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3 posts

Vengeance ⧫ a story

SaiIAway-Test wrote:

table of contents

chapter 1 | chapter 2 | chapter 3

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⧫ Chapter 1 - Delaying Death ⧫

They say the Arusite dungeons are so dark that the prisoners inside fear the light. It’s the trick of a candlelight’s flicker that scares them, the shadows of something living that disturbs their silent breaths. It’s the torturous remembrance that they are still alive.

The ones who are lucky enough to be freed slowly begin to wish their eyes had been gouged out instead. To spend even an hour in utter silence and darkness—such a tormenting experience can drive one to the brink of insanity.

But, for the first time in a decade, the sound of footsteps retreated in an echo throughout the darkness of the lowest level. Crown Prince Navin Naphtali carried a lantern in one hand, the light dimmed under the shelter of his palm. Small flames pressed against the container, frosted glass distorting its twisted figure as the Prince carried the lantern through the dungeon’s hallways.

The last time he had entered the lowest level of the dungeons was when he had visited his brother, ten years ago.

Each cell was closed off to the hallway with sturdy walls of stone, thickened iron doors that could not be opened without a key. And beyond that were the iron bars that enclosed each prisoner in a spell of silence. Mages had crafted formulas around the structure of these dungeons, surrounding each cell with a curse—if you were to open your mouth, no words would come. Not a single sound would be made with your voice.

It was crafted by black magic, a horrid torture device that led each prisoner to absurdity. Without a light to show that your body still moved, it was possible to forget the feeling of simply existing when you could not see or talk.

But the prince had seen these illegal enchantments before. In fact, he had even used them at times without his family’s knowledge. He was familiar with black magic, in a way, so he simply unmasked the spell from his lips, clearing his throat to test if he had broken the charm.

In the soft echo of his low cough, Naphtali started forward once more down the looming hallways. The ceiling was a high arc, the glow of his lantern casting irking shadows across its cold stone enclosure. It was impossible to tell what was beyond those shadows that lingered past the arches—the light could not travel far enough to uncover such a mystery.

At the end of the lifeless halls was the heavy iron door that the Prince had not visited in a decade. There was a chill to it all as if something vicious and cruel resided within. But he had yet to see the new prisoner who filled the spot of his brother.

Naphtali conjured a mirror before him to examine his features, the reflection muddy in the darkness as he reached a hand to smooth back his tousled black hair. The Prince gave himself a fitting smile, probing gaze fitting on the slight wrinkles between his brow. This war had been far too stressful—he would need to take care of his face more often now that it was practically over.

Seemingly satisfied that he was handsome enough to be in someone else’s presence, Naphtali strode forward with a jangle of keys and unlocked the door in a flourish. His posture was much different now, a tall stance of supremacy.

The two rooms inside were separated by a pattern of thickened iron bars. In a loud clank, the door shut behind the Prince, leaving him to listen to his silent breaths once more. The prisoner inside did not look up, even as he lifted a hand to the second door to step into their cell.

“I was told you were the assassin who killed Princess Hrdayesa,” he said, but his voice was followed only by the flickering of his lantern, its flame mocking the sound of wind. Naphtali realized the prisoner was not shaking her chains or cowering to the ground as all the others had done before. Instead, she sat on her knees, head down as the chains held up her arms.

“Look at me,” the Prince ordered, but when she refused to do so he lifted a single finger to her chin, brusquely forcing her eyes to find his. In a moment of hesitation, his lips parted in a loss for words, staring into those heavy golden eyes that met his gaze. He recognized that dull, guarded expression, but he could not recall from where he had seen it before.

He did not look away, but neither did she, jaw clenched under the hollow frame of her skeleton, frail wrists quaking slightly with the rattle of chains. She looked helplessly murderous.

Naphtali withdrew his hand promptly as if he had been burned. Standing once more, he was the first to look away from their contest to remove the curse from the cell and allow her to talk. “What is your name?” he asked roughly, He assumed she had felt the removal as well, the grasp around her throat faltering as it had done for him when he had permitted himself to talk.

“I wouldn’t dare to let your lips speak my name,” she spat.

At these words, Naphtali stepped forward and grabbed her by the hair to jerk her head up, a venomous laugh edging from his lips. His gaze was wild.

“How can you utter those words as if you have no fear? How dare you insult the Crown Prince so foolishly when I have given you the ability to speak?” he hissed, his grip tightening against the short whimpers that fell from her mouth. She attempted to grasp at his wrists, but from lack of proper care, her body was unable to gather the strength to push the Prince away. The prisoner could only claw desperately, dirty fingernails digging into the sumptuous velvet of his sleeves.

