Discuss Scratch

1000+ posts

Now Hiring | Coding Hut™️ | premium code and art AND WE NOW MAKE ANYTHING!!!

go to our April fools version or we will steal all your energy cells https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/674434/

Refer A Friend or Scratcher
Party in progress. Please order! The shop now has special stuff until the 20 of January 2023 1st February 2023

Listen to our theme song!
By forever boundless!

Payment portal: https://sites.google.com/view/codinghutpayments/pay (recommended but optional)
Staff: give the link to customers then they will use it to pay
Official coding hut account: @-CodingHutOfficial-

Funny post of the days (history) https://sites.google.com/view/codinghutpayments/Funny-posts

Home (current page), about us, rules, packages & requests, forms, partnerships, our team… Go to our team to see more pages

Reviews: make and see reviews at our portal:

this will update

Coding Hut Website: in progress

Welcome to the coding hut. We make code big or small. W Evan also make an thumbnail. There is also art where you can get premium art.

Recommended/featured Package:

we are remaking the packages so please use requests or products

Need orders from ⭐▶️The (almost) jack of all trades shop◀️. Click here ad


From everybody:
“ I think this is a win for you. Try it”

Quotes From Scratchers

Made by @myscratchedaccount

This page is hosted on favourr
Make your site popular and host on favourr today!

(text only here for 2 days more) click here for the old logo Easter egg

Before you use this form, look at TOS, Packages and requests.
Red means it is important and required.
Lime means it is required.
Blue means it is not required.

Order form:
Product you want:
Product you want in more detail:
Are you following this shop?:
Have you read the TOS?:
[quote][color=red]Red means it is important and required.[/color]
[color=lime]Lime means it is required.[/color]
[color=blue]Blue means it is not required.[/color]

[color=blue]Order form:[/color]
[color=lime]Product you want:[/color]
[color=lime]Product you want in more detail:[/color]
[color=red]Are you following this shop?:[/color]
[color=red]Have you read the TOS?:[/color]

shop colors wrote:
pink (for important posts)

Staff room!

Last edited by MyScratchedAccount (Sept. 19, 2023 08:12:50)


Give An Internet - - My Profile - My Best Project Of The Week - Am I Online? - on wiki, go to my talk

Scratched//Boy/Him/He////Likes Apples//Coder //
Go to Codin[co
1000+ posts

Now Hiring | Coding Hut™️ | premium code and art AND WE NOW MAKE ANYTHING!!!

View coding hut at https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/674434/ or we will steal your energy cells!

About Us

At the 28 December 2022 Myscratchedaccount loved coding. He made an idea and went on forums and clicked requests.

Now this shop formed

We are a Shop that sells mostly code and along with art with some packages

TO see more, reply.

Need orders from ⭐▶️The (almost) jack of all trades shop◀️. Click here ad

We are happy to see you and have great service

Last edited by MyScratchedAccount (April 1, 2023 04:45:45)


Give An Internet - - My Profile - My Best Project Of The Week - Am I Online? - on wiki, go to my talk

Scratched//Boy/Him/He////Likes Apples//Coder //
Go to Codin[co
1000+ posts

Now Hiring | Coding Hut™️ | premium code and art AND WE NOW MAKE ANYTHING!!!

We welcome people of all ages, races, ethnicities, religions, abilities, sexual orientations, and gender identities.

These are must follow rules. Let’s look at them.
Read it carefully because the codeword is hidden
ad: Need orders from ⭐▶️The (almost) jack of all trades shop◀️. Click here ad

Please be nice
Use manners
Please leave a review (recommended)
Give credit as well
Snip your posts!!!
Only take king when BOD
Scratch rules apply
Use the form!
For all:
No advertising unless related or you are BOD
The codeword has moved!
Once you got an item,you must give credit

way 1.
You should use the watermark unless we say
Watermark can be found at: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/788409688/

way 2
Copy this and use it in credits:
This project contains items made by the Coding Hut Shop. The coding hut can be found at: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/652178/

Do not use admin only resources unless admin rank or Co-Owner or owner
Be nice
Be active and respond to activity check
Snip your posts!!!!
You have to be BOD to take king with you saying you are kkjng
Scratch rules
NEVER disrespect or underdetermine anyone because of personal features (looks, pfp, gender, race, age, sexuality, looks…) If you do so, you will receive five strikes, be fired from the shop, and not be welcomed again & will be reported
Accept the invite to the studio. If you don't you will receive 1 strike.
Please alert us when you are on holiday or break. If you don't, you will revive strikes based on activity.

