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Scratch Writing Camp Writing Sharing Thread (March 2022)

Weekly 2

Part 1: Short Story Collaboration
i_like_kotlc: A girl wandered alone through the dark alleyway, snow falling all around her. She glanced around suspiciously to make sure that nobody was watching her. If somebody saw her, then her entire world would change.

BlushPink1: Slowly creeping down the alleyway, she clutched an object close to her heart, trying to keep it out of sight from onlookers. She knew her actions would have consequences, if they were ever to be traced.

i_like_kotlc: She looked quickly down at the object, making sure it was still secure in its bundle, then checked her phone. The location of the trade was here, but she didn't see anything or anyone…

BlushPink1: Immense thoughts began rushing towards her head, <What if this was all a joke, how could I have trusted them >. Hoping that this deal was genuine, and that I wasn't risking my life, I decided to wait at a nearby bench.

i_like_kotlc: She had been sitting for a short while when a man, clad in black, approached from behind and threw a bag over her head, blocking her sight. She screamed in terror as the man asked <Do you have it?>

BlushPink1: <Yes, I do..>, she quivered as the man came into view. Bravely, she asked <Did you keep your end of the deal?>, he nodded, and she gave a deep sigh of relief. He sat beside her and flung his hand out, to signal that he wanted the object she was carrying. She handed him the package and he quickly opened it.

I_like_kotlc: <careful> she said as he snatched it. <I know what I’m doing> he snapped in reply. She nodded, partially out of fear, still unsure. He tossed the blanket on the ground with a flourish.

BlushPink1: <Now, this never happened>, the man stated in a gruff voice, <If you even say a peep about this, I will make sure that it’s the end of you>. Gulping down her breath quickly, the girl nodded in agreement. <So, is it enough?>, she enquired to the man, but he didn’t seem to respond.

i_like_kotlc_: When she looked around, the man had disappeared, leaving not a trace. After a brief search around, she noticed that the man hadn’t left any money, as promised. <Oh no> she muttered, experiencing a sinking feeling in her stomach as she realized she made a terrible decision, giving this powerful, cursed object to this stranger.

BlushPink1: <How could I have trusted such a shady person?! I knew this was a bad idea> she kept muttering to herself. Keeping all of her fears aside, she decided to use the snow that had fallen to her advantage… footprints! She decided to follow the tracks the man had left. She had already made such a big risk, what’s the problem with making another?

i_like_kotlc_: She tracked the footprints for an hour, as far as she possibly could, until they simply seemed to just stop. She stood in puzzlement, wondering where he could have disappeared to. She looked up, and realized she was in a large forest. She tapped experimentally on a tree for no particular reason, and revealed a high-tech keypad. She decided there would be no harm in trying to guess the passcode. She pondered for a moment, then entered <3412> into the pad.

BlushPink1: Surprisingly, a secret entrance popped out of nowhere. Knowing that I was so close to finding the man who scammed me and my brother, I decided to go in. Looking around, it seems to be some sort of base-filled supplies that no one’s supposed to mingle with. Most of all, the walls are covered with ancient artifacts that are filled with dark magic; it’ll corrupt anyone who touches them. I’ve seen these go missing, they were all over the news.

i_like_kotlc: I debated taking some of them, turning them in to the authorities. Maybe I’d even get some money out of it, at least enough to feed us for a while. But first, I /had/ to find that man. I wandered down a long, dark corridor in search of the stranger, with only vengeance on my mind.
My word count: 343 words
Partner's word count: 340
Total: 683 words

Part 2: Character
Name: Ariana Mondroski
Age: 14
Species: Human

Personality and Traits: 248 words
Ariana is a total extrovert, she can make any conversation amusing to listen to, and it often the type of person who goes out of their comfort zone. She loves taking leadership roles, and can be found volunteering around the community in her own time. Other than being a very likable person, Ariana is one of the smartest people in her grade at school. Her favourite subject is math, and she loves the concept of problem solving with formulas; it’s a strand with endless possibilities!

When it comes to school and academics, Ariana volunteers for all activities. She loves trying out for different sports, and enjoys spending her extra time studying in the library, or at the office helping out during break. Other than school life, she loves hanging out with her two younger siblings: Johann, and Libra, ages 10 and 6. They often play basketball together, which is when she trains and practices for her games.

Ariana loves walking on trails, and cares a lot about animals and the way they act in their natural habitats compared to their forced habitats. She has been begging her mom for a puppy for around 6 years, and her dream is finally coming true - she is to get a puppy from a shelter for her birthday, which is in 4 months!

Overall, Ariana is a very welcoming person, and she is definitely a friend you can count on to stick with you during your various highs and lows in life.

Wants, Hopes, and Strengths: 300 words
Wants: Looking at the bigger picture, Ariana wants to end global poverty. She feels that too many people suffer from lower-paid jobs, as well as inequality for the way that they were born. She also has a goal to start an event called “Global Saviours”, to start saving our planet from the endless amount of carbon emissions we make that are harming our atmosphere and ozone layer. “Greenhouse gases are good to an extent”, she quotes, “but too much can harm the way we function, and will cause great damage to the greenhouse effect”. To conclude, Ariana’s wants are mainly big - something that affects the world and everyone living in it in a positive way.

Hopes: Now thinking a bit smaller, Ariana’s greatest hope is for a puppy - specifically a golden retriever. She’s wanted one since she was around 8 years old, and is finally getting one when she turns 15. Although being in a family of 5 shouldn’t be lonely, Ariana often finds herself lonely because no one truly understands what she’s going through or how she feels; this is the real reason why Ariana wants a puppy - although she hasn’t told anyone that yet. Another hope she has is to become a software engineer at Amazon, so that she can work with cool appliances, as well as the AWS work system. Since both her parents are related to the IT field, she has had a drawn interest in technology since she was a young girl - causing this to be her dream job, and the main goal to achieve in life.

Strengths: Ariana’s strengths are within the leadership area. Striving to always be her best self, Ariana always makes sure that people have a say in a discussion, and that all ideas are considered equally when making important decisions.

Dislikes and Fears: 224 words
Dislikes: Ariana absolutely detests brussels sprouts, I mean which kid doesn’t? She also dislikes it when she takes the initiative to do something, and is told by someone to do that thing seconds later. For example, she may feel like doing laundry one day (even though it isn’t her chore), and the second she walks into the laundry room with the clothes, she’s asked to do the laundry. Although she dislikes these things, the thing she hates the most is being scolded for something that one of her younger siblings did. As the oldest, her parents expect her to take responsibility for some of the actions her siblings commit, as she is supposed to be the elder and act more mature.

Fears: Ariana is scared of the dark, as you never know what could be in it. This is why she has a lot of built-in superstitions, and strategies that she practices each day. For example, she always closes her closet door before going to sleep, and never closes her bedroom door. Other than being scared of the dark and its endless possibilities, she also has a great fear of losing a loved one. If she were to have a fight with someone, Ariana always apologies quickly fearing that if the person were to die somehow, they would remember her with their last fight.
Word count: 772

Part 3: Setting
An active neighbourhood where everybody is happy and helps each other out during hard times. Little do others know that these houses are magical, and are not at all normal. From the outside it seems like this neighbourhood is your average welcoming one, but truthfully it’s not. There are all sorts of people living here, who come to hide from the outside dangers. Let it be illegal stays, or running from the police, everybody has a unique story to share - while knowing they’ll be kept safe and protected in this community full of people alike. This safe haven enacting a neighbourhood was created by a wizard who sought to make the world a better and more welcoming place for those who were suffering from injustices and inequalities.

