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1000+ posts

✔✅ THE EMERALD SHOP 3.0 ✔✅ Quality orders done by friendly, reliable, and professional staff! ✔✅

Username: Matjam02
Preferred Pronouns: (Ex. she/her, he/him, they/them): They
Work you want done: (Ex. logos, scripting, music) Music
Description of work: A nice ‘pop music’ tune
Deadline: ASAP (As Soon As Possible)
Are you following this discussion (optional): Yes
Any more information: you can put singing in it if you like, but I don’t want a song that’s already been made I want an original tune & lyrics (if u wanna add lyrics)

“Speak softly and carry a big stick; you will go far”
1000+ posts

✔✅ THE EMERALD SHOP 3.0 ✔✅ Quality orders done by friendly, reliable, and professional staff! ✔✅

Crisp-Apple wrote:

when green flag clicked
if <school> then


Please don't blockspam.

Thank you all so much for a wild ride </3
1000+ posts

✔✅ THE EMERALD SHOP 3.0 ✔✅ Quality orders done by friendly, reliable, and professional staff! ✔✅

-DancerRJV- wrote:

Activity Check Results:

-DancerRJV-, PrincessFlowerTV, WarriorsRoleplayer, popsyrabbit, pinkiepie710, FloatingMuffins, CoderGirly, mango38, TaterTime, icArslanKa, cubbywindowsdpc, Kneebones^^, MathSnail, whiteandblackcat, tasmaniantasmanian, Orchestreet, Kenguin26, congyingzhou, crossme72, b1048546, OurPrincess

Strike given:
wave678**^^, chubby142857**^, delorian1*, supaweDAD*, starpro89*, -ShadowsHiding-*, -TheShadowQueen-***, Big_Brick_Studios**, Kevery1*

On leave:
no_nickname_for_me*, KittenDude172"


I think my name should have a ^ by it for responding to this…

Thank you all so much for a wild ride </3
1000+ posts

✔✅ THE EMERALD SHOP 3.0 ✔✅ Quality orders done by friendly, reliable, and professional staff! ✔✅

WarriorsRoleplayer wrote:

-DancerRJV- wrote:

Activity Check Results:


I think my name should have a ^ by it for responding to this…
Oh right, I completely forgot to add those to the trainees, let me go do that.

May the cries of your enemies be silenced by space's void.
(Does anybody remember that from two SWC sessions ago?)

Hey, another siggy scroller!

Hey, if you made it this far, you're a pretty dedicated siggy scroller.

Guess what? I'm a baker, dancer, Disney fan, enneagram lover, teen, who loves scratch, helping out in shops, and guiding new scratchers on their journey through scratch.

My sister is PFTV. If you don't know who she is, good luck finding her…

You know, you should really stop climbing down the stairs to my basement.

I told you to stop, there are some personal things down there!

Whoa whoa whoa, you better sllllllooooooooowwwww down.

You're still looking? Alright fine. Now you know. DON'T GO FURTHER

Come on, please?

… *sobs* pwetty pwese?

Alright fine. You went this far. I guess I've gotta give ya somethin'. Here ya go, I'm a potato. You heard it. now go to my profile and comment “chez puffs”.
1000+ posts

✔✅ THE EMERALD SHOP 3.0 ✔✅ Quality orders done by friendly, reliable, and professional staff! ✔✅

-DancerRJV- wrote:

Activity Check Results:

-DancerRJV-, PrincessFlowerTV, WarriorsRoleplayer, popsyrabbit, pinkiepie710, FloatingMuffins, CoderGirly, mango38, TaterTime, icArslanKa, cubbywindowsdpc, Kneebones^^, MathSnail, whiteandblackcat, tasmaniantasmanian, Orchestreet, Kenguin26, congyingzhou, crossme72, b1048546, OurPrincess

Strike given:
wave678**^^, chubby142857**^, delorian1*, supaweDAD*, starpro89*, -ShadowsHiding-*, -TheShadowQueen-***, Big_Brick_Studios**, Kevery1*

On leave:
no_nickname_for_me*, KittenDude172"

Those trainees with two strikes need to fired too. (Sorry.)

