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  • » The EVERYTHING SHOP 2.0! Welcome to The EVERYTHING Shop 2.0, where you can get anything and everything for basically nothing! [RSS Feed]
1000+ posts

The EVERYTHING SHOP 2.0! Welcome to The EVERYTHING Shop 2.0, where you can get anything and everything for basically nothing!

King no edit

Hi! I'm kinosaurs515!

These are my trusty guardians who protect my signature from evil kumquats! If you want to create a guardian for me, tell me on my profile! I can creat one for you too!
(=I)()(K) // This is Kino. No one knows why, but he has a hole in his body. He is very protective and energetic, but just isn't brave.

-_- // This is Lance. Lance is tired all the time, but is still somewhat "helpful".

define AWAKE
broadcast [ sleep] // This is Sleep. Just as the code says, as if he's awake, he will sleep.

when green flag clicked
if <not <[bumped] = [true]>> then // This is Bump. He helps bump my posts. Because he is Bump, he has a bump on his head.
broadcast [ bump]
stop [ all]
say [Yay! It was bumped!] for (2) secs

when I receive [ NOISE] // This is Nosy. He noses a lot with a long nose.

define BE NOSY
Nose with nose until they say nose
1000+ posts

The EVERYTHING SHOP 2.0! Welcome to The EVERYTHING Shop 2.0, where you can get anything and everything for basically nothing!

Alrighty everyone, I'll be choosing co-owner for a while! Here are the rules:
1. To enter, you must be a staff member at least 2 weeks old here.
2. You must have ACTIVE next to your name in the staff list. Which is conveniently everyone who answered the last activity check.
3. You must complete the following orders that I will give you, and I will rate them. There will be 3 orders.
4. The code order. Not many of you, but good luck!
5. The art order. Most of you are here, do your best!
6. The music order. There is only one of you, but the rest can also have fun!

Note that you will need to complete ALL orders, even if it is not your specialty. You may skip, but that's a few points down the drain.

They will come out one at a time. You must complete the order in the set time frame. Details about scoring will be posted soon.
Good luck!

PEOPLE WHO ENTERED (first task will come soon, date not decided yet. Enter quick! You may enter late, but you will have less time for tasks and get 0 points for past tasks.):
incompletesentenc- (not trying out for co-owner)

Last edited by kinosaurs515 (April 17, 2024 00:46:00)

Hi! I'm kinosaurs515!

These are my trusty guardians who protect my signature from evil kumquats! If you want to create a guardian for me, tell me on my profile! I can creat one for you too!
(=I)()(K) // This is Kino. No one knows why, but he has a hole in his body. He is very protective and energetic, but just isn't brave.

-_- // This is Lance. Lance is tired all the time, but is still somewhat "helpful".

define AWAKE
broadcast [ sleep] // This is Sleep. Just as the code says, as if he's awake, he will sleep.

when green flag clicked
if <not <[bumped] = [true]>> then // This is Bump. He helps bump my posts. Because he is Bump, he has a bump on his head.
broadcast [ bump]
stop [ all]
say [Yay! It was bumped!] for (2) secs

when I receive [ NOISE] // This is Nosy. He noses a lot with a long nose.

define BE NOSY
Nose with nose until they say nose
500+ posts

The EVERYTHING SHOP 2.0! Welcome to The EVERYTHING Shop 2.0, where you can get anything and everything for basically nothing!

did i not answer the last activity check? it says I am very inactive.
1000+ posts

The EVERYTHING SHOP 2.0! Welcome to The EVERYTHING Shop 2.0, where you can get anything and everything for basically nothing!

kinosaurs515 wrote:

Alrighty everyone, I'll be choosing co-owner for a while! Here are the rules:
1. To enter, you must be a staff member at least 2 weeks old here.
2. You must have ACTIVE next to your name in the staff list. Which is conveniently everyone who answered the last activity check.
3. You must complete the following orders that I will give you, and I will rate them. There will be 3 orders.
4. The code order. Not many of you, but good luck!
5. The art order. Most of you are here, do your best!
6. The music order. There is only one of you, but the rest can also have fun!

Note that you will need to complete ALL orders, even if it is not your specialty. You may skip, but that's a few points down the drain.

They will come out one at a time. You must complete the order in the set time frame. Details about scoring will be posted soon.
Good luck!
Yikes. I'm not very good at music.
Well…I'll enter. I might have to skip music though.