Party rules
Up to 3 showbags per person per party
For special party itens, the deadline for that is only inside the party

How to edit this page/change rules
If you are high rank, please use your Rule change, remove, add form to edit this

We are not

After 3 posts you must snip or else you will get 1 strike

Scratch Guidelines

Scratch is a friendly and welcoming community for everyone, where people create, share, and learn together. We welcome people of all ages, races, ethnicities, religions, abilities, sexual orientations, and gender identities. Help keep Scratch a welcoming, supportive, and creative space for all by following these Community Guidelines:

Treat everyone with respect.
Scratchers have diverse backgrounds, interests, identities, and experiences. Everyone on Scratch is encouraged to share things that excite them and are important to them—we hope that you find ways to celebrate your own identity on Scratch, and allow others to do the same. It’s never OK to attack a person or group’s identity or to be unkind to someone about their background or interests.
Be safe: keep personal and contact information private.
For safety reasons, don't give out any information that could be used for private communication, in person or online. This includes sharing real last names, phone numbers, addresses, hometowns, school names, email addresses, usernames or links to social media sites, video chatting applications, or websites with private chat functionality
Give helpful feedback.
Everyone on Scratch is learning. When commenting on a project, remember to say something you like about it, offer suggestions, and be kind, not critical. Please keep comments respectful and avoid spamming or posting chain mail. We encourage you to try new things, experiment, and learn from others.

Codeword is coding
Embrace remix culture.
Remixing is when you build upon someone else’s projects, code, ideas, images, or anything else they share on Scratch to make your own unique creation.
Remixing is a great way to collaborate and connect with other Scratchers. You are encouraged to use anything you find on Scratch in your own creations, as long as you provide credit to everyone whose work you used and make a meaningful change to it. And when you share something on Scratch, you are giving permission to all Scratchers to use your work in their creations, too.

Be honest.
It’s important to be honest and authentic when interacting with others on Scratch, and remember that there is a person behind every Scratch account. Spreading rumors, impersonating other Scratchers or celebrities, or pretending to be seriously ill is not respectful to the Scratch Community.

Help keep the site friendly.
It’s important to keep your creations and conversations friendly and appropriate for all ages. If you think something on Scratch is mean, insulting, too violent, or otherwise disruptive to the community, click “Report” to let us know about it. Please use the “Report” button rather than engaging in fights, spreading rumors about other people’s behavior, or otherwise responding to any inappropriate content. The Scratch Team will look at your report and take the appropriate action.

Follow Coding Hut's Rules
Although, we have a scratch guidelines, we even have a coding hut rules. If you do not follow it, you will get strikes
Not following it is not ok, and we need proof by asking for a codeword that can change. If you feel like we can edit it, please leave a reply

Do not order something against the above guidelines
Follow the guidelines as well
Or you will be reported
And to add to the guidelines, please ask us

Official guidelines can be viewed at: (just if you think it is edited a bit) Here, just click me

Notices About People Not Following TOS
Customers who did not follow the TOS:
Within 1 week:
Emmylol8 - not reading TOS, not using codeword, not using form - reminder (strike 0)

Muted (customers that can't order, partner, fill out forms, but can still naturally come) (or staff that can't work, can't order, can't do stuff) (or non-strict-restrcition mutes)
Emmylol8 - muted on 15 January 2023 mute ends: 17 January 2023 - not following TOS - non strict restrictions mute)

Last edited by MyScratchedAccount (March 11, 2023 21:09:12)


Give An Internet - - My Profile - My Best Project Of The Week - Am I Online? - on wiki, go to my talk

Scratched//Boy/Him/He////Likes Apples//Coder //
Go to Codin[co
1000+ posts

Now Hiring | Coding Hut™️ | premium code and art AND WE NOW MAKE ANYTHING!!!