The houses all look the same, and are painted with classy vibrant colours, causing all the houses in the area to be of high price. This safety measure is put forward so that no “normal” family/person buys a house causing the safe haven to be exposed to its doings. Most people living there are in constant fear of being found - it could cause a lifetime sentence, fines, or worse - which would probably diminish the whole purpose of coming into hiding. Rather than having a street filled with escapees, having a chance to accidentally expose everyone with one mistake, the “neighbourhood” has been created in a way such that it seems like only 10 houses exist; when there are actually a couple apartments, and probably 20 houses - although those are covered with the magic that had been produced a millennia ago by the wizard, Cherlaes.

Close to the neighbourhood, there is also a very big forest that is perfect for hiding. It’s filled with various shades of green, and is full of beautiful vegetation. There are many trees in the area, and a lot of crops as well, which is how the people living in the neighbourhood get most of their food supply. When winter comes, the weather is still warm, and there isn’t any snow, which makes it really simple to grow anything all year round. The only thing the residents have to keep in mind is that not all of them can be seen taking care of the crops, otherwise it will look suspicious (20 houses, and 100+ people). As a backup plan, there are exits and hiding places within the forest that were put in place just in case something were to happen - it hasn’t yet, and the residents hope it stays that way.
Word count: 424

Part 4: Premise
Your character is living in a time where all is beginning to grow scarce. Nobody notices anything different in their lives as they’re too obsessed with their own needs, but your character does, and decides to embark on a journey to fix the problems the planet is facing before it’s too late.

As they begin their perilous journey, they come across an ancient civilization filled with advanced technology and architecture. There they meet a character who tells them about an ancient prophecy that could potentially help them find a solution. It stated:

“There is said to be a land, different from all others, that is home to a variety of creatures. Let it be extinct, or mythical, you’ll find them all living there peacefully. The connection between these worlds have been hidden for millennia, and it's your character’s job to find it, to restore the original balance in our world.“

Will this mystical land be the answer for the world’s problems? Or will your character have to find another way to accomplish the mission?
Word count: 174 words

Part 5: Final Story
Parts from @-limeade, @-seiun, and @Starfox742

If you have a sibling, you know it can be hard to live with them at times, and it may feel like your parents are always leading towards their side (although, that is not to say siblings are bad; you can count on them to support you through your various highs and lows). Wouldn’t it be worse if you were the middle child, and got unnoticed just because of that? Well, Andromeda Cypress, a 17 year old, has to deal with both problems - having sixteen siblings, and being the middle child is just the beginning of her many worries.

It was summer, and Andromeda was at her home, sleeping in. Her other siblings and father had already left that morning at 5 AM, to catch a plane to Hawaii - where she and her family were planning on staying for the holidays until school started. Since she absolutely loathes waking up early, because it takes her a long time to fall asleep, it was arranged so that she and her mother would meet the others at Hawaii the next morning, after taking a night plane.

After waking up at 10 AM, Andromeda gets ready, and makes her way downstairs, where she is greeted by her mother.
“Had a good sleep?” her mother asked. “You seem to be in a pretty good mood today.”
“Yeah, I slept great!”, she replied, stifling a yawn, while stretching her arms wide. “Thanks again for altering our flight schedule to let me sleep a bit more.”
“Of course. I know being the middle sibling isn't easy, and we wanted to give you this opportunity to show you that we care.” Staring into Andromeda’s eyes, her mother looked hopefully for some kind of response, but none came. Knowing that there was no possible way to switch the discussion other than responding to this remark, Andromeda decided to do so.
“Yeah..uh..I…guess, um..yeah..thanks mom!” she managed to say, although she didn’t really feel thankful. How was allowing her to sleep for an extra five hours make up for all the times they paid no attention to her? Realising that she should be glad that she was allowed to sleep in, and get some form of special treatment, Andromeda decided to throw out those negative thoughts, and look at the bright side of this situation. After all, she was a pretty down to earth person, and didn’t let small things like these affect the way her day went.
“So.. are you pretty stoked that we are going to Hawaii?”, her mother questioned while pushing a plate of blueberry pancakes towards Andromeda.
“Yeah, I can’t wait to research the geological differences with the mountain formations, and the way erosion causes different monuments to form-”
“Honey.. This is a vacation. I know you want to get ahead with your work, and are interested in these kinds of things, but I think it would be best if you take a break to recuperate. You don’t want to exert all your energy, and leave none for next year. You’ll be in Grade 11 for heaven's sake. Sorry, Grade 12. But anyways, take some rest and do something fun.. Ok?”
“Yeah, will do. But this is what I consider fun. Getting good grades is probably the only way you’ll notice me, so I have to try and improve as much as I can.” Andromeda continued to stuff the pancakes into her mouth, and guzzled down her cup of almond milk.
“So anyways,” Andromeda continued, “What are we going to do when we get there? Are you done packing?” she looked up at her mother, waiting for an answer, some response, but none came. Had she said the wrong thing.
“Um…mom, did you hear what I said?”
“Oh, sweety! What was that you were saying?” It seemed like an honest question, maybe she didn’t hear the first time..but her eyes were in another direction, as if she wasn’t listening to a word that was being said, which was true for the most part. Out of nowhere, she just interrupted and began talking.
“Honey.. You know that you don’t have to get good grades for us to notice you? We love you just the way you are.” Andromeda held back some tears, feeling as if it weren’t true, those words meant nothing - they were just said for the purpose of saying, not because her mother had meant it, or at least that’s what was going through Andromeda’s mind.
“Yeah, whatever. I’m going to finish packing mom, see you during lunch?”
“Yup, I’m going to finish packing as well, I’ll call you after I’ve made lunch. What would you like?”
“Honestly.. I don’t care.”
“Ok, then I’ll make some bolognese sandwiches and salad. Sounds good?”
“Yep, bye.” After this brief discussion both Andromeda and her mother went their separate ways, and recuperated at lunch. They ate the sandwiches and had a couple of laughs. Andromeda felt good to get all the attention, it made her feel special, but at the same time, it made her uneasy as this was pretty much unusual. She hadn’t felt this way since she was probably a baby.
“Hey, I’m going to leave and do some quick shopping. Our flight leaves at 10:30 PM, so could you make dinner?”
“Of course, mom!”
“You're the best, bye for now,” her mother said while taking the car out from the garage. She waved a quick goodbye and went upstairs to do some drawing while listening to music. Since Andromeda lives in a seemingly completely normal neighbourhood, there weren’t any abnormal sounds to distract her. The houses were all sleek, and their colours were all still looking pretty fresh and new. There were many beautifully decorated yards, with grass as green as unripe bananas. Many others have little shrubs in front, which is why there’s an annual berry picking contest. Pretty much, Andromeda had a pretty good life, and a pretty good neighbourhood - and music helped her enjoy that. The streetlights haven’t been working for a while, as they got burned out, which is why no one goes outside alone after dark.

