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- Re's Writing Folder -

What You Don’t Know

You see the short girl with glasses over there?
She’s a deadly gun, who could end you in an instant.
That smiling face, and her quiet mouth
Hides the mess that goes through her head.

The school jock who has the best body
He hates the sport, he just wants to rest.
He's tried to quit, but what would everyone say?
He doesn’t want that trouble, might as well stay.

And, oh, the Starbucks lady who made you a bad face
She’s in a rough time, trying to pay her rent.
She’s working three jobs to give food to her kid
Who doesn’t go to school, they can’t afford it.

You don’t know them, just as you don’t know me
So why are you saying that I am a certain way?
The fire that’s coming out of your mouth,
Is corrupting my city, house by house.

Just because you see some tattoos on their arm
Doesn’t mean they’re a criminal, or they did something bad.
The way I wear my clothes or the look on my face
Doesn’t tell you the minimum thing about what happened in my day.

You don’t know what’s going on my mind
Just because you heard what someone else said.
And you don’t know the person I am
Thanks to the fact that you’ve seen me one time.

Why are blonde and brunette two different types of girls?
Why are we defined by such simple words?
We’re not food to be labeled, we’re people; human beings
That person in the street isn’t a type of chocolate for you to put a name on.

You don't know what my personality is like
Just because I wear jeans, shorts or pants.
And my nationality is not what defines
Things about me that you decide are real facts

You see the woman who always enters the bar?
She works there, every single night.
You thought she drank a lot but you were so wrong.
She's just trying to find a way to afford going home.

And then again you see the guy who's always in black
You judged him and said he's emo when it's not really that.
Black's his favorite color; he thinks it looks nice
But soon he stopped wearing it because he just felt like trash.

You made another assumption which again was wrong
Why would you keep making people feel like they don’t belong?
Stop with the assumptions and get to know other people
Don’t judge them the moment you set your eyes on them like an eagle.

The worst thing is that we’ve been proved this is not right
Yet we keep doing it, and we hurt each others' hearts.
Why keep going like this when we know we can change?
Are we really that lazy to open our minds for a sec

So? /long pause/ what do you have to say against every word I said?
Not a lot I hope because that would make me sad.
I’m tired and you know, you’re not the only one
I’ve also done these things and made mistakes like that.

The point is not to make yourself feel like you’re bad
But to think about the words you say or things you think.
Because maybe one day you’ll be the one they judge
And the fire you threw before will be thrown back to you.

♫ Re • she/her • dancer, singer, writer • #DystopianForTheWin! ♫
500+ posts

- Re's Writing Folder -

Critiquitaire for @smalltoe
201 words

This is a truly beautiful story. It shows how change can be hard, and how things change a lot in life. There are some vague parts here, as of who is the other character. At first I thought it was some kind of best friend or partner, then it seemed like a family member. At the end I'm not really sure who they are, but it doesn't affect the story much.
Mostly raining. I was wearing a soaked-through jacket and you had a woolly hat, your glasses speckled with raindrops, yet you still stubbornly kept them on.
Here I would change the comma after ‘hat’ for a period. It feels as if it's a bit too long for just one sentece.

We huddled under the shelter together, and despite the cold, despite the rain, I was warm.
I love this sentence so much. I shows how close the relationship between the characters is.

The sun is shining through threadbare clouds, but there’s no birdsong in the background, and instead of seeing towering forested hills from the window, I only see apartment buildings.
Again, this is a really long sentence. You could maybe devide into two sentence. I would devide it after ‘background’.
The sun is shining through the threadbare clouds, but there's no birdsong in the background. Instead of seeing towering forested hills from the window, I only see apartment buildings.

You were the strings that held me together You were my anchor.
I ADORE this metaphor. It's so deep.

The last paragraph is so relatable. You show something a lot of people go through. And ending your story with ‘Goodbye’ really gives it that final punch. Amazing story, Ave. I loved it. <3

♫ Re • she/her • dancer, singer, writer • #DystopianForTheWin! ♫
500+ posts

- Re's Writing Folder -

• Daily 28-29 - Thank You Notes •
301 words

This is a thank you note to another scratcher. My official SWC Notes will be done later.

Momo, you are an awesome friend and I’m so happy I met you. We met what, a year or so ago? I don’t really remember when but I remember where and how. I had just made my music account and I joined MSH. You and Sprout were managers. I remember you were so polite and you irradiated this powerful vibe. I was actually intimidated by you, now I know you better. And who’s intimidating now?? Anyways, thank you, for back then trusting me to be a manager in a studio you really cared for. Right now I’m so happy that we talk as much as we do, and that we have the close friendship that we have. I think that we’ve developed a friendship that’s so trusting and loving. I know I can count on you for many things, and I hope you know you can count on me for whatever you need. It is rare that I sleep late, but if it means chatting with you it won’t matter that much. Example today, yesterday we chatted until like 11 and today I woke up at 6 am so tired. But I had so much fun.

You are always there when I need to rant/vent or when I need advice. And your advice seriously is one of the best I get. You are someone who first asks what kind of advice I need. Or if I just need you to listen to me. And when I do need advice you are realistic, but still kind. You have never made me feel stupid or dumb or whatever. And we are both sarcastic and sassy so it’s fun. In conclusion, I love you girl. /p

♫ Re • she/her • dancer, singer, writer • #DystopianForTheWin! ♫
500+ posts

- Re's Writing Folder -

• Weekly 4 - Word Crawl •
3822 words

Write 100 words to begin your adventure - 153 words

“I don’t want to go when I just found you!” She cried in pain, holding his hands.
“Don’t worry, I’ll find you again. I always do…” he whispered as he stroked her hair, trying to calm her down, “Go with peace, you know I’ll find you. Don’t doubt me and stop suffering.”
“It will take years!”
“I have many years to go, what better way to spend them than looking for you?” he chuckled, “Let go Meredith, it’s okay.”

She breathed fast, trying to fight. She had lost too much blood, there was no way she’d survive. If only he had gotten there sooner, or if she had remembered. He had to be better next time, he couldn’t let her live her life alone, not again. One time was enough, he would find her even if it took him 20 years. In the end, it was not the first time he did it.

In your next 150 words, describe someone putting on a literal or metaphorical mask. - 169 words
Many years had passed, and Joseph was in the lookout for Meredith. It was taking more time than he expected, she was nowhere to be found. If he was right Meredith should be 29 years old at the moment. Her 30th birthday was just around the corner, and he wanted to find her before it was too late. The only problem was, he had to hide himself. He couldn’t let anyone recognize him, that would ruin everything. This was not the first mask he wore, living for more than 150 years he had been many people. Yet, he never changed one thing, his eye color. He dyed his hair to a lighter shade of brown, he changed his haircut and shaved his beard. He also changed his accent. He was a new person, but one Meredith could still remember. The last time his mask hid him too much, Meredith didn’t recognize him until it was too late. He couldn’t risk that again, but he couldn’t risk being recognized either.

Sprint for 5 minutes - 197 words
Joseph was running through the streets of New York. He had just gotten a message from one of his informants. They thought that they may have found Meredith. He ran as if his life depended on it. The street was full of people and the sound of clacksons, but Joseph was in his own world. He had one goal, getting to Meredith. Her 30th birthday was in 6 months, she had to remember him before it. Joseph stopped running and entered a building, that’s where Meredith was supposed to be. He looked around and saw a man with a blue tie, that was him.

“Where is she?” Joseph asked impatiently, “Are you sure it’s her?”
“I’m not sure sir, but I believe she is working in the cinema on the 3rd floor.” the man said, “She fits the description you gave me, blue eyes and brown curly hair.”
“Does she have the necklace?” Joseph said
“Yes sir. The same as the one you showed me.”
“It is her..”

Joseph ran to the elevator. He was about to see Meredith again. If only time could go a little bit faster, he was so close to getting her back.

In the next 150 words, build up to a happy scene, only to incorporate a dark twist. - 271 words
The elevator bell rang and Joseph entered it. When he got to the cinema, there were so many people there.

“How am I supposed to find her?” I thought.

He walked to the ticket office, she was not there. Then he went to the candy store. He got in line and waited for his turn.

“Sir, line 4 please!” a man said. Joseph went to the fourth line, he raised his head and there she was, Meredith.
“What can I get you?” she said. Finally, he was hearing her sweet voice again. After all these years, he finally found her. “Sir, what can I get you?”
“Right, a chocolate bar please.” Joseph said
“Do I know you?” she asked, her eyes squinted, “You seem weirdly familiar.”
“I don’t think I’ve had the pleasure of meeting this beautiful lady.”
“Oh my god, uhh thanks I guess. Here’s your chocolate.”

Joseph walked out of the line and sat somewhere close to the candy store. He couldn’t get my eyes off her, but he couldn’t be that obvious! She had slightly remembered, he knew she had. He stayed some time watching her, she ended her shift and began walking towards… him? Joseph was about to stand up when someone else called her.

“Melissa!” someone said.
“Cole, what are you doing here?” she laughed. I turned around just to see a man. He got closer to her, what was happening? Before I understood what was going on he kissed her.
“What the heck?!” Joseph yelled. They looked at him strangely, “Uh, I’m sorry. I just got a terrible message. Forgive me.”

He stood up and ran outside.

For 5 minutes hand write an outline of the next short scene, then type it out - 270 words (87 are from outline)
As Joseph walked away he could hear Meredith talking to who apparently was her boyfriend.

