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Scratch Writing Camp Writing Sharing Thread (March 2022)

Seaweed Ice-Cream
Thanks to Figurative_Wings for inspiration: blueberry muffin, seaweed, and cinnamon ice cream.
Main Cabin Daily for March 3
Murphy sprinted across the sand. “Last one to the water is a rotten egg!” he hollered, barely giving his friends time to react.
Lilliana gave a shout of protest, but he was already halfway across the beach. The wind roared in his ears, and a few moments later, he felt cool waves lapping at his feet. He threw himself into the water, twisting to see Alex tumbling into the shallows right behind him.
Mischievous energy fizzed up in his chest. Murphy cupped a handful of water in his palm, and flung it at Alex’s face.
“Cheater!” she howled in mock rage, floundering her arms around to grab him.
He ducked to avoid her swipes, and pushed off with his legs to get some distance, laughing.
“It’s my birthday!” Murphy grinned. “I can do whatever I want!”
Alex stood, spluttering, as she wiped the saltwater off her face. Murphy floated on his back, watching Lucas and Lilliana plunge into the ocean.
“That makes you two the rotten eggs!” he called.
“Pfft,” Lucas huffed. “That head start is the only birthday present you’re getting out of me!”
“What do you say we dunk the birthday boy?” Alex suggested, a sly gleam in her eyes.
“Sounds good!” Lilliana agreed.
Murphy barely had time to react as they all lunged for him. He dodged Lucas’s swipe, kicking his legs to swim off as fast as possible.
“You’ll have to catch me first!” Murphy taunted.

Once they were all worn out, the four friends headed back to shore.
“Let’s go eat the food before it melts,” Lilliana suggested, and they all nodded agreement.
Alex got to the cooler first. She flipped open the top, and let out a long groan. “Who brought vanilla?”
“There’s strawberry for you at the bottom!” Lilliana called.
Alex shot her a grateful look, rifling through the cooler until she found it.
Murphy grabbed one of the vanilla ice cream cups. “Your loss,” he informed Alex, tearing off the plastic wrapping.
Lucas leaned over, grabbing his own cup. “Hey, there are blueberry muffins in here!”
“Muffins? In the cooler?” Murphy asked, confused.
“Um… I put them there,” Lilliana said apprehensively.
Alex turned to stare at her. “Why did you put muffins in the cooler? They’re frozen icicles now.”
Lilliana shrunk back. “I dunno… I didn’t have anywhere else to put them.”
Murphy looked at the small plastic bag perched near the soda bottles. “Did you make them?” he asked Lilliana.
She gave a sheepish nod. “They were for your birthday.” Her face was red.
“No worries,” he grinned, fishing the bag of muffins out. “We’ll just use them… non-traditionally!”
Murphy pulled a muffin out of the bag, making sure not to spill the cinnamon dusting on top. He put it on top of his ice-cream, and used his spoon to mash it inside.
“Ewwww.” Alex held her cup protectively. “You’re not doing that to mine.”
“I want one!” Lucas exclaimed. Murphy passed him the bag with a grin.
As Lilliana and Lucas started mixing their own cinnamon-blueberry-muffin ice-cream, Alex turned to Murphy. “Wait one sec, I haven’t given you my present yet.”
Murphy obligingly held off on munching while Alex ran off. A few moments later, she returned, holding something behind her back. “No peeking,” she called.
He closed his eyes. A moment later, something splatted against his ice-cream. Murphy looked down to see a sticky green blob pasted to the vanilla and chunks of muffin.
“That’s for cheating!” Alex crowed, scuttling to the other side of the cooler to avoid retaliation. “Enjoy your seaweed ice cream!”
Despite himself, a smile curled across Murphy’s face. Being here, with his friends, was the best birthday he could have ever asked for.
Using his spoon, he flicked most of the seaweed onto the sand, but there were still some clumps of green left. He met Alex’s smug stare and popped a spoonful of ice-cream in his mouth, bits of seaweed and all.
In his mouth, the salty tang of the seaweed was mostly overshadowed by the sweet vanilla and blueberry. He swallowed, and grinned.
“Delicious,” he announced.

