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AU-Ratcatcher wrote:

Platypus_WKeyboard wrote:

MarvelScratchRewind wrote:

whoops, wrong account.
Who are you?
They probably just posted that to make us think that someone in Atlas was them
I was going to ask if I could join Atlas and stop assuming my gender. I go by he/her

Last edited by MarvelScratchRewind (May 25, 2024 20:01:12)

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MarvelScratchRewind wrote:

AU-Ratcatcher wrote:

Platypus_WKeyboard wrote:

MarvelScratchRewind wrote:

whoops, wrong account.
Who are you?
They probably just posted that to make us think that someone in Atlas was them
I was going to ask if I could join Atlas and stop assuming my gender. I go by he/her
1. Please stop stalking.
2. I used “they” because I didn’t know your gender. “They” is a good gender to call someone when you don’t know, as it applies to everything.

- Me
New to Scratch
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AU-Ratcatcher wrote:

MarvelScratchRewind wrote:

AU-Ratcatcher wrote:

Platypus_WKeyboard wrote:

MarvelScratchRewind wrote:

whoops, wrong account.
Who are you?
They probably just posted that to make us think that someone in Atlas was them
I was going to ask if I could join Atlas and stop assuming my gender. I go by she/her
1. Please stop stalking.
2. I used “they” because I didn’t know your gender. “They” is a good gender to call someone when you don’t know, as it applies to everything.
1. How am I stalking
2. Look at my about me

Last edited by MarvelScratchRewind (May 25, 2024 20:09:09)

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MarvelScratchRewind wrote:

1. How am I stalking
2. Look at my about me
1) Forum stalking, this is a invite-only forum so you are not invited,
2) That is at the bottom of it and seemed to be just added, sorry for not knowing it's just hard to find,

A platypus? A platypus with a keyboard? Perry the platypus with a keyboard?

About Me.

| he/him | Jewish | Writer | Comic Fan | Movie and TV fanatic | Marvel, DC, Darkhorse, Image, comics are comics! | Music is cool, I like music | Doctor Who! | Animation is tight | Also new signature!

“Do you know what kind of person becomes a psychologist? A person that wishes deep down that everyone more special than them was sick because healthy sounds so much more exciting than boring. You're average, Britta Perry. You're every kid on the playground who didn't get picked on. You're a business casual potted plant, a human white sale. You're VH1 Robocop 2 and Back to the Future 3. You're the center slice of a square cheese pizza. Actually, that sounds delicious. I'm the center slice of a square cheese pizza. You're Jim Belushi.”
- Evil Abed
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Last edited by Platypus_WKeyboard (May 25, 2024 23:39:52)

A platypus? A platypus with a keyboard? Perry the platypus with a keyboard?

About Me.

| he/him | Jewish | Writer | Comic Fan | Movie and TV fanatic | Marvel, DC, Darkhorse, Image, comics are comics! | Music is cool, I like music | Doctor Who! | Animation is tight | Also new signature!

“Do you know what kind of person becomes a psychologist? A person that wishes deep down that everyone more special than them was sick because healthy sounds so much more exciting than boring. You're average, Britta Perry. You're every kid on the playground who didn't get picked on. You're a business casual potted plant, a human white sale. You're VH1 Robocop 2 and Back to the Future 3. You're the center slice of a square cheese pizza. Actually, that sounds delicious. I'm the center slice of a square cheese pizza. You're Jim Belushi.”
- Evil Abed
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Help: So I want to adapt the mutant cure storyline from the Joss Whedon and John Cassaday X-Men run, the issue is I also want to adapt the Lobe X-Men idea from Matt Fraction's run.

How could I do both?

A platypus? A platypus with a keyboard? Perry the platypus with a keyboard?

About Me.

| he/him | Jewish | Writer | Comic Fan | Movie and TV fanatic | Marvel, DC, Darkhorse, Image, comics are comics! | Music is cool, I like music | Doctor Who! | Animation is tight | Also new signature!

