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1000+ posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

I would like to be curator. I would like to add

1. Projects that deserve views
2. Animations
3. Games

1000+ posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

Hello Paddle2See and other Scratch Team members,

I am The_Grits and I would like to apply to the position of curator.

Who I am:
I am a teenager who was introduced to coding in the spring. I first found Codecademy and through their lessons and my enthusiasm I learned HTML and CSS within a week. I continued with my coding and started to learn JavaScript. In July, a friend showed me Scratch and I was interested because it was coding without syntax errors.

Why I would like to be a curator:
Recently, I was commenting on another Scratcher’s Christmas project. I told him that I really liked it and that I was making a Christmas project as well and he told me he would check it out. Somehow through that comment, I received 3 love its, 2 favorites, a couple comments, and 1 follow within 15 minutes. I felt extremely happy. That night, I was thinking about what happened and then my thoughts drifted to those who do not have this attention. “They probably celebrate when they get one comment,” I thought. I think this is an excellent opportunity to find those hardly known Scratchers and give them more attention.

Some types of projects I would curate:

Projects that simulate other programming languages.
Example: http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/10819075/
This shows HTML and JavaScript in Scratch!
Example: http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/12139221/
This is one of the cleanest OSs I have ever seen
Original Games
Example: http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/11528132/
This game is very original, fun, and clean!

My limits:
I would limit the amount of views to 100, Love its to 20, and Favourites to 15. Also, I would not curate anybody who has been on the front page recently.

Thank you for the opportunity to apply, and I hope that you consider my application. I respect any decision you make concerning my application.
Thanks again!

Last edited by The_Grits (Jan. 1, 2014 20:34:47)

26 posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

I would like to curate!!!

I like…

Series(like WazzoTV's one)
Funny Stuff
Stuff with good graphics
Stuff with Cloud Data
Unique Games
Educational Games

17 posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

Dear Scratch Team,
I would really like to curate. I really like projects that are platforms and re-mixable. I also would add projects that have Cloud DATA. Simple games are some of the best games there are on Scratch.
It would be such a pleasure to curate the front page. I also did the Hour of Code and interactive card.I really enjoy Scratch and would love to curate.

Last edited by Platytor (Dec. 21, 2013 14:48:30)

1000+ posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

I'd love to be a curator, I've been on scratch for almost a year. I'd curate any cool, clever, fun, or hard-worked-on project with less then 15 loves and 12 faves. It also needs a maximum of 150 views. I'm sure that the creators of the projects I curate would be very happy about it!

202e-202e-202e-202e-202e UNI-CODE~~~~~
500+ posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

Hello, I would like to apply to be a curator. I've always been friendly on Scratch, helping new Scratchers, and looking at unpopular projects. It would be an honor to curate. I'd curate educational projects, fun games, funny animations, and just simply other projects that deserve more views. Please consider. Thank you!

~MarioBros406 “Vacuum Cleaner”

Last edited by mariobros406 (Dec. 23, 2013 14:06:02)

I only check in to Scratch from time to time to see what others have been up to. I don't really post anything anymore. I'll occasionally post a question in the AT forum if I can't find an answer anywhere else.
20 posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

Hi! I'm Pretty_Girl - I have been on scratch for more than 3 years now, and I'm finally grade 9 - yes!

I really want to be curator because I have seen many projects which are underrated and not viewed much since they are not a “famous” scratcher. (And I promise I will not curate any of my projects XD) I would curate projects that deserve the loves and looks - but not ones that are already popular (that would be pointless). I have wanted to be curated for awhile now, and so I've decided to apply! Here's are an example:

http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/15589177/ (a game)


“I'm different from most girls”
- Most Girls

8 posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

I didn't know you could be a cur eater for the home page ill have to try this soon but get good games to and search for good games first

try it
20 posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

Dear Scratch Team,
I have only been a scratcher for a few months, but I already enjoy looking at and posting positive comments on diverse projects. My favorite projects include ones that are challenging to play or that are interactive and creative. I personally look at the curated projects every day, and I would like to show more unique projects that are artsy, creative or interactive to the scratch community. Thank you for your consideration.

