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100+ posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

WASDgamer wrote:

Switta70 wrote:

WASDgamer wrote:

Switta70 wrote:

can i curate projects after firemonkey1234 please scratch team

i would love to curate projects and im very active on scratch
Please note that fire monkey could not be chosen as curator, among the over bajillion scratchers that would also like the role. I'd recommend that you actually attempt on making a speech to boost your chances.

sorry I just went to the last page and write my comment. i'm preparing one though
Great! I can't wait to see it! Good luck

thank you for the support
100+ posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

Dear Scratch Team,
I've been on Scratch for nearly 2 years now (as of the time that I'm writing this), and I've considered applying for this position before, but decided not to. But now, I feel like the time is right. Here is what I have to say:

About Me
Firstly, I'd like to talk about how I got into Scratch.
I was first introduced to Scratch in an I.T. (Information Technology) lesson at school, about two years ago. We only got one lesson to use Scratch, but I immediately fell in love with it, and I downloaded the program as soon as I got home!
When I first started Scratch, I was fascinated in finding all the ‘cool’ blocks that Scratch had to offer and what you could do with them. And the more I used Scratch, the more I understood Scratch. I remember when I first found out about the ‘broadcast’ and ‘When I receive’ blocks, I was completely amazed by them! It opened up so many possibilities with my projects in terms of what I could create and they're still my favorite blocks.
My involvement with the Scratch community
When using and interacting with other members of Scratch, I try to be as friendly and helpful as possible. I reply to nearly every comment that I receive, because I believe that if they're taking the time to view my project and comment on it, the least I can do is to reply to their comment.
Here are a few different examples of how I help with the community:
Example 1 : This is a nice example which demonstrates my attitude towards people, and trying my best to help them.

Example 2 : This is a good example showing how I think their project could be improved.

Example 3 : This example shows my determination to helping other Scratcher. In this example, I helped a New Scratcher with one of their projects by giving feedback and by making a remix showing how things could be improved and I also left comments beside some of the scripts to show them what I had done.

Example 4 : Here is another example of me helping a New Scratcher with one of their projects (read the comments). Note: I was using my Designs account when commenting, but that I still linked to my main account (Unrealisation).
I also love giving suggestions on how the site could be improved. If Paddle2See is reading this then you will know that. If it's someone else reading this, here's a project that I made showing some of my ideas on how the Scratch website could be improved.

Example 5: This is another example showing my long-term commitment to helping other Scratchers. It's a pretty nice comment, you should definitely click it

I think that's enough about me and why I would be a good choice as Curator. Now onto, what's probably a bit more important.

What I would Curate
I would apply the same kind of rules as the ones set for the ‘Suggest a project to get featured’ thread. However, here are some more rules that I would set when selecting projects for Curating
- The project must be made by someone with under 100 followers. My reasoning for this is because people with over 100 followers will already get enough attention on their projects. My aim as Curator would be to give some some attention to less-known Scratchers, which is why I have applied this rule. However, I will not restrict myself because of this rule. If I think a project really deserves to be curated, and the Scratcher has over 100 followers, I will curate it, as long as it complies with the rules below.
- The project must have under 35 love-its. 40 Love-its would be the absolute max (if it's a really good project), I would mainly Curate projects that have under 30 - 40 Love-its, similar to the rules for Featured projects.
- Not too gender orientated
- Under 500 views
- Must be fully completed. Some exceptions might be made.

Here are the kinds of projects that I would curate along with some examples.
I would curate:
- Projects that demonstrate the cool things that Scratch can do. Example 1. Example 2. You might notice that these two projects were made by the same person. This Scratcher is a great example of the kind of person that I would curate. He/She makes great projects, and doesn't get much attention. I help him get more attention by loving/favoriting his projects and mentioning him on my profile, but he still deserves way more attention. His/Her projects are excellent and have personally inspired me to try out some different things with Scratch.
- Projects that are creative. These projects would include animations, art, etc. I do not have any examples as of right now, but please refer to this studio
- Projects that are ‘Interesting to watch’. Here is a good example of what I mean.
- Games. This will include some fun, creative and unique games. Refer to my studio for examples.
- Simulations. Here is a good example of the type of project that I would curate, I emphasize the ‘type’.
- OS's. I've personally made an OS, and I know the hard work, determination and motivation that it takes to make a good OS. Which is why I have not put under the ‘Simulation’ bracket, and instead, under it's own bracket. I do not have any examples as of right now, but please refer to this studio
- Projects that inspire/give awareness to something. Here is an example of the type of projects under this category. Note: This example is a project created by me. I used this as an example to help you understand the types of projects that I'd curate under this category. I would NOT curate my own projects.