In my opinion, AI is the most disputed topic on Scratch. I'm not kidding. This topic about adding AI to Scratch got 5 pages of posts in 2 hours, all of it full of AI arguments. People even got to insulting each other. It's crazy.
100+ posts

The EVERYTHING SHOP 2.0! Welcome to The EVERYTHING Shop 2.0, where you can get anything and everything for basically nothing!

kinosaurs515 wrote:

Gamed_Guy_123 wrote:

Hello UniVerse! This is Shop'oVerse Shopration! We're a Federation and a Shop with all your needs!
We are inviting you to join our Shopration to receive tons of perks such as monthly reviews,
receive rewards, compete in SHOP only constests, ISOC, e.t.c
to to help you shop GROW to UniVerse!
Best of all… ITS FREE! And all you need to do is have your owner to fill out this form and you'll be all set to grow to the UniVerse!
Oh, yeah for further information look at Our Other Perks
Also if you accept please tell me on my profile

From the beyond, Gamed_Guy_123 from Shop'oVerse.
We'll have a vote + activity check!
RESPOND WITHIN 7 DAYS TO NOT RECEIVE… 2 WARNINGS!!!!!! (yes, i increased the stakes here.)
Do NOT say “active”. Well, you can, but you MUST reply with either “yes, we should join the federation,” or “no, we shouldn't join the federation.” And then you can add active if you want.

kinosaurs515 (no)
incompletesentenc- (no)
CrazyCoder1247 (yes)
asdfperson135 (yes)
ilovestories (no)
Enigma_Ezra (yes)
Kiitygirl4ever (yes)
Piggygirl3838 (yes)

btw this federation from what it looked like the last time i checked it is incomplete, has no one else's posts, has no different staff, has no shops, and in inactive.

MyScratchedAccount and TeslaDummy have been fired for inactivity, and were notified on their profiles.
AnnikainsLeftArm and TheWolf_KA have received 2 warnings. They have not been notified of this.

And alrighty everyone, I'll be choosing co-owner for a while! Here are the rules:
1. To enter, you must be a staff member at least 2 weeks old here.
2. You must have ACTIVE next to your name in the staff list. Which is conveniently everyone who answered the last activity check.
3. You must complete the following orders that I will give you, and I will rate them. There will be 3 orders.
4. The code order. Not many of you, but good luck!
5. The art order. Most of you are here, do your best!
6. The music order. There is only one of you, but the rest can also have fun!

They will come out one at a time. You must complete the order in the set time frame. Details about scoring will be posted soon.

I'm so sorry ;-;

I though I responded to this awhile ago-

I am a freelance foley artist(Sound Effects).
Examples of my work:
Example 1
Example 2
Example 3
Example 4

Comment on my profile if you are interested in my services.
1000+ posts

The EVERYTHING SHOP 2.0! Welcome to The EVERYTHING Shop 2.0, where you can get anything and everything for basically nothing!

asdfperson135 wrote:

did i not answer the last activity check? it says I am very inactive.
sorry about that, I fixed it.

ilovestories wrote:

kinosaurs515 wrote:


I'm so sorry ;-;

I though I responded to this awhile ago-
March 24? That's quite a while ago. You haven't been fired, but I'll change you from very INACTIVE to something higher. You still have 2 strikes and cannot enter the co owner comp. Luckily, you're still active.

Last edited by kinosaurs515 (April 15, 2024 06:48:12)

Hi! I'm kinosaurs515!

These are my trusty guardians who protect my signature from evil kumquats! If you want to create a guardian for me, tell me on my profile! I can creat one for you too!
(=I)()(K) // This is Kino. No one knows why, but he has a hole in his body. He is very protective and energetic, but just isn't brave.

-_- // This is Lance. Lance is tired all the time, but is still somewhat "helpful".

define AWAKE
broadcast [ sleep] // This is Sleep. Just as the code says, as if he's awake, he will sleep.

when green flag clicked
if <not <[bumped] = [true]>> then // This is Bump. He helps bump my posts. Because he is Bump, he has a bump on his head.
broadcast [ bump]
stop [ all]
say [Yay! It was bumped!] for (2) secs

when I receive [ NOISE] // This is Nosy. He noses a lot with a long nose.

define BE NOSY
Nose with nose until they say nose
100+ posts

The EVERYTHING SHOP 2.0! Welcome to The EVERYTHING Shop 2.0, where you can get anything and everything for basically nothing!

kinosaurs515 wrote:

March 24? That's quite a while ago. You haven't been fired, but I'll change you from very INACTIVE to something higher. You still have 2 strikes and cannot enter the co owner comp. Luckily, you're still active.