“You were the one to take it away in the first place,” she responded savagely, her breath shaking as her eyes refused to return to his own. Napthali’s grip lessened before he released her roughly, letting the prisoner fall back to the cold stone ground. The chains jangled as its cords yanked her arms back up.

“Answer me. What is your name?” the prince repeated as he brushed his hands across the fabric of his heavy coat. His breath shook slightly, wavering with the flicker of his candle as he attempted to calm himself. There was no point in becoming angry over such a prisoner.

She hesitated, dry lips parting in a struggling exhale that filled the silence with an echo. Naphtali eyed her as he waited for a response, his leaden gaze falling back to those golden irises. She had darker skin, though in comparison to his own, it looked more like soft honey.

“It is Damira,” she finally breathed, this time holding his gaze. “Liraz Damira.”

His lips curled in a bitter chuckle that resonated throughout the hollow cell, a tasteless way of humor as he stared back at her. “Then, Damira,” he said with a low voice, moving to crouch just in front of her, his boots shifting against the ground, “for the murder of Princess Hrdayesa, and the attempted murder of the Crown Prince, I am sentencing you to death by execution in two days time.”

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end of chapter 1

proofreader(s) for chapter one:

[if you find any errors (spelling mistakes/wrong punctuation use) please lmk]
its official I can not read B(
78 posts

Vengeance ⧫ a story

CoffeeAnimator wrote:

its official I can not read B(
It'd be nice if you don't quote an entire chapter since it can confuse others and take up space. Thank you! Oh, by the way, WELCOME TO CHAOS!!!! WHAT"S YOUR FAVORITE COLOR????!!! This is a signature greeting for this forum, please do not be weirded out by it

I actually have no idea what to put here.

#YouNeverKnowWithCrow #EitSSyndrome #CrowStalker
68 posts

Vengeance ⧫ a story

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⧫ Chapter 3: Vengeful Vow ⧫

The maids rid Liraz of her rags, fabric tossed carelessly to the side as she stood barefoot at the edge of the large square bath. The windows were open, covered by a veil of blood-red curtains. What was the point in locking a door if Liraz could so easily climb out, scale the balconies, and possibly escape?

But she doubted she had enough strength to do so in the first place—that was probably what Lavinia thought as well. But the idea was so tempting, nagging her every thought that escape was so close. Had they opened the windows on purpose?

The water was warm, wading at Liraz’s ankles as the maids guided her down the shimmering steps. It was hard to see past the abundance of rose petals that clung to her skin; the lower she sunk, the more the warmth pressed up against her. It felt suffocating.

Dirt was scrubbed from her hair, her face, scavenged out from under her fingernails as she allowed the maids to douse her in soap and incense. It felt as if she were a noble—a woman simply preparing for her daily routine.

The door unlocked, another maid rushing into the room with a bundle of fabric. It was a faded purple, frills and ruffles lining the edges. Liraz couldn’t help but scoff to herself, suspecting that Lavinia had picked out such a horrendous outfit. How could one get around with so many ruffles in the way?

When she arose from the tub, petals fluttering back to the water, the maids dressed her hurriedly as if they were afraid to send her even a second late. She felt impossibly clean, the smell of flowers and nectar fuming from her skin.

She hated it.

Why would the Crown Prince need her dressed so heavily, like a cooked bird for a feast? It felt as if he was mocking her, forcing such a scene for an execution. And to have his own maids bathe her—she felt rather humiliated but kept her expression stiff, allowing the dress to slip over her head after the maids had tied up the smothering tight corset around her.

Perhaps this was the punishment for being such a threat to the kingdom. Wasn’t this what she deserved after all?

Liraz lifted her arms to allow the maids to tie the ribbons of her dress, her eyes lingering on the fluttering curtains. This room must have been high enough for the wind to reach it so easily. If she fled right now, would she be able to carry herself safely to the ground? But her body felt weak. Sure, she was quick with a knife and could move lightly on her feet, but Liraz heavily lacked in physical strength. Especially now, after starving herself half to death.

“The prisoner looks ready,” one of the maids said, and Liraz realized that none of them had spoken directly to her yet. It felt as if she was sitting on a pedestal, a lifeless object that only others could talk about.

“You can call me Liraz,” she said, words dripping with absolute sarcasm. They eyed her warily. None of them opened their mouths to respond, just as Lavinia had done before.

Perhaps only the Crown Prince was brave enough to directly address Liraz.

