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THIS IS NOT FOR FEATURING PROJECTS, IT IS FOR WIKI ARTICLES - Wiki Wednesday Suggestions - Propose Articles to be Featured!

because the New Scratcher Status was added to scratch 12 years ago in June 2010

(Wow, i had this banner on my signature for 2 years now. . .)
100+ posts

THIS IS NOT FOR FEATURING PROJECTS, IT IS FOR WIKI ARTICLES - Wiki Wednesday Suggestions - Propose Articles to be Featured!

kenny2scratch wrote:

Welcome to the suggestions topic for Wiki Wednesday articles! If there was a particular Wiki article you found very helpful, you can suggest it to be featured here.

What is Wiki Wednesday?

Main page: Scratch Wiki:Wiki Wednesday
Wiki Wednesday is a Scratch News series run by the Scratch Team with suggestions from the community, and is used to feature an article from the Scratch Wikis on the last Wednesday of every month in different languages. Each of the updates are posted on the Scratch News tab, and the Announcements forum.

What should a Wiki Wednesday article include?

Good Wiki Wednesday articles should:

How do I suggest an article?

Simply post on this topic! When suggesting your article, make sure to mention the title (obviously) and a short reason why you think it merits a feature.

Other info

For accepted Wiki Wednesday suggestions, see here.

With that, suggest away!

Post mostly modified from Scratch Wiki:Wiki Wednesday Suggestions.
How about this
Haha, just kidding, I mean this.

Wikian - Scratcher - All-Rounder - Math lover - Bookworm

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With great power, comes great responsibility

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THIS IS NOT FOR FEATURING PROJECTS, IT IS FOR WIKI ARTICLES - Wiki Wednesday Suggestions - Propose Articles to be Featured!

TheNintendoFan2020 wrote:

because the New Scratcher Status was added to scratch 12 years ago in June 2010

vdiu wrote:

Haha, just kidding, I mean this.
Your suggestions have been noted.

Professional web developer and lead engineer on the Scratch Wiki
Maybe the Scratch Team isn't so badWhy the April Fools' Day forum didn't work last year
1000+ posts

THIS IS NOT FOR FEATURING PROJECTS, IT IS FOR WIKI ARTICLES - Wiki Wednesday Suggestions - Propose Articles to be Featured!

TheNintendoFan2020 wrote:

because the New Scratcher Status was added to scratch 12 years ago in June 2010
I just realized that has actually already been featured, but thank you for the suggestion and feel free to suggest any other articles you think should be featured.

Professional web developer and lead engineer on the Scratch Wiki
Maybe the Scratch Team isn't so badWhy the April Fools' Day forum didn't work last year
1000+ posts

THIS IS NOT FOR FEATURING PROJECTS, IT IS FOR WIKI ARTICLES - Wiki Wednesday Suggestions - Propose Articles to be Featured!

jvvg wrote:

TheNintendoFan2020 wrote:

because the New Scratcher Status was added to scratch 12 years ago in June 2010
I just realized that has actually already been featured, but thank you for the suggestion and feel free to suggest any other articles you think should be featured.
That's strange.

(Wow, i had this banner on my signature for 2 years now. . .)
42 posts

THIS IS NOT FOR FEATURING PROJECTS, IT IS FOR WIKI ARTICLES - Wiki Wednesday Suggestions - Propose Articles to be Featured!

i think there should be one about how did someone think of making scratch?

100+ posts

THIS IS NOT FOR FEATURING PROJECTS, IT IS FOR WIKI ARTICLES - Wiki Wednesday Suggestions - Propose Articles to be Featured!

I propose this Article about Animations.
-It is long and has many Informations
-Pictures, and Videos
-Examples in it
-Some Code ‘tutorials’

highlight this and press control+shift+down to see the rest of my siggy!
Some stupid quotes:
'Everybody is standing, but you must stand out. Everybody is breaking grounds; but you must breakthrough! Everybody scratching it; but you must scratch it hard!'
-idk who
'There are two things that are infinite: the universe and human stupidity. But I am not so sure about the universe.'
-Albert Einstein
'If Russia stops fighting, there will be no war. If Ukraine stops fighting, there will be no Ukraine.'
'There are two different types of people in the world: those who want to know, and those who want to believe.'
Friedrich Nietzsche
''Remember the worth of souls is great in the sight of God'
- Doctrine and Covenants 18:10
'Fiction is real life without its mask.'
-Michael Casher
'Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.'
-Oscar Wilde
'I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.'
-Maya Angelou
‘Always forgive your enemies; nothing annoys them so much.’
-Oscar Wilde
'(…)The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.'
-Rob Siltanen

Last edited by kaj (yesterday 6:42:13)

1000+ posts

THIS IS NOT FOR FEATURING PROJECTS, IT IS FOR WIKI ARTICLES - Wiki Wednesday Suggestions - Propose Articles to be Featured!

mr7muff wrote:

I propose this Article about Animations.
-It is long and has many Informations
-Pictures, and Videos
-Examples in it
-Some Code ‘tutorials’
Your suggestion has been noted.

Professional web developer and lead engineer on the Scratch Wiki
Maybe the Scratch Team isn't so badWhy the April Fools' Day forum didn't work last year
100+ posts

THIS IS NOT FOR FEATURING PROJECTS, IT IS FOR WIKI ARTICLES - Wiki Wednesday Suggestions - Propose Articles to be Featured!

(edited) GLITCHBOy100 wrote:

i think there should be one about how did someone think → someone thought of making scratch?
Although, you need a link to that article if there was one :\

Abandoned forumer

1000+ posts

THIS IS NOT FOR FEATURING PROJECTS, IT IS FOR WIKI ARTICLES - Wiki Wednesday Suggestions - Propose Articles to be Featured!