“Do you know what kind of person becomes a psychologist? A person that wishes deep down that everyone more special than them was sick because healthy sounds so much more exciting than boring. You're average, Britta Perry. You're every kid on the playground who didn't get picked on. You're a business casual potted plant, a human white sale. You're VH1 Robocop 2 and Back to the Future 3. You're the center slice of a square cheese pizza. Actually, that sounds delicious. I'm the center slice of a square cheese pizza. You're Jim Belushi.”
- Evil Abed
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Platypus_WKeyboard wrote:

Help: So I want to adapt the mutant cure storyline from the Joss Whedon and John Cassaday X-Men run, the issue is I also want to adapt the Lobe X-Men idea from Matt Fraction's run.

How could I do both?
Here's the basics of both.

X-Cise/Hope Serum - A pharamcitical that inhibits and can even take away mutant gene abilties.

Lobe's X-Men/Xprience - A drug that gives the abilties of any mutant for a certain amount of time, used to create the “X-Men”

I feel like this can be combined but I don't know exactly how.

A platypus? A platypus with a keyboard? Perry the platypus with a keyboard?

About Me.

| he/him | Jewish | Writer | Comic Fan | Movie and TV fanatic | Marvel, DC, Darkhorse, Image, comics are comics! | Music is cool, I like music | Doctor Who! | Animation is tight | Also new signature!

“Do you know what kind of person becomes a psychologist? A person that wishes deep down that everyone more special than them was sick because healthy sounds so much more exciting than boring. You're average, Britta Perry. You're every kid on the playground who didn't get picked on. You're a business casual potted plant, a human white sale. You're VH1 Robocop 2 and Back to the Future 3. You're the center slice of a square cheese pizza. Actually, that sounds delicious. I'm the center slice of a square cheese pizza. You're Jim Belushi.”
- Evil Abed
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So, for Alpha Flight, if I use deadpool, I’m planning on giving him a good backstory, and he’ll be set up for his appearance for Xmen. Plat, this okay w you? If anyone wants to help with the humour writing, I haven’t started writing any jokes (or dialogue) yet.
I still plan to use Deadpool so I am mixed on it, since I kinda want to portray the character closer to the comics (ie darker) so if you were to cover the origin could I co-write that issue? Just so we can do Deadpool right?

A platypus? A platypus with a keyboard? Perry the platypus with a keyboard?

About Me.

| he/him | Jewish | Writer | Comic Fan | Movie and TV fanatic | Marvel, DC, Darkhorse, Image, comics are comics! | Music is cool, I like music | Doctor Who! | Animation is tight | Also new signature!

“Do you know what kind of person becomes a psychologist? A person that wishes deep down that everyone more special than them was sick because healthy sounds so much more exciting than boring. You're average, Britta Perry. You're every kid on the playground who didn't get picked on. You're a business casual potted plant, a human white sale. You're VH1 Robocop 2 and Back to the Future 3. You're the center slice of a square cheese pizza. Actually, that sounds delicious. I'm the center slice of a square cheese pizza. You're Jim Belushi.”
- Evil Abed
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Platypus_WKeyboard wrote:

Platypus_WKeyboard wrote:

Help: So I want to adapt the mutant cure storyline from the Joss Whedon and John Cassaday X-Men run, the issue is I also want to adapt the Lobe X-Men idea from Matt Fraction's run.

How could I do both?
Here's the basics of both.

X-Cise/Hope Serum - A pharamcitical that inhibits and can even take away mutant gene abilties.

