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100+ posts

✔✅ THE EMERALD SHOP 3.0 ✔✅ Quality orders done by friendly, reliable, and professional staff! ✔✅

My old/current alt account was Matthewcat27 (I always hated the auto name generator. I don’t know if you remember it, but it basically picked a random name, a random thing and a random 2-digit number)

I also applied for a job at TIPS.

Im 13 and /8. Thats all you need to know.
100+ posts

✔✅ THE EMERALD SHOP 3.0 ✔✅ Quality orders done by friendly, reliable, and professional staff! ✔✅

-BMAnimation- wrote:

Hi, I'm -BananaManStudios- (This Is My New Account) I'm Sorry To Say This But I Am Resigning

If You Need Proof Just Look At My Writing (If You Worked Here At The Time I Used To Be On The Forums)
haha I remember

pinkiepie710 wrote:

Hey. Hey now. First of all, that's the VPs jobs. If I'm gone they can give me a strike. That's on them. Second, I'm too AcTiVe to get a strike so hah. No strikes for Pie!
Uh we have been in periods of pie-lessness, and I think there was a time (If I was active and could do checks) that maybe JUST MAYBE I think u woulda gotten a strike (also can we give you a ceremonial UN-strike (negative strikes) IF NOT I CAN GET 1 )

Status of KittenDude: Online/Offline
New to Scratch
52 posts

✔✅ THE EMERALD SHOP 3.0 ✔✅ Quality orders done by friendly, reliable, and professional staff! ✔✅

1000+ posts

✔✅ THE EMERALD SHOP 3.0 ✔✅ Quality orders done by friendly, reliable, and professional staff! ✔✅

I take the holyholly1 logo order

This is my signature. It appears after I post anything! (I added this for people who thought I was advertising)
and now i have finally removed that line of links, a lot don't work anyway after I unshared a bunch of projects
Oh look a rainbow (I wanted to make my whole signature a rainbow, but busted character limit)
2nd most-poster in Requests (still???), top 20 most-poster overall, 7.3K posts total, 6.5K requests foolproof mind reader??, try to beat the unbeatable tic-tac-toe AI
1000+ posts

✔✅ THE EMERALD SHOP 3.0 ✔✅ Quality orders done by friendly, reliable, and professional staff! ✔✅

Mast3rGenius wrote:

I'm resigning because the notifications from here are very annoying and I haven't been able to take a single order.
NOOOOOOOOOO!!! Not another one!

People stop resigning please!

May the cries of your enemies be silenced by space's void.
(Does anybody remember that from two SWC sessions ago?)

Hey, another siggy scroller!

Hey, if you made it this far, you're a pretty dedicated siggy scroller.

Guess what? I'm a baker, dancer, Disney fan, enneagram lover, teen, who loves scratch, helping out in shops, and guiding new scratchers on their journey through scratch.

My sister is PFTV. If you don't know who she is, good luck finding her…

You know, you should really stop climbing down the stairs to my basement.

I told you to stop, there are some personal things down there!

Whoa whoa whoa, you better sllllllooooooooowwwww down.

You're still looking? Alright fine. Now you know. DON'T GO FURTHER

Come on, please?

… *sobs* pwetty pwese?

Alright fine. You went this far. I guess I've gotta give ya somethin'. Here ya go, I'm a potato. You heard it. now go to my profile and comment “chez puffs”.
1000+ posts

✔✅ THE EMERALD SHOP 3.0 ✔✅ Quality orders done by friendly, reliable, and professional staff! ✔✅