Hi, I'm FloatingMuffins!
You can call me Muffins!
Age 17 | Irish | Traditional Catholic | Conservative

1000+ posts

✔✅ THE EMERALD SHOP 3.0 ✔✅ Quality orders done by friendly, reliable, and professional staff! ✔✅

FloatingMuffins wrote:

-DancerRJV- wrote:

Activity Check Results:

Those trainees with two strikes need to fired too. (Sorry.)
Oh right, I completely forgot! (Lol, even after 3(I think) activity checks, I still forget stuff!)

May the cries of your enemies be silenced by space's void.
(Does anybody remember that from two SWC sessions ago?)

Hey, another siggy scroller!

Hey, if you made it this far, you're a pretty dedicated siggy scroller.

Guess what? I'm a baker, dancer, Disney fan, enneagram lover, teen, who loves scratch, helping out in shops, and guiding new scratchers on their journey through scratch.

My sister is PFTV. If you don't know who she is, good luck finding her…

You know, you should really stop climbing down the stairs to my basement.

I told you to stop, there are some personal things down there!

Whoa whoa whoa, you better sllllllooooooooowwwww down.

You're still looking? Alright fine. Now you know. DON'T GO FURTHER

Come on, please?

… *sobs* pwetty pwese?

Alright fine. You went this far. I guess I've gotta give ya somethin'. Here ya go, I'm a potato. You heard it. now go to my profile and comment “chez puffs”.
500+ posts

✔✅ THE EMERALD SHOP 3.0 ✔✅ Quality orders done by friendly, reliable, and professional staff! ✔✅

WarriorsRoleplayer wrote:

-DancerRJV- wrote:

Activity Check Results:

-DancerRJV-, PrincessFlowerTV, WarriorsRoleplayer, popsyrabbit, pinkiepie710, FloatingMuffins, CoderGirly, mango38, TaterTime, icArslanKa, cubbywindowsdpc, Kneebones^^, MathSnail, whiteandblackcat, tasmaniantasmanian, Orchestreet, Kenguin26, congyingzhou, crossme72, b1048546, OurPrincess

Strike given:
wave678**^^, chubby142857**^, delorian1*, supaweDAD*, starpro89*, -ShadowsHiding-*, -TheShadowQueen-***, Big_Brick_Studios**, Kevery1*

On leave:
no_nickname_for_me*, KittenDude172"


I think my name should have a ^ by it for responding to this…
Mine should have multiple as I have responded 2 a few (I can count if you want)
1000+ posts

✔✅ THE EMERALD SHOP 3.0 ✔✅ Quality orders done by friendly, reliable, and professional staff! ✔✅

popsyrabbit wrote:

WarriorsRoleplayer wrote:

-DancerRJV- wrote:

Activity Check Results:


I think my name should have a ^ by it for responding to this…
Mine should have multiple as I have responded 2 a few (I can count if you want)
That would be great if you counted, cause the last few activity checks I think I forgot to add the trainees ^s, so I think that's the problem. So sorry about that!

May the cries of your enemies be silenced by space's void.
(Does anybody remember that from two SWC sessions ago?)

Hey, another siggy scroller!

Hey, if you made it this far, you're a pretty dedicated siggy scroller.

Guess what? I'm a baker, dancer, Disney fan, enneagram lover, teen, who loves scratch, helping out in shops, and guiding new scratchers on their journey through scratch.

My sister is PFTV. If you don't know who she is, good luck finding her…

You know, you should really stop climbing down the stairs to my basement.

I told you to stop, there are some personal things down there!

Whoa whoa whoa, you better sllllllooooooooowwwww down.

You're still looking? Alright fine. Now you know. DON'T GO FURTHER

Come on, please?

… *sobs* pwetty pwese?