“Weird, right?” She chuckles.
“Yeah, dude needs to get his volume down.” He said.
“Hey, uhm babe?” Meredith said, “Didn’t he seem familiar to you? I don’t know, I just feel like I’ve met him before. I felt a connection, you know what I mean?”
“No, you might just have remembered someone else.”

“She slightly remembered me, at least there is that.” Joseph thought

He needed to take a breath. IHegot to the first floor where his informant was waiting for him.

“Sir, are you okay? You seem tired,” he asked me.
“I took the stairs, I had to think,” Joseph answered, “Did you know about him?”
“I’m sorry? Know about who?” He questioned.

Just as he asked him that, Meredith and her boyfriend, Cole, walked past them. They were exiting the building.

“Him.” Joseph snapped, “Who in the world is that man?”
“I might have forgotten to mention she is in a relationship. Six months and going.” He gulped, “But nothing you can’t handle, right?”

In 100 words make your character remember a time they had stolen something from someone, and later given it back. - 259 words
Joseph went back home, frustration reigned over him.
“My dear Meredith, with someone who would never make her as happy as me. If only she could remember everything about us.” Joseph whispered “Though our meeting wouldn’t be the best thing to remember first, she would hate me.”

Joseph laughed at the thought, she did hate him in the start. It all happened in her first life.

I was walking in the street, looking for my next victim. Robbery wasn’t the most honorable thing, but it brought money fast. I kept looking around when I saw her, the perfect victim. She was distracted, looking at a dress shop. Her purse in her right hand, it was as if it was begging me to take it. I quickened my pace, she was so close. I extended my hand and took the purse.

“STOP! Thief!” she yelled.

I began running. I ran between the sea of people and hid in an abandoned street. I opened the purse, there wasn’t much. A few dollars, a button, and a piece of paper. I took the money and the paper fell from my hand. It fell open on the floor, so I took it and read it. “Don’t spend our only money on dresses! You need to buy mom’s medicine.” Oh… They needed medicine, her mother was sick. I felt this pain on my stomach; guilt. I sighed and walked back to the main street. There I saw the lady crying on a bench. I quickly left the bag next to her and ran away.

In 125 words, your character has an epiphany and notices something of great importance in something they had previously ignored/neglected. - 162 words

“Oh Meredith, how long it took you to fall in love with me.” Joseph whispered, “So much time, I had to pay for my error in our first meeting. But when you did, I knew you loved me like no one else.”

That’s when it hit him. Meredith didn’t fall in love with him when she saw him, he had to show her who he was. He would not get her back just by seeing her one time, it didn’t work like that. It never had, every single time he had to gain her love. It was easier before, this was the first time she had found someone else. Still, he couldn’t give up.

“She is the love of my life, and I’ll make her remember she loved me. I need to see her again, and again, and again.” I thought, “I need her to know me, and to leave that good for nothing dude.”

Joseph knew what he had to do.

Do a 5 minute word war with another SWCer.

Roll a dice and multiply that number by 100. Write at least that many words. | Rolled 2 - 204 words
Joseph got his phone and called his informant, he needed to know everything he could about who Meredith was now. The only thing he knew for sure was that her name was now Melissa and she had a boyfriend named Cole. After pacing around the room Joseph decided to rest a bit. He walked to the living room, where he passed next to all the photographs he had. Meredith was in all of them. Every life, Joseph had taken a picture of them and hung it in his house. Every life, except the last one.
Joseph sighed at the thought.

“I was too late… I can’t let that happen again!” he yelled, throwing his fist at the table.

He looked at the last picture of Meredith. It was a picture he took from a distance, he hadn’t had the chance to take a picture together. It had been a day before her 30th birthday, which now wasn’t that far away.

“I swear Meredith, I’ll get to you before it’s too late. I won’t let our curse drive us apart.” Joseph said, and he meant it. Starting from that day he would do anything to get Meredith to remember him. He would get her back.

Write a 150 words flashback - 268 words
Meredith was reading beneath the tree outside our house. I sat next to her, listening while she recited beautiful poems she had written herself. She was a writer in this life, and a fantastical one. We had been together for three lives, this was the fourth one. It was hard for me to see her age when I stayed the same. But still I took care of her every time, and when she was gone, I waited. I waited for her to grow up and then I would look for her. It was tiring but it was my Meredith, I would do anything for her.

“We come back to the place where I love you.” She finished reciting. “Did you like it?”
“I loved it, just like everything else you do.” I said. She smiled at me. I was about to kiss her when she fainted, “Meredith? Meredith!”
“She’s okay,” an eerie voice said.

I looked up and saw an ethereal figure in front of me. She was a tall woman with white hair, and a glow that came from her.

“Inmortal. You gained immortality thanks to your services to Earth, but you’ve been able to break an important rule. This woman, she remembers who she was in past lives. That is forbidden.” she said, “Because of this I’ll give a curse, a condition to live like this. If you want to keep living with her, she’ll have to remember you and her past lives before her 30th birthday. If she doesn’t, she’ll die.”

A gust of wind passed and the figure disappeared, just as Meredith regained consciousness.

Generate 5 random numbers (10-100) and those words will be the word count of the next 5 paragraphs. | (66, 84, 30, 77, 57) 314 words
Joseph got up for breakfast, today was the first day of his mission; making Meredith remember him. First he had to get her to meet him, to trust him. Joseph's informant had called in with all the information Joseph needed, now he knew who she was. For her to know him he needed to spend time with her. So now Joseph was working at the cinema.

When he got to the cinema Meredith was already there. “Remember, her name is Melissa now. She loves dogs, and she's been working here for a while. You can't be mean to clients, she hates it. Control yourself.” Joseph said to himself before he entered the cinema. He went to the manager's office. The manager gave him a spot in the candy store. Joseph headed to work. When he got there Meredith recognized him. But not as her Joseph, but as the weird guy.

“Hey, new guy. I know you, don't I?” Meredith said as he walked to his spot, “You're the guy from the other day.”
“That’s me." Joseph chuckled as he smiled.

Meredith smiled back and told him to get to work. Apparently she was the boss there. As he wanted to please her, Joseph did exactly what she asked. For a few days he stuck to going to work and pleasing her. She liked him, he knew that, now she needed to trust him. He needed Meredith to know he was a good person, so he decided to set something up. Now he just needed the perfect plan.

After days and days of thinking and planning, he got it. When Meredith was exiting the building he would get someone to pretend he was robbing her. He would stop them, get Meredith's stuff back and the person would run off. He would be able to show he was brave and kind. Then Meredith would trust him.

Introduce a form of transportation in your story in 150 words. - 243 words
It was the day, Joseph was going to get his plan in action. He had gotten out of work earlier to be ready. When Meredith got out of the building the person Joseph hired started walking behind her. Meredith stopped in the street, she was asking for a taxi. She was about to hop on. Joseph signaled the person, and he ran towards Meredith. The guy took Meredith’s purse and began walking away. After a few seconds she noticed.

“HEY! MY PURSE! THIEF!” Meredith yelled, and tried to run behind the fake robber.

Joseph quickened his pace and tackled him. He took the purse and signaled the fake robber to run away. Soon enough he fled off and Joseph was giving Meredith her purse back. She smiled, thanked him, gave him a hug and hopped on her taxi. Later that day Joseph called his informant, who now was his partner in crime.

“It was a triumph, I tell you.” Joseph said, fist bumping the air, “Soon enough I’ll be able to invite her over.”
“That’s good news, sir. But in my opinion trust takes more than an heroic move. Trust needs time to flourish, like flowers.” He said, “And just like them it’s easy to kill, but not as easy to grow.”
“Yeah…” Joseph whispered, “Yeah, you’re right.”

Joseph went to sleep that day, reflecting on what his informant had told him. It would take more work for things to go in order.

Play a Taylor Swift song and sprint for its duration. | song: Enchanted - 381 words
Months had passed since Joseph’s plan. After a few days he realized that his informant was right. Meredith wasn’t dumb, and she would’t trust someone just because they got their purse back. He needed to spend more time with her, to be kind and the type of person Meredith liked. He needed to show he was responsible, and most importantly truthful. So for three months he just went to work every day, invited Meredith a coffee in their breaks and chatted with her. He even became sort of friends with her boyfriend, even though he had an obvious hate for him.

But the months ran out, and Meredith's birthday was the next day. Joseph had tried everything that day, but nothing worked. He gave up. He would have to wait 20 years more. And this time he would look for her since she was young, he wouldn’t fail her.

Joseph was driving to his house when he saw Meredith running through the pouring rain. Without any other thought he hopped out of his car and went to her.

“Melissa! It’s soaking out here! Don’t you want to go to my place? Or stay in my car for a few minutes” Joseph asked as he ran towards her
“Oh no, don’t worry about it! I would hate to be a bother to you.” Meredith brushed it off.
“Not at all, come on!” Joseph said, “Or at least let me fetch you an umbrella.”
“An umbrella would do nicely.” she chuckled.

Joseph ran to his car and noticed his umbrella wasn’t there. He must have left it home the last time it rained. The rain began to fall faster and harder, if they didn’t shelter from it they would both catch a cold.

“My umbrella isn’t there, I’m so sorry!” Joseph apologized
“Oh god. Well, maybe that ride to your place wouldn’t be so bad.” Meredith said, trying to cover herself from the rain, “You wouldn’t mind, right?”
“Of course not! Hurry.”

