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1000+ posts

Fictional Characters 2: A Continuation

meatlol555 wrote:

CaptainVictoria wrote:

Question of the Day:
What's something you like the most about your favorite characters? Nice and simple one, since it's been a while.

I can't really think of any other favourite characters to talk about, apart from one.

potential spoiler warning for all the pizza tower fans who haven't got to the floor 4 boss yet: (the pt community cannot decide whether Fake Peppino is either an adorable, naïve goober who only wanted to play around with Peppino, or an Eldrich horror who wanted to overthrow Peppino's status and tried to become the superior Peppino.

but some people just think he's both
I get the feeling he's both ngl

You? Nibelheim!! Me? G O N G A G A ! !

I'm a Final Fantasy and Ace Attorney fan, though I've never played FF for myself.
Call me a geek or a weeb, whatever. Because I'm proud of it.
Transformers especially I've looked at the Wiki so many times, I'll get into the entire lore, yes… I'm that person.

I'm told I'm very good at recreating characters from my fandoms (which I'm kind of closed off from…)
Anyhoo, here are some of my best models.

Miles Edgeworth
Klavier Gavin
Gregory Edgeworth

The entire collection of character models…

Gregory looks cool and objects my posts from kumquats.
1000+ posts

Fictional Characters 2: A Continuation

Also_lensdan1 wrote:

CaptainVictoria wrote:

CaptainVictoria wrote:

Question of the Day:
What's something you like the most about your favorite characters? Nice and simple one, since it's been a while.
(I'll go first)

  • Miles Edgeworth: I'd say it's his cravat but I love his personality. He's calm and collected but you know that inside he's just as much of a freaking hot mess you are. Plus, he's a total geek. <3 (relatable.)
  • Gregory Edgeworth: Similar to his son but less of a mess. He's just an awkward bean that cares so much about his son.
    I want to list off so much more, because…

    What's not to love?
  • Ema Skye: She's such an adorable geekkk :33 (Plus, we've got the same personality type. INTP!)
  • Zack Fair: …Gongaga-
  • Laguna Loire: GOLD PLATED MACHINE GUN- He's such a silly billy. Hehehe
  • Squall Leonhart: …. Well. >:I ….Whatever-
  • Bucky Barnes: Please don't get me wrong. I know he started out as a Robin clone (albeit a very competent one-) and I'm not a Sebastian Stan… Stan. Lol I just like his character. (And I feel so sorry for himmmm ;-;)
  • Rodimus Prime/Hot Rod (Transformers G1): He's so reckless as Hot Rod and a great leader as Rodimus. His personality is great. Sarcastic robots? Oh gosh. XD Unfortunately he doubts himself so often as leader of the autobots because he has to fill the shoes of his predecessor, Optimus Prime. And let's face it, those are some big shoes. I could go on and on about the reasons he's my favorite.
  • Kup: is also great. Always getting on Hot Rod's nerves, getting on each other's nerves. (Or the equivalent of nerves a TF has-), he's a crotchety old guy.
  • Ratchet (TFA): Same as Kup, except he's grumpy towards everyone. He's been my favorite since I was like… 5 years old? Yeah. I always found him funny. Hehe

There are lots more, but I've decided to end it here. Lol
Ooh, awesome ones! I love that picture of Greggo with the cake lol.

I share a lot of those favorite characters too Including Bucky Barnes. He's my third favorite Marvel character behind Mantis and T'Challa.
Hehe, which is why I'm going to make it into a sprite.

Ooh, good choices too. Lol I think those are actually my top favorites at this point too, just swapped around. (MANTIS IS A PWECIOUS BEBY!!)

You? Nibelheim!! Me? G O N G A G A ! !

I'm a Final Fantasy and Ace Attorney fan, though I've never played FF for myself.
Call me a geek or a weeb, whatever. Because I'm proud of it.
Transformers especially I've looked at the Wiki so many times, I'll get into the entire lore, yes… I'm that person.

I'm told I'm very good at recreating characters from my fandoms (which I'm kind of closed off from…)
Anyhoo, here are some of my best models.