Alright fine. You went this far. I guess I've gotta give ya somethin'. Here ya go, I'm a potato. You heard it. now go to my profile and comment “chez puffs”.
500+ posts

✔✅ THE EMERALD SHOP 3.0 ✔✅ Quality orders done by friendly, reliable, and professional staff! ✔✅

-DancerRJV- wrote:

That would be great if you counted, cause the last few activity checks I think I forgot to add the trainees ^s, so I think that's the problem. So sorry about that!
Its fine! I'll do that now
100+ posts

✔✅ THE EMERALD SHOP 3.0 ✔✅ Quality orders done by friendly, reliable, and professional staff! ✔✅

Username: Dat_Cellist538
Preferred Pronouns: He/Him
Work you want done: Vector Art
Description of work: I would like a character made in vector editor with a kind of hollow knight style. I want attack, run jump animations.
Colors (if art): Colors used in hood
Deadline: ASAP
Are you following this discussion (optional): No
Any more information: I would like for you to use the hood sprite I posted, and use those colors.

Link: @dat_cellist538
100+ posts

✔✅ THE EMERALD SHOP 3.0 ✔✅ Quality orders done by friendly, reliable, and professional staff! ✔✅


Don't quote the entire UOC, please snip out/delete the orders you're not talking about

There isn't a single claimed order.
C̙̅L̙̱̊͗A͓͉̔̉Ĭ̬M̮̏ ̻͎͛̓S̼̪̓̅T̛̹̖͛U̟͊F̭̊͟͞F̝̏

Username: @SpongebobOFFICAL (if I seem offline message @Nyanhamster102)
Preferred Pronouns: (Ex. she/her, he/him, they/them): He/him on this account, she/her on @Nyanhamster102
Work you want done: (Ex. logos, scripting, music): Art and music
Description of work: I would like some sad music that sounds like it's from an anime if possible, and Patrick and I holding hands while I'm crying in an (if possible) anime style!
Colors (if art): Yellow (my skin), Pink (Patrick's skin), Green (Patrick's pants), Purple (Pattern on Patrick's pants), Black (lines that aren't on our skin), Brown (my pants), Blue (second stripe on my socks), Red (first stripe on my socks and my tie)
Deadline: Take as much time as you need!
Are you following this discussion (optional): Yes.
Any more information: Search up pictures of Patrick and I so that you can do it easier :3
Ordered on: 2/29/20
Username: kevery1
Preferred Pronouns: (Ex. she/her, he/him, they/them) the guy who likes sweet and sour on sandwiches
Work you want to be done: (Ex. logos, scripting, music) review
Description of work: I want i review on my game meat thing its a horror game
Colors (if art): n/a
Deadline: somewhere idc as long as its soon
Are you following this discussion (optional): YES why wouldn't I have
Any more information: here's a link its a horror game its night 3 and I want it to be good https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/370129154/
Ordered on: 3/11/20
Username: Bendy128
Preferred Pronouns: (None)
Work you want done: (Art)
Description of work: NES-Style Flappy Bird and Pipe-Looking Tetris Blocks
Colors (if art): 8-bit Colour Palette (NES)
Deadline: 3/15/20 (Optional)
Are you following this discussion (optional):
Any more information: Thanks!
Ordered on: 3/16/20
Username: geckos121
Preferred Pronouns: he/him
Work you want done: Art
Description of work: I'd like a stealth fighter, viewed from the top. It should be made in the SVE. It would be awesome if I could have an animation of the jets, but that's not required.
Colors (if art): grayscale
Deadline: Wednesday, March 18, unless you're making the animated jets, in which case Friday, March 20.
Are you following this discussion (optional): yes
Any more information: Nope
Ordered on: 3/19/20
Username: reallyharduser
Preferred Pronouns: never you mind
Work you want done: scripting
Description of work: better AI / overall scripting for a boss fight
Colors (if art): no
Deadline:no deadline
Are you following this discussion (optional):
