Discuss Scratch

3 posts

Cached Variables!! [Saved Games!] / Locally Saved Variables

support! support! support! this is a really good idea i think. it's amazing to see that thought out there, it would be SOOOOO useful. totally all in.
500+ posts

Cached Variables!! [Saved Games!] / Locally Saved Variables

Agree for reasons by other people and OP.
3 posts

Cached Variables!! [Saved Games!] / Locally Saved Variables

CCPlymJoe wrote:

No support. Use Cloud. There's tons of cloud engines, and if your internet goes down in the middle of a game, that won't be a problem.
and yet, new scratchers like me cant use cloud yet (i've been waiting for like forever to use it and i still cant!!!)
i know this is an old post im responding to, but i couldnt help myself
3 posts

Cached Variables!! [Saved Games!] / Locally Saved Variables

CCPlymJoe wrote:

No support. Use Cloud. There's tons of cloud engines, and if your internet goes down in the middle of a game, that won't be a problem.
and yet, new scratchers like me cant use cloud yet (i've been waiting for like forever to use it and i still cant!!!)
i know this is an old post im responding to, but i couldnt help myself
18 posts

Cached Variables!! [Saved Games!] / Locally Saved Variables

I support!
document.cookie in scratch!
1000+ posts

Cached Variables!! [Saved Games!] / Locally Saved Variables

Support! Could New Scratchers use this, too?

H                                                                                    He
Li Be B C N O F Ne
Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar
K Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr
Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I Xe
Cs Ba Hf Ta W Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg Tl Pb Bi Po At Rn
Fr Ra Rf Db Sg Bh Hs Mt Ds Rg Cn Nh Fl Mc Lv Ts Og

La Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu
Ac Th Pa U Np Pu Am Cm Bk Cf Es Fm Md No Lr

100+ posts

Cached Variables!! [Saved Games!] / Locally Saved Variables

Support! I will be able to make long-term games in Scratch.
500+ posts

Cached Variables!! [Saved Games!] / Locally Saved Variables

dont necro post on a post on 2015?
my bad I necroposted too, didn't see it was on august

Last edited by Joshia_T (Sept. 29, 2019 16:07:56)

1000+ posts

Cached Variables!! [Saved Games!] / Locally Saved Variables

Joshia_T wrote:

dont necro post on a post on 2015?
my bad I necroposted too, didn't see it was on august
Four things to point out:
  1. Replying to a necropost isn't necroposting. Wait, there's a month long gap.
  2. Unless the thread isn't revelant, posting there is completely okay (as long as it adds something to the discussion).
  3. Even if the user necroposted, they would “necropost on a post from 2018”.
  4. It's in August.
(I'm sorry, but I'm too lazy to read the whole opiginal post, and even if I wasn't, I probably wouldn't add anything anyway, because someone else has probably already said that.)

Last edited by WindOctahedron (Sept. 29, 2019 16:30:02)

The message above may contain wrong information, rude remarks, or something embarrassing to my current self. In this case, please ignore it and remember that I likely wrote it back when I didn't know what “respect” truly meant. I really hate thinking about it again.
1000+ posts

Cached Variables!! [Saved Games!] / Locally Saved Variables

An epninja thread? On my forums front page in 2019? It's more likely than you think

Honestly, this suggestion is so well thought out and beautifully developed that I would be extremely surprised if there hasn't been an official response to it yet. Anyone seen a ST member around here?

* BIGになりたい そこのアnタ!
250th post | 500th post | 750th post | 1000th post
1 post

Cached Variables!! [Saved Games!] / Locally Saved Variables


Here's some concepts -

Unnamed Cache Variables:
( Cache 1)
( Cache 2)
( Cache 3)
( Cache 4)

Write to Cache variable:
set [ Cache 1] to [12345]

Retrieve from Cache variable:
<user's cache [ Cache 1]>
1000+ posts

Cached Variables!! [Saved Games!] / Locally Saved Variables

WindOctahedron wrote:

Joshia_T wrote:

dont necro post on a post on 2015?
my bad I necroposted too, didn't see it was on august
Four things to point out:
  1. Replying to a necropost isn't necroposting. Wait, there's a month long gap.
  2. Unless the thread isn't revelant, posting there is completely okay (as long as it adds something to the discussion).
  3. Even if the user necroposted, they would “necropost on a post from 2018”.
  4. It's in August.
(I'm sorry, but I'm too lazy to read the whole opiginal post, and even if I wasn't, I probably wouldn't add anything anyway, because someone else has probably already said that.)
There is no necroposting in suggestions

Last edited by kaj (Tomorrow 00:00:00)
Forum helper | boy | platformers | 14yrs | guitar | website

14 posts

Cached Variables!! [Saved Games!] / Locally Saved Variables

I agree!
when green flag clicked :: control
I agree! :: pen

when green flag clicked
code games::#00ff6A
share my games::#FA168A
Be HAPPY::#ff8f00
41 posts

Cached Variables!! [Saved Games!] / Locally Saved Variables


Last edited by -ImTheBadGuy- (June 7, 2020 14:24:17)

100+ posts

Cached Variables!! [Saved Games!] / Locally Saved Variables


Hi, I'm @andyman11

I used to use scratch, I don't much anymore.
Please no scratchblocks spam. Except scratch-blocks spam – test the limits of the editor but don't spam the forums.
© Copyright nobody, feel free to steal this style of description for your own.

1000+ posts

Cached Variables!! [Saved Games!] / Locally Saved Variables

Support. This will be very useful, and those extra 10 cloud variables combined with this could turn into a really good project!
1000+ posts

Cached Variables!! [Saved Games!] / Locally Saved Variables

1 post

Cached Variables!! [Saved Games!] / Locally Saved Variables

5 posts

Cached Variables!! [Saved Games!] / Locally Saved Variables

Support. I was JUST complaining to myself about saving player data on MMO-type games!

Still trying to avoid getting confused with the cat groups of a similar name..
1000+ posts

Cached Variables!! [Saved Games!] / Locally Saved Variables

I hope an ST member sees this and gives their opinion on this.

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