Lobe's X-Men/Xprience - A drug that gives the abilties of any mutant for a certain amount of time, used to create the “X-Men”

I feel like this can be combined but I don't know exactly how.
Unsure, maybe make one of them a failed attempt to create the other?
500+ posts

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Platypus_WKeyboard wrote:


So, for Alpha Flight, if I use deadpool, I’m planning on giving him a good backstory, and he’ll be set up for his appearance for Xmen. Plat, this okay w you? If anyone wants to help with the humour writing, I haven’t started writing any jokes (or dialogue) yet.
I still plan to use Deadpool so I am mixed on it, since I kinda want to portray the character closer to the comics (ie darker) so if you were to cover the origin could I co-write that issue? Just so we can do Deadpool right?
I wasn't planning on making deadpool to be JUST a comic relief character. I plan on doing him right. (I also plan on using the ultimate costume as his starter costume before he wears his classic costume in your series, unless you have a problem w that). If you want to oversee the Deadpool origin issue, you can. I plan on having the character be after Dr. Emrys Killebrew, who will be siding with Nemisis. Wades definitely gonna be a darker character, but I will still have some jokes in it. I still haven't pitched yet, but I'll get to that soon

I'm working on the deadpool movie, the wiccan comic series, and some one shots.

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Spider-Man: Decade's Story | Issue 1
(This is just year 2 atm)
Page 1

Panel 1: We see the back of J. Jonah Jameson as he walks to his desk.

(This sentence should take up two speech bubbles)
Jonah: Trash, too many birds, too dark, bad angle.

Panel 2: Jonah is yelling sitting at his desk. Peter is seen across from him.

Jonah: The Bugle is known for high quality… everything! And you bring me this slop looking for a job?

Peter: Well-

Jonah: Are you?

Peter: Yes…

Jonah: Get out.

Panel 3: Peter get's up to leave, Jonah moves Peter's photos of birds and towers to see one of a man dressed in red and blue.

Jonah: Hold it Parker.

Peter: Yes sir?

Jonah: Who's this idiot?

Peter: That's Spider-Man-

Panel 4: Jonah rushes to stand at his desk.


Peter: I-

Jonah: Nobody's been able to get a clear shot of this fool, yet you did. Hey I even gave it a shot.

Peter: I uh… yeah?

Jonah: BETTY!

Page 2

Panel 1: Betty rushes into Jonah's office.

Betty Brant: Yes- Yes Sir!

Jonah: Peter, this is Betty Brant. Your fellow “paid” Intern for the Bugle. She's around your age, she'll pay you for the photos.

Peter: Uh- Intern? I mean thank you so much Mr. Jameson!

Jonah: Yeah yeah, now beat it. Betty pay the boy.

Betty Brant: Of course Mr. Jameson.

Panel 2: Betty is writing a check at her desk, Peter is standing around looking at framed newspapers. He in focused on one of the Green Goblin. This is the main focus of the panel.

Betty: Don't worry about the whole intern thing, me and you will be on staff one day.

Peter: Definitely, thanks.

Betty: No problem.

Panel 3: Betty hands Peter the check.

Betty: Here.

Peter: Thanks again, cya!

Panel 4: Peter walking into a alley.

Peter: Alright, first day of college and my new job as a “paid” Intern. Now I just have to get to class.

Panel 5: Same Panel, but now Peter is putting on his mask.

Page 3: Full Panel spread, Spider-Man is swinging in New York. “Spider-Man: Decade's Story” logo can be seen.

Page 4:

Panel 1: As Spider-Man swings through the city a limo is driving.

Panel 2: Norman Osborn can be seen in the limo.

Norman: Stop the car, and be a dear and bring my things from the back.

Panel 3: Norman is seen holding a purple cloth.

Panel 4: Peter is seen on a call with Professor Miles Warren while swinging.

Warren: Parker, what is it?

Peter: Hi Professor Warren, just double checking when class starts. Don't want to be late!

Warren: As I have told you at 11:00 AM, in 10 minutes. Now can you let me enjoy what little time I have to myself?

Peter: Oh right of course, see you the-

Page 5:

Panel 1: As Peter hangs up he is hit by the Green Goblin, Peter's spider-sense can be seen going off.

Peter: Gah!

Panel 2: Peter lands by a billboard.

Peter: Green Goblin!?

Norman: The myth and legend, Parker…

Peter: What, I what?!

Norman: Don't be coy, that's for the lesser beings.

Panel 3: Peter jumps towards Norman

Peter: Nice try Mysterio!

Norman: Why you…

Panel 4: Norman beats Spider-Man down.