Before Andromeda knew it, it was already time to make dinner! Her mom would be arriving soon, and she didn’t want to let her down by not completing her assigned responsibility. Quickly lighting up the gas stove, Andromeda makes some spaghetti and meatballs; her mother’s favourite, and is halfway through finishing the meatballs when she hears a sudden knock on the door. Assuming that it’s her mother, she opens the door, only to find no one there! She then goes back to the kitchen to continue cooking, only to hear another pound on the door, however it was more impatient this time. Andromeda grows suspicious thinking that some random kid was playing a prank on her, but when she opens the door, she finds an envelope on the doormat, with the words “Come reclaim what’s yours” scrawled at the back with crimson red ink that seemed to look like blood.
Word Count: 1172

Total Weekly Word Count: 2885

Last edited by BlushPink1 (March 16, 2022 02:51:31)

Hɪ, I'ᴍ Bʟᴜsʜ ˊˎ-
♡ Bᴏᴏᴋ ʟᴏᴠᴇʀ :: Dᴀɴᴄᴇʀ :: FPC # 477 ♡
1000+ posts

Scratch Writing Camp Writing Sharing Thread (March 2022)

swc daily - march 14
words: 314

“So, should we order pizza pies or /actual/ pies for Pi Day?” Vera asked her classmates, who were sitting in a circle with her for the morning meeting. The teacher hadn’t arrived yet, and Vera wanted to see their opinions before the teacher held a vote on which to order.
“Pi pizza pies!” Rose shouted.
“We can’t order 3.14 pies for Pi Day,” Keith snapped at Rose. “How are we supposed to order .14 pizza pies?”
“You could order it in slices,” Rose replied. “Then we can get the largest tenth that they have and call the slice fourteen hundredths of a pizza pie.”
“I believe that we should order pizza for Pi Day,” Alex said calmly. “If we ordered pizza, we could order different varieties and the students who want to eat the pizza wouldn’t have to bring packed lunches. It would be a convenient alternative-”
“Let’s get real pies!” Keith shouted, interrupting Alex. “Then it can also be Pie Day and not just Pi or Pizza Day!”
“We should get pi pizza pies!” Rose argued. “Then we’ll have triple the pi(e/zza)!”
“No, we should get pi pies! Pies are tasty!” Mera interjected. “And pie sounds more like pi!”
Vera groaned as the classroom quickly erupted into complete and utter chaos. Supporters of pizza pies and pie pies were shouting over each other, and Vera could hardly hear herself think in the cacophony. Rose repeatedly shouted that they should get pi pizza pies, only to be shouted down by Keith and Mera. Some other students tried to speak, but Rose and Keith drowned out their voices. Then Mera said that they should get pi pies and was immediately yelled at for being impractical by both Rose and Keith.
Luckily for the eardrums of all of the students involved, the teacher entered the classroom at that moment. Everyone immediately fell silent.

「 Procrastinator - Exhausted - Awkward - Chaotic - Human - Inconsistently Social
(peachi - she/they(/xey) - artist, camp tropiland co-host, writer)
500+ posts

Scratch Writing Camp Writing Sharing Thread (March 2022)

WEEKLY #2: Premise - 151 words

“Your main character stumbles upon an old key, and suspects that it would fit perfectly into a locket they’ve owned for years.”

Your main character has a silver locket on a peculiar chain that they’ve owned for years. It came from someone close to them, already rusted a bit. They were told that there was something inside but never knew what. It was locked then, and they still haven’t figured out a way to open it. They wear it constantly, but one day they take it off before they go out. That day they accidentally trip over something on the ground - when they go to check, they discover a slightly rusted key. It’s on the same kind of strange chain as the locket! They instinctively know that this is the way to open that locket and discover what’s inside. However, when they return to try it out, the locket has disappeared. They’re furious, wondering who could have stolen it, and vow to find the locket that they’ve finally acquired the means to open.

they say

adventure's a cabin of curious minds;
bi-fi's bizarre like the passage of time.

sci-fi has cool tech and lots of big booms;
dystopian pictures our imminent doom.

hi-fi remembers the things that are old;
poetry lies in our hearts, in our souls.

real-fi has stories of the ordinary;
horror is sometimes a little bit scary.

fan-fi begins at the end of a tale;
mystery leads us down numerous trails.

fantasy pushes our imagination;
non-fi provides us with new information.
script, line by line, takes collaboration;
folklore is passed down through our generations.

fairy tales, myth, all the cuts from past sessions
we mourn, but we welcome our newest accessions

and oh! there's another that's still on the list
thriller is cool because birdi insists <3

robin ~ she/any
500+ posts

Scratch Writing Camp Writing Sharing Thread (March 2022)

daily march 14
Pi walked downstairs and hummed. Today was his day! Literally. It’s Pi Day — the day definitely specifically formulated just for him. I mean, it was literally named after him! The day must’ve been created for him, and definitely not for a lousy number or anything like that. No, the day was especially just for Pi.
It wasn’t his birthday — no, that would come later, and with even more fanfare. But today was pretty close. For a day, everyone (yes, everyone) had to worship him (though of course in a non-degrading way), and the heavens sent down many pies just for him. Pies of all kinds — savory, sweet, fruity, meaty — but all sharing one similarity: that they were all delicious.
At the breakfast table, already dozens of pies were being laid out for him to sample. Just in a quick glance, Pi saw a strawberry pie, a chicken pot pie, an apple pie, a steak pie… Pi’s mouth watered just by looking at them. The crusts were perfectly golden and beautifully decorated — just as Pi liked them. He prepared himself to dig in; prepared himself for each pristine bite, every scrumptious flavor. .
Obviously, he couldn’t keep all this pie splendor for himself, so he had invited everyone in town. It had almost become a tradition: every year on March 14th, everyone in the city — from the wee infants to the centenarians — brought themselves one way or another to Pi’s little cottage, and everyone feasted on the delicious pies sent there by some generous providence. Even the youngins — those still in their early years of education — knew of the wonder that were Pi’s pies. Most every household had a calender with the day on it; and as the day grew closer, the energy of the area grew and grew.
Today was no different. As everyone filtered into the general area around his cottage, the sounds of enjoyment started to fill the air. And Pi watched — satisfied.
Pies were good, he thought.

23 posts

Scratch Writing Camp Writing Sharing Thread (March 2022)

Setting for the weekly!

