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37 posts

Scratch 2.0 Paint Editor

Why can't we make perfectly straight lines anymore?

You actually can make a straight line if you press Shift while using the pen tool.
37 posts

Scratch 2.0 Paint Editor

The eraser graphic is confusing (doesn't really looks like an eraser at all IMO, the old graphic was more obvious) and being all the way at the bottom of the tool layout doesn't seem very logical, as it will probably be often used.

We agree! We're planning to replace this with a better icon.
88 posts

Scratch 2.0 Paint Editor

The heck is up with the paintbucket???
It fills in a vector object.
No, I mean, it's like broken. Or something.

5 posts

Scratch 2.0 Paint Editor

Um, when I use the paint fill, it ignores lines and just colours the background. Is that supposed to happen?
4 posts

Scratch 2.0 Paint Editor

I'm concerned about the ability to select and stamp only certain parts of an image. From what I've seen, all you can do is select an entire image. If there really is no way for me to select key parts of a sprite, then it will be much harder to edit images for me.
33 posts

Scratch 2.0 Paint Editor

Changes to the Paint Editor in Scratch 2.0

As many of you are aware Scratch 2.0 will move from providing a bitmap based paint editor to a vector based paint editor.

Why vector?

There are many differences between bitmap and vector based images, and pros and cons of each. One noticeable benefit of vector based images is in scaling.

Here is the same image in bitmap then vector format:

Now here they are scaled up:

You’ll notice the vector image maintains its quality while the bitmap becomes pixelated or ‘fuzzy’. With vector images, your projects can scale to full screen and still look good.

Other characteristics we saw as benefits of using vector based images are:
  • -Vectors drawings can be easier to modify and remix - reshaping, changing colors, resizing, moving or rotating one part of the image.
    -They produce smaller file sizes
    -There currently aren’t that many simple and free vector editors out there whereas there are many simple and free bitmap editors.
    -Vector images produce a look that may be considered more modern.

That said, the debate between bitmap or vector ‘style’ has a long history which extends beyond the Scratch world. There are of course benefits to bitmaps that vectors don’t have - for example, pixel perfect editing or drawing. We want to support as best we can those of you that sit firmly in the bitmap camp. Though you can’t create bitmaps, we hope to make it easy to import bitmaps and do some basic editing.

We’re excited about the move to a vector based paint editor but building a good and easy to use vector editor is no easy task. We’ve been working on it for a long time - but there’s still work to be done. We’re releasing our work in progress because we’re interested in feedback from the community of testers.

Try it out and let us know what you think:

  • -What tools are confusing?
    -What types of things are you finding difficult to draw?
    -If you draw something in the vector editor, please share it on the site!
    -(For now we don’t need bugs to be reported - since there are quite a few, and we’re likely aware of most of them. We’ll be asking for bug reports in a later release)

While you play with it remember that there are many features that have not yet been implemented. Don’t be alarmed…they’re on their way.

Some features still in the works:

  • -Bitmap editing support: import bitmaps and edit them
    -Fill with gradients and a color wheel color picker
    -An eraser tool
    -A better paintbucket
    -A way to set center of rotation for a sprite
    -Better support for creating scenes
    - Zooming

Check back here for updates, bug fixes, and new releases of the paint editor.

Read more about the differences between bitmap and vector here.

a better paint bucket, working eraser? The other paint editor was easier to use. I try to paint something, and it comes out funny cause it doesn't work the way its suppost to.
21 posts

Scratch 2.0 Paint Editor

I think vector graphics are a good way to go, but after playing around a bit with the fill tool, the ability to fill in objects has been greatly handicapped, which will make it hard to shade, as well as a lot of lag, (if there's only an online version, there has to be no lag). I'm also missing the “clear” button. Erasing just lines is nice, but only if you also have the option of erasing color too. Also, where are the gradients? And that I had to press the shift key to make a straight line wasn't obvious to me until I read this thread. So, in short, there's a lot to be improved here, and I'd say that this is more like a “gamma”, because there are some big problems here.

Other then that, I like the new graphics quality, this'll improve the artwork on the site for sure. There are a lot of little improvements I noticed that were nice– like the ability to have multiple text in one sprite, and I also love the “studios” idea and how you can curve lines now. So, I think this was rushed a bit out the door, but I'm keeping an open mind because I know that this is only the beta, and there's lots of time to make the changes you need to make this awesome.

– LockedOn.
(MY FIRST POST in the 2.0 forums yahoo!)

37 posts

Scratch 2.0 Paint Editor

a better paint bucket, working eraser? The other paint editor was easier to use. I try to paint something, and it comes out funny cause it doesn't work the way its suppost to.

Hi - can you tell us a bit more about what you were trying to draw and what sort of problems you were running into? You're feedback will help us make things work better!

37 posts

Scratch 2.0 Paint Editor

I think vector graphics are a good way to go, but after playing around a bit with the fill tool, the ability to fill in objects has been greatly handicapped, which will make it hard to shade, as well as a lot of lag, (if there's only an online version, there has to be no lag). I'm also missing the “clear” button. Erasing just lines is nice, but only if you also have the option of erasing color too. Also, where are the gradients? And that I had to press the shift key to make a straight line wasn't obvious to me until I read this thread. So, in short, there's a lot to be improved here, and I'd say that this is more like a “gamma”, because there are some big problems here.