Norman: You DARE assume that half brained actor is behind this?

Panel 5: Montage type panel of them fighting.

Page 6:

Panel 1: Norman and Peter stand across from each other
Norman: I had thought about ambushing you at school, at home, with May but I figured what's it matter. I'd rather ambush you in the wild. As your true self. As Spider-Man

Panel 2: Shot on Peter's face

Peter: Don't…

Panel 3: Peter webs Norman on his face

Peter: you…

Panel 4: Peter throughs her at the billboard.

Peter: mention-

Panel 5: Big explosion.

Peter: HER!

Page 7:

Panel 1: Peter goes through the fire.

Peter: Oh don't be dead, don't be dead.

Panel 2: Peter finds Norman with his mask removed.

Peter: Hold on, Norman?!

Panel 3: Peter pulls Norman from the fire.

Peter: Oh man what am I gonna do- Gah can't leave him here.

Panel 4: Norman is laying on the building, far from the fire.

Norman: Sp, Spider-Man? Where am I? Why on earth am I dressed like this clown?

Spider-Man (thinking): Oh great amnesia, hopefully…

Page 8:

Panel 1: Spider-Man swings away, panel 1 is bigger than the others.

Peter: Told Norman he was on his way to a “Costume Party”, he bought it, but do I?

Panel 2: Peter slides on a wall

Peter: I mean he got “amnesia” really? Well all I can do is hope, and try to get to class on time.

Panel 3: Peter changes in a alley.

Panel 4: Peter rushes in class.

Peter: I'm here!

Warren: 20 minutes late, but somehow the second here.

Panel 5: Peter talks to Professor Warren. A blacked out figure is seen in the back.

Peter: Really?

Warren: Most of the students called and said there was a fight between a “Man Spider” and a “Goblin”, if they can't bother speaking the truth then they can be marked absent.

Page 9:

Panel 1: Warren and Peter talk more, a blacked out figure is still seen in the back.

Peter: Who's the other student?

Warren: Peter Benjamin Parker, meet-

Panel 2: Gwen Stacy stands in front of them.

Warren: Gwendolyne Maxine Stacy.

Gwen: Nice to meet you Peter, call me Gwen.

Panel 3: Peter responds

Peter: Nice to meet you to Gwen.

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Can I work on DP with you?

- Me
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AU-Ratcatcher wrote:

Can I work on DP with you?
No one is working on Deadpool.

That was for Alpha Flight.

A platypus? A platypus with a keyboard? Perry the platypus with a keyboard?

About Me.

| he/him | Jewish | Writer | Comic Fan | Movie and TV fanatic | Marvel, DC, Darkhorse, Image, comics are comics! | Music is cool, I like music | Doctor Who! | Animation is tight | Also new signature!

“Do you know what kind of person becomes a psychologist? A person that wishes deep down that everyone more special than them was sick because healthy sounds so much more exciting than boring. You're average, Britta Perry. You're every kid on the playground who didn't get picked on. You're a business casual potted plant, a human white sale. You're VH1 Robocop 2 and Back to the Future 3. You're the center slice of a square cheese pizza. Actually, that sounds delicious. I'm the center slice of a square cheese pizza. You're Jim Belushi.”
- Evil Abed
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Platypus_WKeyboard wrote:


So, for Alpha Flight, if I use deadpool, I’m planning on giving him a good backstory, and he’ll be set up for his appearance for Xmen. Plat, this okay w you? If anyone wants to help with the humour writing, I haven’t started writing any jokes (or dialogue) yet.
I still plan to use Deadpool so I am mixed on it, since I kinda want to portray the character closer to the comics (ie darker) so if you were to cover the origin could I co-write that issue? Just so we can do Deadpool right?
I wasn't planning on making deadpool to be JUST a comic relief character. I plan on doing him right. (I also plan on using the ultimate costume as his starter costume before he wears his classic costume in your series, unless you have a problem w that). If you want to oversee the Deadpool origin issue, you can. I plan on having the character be after Dr. Emrys Killebrew, who will be siding with Nemisis. Wades definitely gonna be a darker character, but I will still have some jokes in it. I still haven't pitched yet, but I'll get to that soon
Okay, I'll he interested to see where that goes.