The story will happen in Arcania (pronounced Are cane E uh). Arcania is a magical city that doesn’t really have technology powered by electricity and things like that, it’s powered by magic. Since everything is powered by magic, the city looks like a normal large city but at the same time, it doesn’t. With magic not all of the buildings have to follow the laws of physics, so some might be floating, they might be round, or even sphere or cube-shaped. Buildings aren’t normal colored either, many of them are blue, pink, or orange, and some even change colors all the time. There are also flying cars because they are just super cool.
There is also a large force field around the city. The force field has a slight blue tinge, but mostly it’s see-through so that you can see the stars and the sky. Outside of the force field, there is currently a Cat-3 hurricane, but only a small sprinkle of rain, a tiny bit of wind, and the nice smell of rain is coming through the force field. Just outside of the force field is a medieval-time-looking wall about 50ft high surrounding the town. It’s really old, covered in vines and moss, and obviously not repaired often because of many broken down parts of the wall.
The wall and the force field are there because the city is in the very middle of a huge wasteland, one full of dangerous monsters that will attack any living creature in sight, even another monster like themselves. While the forcefield mainly protects the city from the monsters, there are patches of force field that aren’t as strong as the rest and are openings for the monsters to get through. Because of this, there are always a few monsters roaming the city at all times, and there are magical patrol robots and teams of officers ready to take them out if they show their faces.
Not good for your character, the story takes place on a day that the force field momentarily went down because of the Cat-3 hurricane going on right outside, letting in a large amount of the monsters, way more than normal, inside the force field on a daily basis. Because of this lots of wizards with magical weapons and police officer robots with laser guns are flying around the city fighting angry hoards of dangerous magical monsters today.

Tis 400 words
48 posts

Scratch Writing Camp Writing Sharing Thread (March 2022)

MC Daily - 03/14/22

The old woman sat at the table, endlessly weaving her neverending Pie.
“How long as she been there?” Cherry whispered.
Citrus shrugged. “No one knows,” he said, “only that she has always been weaving. Nobody has dared disturb her, lest something terrible happen. You just kind of get that dreading feel, you know?”
Cherry did know. The old woman gave off a mystical feel of enchantment and bonds that could not be broken.
“Where does all the Pie go?” she asked out loud.
“See that tunnel?” Citrus pointed at a black opening at the end of the long table. The Pie was continuously moving into the seeming void, disappearing into it yet not appearing at the other end. “Nobody knows where it goes. It's too small for a person anyway.”
“And nobody's tried finding out?”
Cherry felt rather frustrated at the fact that there were no answers to any of her questions. Despite the ancient, haunted aura the woman gave off, she couldn't help rolling her eyes. So what, the woman made Pie forever? Was that it? And people were apparently too in awe (or was it fear?) of her to even try asking? The longer she thought about it, the more absurd it seemed to be.
“C'mon,” Citrus motioned for them to leave, but Cherry stayed where she was.
“Cherry? She's been here pretty much forever, she's not going anywhere.”
“You go on without me, I'll catch up with you later,” she said.
“If you're sure,” he replied, unsure. Citrus left, with one last glance over his shoulder. Once he was gone, Cherry turned to the woman, who was still unobtrusively weaving her Pie.
“So…” she said, “What's up with you and your Pie?”
The old woman did not reply. She did not even look up, but continued weaving. Cherry was disgusted that the woman was not able to do the simple courtesy of greeting her.
“That's how it's gonna be, is it?” Cherry grabbed part of the endless Pie, snatched a piece off, and shoved it in her mouth. Hmm. Something tasted off. This wasn't what usual pie tasted like. A few moments later, a few dots began to blur her vision. The room began to swim before her eyes, and Cherry, her mind becoming vague, tried to grasp the table to get her bearings. Just before she blacked out, she could make out the old woman smiling.

401 words

Writer | Musician | Potterhead | ATLA | Hunger Games
500+ posts

Scratch Writing Camp Writing Sharing Thread (March 2022)

Weekly #2
Cabin: Poetry :D
Part 1: 371 words
Partner: @peacxck

Me: There was a girl called Cynthia. She was very carefree

Cia: She has trust issues, but trust anyone simply.

Me: The only person she can trust without thinking twice, is her bestie, Sophia

Cia: But Sophia, actually is cheating on Cynthia and revealing her all secrets to her (sophia's) real best friend Adela

Me: Cynthia has no clue about this. She truly considers Sophia her best friend and hates Adela because Adela, who was once her best friend, made everyone turn against her (which is how she developed trust issues).

Cia: Cynthia was very concerned about everything. But she was afraid of losing friendship with Sophia. One day she saw Sophia talking to Adela really nicely

Me: She felt insecure, not that she wants Sophia all by herself but still- it felt weird. She was not a nosy person but she couldn't stop herself from listening to what they were talking about. What she heard, shocked her to the core.

Cia: Cynthia didn't meant to eavesdrop them but what she heard made her very mad and sad. She left the room and sat on the stairs crying. When Sophia was returning from her classroom she saw Cynthia and asked her what was wrong but Cynthia just stood up and went away.. She ignored Sophia and the next morning when Sophia came out of her room she couldn't find cynthia anywhere in the hostel.

Me: Sophia just shrugged as if she was unbothered by Cynthia's disappearance. She went on with her normal routine. time passed and it was night and Cynthia was still nowhere to be seen. Even though Sophia just pretended to be best friends with her, she started worry. She called up Adela who also had no idea where Cynthia was. She looked all around the hostel and finally found her near the terrace- about to jump. Thankfully, she pulled her back in time.

Cia: Cynthia shoved Sophia back, whispered a few things, then dashed back to the ledge and leapt. Sophia and Adela couldn't stop crying. They both were afraid to inform anyone since they were the ones who had caused her death. Sophia then considered asking Cynthia's another one of closest and oldest friend, Ciana. Ciana inquired one of her friend, who was a soul reaper and an immortal, if it was possible to revive Cynthia.

Me: The soul reaper was called Ami. Ami didn't resurrect people for free, but since Ciana and her had been closest of friends since childhood, she was willing to revive Cynthia for free. She asked Ciana what had caused Cynthia's death, to which she replied that she had committed suicide, but didn't know the why. She went and asked Sophia and Adela who were clueless as well. Sophia added that when she last met Cynthia she was ignoring her. Ami advised them to check the CCTV footage of the area and they agreed.

Cia: Sophia and Adela discovered after watching the footage that Cynthia had overheard their conversation and had been depressed, forcing her to kill herself. They informed Ami, who stated that the only way to revive her was to locate a divine weapon from a dark soul within 48 hours. Even though Cynthia wasn't their friend, Sophia and Adela accepted the other facts from Ami and began on the hunt for the weapon. They had to travel for 5 hours before they were able to locate a Divine Weapon. However, in order to obtain the weapon, they had first defeat the soul that guarded it and was exceedingly powerful. Adela remembered Ami telling her that the soul sleeps for 6 hours a day and is awake for the rest of the day. They waited for 10 to 20 hours until the soul eventually fell asleep. Sophia took advantage of this by grabbing the weapon and escaping. They barely had four hours before they lost their sole opportunity to save Cynthia.

Me: Sophia took the weapon and gave it to Ciana, who took it to Ami. Ami was very surprised since nobody till date was able to locate the weapon within 24 hours. Wow, they all must really care for Cynthia. She took it and placed it in her magical pot. She casted a few spells and thankfully it worked, Ami informed them that Cynthia may wake up in the next 5 hours. Sophia was delighted since she considered herself the cause of her death. She decided to apologise and make it upto her as soon as she wakes up.

Cia: Cynthia finally awoke after a five-hour rest that felt like five years. Sophia was pleased and immediately apologised to her. They all successful revived Cynthia but D Despite that, she was unable to revive her friendship with Cynthia. Cynthia, Sophia, and Adela maintained their connection as friends. They went to Ciana and Ami at the end of the day and thanked them excessively because everything would have been impossible without them.