Unclaimed Orders
The ones higher up are more urgent

Username: Liamdadude
Work you want done: (ex. logos, scripting, music) dweller sprite(s) from Fallout Shelter
Description of work: costume of every dweller in the real game
Colors (if art):
Are you following this discussion (optional): yes
Do you want to subscribe (see below): np
Any more information: I need it very soon
Username: SkyClan480
Work you want done: (ex. logos, scripting, music) Art
Description of work: I dont know who is going to take this, but here goes. I want an inkling boy from splatoon 2 holding a splat charger and wearing the clothing from the game's cover art. The picture resolution needs to be a square, and I want the boy somewhere near the middle.
Colors (if art): the inkling should look like normal, his ink color is light blue
Deadline: ASAP
Are you following this discussion (optional): yes, I work here
Do you want to subscribe (see below): yes please
Any more information: nope
Username: Matjam02
Work you want done: (ex. logos, scripting, music) 4 sprites
Description of work: A pirate sprite, a cowboy sprite, a ninja sprite and a zombie sprite (not to scary)
Colors (if art): don't mind
Deadline: ASAP
Are you following this discussion (optional): Yes
Do you want to subscribe (see below): YES
Any more information: can the sprites all have there own backgrounds and each be in a corner each.
I need it fast but I need it MEGA good.
Username: happycat3333333
Work you want done: (ex. logos, scripting, music) intro
Description of work: a lion that opens it's mouth and roars then puts his paw on the screen and the paw print is red and says my username,
Colors (if art): like in the project i said down there
Deadline: i really want it done today, but it dont have to be
Are you following this discussion (optional): yes…
Do you want to subscribe (see below): um… i work here…
Any more information: use this for sound and an example: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/302585594/
Preferred Pronouns: (Ex. she/her, he/him, they/them) it
Work you want done: (Ex. logos, scripting, music) art
Description of work: A drawing of the Hogwarts castle
Colors (if art):grey,black etc.
Deadline: ASAP
Are you following this discussion (optional):
Any more information: have a nice day!
Username: -BestGames-
Preferred Pronouns: he
Work you want done: sprite art
Description of work: this is going to sound weird, but 4 sprites, of a man who is doing yoga poses and looking very chill. For example, one sprite could be doing the lotus, another the Tree, etc.
Colors (if art): none in paticular, but cartoony, while still looking like a person please?
Deadline: Take as long as you need, but obviously ASAP
Are you following this discussion (optional): no sorry
Any more information: Please notify me on my profile page when you are done.
Username: ZZ9PluralZAlpha

Preferred Pronouns: He/Him

Work you want done: Art/Animation

Description of work: (Ok, here it goes, this many be gibberish or may be very explanative (is that a word?)) What I need is at least (but not restricted to (for those of you who love making things like this)) 6 sprites. Each sprite is to be a different person. The following details the costumes that each person should have, in the order that they will be programmed: Standing and looking towards you, then a 2 second long animation @5-7 costumes/second of them walking towards you (no size increasing please as I want to code that in myself on implementation), then quickly turning round to face towards the right, then a quick animation of one arm rising to point towards the right, then quickly putting their arm down again, then turning slightly counter-clockwise, then turning the rest of the way to face directly away from you, then a 2-3 second animation of them walking away from you (again, no size change in the actual costumes plz). I would like the people to all be different in terms of looks, clothing etc. because if they all looked the exact same then when i implement them in the project i plan on implementing them in it will look better if all the people look different.

Colors (if art): Described above.

Deadline: ASAP, end of this month if possible, if not as close to that as possible.

Are you following this discussion (optional): No (Reasons stated below).