They ran inside the car and Joseph drove home. When they got there, they ran inside. Meredith looked around, everything seemed so familiar.

“Your house is so cozy.” Meredith said, “It feels like a home.”
“I’m happy it does, let me fetch you a towel to dry yourself.” Joseph said.

For the next 150 words a supernatural/celestial being intervenes in the middle of whatever your protagonist was doing. - 178 words
Joseph came back with the towel and saw Meredith looking at the pictures, oh no. IHelooked at her worried and she just raised her head and smiled.

“Oh, thanks!” Meredith chuckled, “I was getting a bit cold in here, I’m soaked.”
“Yeah..” Joseph said, “It’s good I found you before the rain got stronger.”
“I know! I would’ve catched a cold if you didn’t.” Meredith said, “Hey, uhm nice pictures.”
“Thanks, they're someone I cared about a lot.” Joseph sighed. He looked up to Meredith and she wasn’t moving.

Without warning she fell back and hit the floor. He ran to her and checked her pulse, everything seemed fine. Joseph’s eyes widened. He turned around and there she was, the same figure from all those years ago, and this wasn’t the first visit.

“What do you want?” Joseph hissed
“Her 30th birthday is close.” the echoing voice said, “You have three months for her to remember you, or she’s gone.”
“I know that.” Joseph growled, “Now go away.”

The figure gave Joseph a severe look and disappeared.

Say your ideas for the next scene out loud, then actually write it. - 223 words
“Meredith, are you okay?” Joseph asked, “You fainted.”
“Meredith?” she questioned, “Meredith…”
“I’m sorry, Melissa. I got confused.” Joseph apologized, “Do you want a glass of water?”
“Yeah, that would be nice,” Meredith murmured as she walked towards the couch. She looked distracted, “Joseph?”
“That name, Meredith. I find it extremely familiar, who is Meredith?” Meredith asked, “Joseph, who is Meredith?”

Joseph sighed and gave Meredith her glass of water.

“What should I do?” Joseph thought, “Tell her the truth and hope she remembers? If she doesn’t she’ll think I’m crazy. But it’s worth a shot.”
“Her,” Joseph said, pointing to all the pictures, “That’s my dear Meredith”

Meredith stood up and walked to the pictures. She got closer to each of them, looking for something. Then, she saw the last picture on the wall. The one where she was alone. She squinted her eyes and examined the picture. Joseph looked at her worried, she obviously noted the resemblance.
Meredith groaned and moved a hand to her head. Joseph walked towards her and held her back. Her birthday was tomorrow, maybe some side effects of the curse were happening. She groaned more and fell back. Joseph caught her and helped her to the couch.

“Melissa, are you okay?” he asked, she didn’t answer, “Melissa, are you listening to me?”
“Joseph.” She groaned.

Write for 26 minutes. - 608 words
Joseph sat Meredith down, she wasn’t answering his calls. She just looked at the distance, and then turned around to see the pictures again. What was happening?

“Melissa, listen to me. Melissa!” Joseph said, “What’s going on?! Yes, I’m talking to you!”

Joseph yelled at the ceiling, hoping the ethereal figure would appear, but it didn’t. He looked out for it again, and yelled again. Nothing happened. He took Meredith’s hands and held her close to him.

“Meredith, are you in there?” He whispered, “Please, don’t leave me again. I’ve done my best, but you haven’t remembered. Please, just talk to me. Even if it’s Melissa who answers, and not Meredith.”
“Joseph?” Meredith asked, “What happened? I felt dizzy, and then I blacked out. But I wasn’t unconscious, was I?”
“No, you must have zoned out. Everything good…” Joseph asked, and added, “Melissa?”
“Yeah, I’m fine. Maybe I need to eat something. Would you mind?” She said.
“Not at all, let me see what I have.”

Joseph walked to the kitchen and paced from one side to another while he looked for something. Meredith hadn’t remembered, and she was dying. He knew it. He shouldn’t have brought her home, if only she had remembered before none of this would have happened. But no, life had to set them apart. Joseph banged his head against the wall and yelled. Meredith got startled and jumped from the couch.

“Joseph! What is going on?! Are you okay?” Meredith exclaimed.
“I'm fine.” He spanned, “I just need to breathe. Something is happening and I need to solve it as soon as possible. Or there will be no solving it.”
“Hey, I’m sure you’ll figure it out. You always figure things out.” She said and patted him in the back.
“What do you mean?” He questioned, Meredith used to tell him that.
“I- I’m not sure. I just feel like you do. And saying that felt like the right thing,” Meredith muttered, “And from the cinema, I know that you don’t give up. Even when clients are rude you keep being kind. I admire that.”

Joseph smiled, and pulled her in for a hug. She was surprised but accepted happily. Joseph kept the hug going on and on. He didn’t want to let go, he would soon have to let go of her, for a long time. Meredith was confused by Joseph, he felt so close to him but he barely knew him, right? Something in her told him he was to trust, something told her that they knew each other more than she thought. And when she had fainted, she had seen Joseph, but he was different. His hair color was different, just like in the pictures.
“Joseph, the pictures, who is that girl? Why is your hair color different from what it is now?” Meredith inquired, “Joseph, I feel like I know you! Like we’ve got a strong bond.”
“It’s because we do.” Joseph said without thinking twice, “I mean, our bond is strong because of the time we spend together in the cinema. We work together almost every day.”
“No, it’s not that, and you know it!” She exclaimed, “Since the day we met you acted weird, you knew things about me and things I didn’t really understand about myself. Who are you Joseph?”

Joseph didn’t think twice and kissed Meredith. If she wouldn’t remember him at least she would remember this for a few hours. He expected her to back off but she didn’t, she kissed him back. After a few seconds they walked away from each other. But without warning Meredith ran towards Joseph and kissed him again.

End your story with 100 words. - 145 words
“Joseph!” she laughed, “You did it! I remember, I remember everything.”

Joseph’s eyes widened. His smile grew bigger than the whole sky, and he hugged Meredith. He spinned her around the room and laughed with her. He had made it. She remembered him, she wouldn’t die!

“Oh Meredith, you don’t know how hard I worked for you to remember me. I spent day and night figuring out a way that you would come back to me. Everything failed, until now. But I swear that even if this failed I wouldn’t give up, and next time I would be better, and try harder. I won’t let you leave my side for long, I will work my whole immortal life for you to be next to me. And I swear, even if a curse or anything sets us apart, I will fight to get back to you.”


Your Journey: horror, option #1, adventure, option #2, realfi, option #1, scifi, option #2, hifi, option #1, mystery, option #1, poetry, option #2, bifi, option #2, fanfi, option #1, thriller, option #2, fantasy, option #1, folklore, option #3, dystopian, option #1, script, option #3, nonfi, option #2

Last edited by RLove10 (Nov. 30, 2022 03:14:04)

♫ Re • she/her • dancer, singer, writer • #DystopianForTheWin! ♫
500+ posts

- Re's Writing Folder -

• Critiquitaire for Luna •
183 words

Luna, I certainly don't have much to say. I'd start with the fact that I wasn't able to catch the rhythm of the song, but I tried my best. It has a beautiful flow, and the words are so good. If there wasn't a note I would have never guessed what it was talking about, and I believe that is good in a certain way. It shows how good your metaphors are, and how deep and meaningful that lyrics can be to someone who goes through that. I'll show it to a friend with adhd, and try to get her opinion on it.

As I said I'm sorry I do not have much to say when it comes to the rhythm and flow as you wanted. Tho, I would check this part here:
opalescent lies
crystal ball fail to scry
you tip your crooked hat
now i’ve blinded my own act
I tried finding a rhythm and the last verse doesn't very much go good with the flow.

I'd try giving the rhythm to someone else and making them read it. That way you'll be able to hear things you wouldn't catch with your own voice. Or record yourself! Both work.

Last edited by RLove10 (Nov. 30, 2022 23:41:18)

♫ Re • she/her • dancer, singer, writer • #DystopianForTheWin! ♫
500+ posts

- Re's Writing Folder -

• Thank You Notes •
1996 words

Before I start I’d like to thank everyone in SWC. SWC wouldn’t be the same without its amazing and heart-warming community. I’ve been in SWC for 2 years already and it’s changed my life without doubt. Everyone gives something to SWC, this includes hosts, QUAILS, daily team members, (co)leaders, and obviously campers. I love SWC with all my heart. I've met so many amazing people thanks to it and I’ve become a better writer. Thank you SWC <3

• Hosts •
All the (co)hosts and (G)hosts are awesome. And we owe you pretty much all the SWC sessions. Without you we wouldn't have SWC as it is. We are extremely grateful for every single thing of your intense planning. Thanks for everything <3

Birdi: Birdi, I've seen you around in SWC since my first session. And there have been so many incredible changes since you took this great position of leadership. Your cabins have always been so cool and while I was a camper I wanted to be in your cabin a lot. Now I'm a co and I've seen more of you. This session you did an awesome job and I'm so happy I was able to meet you. I don't really know how you handle all these things (hosting, daily team, co-leading), but I really admire you for it. I'm so excited to see what you got for next session <3
Robin: Robinnn! I didn't see you much this session! I missed you. I hope you are doing well in real life. Last session, co-leading Myth with you was awesome. I learned a lot from you and I'm happy we got that experience together. Co-leading with you helped me so much this session while co-leading Real-Fi. Especially with the adding words system. I hope to see you soon <3
Luna: This session I talked to you more than others. Adventure was one of my favorite cabins. The aesthetic and the storyline itself it’s so good and if I wasn’t a co I surely would’ve loved to be in your cabin. Your critique really helped me. Please remind me to ask you for more critique next session! Your abilities as co-host are incredible! I actually thought you were a host and not a co-host! You’ve been so active this session, helping everyone you can and getting all these cool activities in! I really appreciate and admire everything you’ve done for SWC. Lastly thanks for organizing GVRSWC with Zai, it was a really fun activity. Have a wonderful end of year <3
Starr: Hey Starr. I didn’t see you around much and I’m pretty sure we don’t know each other. So hey! I’m Re. I’ve seen you around leading for some sessions and I know by a fact that you are awesome! I don’t know which dailies you wrote but all of them were awesome!
Sun: You are amazing and seeing you around as a co-host this session was really cool! I know we don’t talk much but still, I’ve read some of your writing and really enjoyed it. Your workshop about Spoken Poetry really helped me and I adored that part of the second weekly.
• Daily Team •
In general, thank you so much to the daily team! All of the dailies were awesome and the weeklies were *chef kiss*. The last weekly got me writing a lot and I enjoyed it. Sometimes I didn’t know what to write but there was always a prompt for my story to get interesting. Thank you for all the work you’ve all done.