Miles Edgeworth
Klavier Gavin
Gregory Edgeworth

The entire collection of character models…

Gregory looks cool and objects my posts from kumquats.
1000+ posts

Fictional Characters 2: A Continuation

god i love floof from funny rain game (not in a simping way i just love him HES SO FLOOFY I WISH THAT I COULD JUST GRAB HIM FROM A RAINWORLD VIDEOS SCREEN AND PET HIM SO MUCH AGSHSHUNSUGBSUG)

dave and bambi fan

highlight the siggy then ctrl + shift + down to see the rest (or just shift + down, if your not a chrome user. if your on mobile, highlight the siggy and go down.)
random user on the internet

hi i like dave and bambi
certifed recurser fan(atic) since 2023 (specifically march-april)
i also play xanje!

nicknames that i am fine with (officially) include “scratchbeginner”, “sb5669”, “potassium/kalium” and “kal” (thanks rachel for the last nickname suggestion!)
fine with “rand/randu” (my roblox nickname)

if i quote a post and a part of said post is in bold, thats the part im mainly replying too.

certified recurser fan
as you can tell, i forum more than do projects (mainly because i like to convo with other people about topics).
if your seeing this and expecting a project from me immediately after checking my mains project count, expect some project uploads on my 1st alt usually. rarely will i ever upload one on my main.

rip carl and karl, they died.
just found out that the 2 could be still alive somewhere.
better start looking for them eventually. they might not be dead.
they looked like these, btw:
(-_-::#90EE90) // carl
(o_0::#3521EE) // karl

the pfp is staying for april fools, dont get confused with who is what
100+ posts

Fictional Characters 2: A Continuation

CaptainVictoria wrote:

Question of the Day:
What's something you like the most about your favorite characters? Nice and simple one, since it's been a while.
AA: Mia Fey
She is determination and bravery personified. She knew full well that investigating Redd White was dangerous, but she still fought for justice. Even after she died, she kept fighting and continued to help Phoenix out because heaven knows he needed it in the first few cases.
AF: Artemis
Bro took on the entire fairy police force and matched them move for move until he finally outsmarted them. Bro outsmarted the Russian Mafia. Bro outsmarted the fairy black market. Bro outsmarted fairykinds most dangerous genius. Bro outsmarted DEATH ITSELF.
AtLA: Sokka
He is a good big brother. Also he's really relatable to me for some reason. Plus, BOOMERANG!
DBZA: Piccolo
He has pretty much adopted Gohan at this point. He also teaches people valuable life lessons, such as DOOOOOODGE!
DW: Ten
What can I say? He is an adorable, goofy, emotionally broken bundle of nerdiness. Everyone loves this guy.
EoM: Honeycomb
He's cute, okay? I have a weakness for shy sarcastic beans. I just want to hug them.
Or outsnark them. One of the two.
FMAB: Mustang's chess team.
I LOVE ALL OF THEM, EVEN THE ONES EVERYONE FORGETS ABOUT. Mustang is one of the most powerful people in the whole series, he took down not one, but two homunculi, he wants to be Fuhrer so he can make Amestris a democracy and make sure that the Ishval massacre never happens again. Hawkeye is one of two people keeping Mustang focused and sane. The other one is dead. Breda was one of the people closest to Mustang after Hughes died, he was also one of the people trivia-testing Mustang after the final battle, he is utterly dedicated to his country and wants the best for everyone living it. Falman is braver than he looks, he was willing to die to defend the gate, he has an in-depth knowledge of the fortresses, he was literally CRYING, he was so scared but he still stood strong. Havoc was willing to sacrifice everything for his and Mustang's dream, he was paralyzed from the waist down and still continued kicking butt from a distance by supplying weaponry, he told Mustang to leave him behind so Mustang wouldn't be slowed down in pursuing his dream and making things right. Fuery is pretty much the sole reason the chess team were able to stay in touch during battle, he is a technical genius, he eats unexplained glitches for BREAKFAST, do not mess with this man if he has access to a radio. Black Hayate is the cutest dog to ever be in an anime. Enough said.
GE: Picket
He's cute. I always feel like I'm watching a child growing up when I read his character arc. He can also take down five wolves at once with nothing but a sword and a hang glider which is a pretty significant achievement for a rabbit.
GotG: Rocket
I like him because he's sarcastic and likes guns. Big ones. You could blow up a small moon with some of his weaponry.
HoO: Reyna
Beautiful, strong and acts like the Team Big Sister to an entire camp of magical teenagers.
HP: Gred and Forge
Does these two need any explanation?
Jat…: Wobbler
Tech geek who isn't a tech geek and loves for video games and his friends. He's kinda relatable tbh.
LoM: Elazul and Pearl
I love their character designs and relationship. I don't ship them though. I particularly like Elazul's outfit and his
MC: Hearthstone
I don't like the series much, but I am willing to binge the entire thing just for this tall bean of a character. He is cute, he is lovable, he has a sad backstory, what's not to like?
MHA: Aoyama
HE IS A SPARKLY BEAN WHO NO ONE NOTICES DESPITE HIM ABSOLUTELY COMMANDING THE SCREEN WHENEVER HE GETS SCREENTIME. He also has a pretty major handicap but is still able to just about keep up with his classmates. also the UA traitor arc… poor little sparkle man…
PJO: Rachel
SoM: Jema
Good mentor and friend, plus he heals you in the first fight if you die.
Naruto: Shikamaru
This dude is the poster child for ‘Work smarter not harder’. All his battle are basically him getting beaten until he decides to stop being lazy and slam you into the ground with his 200IQ plan.
SP: Skulduggery
Like Mia and Artemis, DEATH ITSELF CANNOT STOP THIS MAN (admittedly he had a little help from a certain necromancer…)
SW: Threepio
Nerdy robot who is arguably the protagonist of the first and second trilogies. I just love his interactions with Artoo.
ToM: Riesz
One of the kindest and most caring characters in the series. Unlike other characters, her main motivation is rescuing her brother, rather than proving herself worthy of something or other.
TPDW: Susan Sto Helit
She's very matter-of-fact and sensible, whig makes her interactions with more lighthearted characters very amusing, especially her grandfather: Death doesn't try to stop her. Death asks her for help.
WS: Janner
I really like characters who show a lot of development throughout a series and become better people because of it.
YGO: Valon, Alistair and Raphael (those guys from season 4)
Despite being from a filler arc that isn't canon, these guys are actually really engaging and memorable villains. TBH the whole arc was cool… Raphael is also one of the few people who has ever been able to separate Yugi and Yami from each other for longer than two episodes.