Any more information: Also it would be nice of you could improve the art maybe???? almost all assets are from terraria/undertale lol https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/377642363/ also can you guys try and fix the bug where you can keep shooting after death??? Maybe even some changes to decrease the overall difficulty to defeat the White Heart would be nice. Although the shooting mechanism seems fine, in reality it does need some fine tuning when it comes to damaging both of the actual hearts.
Ordered on: 3/27/20
Preferred Pronouns: (Ex. she/her, he/him, they/them): Him
Work you want done: (Ex. logos, scripting, music): scrolling platformer code
Description of work: it does Not need to be the full thing, just make some basics and teach me how to program spikes and all that.
Colors (if art):green for the ground, human: hair must be brown, nice eyes and blue clothes. must be square
Deadline: april 4th
Are you following this discussion (optional):no
Any more information: pls hurry!
Ordered on: 3/30/20
Username: voidedminh
Preferred Pronouns: he/him
Work you want done: More sound files
Description of work: I need sound files that sound like sounds on the NES. (square waves, triangle waves, noise, …)
Deadline: April 15th, 2020
Are you following this discussion (optional): Nope
Any more information: If no, tell me how to do it
Ordered on: 4/6/20
Username: Kitten769
Preferred Pronouns: It
Work you want done: Music
Description of work: Piano music in D major, reasonably quick, must contain some broken chords
Colors (if art): Not art
Deadline: As soon as possible
Are you following this discussion (optional): No
Any more information: Notify me of completion on my profile page here., credit will be given.
Ordered on: 4/13/20
Username: @Stray-Alley-Cat
Preferred Pronouns: (Ex. she/her, he/him, they/them): She/Her
Work you want done: (Ex. logos, scripting, music): Art
Description of work: I'd like some ASCII art that I can put in my “What I'm working on” section, I'd like the art to be of a cat. Any position and symbols.
Colors (if art): None.
Deadline: This is tricky, so I'll give you until April 31st.
Are you following this discussion (optional): No, please notify me on my profile.
Any more information: It must be compatible with the “What I'm working on” and must not trigger the filterbot.
Ordered on: 4/18/20
Username: qwertyuiop123457
Preferred Pronouns: (Ex. she/her, he/him, they/them) He
Work you want done: (Ex. logos, scripting, music) Animation outro
Description of work: Something like my intro https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/385659394
Colors (if art): Like my intro
Deadline: ASAP
Are you following this discussion (optional): No
Any more information: N/A
Ordered on: 4/18/20
Username: -MysticRose
Preferred Pronouns: She
Work you want done: Some music, please
Description of work: Some action-style music please, I'll be using it in a game (I'll give credit to both the maker and the shop)
Colors (if art): n/a
Deadline: would the 20th be ok? If you need an extension just ask me
Are you following this discussion (optional): No
Any more information: Please can you notify/update me on this order on my profile, as I'm not following the discussion and it would be quicker on my profile anyway
Ordered on: 4/19/20
Username: redguy7
Preferred Pronouns: (Ex. she/her, he/him, they/them) he
Work you want done: (Ex. logos, scripting, music) review and advertising
Description of work: review and advertise https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/382664/
Colors (if art): n
Deadline: 5 days
Are you following this discussion (optional): n
Any more information:n
Ordered on: 4/21/20
Username: Flawpaw
Preferred Pronouns: (Ex. she/her, he/him, they/them) they/them
Work you want done: (Ex. logos, scripting, music) Thumbnail