Zai: I’ve always admired you. Your writing is so good, just as the way you play the piano! You really have the leader spirit and you’re always so responsible and positive! Thank you for organizing GVRSWC with Luna this session! It was such a fun activity and I adored participating in it. Again, you did an amazing job in the daily team. Your ideas are so good, honestly I don’t know how you do it <3
Alba: I’ve had a great admiration for you for quite a long time! You are stunning. Your writing is so good, and your voice well, even better! I adore your songs, your song-writing skills amaze me. I’m sure I’ll take all the tips from your song-writing workshop, cause it’s just awesome! I love your love for Taylor Swift, and let me say, you’re both queens. Your Taylor Swift inspired daily ideas were lovely. Now, I’m making sure I don’t use an exclamation point two sentences in a row. I remember you said it was one of your pet peeves. Anyways, keep being awesome <33
Finch: Finch! Thank you so much for all the dailies and parts of the weekly you provided. You have such a nice way to say things when writing. I’d love to write a longer note, but I do not know you that well. Still, thanks for every daily and weekly that came from you <3
Daisy: Daisy, I know you may not read this but I think I should still write it. You were an awesome leader for Naan-Fi. And I’ve seen you so many sessions in my two years of SWC. You have a beautiful personality that shines even through a simple web page. I love your energy and I’m so happy I was able to see you this session. I know the Daily Team is a lot of work, so thank you for bringing us these dailies <3
• Leaders •
Again, I’d love to know more of you better, but in general. Thank you all for all the work you give throughout the whole session. SWC wouldn’t be the same without the hard work of (co)leaders. Every one of you is a big part of our community <3

LJ: I still can't thank you enough for letting me lead Real-Fi with you. I understand that halfway through the session you had a lot of things going on, and that’s okay. I think that you left everything incredibly set that I was able to take on with the cabin. I was a camper in your cabin 2 times. Sci-Fi, Nov ‘21 and Thriller, March ‘22. I loved Thriller and now being part of a leading team with you was awesome. Thanks LJ.
Cherri: Cherri! I knew before SWC, and I’m happy I did. You weren’t that active in the session but when planning I got to learn more about your awesome personality. You had some key ideas that were incredibly good. In the end it was nice co-leading Real-Fi with you.
Moss: Mossss! Hey. How are you?? I miss you, this session we couldn’t talk that much! I’ve been so busy it’s annoying. Anyways, I’m so happy you got to be a (co)leader again! Last session you certainly proved you have all that’s needed to lead. From amazing ideas to the best attitude. Fantasy was awesome this session, I loved it. I hope I see you next session! For now, I’ll stop by your profile one of this days <3
Goose: Goose, hi! We met last session and I’m so happy we did! I really enjoyed writing the Self-Care workshop with you and I think it turned out pretty good. Again, your critique is awesome and this past sessions it has helped me quite a bit. I’m sorry but I’ll keep asking you for more critique I hope you enjoyed your birthday a lot, and had an awesome day <3 I’m hoping to chat more soon!
Paige: Paige, Gee, Egg, I don’t know what to call you anymore hahahh. Thank you for keeping our cabin entertained during the last hours of cabin wars. You’re an awesome person, and Hi-Fi was incredible! I hope to see you next session!
Moonlit: Heyy Moonlit!! This session we talked more and thank you so much for the critique in my writing comp entry. Your entry was stunning and I hope you get a high placing on the writing comp. We appreciated your wars on cabin wars, my fingers surely didn't die. Fantasy was an incredible cabin this session and you all did really well!
Gabbie: Gabbie, Gabbie, Gabbie. I tried to war many cabins during the last cabin wars. But you seemed to get there faster somehow. And your two wars really killed our fingers. Dystopian was awesome! You really did a number on it. The aesthetic and eerie storyline of your cabin drew me towards it. I surely would have put Dystopian as one of my options if I was a camper.
Lisa: Hellooooou. How are you, Lisa? What can I say? We’ve known each other since last summer when we were in APS, and I’m so happy we got to meet. You’ve been one of my closest friends in Scratch since that and I admire you a lot. Especially your art, I’ve seen your improvement and it’s awesome. The profile pictures you made for Dystopian were stunning *starstruck* Whatever you need Lisa, my profile will always be open for you <33
Vee: Vee! You were my camper last session and now you’re co-leading folklore! You were awesome this session. I loved doing some word wars with you, I must say, you type inhumanly fast. I’m amazed. I hope next session I see you around!
• Real-Fi •

I want to thank all Real-Fi in general. I had a wonderful time co-leading this cabin. All of you made it easier and I got a great boost of motivation by seeing how motivated you were. Thanks to all of you. Now some special thanks to those I got to know more.

LJ and Cherri, I already thanked you, but then again, thanks for giving me the opportunity to co-lead alongside you this session.

Izzy: Izzy, you made my session way easier. You have really good managing skills, you are active and always kind. You are made to be a leader. The way you motivate others is awesome, and you irradiate this positive and “wanting to write” vibe! Thanks for giving me the pleasure of being your co-leader.
Yui: You, my friend, were one of the most active campers. Yui, thanks for everything this session. I saw you around in the cabin and the main cabin. Either talking to people, telling us something, answering potds, or doing many dailies and weeklies! I loved your excitement, that is a big part of SWC.
Kit: Hey! Kit, I’m sure I had seen you before somewhere. Was it SWC? I don’t really know, but I am glad you were in my cabin. I found it funny how many words you got out of rants. I can’t write that much about my thoughts and feelings, it is impressive. You were positive and encouraging this session, thanks for that.
Iris: It’s a pleasure, Iris, to be your co-leader two sessions in a row! And I also hope we are in the same cabin next session! Last and this session you were really kind, active, and encouraging to our cabin. When I realized you got sorted into Real-Fi I was really happy to see a familiar face. Your writing is awesome as well as your whole personality, never stop being so cool!
Skye: You were in my word count group and I saw you around the session several times! We didn’t talk much but from the first time I saw your commitment. That is really good <3
Orchid: Thank you for helping so much around cabin wars! You really did a great job and I’m happy I was able to count on you as well as on others when I was busy. I hope to see you soon again.
Muxa: You reached 100k words! Congrats! I hope you did not burn yourself out trying to write so many words. Because that is not the point of SWC. I was amazed by your intense motivation to write, please give me some of it!

That’s the end of it! Happy end of SWC to everyone <3

♫ Re • she/her • dancer, singer, writer • #DystopianForTheWin! ♫
500+ posts

- Re's Writing Folder -

Letter of Recomendation for Iris (@Eeveedonut)

I've been co-leader to Iris two sessions straight, July 2022 and November 2022. In both sessions she was encouraging and kind to all the campers. She didn't just do daillies or weeklies like if she was a robot, on the other hand, Iris encouraged activity within the cabin. She commented about her day or just chatted with everyone else. And that raised our cabin spirit. I've seen her looking out for both campers and leaders and she has an incredible sense of humor that can light up anyone's day.

Iris is responsible and active, she takes critique well and knows her areas of improvement. You may sense a little overexcitement from her, but it will all come to good. She is organized and willing to help.

I'm sure Iris would make a great (co)leader, and I hope to see her next session in the leading team.

Last edited by RLove10 (Dec. 27, 2022 21:59:26)

♫ Re • she/her • dancer, singer, writer • #DystopianForTheWin! ♫
500+ posts

- Re's Writing Folder -

• swc writing folder •
• march '23 •
• the sci-fi system •

Last edited by RLove10 (March 1, 2023 22:28:23)

♫ Re • she/her • dancer, singer, writer • #DystopianForTheWin! ♫
500+ posts

- Re's Writing Folder -

• Daily 1! Intro day! - 1140 words •

Today apart from writing the book intro I am attempting to write a 1k intro <3 The two intros will sum 1k words cause I don't have that much to say about myself haha.

