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73 posts

Official Monster World modding thread

Seneheav wrote:

Oh! And a quick question, may I ask how can I find the status's id as in like the ones in the Player_Statuslist
There is a comment in stage with the ids of all the statuses and items.

Generation 4: the first time you see this copy and paste it on top of your sig in the scratch forums and increase generation by 1. Social experiment.
Cool (hard) platformer boss fight game I made.
12 posts

Official Monster World modding thread

StrixCattus wrote:

Thinking about a character that's just a swarm of bugs

They'd have a low starting HP but start each battle with the “Swarm” status effect, which takes a few points of damage, reducing its value, before spilling over into HP. Swarm would also empower or enable most of the character-unique Abilities—maybe it acts similarly to Strength on damaging cards or acts as a consumable for powerful cards.

The starting deck would include a card that increases Swarm and an Attack along the lines of “Deal damage equal to Swarm. This Attack cannot have its damage increased or decreased by any other means.”
Sounds epic
73 posts

Official Monster World modding thread

Where is the code for negate? I realized that in my mod I added some debuffs that I believe negate ignores. I'd like to fix this, especially so I can make
immune - Aura (1) - Gain 3 negate.
I might need to do some work so that this doesn't break the Thinking status effect, which removes cost increase.

Also it's possible that the Oracle mod also has this problem, though I haven't tested it.

Generation 4: the first time you see this copy and paste it on top of your sig in the scratch forums and increase generation by 1. Social experiment.
Cool (hard) platformer boss fight game I made.
100+ posts

Official Monster World modding thread

ChiefJustice wrote:

Where is the code for negate? I realized that in my mod I added some debuffs that I believe negate ignores. I'd like to fix this, especially so I can make
immune - Aura (1) - Gain 3 negate.
I might need to do some work so that this doesn't break the Thinking status effect, which removes cost increase.

Also it's possible that the Oracle mod also has this problem, though I haven't tested it.

You can find the code for negate in the “InitiateEnemyIntent” custom block in the Enemy Sprite, if you scroll down a little to where “Debuff” and “Debuff_Attack” are being used.
This means that negate will only prevent the debuffs that directly come from an enemy “Debuff” or “Debuff_Attack” intent.
And this also means that you don't need to hardcode anything for negate (if you use debuff intents), fortunately :v
61 posts

Official Monster World modding thread

sorry to be a bother but Pete isn't spawning, so I had to tweak It and now it's even more bugged. please help
73 posts

Official Monster World modding thread

Apfellord wrote:

ChiefJustice wrote:

Where is the code for negate? I realized that in my mod I added some debuffs that I believe negate ignores. I'd like to fix this, especially so I can make
immune - Aura (1) - Gain 3 negate.
I might need to do some work so that this doesn't break the Thinking status effect, which removes cost increase.

Also it's possible that the Oracle mod also has this problem, though I haven't tested it.

You can find the code for negate in the “InitiateEnemyIntent” custom block in the Enemy Sprite, if you scroll down a little to where “Debuff” and “Debuff_Attack” are being used.
This means that negate will only prevent the debuffs that directly come from an enemy “Debuff” or “Debuff_Attack” intent.
And this also means that you don't need to hardcode anything for negate (if you use debuff intents), fortunately :v
Thanks. How did you code heroism with negate though? Does that even work how I think it does (where you get strength but not cost increase)? Was that hard coded?

Generation 4: the first time you see this copy and paste it on top of your sig in the scratch forums and increase generation by 1. Social experiment.
Cool (hard) platformer boss fight game I made.
100+ posts

Official Monster World modding thread

ChiefJustice wrote:

Apfellord wrote:

ChiefJustice wrote:

Where is the code for negate? I realized that in my mod I added some debuffs that I believe negate ignores. I'd like to fix this, especially so I can make
immune - Aura (1) - Gain 3 negate.
I might need to do some work so that this doesn't break the Thinking status effect, which removes cost increase.

Also it's possible that the Oracle mod also has this problem, though I haven't tested it.

