Discuss Scratch

1000+ posts

Math jokes

Q: Why was the kid angry at his brother?
A: Because his brother thought mathematics was fun and enjoyed studying it at school

haha different dance eight it's no longer å i changed it how does that feel

i go by pyrei/pyra btw, b0o0lean is a stupid username idk why i named myself that
1000+ posts

Math jokes

Q: What did the detective say?
A: “Nothing about this case adds up.”

Animated button created by me

Despite what my About section says, I have been using Scratch before 2019. 2019 was the year that I first joined Scratch.
1000+ posts

Math jokes

q: uhh… why.. uh.. why was.. the.. the man… uhh… why did he sit on a triangular blanket???
a: um, uh, he uh.. he was trying.. uh. it was.. it.. he… COS he was uhh… trying to get.. uh. getting… he uhh tryin-trying… he uhh was trying to get… get a tan???
i tried okay

haha different dance eight it's no longer å i changed it how does that feel

i go by pyrei/pyra btw, b0o0lean is a stupid username idk why i named myself that
1000+ posts

Math jokes

something about 7 eating 9? i don't know.

autistic male who loves birds, A LOT

I'm also into nintendo, specifically Mario and Zelda.

Sukiyo the Rito is my Rito OC, he came to me in a dream.
100+ posts

Math jokes

Why is 2 afraid of 10? Because 10 8 9!
Me: Makes no sense, ChatGPT

FlameEater9000, I like flame and fires, that's kinda my theme, so! I like to make animations (while, more of animatics)
This is my new account since my old account got corrupted lose 7 months ago
I like the Scratch Forums, I spend a lot of time there and usually I make animatics which take a lot of time, sometimes I will made games but those will be centered around my animatics and the chance of me making a game is the chance of Scratch releasing 4.0

ALSO, I need to tell people something, and on my old account I found this annoying, in the Advanced Topics, please
Make the thing before announcing it!
1000+ posts

Math jokes

YouChat wrote:

Why did the chicken cross the Mobius strip? To get to the same side!

Animated button created by me

Despite what my About section says, I have been using Scratch before 2019. 2019 was the year that I first joined Scratch.

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