Last edited by SilKeaSilver (May 8, 2023 13:43:26)

The post that this signature is attached to is almost entirely composed of my disjointed ramblings at a time when I really should be asleep.

SilKea // She/her // Sleep Deprived
69 posts

Fictional Characters 2: A Continuation

ChaoticControversies wrote:

whiplash6699 wrote:

Even though I'm the #1 Mario fan, my favorite villain of all time isn't from the Mario franchise. Instead, it's this guy:
Yes. All hail the Mighty Dorito.
pfft yes

Your favorite autistic trans masc
Muffin is the best bluey character fight me /mj
1000+ posts

Fictional Characters 2: A Continuation

CaptainVictoria wrote:

Question of the Day:
What's something you like the most about your favorite characters? Nice and simple one, since it's been a while.
Mordecai: His personality + choice of clothing, like he can go from brutally offing a person to wishing to be a ficus(A kind of plant) and I also like that he is polite, yet a deadpan snarker. Plus, his outfits are pretty amazing and he is very dapper. Mordecai is also a nerd and nerds = awesome

Ford: His nerdyness and his occasional sass. Also his outfit, he rocks that turtleneck and trenchcoat.

Stan: His personality, he has a great sense of humour. Also wears a nice suit.

Eda: Similar reasons as Stan, I love her sassyness and her outfits

Anne: I can relate to her a lot.