You can find the code for negate in the “InitiateEnemyIntent” custom block in the Enemy Sprite, if you scroll down a little to where “Debuff” and “Debuff_Attack” are being used.
This means that negate will only prevent the debuffs that directly come from an enemy “Debuff” or “Debuff_Attack” intent.
And this also means that you don't need to hardcode anything for negate (if you use debuff intents), fortunately :v
Thanks. How did you code heroism with negate though? Does that even work how I think it does (where you get strength but not cost increase)? Was that hard coded?
Oh, I don't think that is coded at all actually. And it shouldn't, because the item description says it negates the debuff of an enemy once. (Frankly, that was done because otherwise it would've been too much to code at the time, but that's not important right now )
2 posts

Official Monster World modding thread

I'm trying to change the music but I can't could someone help me?
2 posts

Official Monster World modding thread

I'm trying to change the music but I don't know how. What am I supposed to do?
66 posts

Official Monster World modding thread

FAZ_ENT wrote:

I'm trying to change the music but I don't know how. What am I supposed to do?
i tried to do the same but ended up never releasing it. There is a sprite called “soundmanager” which houses the music in the game. Be warned: putting in long tracks and later reloading the project caused them to become completly soundless for me, but loading in the project sometime later fixed that bug for me. It could just be me though.

hope this helps

Last edited by EpicRoka (Jan. 11, 2024 18:42:21)

100+ posts

Official Monster World modding thread

@ChiefJustice not trying to put down Strix' artwork, but I was planning on using the arfane mod as a basis for a new preview update, but would like to honor your version by fully implementing arfane. How would you like this artwork for him?

It's more of a finished sketch at this point, shading is still missing in a lot of places
100+ posts

Official Monster World modding thread

Gotta be honest, I don't want to 100% confirm this as I have just enough time to make progress in SFrT, but the thought did cross my mind more often now and hey, if anybody wants to help lmk :>
66 posts

Official Monster World modding thread

Apfellord wrote:

@ChiefJustice not trying to put down Strix' artwork, but I was planning on using the arfane mod as a basis for a new preview update, but would like to honor your version by fully implementing arfane. How would you like this artwork for him?

It's more of a finished sketch at this point, shading is still missing in a lot of places
i aint the mods creator but that looks gorgeous
17 posts

Official Monster World modding thread

Apfellord wrote:

Gotta be honest, I don't want to 100% confirm this as I have just enough time to make progress in SFrT, but the thought did cross my mind more often now and hey, if anybody wants to help lmk :>
I can definitely help if you'd like me to
61 posts

Official Monster World modding thread

Help! I modded the game and now all the enemies are dying as soon as I start the battle, but they aren't actually dying, I get no XP. I reverted my changes but it still happens! I need help!
100+ posts

Official Monster World modding thread

Wait, so they show up and then dissappear? Does damage pop up or is it just instant? Do the list items for the enemys get created in the list “Battle_Turns”?
17 posts

Official Monster World modding thread

Okay. I've been brainstorming the entire day and here's the ideas for mods/characters I have so far for Taranga:

Twins— Two characters in one
- Starts off as a random character (Like one of the two)
- A specific aura or skill that “flips”over the entire deck
into the other character's deck
- Both characters' starting deck should contain the card
- It would be cool if the characters are opposing elements!

Phantom— Stealthed, stealthed! STEALTHED AGAIN?!
- Uses a crit strike (x2-4) system factor
- Deals low base damage
- Additional chance or damage attacking with stealth
- Maybe getting a stealth card everytime triggering crit?

Arsenal switch
- A character that is able to have different ‘modes’ by imitating other
- A card that is able to switch from a character's set of cards to another
- A card that is able to copy the enemies deck

Seer/Time traveler
- An ability to read the enemies intention even better (The exact card or something)
- A base card that works like illuminate (Able to draw the entire deck again)
- More cards that are able to change the move of the enemy

Yep! That's all for now, these are the ideas that I've always wanted to make a mod of (like the hunter mod), but never done so. I hope it is helpful/inspirational to you all interested in modding!!
100+ posts

Official Monster World modding thread

WoopersRcool wrote:

Help! I modded the game and now all the enemies are dying as soon as I start the battle, but they aren't actually dying, I get no XP. I reverted my changes but it still happens! I need help!
I took a look inside, here's one thing you'll have to try that might fix it:
Go into the enemies sprite, then set the variable “Script_IsClone?” To “NO”. It's probably for the best you put that under a “When Flag Clicked” Block too, so it doesn't happen that easily again. Let me know if it works
73 posts

Official Monster World modding thread

Apfellord wrote:

@ChiefJustice not trying to put down Strix' artwork, but I was planning on using the arfane mod as a basis for a new preview update, but would like to honor your version by fully implementing arfane. How would you like this artwork for him?

It's more of a finished sketch at this point, shading is still missing in a lot of places
So sorry I haven't checked Scratch in a while as I was on break but that looks great!

Generation 4: the first time you see this copy and paste it on top of your sig in the scratch forums and increase generation by 1. Social experiment.
Cool (hard) platformer boss fight game I made.
61 posts

Official Monster World modding thread

Apfellord wrote:

Wait, so they show up and then dissappear? Does damage pop up or is it just instant? Do the list items for the enemys get created in the list “Battle_Turns”?
They just disappear as soon as they spawn. I don't know why.

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