(We made this on another platform)

Part 2: 543 words
Name: Diana Anderson
Age: 15
Species: Human
Personality and Traits: 229 words
Diana is a fun-loving, intelligent high school student who, even though loves to cause nuisance is very matured for her age. She is a bright student who can be studious at times. Being studious but not a boring nerd is a quality to be praised of. Her being able to be a cool yet studious person proves that not all toppers are nerds or not all nerds are boring. She is a little self-oriented person who makes sure to keep track of her own stuff before assisting others. However, she cannot be termed as a narcissistic person because she is very compassionate towards others and loves being a helping hand. She is not nosy and minds her own business. She is a cleanliness freak who likes to keep herself organised. Being unable to do so can make her anxious at times. She is a person who is very good with teamwork and you can mostly find her leading her group in a way that it’s beneficial for everyone. Despite this, she prefers to work alone than in teams, because that way it is easier for her to do things according to her own will. She is careful to not let others use her for their benefit and is can easily identify who is wrong and who’s not. Diana is fun to have along and people enjoy her company thoroughly.

Wants, Hopes, and Strengths: 212 words
Diana is very determinant over achieving her dream. Her life is full of ambitions. One of her dreams is to have a pet cat. Easy as it sounds, Diana’s parents hate pets and especially cats since her grandmother had one and developed an allergy from them and they are scared that Diana might have to go through the same fate. Thus, her dream is just a dream and cannot be turned into reality until she is settled and can earn enough for a living on her own. For that, she has to accomplish her other dreams. She is an aspiring scientist. In her past time she is often found in the laboratories in school, with permission of course, experimenting and learning new things, that the other student may learn several years later. This is also one of the reasons she is very bright. She never struggles with meeting the deadlines and keeps herself up to date without having to be reminded of her tasks. Alongside these, Diana’s biggest strength, is her friends. She can do the impossible if her friends are with her. No matter how hard the task is, all she needs is support from her loved ones and that’s all to give her enough motivation to successfully complete the task.

Dislikes and Fears: 102 words
Diana is a brave and courageous person but still is claustrophobic. Once when she was younger, she accidentally got herself locked inside a cupboard and that’s how she developed this phobia. She dislikes overly narcissistic people, even though she is a bit self-oriented herself which makes this situation ironic. She is also afraid of being left alone, her friends and family matter a lot to her. She can not go a day without talking to her loved ones. Being a sporty person herself, she dislikes couch potatoes. She cannot tolerate mess since she a cleanliness freak, and thus she hates messy people.

Part 3: 400 words
The story is set several hundreds of years ago, during the time of Mesopotamian civilisation. Around 4000 BCE. Mesopotamia is what today is known as Iraq and Kuwait. It is a vast, dry plain region situated in the middle of the two great rivers, Euphrates and Tigris. In the present time the rivers unite and empty into the Persian Gulf, but we are talking about the time when it they flowed inland as separate streams. The soil near the rivers is extremely fertile. The story takes place on an hypothetical island in the middle of the Euphrates river. This island is called Acornville. This is a remote island which is not much visited by. You need to travel through your own rafts for reaching the island. Not much information is known about it but we know that its a very biodiverse place. Being situated in the middle of a river, its soil is very fertile for growing crops. Its not a very safe place to live, because you never know if there are underwater animals from the sea or several tribal groups waiting for you to be their dinner! It is really rich in biodiversity and you can find a lot of coconut and palm trees throughout the island. It has a tropical climate and is thus suitable for living. Its name, “acornville” can be broken into a-corn-ville which translates into the town of corn. This suggests that there must be a lot of corn available on the island. According to a legend, there is a hidden place on this island where you will find more than 200 tons of corn. This is not ordinary corn, this corn will not only make you rich, but also enhance your outer beauty. A fact which is lesser known to the general people is that according to transcriptions and manuscripts from about 500 years ago, this corn, when swallowed disables your tongue, thus making you lose the ability to taste. The manuscripts also say that this corn was a result of a special kind of rain which scientists have no explanation to. Nobody has ever found it yet so we can not say if it is correct to believe this myth or not. However, people have found several clues and maps that may lead them to this “treasure”. Acornville is a very mysterious place, which is why people choose not to go there.

Part 4: 152 words
When your main character was on an outing with their friends, they got a dare to prank call their mother. They complete the dare, pretending to be a kidnapper who would kidnap her soon, thus frightening their mother in the process. She suffers from anxiety and your main character realises it was not a good idea to prank her with such a topic. They rush home and see that their mother was nowhere to be seen. Near their house, they spotted some of their neighbours talking about how a disguised man, who was surely not their dad or a relative, took their mother. Now, your main character was frightened and shocked at the thought of them foreshadowing their mother’s kidnapping. They did this as a prank, but now that its turned into reality, your main character must find a way to reach this anonymous kidnapper and bring their mother back home safely.

Part 5: 1238 words
premise || character || setting

Down the edge of the Carey's Place, is situated the small town of Rearview. It is at a low elevation and has a mild climate. It is quite humid and it rains several days a week. In this tropical town, in a cottage nearby, resides a simple, carefree, creative, self-dependent girl. Meet Jordyn Taylor, and extroverted outgoing fellow tween who loves exploring new things. She is very open minded and a huge animal lover, so she really enjoys living in Rearview since you can always find animals lurking around over there, and they are quite friendly unless troubled.

When Jordyn and her family had recently shifted here, she had not thought that this place will be so much fun! She actually was opposed to the idea of leaving their old home because she did not want to leave her super close friends and school, most importantly near their house was a laboratory where Jordyn spent most of her time watching people research and learn! Yup her dream job was that of a scientist. She has a huge interest in the subject and aspires to be a biologist and research animals. Though there were not much of them in that locality. Knowing that she would find lots of animals- dogs, cats, cows, sheep etc nearby, she was now quite excited to go to her new home.

The first week in the new house went quite well. Jordyn was quick to adapt to the new surrounding and made quite a lot of friends. She had fun gazing at the animals nearby, however, she was not allowed to touch or feed them since her parents were afraid that Jordyn could get hurt. Yes her parents still had the old thinking and did not like animals and saw them as harmful creatures. This was a huge disappointment for Jordyn whose ambition was to be a biologist.She could not just give up on her dream and tried a lot to get support from her parents but all in vain.

One evening, Jordyn was gazing at the animals from her window, observing them carefully , just like she saw other people do so in the laboratory near her old house. Suddenly it started drizzling and all the animals squealed and starting playing in the rain. Jordyn chuckled and kept on observing them. She wished to touch them, but thanks to her parents. At this point she missed her old house since there in the laboratory she could at least get a closer view of them. Suddenly she heard a squeak and looked out to see that now it was raining heavily. She saw that the animals on the street were suffering and shivering. Ah, that triggered her animal lover self and she wanted to help the poor creatures, but how was she supposed to do that without touching them? Her parents think of them as dangerous creatures and wouldn’t even let her go near them! Being a creative person, her brain is always full of ideas but right now she felt a void. Suddenly an idea popped up in her mind and she grinned.

