Homebrewer » Favorites (182)
NES Emulator v1.0.0 by SpinningCube
Rock Paper Scissor: Royale by indianagal
Super Mario Odyssey: World 1-1? by mariofan235
3D Mario Test by FunnyAnimatorJimTV
3D Mario v0.11 by BNNMN444TvTest
NiGHTS into Dreams demake ver.0.9.0 by Heysbeauz
Super Mario 64 Platformer by TheGoodGuy8000
Splatoon スプラトゥーン by FunnyAnimatorJimTV
Super Mario World 2.0 #Games by Terrarian7926
DEMO - Super Mario Bros: Ancient Taiko! - DEMO by prodbysiroo
Super Mario Odyssey v1.0 by NickNackNoYo
Super Mario Bros S v2.1 by superpi2
New Super Mario Bros V.2.11 by Heysbeauz
Super Mario Odyssey (Engine) by king8766
Super Mario Odyssey: Seashine Island (Ver 1.1) by mariofan235
Spyro 3D by maDU59_
slither.io v1.13 (#3) by griffpatch
Ball Physics Scroll v0.4 by griffpatch
Neon Foosball v1.2 by kevin_eleven_1234
Cool Rainbow Trail (v1.2) by xboxguy175
Orbits Simulation by Ironisgold
[WIP] 3D Starfox 3D Corneria Demo by Plokie
Mario & Wario [Super Famicom] by Atari-Dude
Trampoline Simulator v1.1 by BurritoDog-14
Crystal Seeker 3D platformer v1.8.3 by ggenije
Odo // DS9 fanart by tysoreX
Realistically reproduce the songs of Super Mario World!!/ スーパーマリオワールドの曲をリアルに再現!! リメイク版 by nabaiko
Super Mario For Scratch 4 by Brad-Games
☀ sunrise in seattle - a parallax ˊˎ- by -azalea
Super Mario World v1.1.2 - A Scrolling Platformer - Mobile Supported by BenjaminWins11
Sketch Creator by HappyChibi
breath of the wild - parallax UPDATED 3.0 by HotSauce111
Death Stranding | I'll Keep Coming by Lonely-and-Lost
Luigi's Mansion (NES) [Test] by MrMozzie
Galaxy Guy-Platformer by Trimilio
Steyr TMP (Perfect Dark CMP150) by Reptlowagain
Birth of the Scratch Cat by mres
Squirrel Simulator Unfinished by Comicat1
Donkey Kong Country with diddy kong by ry-lazer
Green Ball Illusion by SuperScratcher3344
11 Things Every Scratcher is Guilty Of v1.2 by Meyy26
Mario Star Collector by SuperScratcher3344
SMOB3 - Original by Jonas_Rains
Welp, I Guess I Have To... by Fwoobies123
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (Nintendo Entertainment System) remix by xlgamer789
flying trip by TheDestroyer703
Mario Tennis: Rally Challenge by MarioFan3629
The Adventures of Kaby by AndreOOOh
Atari Pong by illusionist
Major Tom by AbbyLiddell
Luigi bro shorts episode 4 by Luigi_Bro
Super Mario 2D World (SNES) V2.5 by Brad-Games
Super Mario Odyssey With Scooter Functionality by Luigi_Bro
Untitled-5 by legelmacroon
Cuphead by juanito1509
twisted metal 2 by indianagal
2D Super Mario Odyssey V3 by Brad-Games
Sonic Forces (8-Bit) by Miles-Tails_Prower
Hotel Mario NES - First Boss by Chavis10
Mario Sunshine (UNFINISHED/UNRELEASED) by scratchU8_Test