Book Intro:
If you enter a libary and look through dusty shelves which are not organized you'll find me. I'm pretty sure I would be a hard cover book. I feel like that would represent my toughness on the outside while I'm extremely soft on the inside, just like hard cover books. The hard cover will protect it but if you damage the page on the inside it's hard to fix it. When you pull the book from the shelf you would have to blow dust away, because the cover has a light layer of dust covering it from the world. But with a little bit of care by blowing the dust you can see the artisty cover. The book is black, but in pastel colors the word “Re” can be read. The picture on the cover is a ballerina with a book on her hand, which is pretty much what describes me. The genre of the book would be Dystopian Fantasy cause as much as I love the dystopic genre I live on the clouds most of the time. I would certainly be an enemies to lovers book as that is my favourite trope, and royalty would have to take part in it. I also think that it would focus on character development but the characters would fall back some times, as I have a hard time getting rid of bad habits. In the end I think I would be the book I want to write.

Rest of Intro:
So now that we've talked about books which I seem to enjoy too much let me introduce myself. I'm Re, I'm leading sci-fi this session– i first wrote co-leading omg, it's still not implanted in my mind that I'm actually a leader this session. My co's this session are the awesome Willow and Niko. I use she/her pronouns and my birthday is about to happen. Some basic info I always give abt myself, I adore dancing and it's basically my passion and what I want to do for the rest of my life. I mainly dance Hip Hop and Jazz but I also take ballet and I would love to dance more contemporary. I'm actually competing in may with two dances and I'm in rehearsals until may. I've competed once and I adored the experience, I think it's a really cool challenge to set for myself.
Apart from dancing books are the love of my life as I can't seem to find a real one. I've read many things and I'm in my way to read many more. My favourite book series are Harry Potter and The Hunger Game, while my fav stand-alones are Little Women, Better Than The Movies and The Fault In Our Stars. I usually read fantasy but I really want to get more into dystopian so please give me some recomendations. I also like some light romance, the one that makes you blush and scream into your pillow because you just want that. I believe that's the main reason I adore Better Than The Movies, it is a really good book that got me into a huge hopeless romantic phase, which I'm never going to be fully out of. I adore scrolling pinterest while reading head-canons about the books I like and I like even more talking about this books. And talking about books I'm actually trying to start a novel. It's supposed to be a dystopian fantasy with royalty and an enemies to lovers plot, just like the book I would like to be. I haven't done much cause of procrastination and being busy but I hope I'll start world building this session.

Now let's talk about writing and SWC. I started participating in SWC 2 years ago, in March 2021. We were in plain pandemic and I found SWC while going through scratch. I was really into using scratch at that time, right now I mainly just enter scratch for SWC, which became a really big part of my life. My mom knows that three times a year I'll be a lot on the computer because writing has taken control of me. Even before SWC I used to write, when the pandemic started a friend and I wrote a harry potter fanfiction of like 200 pages. It was a pretty amateur writing but I had so much fun while doing it. And now that I'm in SWC my skills have improved A LOT. My favourite session so far has been either July 2022 (Myth Maze) or July 2021 (Adventure Pirate Ship), those have been awesome session to be honest. I also enjoyed a lot November 2022, when I was aswell in Sci-Fi and Aria led the cabin. Last session was an adventure and the Re takeover will always be in my best SWC memories. This is my first session as a leader and I'm really looking forward to it.

So now let's go into fandoms. My main fandoms are Star Wars, Harry Potter and Stranger Things. I also like Marvel a lot, I adore the Hunger Games, and I'm currently watching Gilmore Girls which I've adored till now. I'm almost halfway through Season 4 and I'm obsessed with the show. The characters feel real and I can't stop watching it. Between Dean and Jess I've liked Jess more, but I acept he has his big flaws that as a person I wouldn't accept if I was his gf. I think Lorelai is really strong and I know she is made to be with Luke, I just know it. Anyways let's go back to my fandoms. My favourite characters are Ahsoka, Harry, Steve & El, Wanda, and Finnick. I love them all, and from this my comfort character is definetly Harry even tho he is pretty traumatized. Well, now onto the book I'm reading at the moment. For christmas my grandma gave me a couple books and Divergent was one of them. To what I've read I'm enjoying it, it's building up a bit slowly but I'm not disliking it. Some books I really want to read is Enola Holmes 8, Ahsoka, The Cruel Prince, Six of Crows, Anne of Green Gables (I saw the Netflix series and I just know I need to read the books. I saw it first cause I didn't know there were books, but now that I know I need them.) and The Hate You Give. This are just some of the many books in my reading list, but I still have a whole life to read them soo let's not get ahead of ourselves.

Lastly I'd like to say that this session I'm up to help anyone who needs it and my profile is open to chat. And that's all, more than 1k words counting the book intro. That's all my writing for the first day of SWC! Enjoy the session everyone <3

♫ Re • she/her • dancer, singer, writer • #DystopianForTheWin! ♫
500+ posts

- Re's Writing Folder -

• Daily 2 - 375 words •
Words: evening, orange, pale, escape, moment

It’s a thing of the moment, they said. It’ll go away, they said. How wrong they were. I stare at the pale orange sky, waiting for the day to end and for the pain to leave with it. Each life, each job done hurts more than the last one. How do I know that? I’ve been doing this for many years; eternity some would say. And no matter how much I try to escape, I’m in the same place every day. Evening comes and I regret every moment of it, and it’s not even done yet. Night shift awaits, and most times it’s harder.

Why was I chosen to do this? What did I ever do to deserve this life? If you can even call what I have a life. I’m the opposite of it; I’m the definition of not being alive. I am Death and I hate it.

People call me mercyless; they think I don’t have a heart. And again they’re wrong. I have a heart, it just doesn’t work any more. Pain has killed it, death–I have killed it. Every life I take, is another scar in my heart. I was told I wouldn’t feel anything, as if that was true. When this job–this punishment was given to me I was an innocent soul. I still am. But my soul has been wrecked by the pain I see, the pain they feel, the pain I give. Who in the world could not suffer from doing what I do? How is taking people from their loved ones, getting people to suffer, and causing pain the only goal in my life. I am not evil. I am broken and I am trying to ignore the feeling in my hollow stomach; the feeling I get every time someone comes to me. You hate your job? Well, you certainly don’t hate it as much as me. But I can’t stop. Not until I reach my goal; cause when I do, I’ll be free. What happens if I stop, what if I don’t take lives away? I can’t, as much as I desire to stop I’ll never be able to. Not before I reach my horrendous goal. Because if death is cruel, Death’s life is even crueler.

♫ Re • she/her • dancer, singer, writer • #DystopianForTheWin! ♫
500+ posts

- Re's Writing Folder -

• Daily 4 - 288 words •

Imagine a character in your cabin, how would they act?

For this daily I’m thinking about my character Jo. She’s from a story I wrote about 4 or 5 sessions ago. I haven’t thought of her in a while but this daily seems fun to do about her. This is because Jo is not a team worker. She is an independent soul who struggles when working with other people. I think that she would do all the dailies and weeklies, because that is her goal in SWC. She’d work on the weekly non-stop until she’s done and if she has time she would focus on her own writing. But everything is on her own. She barely comments on the cabin, and she isn’t big on friends. But there may be one camper or maybe a leader that has touched her soft spot. She will talk with them constantly, but only with them. And if there is an activity in the cabin that asks you to collaborate, she’ll maybe do it. She’ll try to work with her own ideas but accept that it is teamwork. In the end Jo won’t be the one who’s cheering on everyone or chatting in the cabin, because it’s just not in her.

Little interaction I imagine:

Leader (aka me) goes over to Jo’s profile to leave a friendly message.

Re: hey Jo! I’ve noticed you don’t comment much on the cabin, yet you seem to have done all the dailies, weeklies and activities there are. Please remember to take a break every once in a while!

Jo: Hey Re, thanks for dropping by. I don’t think I have time for breaks at the moment, I really want to write my novel and complete all the activities. But thank you, have a nice day!

♫ Re • she/her • dancer, singer, writer • #DystopianForTheWin! ♫
500+ posts

- Re's Writing Folder -

• Daily 5 - 401 words •
Write about a mythological creature or character in the modern world.


“Please, don’t punish me.” Medusa begged, “I did nothing; you were the one to give me this curse.”
“I know.” Athena said “Was it really a curse? I tried to protect you from them by giving you this. Now no man can hurt you.”

Medusa looked down, was Athena right? Was this not really a curse? Her hair had been turned into snakes, and no one could look her in the eye. Her beauty had been ripped off her, as well as the danger she once was in.

“I don’t expect you to understand how I think, but maybe a change of scenario will open your eyes.” Athena said.

Medusa’s eyes became extremely heavy and she was losing balance. She fell straight to the floor and went unconscious. A second passed and she opened her eyes in a bam. She raised her hands straight to her ears, covering them from the deafening noise around her. She slowly stood up just to find herself in the middle of a big city. She looked around, everything was so unfamiliar to her. What was that? Where was she?
Before she could figure any of that out a car raced past her. The driver looked out the window and yelled.

“Look where you're going freak!” he yelled. Medusa raised her head and looked at the driver directly in the eye. In less than a second he had turned to stone.

She quickly walked away. At home she was a monster, and she was sure that didn’t change wherever she was. She walked in the opposite direction of the street, always looking down. Many people bumped into her, but she wouldn’t raise her face. Suddenly she heard a scream; a woman screaming. Her heart skipped a beat, she knew that scream. She’d had that scream before. Without a doubt, she ran. She followed the scream, avoiding people and trying not to turn them into stone. When she arrived at the spot, she saw a young woman. A man was holding her from behind, and Medusa knew what he’d try to do next.