She went in her closet and disguised herself. She then went out and rushed all of the animals into shelters and provided them food. Additionally, she took care of them until the rainstorm was silent. When she got home, she was enquired by her parents about her whereabouts during the storm, to which she replied that she went to a friend's house and couldn't come home due to the storm. Then, she went in her room all the way to her closet and started designing. She tried to be as creative as possible and then started sewing. The final result really made her happy! This was her costume or you could say disguise which she would use to help out animals and also observe them for her research and dream to become a biologist, without her parents getting to know.

Days past by and then went weeks, Jordyn had now started disguising herself as “Miss X” quite frequently now. She was quite famous since it was a small town. She was on the headlines of every news channel. People were very proud of Miss X because she had been taking care of homeless animals. Nobody knew who she really was. Her parents were still opposed to the idea of supporting her be a biologist, or even go near animals. Doing this on a regular basis was quite easy for her. She just told her parents that she had a school project or she is just going on a walk or something that's easy to believe and not much to think about. Lying has been a piece of cake. She didn't want to lie so much but this was the only way she was able to pursue her ambition, Atleast till her parents change their thinking.

However, soon her parents started to suspect her and one day finally she was caught! Her secret was revealed! Her parents didn't like her being Miss X at all- even though a lot of people tried to make them believe that Jordyn was doing a n excellent job which was very beneficial for both the animals and people passing by the streets. Yet, her parents weren't convinced and she was punished. Her costume was thrown away and she was grounded for three whole months! She couldn't help but break down into tears. She wished somehow, someday her parents changed their thinking and support her in what she wants to do.
It had been three days that Jordyn had been locked into her room. Her friends started to worry for her. They came to her house to look for her but her parents always told them she was sick and didn't even let her meet them. Her friends asked her neighbours and after a while of interrogation, the truth about her being Miss X and being grounded was revealed. They decided to help her in every possible way, and went to her house. They explained to her parents how not all animals are dangerous, they can be extremely lovely and fun too. Her parents of course, didn't agree to them. Now her friends knew that they can't just say so, they will have to prove what they're saying.

A few days later there was a ring on the door. Jordyn's father opened and found a small, sick, injured puppy. Her father's heart melted at its state and he brought it in. Her mother was shocked but said nothing. Her father took care of the puppy till it was okay, and then decided to adopt it because of the attachment he had with it in these few days. He finally realised that Jordyn was actually doing a great job. He also made her mother understand and went Jordyn who was crying, sitting in a corner of her room. He went to her and apologised, hugging her. They had an emotional moment and Jordyn was now allowed to go out and also be Miss X, as well as be whoever she wanted to be, with full support from her parents. Jordyn was delighted and knew that this had something to do with her friends. As a thank you gift, she sewed them all wonderful outfits she had designed herself. She was really excited to see what future held for her and her family, and also the new member!

Total word count: 2704

Last edited by amiable_dolphin (March 15, 2022 13:33:58)


93 posts

Scratch Writing Camp Writing Sharing Thread (March 2022)

Hi, My cabin-daily!
word count: 314 words so My cabin, mystery get 500 points.!

Pi Day!
Hi, I am Aparjita (A imaginary girl) and I am from the pie-less dimension. ( An imaginary dimension) Wait, Without Pie? How is that even possible? Yes, a dimension without pie. wanna know more about it? Then go on reading this piece of story.

In my dimension of without Pie, Pie is not eaten due to the lack of flour. Yes, in this dimension there is less flour so they don't make pie but it would be sad if no one makes pie on pi day so let's imagine that A girl from your dimension named Sapphire came.

Sapphire came to the pie-less dimension when she created a gadget which can take anyone to any dimension and she came to mine. After she came, she wanted to make pie as it is pi day so she thought of collecting the ingredients. She collected all- sugar, milk, and she went to collect flour but saw that there was no flour. She searched for the whole afternoon but couldn't find it.

She was amused to see this so she saw me carrying a bundle of flour and she asked me, “Hi, May I know why can't I find much flour to make me a pie? It would be sad if I don't make a pie on pi day.” I said, " Hi. I see that you are from the pie dimension so you see we don't have much flour so we don't make so that is the only and the major difference between yours and mine dimension.

She was amused on hearing this and suggested growing of more flour plants to get flour and when you get more flour, I will teach you how to make pie.

Everyone just did that and as she promised she taught everyone how to make a simple pie. From now on our dimension is also a dimension which makes pie.
100+ posts

Scratch Writing Camp Writing Sharing Thread (March 2022)

♞ Weekly 2, Part 4: Premise ♞
161 words

It's been a long day, and your character flops onto their bed, falling asleep seconds before their head even hits the pillow. Their soft snores fill the air, oh so oblivious of the danger they are in.
Then, they wake up.
Immediately, something becomes clear to them. There's something wrong. As their vision focuses, they wake up to find themself trapped in a plain, bare room, wrists and ankles chained to the wall. There's a blurry figure in front of them, sitting down in what seems to be an elegant, metal throne. The figure looks up, and your character finally sees them clearly. Their captor (for that's who they assume they are) is a humanoid mess of void and shadows, with glowing slits for eyes.

The Captor smiles widely, dozens of teeth revealing themselves. “I see you're awake,” they say. “Let's get you to work, shall we?”
A sinking realisation dawns on your character. They're about to become a slave.

it may not be particulary wise,
but it’s a thrill to be disguised.

— Isadora Quagmire, A Series of Unfortunate Events

100+ posts

Scratch Writing Camp Writing Sharing Thread (March 2022)

14th Daily March 2022
Pi Day!!
421 words

“Hi there, how can I help you?”

I look at the menu displayed on the screen beside my car. It flashes through different items, and I try to catch my favourite item to see if there is a special on it, but surprisingly, it doesn’t appear. I shake my head, shrugging it off as a simple design change, not really caring about the price anyway. The cost will always be worth it for such a delicious food.

“Can I just get an apple pie, thanks?”
“Sorry sir, what did you say?”
“Just an apple pie, thanks,” I repeat, used to the having to say the same thing over and over again in the drive thru. Those crackling speakers must be a nightmare for the workers to decipher.

“I’m sorry, could you please repeat that again?”
“Apple pie, thanks.” Geez, another time. Maybe the wind is messing with what the microphone picks up, the weather is kind of all over the place today.

“I’m so sorry…” the worker begins, seemingly puzzled. “I don’t think we carry that item on the menu. Would you like to order something else?”

“No, I said I wanted apple pie. You guys have always carried that,” I say, getting frustrated by this point. Couldn’t she just work it out by now?”

“I- I don’t think I’ve ever heard of that before, sir. What’s that you said? A-p-p-l-e… apple…. p-i-e…?” she says the word very slowly, sounding it out and emphasising all the wrong syllables like she had never heard the word before.

“Yes, apple pie! Could you please hurry up?”
“Again, sir, I’m sorry, but we don’t carry that.”

I’m more confused at this point than angry. What is she on about? Sighing, I pull my phone out of my pocket and search up the words: APPLE PIE on google.


That didn’t make sense.

I try searching up all different variations of the words, but all bring no results. Not even pumpkin pie, or ever just PIE will come up with anything! When I go to the online dictionary, PIE yields no definition results. It’s as if… as if pie disappeared off the face of the Earth.