I have never had the chance to get a curated project, although I did get a project curated to help someone out who I thought deserved more attention. And that is what I want to do if I become Curator. I hope you take my application into strong consideration. It would be an honor to become a Curator.
Again, visit my studio to see some example of projects that I might curate.

Thank you for reading this,
- Unrealisation

Last edited by Unrealisation (Jan. 27, 2014 17:36:58)

49 posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

Hello there ST! I have been on Scratch for about 6 months now, but not on this account.
I'm not sure if I have applied for the curator position before on my other account (skizzors44), but if I were to have the chance to curate, I would like it to be on this account.
What I would curate
I would curate mostly unseen projects on the Scratch community. If a project has over 15 love-its or favourites, I would not curate it. I think this is an important limitation because I don't want the Scratch community to be dominated by famous Scratchers! I want the unseen people to be seen and have a say in what is going to happen next! I wouldn't curate my own projects because that is just selfish!
I would curate the following types of projects:
  • Projects that obey the Scratch community guidelines
  • Projects that are smooth, simple, and fluent
  • Projects that are complex
  • ‘OS’ type projects that are cleverly put together
  • Art projects
  • Smooth animations/AMV's
  • And other projects that push Scratch to it's limits by doing really cool things involving math and art.

I never had the honour of being a curator or having any of my projects curated before, so if I were able to be the curator for a period of time, it would be a HUGE honour to me!

Thanks, and I hope that you consider me as a Scratch curator!
- Skizzors

Official Arduino Uno owner and user!
I support ROSMan's extra emoticons set
'It doesn't matter how ‘advanced’ your project is, as long as you've tried your best, it is the best' - Unrealisation
16 posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

Hi ST! This is my 3rd time asking to be a curator so maybe these speeches could make it through. I've been on scratch for 1 year, 11 months. I helped some people use icons like _gobo_ and _waffle_ and _meow_ I would curate projects with less than 50 loves or favorites and I would cuarate it if it hasn't been featured or curated. If I curated a project which has already been front-paged,it wouldn't be fair for other people. I would also curate projects with more than 15 scripts,meaning that it took time to make and is not rushed or anything. Obviously, I would NOT curate projects which hurt the Community Guidelines. I will not take requests,unless they are REALLY good and have to be curated. -Sonic2HD

100+ posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

Hello Scratch Team! This is my second attempt on creating a willing and inspiring speech that will allow me to stand out from the crowd and become the next curator.

What I think about being a Curator

Ever since the start of curators, the Scratch Community have come together and took notice of a Scratchers project which is creative, easy to understand, and very (had to change word because Scratch thought it was a bad word) inspiring! Just think of how a Scratcher can evolve as a person if their very own project becomes curated. My spirits were lifted after I came on realizing that I had 65 messages! They all encouraged me to continue doing what I love but also helped me develop my projects even further due to a lot of constructive criticism. With this friendly reaction pointed towards a project, the creator can be themselves and show people what they enjoy creating.

Why should you pick me?

Becoming curator would give me a sense of what it would be like to help a Scratcher that needs a hand on escaping the crowd of Scratchers and bringing them into the spotlight, allowing people to congratulate them and help them improve where they wasn't so good.
I am also one who looks out for Scratchers who are stuck or in need of help, then show them how to achieve something they were struggling with. Helping isn't a chore but something all users must love and become part of, because without helping the site would come to a stand-still and no longer improve. Curating for me is the very same thing, allowing a project to standout and become recognized by people.

My Standards

Though with the curating power, there must be some rules and expectations set in place. Projects that generally go against the community guidelines will be reported (as normal) and stand little chance, if not at all, of becoming curated. Projects that establish the use of weaponry or strong violence against people or animals have little chance of becoming curated.

Also some general projects cannot be curated, unlike many other curators, I encourage the use of remixing. It shows the development of a project from one Scratcher to the next. Although projects that are exact copies will not become curated and ignored, or asked to provide credit. Projects that are capable of turning numbers into letters, such as chat-rooms will be not curated unless they are moderated and have a filter.

What would I curate?
Only extraordinary projects meet my standards if I obtain the role of curator. Projects must be inspiring, creative and have a good purpose to be shown on the home page. I would like to curate something for everyone, some games, animations and fun and easy to use tools that can help with everyday life or just a one-shot.

Although this is very popular (so I would not curate) this animation is creative and seems as if it would have taken a good amount of time to develop. The animation is very fun to watch as well!