I am a freelance foley artist(Sound Effects).
Examples of my work:
Example 1
Example 2
Example 3
Example 4

Comment on my profile if you are interested in my services.
1000+ posts

The EVERYTHING SHOP 2.0! Welcome to The EVERYTHING Shop 2.0, where you can get anything and everything for basically nothing!

The_wolf_KA wrote:

kinosaurs515 wrote:

March 24? That's quite a while ago. You haven't been fired, but I'll change you from very INACTIVE to something higher. You still have 2 strikes and cannot enter the co owner comp. Luckily, you're still active.


Last edited by kinosaurs515 (April 16, 2024 09:40:39)

Hi! I'm kinosaurs515!

These are my trusty guardians who protect my signature from evil kumquats! If you want to create a guardian for me, tell me on my profile! I can creat one for you too!
(=I)()(K) // This is Kino. No one knows why, but he has a hole in his body. He is very protective and energetic, but just isn't brave.

-_- // This is Lance. Lance is tired all the time, but is still somewhat "helpful".

define AWAKE
broadcast [ sleep] // This is Sleep. Just as the code says, as if he's awake, he will sleep.

when green flag clicked
if <not <[bumped] = [true]>> then // This is Bump. He helps bump my posts. Because he is Bump, he has a bump on his head.
broadcast [ bump]
stop [ all]
say [Yay! It was bumped!] for (2) secs

when I receive [ NOISE] // This is Nosy. He noses a lot with a long nose.

define BE NOSY
Nose with nose until they say nose
100+ posts

The EVERYTHING SHOP 2.0! Welcome to The EVERYTHING Shop 2.0, where you can get anything and everything for basically nothing!

kinosaurs515 wrote:

I'd like to try just as practice. Not trying for co-owner.

hyelo ! i'm @incompletesentenc- :3

finch | they/them | non-binary | a silly little creature

C'est la vie. // It is life.
500+ posts

The EVERYTHING SHOP 2.0! Welcome to The EVERYTHING Shop 2.0, where you can get anything and everything for basically nothing!

I’m in the competition. Let’s gooooo
1000+ posts

The EVERYTHING SHOP 2.0! Welcome to The EVERYTHING Shop 2.0, where you can get anything and everything for basically nothing!

Username*: doggy_boi1
Nickname/s*: none, too confusing. I do go by Seavixen on blue controller though (a type of plane)
Pronouns: he/him
Why should you join?:I've had previous experience here and at glow shop (rip glitch cabin), i also am available for most of the day
What will be your role?: Banners, coding,
Do you pledge to follow the ToS-RoS?: yes I will do everything it says
Timezone*: EST
TIme online on Scratch*: 3-9est weekdays 11am-12am weekends (im not constantly online but that is when i am available / checking notifs
Example Works: https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/33688070/

i hate my username
Chickens are the superior animal!
Looks like a evil kumquat ate the home page

(⌐⎔_⎔)//This is Jack, he's been fighting these evil kumquats since early 2023!

(((( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́))))
1000+ posts

The EVERYTHING SHOP 2.0! Welcome to The EVERYTHING Shop 2.0, where you can get anything and everything for basically nothing!

doggy_boi1 wrote:

Username*: doggy_boi1
Nickname/s*: none, too confusing. I do go by Seavixen on blue controller though (a type of plane)
Pronouns: he/him
Why should you join?:I've had previous experience here and at glow shop (rip glitch cabin), i also am available for most of the day
What will be your role?: Banners, coding,
Do you pledge to follow the ToS-RoS?: yes I will do everything it says
Timezone*: EST
TIme online on Scratch*: 3-9est weekdays 11am-12am weekends (im not constantly online but that is when i am available / checking notifs
Example Works: https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/33688070/
(accepted, welcome back!)

Hi! I'm kinosaurs515!

These are my trusty guardians who protect my signature from evil kumquats! If you want to create a guardian for me, tell me on my profile! I can creat one for you too!
(=I)()(K) // This is Kino. No one knows why, but he has a hole in his body. He is very protective and energetic, but just isn't brave.

