Scratcher Joined 10 years, 5 months ago United Kingdom
About me
I joined here a year ago and it has been an intriguing and exciting experience; considering the amount of time I've been here, I think I have done very well.
Thanks for all the support!!!
What I'm working on
I working on quite a lot of tri filling and using polygons at the moment and discovering new tactics as I go along.
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (36)
View all- Red Green Blue Alpha by jexpress
- Quad fillers test by jexpress
- Space adventure 2D Short-Test by jexpress
- Tri-filler speed test by jexpress
- Another Tri-filler by jexpress
- My first Tri-filler by jexpress
- Red Green Blue by jexpress
- More 3D by jexpress
- 3D2 by jexpress
- Tag remix by jexpress
- The most random, list-based, target shooter by jexpress
- April fools by jexpress
- 3D by jexpress
- 3D stuff by jexpress
- 3D Map - Fps Counter by jexpress
- 3D Walls (Raycaster) by jexpress
- Hard (Trig-Pen Engine) 3D Stuff v0.2.1 by jexpress
- Simple 3D Stuff by jexpress
- New Intro by jexpress
- Typewriter by jexpress
Favorite Projects
View all- Shufflepuck 100% Pen by ajzat25
- Ball Physics (Pen) by TC-Tests
- You Have 5 Seconds 2 by MCAnimator3D
- Beaver Man 1.3 by Nobelix
- ☁︎OnlinePlatform☁︎ by MMGISS_sub
- Parallax by Relfirm
- Random Walk on a Sphere (clones) by twins_paradox
- Shoot by jammingrape
- Comic Strip Generator by animater_iguana
- Fun Clones With Pen Project by z20342
- clones with pen by paynehe
- Penformer by mudlark0000
- Sloped Smooth Collision Detection with scrolling test by justtestingstickman
- 3D Game Demo by lightedblox
- How does Rolling on Slopes work? by Java_Programmer
- Scratch.exe by Catastrophe1999
- Epic Ninja v1.12 by griffpatch
- Momentum [FIXED!!] by Fireflew
- Bob the 3D Cowboy - Isometric 3D by hugmyster
- Circle Physics by Wes64
Studios I'm Following
View all- yando's Studio
- Genesis Gaming
- Pen Transparency
- SD - particle systems
- Pen Simulations & Games
- 3D Framework: step-by-step
- Pen Projects!
- cool undeviewed projects
- Useful HowTos & Custom Blocks
- 3D engines (step by step)
- Hacked Blocks and Custom Blocks
- For all types of projects!!!
- Entered projects [OSC]
- Pixel
- animals, science , programing, non bullying,and randomness!!!!!!!!
Studios I Curate
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