⚔ When she arrived at the parlor, Liraz found herself facing a comfortable circular room, the perimeter surrounded by guards. In the center was a pair of couches, a table situated in between the two. The table was decorated with lavish foods, a stunning display of so many varieties of dishes that she could hardly even begin to count them. The Crown Prince sat before it, a napkin tucked into the collar of his shirt.

Liraz lifted her gaze to his face, finding those dark eyes, face angled toward her as if he had been expecting her to arrive exactly at this time. There was no surprise in his expression, though he did not guard his emotions much around her. She could see the slight flicker of distaste, a scornful mock as he leaned one arm against the back of the couch.

“Ah, now I recognize you.” The prince lifted a knife and with a flourish, he pointed it toward her. She could feel him eyeing the dress she had been fitted into as well as the makeup that had been slathered across her face. “I thought I recognized your name. Your father was Sir Atreadian, was he not? He was a well-trained knight.”

“You killed him,” Liraz interrupted, and the Crown Prince lifted his gaze back to her face. Her fists tightened around the fabric of her dress.

“I see.” He lowered the knife back to his plate, a clink sounding through the tensioned room. “So this is a revenge story.”


The prince stood, his velvet seat dragging across the wooden floor. “You tried to kill me to avenge your father–am I wrong?” he asked, a sickly-sweet smile taking over his face.

“Very,” Liraz answered harshly, her nose wrinkling in distaste.

“No matter.” He gestured for her to sit down at the couch before her, situated at the opposite end of the wide mahogany table. “In the end, you still failed to kill me. So, you will die.”

Liraz did not move to sit. “I have not failed.” Her voice still carried its dull and lifeless drawl, but this time a flicker of determination shone through. “I will kill you, Prince Naphtali.”

“I suppose you will.” He lifted a glass of water to his lips, the ice stirring against the edges of the cup as he set it down once more.

“Are you mocking me?” Liraz stepped forward, but at her movement, the guards positioned at the walls drew their swords. Navin lifted a hand and they retreated, though his gaze never strayed from Liraz’s.

“How could I not?” he asked with a quirk of his lips, a smirk lifting onto his features. “How could a dead man make such a promise?”

“I’m not dead yet.” Her hand fell to the smooth wood of the table, fingers shifting against the knife that sat there, a tempting urge taking over her to lift it. But instead, she waited, gloved palm over the cold metal handle. She knew the guards were watching each movement—surely, they had seen the knife now positioned under her hand.

“But what could you do to escape death now? You can’t just…” the prince laughed, standing from his chair, “simply run away from me.”

“Why would I run when you have put me right where I need to be?” Liraz lifted her head, watching as the Prince’s gaze flickered to the table, to the knife, his shoulders tensing slightly.

Liraz pushed down the smile that threatened at her lips, waiting for an answer.

“I’ve had many people turn on me, betray me as you have,” the Prince started, taking another step forward. “And when I invite them to visit, the first thing they choose to do is lunge at me. Attempt to take me to the ground and choke me with their very hands.” He offered a grin, a syrupy gesture of sarcasm. “You’re the first to take the time to find a weapon.”

Her fingers fell around the fashioned handle of the knife, eyes flittering around the room to the guards. They had moved when she had taken a step toward the Prince, but now they only kept their weapons drawn, possibly unsure if the Prince would once more order them back. There was a silent confusion swelling throughout the room. Half of them could not see the knife.

Liraz’s voice lowered slightly. “I’m fast enough that your guards will not have enough time to react. You’re close enough that I could plunge a knife through your heart in an instant.”

Despite her threatening words, he only stepped closer. “Even if you succeeded to kill me, you would die at the hands of every guard watching us at this instant.”

“I wouldn’t regret anything.”

“Let’s see if you’re right.”

Was the Prince so confident in himself, or was he just putting on a show? Perhaps he doubted she was near strong enough to lift a knife fast enough despite the years of training she had put on just for this very moment.

She left no room for hesitation, however, her grip around the knife tightening harshly before she was lunging forward, grasping the sleeves of the Prince, driving the front toward his chest.

Liraz came to a sudden halt, and her gaze shot up to meet the Prince’s, one of his hands grasping her wrist, holding the knife back, pressing it up to her throat.

“You’re fast,” he said with a frightening smirk, pushing Liraz back against the table as she fought to keep the edge of the knife away from her neck. She felt utterly weak—she had hoped to stab him quickly, with one blow, but it seemed that even if she was quick on her feet, the Prince was as well.

But how had he been able to grab the knife so quickly, so accurately—as if he had planned this entire scene?