A project like this doesn't just meet my standards, but shows that Scratch is really capable of anything if you put your mind to it. Plus not only is it so beautiful to look at, the purpose of it is amazing too. The project allows users to post articles based on Scratch and for all users to search topics and learn! This project helps all users to use Scratch and opens a door for users to help others too.

This project is a wonderful tool for music creators everywhere to jam to some cool groves by just letting them drag and drop bars onto a grid to create music. I have seen a lot of projects like this but this one is different. This one allows multiple instruments to be played as well. The possibilities are endless!

Ending Note

Becoming a curator will not only please me, but I will strive to please other Scratcher, whether its the creator or viewers, I will try my best on providing good quality projects for all to view. Thank you for considering me as becoming a future curator, the role means a lot to me. I understand that their are many other users that feel the same way as me, and I am sure the deserve a curator place just as much as I do, and so disappointment is nothing to me


Last edited by WASDgamer (Dec. 12, 2013 11:12:24)

A 3D Space role-playing game, where you can mine, explore and fight your way through a massive galaxy!
3 posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

A Curator has to have good judgement, and i have that. Im not going to write a whole paragraph im not that desperate
21 posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

Dear scratch team, i would like to be a curator

Things i would curate (requirements) : under 25 love and favorites
not popular
less than 300 views
not featured or curated before projects
No violence
i have some games for kids

Sincerely, your fan yugi777

11 posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

Dear Scratch Team,
I want to apply for the job of curator.
If I get picked, I will put only the best and interesting projects on the front page. I will never curate my own projects and I will be helpful. If you pick me, thanks and I will do well!

My Requirements
§Less than 750 views
§Less than 80 love-its
§Less than 60 favorites
§Made by Scratcher (or New Scratcher) with less than 100 followers

What I Would Like to Curate
-Projects with excellent graphics
-Interesting, unique projects
-Funny animations

Thanks so much!!!!


Last edited by allstarr27 (Dec. 31, 2013 16:38:10)

Be Cool. Be Awesome. Follow allstarr27.
Do not forget to check out my projects!!!
16 posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

Dear Scratch Team,

I would like to apply for the position.
•why you want to be curator:Because i want to make people feel good about their projects and i think it would truly be a unique experience.
•what makes you good for the position: During the summer i went to Stem institution and i learned how to scratch and in school i've been in most tech classes.
•what types of projects you might curate:Creative,funny,mysterious,unique,(awesome ones)
•examples of projects you might curate (with links!)http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/3221051/ http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/15054183/
•why you might curate those projects/what you like about them
Because they are really fun, and creative,also i like the set up it is very clean of these projects.

Last edited by ARBoyles (Dec. 13, 2013 22:06:22)

65 posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

i like OS and clean games(vector looks nicer…though i never find myself using it)Some games i never can stop playing a project, i try to watch all the featured ones…i know Paddle2See featured them;you do a good job! i like watching funny ones.For more ideas,check out my profile.Please make me the featured curator!

Don't know how to take a screenshot? Learn how to for Chrome Os, Mac, and Windows.
đøŋ'ţ ƒȱȑǥɛȾ ƈĥǟŗăċŧǝŗ ɱȃƥ
3 posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

I ABSOLUTELY ADORE SCRATCH. The only problem is, i see LOADS of people with amazing skill in scratch programming, but they never get any notice, and they might have better projects than those who badger the current curator for featured projects.

If i were a curator, i would probably like projects which fill at least one of these categories:
-Good programming skills
-Good graphics
-Good media
-Great ideas
-Awesome animation
-No stealing other people's ideas (its REALLY annoying when i see people who have done this)

To be honest, i REALLY want to program games when i am older, and maybe create a company. I have already started GCSE computing, and i really want to learn Java, Python, and CS6 to help me expand my knowledge of programming.
New to Scratch
6 posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

I would like to be a Scratch Curator, because I know ALOT of good projects such as http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/15109605/ , and scratch.mit.edu/projects/11945272/ , and a lot more animations. I know this profile says it was made December 15th 2013, but I have my other account, @LavenderHoney, which has been here for a month, and I would truly love to show Scratch what good projects are out there. I like programs that are games, and animations. I love art, games, and animations. These examples are of the projects you would most likely see on the front page of Scartch if I had this job for 2 weeks.