Polly: Very funny and sassy

N: He's a cinnamon roll and another character I relate to

Uzi: Like her outfit, plus she's cool and ✨an angsty teenager✨

Doll: Her vibe is very, interesting

Calvin/Freckle: He is a polite cinnamon roll, but if you give him a weapon, he'll go on a rampage. <3

Rocky: Very chaotic, but also relatable

Bill: chaos dorito go brrrr

Last edited by ChaoticControversies (May 8, 2023 12:47:53)

raiden - they/them - crappy artist - also check out my website, ig
1000+ posts

Fictional Characters 2: A Continuation

QOTD: Would your favourite character(s) be good with children?

raiden - they/them - crappy artist - also check out my website, ig
100+ posts

Fictional Characters 2: A Continuation

whiplash6699 wrote:

Even though I'm the #1 Mario fan, my favorite villain of all time isn't from the Mario franchise. Instead, it's this guy:
Lol wasn't there like a petition to make that the scratch mascot a while ago?
500+ posts

Fictional Characters 2: A Continuation

My favorite part about this topic is that you either post a long post, or you don't. (But most of the time you do)

100+ posts

Fictional Characters 2: A Continuation

ChaoticControversies wrote:

QOTD: Would your favourite character(s) be good with children?
Alistair - Canonically yes
Aoyama Yuga - Probably not
Artemis Fowl - Canonically not
Elazul - Probably not
Fred Weasley - Canonically yes
George Weasley - Canonically yes
Riza Hawkeye - Probably yes
Honeycomb - Probably yes
Janner Wingfeather - Canonically yes
Jema - Probably yes
Mia Fey - Semi-canonically yes
Pearl - Probably yes
Piccolo - Canonically sort of
Picket - Canonically not
Rachel Elizabeth Dare - Probably yes
Raphael - Semi-canonically yes
Reyna Ramirez Arellano - Semi-canonically not
Riesz - Canonically yes
Skulduggery Pleasant - Probably not
Sokka - Canonically yes
Susan Sto Helit - Canonically yes
Threepio - Semi-canonically not
Ten - Probably not
Valon - Probably yes
Wobbler - Is a child

The post that this signature is attached to is almost entirely composed of my disjointed ramblings at a time when I really should be asleep.

SilKea // She/her // Sleep Deprived
500+ posts

Fictional Characters 2: A Continuation

ChaoticControversies wrote:

QOTD: Would your favourite character(s) be good with children?
Vigilante: Are the Toppins children? If so, yes.
Penny: I think? I mean, she treats her pokemon like children.
Miu Iruma: I don't really think so. Mainly due to… K1-B0 reasons.
Aubrey: No. Do I even need to explain why?
Chuck Quizmo: Think he would be, as he's a game show host.
Ellie: Idk, maybe.
Sheik: Yes, yes they would be.
Cirno: Perhaps, children are rare sights in Gensokyo.
Charles: He has dad energy, so yes.
Gary: Wasn't there an episode where he was a dad? I think he would be good with children
Larry Butz: Yes. No explanation why.
Glenn Quagmire: Yes, another reason why he's better than Joe.
Frye: No, I think she would punt a child at any time she could.
Mint: Yes, as not only are two of her friends children, she also works in an orphanage!
Rebecca: No.
Dr. Bright: Tell me, would JACK BRIGHT be good with children? The answer's no btw.
Killua: No, I won't tell you why though. Watch HunterxHunter.
Zack: Perhaps, if he doesn't light them on fire.
Ice King: Have you seen how well he raised Marcy? OF COURSE HE WOULD BE!!!
Kenny: Yes, even if he dies in the process.
Bayonetta: Maybe???
Shiro: Another big maybe
Larry The Cucumber: Yes, do I even need to explain why?
Rouge The Bat: Perchance.
Astolfo: *sweats due to having to word this correctly* I think???
Susie: Yes, as she treats Kirbo well.
Undyne: Yes, just look at how she treated Monster Kid
Susie: No, children need faces.
Morgana: Yes, but mainly Lady Ann.
Tifa: YES!!!!

1000+ posts

Fictional Characters 2: A Continuation

KNB_Bookworm wrote:

whiplash6699 wrote:

Even though I'm the #1 Mario fan, my favorite villain of all time isn't from the Mario franchise. Instead, it's this guy:
Lol wasn't there like a petition to make that the scratch mascot a while ago?
God he needs to be the mascot of Disney and Scratch.

Autistic male who surfs the forums and talks about the weirdest and most obscure stuff he can think of. HUGE Mario fan.