Other then that, I like the new graphics quality, this'll improve the artwork on the site for sure. There are a lot of little improvements I noticed that were nice– like the ability to have multiple text in one sprite, and I also love the “studios” idea and how you can curve lines now. So, I think this was rushed a bit out the door, but I'm keeping an open mind because I know that this is only the beta, and there's lots of time to make the changes you need to make this awesome.

– LockedOn.
(MY FIRST POST in the 2.0 forums yahoo!)

Thanks for your feedback and for taking the time to play with the paint editor.

- We're thinking of adding a “clear” button as you described
- Gradients are in the works
- We realized people aren't discovering the straight line tool as we hoped (with Shift+) so we're considering adding a separate tool for this.

37 posts

Scratch 2.0 Paint Editor

Hey All,

I responded to some of you asking about how to put an image into another image in the paint editor by telling you to drag it in from the backpack. It looks like that feature isn't working yet - I'm sorry! We should have it soon, I'll post here once it's live.

2 posts

Scratch 2.0 Paint Editor

how do you make lines?
2 posts

Scratch 2.0 Paint Editor

Is there an eraser?
21 posts

Scratch 2.0 Paint Editor

I think vector graphics are a good way to go, but after playing around a bit with the fill tool, the ability to fill in objects has been greatly handicapped, which will make it hard to shade, as well as a lot of lag, (if there's only an online version, there has to be no lag). I'm also missing the “clear” button. Erasing just lines is nice, but only if you also have the option of erasing color too. Also, where are the gradients? And that I had to press the shift key to make a straight line wasn't obvious to me until I read this thread. So, in short, there's a lot to be improved here, and I'd say that this is more like a “gamma”, because there are some big problems here.

Other then that, I like the new graphics quality, this'll improve the artwork on the site for sure. There are a lot of little improvements I noticed that were nice– like the ability to have multiple text in one sprite, and I also love the “studios” idea and how you can curve lines now. So, I think this was rushed a bit out the door, but I'm keeping an open mind because I know that this is only the beta, and there's lots of time to make the changes you need to make this awesome.

– LockedOn.
(MY FIRST POST in the 2.0 forums yahoo!)

Thanks for your feedback and for taking the time to play with the paint editor.

- We're thinking of adding a “clear” button as you described
- Gradients are in the works
- We realized people aren't discovering the straight line tool as we hoped (with Shift+) so we're considering adding a separate tool for this.

Great, thank you so much for replying to my comments.
I have a couple more questions:
Can you change the font, and will this ever be implemented?
Can you somehow code in the shortcut command+z for undo, like in 1.4, or is this impossible with the Flash base?

– LockedOn.

100+ posts

Scratch 2.0 Paint Editor

Good question! We've actually discussed this scenario quite a bit in our past design meetings. What we decided was to support this by allowing you to drag images from your backpack into the current costume.

So - you could put an svg in your backpack and then drag it out into a costume. I'm curious to hear more of your feedback - what were you trying to create when you wanted to import an svg into your existing costume?


I notice this mostly when working on backgrounds for projects. For example, I import the bottom half of the background (land, water, etc.) into a costume and would like to reuse different skies (dark, light, etc.) that I have saved as individual svg files without merging them into one large svg prior to importing into Scratch. The Scratch svg importer sometimes has difficulties importing complex svg files, but imports smaller svg files very well. Thanks.

2.0 Alpha Tester • Scratch instructor and fan!

“Some like to build and some like to play. You can do both with Scratch every single day.”
100+ posts

Scratch 2.0 Paint Editor

When I try to use the ‘fill’ option, something really odd happens- my entire background and the design I am trying to colour are filled with the colour, rather than just the are I want. A few other odd things have been happening with the fill option too, e.g their is a random white patch or odd patterns…

If life is a game, what are the rules?
23 posts

Scratch 2.0 Paint Editor

Cool! I just wish it had were “send back” and “bring forward” buttons.

Ha, signatures are for–

I'd put some witty signature stereotypes here, but nothing I tried would work.

21 posts

Scratch 2.0 Paint Editor

X-Radical wrote:

Cool! I just wish it had were “send back” and “bring forward” buttons.

It does– here they are:

Right below the “eraser” tool, when you select a layer.
And if you select two layers, a new button appears that lets you merge them!

– LockedOn.

1000+ posts

Scratch 2.0 Paint Editor


Get a sweet lick of my new game right here! It's a tasty one!
500+ posts

Scratch 2.0 Paint Editor

Vector is harder to use but it makes scratch look way more professional and is scaleable to infinity it is what professionals use for graphic design and is the purpose of adobe illustrator although even illustrator has the ability to flip between vector and bitmap.
also remember vector uses a “dot” style bitmap uses “pixel” or “square” hence why blownup bitmap images look rough and jagged
just use paint for quick offline bitmaps!

(edit) also joey your profile pic would look much better in vector

Last edited by botcrusher (Feb. 1, 2013 21:13:03)

Pondering what to work on.
4 posts

Scratch 2.0 Paint Editor

Hello! I can't understand Scratch 2.0. Will someone help me! I used to make good(ish) projects, but now I can't even draw! Scratch please fix this! And can someone teach me…

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