Question for X-Men: what works better? Kitty or Kate?

A platypus? A platypus with a keyboard? Perry the platypus with a keyboard?

About Me.

| he/him | Jewish | Writer | Comic Fan | Movie and TV fanatic | Marvel, DC, Darkhorse, Image, comics are comics! | Music is cool, I like music | Doctor Who! | Animation is tight | Also new signature!

“Do you know what kind of person becomes a psychologist? A person that wishes deep down that everyone more special than them was sick because healthy sounds so much more exciting than boring. You're average, Britta Perry. You're every kid on the playground who didn't get picked on. You're a business casual potted plant, a human white sale. You're VH1 Robocop 2 and Back to the Future 3. You're the center slice of a square cheese pizza. Actually, that sounds delicious. I'm the center slice of a square cheese pizza. You're Jim Belushi.”
- Evil Abed
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AbeHe wrote:

Platypus_WKeyboard wrote:

Platypus_WKeyboard wrote:

Help: So I want to adapt the mutant cure storyline from the Joss Whedon and John Cassaday X-Men run, the issue is I also want to adapt the Lobe X-Men idea from Matt Fraction's run.

How could I do both?
Here's the basics of both.

X-Cise/Hope Serum - A pharamcitical that inhibits and can even take away mutant gene abilties.

Lobe's X-Men/Xprience - A drug that gives the abilties of any mutant for a certain amount of time, used to create the “X-Men”

I feel like this can be combined but I don't know exactly how.
Unsure, maybe make one of them a failed attempt to create the other?
I think that'll work (I'll make a post later for this)

Reading your script now Abe.

A platypus? A platypus with a keyboard? Perry the platypus with a keyboard?

About Me.

| he/him | Jewish | Writer | Comic Fan | Movie and TV fanatic | Marvel, DC, Darkhorse, Image, comics are comics! | Music is cool, I like music | Doctor Who! | Animation is tight | Also new signature!

“Do you know what kind of person becomes a psychologist? A person that wishes deep down that everyone more special than them was sick because healthy sounds so much more exciting than boring. You're average, Britta Perry. You're every kid on the playground who didn't get picked on. You're a business casual potted plant, a human white sale. You're VH1 Robocop 2 and Back to the Future 3. You're the center slice of a square cheese pizza. Actually, that sounds delicious. I'm the center slice of a square cheese pizza. You're Jim Belushi.”
- Evil Abed
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Lobe’s X-Men\Mutant Cure Storyline - Pitch.

My main theme for X-Men (the title will either be Astonishing or Uncanny) is quite simple … Hope vs Cynicism. Mutants (and by extension the X-Men) are in a rough spot. Professor X has died, Genosha destroyed, Magnus missing, anti-mutant laws on the rise, the school for gifted youngsters losing funding, etc. And then with the addition of the new non-mutant “X-Men” and the cure it seems bleak but does the team lose hope? NO! They keep going forward to fulfill a better future. Then on the flip side cynicism, that is the Lobe X-Men (which I shall call the L-Men) the L-Men are basically cynical copies of the X-Men down to powers and names (imagine an X-Men version in the Boy’s universe) they don’t see the hope in anything just celebrity and fame. They are the biggest jerks.

I don’t have a 100% nailed down team but it would mainly be the team of X-Men but “evil” in a sense, I have nailed down one. John Walker aka Cyclops.

A platypus? A platypus with a keyboard? Perry the platypus with a keyboard?

About Me.

| he/him | Jewish | Writer | Comic Fan | Movie and TV fanatic | Marvel, DC, Darkhorse, Image, comics are comics! | Music is cool, I like music | Doctor Who! | Animation is tight | Also new signature!