Thank You for considering me for this job

100+ posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

blitvak wrote:

I would be curator for long time.
Please put reasons:
-Why you want to be curator
-What projects would you curate
Oh,And you can only be curator for 2 weeks,you cant choose

Click on the picture, download file, i dare you.
9 posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

Hello Scratch Team,

I would really like to be a curator. If I were a curator I would curate nice original projects something that is unusual (yet still likable) that has not been really seen before. Not only would I pick project that are new and original I would make it so all people I put in are nice and give credit when needed. I would really appreciate being curator because people would look up to me and I could help and give advise toward their projects. If you could make me a curator that would make me really happy. I know I have a slim chance but may you please consider it. THANKS!!!

when green flag clicked
add [grahamcracker1234] to [Curator]
41 posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

How did you do that project link think please tell me because I have been trying to figure that out for weeks

Scratch12300 wrote:

Could I volunteer? I will try to search for:
Educational projects,
Projects with simple programming yet fun and easy to use,
Projects that encourage remixing, (no link because I can't find one at the moment. )
And projects that I just think are awesome!
Please note that I'm not saying that I will curate these particular projects because they may have already been curated or featured, they're just an example.
100+ posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

Hello Scratch team,

I would like to apply for the role of curator. Even though I've only been on the website for 4 months and 3 weeks, I've actually been making projects offline and looking around the website for a while now. My favorite things to do on scratch is to delve around randomly in the recently shared column and comment, love, and fave on peoples' projects just to make their day good. I remember my first month on scratch, I got no messages and I was feeling like it was the best day of my life when UltraSnivy12 commented on my project. Another good way to find projects is to type in a random number for the url.

What I ‘m looking for in projects:

Projects that show effort. I don’t want to curate projects that are just changing color or one line.

Good animations. I want a plot, nothing sloppy, and just overall good quality stuff. Nothing just like a sprite moving across the screen and saying hello.

A game that doesn't glitch. I see a lot of good ideas, but almost none of them work. I want something that really will work and won't make you automatically win if you press space.

Nothing innappropriate. That means no guns or bad words. Remember, there are some 4 year olds on this site. Are you sure you want to expose them to that stuff at such an early age?

I want to curate unnoticed scratchers. Even if, for example, LeScratcher had a better project then maybe coolpig, I would curate coolpig because he/she is more unnoticed.

Finally, I want to curate people who say they are horrible. With that attitude, people are going to think that they are horrible and I want to give a boost to their self-confidence.

I hope these requirements will fulfill me to be a curator. If you don't choose me, that's totally okay!


Last edited by pokesnail (Dec. 18, 2013 11:51:20)

100+ posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

Cleverbrain wrote:

How did you do that project link think please tell me because I have been trying to figure that out for weeks

Scratch12300 wrote:

Could I volunteer? I will try to search for:
Educational projects,
Projects with simple programming yet fun and easy to use,
Projects that encourage remixing, (no link because I can't find one at the moment. )
And projects that I just think are awesome!
Please note that I'm not saying that I will curate these particular projects because they may have already been curated or featured, they're just an example.

You click on the link symbol. And this forum isn't for asking questions like that. Ask those in General Questions About Scratch. This forum is just for applying for curator.

52 posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

Hello everyone! In my opinion, everyone deserves to be front paged at least once, even if for a short while. Unfortunately, many people have quit Scratch because their projects didn't get the popularity they wanted. I don't want any more people to quit Scratch for that reason, so I want to help out! Though I would want to curate some new projects, I would also want to curate some old projects that never got the popularity they deserved! I would curate game, of course, (like this) but I would want to curate animations as well. (like this) In fact, I would curate anything, as long as it appealed to me, and was appropriate for all ages. If a project had more than 20 loves and 10 favorites, I would not curate it. Instead, I would put it in a studio for great projects I would have curated had they been under my limits! But if I decide to curate a project, and it gets beyond my limits, I would still curate it, depending on how far they got. Finally, I want to thank all the people who have encouraged me to keep going, @Orcacat @Cookman @jvvg @jkl0l and me! Thank you, and goodbye!

Actually, I never thought about it before. All the Muppets are left-handed.
11 posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

Can I please be a curator?
I will add:

Platformers, amazing projects with not much views, educational projects and games.


Last edited by Latren124 (Dec. 19, 2013 20:07:45)

28 posts

Become a Curator on the Scratch Homepage

Dear Scratch Team

I started using scratch since I was 10 years old but only been using this site for 6 months Before that I was using the downloaded version. The first game I ever made was a simple version of pacman but when I came to this site I wanted to try something simple but I have started to develop my ideas. If I were to curate I would curate project that the owner has asked me to curate but if they had more that 100 views. I would not curate someones project without there permission because they might want to fix it up themselves. I will respect there rights. thank you for reading hope you ask me to curate.

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