Description of work: A Thumbnail with a grey Great Dane with water flowing down his back, 2 brown Greyhounds with feathers on their paws, a brown beagle with a circle of lilies around her head, a red Papillon with little flames on the tips of his ears, A dalmatian with a ring of fire around his neck looking evil in the center of the chracters I mentioned earlier, at the top I want words saying Elementals They all have Sky BLue eyes except for Hearth who has red eyes.
Colors (if art): Grey, Brown, Blue, Pink, Green, Red, Black, White, Orange, Sky Blue
Deadline: April 30th
Are you following this discussion (optional): Yes
Any more information: A background of a giant emerald green palace
Ordered on: 4/21/20
Username: samuelbenoit
Preferred Pronouns: he/him
Work you want done: logo
Description of work: design a logo for my scratch account (with an eagle, a raptor or a lezard if possible)
Colors (if art): white and yellow (if eagle), brown, yellow (if raptor), green (if lezard), dark grey for font, a simple design (not too much colors and details - with geometric shapes for example)
Deadline: as soon as possible
Are you following this discussion (optional): yes
Any more information:
Ordered on: 4/23/20
Preferred Pronouns: (Ex. she/her, he/him, they/them) Him
Work you want done: (Ex. logos, scripting, music) Signature
Description of work: A pixelated SOWNSEEDS with the setting sun in the background.
Colors (if art): This is a signature.
Deadline: May 1
Are you following this discussion (optional): Yup
Any more information: No, I've heard good stuff about you so I'm excited.
Ordered on: 4/25/20
Username: Flawpaw
Preferred Pronouns: They/them
Work you want done: Advertising
Description: I would like more counselors and campers for the camp in this link https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/397884/
Deadline: May 5th as that is when camp starts
Are you following this discussion?(optional):Yes
Any more information: N/A
Ordered on: 4/27/20
Username: Matjam02
Preferred Pronouns: (Ex. she/her, he/him, they/them): They
Work you want done: (Ex. logos, scripting, music) Music
Description of work: A nice ‘pop music’ tune
Deadline: ASAP (As Soon As Possible)
Are you following this discussion (optional): Yes
Any more information: you can put singing in it if you like, but I don’t want a song that’s already been made I want an original tune & lyrics (if u wanna add lyrics)
Ordered on: 4/27/20
Username: geckos121
Preferred Pronouns: he/him
Work you want done: Voice Acting
Description of work: In a pirate's voice. A male voice that doesn't sound too childish. I need it to say, “Captain, we've been sailing for 3 days! We can't stay out here forever!”
Deadline: April 30, 2020
Are you following this discussion (optional): No. Remind me on my profile.
Any more information: I'd prefer it if your accent is either British, American, or Australian.
Ordered on: 4/27/20
Username: lx_monster
Preferred Pronouns: he/him
Work you want done: profile pic
Description of work: An animated picture of my username and sloths
deadline: may 5th, 2020
Are you following this discussion (optional): No. Remind me on my profile.
Any more information: Do whatever you think looks nice please!
Ordered on: 4/27/20
Username: @Crisp-Apple
Preferred Pronouns: He, Him
Work you want done: A cool outro for my projects.
Description of work: Please make it cool, if you want to use my profile picture you can use it, and whatever is appropriate to my profile and stuff.
Colors (if art): Whatever looks the best in your opinion. (your the professionals)
Deadline: Whenever it looks really good.
Are you following this discussion (optional): Yep
Any more information: No
Ordered on: 4/28/20
Username: Dat_Cellist538
Preferred Pronouns: He/Him
Work you want done: Vector Art
Description of work: I would like a character made in vector editor with a kind of hollow knight style. I want attack, run jump animations.
Colors (if art): Colors used in hood
Deadline: ASAP
Are you following this discussion (optional): No
Any more information: I would like for you to use the hood sprite I posted, and use those colors.