Friend or Scratcher referring and rewards
Need orders from ⭐▶️The (almost) jack of all trades shop◀️. Click here ad

We offer
Bug fix
(Party exclusive) Some other stuff

But not
Sounds and music
Things we cannot do


We are remaking the packages

Shop perks are available at https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/785020368/

For the party

Coding hut™️ showbag
Suprise art (3 art assets)
Surprise code (up to 5)
Some BBcode along with the coding hut logo.
And more

Personalised Gift for the party
Just tell us info, you can't choose me as well. It will be for you or other people

Color choice of cover (will be packaged in a project with an thumbnail:

To send this, your nearest mailbox is at Mailbox - send mail
Rainbow (get with Basic rank or less than %30 in order of rainbow)
Gold (coming soon)
Silver (coming soon)
Bronze (get with bronze shopper rank or at most %40 of the order can have the color)

Contents (customisable)
1 showbag
Choice to send an Picture of an party room focusing on an present, a game looking image (tell us what game) or any image you want to give!
A fun game to play or anything you want to be ordered (art or code (or games) only)
An card with an invite here (if they did not come)

Get support and help choosing:
Leave a reply

To order, fill this out
[quote][color=red]Red means it is important and required.[/color]
[color=lime]Lime means it is required.[/color]
[color=blue]Blue means it is not required.[/color]

[color=blue]Order form:[/color]
[color=lime]Product you want:[/color]
[color=lime]Product you want in more detail:[/color]
[color=red]Are you following this shop?:[/color]
[color=red]Have you read the TOS?:[/color]
Red means it is important and required.
Lime means it is required.
Blue means it is not required.

Order form:
Product you want:
Product you want in more detail:
Are you following this shop?:
Have you read the TOS?:

More coming soon
Need More? Go at⭐▶️The (almost) jack of all trades shop◀️. Click here ad

Shopper Ranks

Shopper ranks give you lots of perks!

Tier 1 (starter tier)

Normal Shopper
No exclusive perks
You get this by:
First order

Basic Shopper
Get by: 2 orders
+0.2 priority for orders
Exclusive colours ( (rainbow only)you can do this without this rank! rainbow for at max %30

Bronze Shopper
By ordering 4 orders
Bronze color
+3 priority
And more!

Tier 2

Silver Shopper

Wow packages included ( so cool!)


Did not get to finish the Shopper Ranks yet

Hut Club!
Do you love Coding Hut™️? Need special perks? Are you a regular customer? Then Hut Club is for you!

Hut Perks
Faster orders!
Member only colors! (silver, gold and some more)
Ability to curate VIP club! (coming soon)
Remove watermark!
And more!
You must be on coding hut for at least 1 week 3 days to fill out the Sign Up For Hut Club (the time starts when you first order, sign up as staff and you don't have to be on for exact)

Sign up for hut club
Weeks and days on Coding Hut:
Why do you love coding hut?

Top Shoppers
#1 kinosaurs515 - 2 orders
#2 Username - orders amount
#3 username - orders amount

Other Top Shoppers
Shopper name here - amount of orders

Last edited by MyScratchedAccount (Jan. 27, 2023 11:36:18)


Give An Internet - - My Profile - My Best Project Of The Week - Am I Online? - on wiki, go to my talk

Scratched//Boy/Him/He////Likes Apples//Coder //
Go to Codin[co
1000+ posts

Now Hiring | Coding Hut™️ | premium code and art AND WE NOW MAKE ANYTHING!!!

Old banner (easter egg) egg
Coding Hut™️

Jobs (part 1)

Feeling power? Join today! ✅ Hiring ✅

Owner: Taken by @myscratchedaccount
Co-Owner: taken by Fluffygamer_: Has all perms but can’t close shop, fire some people like Owner and do some stuff
Manager: vacant - same as co-owner.but different
BoD general (5 slots): kinosaurs515
Secretary: @ kinosaurs515 - run activity check and manage strikes and more
master bumper - can bump more than staff. - Vacant
Co-manager - vacent - helps manager

Head of coding: Taken By @TKTK1234567 can fire only coding people excluding some and can only accept the Coding applications and limited to all features excluding for this team
CO-head of coding: @bloxabyte; all features in head excluding some
Master Coders: Vacant: (3 left) kinosaurs515
General coders (9 left): so normal TeslaDummy
Cloud coders: ItBeJC