I slink down in my carseat, tears beginning to spill from my eyes, darkness overcoming me, for what is the world without pie? Glancing at the time on my phone, 3:14 pm is the last thing I see before my eyes shut forever, my heart giving up without the love of pie to keep beating anymore.

hi i'm fin

“i like to act disillusioned and like i hate the world- and maybe part of me really does, but the truth is, i'm sort of in love with it as well”
-velvetoscar, young and beautiful
4 posts

Scratch Writing Camp Writing Sharing Thread (March 2022)

March 14th

Marbles wanted to eat pie, but there was none in the fridge. “Blue. Can you go buy some pies in the market?” Blue moaned, “Why me? Today's my resting day…” Blue was busy the whole day yesterday and didn't have time to rest, and was frustrated at Marbles for asking him to buy pies when Blue wanted to rest. Marbles rolled his eyes and said, “Don't you know that today's Pi day? Also known as Pie day!!” Blue's eyes widened with shock, “Oh no! I forgot!! I'll go buy the pies now.” Blue grabbed his wallet as he went out to the market to buy pies. It was crowded, since everyone wants to buy pies. “Oh no, this is gonna take so long…” Blue moaned as he waited. Surprisingly, the crowd went away since everyone only wants to buy pies. Soon, Blue entered the supermarket to buy pies. “I hope they're not sold out…” he muttered to himself when he saw the pie section still left so many pies. “Maybe the workers knew today was Pie day and prepared so many pies for the customers.” Blue spoke that to himself as he started to choose the pies to purchase. “The price is 3.14 pounds.” Blue payed the price and realized it was the amount of pi. “What a coincidence!” Blue exclaimed as he went back home with the pies. After arriving back home, Blue quickly went to heat up the pies, “It should be ready in another 15 minutes.” he told Marbles as the pies were being heated up. Soon, the pies were ready to be eaten. Marbles got out the plates and they sat on the table and ate the pies. “Hmm, delicious!” exclaimed Marbles as he ate the last crumb of the pie. Blue admitted that pies actually taste better during Pi day, and he's considering on eating them everyday from then.

314 words

switch costume to [hi v]

My name is Blue, I'm currently in SWC Fantasy in July 2022. Pronouns: he/him
500+ posts

Scratch Writing Camp Writing Sharing Thread (March 2022)

Todays Daily:

Hi. My name's Pitopia pronounced (pi-to-pi-a). I was born on the 14th March 2015 which is super! It's written 3.14.15 which are the first digits of pi! Ironically, I was also born at 3.14 in the morning, so my birg is exactly pi-fect. Sorry, bad pun. Anyway, I have a younger sister names Pythagoria. Yes, relating to Pythagoras. She was born on the 15th August 2017, which is Pythagoras day. If you can't guess, 15² + 8² = 17² which follows Pythagoras' formula of a² + b² = c². I hate my given name. Pitopia. What sort of a name is that?! I just go by the name Pi. My sister doesn't like her name either, but she doesn't hate it. She goes by Pi or Pyth. Now, you're probably wondering why we are called such mathematical names. Well, both our parents are famous mathematicians. I really wonder if they timed the birth so we we born on that exact day, or if we were coincidentally born on that day so they decided to name us after the mathematical things which happened on that day. Anyway, skip the family story.
Today is pi Day and I'm so excited!! I'm bullied a lot at school because of my name. I'm not in the top set for maths at school even though everyone assumes I'm good at maths just because my name is math themed. Everyone teases me if I can't say the first I don't know how many digits of pi. But I'm working on that. Thats my life goal. To beat the world record for the most pi digits said. To find out more digits of pi. I wanna become a mathematician. I want to be a mathematician who thinks about pi. I have a few close friends who stick up for me. But I wish I had more friends who I could rely on.
314 words. Whoopee!
Friends who I could rely on who wouldn't bully me. Now, let's forget about the sad things and celebrate Pi Day!! My favourite pies are probably apple pie. Yum! At school, we have a ‘recite the digits of pi’ competition today. I'm not entering, but one of my close friends, Mimi, is entering. I've helped her practise and she's amazing

Last edited by Isauree (Tomorrow 00:00:00)
Swimmer & Cricketer
Biology lover
100+ posts

Scratch Writing Camp Writing Sharing Thread (March 2022)

♝ 14th of March ♝
314 words

“Can you please, please, please, make us some pie?” begged Goldilocks, throwing her most innocent face at the person in front of her. Beside her, Cub grinned, shuffled his feet and looked up as well.
“What Goldie said!” he pleaded. “Can we please, please have some pie?”

Hansel paused, cringing slightly at the their continued begging. He turned to them, setting the bottle of bee stings he held on the table's biscuity surface. “Look,” he sighed. “I'm sorry, I know you two really want some, but the gnomes asked me for a batch of oath binding potions, and I really need to get it done soon. Maybe you can come back tomorrow and I'll get you an extra big one?”

Their faces fell. Despite knowing that they were playing it up to make him feel guilty, Hansel's heart shattered.
“But pie!” cried Cub. “It's for my birthday, you know!”
At this, Hansel bit his lip, fingering his apron. “It's your birthday?” he asked.
Goldie shook her head, shooting Cub a small glare for the lie. “It's really not,” she said primly, then backtracked. “B-but!” she said. “Pie! It's Pie Day! And you make the best pies, so can we have one? Please? Just a small one?”

Eyeing his half-finished batch of oath binding potions, Hansel tapped his foot, agitated. “Are you sure your mother can't make one for you two instead?” he asked.
Goldie and Cub shook their heads. “She's busy helping the sprites clean their tree,”
Hansel sighed, going over to a cupboard and checking for ingredients.
“Alright,” he gave in. “I'll make you a pie,”


An hour later, Cub and Goldilocks pulled themselves up onto the chairs. Carefully, Hansel set a large, steaming pie on the tabletop. The siblings gazed at it in wonder. It was perfect: golden, topped with cream and sunlight and berries.
“Woah,” Cub murmured.

“Dig in,” Hansel smiled.

it may not be particulary wise,
but it’s a thrill to be disguised.

— Isadora Quagmire, A Series of Unfortunate Events

New to Scratch
2 posts

Scratch Writing Camp Writing Sharing Thread (March 2022)

Susie loved pie. No, let me rephrase that. Susie ADORED pie.
Beef pie, apple pie, blueberry pie - she didn't care! As long as it was pie.
Every day when Susie got home from school she spent her afternoon baking pie for afternoon tea. This was Susie's favorite part of the day - when it was just her, the spoon, and the pie batter!

Our story starts on the 7th of March, one week before Susie's birthday!
Now, this wasn't just any old birthday! This was Susie's 13th birthday, the year she became a teenager! This birthday simply HAD to be extra special.

Susie sat at her kitchen table, a piece of paper in front of her. Susie had written “13TH BIRTHDAY PARTY” in big bold letters at the top, and underneath “theme:”. That was where she had gotten stuck. She had absolutely no idea what theme she should do! She'd had a few ideas but she'd dismissed them all quickly. She groaned and doodled a pie. That was when it hit her!
“Why didn't I think of it earlier!” she cried in delight!
It was official: Susie Barnes was having a pie-themed birthday party!