Last edited by mango38 (April 28, 2020 20:08:49)

Click the banner for the Orders Center

thanks to congyingzhou for the banner
100+ posts

✔✅ THE EMERALD SHOP 3.0 ✔✅ Quality orders done by friendly, reliable, and professional staff! ✔✅

Ordered on: 4/23/20
Preferred Pronouns: (Ex. she/her, he/him, they/them) Him
Work you want done: (Ex. logos, scripting, music) Signature
Description of work: A pixelated SOWNSEEDS with the setting sun in the background.
Colors (if art): This is a signature.
Deadline: May 1
Are you following this discussion (optional): Yup
Any more information: No, I've heard good stuff about you so I'm excited.
I'll take this!

call me pie | they/them | 19 years old | swc enjoyer | former owner of the emerald shop | ele-mental for elemental!

i haven't been active on scratch since approximately early 2021 lol but i used to semi-well-known in the requests forums i think

pro tip for all the kids who are out here doing incredible things on scratch: remember to take breaks! scratch is lots of fun, but it can be easy to get burnt out. pace yourself. you're just kids, you should be having fun (:
100+ posts

✔✅ THE EMERALD SHOP 3.0 ✔✅ Quality orders done by friendly, reliable, and professional staff! ✔✅

mango38 wrote:


Don't quote the entire UOC, please snip out/delete the orders you're not talking about

There isn't a single claimed order.
C̙̅L̙̱̊͗A͓͉̔̉Ĭ̬M̮̏ ̻͎͛̓S̼̪̓̅T̛̹̖͛U̟͊F̭̊͟͞F̝̏

Ordered on: 2/29/20
Ordered on: 3/11/20
Ordered on: 3/16/20
Ordered on: 3/19/20
Ordered on: 3/27/20
Ordered on: 3/30/20
snips attack
Ordered on: 4/6/20
Ordered on: 4/13/20
Ordered on: 4/18/20
Ordered on: 4/18/20
Ordered on: 4/21/20
Ordered on: 4/23/20
Ordered on: 4/25/20
more snips
Ordered on: 4/27/20
Ordered on: 4/27/20
Username: geckos121
Preferred Pronouns: he/him
Work you want done: Voice Acting
Description of work: In a pirate's voice. A male voice that doesn't sound too childish. I need it to say, “Captain, we've been sailing for 3 days! We can't stay out here forever!”
Deadline: April 30, 2020
Are you following this discussion (optional): No. Remind me on my profile.
Any more information: I'd prefer it if your accent is either British, American, or Australian.
Ordered on: 4/27/20

Ordered on: 4/28/20
this order was taken by someone i forgot

Last edited by icArslanKa (April 28, 2020 20:34:38)

henlo! am cookie guy! i like cookie!
awawawawawawawawawawawawawawawa. awawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawa! awawawawa! awawawawawawawawawawawawawawawawa!!!!
try to decode that!
wait i think i made that too complicated-
join the emerald shop today!
I've resigned from it but I suggest you join it

100+ posts

✔✅ THE EMERALD SHOP 3.0 ✔✅ Quality orders done by friendly, reliable, and professional staff! ✔✅

icArslanKa wrote:

mango38 wrote:


Ordered on: 4/27/20
Username: geckos121
Preferred Pronouns: he/him
Work you want done: Voice Acting
Description of work: In a pirate's voice. A male voice that doesn't sound too childish. I need it to say, “Captain, we've been sailing for 3 days! We can't stay out here forever!”
Deadline: April 30, 2020
Are you following this discussion (optional): No. Remind me on my profile.
Any more information: I'd prefer it if your accent is either British, American, or Australian.
this order was taken by someone i forgot
or you could just do that ^^

call me pie | they/them | 19 years old | swc enjoyer | former owner of the emerald shop | ele-mental for elemental!

i haven't been active on scratch since approximately early 2021 lol but i used to semi-well-known in the requests forums i think

pro tip for all the kids who are out here doing incredible things on scratch: remember to take breaks! scratch is lots of fun, but it can be easy to get burnt out. pace yourself. you're just kids, you should be having fun (:
New Scratcher
3 posts

✔✅ THE EMERALD SHOP 3.0 ✔✅ Quality orders done by friendly, reliable, and professional staff! ✔✅

Order form:
Username: hollowedmatter
Preferred Pronouns: he/him
Work you want done: art
Description of work: I would like a sprite extremely similar to this, and for it to be easily transformable. https://imgur.com/YXbzmds
Colors (if art): Similar colours to the picture.
Deadline: May 1st
Are you following this discussion (optional): Yes
Any more information: N/A

Last edited by hollowmatter (April 28, 2020 21:06:56)

100+ posts

✔✅ THE EMERALD SHOP 3.0 ✔✅ Quality orders done by friendly, reliable, and professional staff! ✔✅

Peaceful_Dork wrote:

Username: Peaceful_Dork
Preferred Pronouns: She/her
Work you want done: Art review
Description of work: A staff member with some degree of art experience could give me some critiques on my art, found here.
Deadline: Anytime, but the sooner the better.
Are you following this discussion: No.
Any more information: To whoever reviews the art, I know that I failed at the pattern. Please don't mention it.
Bumping this. ^^

"Sometimes we don't have the answers we need, and that is when we learn to trust and to step out in faith." -Tomo

Need some critisisim for your art?
Stop by the ☆☆☆ ✎✎ Art Critique Corner - A simple shop to help improve your art! ✎✎ ☆☆☆

I have another Scratch account…
New Scratcher
3 posts

✔✅ THE EMERALD SHOP 3.0 ✔✅ Quality orders done by friendly, reliable, and professional staff! ✔✅

Order form:
Username: hollowmatter
Preferred Pronouns: he/him
Work you want done: art
Description of work: I would like a sprite extremely similar to https://imgur.com/YXbzmds, and for it to be easily transformable.
Colors (if art): Similar colours to the picture.
Deadline: May 1st
Are you following this discussion (optional): Yes
Any more information: Ignore my other order.

Last edited by hollowmatter (April 28, 2020 21:19:53)

1000+ posts

✔✅ THE EMERALD SHOP 3.0 ✔✅ Quality orders done by friendly, reliable, and professional staff! ✔✅

Peaceful_Dork wrote:

Peaceful_Dork wrote:

Username: Peaceful_Dork
Preferred Pronouns: She/her
Work you want done: Art review
Description of work: A staff member with some degree of art experience could give me some critiques on my art, found here.
Deadline: Anytime, but the sooner the better.
Are you following this discussion: No.
Any more information: To whoever reviews the art, I know that I failed at the pattern. Please don't mention it.
Bumping this. ^^
Did someone take this? It's not in the OUC.

hollowmatter wrote:

Order form:
Username: hollowmatter
Preferred Pronouns: he/him
Work you want done: art
Description of work: I would like a sprite extremely similar to https://imgur.com/YXbzmds, and for it to be easily transformable.
Colors (if art): Similar colours to the picture.
Deadline: May 1st
Are you following this discussion (optional): Yes
Any more information: Ignore my other order.
There's no need to repeat your order - we got it the first time. Please be patient.

Last edited by PrincessFlowerTV (April 28, 2020 21:23:20)

Got to be good looking cause he's so hard to see -The Beatles

(Thank you @just-there from The Profile Picture Shop for the banner ^^)

Nothing's down here, sorry to disappoint you.

JK. there may be something down there…

Maybe not, tho.

You're determined, aren't you?

Talar du Svenska? Om inte, det ar fin.

Just stop it, will ya?

Fine, you win.

Take a rice cake. *yeets you a rice cake*
Say “Thanks for that rice cake, Kewpie!” if you made it this far.
1000+ posts

✔✅ THE EMERALD SHOP 3.0 ✔✅ Quality orders done by friendly, reliable, and professional staff! ✔✅

Transition Reminder

The 4.0 transition thread is here: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/392579/.

Remember to follow it if you aren't already because there's a lot going on.

Hi, I'm FloatingMuffins!
You can call me Muffins!
Age 17 | Irish | Traditional Catholic | Conservative

New Scratcher
3 posts

✔✅ THE EMERALD SHOP 3.0 ✔✅ Quality orders done by friendly, reliable, and professional staff! ✔✅

PrincessFlowerTV wrote:


hollowmatter wrote:

Order form:
Username: hollowmatter
Preferred Pronouns: he/him
Work you want done: art
Description of work: I would like a sprite extremely similar to https://imgur.com/YXbzmds, and for it to be easily transformable.
Colors (if art): Similar colours to the picture.
Deadline: May 1st
Are you following this discussion (optional): Yes
Any more information: Ignore my other order.
There's no need to repeat your order - we got it the first time. Please be patient.
I wanted to repost my order because I misspelled my username and the link wasn't working, and it wouldn't let me edit the post. Just trying to make things simpler and easier, my bad.
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