Shoot for the moon, even if you miss you'll land amongst the stars.
42 posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

Dear Scratch Team

I have applied before to become a curator but i did not get the job and i would like to apply again.

If i became curator i would add projects which I think (and other scratchers of course) think people have put the most effort into.

People's Stuff cant be good unless they have put enough effort into it.

Before i Curate a project somebody asks to be curated, i would have a rule saying that you have to have a good reason why the project should be curated, such as how good it is, if they think the maker put enough effort into it, e.t.c.

I would most likely curate projects i don't think are getting enough attention such as projects not on the front page, project which have less favourites and loves and comments.

Well this is the end of my application, i hope i get the job, and good luck to any other scratcher applying.

5 posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

I have been on scratch for about 2 years and got an account once I made my first project. I love to play games, make games and remix games. I am also very active on scratch. I get on it usually an hour a day and will find cool projects instantly. Another reason I should be a curator is I am very nice. I will curate good projects below 600 views, 60 love its, and 20 favorites that has never got their project front paged before. I never post a mean comment and I tell people all the good details I noticed that makes their project unique. I really hope you will make me a curator one day.
10 posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

I woud love to become a curator even though i joined 1 month ago
100+ posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

The_Grits wrote:

Hello Pattle2See and other Scratch Team members,

I am The_Grits and I would like to apply to the position of curator.

Who I am:
I am a teenager who was introduced to coding in the spring. I first found Codecademy and through their lessons and my enthusiasm I learned HTML and CSS within a week. I continued with my coding and started to learn JavaScript. In July, a friend showed me Scratch and I was interested because it was coding without syntax errors.

Why I would like to be a curator:
Recently, I was commenting on another Scratcher’s Christmas project. I told him that I really liked it and that I was making a Christmas project as well and he told me he would check it out. Somehow through that comment, I received 3 love its, 2 favorites, a couple comments, and 1 follow within 15 minutes. I felt extremely happy. That night, I was thinking about what happened and then my thoughts drifted to those who do not have this attention. “They probably celebrate when they get one comment,” I thought. I think this is an excellent opportunity to find those hardly known Scratchers and give them more attention.

Some types of projects I would curate:

Projects that simulate other programming languages.
Example: http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/10819075/
This shows HTML and JavaScript in Scratch!
Example: http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/12139221/
This is one of the cleanest OSs I have ever seen
Original Games
Example: http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/11528132/
This game is very original, fun, and clean!

My limits:
I would limit the amount of views to 100, Love its to 20, and Favourites to 15. Also, I would not curate anybody who has been on the front page recently.

Thank you for the opportunity to apply, and I hope that you consider my application. I respect any decision you make concerning my application.
Thanks again!
He's Paddle2See not Pattle2See. Pointed out that mistake..

- Be creative and think beyond.777atscratch
Don't be feared in life otherwise you can't achieve. ~ 777atscratch.
Save Scratch from Hate.

21 posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

Dear scratch team, i would want to be a curator in scratch. i would only curated good projects not sloppy. i would curate educational projects. i will not use bad feedback ever. i would give suggestions to people on what to add. I have helped many of my friends. I will not curate very popular projects.
12 posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

Hi Scratch team

So hi I want to be a curator if I was one right now the projects I will choose are ones that are worked hard on and the projects that work and to be fair if they are good ill curate them and they don't need to be loved and faved a lot they just need to work and you can play them and things and NOW go to my profile I made good projects and Im a new scratcher ive been in scratch two months my best project ball dodger was a good project but not well known so I need to get it well known and : promises
ill curate project that took time to make and are beautiful
I will never curate projects that don't work and look like they did not take time to make and I will never
curate projects that were made by rushing
I will never ever curate my own projects
ill curate the best projects I can

it will be amazing is I could be a curator because I wanted to be one ever since . and I want to be a curator on scratch home page
I will curate projects that have a lot of loves and views and favs.


when green flag
when green flag clicked
say []
zeeshan7890 is a curator
say []

Last edited by Zeeshan7890 (Dec. 27, 2013 14:43:02)