-_- // This is Lance. Lance is tired all the time, but is still somewhat "helpful".

define AWAKE
broadcast [ sleep] // This is Sleep. Just as the code says, as if he's awake, he will sleep.

when green flag clicked
if <not <[bumped] = [true]>> then // This is Bump. He helps bump my posts. Because he is Bump, he has a bump on his head.
broadcast [ bump]
stop [ all]
say [Yay! It was bumped!] for (2) secs

when I receive [ NOISE] // This is Nosy. He noses a lot with a long nose.

define BE NOSY
Nose with nose until they say nose
1000+ posts

The EVERYTHING SHOP 2.0! Welcome to The EVERYTHING Shop 2.0, where you can get anything and everything for basically nothing!

kinosaurs515 wrote:

doggy_boi1 wrote:

Username*: doggy_boi1
Nickname/s*: none, too confusing. I do go by Seavixen on blue controller though (a type of plane)
Pronouns: he/him
Why should you join?:I've had previous experience here and at glow shop (rip glitch cabin), i also am available for most of the day
What will be your role?: Banners, coding,
Do you pledge to follow the ToS-RoS?: yes I will do everything it says
Timezone*: EST
TIme online on Scratch*: 3-9est weekdays 11am-12am weekends (im not constantly online but that is when i am available / checking notifs
Example Works: https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/33688070/
(accepted, welcome back!)
ty, i drew the shape with a reference (if you mean the shinkashan or however it's spelt) and then after that it was a cake walk

i hate my username
Chickens are the superior animal!
Looks like a evil kumquat ate the home page

(⌐⎔_⎔)//This is Jack, he's been fighting these evil kumquats since early 2023!

(((( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́))))
1000+ posts

The EVERYTHING SHOP 2.0! Welcome to The EVERYTHING Shop 2.0, where you can get anything and everything for basically nothing!


Hi! I'm kinosaurs515!

These are my trusty guardians who protect my signature from evil kumquats! If you want to create a guardian for me, tell me on my profile! I can creat one for you too!
(=I)()(K) // This is Kino. No one knows why, but he has a hole in his body. He is very protective and energetic, but just isn't brave.

-_- // This is Lance. Lance is tired all the time, but is still somewhat "helpful".

define AWAKE
broadcast [ sleep] // This is Sleep. Just as the code says, as if he's awake, he will sleep.

when green flag clicked
if <not <[bumped] = [true]>> then // This is Bump. He helps bump my posts. Because he is Bump, he has a bump on his head.
broadcast [ bump]
stop [ all]
say [Yay! It was bumped!] for (2) secs

when I receive [ NOISE] // This is Nosy. He noses a lot with a long nose.

define BE NOSY
Nose with nose until they say nose
1000+ posts

The EVERYTHING SHOP 2.0! Welcome to The EVERYTHING Shop 2.0, where you can get anything and everything for basically nothing!

wait, why are we closed for art orders?

i hate my username
Chickens are the superior animal!
Looks like a evil kumquat ate the home page

(⌐⎔_⎔)//This is Jack, he's been fighting these evil kumquats since early 2023!

(((( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́))))
1000+ posts

The EVERYTHING SHOP 2.0! Welcome to The EVERYTHING Shop 2.0, where you can get anything and everything for basically nothing!

doggy_boi1 wrote:

wait, why are we closed for art orders?
we have too many rn

Hi! I'm kinosaurs515!

These are my trusty guardians who protect my signature from evil kumquats! If you want to create a guardian for me, tell me on my profile! I can creat one for you too!
(=I)()(K) // This is Kino. No one knows why, but he has a hole in his body. He is very protective and energetic, but just isn't brave.

-_- // This is Lance. Lance is tired all the time, but is still somewhat "helpful".

define AWAKE
broadcast [ sleep] // This is Sleep. Just as the code says, as if he's awake, he will sleep.

when green flag clicked
if <not <[bumped] = [true]>> then // This is Bump. He helps bump my posts. Because he is Bump, he has a bump on his head.
broadcast [ bump]
stop [ all]
say [Yay! It was bumped!] for (2) secs

when I receive [ NOISE] // This is Nosy. He noses a lot with a long nose.

define BE NOSY
Nose with nose until they say nose
1000+ posts

The EVERYTHING SHOP 2.0! Welcome to The EVERYTHING Shop 2.0, where you can get anything and everything for basically nothing!

kinosaurs515 wrote:

doggy_boi1 wrote:

wait, why are we closed for art orders?
we have too many rn
Oh. Are there any available for me to take?

i hate my username
Chickens are the superior animal!
Looks like a evil kumquat ate the home page

(⌐⎔_⎔)//This is Jack, he's been fighting these evil kumquats since early 2023!