Head of art and co: VACENT AND CO VACENT Like the coding one
Artists TeslaDummy: painting not designing
Designers: VACENT (10 left)
General’s: VACANT (9 left) @clover_the_bunny_ , @ @TheGl1tchedDrag0n and @theGl1tchDrag0nAlt
Pixel artist: Mic_hal16

  • Anything:
    Fluffygamer (super active cuz quick reply)
Need orders from ⭐▶️The (almost) jack of all trades shop◀️. Click here ad

More jobs
A moderator will keep this space clean, cancel requests due to TOS, give strikes and more! Currently, we are hiring moderators. If you are interested, please consider asking us. There will also be training

Non-BOD mods
In training:

BOD mods/admins
Lead moderator (get this for being here for 1 month of good work)
Admin (get this by me promoting you)

Most power
Head Admin: (1 month of admin before you ask to get this/get promoted)
Co-owner: TKTK1234567

The projects now support sound! You can make and upload sounds! There will even be a sound library when we get musicians! We are currently hiring for this position. If you are interested please consider asking us.


Customer service
We are hiring customer service, you get to help customers! All you have to do is be a staff member of at least 2 weeks and tell us that you are interested! Then you will be invited to a customer service studio (coming soon)

None yet

Current Shop Curators:

Why you should work at BoD? (More BOD positions available!
Being a BoD member let's you do more, but we don't want to many! You will also get more power!

More positions are coming soon

Join form:

Username / alts to join

Streaks and Non-streaks

What I am good at / what I am bad at / other

What position I want to be / Why?

OPTIONAL: How did I find this
How did I find it /

OPTIONAL: Who to work with more often (this will make your role have 2 or more people) Or/and not often
Work with often / work with not often

Enter your other info

We want u to join

Job advertising by:

This page is hosted on favourr
Make your site popular and host on favourr today!

Last edited by MyScratchedAccount (Sept. 26, 2023 03:15:03)


Give An Internet - - My Profile - My Best Project Of The Week - Am I Online? - on wiki, go to my talk

Scratched//Boy/Him/He////Likes Apples//Coder //
Go to Codin[co
1000+ posts

Now Hiring | Coding Hut™️ | premium code and art AND WE NOW MAKE ANYTHING!!!

Need orders from ⭐▶️The (almost) jack of all trades shop◀️. Click here ad


⭐▶️The (almost) jack of all trades shop◀️
Link: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/639895/?page=1

no banner associated with this shop
The feature shop
“We got your side in featuring”

(wish it was not huge)
The everything shop

The glow shop
Access: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/640606/

Access at: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/263865/

RattyTheEd2011's code shop
Link: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/621916/

no banner associated with this shop
Image hosting shop!

No banner associated
Coding Universal

Pending Partners (pending acceptation)


Shopping mall (not the sticky)
Click to access

Link: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/475518/

Scratch Reviewers Federation
Link: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/436711/

Link: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/665298/?page=1

No others

History of partners
Never gonna give you up… Rickroll shop
Date shutdown or perm closed on: 5/1/2023
Owner: @Cabbage_2020

open for partners
Username / (optional) shop or scratch business link / why you want to partner / other

advertising request form
Username and alts
Shop name
What you want advertised
Type (up to 3 unless staff) (examples: quote banner at bottom of page and at top or explain it)
How can we help?

Partner resources

Shop link

Logo: this is BBcode
Coding Hut™️

Partner Message:

 [quote]We are partners with

Coding Hut™️

Go to https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/652178/ and get code and art.

If you need help for something, paste and fill this out. Partners only

Help needed from the shop (shop name). The thing I need help is (short summary. The helpful info is (helpful info). Description: (description)
From (username)]

Bump Banner not made yet
Need orders from ⭐▶️The (almost) jack of all trades shop◀️. Click here ad

Warning to customer that all art/code staff are offline (copy and paste)
[big] Notice [/big]
All art / code (bold one) is offline. It may take longer than expected.
We will try to our limits to make it fast.

Perks (new)
Monthly or every 3 or 2 weeks review
Special products from the Coding Hut but personalised
Help with your customers requests (NEW)

Compare with other shops
Being part of the leaderboard program, will prove your shop great. There is badges and awards to proudly display in your shop!