Any more information: Please leave a comment on my profile when you accept this request, when it is completed and if there are any questions or clarification required. To avoid filling up my messages inbox I am not following this discussion so any contact you wish to make with me should be done via the comments section on my profile. I would ideally like this to be done by the end of the month but as soon as possible after will also work if by the end of this month is not long enough. This is so I can implement this request into the project I need it for, bug-test it to the max, then offer the file to a couple of people for offline beta-testing before announcing the release date for the project, and then releasing it live on that date. (It's a significant project if you couldn't tell by that info XD)
Username: @-junepug-
Preferred Pronouns: She
Work you want done: Logo
Description of work: I would basically like my current profile picture drawn instead of a real photo.
Colors (if art): n/a
Deadline: None, but it'd be great to get it asap.
Are you following this discussion (optional): No.
Any more information: Please contact me on my main, @lillianna81
Username: Followcherryblossom (sorry im ordering but I just can't make thumbnails, )
Work you want done: thumbnail
Description of work: Please can you make me a thumbnail for my new realism icon creator project, I want it to look colourful and snazzy https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/347964050/
Deadline: 26/11/2019 (dd/mm/yy)
Anymore info: no
Username: nnagelia
Preferred Pronouns: (Ex. she/her, he/him, they/them): him
Work you want done: (Ex. logos, scripting, music): Logo
Description of work: Want a cool profile picture logo showing my OC (link below) and saying animations
Colors (if art): Just make it look good
Deadline: Preferrebly by the 21st,
Are you following this discussion (optional): Na
Any more information: Just made a comeback, want a fresh cool logo. I really want a nice one made so i can spend more time workking on animations and less on logo.

OC: The boy in the red in the cover of the project


May the cries of your enemies be silenced by space's void.
(Does anybody remember that from two SWC sessions ago?)

Hey, another siggy scroller!

Hey, if you made it this far, you're a pretty dedicated siggy scroller.

Guess what? I'm a baker, dancer, Disney fan, enneagram lover, teen, who loves scratch, helping out in shops, and guiding new scratchers on their journey through scratch.

My sister is PFTV. If you don't know who she is, good luck finding her…

You know, you should really stop climbing down the stairs to my basement.

I told you to stop, there are some personal things down there!

Whoa whoa whoa, you better sllllllooooooooowwwww down.

You're still looking? Alright fine. Now you know. DON'T GO FURTHER

Come on, please?

… *sobs* pwetty pwese?

Alright fine. You went this far. I guess I've gotta give ya somethin'. Here ya go, I'm a potato. You heard it. now go to my profile and comment “chez puffs”.
100+ posts

✔✅ THE EMERALD SHOP 3.0 ✔✅ Quality orders done by friendly, reliable, and professional staff! ✔✅

SkyClan480 wrote:

Username: SkyClan480
Work you want done: (ex. logos, scripting, music) Art
Description of work: I dont know who is going to take this, but here goes. I want an inkling boy from splatoon 2 holding a splat charger and wearing the clothing from the game's cover art. The picture resolution needs to be a square, and I want the boy somewhere near the middle.
Colors (if art): the inkling should look like normal, his ink color is light blue
Deadline: ASAP
Are you following this discussion (optional): yes, I work here
Do you want to subscribe (see below): yes please
Any more information: nope

Taken! I used to play this game on switch. I still have it, and it might take a couple days to obtain this gear, but it will get done!

Im 13 and /8. Thats all you need to know.
New to Scratch
52 posts

✔✅ THE EMERALD SHOP 3.0 ✔✅ Quality orders done by friendly, reliable, and professional staff! ✔✅

1000+ posts

✔✅ THE EMERALD SHOP 3.0 ✔✅ Quality orders done by friendly, reliable, and professional staff! ✔✅

Mast3rGenius wrote:

I'm resigning because the notifications from here are very annoying and I haven't been able to take a single order.
That's fair, thanks for messaging us.

Big_Brick_Studios wrote:

My old/current alt account was Matthewcat27 (I always hated the auto name generator. I don’t know if you remember it, but it basically picked a random name, a random thing and a random 2-digit number)
I might remember matthewcat, or I might be thinking of andrewcat… I'm not sure, honestly. I might remember you, though!

KittenDude172 wrote:

pinkiepie710 wrote:

Hey. Hey now. First of all, that's the VPs jobs. If I'm gone they can give me a strike. That's on them. Second, I'm too AcTiVe to get a strike so hah. No strikes for Pie!
Uh we have been in periods of pie-lessness, and I think there was a time (If I was active and could do checks) that maybe JUST MAYBE I think u woulda gotten a strike (also can we give you a ceremonial UN-strike (negative strikes) IF NOT I CAN GET 1 )
There have been periods of Pie-lessness, but those are usually times of shop-dead-essness as well, lol. (Wonder if there's some correlation there…?) And no one's getting any un-strikes unless I come up with a system for that.