Liraz suddenly felt her stomach drop, chest tightening as her eyes widened. The sinking realization found her—the Prince had purposely put that knife there, nowhere near the fruit platter or by any other utensils. He had purposely riled her up, to give her false hope, only to mercilessly force her own hand against herself.

The Prince scoffed, catching Liraz’s expression. “So, you’ve figured it out?” he questioned, hand pushing against hers, the blade of the knife hovering close to her throat.

“You’re a dog,” she choked out against the pressure, her fingers digging into his hand, arm shaking as he pressed against the knife harder. “You play with your prisoners as if they are an animal.”

“Any other clever words you have to say?”

There was not enough space to pull her leg back, to kick him hard enough to escape. He was pressing Liraz to the table, her body arched back, hand fumbling for anything to desperately hit him with.

“If you kill me now,” she gasped, her hand coming back empty, grasping at the folds of the Prince’s cloak, “you’ll regret everything. I swear to it.”

He scoffed once more, pushed the knife forward, beads of red blood forming a stuttering trail as the blade slipped against her skin. “Oh, Liraz Damira,” he said with a pitying look, his deep eyes flickering with bright purple for a moment. Her hands suddenly fell slack against her will, her body conforming to a lifeless position as the Prince stared down at her. “Never once have I regretted something. I doubt you’ll change that.”


Last edited by atlase_ (April 22, 2021 03:08:05)

this is an old acc

jus forward stuff to @innki idk
100+ posts

Vengeance ⧫ a story

atlase_ wrote:

table of contents
please help i don’t know how to do this part if you know please tell me sorry
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⧫ Chapter 3: Vengeful Vow ⧫

Ayyy chapter 3!

Edit: I'm liking where this is going
I take back what I said a few pages ago about Liraz + prince.

Last edited by -tvrtles (April 14, 2021 17:46:46)

66 posts

Vengeance ⧫ a story

SunsetArtist1 wrote:

-tvrtles wrote:

P h r o o g - s h a p e d
s u g a r
c o o k i e s

w i t h
g r e e n
s p r i n k l e s
a n d
w h i t e
e d i b l e
p a p e r
c i r c l e s

Last edited by s9226403 (April 14, 2021 18:11:09)

Hiya! I'm Dani! My favorite fandoms are Harry Potter, MHA, and Stranger Things! I love writing, drawing, cooking, and reading! I'm currently working on a book. I LOVE Vengeance, EitS, and The Facility!I am also a bisexual Christian.

'Words are our most inexhaustible source of magic.' - J.K. Rowling
psst! read Down the Well too!
50 posts

Vengeance ⧫ a story

s9226403 wrote:

SunsetArtist1 wrote:

-tvrtles wrote:

P h r o o g - s h a p e d
s u g a r
c o o k i e s

w i t h
g r e e n
s p r i n k l e s
a n d
w h i t e
e d i b l e
p a p e r
c i r c l e s
a n d
p h r o o g
f r o s t e d
c u p c a k e s

500+ posts

Vengeance ⧫ a story

-tvrtles wrote:

atlase_ wrote:

table of contents
please help i don’t know how to do this part if you know please tell me sorry
━━━━━━━━━━━━━.⋅ ⧫ ⋅.━━━━━━━━━━━━━
⧫ Chapter 3: Vengeful Vow ⧫

Ayyy chapter 3!

Edit: I'm liking where this is going
I take back what I said a few pages ago about Liraz + prince.

aaaa yes this is lovely :00
thanks for posting it c:

hi did you know that you’re a really amazing and valid human being??

I’ve moved to @opportunity- :]
1000+ posts

Vengeance ⧫ a story


jeffery jeffery bezos
100+ posts

Vengeance ⧫ a story

-tvrtles wrote:

atlase_ wrote:

table of contents
please help i don’t know how to do this part if you know please tell me sorry
━━━━━━━━━━━━━.⋅ ⧫ ⋅.━━━━━━━━━━━━━
⧫ Chapter 3: Vengeful Vow ⧫

Ayyy chapter 3!

Edit: I'm liking where this is going
I take back what I said a few pages ago about Liraz + prince.
im with you on that one

"Now, please tell me you've each brought a change of clothes and you're not questing in your pajamas. AGAIN." - Boo, Aru Shah and the Tree of Wishes

#EmbersInTheSnowSyndrome #OfficialCrowstalker #YouNeverKnowWithCrow!
500+ posts

Vengeance ⧫ a story

okay-dokay wrote:


WELCOME TO THE CHAOS, WHAT’S YOUR FAVORITE COLOR?? it’s the traditional greeting uwu

Last edited by SunsetArtist1 (April 14, 2021 21:59:26)

hi did you know that you’re a really amazing and valid human being??