GLITCHBOy100 wrote:

i think there should be one about how did someone think of making scratch?
This isn't suggesting articles to be created, it's suggesting them to be featured on Wiki Wednesday and the Wiki homepage.

100+ posts

THIS IS NOT FOR FEATURING PROJECTS, IT IS FOR WIKI ARTICLES - Wiki Wednesday Suggestions - Propose Articles to be Featured!

Gobo’s Friends.

“Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.”
‭‭Philippians‬ ‭4:8‬ ‭NIV‬‬

my favorite Mario game
1000+ posts

THIS IS NOT FOR FEATURING PROJECTS, IT IS FOR WIKI ARTICLES - Wiki Wednesday Suggestions - Propose Articles to be Featured!

gamesprimescratch wrote:

Gobo’s Friends.
This article has already been suggested, but you can suggest another one! To check if an article has been featured, look for the yellow star in the top right corner of the page. If there is one, the article has been featured.

don't feed the trolls. feed yourself pizza cupcakez .[1] [2] [3] [4]

KangaCoder • [he/him] • kæŋɡəˈ koʊdər

Random Fun Facts: Male, Christian, US resident, EST time zone, Ravenclaw, likes Math and Science, learning German, knows HTML, Python and Java, loves chocolate, favorite color, possibly a kangaroo
On the Main Site: Experienced Wikian, Camp Counselor, SWC Reviewer, SDS Helper, Forum Helper
On the Forums: 2.65K+ forum posts
Project Ideas Directory 6.0 - need a project idea? Check it out!
Check out some weird and cool Scratch pages!
31 posts

THIS IS NOT FOR FEATURING PROJECTS, IT IS FOR WIKI ARTICLES - Wiki Wednesday Suggestions - Propose Articles to be Featured!

can someone ask a pfp to me so I can make one bc my account is very dull
100+ posts

THIS IS NOT FOR FEATURING PROJECTS, IT IS FOR WIKI ARTICLES - Wiki Wednesday Suggestions - Propose Articles to be Featured!

apple502j wrote:

Dolanars wrote:

A Suggestion For An Article Is How To Make A GIF Thumbnail, Or Something Like That
This page does not exist. This is “Articles which Should Be Featured”
I have a animated projects lol


1000+ posts

THIS IS NOT FOR FEATURING PROJECTS, IT IS FOR WIKI ARTICLES - Wiki Wednesday Suggestions - Propose Articles to be Featured!

i would enjoy an article more detailed on remixes. if you could, I can make a whole 7 hour documentary about those things.

dont just say “dont ban evade” or “wrong topic” for a question. answer it, and THEN tell them that this is the wrong topic or not to ban evade. giving just “rejected” and putting the college essay that is TOLORS is not enough. Explain! dont just use ctrl-c ctrl-v! even if it is not what some people want, explain the rejection! answer the question! the forums are not a place to repeat others, they are a place to innovate! anyway who wants to minimod?

scratchers on the forums from 10-500 posts have at most, a 7 short sentence span for replies. if you cant keep your posts in this range, then dont act suprised when someone asks for simplified version
bag randomizer for good games
experience the true chicken nuggies theft simulator : gobo | story
(Removed by Moderator - People with a TV head for a profile picture cannot discuss about the heart and soul of art) /j
OwO :: #44bd8d
^-^ :: #44bd8d
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THIS IS NOT FOR FEATURING PROJECTS, IT IS FOR WIKI ARTICLES - Wiki Wednesday Suggestions - Propose Articles to be Featured!

among_us1w2 wrote:

i would enjoy an article more detailed on remixes. if you could, I can make a whole 7 hour documentary about those things.
This is a place to suggest articles to be featured, not ones to be created. We already have an article on remixes if you haven't seen it. If you have any suggestions for how to improve it, please feel free to let us know on our Wiki forum topic.

Professional web developer and lead engineer on the Scratch Wiki
Maybe the Scratch Team isn't so badWhy the April Fools' Day forum didn't work last year
1000+ posts

THIS IS NOT FOR FEATURING PROJECTS, IT IS FOR WIKI ARTICLES - Wiki Wednesday Suggestions - Propose Articles to be Featured!


I would like this article to be featured for Hindi test wiki as it talks about sound blocks, something that a big part of the community does not know about.(I am talking about the Hindi speaking community.)

Highlight +shift+ down to see full signature
Generation 20: the first time you see this copy and paste it on top of your signature in the scratch forums and increase generation by 1. Social experiment.

Touch of adventure White Tiger Federation

signature in progress
21 posts

THIS IS NOT FOR FEATURING PROJECTS, IT IS FOR WIKI ARTICLES - Wiki Wednesday Suggestions - Propose Articles to be Featured!

3 posts

THIS IS NOT FOR FEATURING PROJECTS, IT IS FOR WIKI ARTICLES - Wiki Wednesday Suggestions - Propose Articles to be Featured!

Post should be removed

Last edited by XrafaX19 (Dec. 13, 2022 00:11:25)

95 posts

THIS IS NOT FOR FEATURING PROJECTS, IT IS FOR WIKI ARTICLES - Wiki Wednesday Suggestions - Propose Articles to be Featured!

Kwanho3k wrote:


I want this project to be featured because I think the coding on gravity is very very good.
Dude he already told you this is for proposing scratch wiki articles not projects. https://en.scratch-wiki.info/

Generation (11): The first time you see this copy and paste it on top of your signature in the scratch forums and increase generation by 1. (Social experiment).
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