The very next day Susie went to the bakery.
“Sure you can have the old bunting! We were gonna bin it as we're replacing it today! Say- why do you need it though?”
The baker laughed jollily when Susie told him she was having a pie party.
“well, good luck with that!” he said, handing her a box that contained the bunting.
Susie ticked “Pie Bunting” off her list and smiled.

Next, Susie went to the supermarket and bought all the ingredients she needed to make the biggest pie she could make, and when she got home spent the rest of the day baking.

Almost a week went by with Susie working hard on getting everything ready for the party.
It was now the night before Susie's long-awaited pie-themed 13th birthday party, and Susie was lying in bed, unable to sleep.
'What if everyone thinks I'm silly for having a pie party?'
'what if nobody comes?'
Susie was worried.
'Oh well,“ she thought. ”I'll just have to wait till tomorrow and see."
And with that, she fell asleep.

This is where I'm going to end the story, but let me tell you: Susie had the best birthday EVER! Everyone came, and they played pie-face, marveled at the pie bunting, and ate pie!
100+ posts

Scratch Writing Camp Writing Sharing Thread (March 2022)

Kosmo's SWC Writing

Part 1
In progress with @clarem12

Part 2
Name: Saima Siddqui
Age: 17
Species: Human

Personality and Traits: Saima is a serious introvert who usually hears the voices of jinn. Being gifted with such an ability, she’s very disturbed for most of the time. Though she likes to talk, she often hears voices calling out to her and refrains to do so. But when she talks, she behaves like an extrovert. She is also very patient and willing to put effort but when she’s upset, she would cry her tears and hide them for the fear of being vulnerable. Her silence pokes everyone in their guts and they tend to look at her as an outcast. She is a kind person who likes to help others and is easily hurt or offended. As being different from others, they treat her like someone special or a superior. She loses her temper on cynicism and abhors suspicion. She believes the best in others but is often proven wrong. She’s frustrated when she could see right through people and they pretend that it is the jinn who call to her. She also values deep friendship but she surprisingly doesn’t believe in happily ever afters. She finds mythical tales such as of Laila-Majnun impractical and believes that love is a deliberate process if it’s to be deep and true.

“Look up, what you see are are windows of Mughals,
And once the pigeons are released, they never look back”

1000+ posts

Scratch Writing Camp Writing Sharing Thread (March 2022)

Pie. It's a delicious baked treat that a lot of people enjoy. Including me. It's 3/14/1987 Today was the most special day of the year. I woke up at 3:14 AM, unable to contain my happiness and excitement. On this exact day, Pi Day, the government of the city I live in sponsors a Pi Day Event. It's great most of the time, sometimes it's the opposite of great. Like once, a scientist brought pies that simply burst with flavour. Literally. The pies exploded. Luckily, everything was cleaned up, and the scientist was banned from the city forever. I sometimes find some pie dough all around the city to this day. Wha- of course, I didn't eat the dough! Anyways, back to the main topic. Pi Day happens every year over here on 14 March. I don't think any other places or countries celebrate Pi Day… do they? Maybe someday Pi Day will go international… This year, we had a special visitor named Larry Shaw. He really enjoyed the celebrations. We had a pi recitation challenge, as usual, I find them quite boring. And the usual speech on the mathematical use of pi, ugh. I actually find the pi part less interesting. I honestly like the Pie part more. We also always have free pie sampling, baked by our local bakery. This is my favourite part actually. So many pies, chocolate, blueberry, apple pies with whipped cream, and many other delicious toppings. The crust is usually baked to be very crispy. It's sort of like a treasure actually. Dig inside the hard crust and find sweet treasures below. I think I'm going on too much about pie. In fact, Larry Shaw was so impressed by the festivities, he brought the Pi Day celebrations to other places. He mentioned the San Francisco Exploratorium once. Maybe Pi Day WILL go international. I hope.

314 words. I didn't have much inspiration for this :P

im a regular guy

ive never been on the forums before. totally.
never owned or joined any shops or anything. yep.

ok, yes, i founded lightning studios, a dying shop that has fell from its prime ig.
500+ posts

Scratch Writing Camp Writing Sharing Thread (March 2022)

Pi Daily Thing
Haha. I’ve totally eaten a pie before
Amethyst sucked the edge of her pencil. Flavours immediately flooded in her mouth — the warmth of a steamy beef pie, the sweetness of a fresh apple pie, the weirdness of a banana pie—
She jolted awake from her daydream, the tastiness of the pies vanishing immediately. Amethyst looked guiltily at the worn pencil inflicted with tooth-marks all over, which decidedly did not have any taste of food, then looked up at her teacher, who’s rimmed spectacles were facing in the opposite direction. Her nose twitched, and once again picked up the delicious scent of pies… almost as though they were baking in the tuckshop close by, ready for her lunch. Her stomach growled.
But never again would the taste of pie smear the roof of her mouth, or flood her senses as she breathed deeply into the mouthwatering smell, at least at this hellscape. The school had wrongly, foolishly BANNED pies! Something about the crumbs falling all over the place, attracting crows and bush turkeys who would upend overflowing bins, unzip random lunch bags and wreak havoc on the school.
Well, the teachers had wrecked havoc simply by banning pies from the eating areas. And those reasons? EXCUSES! Excuses on making everyone’s life here at Tealand State School simply TERRIBLE.
Not that it was any good before, though.
As soon as the bell rang for hometime, Amethyst leapt from her desk without a proper goodbye to her teacher, grabbed her bulging back and hurled her way through the crowded corridor. She earnt quite a few disgusted and annoyed looks, but excitement was thrumming through her veins, and the looks bounced off her skin as if it was rubber. Nothing could bother her at her favourite time of the day.
After a few minutes Amethyst had burst into her kitchen and grabbed THE LOVELY MEAT
PIE! Placing it carefully down in the microwave and slowly shutting the door, she watched as the pie slowly revolved around, in a spotlight by the glow. The crackles and pops were mesmerising.
Finally, the pie stopped spinning, and the door swung open. Not even remotely caring about the hotness, she shoved the pie into her mouth. The crunchy crust entered first. She savoured every flake and the perfectness of the dough. Then came the part that topped it off; the warm, damp meat, that escaped the walls of the crust and filled her mouth with utter joy. She leant back on her couch, sinking in.
Pies rule.
Maybe I haven’t tasted a pie before-

100+ posts

Scratch Writing Camp Writing Sharing Thread (March 2022)

Last edited by -HopeMelodies- (March 14, 2022 12:06:58)

100+ posts

Scratch Writing Camp Writing Sharing Thread (March 2022)

Last edited by -HopeMelodies- (March 14, 2022 12:06:21)

100+ posts

Scratch Writing Camp Writing Sharing Thread (March 2022)

-HopeMelodies- wrote:

-HopeMelodies- wrote:

~Hope's Writing SWC March~

Main-Cabin Dailies

- March 14 > https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/659483259/

- March 15 >

- March 16 >

- March 17 >

- March 18 >

- March 19 >

- March 20 >

Main-Cabin Weeklies

- Week One >

- Week Two >

- Week Three >

- Week Four >

- Week Five >

In-Cabin Dailies

none ;-;


“I can shake off everything as I write; my sorrows disappear, my courage is reborn.”

Last edited by -HopeMelodies- (March 14, 2022 13:12:20)

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