I’ve moved to @opportunity- :]
1000+ posts

Vengeance ⧫ a story

atlase_ wrote:

table of contents
please help i don’t know how to do this part if you know please tell me sorry
━━━━━━━━━━━━━.⋅ ⧫ ⋅.━━━━━━━━━━━━━
⧫ Chapter 3: Vengeful Vow ⧫

oh so finally i know what her loop is :00

「 Procrastinator - Exhausted - Awkward - Chaotic - Human - Inconsistently Social
(peachi - she/they(/xey) - artist, camp tropiland co-host, writer)
500+ posts

Vengeance ⧫ a story

Peach_Drawing wrote:

atlase_ wrote:

table of contents
please help i don’t know how to do this part if you know please tell me sorry
━━━━━━━━━━━━━.⋅ ⧫ ⋅.━━━━━━━━━━━━━
⧫ Chapter 3: Vengeful Vow ⧫

oh so finally i know what her loop is :00

ominous music

hi did you know that you’re a really amazing and valid human being??

I’ve moved to @opportunity- :]
66 posts

Vengeance ⧫ a story


Hiya! I'm Dani! My favorite fandoms are Harry Potter, MHA, and Stranger Things! I love writing, drawing, cooking, and reading! I'm currently working on a book. I LOVE Vengeance, EitS, and The Facility!I am also a bisexual Christian.

'Words are our most inexhaustible source of magic.' - J.K. Rowling
psst! read Down the Well too!
500+ posts

Vengeance ⧫ a story

s9226403 wrote:


hehe, welcome to the chaos!! WHAT’S YOUR FAVORITE COLOR??

it’s the traditional greeting uwu

hi did you know that you’re a really amazing and valid human being??

I’ve moved to @opportunity- :]
78 posts

Vengeance ⧫ a story

SunsetArtist1 wrote:

s9226403 wrote:


hehe, welcome to the chaos!! WHAT’S YOUR FAVORITE COLOR??

it’s the traditional greeting uwu
Wait but they were part of the EitS forum weren't they?

I actually have no idea what to put here.

#YouNeverKnowWithCrow #EitSSyndrome #CrowStalker
66 posts

Vengeance ⧫ a story

SunsetArtist1 wrote:

s9226403 wrote:


hehe, welcome to the chaos!! WHAT’S YOUR FAVORITE COLOR??

it’s the traditional greeting uwu

Hiya! I'm Dani! My favorite fandoms are Harry Potter, MHA, and Stranger Things! I love writing, drawing, cooking, and reading! I'm currently working on a book. I LOVE Vengeance, EitS, and The Facility!I am also a bisexual Christian.

'Words are our most inexhaustible source of magic.' - J.K. Rowling
psst! read Down the Well too!
500+ posts

Vengeance ⧫ a story

s9226403 wrote:

SunsetArtist1 wrote:

s9226403 wrote:


hehe, welcome to the chaos!! WHAT’S YOUR FAVORITE COLOR??

it’s the traditional greeting uwu


-Airor- wrote:

Wait but they were part of the EitS forum weren't they?

I think they’re more of an ‘us’ thing instead of an ‘EitS’ thing, right?

even if, this is still chaos -w-

hi did you know that you’re a really amazing and valid human being??

I’ve moved to @opportunity- :]
100+ posts

Vengeance ⧫ a story

atlase_ wrote:

table of contents
please help i don’t know how to do this part if you know please tell me sorry

I think you say "*chapter number*"

So for chapter 3 it would be chapter 3

And I think to get the url you right-click the date at the top of the post and click “copy link address” and then paste it.

You'll have to press quote to see the code in here lol

Last edited by queenbrita (April 21, 2021 23:31:01)

1000+ posts

Vengeance ⧫ a story

queenbrita wrote:

atlase_ wrote:

table of contents
please help i don’t know how to do this part if you know please tell me sorry

I think you say "*chapter number*"

So for chapter 3 it would be chapter 3

And I think to get the url you right-click the date at the top of the post and click “copy link address” and then paste it.

You'll have to press quote to see the code in here lol

Last edited by Peach_Drawing (April 21, 2021 23:59:49)

「 Procrastinator - Exhausted - Awkward - Chaotic - Human - Inconsistently Social
(peachi - she/they(/xey) - artist, camp tropiland co-host, writer)
50 posts

Vengeance ⧫ a story

liraz would totally be a dragonfruit-

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