Badges will arrive soon


Glow shop - 100 points


All jack trades shop
80 points

Last edited by MyScratchedAccount (Feb. 25, 2023 21:13:02)


Give An Internet - - My Profile - My Best Project Of The Week - Am I Online? - on wiki, go to my talk

Scratched//Boy/Him/He////Likes Apples//Coder //
Go to Codin[co
1000+ posts

Now Hiring | Coding Hut™️ | premium code and art AND WE NOW MAKE ANYTHING!!!


Moved to the jobs page, bans are still shown in team


What about you or are you just a customer
our team is the best!

King Game (closed)
You can join a game and grain king points . You can't get by spamming.

MyScratchedAccount - 0 king points


You staff?

Last edited by MyScratchedAccount (Sept. 18, 2023 05:55:00)


Give An Internet - - My Profile - My Best Project Of The Week - Am I Online? - on wiki, go to my talk

Scratched//Boy/Him/He////Likes Apples//Coder //
Go to Codin[co
1000+ posts

Now Hiring | Coding Hut™️ | premium code and art AND WE NOW MAKE ANYTHING!!!

Billboard & more pages


Message From @Myscratchedaccount
Shop party

More links

Um, will you check back later
Need orders from ⭐▶️The (almost) jack of all trades shop◀️. Click here ad

Messages and links, all in 1 page to avoid clutter and not finding but still sent for shop followers

Last edited by MyScratchedAccount (Jan. 7, 2023 14:33:37)


Give An Internet - - My Profile - My Best Project Of The Week - Am I Online? - on wiki, go to my talk

Scratched//Boy/Him/He////Likes Apples//Coder //
Go to Codin[co
1000+ posts

Now Hiring | Coding Hut™️ | premium code and art AND WE NOW MAKE ANYTHING!!!

View our examples,. if there are none, try again another time but you can still order

Access examples here

Or copy into your browser: https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/32624535/

Last edited by MyScratchedAccount (Dec. 28, 2022 03:40:58)


Give An Internet - - My Profile - My Best Project Of The Week - Am I Online? - on wiki, go to my talk

Scratched//Boy/Him/He////Likes Apples//Coder //
Go to Codin[co
1000+ posts

Now Hiring | Coding Hut™️ | premium code and art AND WE NOW MAKE ANYTHING!!!

Coding Hut™️

Spread The Word! Refer a friend or Scratcher and get rewarded

Need orders from ⭐▶️The (almost) jack of all trades shop◀️. Click here ad

Our lovely reviews (featured)

Review moved to https://sites.google.com/view/codinghutpayments/Review?pli=1&authuser=1


Moved to https://sites.google.com/view/codinghutpayments/Review?pli=1&authuser=1

Review Form
Review form moved to https://sites.google.com/view/codinghutpayments/Review?authuser=1

Other reviews

moved to https://sites.google.com/view/codinghutpayments/Review?pli=1&authuser=1

8 stars total

Rating by fedaration:
Scratch Reviewer Federation Reviews wrote:
First review.

Hello! 78ch3 of the SSRF with your monthly review!
Quality: 12/20
Speed: 19/20
Kindness: 13/20
Activity: 14/20
Style: 10/20

Rating: 68/100 C+

Tips: The order delivered was as expected, a few things could be improved, though. The turret is referred to as a tower, but so is the Tower, which is your base. Some instructions are helpful, others are just stating the obvious. The towers don't rotate, the bullet host sprite does, and it's visible for whatever reason. As for how it works, it's functional, like it should, works as I hoped. But why am I limited to one turret? Considering the fact it fires and kills slow enough I could code the engine myself (not an offense I promise), I could at least have another turret to back me up. Finally, why is there colour sensing? Someone will probably create a new costume or different sprite to add variation, then wonder for several hours trying to find a bug before finally realising it was colour sensing and not sprite sensing all along. This feels a little too bare-bones. Other than that, it works. I'd rate it a 14.
What happened to @MyScratchedAccount's input though?