“Hey! Over here,” She yelled. The man turned around and she raised her face. He saw the snakes and then her deadly eyes. And in that moment Medusa realized what Athena meant. It was a curse towards her beauty, but a power to defend herself and other women. Especially those who can’t defend themselves.

♫ Re • she/her • dancer, singer, writer • #DystopianForTheWin! ♫
500+ posts

- Re's Writing Folder -

Daily 6 - 232 words
Make a blackout poem and then write a story inspired in it.

Source - What You Don't Know, poem by me
You see the short girl with glasses over there?
She’s a deadly gun, who could end you in an instant.
That smiling face, and her quiet mouth
Hides the mess that goes through her head.

The school jock who has the best body
He hates the sport, he just wants to rest.
He's tried to quit, but what would everyone say?
He doesn’t want that trouble, might as well stay.

And, oh, the Starbucks lady who made you a bad face
She’s in a rough time, trying to pay her rent.
She’s working three jobs to give food to her kid
Who doesn’t go to school, they can’t afford it.

You don’t know them, just as you don’t know me
So why are you saying that I am a certain way?
The fire that’s coming out of your mouth,
Is corrupting my city, house by house.

Just because you see some tattoos on their arm
Doesn’t mean they’re a criminal, or they did something bad.
The way I wear my clothes or the look on my face
Doesn’t tell you the minimum thing about what happened in my day.

You don’t know what’s going on my mind
Just because you heard what someone else said.
And you don’t know the person I am
Thanks to the fact that you’ve seen me one time.

Why are blonde and brunette two different types of girls?
Why are we defined by such simple words?
We’re not food to be labeled, we’re people; human beings
That person in the street isn’t a type of chocolate for you to put a name on.

You don't know what my personality is like
Just because I wear jeans, shorts or pants.
And my nationality is not what defines
Things about me that you decide are real facts

You see the woman who always enters the bar?
She works there, every single night.
You thought she drank a lot but you were so wrong.
She's just trying to find a way to afford going home.

And then again you see the guy who's always in black
You judged him and said he's emo when it's not really that.
Black's his favorite color; he thinks it looks nice
But soon he stopped wearing it because he just felt like trash.

You made another assumption which again was wrong
Why would you keep making people feel like they don’t belong?
Stop with the assumptions and get to know other people
Don’t judge them the moment you set your eyes on them like an eagle.

The worst thing is that we’ve been proved this is not right
Yet we keep doing it, and we hurt each others' hearts.
Why keep going like this when we know we can change?
Are we really that lazy to open our minds for a sec

So? what do you have to say against every word I said?
Not a lot I hope because that would make me sad.
I’m tired and you know, you’re not the only one
I’ve also done these things and made mistakes like that.

The point is not to make yourself feel like you’re bad
But to think about the words you say or things you think.
Because maybe one day you’ll be the one they judge
And the fire you threw before will be thrown back to you.

Blackout Poem - 62 words
See a deadly face through who hates,
Quit that trouble, oh rough time.
They know me, I am fire corrupting criminal.
Wear my mind, you heard fact.

Simple being in the street,
My personality defines facts every night.
Wrong way, in black; judged it.
Another stop proved we hurt.

Keep open against me.
Only mistakes, the point is.
One fire thrown back.

Story - 170 words

“Boss, are you ready?” she asked
“Yes. We’re leaving in five. Have my weapon ready.” He said.

She nodded and went out of the room. Today would define everything. If he was in a good mood, many would survive. If he wasn’t, well, poor of them. They had played with fire. Now he was fire, and they were gonna burn. He would make sure of that. He’d been judged, his mind had been judged. So because of that, he would make sure they had a really rough time.

“Boss, they’re waiting for you.” the woman said as she opened the door.

He followed her out, where his team was waiting for him. Every single person in the room knew who he was, and they were like him. They were mistakes, or that is what people called them. Beings who weren’t meant to live.

“Tonight, we’re bringing suffering to these people. They turned their back on us and we’ll show them no mercy.” He laughed, “I am fire, a corrupting criminal.”

♫ Re • she/her • dancer, singer, writer • #DystopianForTheWin! ♫
500+ posts

- Re's Writing Folder -

Weekly 1 - 2279 words

Part 1 - 530 words
Event - 92

Layla runs behind Rasha, trying to stop her, but Rasha is too fast for her. Layla trips down a stair and ends on the floor. She raises her gaze and it meets Rasha, she is almost at the top of the mountain.

“Rasha stop!” Layla yells, “This is madness.”
“No Layla, this is my destiny.” Rasha explains, “I was meant for this, I know it.”
“That old hag was only tricking you! Listen to me. Do not touch that stone, I’m begging you.”

Rasha looks at the stone and back at Layla.

Outcome One - 171 words

“Why don’t you want me to do this?! You want the power for yourself!” Rasha yells, “Well. It’s my power! And I won’t let you have it.”

She runs at the stone, and before Layla can do anything Rasha takes the stone in her hand. The earth begins to tremble and Rasha is surrounded by a red aura. A big energy wave comes out of the stone and hits everything around it. Layla falls back while she sees her friend being possessed.

“Rasha.” an ethereal voice whispers, “Kill her, she’s trying to stop you from becoming the powerful leader you are meant to be. You’ll never be the leader of this kingdom if she’s alive.”

Rasha looks at Layla with raw hatred in her eyes. She’s been fully possessed and there is no going back. Rasha holds the stone and points it towards Layla. A red light beam comes out of the stone and hits Layla.

“Goodbye Layla.” Rasha says without remorse, “Now the world will know of the Red Gem.”

Outcome Two - 134 words

Layla tries getting closer to Rasha. But Rasha walks towards the stone.

“Rasha, you are my best friend. Please listen to me.” Layla says, “I know you’re angry, but that is a power you can’t control.”
“Why won’t you trust me? This is my destiny.” Rasha whispers, “I thought we were friends.”
“We are, and that is the reason I’m begging you to stop. I care about you, and I know what that will do to you. Will you trust me?”

Rasha slowly pulls her hand away from the stone. She looks Layla in the eyes, she seems sincere. She takes a deep breath and walks back to Layla. They hug each other and walk away.

“What will happen to the stone?” Rasha asks.
“We’ll solve that later,” Layla says, “Don’t worry about it.”

Outcome Three - 133 words

She takes a deep breath and walks back to Layla.

“You’re right. That witch was only playing with my mind,” Rasha accepts, “Thanks for helping me get back to reality.”
“Oh that was not a problem.” Layla shrugs off. “Now let’s take care of this stone.”
“What do you mean?”

Layla walks towards the stone; getting closer every second. She’s about to touch it when Rasha takes her hand.

“What are you doing?” Rasha snaps, “You’re trying to take the stone…”
“Yes, I am,” Layla says and pushes Rasha away, “I’m sorry Rasha, but this belongs to me. You’ve always been above me, but not anymore.”

Layla takes the stone and a red aura irradiates from her. She laughs as she ascends in the air. Rasha watches in terror, what has Layla done?

Part 2 - 642 words
Timeline for new novel

Point One:Conrad gets kidnapped - Conrad moves around and frowns. He is not in his bed, that is obvious. Every muscle in his body is stiff; he had been there for a while. His senses were at his best, this was not the first time it had happened. He began moving his wrists, but they were really tight. Whoever the kidnapper was, they did a good job. “Don’t even try moving.” a voice said. It was a female voice; the kidnapper was a woman… “This is no amateur show, your majesty. I want something here, and I’m getting it.” Conrad sighed, it was the same thing all over again. “If you want money, the royal family will not give you anything easily.” she chuckled, “Well, then it’s good I don’t do easy.” 127 words

Point Two: Conrad realizes some part of the truth - It has been at least 5 days since he was kidnapped, and there has been no word from his father. Conrad layed on the floor, trying to catch some sleep. It had been a long time and Conrad was getting worried. Why wasn’t there anyone on the lookout for him? Normally he escaped within 12 hours, his kidnappers were no more than amateurs, but this woman was an expert. He’d tried but there was no way of escaping. She had a wide skill set. Conrad heard steps coming from above. “And talking about the devil,” he said. “I put on a ransom for you, little prince.” she laughed, “Three days ago.” Conrad’s eyes dropped. His father was aware he had been kidnapped, and nothing. He knew the easy way wasn’t the royal family’s, but if he hadn’t escaped it meant he was in trouble. His father should know that. 149 words

Point Three: Conrad tries escaping - Ten days had passed already, Conrad had lost all hope on his dad. And his kidnapper had noticed. She was no longer heavily motivated to torture him. One day he even untied Conrad’s hands; big mistake. Conrad was now half free and he could escape. He picked the door’s lock and was close to escaping but she got him. “I’m not dumb.” she said. “Now I see that.” he answered as he swung his right arm. Before he could hit her face, she blocked his punch and kicked him right in the gut. “I’m no newbie, your majesty.” she snapped, “Go back downstairs.” 103 words

Point Four: Conrad see’s town - Conrad’s was the floor, trying to find a good position to sleep in. Clearly nothing is comfortable. He turned around one more time, and saw his kidnapper looking at him. “Good, you're up. We’re going to town.” she said, he raised an eyebrow. “We are?” he questioned. “Yes, I need to go and you’re not staying here on your own.” He sighed and stood up. Conrad looked at her and then at his hands. “Right.” she said walking towards him, “You’ll be cuffless, but I swear if you try everything I won’t doubt stabbing you.” They walked out and he followed her. She led him towards a part of the kingdom he had never seen before. The houses were small, people wore simple clothes and there were people on the streets. He was shocked. He keeps looking for ours and realizing his kingdom is not the perfect picture he knew while growing up. 153 words