“Do you know what kind of person becomes a psychologist? A person that wishes deep down that everyone more special than them was sick because healthy sounds so much more exciting than boring. You're average, Britta Perry. You're every kid on the playground who didn't get picked on. You're a business casual potted plant, a human white sale. You're VH1 Robocop 2 and Back to the Future 3. You're the center slice of a square cheese pizza. Actually, that sounds delicious. I'm the center slice of a square cheese pizza. You're Jim Belushi.”
- Evil Abed
New to Scratch
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Platypus_WKeyboard wrote:

MarvelScratchRewind wrote:

1. How am I stalking
2. Look at my about me
1) Forum stalking, this is a invite-only forum so you are not invited,
2) That is at the bottom of it and seemed to be just added, sorry for not knowing it's just hard to find,
1. How to get invite?
2. It was there the entire time.
1000+ posts

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Platypus_WKeyboard wrote:

AbeHe wrote:

Platypus_WKeyboard wrote:

Platypus_WKeyboard wrote:

Help: So I want to adapt the mutant cure storyline from the Joss Whedon and John Cassaday X-Men run, the issue is I also want to adapt the Lobe X-Men idea from Matt Fraction's run.

How could I do both?
Here's the basics of both.

X-Cise/Hope Serum - A pharamcitical that inhibits and can even take away mutant gene abilties.

Lobe's X-Men/Xprience - A drug that gives the abilties of any mutant for a certain amount of time, used to create the “X-Men”

I feel like this can be combined but I don't know exactly how.
Unsure, maybe make one of them a failed attempt to create the other?
I think that'll work (I'll make a post later for this)

Reading your script now Abe.
500+ posts

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MarvelScratchRewind wrote:

Platypus_WKeyboard wrote:

MarvelScratchRewind wrote:

1. How am I stalking
2. Look at my about me
1) Forum stalking, this is a invite-only forum so you are not invited,
2) That is at the bottom of it and seemed to be just added, sorry for not knowing it's just hard to find,
1. How to get invite?
2. It was there the entire time.
1. Theres an application form.
2. its pretty petty to expect people to go out of their way to find your pronouns, and get mad if they misgender you.
I had a suspicion you were a troll, and it just seems like your doing nothing but confirming that

I'm working on the deadpool movie, the wiccan comic series, and some one shots.

1000+ posts

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Platypus_WKeyboard wrote:

Lobe’s X-Men\Mutant Cure Storyline - Pitch.

My main theme for X-Men (the title will either be Astonishing or Uncanny) is quite simple … Hope vs Cynicism. Mutants (and by extension the X-Men) are in a rough spot. Professor X has died, Genosha destroyed, Magnus missing, anti-mutant laws on the rise, the school for gifted youngsters losing funding, etc. And then with the addition of the new non-mutant “X-Men” and the cure it seems bleak but does the team lose hope? NO! They keep going forward to fulfill a better future. Then on the flip side cynicism, that is the Lobe X-Men (which I shall call the L-Men) the L-Men are basically cynical copies of the X-Men down to powers and names (imagine an X-Men version in the Boy’s universe) they don’t see the hope in anything just celebrity and fame. They are the biggest jerks.

I don’t have a 100% nailed down team but it would mainly be the team of X-Men but “evil” in a sense, I have nailed down one. John Walker aka Cyclops.

A platypus? A platypus with a keyboard? Perry the platypus with a keyboard?

About Me.

| he/him | Jewish | Writer | Comic Fan | Movie and TV fanatic | Marvel, DC, Darkhorse, Image, comics are comics! | Music is cool, I like music | Doctor Who! | Animation is tight | Also new signature!

“Do you know what kind of person becomes a psychologist? A person that wishes deep down that everyone more special than them was sick because healthy sounds so much more exciting than boring. You're average, Britta Perry. You're every kid on the playground who didn't get picked on. You're a business casual potted plant, a human white sale. You're VH1 Robocop 2 and Back to the Future 3. You're the center slice of a square cheese pizza. Actually, that sounds delicious. I'm the center slice of a square cheese pizza. You're Jim Belushi.”
- Evil Abed

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