2 posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

Hi Scratch Team
If I were a curator I would add projects that are different and show originality. The projects that I would choose wouldn't be just games or just animations
they would include all the different types of projects that Scratch has to offer. I remember when the first time used Scratch and the projects that were curated and they were amazing in their own respects there weren't just games there were animations,simulations,and music projects. This really opened my eyes to what Scratch could do. I also would like to curate projects that are amazing, but haven't been discovered because the are different or the person that made them isn't a well known Scratcher. I see projects that blow my mind and see that they only have like 60 views. I'm pretty sure that would discourage anyone that put that much work into a project and get only 60 views because they aren't that well know by the Scratch community. And I hoping that if the Scratch Team chooses me to be the curator that I will be able to get lesser known Scratchers names out there, and to show new Scratchers what Scratch can do. And that is my I believe why I should become a curator.
9 posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

Hello Scratch Team,

I would really like to be a curator. If I were a curator I would curate nice original projects something that is unusual (yet still likable) that has not been really seen before. Not only would I pick project that are new and original I would make it so all people I put in are nice and give credit when needed. I would really appreciate being curator because people would look up to me and I could help and give advise toward their projects. If you could make me a curator that would make me really happy. I know I have a slim chance but may you please consider it. THANKS!!!


Last edited by grahamcracker1234 (Dec. 27, 2013 18:05:06)

26 posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

The_Grits wrote:

Hello Pattle2See and other Scratch Team members,

I am The_Grits and I would like to apply to the position of curator.

Who I am:
I am a teenager who was introduced to coding in the spring. I first found Codecademy and through their lessons and my enthusiasm I learned HTML and CSS within a week. I continued with my coding and started to learn JavaScript. In July, a friend showed me Scratch and I was interested because it was coding without syntax errors.

Why I would like to be a curator:
Recently, I was commenting on another Scratcher’s Christmas project. I told him that I really liked it and that I was making a Christmas project as well and he told me he would check it out. Somehow through that comment, I received 3 love its, 2 favorites, a couple comments, and 1 follow within 15 minutes. I felt extremely happy. That night, I was thinking about what happened and then my thoughts drifted to those who do not have this attention. “They probably celebrate when they get one comment,” I thought. I think this is an excellent opportunity to find those hardly known Scratchers and give them more attention.

Some types of projects I would curate:

Projects that simulate other programming languages.
Example: http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/10819075/
This shows HTML and JavaScript in Scratch!
Example: http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/12139221/
This is one of the cleanest OSs I have ever seen
Original Games
Example: http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/11528132/
This game is very original, fun, and clean!

My limits:
I would limit the amount of views to 100, Love its to 20, and Favourites to 15. Also, I would not curate anybody who has been on the front page recently.

Thank you for the opportunity to apply, and I hope that you consider my application. I respect any decision you make concerning my application.
Thanks again!

Last edited by DrSausage (Dec. 29, 2013 21:22:21)

500+ posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

Dear Scratch Team,
Being a curator would be a dream come true. I have a passion for exploring unknown projects with great potential and I love unorthodox and original ideas, as well as practical things such as Christmas countdowns. I enjoy games that are not just your average platformer, not just an ever-changing backdrop, but original ideas where someone has worked hard to make a fun game for all to enjoy. I also like projects that show you how to do something.
As a passionate Scratcher, it would be an honour to be given this role. I would curate projects such as

http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/14353400/ because it is an original idea and good test of dexterity; plus it deserves more attention.

http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/14099332/ is something I may consider as it is a good example of a new scratcher getting to grips with scrolling. I would, however, tell aqualiam to add more to the project.

From GyroscopeBill, forever a loyal Scratcher.

Pingu is learning about politics with this amazing project.
100+ posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

I think being a curator would be fun and challenging what to curate and what not to curate. For some time, have seen many projects before get curated, so I have a pretty big idea of what I should do. Over time, I found projects that were exuberant and only have a few love it's and favorites. So many Scratchers make great projects but no one views them. I would love to be a curator because I know a lot of projects that would be great and make the Scratcher very happy! I would only curate very unpopular projects that are amazing and brine knowledge and sense into my mind. Also, I would intend more rather ask to curate than people ask me to curate this. People who are grumpish about not being front paged would be mind-blown about being curated. Those are my several reasons why I (think) I should curate!

when green flag clicked
be awesome

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