As for the other orders I was supposed to view, I can't find many and they aren't that well done tbh, which I knocked a couple points off for, as well as for having my order redirected to another partner shop, but then the order was completed by someone who's staff in both shops. Seems like you're needlessly sending my order away despite perfectly capable staff being there to complete stuff. There's a lot of talking going on, and long, unsnipped quote chains. I can help with the order issue, as you can subscribe to ISOC and have orders sent to your shop if another can't do them. Problem is, everybody forgot about it. Maybe we could get some staff to manage it and let people know it exist?

The front page is… complicated. No directory, a lot of bloat and redundant stuff clog up the front page. It needs a rework to be honest. I could cut out a majority of the contents. There's also quite a few noticeable grammar, spelling and punctuation errors, just as an extra. I won't question why you're called the coding shop but also sell premium art, apparently.

Overall, I'd work on improving the shop's front page and primary posts as they need the most work. Simplify them and add a working directory. Clean up redundant info and style it with BBCode and colour. Orders can probably spare some extra time to improve quality, as a period of around 4-5 days is still quite fast.

Need orders from ⭐▶️The (almost) jack of all trades shop◀️. Click here ad

Last edited by MyScratchedAccount (April 10, 2023 00:36:06)


Give An Internet - - My Profile - My Best Project Of The Week - Am I Online? - on wiki, go to my talk

Scratched//Boy/Him/He////Likes Apples//Coder //
Go to Codin[co
500+ posts

Now Hiring | Coding Hut™️ | premium code and art AND WE NOW MAKE ANYTHING!!!

hello do you want to partner with The Rickroll Shop? I will join your shop as a worker if you accept.

Last edited by Cabbage_2020 (Dec. 28, 2022 12:40:13)

1000+ posts

Now Hiring | Coding Hut™️ | premium code and art AND WE NOW MAKE ANYTHING!!!

Cabbage_2020 wrote:

hello do you want to partner with The Rickroll Shop? I will join your shop as a worker if you accept.

Yes do you want to be Co-owner and we need more customers and we need some ads. As a co-owner you can also do ALL the jobs + added

Last edited by MyScratchedAccount (Dec. 28, 2022 20:21:02)


Give An Internet - - My Profile - My Best Project Of The Week - Am I Online? - on wiki, go to my talk

Scratched//Boy/Him/He////Likes Apples//Coder //
Go to Codin[co
1000+ posts

Now Hiring | Coding Hut™️ | premium code and art AND WE NOW MAKE ANYTHING!!!

Coding Hut, Staff room

click here for the Meeting Hub

Staff room
See latest requests, get recourses and more!

Request Billboard


Staff tasks

Assigned to @MyScratchedaccount
make ads & get customers
do customer's requests

Assigned to everyone

Do your job

Assigned for @TKTK1234567
Whatever you need

More updates to this board will come soon!

Announcements by the Admin team for staff members


Help requests from partners




Logo (in a link)


all below is for high rank
Activity check (owner, co-owner and some admins else a strike)
[quote] Activity Check [b][/b]
MyScratchedAccount - no response
TKTK1234567 - no response
clover_the_bunny_ - no response
bloxabyte - no response
strxkerftw - no response

You have until [u]time[/u] to respond or else you will get a warning (will appear on team)
You must do this, say active in your quote

Strike alert (only for admins)
Please send to their latest post on this forum
[quote]Strike Alert
Hello, you have received a strike from the coding hut. A reminder that 5 strikes is for being fired. The reason is: [b]reason here[/b]

From (username)

Reminder for activity check
[quote]1 day remaining on activity check. Staff will get a strike tomorrow if they did not reply or I find out they are active unless you are marked as on holiday ot on break [/quote]

Voting for new assigning role for new person when original got fired
[quote][big]We are doing a vote because the (role name ) got fired.[/big]
Please choose a staff member to promote. [i]You can't choose yourself[/i]
[quote]Paste list here[/quote]
You have to vote unless you will get an activity warning
You have 2 weeks to vote[/quote]

Rule change or remove or add
 [quote][big]Rule suggestion[/big]
I would like to
(Bold what to do)
Add an rule / change an rule / remove an rule


Monthly/2 weeks/3 weeks review template
 [big]Your Review[/big]
Hello, it's time for your review! Here you will get tips and ratings! Please also give us feedback on this review

[big] Ratings [/big]

