected! ⭐ Happily Hiring! ⭐ Open and Ordering! ⭐ Praying for Partners!
Username:r rosieclub
How active are you?: everday except weekends
Work examples: Here
Have you /Do you work(ed) at other shops?: Yes, I have!
Are you following our topic?: Yes
Why should you be chosen?: I can make quality pfps and logos in a short amount of time
Can you make banners (for forums)?: I don't think so
Have you read the rules?: red and yellow
How active are you?: everday except weekends
Work examples: Here
Have you /Do you work(ed) at other shops?: Yes, I have!
Are you following our topic?: Yes
Why should you be chosen?: I can make quality pfps and logos in a short amount of time
Can you make banners (for forums)?: I don't think so
Have you read the rules?: red and yellow
- Mrcakeyman89
1000+ posts
~ ⚙ Super Skill Store ⚙ ~ ⭐ Better Than You Expected! ⭐ Happily Hiring! ⭐ Open and Ordering! ⭐ Praying for Partners!
Username:r rosieclub
How active are you?: everday except weekends
Work examples: Here
Have you /Do you work(ed) at other shops?: Yes, I have!
Are you following our topic?: Yes
Why should you be chosen?: I can make quality pfps and logos in a short amount of time
Can you make banners (for forums)?: I don't think so
Have you read the rules?: red and yellow
Not bad! Accepted! (You might want to get used to forums a lot, just in case.

- Mrcakeyman89
1000+ posts
~ ⚙ Super Skill Store ⚙ ~ ⭐ Better Than You Expected! ⭐ Happily Hiring! ⭐ Open and Ordering! ⭐ Praying for Partners!
- rosieclub
36 posts
~ ⚙ Super Skill Store ⚙ ~ ⭐ Better Than You Expected! ⭐ Happily Hiring! ⭐ Open and Ordering! ⭐ Praying for Partners!
Okay, thank you!Username:r rosieclub
How active are you?: everday except weekends
Work examples: Here
Have you /Do you work(ed) at other shops?: Yes, I have!
Are you following our topic?: Yes
Why should you be chosen?: I can make quality pfps and logos in a short amount of time
Can you make banners (for forums)?: I don't think so
Have you read the rules?: red and yellow
Not bad! Accepted! (You might want to get used to forums a lot, just in case.)