Point Five: Conrad goes back to the castle - They were going back to the house when Elison got distracted. Conrad took his chance and ran. Elison almost caught him but when he was in the limit between town and the main city she stopped. He was confused, but he was free and it was a good change. He took almost a day to get to the castle and when he was there he got directly to his father. His mother found him entering and hugged him. Conrad was troubled. It was a “hi love” hug, not a “you’ve been missing for almost 2 weeks" hug. He left his mother and went towards his father’s room. He needed answers. 110 words

Part 3 - 285

Short summary: Abby wakes up one day to realize there is a weird crystal in her room. When she touches it, it takes her 100 years back. When her kingdom was just being formed. She goes back and forth without being able to control the crystal. In some part of the story she takes something from her usual time back in time and causes chaos. 63 words

A - First thing chronologically: she wakes up to find the crystal.
B - There is a battle, and Abby sees it. Realizes where she is.
B - She brings something from her time and someone from that time catches it.
A - Her mom notices something is wrong with her and questions her.
A - Abby realizes she can’t control when she jumps in time and gets nervous.
B - She becomes friends with who is to be the first leader of her kingdom. She thinks of telling her the truth but decides not to.
A - Abby notices patterns in the crystal.
A - Abby is reading a history book and the crystal activates so she is sucked into the other time with the book.
B - The battle that decides the fate of her kingdom doesn’t go as it is supposed to.
A - Abby comes back abruptly just to notice the history book is fading. But nothing changes in her timeline.
B - She asks a magician about time traveling and he suspects she is from the future.
B - Last thing chronologically: Abby has to fight in the battle to get things back to normal.
B - The book is about to fade completely so Abby has to do something quickly or everything she knows will disappear.
A - Abby checks some of her books and notices other things are changed.

Part 4 - 822 words

Abby is in her room. She has a history exam but she stayed up all night studying and she is so tired. After her alarm almost made her go deaf she stood up. She walks towards her closet but notices something weird. On top of her alarm clock there is a pink crystal. She walks towards it and takes it in her hand. She examines it and it suddenly starts blinking. She gets it away from her face but before she can do anything a pink tornado comes from the crystal and sucks her in. Abby yells as the tornado sucks her in and lands hard on the floor. She looks around to find herself in her room, but it looks really different.

“Hello?” Abby exclaims as she stands up, “Mom!”

She hears steps coming from below but when the door opens it is definitely not her mom.

“Who are you?!” a girl about her age yells, “And what are you doing in my room?”
“Your room? This is my room..” Abby says, but as she looks around it doesn’t look like her room, “What happened to my room?“
”I'm telling you! This is my room. I've lived here my whole life!“
”Nothing here makes sense.“ Abby sighs

She walks around the room and then looks out the window. Everything outside looks different. Nothing looks like it should be. Her neighbor's house is not even there.

”What happened to Mrs. Corl's house?!“ Abby exclaims, ”Where am I?“
”Okay calm down. You are in my house, my name is Lydia Crystal.“ Lydia said calmly, ”I can help you find your family or get sorted if you want.“
”Lydia Crystal..“ Abby whispers, ”But that isn't possible..“

Abby takes a look at her. She looks exactly like the pictures and the school. She IS Lydia Crystal.

”I must have hit my head.“ Abby chuckles, ”What year is it?“
”What year is it?“ Lydia laughs, ”103 of course.“
”The year of the battle.“ Abby whispers
”Uhm, I'm gonna leave you to yourself for a few minutes. And I'll tell my mom you're here.“

Lydia walks to the door and leaves the room. Abby is shocked. Lydia Crystal, THE Lydia Crystal used to live in her house. The first leader of her kingdom lived in her house, and she was there with her. She is there with her.. she is in 103.

”What is going on?“ She murmurs

She hears Lydia coming upstairs, but as she is going to her the crystal glows again. The tornado appears around her and she poofs out of the roof.

Abby is back in her room, where her mom has just entered.

”Hey dear! Are you ready for school yet?“ She asks
”What? I'm back!“ Abby exclaims.
”You went somewhere?“ Her mom questions.
”What, no! Just an expression. Uh, I’m almost ready, I swear."

Her mom nods and takes another look at her. Abby just stands there looking at her room. She was back, she had done nothing. The crystal was just in her pocket. “I can’t control it,” she thinks. Just the image of it made her nauseous. What if her mom was in the room and she suddenly disappeared through a pink tornado? What if someone from the past saw her!

“ABBY!” Her mom yells, “What is going on with you! I’ve been calling your name three times. Are you okay?”
“Yeah! I am just nervous about my history test. Talking about it, I need to leave now!” she says nervously, “See you later mom.”

Abby runs out and hurries to school. She gets there just minutes before the test. She decides to take a seat and pulls her book out. She skips to the chapter about the Great Battle and Lydia Crystal.

“There she is.” She thinks, “I was in the same room with Lydia Crystal.”

She chuckles a bit but her teacher enters the room with a stack of papers. The test is about to begin. Abby gets her test and tries to concentrate on it, but she can’t get the crystal of her mind. It’s 5 minutes before the test ends and she hasn’t done any good. She looks at the clocks and gives up. The moment time is up she runs out and goes to the library. There she takes her history book and the crystal out. She begins reading when the crystal glows, but the tornado is small this time. Either way she is sucked along with her history book. She opens her eyes and she is standing in her room. Or better said, Lydia’s room.

“That’s her, mom.” Lydia says as they enter the room, “This is my mother.”
“Uhm hi. I’m Abby.” she says, “Uhm I need a bit of fresh air, I’ll be back in a minute.”

Abby goes out and sees things she’s never seen before. Everything is so weird, she is definitely in the year of the Great Battle.

Last edited by RLove10 (March 9, 2023 03:02:18)

♫ Re • she/her • dancer, singer, writer • #DystopianForTheWin! ♫
500+ posts

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Bi-daily 8-9 | 406 words
Take to dialogues form the main cabin comments and create a

Dialogue 1 : “It would so suck if i k!lled you”
Dialogue 2: “What happened to us?”

I took the knife out of my belt as he took his dagger. This would be an interesting conversation.

“Are you gonna say anything?” I scoffed, “We’re standing in front of each other after 2 years and you are just circling around while holding that lousy dagger.”
“It’s not a lousy dagger..” he growled, “And you want me to say something?! I was not the one to leave!”
“Leave.. Oh my god! I was trying to save our lives.” I yelled. My grip on the knife was tightening and I was sure I would lose it in no time.
“I DID NOT CARE IF I DIED! You knew that. I told you that. But no, you had to do what was ‘better’ for us, and break us in the process.”
“Ugh! What I did was what was better, it is better to live a life finding new things even if we are not together, than not having a life at all to spend one more hour together.”
“Is it? Because I’m sure it's not! At least not to me, cause I would prefer to die right now,” he yelled, and then dropped his dagger, “You know what? Kill me now, that way it is all over.”

I gasped, he was crazy. He’d always been crazy, but this was over the limit. I didn’t know what to do anymore so I let out a hysterical laugh.

“It would so suck if I killed you.” I laughed, “And either way, we both know I wouldn’t be able to do that. You were always better than me at hand-to-hand combat.”
“What are you talking about?!” He chuckled, “You were better, and I don’t know how to handle a dagger, knife, sword or whatever like you.”
“Yeah sure. You’re just saying that so I like you again and kill you.” I said and laughed but he kept quiet.
“What happened to us?” he whispered, and stopped circling.
“Huh? What was that?”
“What happened to us? We were so close, and one bad moment and it was all over.”
“One bad moment.” I scoffed, he had just brought back my feisty side, “That wasn’t one bad moment. It was a war, and our families were in grave danger. It’s not my fault if it seemed like a game to you.”
“And here we are again, you are so stubborn!” He yelled, “Are we ever gonna solve this?”
“I don’t think so.”

♫ Re • she/her • dancer, singer, writer • #DystopianForTheWin! ♫
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Weekly 2 - 816 words

Part 1 - 145 words

This wasn’t outside or anything but for some reason it was relaxing. As I don’t have school today I decided to organize the mess that my room is, and now I feel really happy. I know it will be organized for a maximum of 3 days but it looks so beautiful! I am so lazy, but cleaning with music on while seeing what my room could look like everyday gave me joy. When I was organizing the pictures I have, I remembered where I took each. When I was organizing some papers I remembered the fun I had years ago with my friends while drawing or writing each other letters. While cleaning I realized that my room could look like this all the time if every day I took some minutes to keep it clean. It was something fun that I hope I do constantly.

Part 2 - 131 words
Reflecting on Episode 12 of the Bad Batch Season 2
The episode hit me hard, really. I think this season of the Bad Batch has a more political side, apart from all the action. And all the quotes and what have led to this episode, it really hits. The clones are becoming “useless” to the empire. And for the empire clones are expendable. I believe that just doesn’t happen in the Star Wars universe. For some people you are expendable. I guess that’s why I like having a small friend group. We are all there for each other, just like the rebellion. While being in a large friend group in which you don’t feel extremely comfortable is like the empire. This episode made me think a lot about how no matter what you do, for some people it’s just not enough

Part 3 - 540 words

“I can’t believe they’re doing this to us.” Rex said, “We’re soldiers of the republic! We fought in the war.”
“The republic is long gone, Rex.” I answered, “We need to move on, and we need to help the clones move on.”