(((( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́))))
1000+ posts

The EVERYTHING SHOP 2.0! Welcome to The EVERYTHING Shop 2.0, where you can get anything and everything for basically nothing!

doggy_boi1 wrote:

kinosaurs515 wrote:

Oh. Are there any available for me to take?
Package (you can only order available packages): Art Package
Explain in detail (DETAIL, please unless we can do what we want): So I want an rpg art pack sort of undertale/pokemon art style I need tiles, Houses rocks forests, walking animation battle view and just that
Deadline (must be at least 72 hours)*: 3 months
Have you read the ToS-RoS?: Everything. That is Section 2-4-2 of the ToS-RoS.
Is there a certain worker you want for you/avoid?*: No?
this is an order for jarscratch1111
you can take it
For others, ask ilovestories.

Hi! I'm kinosaurs515!

These are my trusty guardians who protect my signature from evil kumquats! If you want to create a guardian for me, tell me on my profile! I can creat one for you too!
(=I)()(K) // This is Kino. No one knows why, but he has a hole in his body. He is very protective and energetic, but just isn't brave.

-_- // This is Lance. Lance is tired all the time, but is still somewhat "helpful".

define AWAKE
broadcast [ sleep] // This is Sleep. Just as the code says, as if he's awake, he will sleep.

when green flag clicked
if <not <[bumped] = [true]>> then // This is Bump. He helps bump my posts. Because he is Bump, he has a bump on his head.
broadcast [ bump]
stop [ all]
say [Yay! It was bumped!] for (2) secs

when I receive [ NOISE] // This is Nosy. He noses a lot with a long nose.

define BE NOSY
Nose with nose until they say nose
500+ posts

The EVERYTHING SHOP 2.0! Welcome to The EVERYTHING Shop 2.0, where you can get anything and everything for basically nothing!

doggy_boi1 wrote:

Username*: doggy_boi1
Nickname/s*: none, too confusing. I do go by Seavixen on blue controller though (a type of plane)
Pronouns: he/him
Why should you join?:I've had previous experience here and at glow shop (rip glitch cabin), i also am available for most of the day
What will be your role?: Banners, coding,
Do you pledge to follow the ToS-RoS?: yes I will do everything it says
Timezone*: EST
TIme online on Scratch*: 3-9est weekdays 11am-12am weekends (im not constantly online but that is when i am available / checking notifs
Example Works: https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/33688070/
wow, you made the Capital Shop's banner? that was always one of my favorites
1000+ posts

The EVERYTHING SHOP 2.0! Welcome to The EVERYTHING Shop 2.0, where you can get anything and everything for basically nothing!

asdfperson135 wrote:

doggy_boi1 wrote:

Username*: doggy_boi1
Nickname/s*: none, too confusing. I do go by Seavixen on blue controller though (a type of plane)
Pronouns: he/him
Why should you join?:I've had previous experience here and at glow shop (rip glitch cabin), i also am available for most of the day
What will be your role?: Banners, coding,
Do you pledge to follow the ToS-RoS?: yes I will do everything it says
Timezone*: EST
TIme online on Scratch*: 3-9est weekdays 11am-12am weekends (im not constantly online but that is when i am available / checking notifs
Example Works: https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/33688070/
wow, you made the Capital Shop's banner? that was always one of my favorites
yeah me too! sadly i dont really see them around anymore

kinosaurs515 wrote:

doggy_boi1 wrote:

kinosaurs515 wrote:

Oh. Are there any available for me to take?
Package (you can only order available packages): Art Package
Explain in detail (DETAIL, please unless we can do what we want): So I want an rpg art pack sort of undertale/pokemon art style I need tiles, Houses rocks forests, walking animation battle view and just that
Deadline (must be at least 72 hours)*: 3 months
Have you read the ToS-RoS?: Everything. That is Section 2-4-2 of the ToS-RoS.
Is there a certain worker you want for you/avoid?*: No?
this is an order for jarscratch1111
you can take it
For others, ask ilovestories.
i cant do pixel art that good yet, maybe some day lol

i hate my username
Chickens are the superior animal!
Looks like a evil kumquat ate the home page

(⌐⎔_⎔)//This is Jack, he's been fighting these evil kumquats since early 2023!

(((( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́) ( •̀ᴗ•́))))
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  • » The EVERYTHING SHOP 2.0! Welcome to The EVERYTHING Shop 2.0, where you can get anything and everything for basically nothing! [RSS Feed]

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