100+ posts

Fictional Characters 2: A Continuation

ChaoticControversies wrote:

QOTD: Would your favourite character(s) be good with children?
arright letsseee here……
fuzz - probably not???
taco - probably
blocky - most likely not
fries - mixed signals
susie - oh heavens no, absolutely not
hex - when he's not being possessed, yes
liam - most likely yes
rocky - probably
MOTHER - too scary i think
DEEZ - not advertiser friendly (also too scary)
niko - is the child
prototype - yes
brick the rat - he is a rat, yes
the noise - probably not
suction cup man - not advertiser friendly, has better things to do either way
evil printer - bloodshed over empty magenta ink cartridge, no (probably also too scary)
blixer - this dude is twice the height of a tree and already nearly killed several people, those kids are gettin slapped

atlas - she/they/it - 15 (june 18)
status: still too broke to buy pizza tower so i'm playing through deltarune because its free and has controller support
favorite song right now:
mr. sauceman - i need a noise
carrd :>
1000+ posts

Fictional Characters 2: A Continuation

ChaoticControversies wrote:

QOTD: Would your favourite character(s) be good with children?
My answers:
Definitely yes. (sarcasm intended)

Ford: Yes, especially if it's his grandchildren Dipper and Mabel.

Stan: Same as Ford.

Eda: Very much good with kids, the TOH fandom often jokes about her adopting every kid she sees. Although she might turn the child into a criminal.

Anne: Is a kid, but is shown in the epilogue as an adult to be good with children

Polly: Is a kid

N: He would probably be good with children

Doll: Absolutely not. The children would be creeped out by her.

Uzi: I think she would be okay with kids, although she would get pestered by annoying ones

Calvin/Freckle: He would be decent with children

Rocky: He might turn the kid into a criminal

Bill: Yeah, he is great with children, ignoring the image below (sarcasm intended, again)

Last edited by ChaoticControversies (May 9, 2023 05:11:15)

raiden - they/them - crappy artist - also check out my website, ig
1000+ posts

Fictional Characters 2: A Continuation

ChaoticControversies wrote:

QOTD: Would your favourite character(s) be good with children?
doing only my current favorites for this one

expunged would do just ok with one, better if the child was a bambi minion
saint would definitely be good with them, teaching the children the ways of ascension
recurser… probably

dave and bambi fan

highlight the siggy then ctrl + shift + down to see the rest (or just shift + down, if your not a chrome user. if your on mobile, highlight the siggy and go down.)
random user on the internet

hi i like dave and bambi
certifed recurser fan(atic) since 2023 (specifically march-april)
i also play xanje!

nicknames that i am fine with (officially) include “scratchbeginner”, “sb5669”, “potassium/kalium” and “kal” (thanks rachel for the last nickname suggestion!)
fine with “rand/randu” (my roblox nickname)

if i quote a post and a part of said post is in bold, thats the part im mainly replying too.

certified recurser fan
as you can tell, i forum more than do projects (mainly because i like to convo with other people about topics).
if your seeing this and expecting a project from me immediately after checking my mains project count, expect some project uploads on my 1st alt usually. rarely will i ever upload one on my main.

rip carl and karl, they died.
just found out that the 2 could be still alive somewhere.
better start looking for them eventually. they might not be dead.
they looked like these, btw:
(-_-::#90EE90) // carl
(o_0::#3521EE) // karl

the pfp is staying for april fools, dont get confused with who is what
1000+ posts

Fictional Characters 2: A Continuation

Yento-Kun wrote:

ChaoticControversies wrote:

QOTD: Would your favourite character(s) be good with children?
Vigilante: Are the Toppins children? If so, yes.
Penny: I think? I mean, she treats her pokemon like children.
Miu Iruma: I don't really think so. Mainly due to… K1-B0 reasons.
Aubrey: No. Do I even need to explain why?
Chuck Quizmo: Think he would be, as he's a game show host.
Ellie: Idk, maybe.
Sheik: Yes, yes they would be.
Cirno: Perhaps, children are rare sights in Gensokyo.
Charles: He has dad energy, so yes.
Gary: Wasn't there an episode where he was a dad? I think he would be good with children
Larry Butz: Yes. No explanation why.
Glenn Quagmire: Yes, another reason why he's better than Joe.
Frye: No, I think she would punt a child at any time she could.
Mint: Yes, as not only are two of her friends children, she also works in an orphanage!
Rebecca: No.
Dr. Bright: Tell me, would JACK BRIGHT be good with children? The answer's no btw.
Killua: No, I won't tell you why though. Watch HunterxHunter.
Zack: Perhaps, if he doesn't light them on fire.
Ice King: Have you seen how well he raised Marcy? OF COURSE HE WOULD BE!!!
Kenny: Yes, even if he dies in the process.
Bayonetta: Maybe???
Shiro: Another big maybe
Larry The Cucumber: Yes, do I even need to explain why?
Rouge The Bat: Perchance.
Astolfo: *sweats due to having to word this correctly* I think???
Susie: Yes, as she treats Kirbo well.
Undyne: Yes, just look at how she treated Monster Kid
Susie: No, children need faces.
Morgana: Yes, but mainly Lady Ann.
Tifa: YES!!!!
I know for a fact Tifa's great with the kiddies. I watched Advent Children and she and Cloud practically adopted an entire orphanage. Lol