Rex groaned. It was hard for him, I knew it was. His brothers were being replaced and being treated as expendable objects. Instead of being part of a security team, clones were cleaning the scraps of the war. The worst part was he had to stand in the sidelines and watch. We were supposed to be dead, the three of us. Ahsoka was out, trying to find peace while Rex and I hid in Coruscant. We were on a mission to check on the clones. While she could just find peace like a Jedi, I couldn’t stand still.

“Rex, we need to talk with the clones. We gotta know what is going on.” I said, “What if their lives don’t become a nightmare.”
“You don’t understand Shenna, we are meant to fight, only to fight.” Rex explained

I nodded, it was hard but I had to support him on this one. We anonymously agreed on meeting in a bar with some clones. If we knew more about the situation we could think of how to help. Later that day we descended to the lower parts of Coruscant. I followed Rex through the darkest streets until we reached 79’s, the clone bar. I entered first and located the three clones who agreed on talking to us.

“Hello.” I said, “You agreed to meet us.”
“So you are the mysterious woman, who are you?” one of them asked
“I don’t think you need to know that.”
“We can trust them.” Rex said and removed his hood, “Hello brothers.”

The three clones stayed silent. I looked around, no one was paying attention to us. That was good.

“Rex.. you are supposed to be dead.” the same clone said in shock, “How?”
“Let’s say that the news isn't a reliable source anymore.” I said while I lowered my hood a bit, “My name is Shenna Solari, we are here to help you in any way we can.”
“You are a Jedi.” another one stated, “I remember you.”
“I’m not a Jedi.” I answered, “I’m here to help, so listen to me. We know you are being taken away from the front lines, in any way the empire can. Is there a way you could live outside of the army? If somehow we could get you good jobs or a great place to live in thanks to your efforts in the war, we’d want to do it.”
“That won’t work for us. We are not meant to do anything else. You’ve seen what we have to do. We clean what the new troopers destroy.”

I closed my eyes and sighed. This would be harder than I thought. Clones wouldn’t settle for something else, but the empire would clearly not give them their positions back. What could we do? They aren’t okay with another job, but they don’t have an option. In the end, it’s not like the empire cares.

“What can we do?” I asked.
“Nothing. We’re of no value to the empire.”

♫ Re • she/her • dancer, singer, writer • #DystopianForTheWin! ♫
500+ posts

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Illuminati - Concerts & Minecraft
225 words

Minecraft and concerts. Many will say that these two topics have nothing to do with each other, that there is no connection whatsoever. They are wrong. Let me explain everything to you in this simple article. So buckle up your seatbelts people, because you are hearing the best conspiracy rant in the world.

As you know the first version of Minecraft came out in 2009–the year I was born! What a surprise, so I’m also related to this topic? I am! You see, I was born in 2009 and many concerts happened this year. The ones that get my attention more are: Coldplay, Beyonce and Madonna. I like these three artists a lot. And you will say, so that’s the only reason they are connected. You like the artists that had concerts in the year that Minecraft came out. You are wrong!

On May 17 of 2009, the day Minecraft officially was published to the public Mario Benedetti died. Who was Mario Benedetti? Well he was a film producer, novelist and poet! One of his books was called “Acordes Cotidianos”. Do you know what that means in english? If you don’t, it means Everyday Chords. And where do we find chords? In music! Where do we find music? In concerts. There you go people, Minecraft and concerts are connected thanks to me and Mario Benedetti.

♫ Re • she/her • dancer, singer, writer • #DystopianForTheWin! ♫
500+ posts

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Word War - 350 words
Prompt: “Haven’t you heard of knocking? Now you owe me a new door!”

It was really early in the morning. I was trying to get some more sleep before training, but I could hear things. People screaming I think? I'm not sure, it was probably just Ahsoka and Anakin fighting wether she was better or he was better at shooting. We had decided to start learning how to shoot, so we could be able to defend ourselves if we didn't have our lightsabers and I don't know our combat was rusty or anything like that. Before I could get out of bed, my door fell straight to the floor, and anakin and ahsoka entered the room. I covered myself with my sheets as I was in some embarrasing pjs and yelled.
“Haven’t you heard of knocking? Now you owe me a new door!” I yelled angrily, “What went through your minds you id****! You seriously need to go to some intensive therapy or something!”
“You're exagerating.” Anakin said, “we knocked a thousand times and you just didn't answer, we thought something had happened.”
I rolled my eyes.
“I bet you just couldn't wait, and decided that whoever got me to wake up by knocking stronger would get extra something. You are like that.” I said, “Anyways, get out sky guy! I need to get change!”
He gasped and then turned to me offended, “Why should I get out? What about Ahsoka.” I opened my mouth and looked at him weirded out.
“Are you serious?” I laughed, “Anakin, Ahsoka is a girl and she is like my sister. I believe I can have her in my room while I get changed. You on the other hand.”
He nodded and ran out. Ahsoka and I laughed,
“Now why did you decided that destroying my door was a good idea?” I asked.
“You wouldn't wake up and I decided that I needed you to wake up or anakin would turn me crazy.” she explained, terrible explanation by the way. “Yeah, and knocking my door couldn't have worked. or entering without knocking and gently waking me up. You needed to get my door domw to the ground.”

♫ Re • she/her • dancer, singer, writer • #DystopianForTheWin! ♫
500+ posts

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Daily 13 - 392 words
Use two types of irony in a story - verbal and dramatic irony.

Elliot hurried out of his room. He was late and his mom would kill him. He took his coat and ran out of the house. It was his sister’s wedding and he was supposed to be the best man, but he was late, once again. It had become a bad habit of his. As he ran he remembered all the times he had been late. His sister’s graduation, his mother’s award ceremony and countless more. This time she had threatened him. When he arrived his mother was at the church’s door.

“What did I tell you?!” she snapped, “I’m killing you, Elliot.”
“Mom, why would you do that?” He joked
“You were late, it’s twenty minutes past twelve. You had to be here ten minutes before twelve” she said, “You’re always late Elliot! Come on, it’s your sister’s wedding.”
“How dare you? I’m never late.”
“Of course you’re not. Well, stop the chit chat we need to get ready!”

Elliot and his mother ran towards the back room where his sister was waiting. She was pacing from one side of the room to the other. She was really nervous.

“You’re finally here!” she exclaimed, “I was so worried! Elliot, you seriously are late to my wedding!”
“I know, I’m so so sorry. I swear I didn’t mean to but I needed to have your gift ready.” Elliot said, and added in a whisper, “I’m lucky mom hasn’t killed me yet.”
“Stop it with that” she laughed, “You know mom would never kill anything, she even lets flies go!”
“I know.”
“Sweetie, they’re ready for you. Elliot, go to your place!” she ordered.

The wedding started, and even though Elliot had been late it hadn’t been the end of the world. His sister almost slapped him, but it had been a beautiful reception. When he went with her to take a picture, his mother took his cup. She took the cup with her and walked far from everyone else. She took a small bottle from her purse and slipped the liquid into Elliot’s cup.

“I’m done with this Elliot…” she murmured, and left the cup back in its place.

“Hey little sis, how’s it going?” he asked her
“Elliot, my wedding was 30 minutes late because of you.” she laughed, “Did mom kill you?”
“No, as a matter of fact she didn’t.”


♫ Re • she/her • dancer, singer, writer • #DystopianForTheWin! ♫
500+ posts

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Daily 14 - 428 words
Write a story using folklore elements

The moon glistened over the magical fae woods, where a young fae was being introduced. Every month a new flower awoke, bringing a new fae to the world. The flowers were planted many years ago, by the first fae. The woods were filled with them, and when a flower was ready to awake the faes brought it over to the lake. The Awakening Lake was a sacred place, every fae had been born there since the beginning of time.

The faes rounded up around the lake and got ready for the awakening. Two young faes walked into the lake with a pile of dirt. In the center of the pile a white tiny flower was surrounded by an ethereal glow. The faes placed the flower in the lake and walked back. As they waited an old fae walked in. They all lowered their heads as the Great Fae passed in front of them.

“My children, today a new flower awakes; gifting us with the presence of another one of us,” she chanted, “Let’s welcome her.”

I open my eyes and feel water around me. I raise my head and see a bunch of beings looking at me. I look around and see many trees; I’m in the woods. The sky is dark, and the stars are shining through the trees. The wind is strong; it makes my hair blow and cover my sight. My senses are starting to function, and I hear voices everywhere. A girl walks towards me and takes my hand. Her hand is cold, and it makes me nervous.

“Where am I?” I ask
“Welcome, my kid.” the lady in front of me says, “You have awakened, and now you are part of us. You are now a fae.”

A fae? That’s what I am? What even is a fae, what does it mean? I see the lady in front of me and scan her thoroughly. She has white hair, not silver or gray but white hair. It is actually beautiful. Her clothes are simple, she has a blue dress that hangs from her shoulders and she is wearing no shoes. Her body is full of marks, probably from all the years with the faes. I walk towards her and an instinct tells me to lower my head. I do as my mind tells me and lower my head, bowing to her. She laughs lightly and raises my head.

“My child, you are an equal to me.” she says as the other one gasps, “You are not a normal fae; that is obvious to me.”

Last edited by RLove10 (March 16, 2023 21:52:15)

♫ Re • she/her • dancer, singer, writer • #DystopianForTheWin! ♫

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