Style - X/20
Speed & activeness (speed means how fast the orders took) - X/20
Likeness (how much your customers liked it) X/50
Niceness (how respectful are the staff) - X/20
Other X/60


[big]Notes from staff[/big]

Reviewed by (username)

[big]Total score![/big]

Last edited by MyScratchedAccount (Jan. 18, 2023 12:22:35)


Give An Internet - - My Profile - My Best Project Of The Week - Am I Online? - on wiki, go to my talk

Scratched//Boy/Him/He////Likes Apples//Coder //
Go to Codin[co
500+ posts

Now Hiring | Coding Hut™️ | premium code and art AND WE NOW MAKE ANYTHING!!!

I’m 99% sure that using your own currency, like “scratch coin” is against the rules.

Your eyes are open
So never close them
You’ll sail the ocean
Finding where you should be
And if you’re broken
You’ll make your own thing
You’ll make it so big
For all the world to see
63 posts

Now Hiring | Coding Hut™️ | premium code and art AND WE NOW MAKE ANYTHING!!!

what is scratch coin

staff at r.s.c.s
500+ posts

Now Hiring | Coding Hut™️ | premium code and art AND WE NOW MAKE ANYTHING!!!

sharkdude6789 wrote:

what is scratch coin
Their own currency, you can see that they want them from you for packages

Your eyes are open
So never close them
You’ll sail the ocean
Finding where you should be
And if you’re broken
You’ll make your own thing
You’ll make it so big
For all the world to see
1000+ posts

Now Hiring | Coding Hut™️ | premium code and art AND WE NOW MAKE ANYTHING!!!

Mic_hal16 wrote:

I’m 99% sure that using your own currency, like “scratch coin” is against the rules.
I was planning to use it but idk so i will remove it


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Scratched//Boy/Him/He////Likes Apples//Coder //
Go to Codin[co
1000+ posts

Now Hiring | Coding Hut™️ | premium code and art AND WE NOW MAKE ANYTHING!!!

I am ok with you partning with my shop my shop is not the shop in my signature it is the other one pending accepting.

Last edited by TKTK1234567 (Dec. 29, 2022 20:05:31)

Generation IX (9): the first time you see this copy and paste it on top of your sig in the scratch forums and increase generation by 1. Social experiment.
Image generator for forms here!
I have something that shoots evil kumquats automatically so I have none.
Check out the Glow Shop.
If I helped please give me CREDIT( or if I didn't help I would love it.
To create your own signature go here:
(join [https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/settings/] (join (username) [/]))
Join my ⚔️Scratcher Defense Army⚔️And The Boat Empire( ask in comment section).
when green flag clicked
if <(I Need Help) = [Yes]> then
Get Help::custom
when green flag clicked
if <(Response) = [true]> then
say [ok]
set [Response v] to [false]
1000+ posts

Now Hiring | Coding Hut™️ | premium code and art AND WE NOW MAKE ANYTHING!!!

TKTK1234567 wrote:

I am ok with you partning with my shop my shop is not the shop in my signature it is the other one pending accepting.
Adding to my Partners


Give An Internet - - My Profile - My Best Project Of The Week - Am I Online? - on wiki, go to my talk

Scratched//Boy/Him/He////Likes Apples//Coder //
Go to Codin[co
1000+ posts

Now Hiring | Coding Hut™️ | premium code and art AND WE NOW MAKE ANYTHING!!!

MyScratchedAccount wrote:

TKTK1234567 wrote:

I am ok with you partning with my shop my shop is not the shop in my signature it is the other one pending accepting.
Adding to my Partners

Generation IX (9): the first time you see this copy and paste it on top of your sig in the scratch forums and increase generation by 1. Social experiment.
Image generator for forms here!
I have something that shoots evil kumquats automatically so I have none.
Check out the Glow Shop.
If I helped please give me CREDIT( or if I didn't help I would love it.
To create your own signature go here:
(join [https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/settings/] (join (username) [/]))
Join my ⚔️Scratcher Defense Army⚔️And The Boat Empire( ask in comment section).
when green flag clicked
if <(I Need Help) = [Yes]> then
Get Help::custom
when green flag clicked
if <(Response) = [true]> then
say [ok]
set [Response v] to [false]

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