(Also, Larry Butz would totally be the funni uncle archetype that loves kids so I love that you said yes. Larry the Cucumber… NO YOU DON'T NEED TO EXPLAIN!!)

You? Nibelheim!! Me? G O N G A G A ! !

I'm a Final Fantasy and Ace Attorney fan, though I've never played FF for myself.
Call me a geek or a weeb, whatever. Because I'm proud of it.
Transformers especially I've looked at the Wiki so many times, I'll get into the entire lore, yes… I'm that person.

I'm told I'm very good at recreating characters from my fandoms (which I'm kind of closed off from…)
Anyhoo, here are some of my best models.

Miles Edgeworth
Klavier Gavin
Gregory Edgeworth

The entire collection of character models…

Gregory looks cool and objects my posts from kumquats.
1000+ posts

Fictional Characters 2: A Continuation

I will not have to answer the Question of the Day myself because every single one of them would be great with kids.

Okay, I will.

Gregory: He is and I know this is fanart but there's no doubt about it that he was a great father!
Miles: I know he's a jerk at the beginning of the game. So at that point I don't think he'd be the best around children, but later on (especially by the time of DD) he'd be great. (P.S: I gave him a son. Love, Cap.)
Ema: YES!!
Klavier: YES!!
Zack: Kids would freaking love him. Lol
Laguna: He IS wonderful around kids. I wish I could find a good (canon) illustration but his relationship with Ellone is adorable. (And I just started browsing fanart so that's why this post is so much later than my last one-)
Squall: Well… He needs to grow up a little, but I have a feeling he would.
Bucky: Lol of course he would. I think… I don't know, it depends on the universe.
Hot Rod: Daniel Witwicky.

You? Nibelheim!! Me? G O N G A G A ! !

I'm a Final Fantasy and Ace Attorney fan, though I've never played FF for myself.
Call me a geek or a weeb, whatever. Because I'm proud of it.
Transformers especially I've looked at the Wiki so many times, I'll get into the entire lore, yes… I'm that person.

I'm told I'm very good at recreating characters from my fandoms (which I'm kind of closed off from…)
Anyhoo, here are some of my best models.

Miles Edgeworth
Klavier Gavin
Gregory Edgeworth

The entire collection of character models…

Gregory looks cool and objects my posts from kumquats.
100+ posts

Fictional Characters 2: A Continuation

Ion know how you guys basically have an entire bible worth of favorite characters -_-
anyways here is mine

Kel (omori)
Larry the cucumber
Ms. Kobayashi (mkdm)
Joel (tlofu)
Cpt. price (CoD)
Soul eater Evans (soul eater)

im not really active on scratch anymore, sometimes i might hop on and look thru all the dumb messages i sent lol.
1000+ posts

Fictional Characters 2: A Continuation

CaptainVictoria wrote:

because every single one of them would be great with kids.
was that ironic or not

Mod's Protogen Maker v2 released. I will update it when I will update it
100+ posts

Fictional Characters 2: A Continuation

ChaoticControversies wrote:

QOTD: Would your favourite character(s) be good with children?
Keefe-he would literally let them do whatever they want
Biana-she would try, but no
Alex-he would lose control easily lol
Moon-she wouldn't be bossy enough
Rayla-no wayyyy
Anne-not bossy enough
Charity-canonically yes
Luz-for about the first five minutes. Then it would dissolve into chaos XD
Amity-canonically yes

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