TaterTime wrote:

Username: stack_overflowII
Preferred Pronouns: He/Him
Work I want done: Meme
Description Of Work: Surreal and/or odd, out of the ordinary
Deadline: whenever, preferably tomorrow afternoon
Am I following this discussion: Yes
Any more information: Let’s see what you can do


dude butterfly
(TES workers) Unclaimed Orders

Is this (someone else's job)?

(removed by moderator - please keep it polite)
I'm on it! Gimme a minute to throw a meme together…

Big_Brick_Studios wrote:

SkyClan480 wrote:

Username: SkyClan480
Work you want done: (ex. logos, scripting, music) Art
Description of work: I dont know who is going to take this, but here goes. I want an inkling boy from splatoon 2 holding a splat charger and wearing the clothing from the game's cover art. The picture resolution needs to be a square, and I want the boy somewhere near the middle.
Colors (if art): the inkling should look like normal, his ink color is light blue
Deadline: ASAP
Are you following this discussion (optional): yes, I work here
Do you want to subscribe (see below): yes please
Any more information: nope
Taken! I used to play this game on switch. I still have it, and it might take a couple days to obtain this gear, but it will get done!
1000+ posts

✔✅ THE EMERALD SHOP 3.0 ✔✅ Quality orders done by friendly, reliable, and professional staff! ✔✅

pinkiepie710 wrote:

TaterTime wrote:

~snipped meme idea~
I'm on it! Gimme a minute to throw a meme together…
It is done. I made it in like 2 seconds on imgflip but it exists
1000+ posts

✔✅ THE EMERALD SHOP 3.0 ✔✅ Quality orders done by friendly, reliable, and professional staff! ✔✅

pinkiepie710 wrote:

pinkiepie710 wrote:

TaterTime wrote:

~snipped meme idea~
I'm on it! Gimme a minute to throw a meme together…
It is done. I made it in like 2 seconds on imgflip but it exists
um… have you noticed my worker form…

This is my signature. It appears after I post anything! (I added this for people who thought I was advertising)
and now i have finally removed that line of links, a lot don't work anyway after I unshared a bunch of projects
Oh look a rainbow (I wanted to make my whole signature a rainbow, but busted character limit)
2nd most-poster in Requests (still???), top 20 most-poster overall, 7.3K posts total, 6.5K requests foolproof mind reader??, try to beat the unbeatable tic-tac-toe AI
1000+ posts

✔✅ THE EMERALD SHOP 3.0 ✔✅ Quality orders done by friendly, reliable, and professional staff! ✔✅

congyingzhou wrote:

pinkiepie710 wrote:

um… have you noticed my worker form…
yep, i did. i said that since we might be getting rid of advertising and ascii, i wouldn't accept you unless we decide to keep them. it's also looking like we might get rid of departments in general, so… yeah.
100+ posts

✔✅ THE EMERALD SHOP 3.0 ✔✅ Quality orders done by friendly, reliable, and professional staff! ✔✅

Username: OrangeKitty30
Preferred pronouns: She/her
Position(s) you are applying for: Art department/Music department
How active are you: 7-8/10
Total time on Scratch: About 2 years, but if you mean active time, I have no idea.
Welcoming Committee member?: No, but I am planning too sometime soon.
Scratch wiki editor?: No.
Any experience in other shops?: Yes, I have made a few banners and own a shop.
Are you following this thread?: Yes
Why should we pick you?: I have been doing art for a long time now and want to work on my digital art skills. I quite like to make banners and logos and I am very active.
Did you read the terms?: Yes

coinky dink I got nothin else.

