Scratcher Joined 8 years, 2 months ago Japan
About me
I don't check messages often, please don't expect me to reply quickly.
What I'm working on
I'm not active on Scratch anymore.
A lot of my projects are private now because they contained "hacked" blocks from Scratch 2.0 era that no longer works in 3.0.
What I've been doing
Shared Projects (19)
View all- [PTE] FastGolem by CommandSlash017
- FPS Counter by CommandSlash017
- 再帰関数の例: シェルピンスキーのギャスケット by CommandSlash017
- 0630_amd by CommandSlash017
- Smooth zooming / 滑らかなズーム by CommandSlash017
- クローンの処理順を検証してみる by CommandSlash017
- 風船を避けよう! (耐久ゲーム) by CommandSlash017
- 反射 by CommandSlash017
- Voronoi diagram 2 / ボロノイ図2 by CommandSlash017
- Voronoi diagram / ボロノイ図 by CommandSlash017
- 画面4分割 (Pen) by CommandSlash017
- 100%Pen 花火 / Pen Fireworks by CommandSlash017
- 100%Pen Ball Mini Game (Score Counter) by CommandSlash017
- 距離 by CommandSlash017
- 100%Pen弾幕 (飽きたやつ) by CommandSlash017
- Stopをクリックすると・・・? by CommandSlash017
- FPS Counter / FPS計測 by CommandSlash017
- スロット by CommandSlash017
- Gobo'sシューティング Ver1.17 by CommandSlash017
Favorite Projects
View all- Lava Lamp by HDGraphics
- binary turn with mouse by qramo
- 未完だけど公開します by gerarudo
- ホタルを見ようの会 by Accelerator00x
- coconut crab chaos | #games #all by bluuxolotl
- Arch's Journey / 弓つかいアーチの旅 by Poteto143
- 【Grapher-S】100%pen v1.3 by youkaiwatch
- Remix: molecules 3D by KimiruHamiru
- 3D Builder (3D Editor) ver1.9 by daidaidai1
- カメラのシャッターの効果 camera shutter effect by y0sh1k10
- Getting Over It v1.4 by griffpatch
- 文豪とリバーシ(つくりかけ) by pandakun7
- マケドニア的な by gagagagagagagaqqww
- 3D Cube ...(PEN) - 3D-Engine by youkaiwatch
- クラウド募金2 by pandakun7
- ネコRPG Ver0.3.0.9 by kkkooo
- FastGolem speed test by sub_p-and-a
- Scratch 3.0 is here! by ScratchCat
- Reversed by rikutoshuji
- base64 by Zro716
Studios I'm Following
View all- MMGISSの使ってほしい素材
- Scratchエディター再現 合作用スタジオ
- とある弾幕研究所
- 本気を出してみた作品 - My masterpiece projects!
- 合作 Cmd梟計画
- Share Your Scratch Journey
- Happy Birthday, Scratch!
- 学校行っていない人!不登校の人!学校に行きづらい人!集まれー
- 熊本地震 東日本大震災 阪神.淡路大震災を忘れるな!
- hota1024引退コンテスト!
- EPSが使ってほしい素材集
- 将棋制作スタジオ(勤務中)
- (株)Scratch Program Company
- サブアカ記念!
- オンラインジグソーパズルに挑戦
- お気に入りの数が5を超えた作品入れて
- onara_gou スタジオ
- マインクラフトマルチしようぜ
- sou16 フォロワー100人記念スタジオ!!
- かあらもちの広場
Studios I Curate
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