Hello! Im Orangekitty. (English)
Hallo! Ich bin Orangekitty. (German/Deutsche)
Nihao! Wo Orangekitty. (Chinese/中文)
Planning to learn more languages!
1000+ posts

✔✅ THE EMERALD SHOP 3.0 ✔✅ Quality orders done by friendly, reliable, and professional staff! ✔✅

OrangeKitty30 wrote:

Username: OrangeKitty30
Preferred pronouns: She/her
Position(s) you are applying for: Art department/Music department
How active are you: 7-8/10
Total time on Scratch: About 2 years, but if you mean active time, I have no idea.
Welcoming Committee member?: No, but I am planning too sometime soon.
Scratch wiki editor?: No.
Any experience in other shops?: Yes, I have made a few banners and own a shop.
Are you following this thread?: Yes
Why should we pick you?: I have been doing art for a long time now and want to work on my digital art skills. I quite like to make banners and logos and I am very active.
Did you read the terms?: Yes

coinky dink I got nothin else.
Accepted! Welcome to the team. Note that soon, we may be abolishing the departments system. However, you will be added to these departments for now.

Hi, I'm FloatingMuffins!
You can call me Muffins!
Age 17 | Irish | Traditional Catholic | Conservative

100+ posts

✔✅ THE EMERALD SHOP 3.0 ✔✅ Quality orders done by friendly, reliable, and professional staff! ✔✅

OurPrincess wrote:

amazinggurliegurl1 wrote:

Preferred Pronouns: (Ex. she/her, he/him, they/them)she her
Work you want done: (Ex. logos, scripting, music) art/a sprite if you can
Description of work: a girl 13/14 long blonde hair green eyes that’s about it do whatever else it’s for a game
Colors (if art): yellow green whatever other ones you need
Deadline: Asap
Are you following this discussion (optional):yes
Any more information:
Here's your order:

just wondering… but where are her arms?
100+ posts

✔✅ THE EMERALD SHOP 3.0 ✔✅ Quality orders done by friendly, reliable, and professional staff! ✔✅

Could I apply my old/alt account as a shop employee to graduate this account from trainee to a worker?

Last edited by Big_Brick_Studios (Dec. 20, 2019 23:10:47)

Im 13 and /8. Thats all you need to know.
1000+ posts

✔✅ THE EMERALD SHOP 3.0 ✔✅ Quality orders done by friendly, reliable, and professional staff! ✔✅

amazinggurliegurl1 wrote:

OurPrincess wrote:

amazinggurliegurl1 wrote:

Preferred Pronouns: (Ex. she/her, he/him, they/them)she her
Work you want done: (Ex. logos, scripting, music) art/a sprite if you can
Description of work: a girl 13/14 long blonde hair green eyes that’s about it do whatever else it’s for a game
Colors (if art): yellow green whatever other ones you need
Deadline: Asap
Are you following this discussion (optional):yes
Any more information:
Here's your order:

just wondering… but where are her arms?
The arms are there. (Centre left and right/beside the body on both sides)

I am officially reopening my account. I decided this is the best way to go.
100+ posts

✔✅ THE EMERALD SHOP 3.0 ✔✅ Quality orders done by friendly, reliable, and professional staff! ✔✅

OurPrincess wrote:

Snippedy snip snip snip
just wondering… but where are her arms?
The arms are there. (Centre left and right/beside the body on both sides)
Her sleeves are there, but not her real arms.

Last edited by Big_Brick_Studios (Dec. 20, 2019 23:15:34)

Im 13 and /8. Thats all you need to know.
100+ posts

✔✅ THE EMERALD SHOP 3.0 ✔✅ Quality orders done by friendly, reliable, and professional staff! ✔✅

OurPrincess wrote:

amazinggurliegurl1 wrote:

OurPrincess wrote:

Snippedy snip snip snip
just wondering… but where are her arms?
The arms are there. (Centre left and right/beside the body on both sides)
Her sleeves are there, but not her real arms.

Last edited by Paddle2See (Dec. 21, 2019 01:47:32)

Im 13 and /8. Thats all you need to know.
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  • » ✔✅ THE EMERALD SHOP 3.0 ✔✅ Quality orders done by friendly, reliable, and professional staff! ✔✅ [RSS Feed]

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