Written by Wari
684 words

Last edited by scratch_warrior_cat (March 3, 2022 15:12:18)

2 posts

Scratch Writing Camp Writing Sharing Thread (March 2022)

Main cabin daily 3/3
Word Count: 437

Emma walked along the beaches’ boardwalk. She saw the regular Ferris wheel, restaurants, and games. At the very end of the boardwalk, she saw a strange old fashioned ice cream shop. Emma walked toward the ice cream shop and looked at the menu.
“Flavors: Bubblegum, Cotton Candy, Birthday Cake”
“How strange only three flavors. There’s not even a vanilla flavor.” Emma thought to herself
The flavors reminded her of her childhood. The bright colors of the ice cream were shining through the glass. Emma tempted to buy herself an ice cream but realized she didn’t have enough. Emma turned back and started walking back. Emma noticed a beautiful sunset near the pier and decided to admire it for a while. Emma was leaning on one of the railings when SPLASH! She fell into the pier! The water was icy cold for a hot summer evening. Luckily, Emma swam to the shore. Emma was freezing and her clothes were dripping wet. She sat down own a bench to warm herself up. An old lady approached her and asked her kindly, “Hello dear, you looked like you had a bad day. Would you like some ice cream to cheer you up?”
Even though Emma preferred something warmer, she kindly accepted the old lady’s offer. She looked closer at the old lady’s uniform and noticed that she was the owner of the old-fashioned ice cream shop.
“What flavor would you like?” asked the old lady
There were only three flavors to choose. The bright blue color of the cotton candy flavored ice cream was tempting her to choose it. The other flavors looked delicious, but Emma chose the cotton candy flavor. Then the thought of paying for the ice cream came to her mind.
“Sorry ma’am, but I do not have enough money to pay for the ice cream.” said Emma
“Don’t worry dear. Your ice cream is free for this time.” smiled the old lady
Emma could not believe how kind the old lady was. She was so shocked she forgot that her ice cream was about the melt. When she took her first lick, childhood memories were brought to her mind. She remembered seeing herself running on the beach while holding her ice cream. Emma thanked the old lady for the ice cream and started heading home.
The next day, Emma decided to go back to the pier and visit the ice cream shop again. When she went to the same location, she found that the ice cream shop had been missing. Was I imagining it? Emma thought. She then went back home wondered how could that happen.
500+ posts

Scratch Writing Camp Writing Sharing Thread (March 2022)

March 3 Daily
Ice cream flavours: Vanilla and Chocolate Ice Cream mixed together, Rocky Road, Cookies and Cream


White, brown, black and grey. These were the colours of the alien moon, with its rough texture and what seemed to be snow. Teira gazed out of the window as the landing gear made contact with the surface. Her role? To examine the terrain, and the plausibility of using that moon as a resource, along with the rest of the crew of the Tawny Albatross. She unbuckled her seatbelt, trying her best to keep her balance in the extremely low gravity.

She lowered the visor on her helmet and headed towards the hatch. What would this moon have? Would it be valuable? She pulled the hatch shut behind her, closing herself into a small, cylindrical chamber. At once, a fine mist came from all around her- decontamination procedures. She waited impatiently, moving around the vials in a case that she wore around the suit's waist. As the mist subsided, a whirring sound not unlike a vacuum cleaner came from all around her before all went silent. The airlock opened.

Teira took a cautious step onto the foreign ground onto what seemed to be a black rock surrounded by snow. Then she nearly fell over as the rock crumbled. “Oh great… they're fragile.” She said, even as she knowingly thought that the only people who would hear her exclamation would be her fellow crew members who were monitoring the radio signals. She exasperatedly pressed a button on the back of her left forearm to activate the crampon spikes on her boots. She looked back behind her to observe the broken piece of rock that she had just stepped on. It was black on the inside, and completely dry, uncontaminated by the snow. What was the snow even made of? She squatted down to the rock, pulled out two vials from the case and picked up samples of both the rock and the snow. As she stood up, she was extremely careful- she did not want to nearly fall over again. Sure, just the sheer bulkiness of her suit would nullify any impact from accidents… but she knew she was being filmed. She was being live broadcasted to the world, and she did not want to be known as a meme for the rest of her life as the “astronaut who fell over”.

Surveying the landscape again, she thought to herself “Snow. That means it's cold.” The temperature inside her suit was kept at a steady 23°C so she almost forgot that snow was supposed to be cold, plus her long journey in the climate-controlled ship had made her mind subconsciously unaware of temperature changes. She activated the temperature probe. “Exactly -20 degrees celsius?” She said out loud. The intercom in her ears crackled to life. “You know you don't need to announce that, right?” “Yes I know, Lily. I was just talking to myself.” the intercom went silent once again.

Walking (or more like bouncing) forwards, Teira pulled out another vial. She had caught sight of a different kind of rock: it had a smooth surface, was a deep brown and was surrounded by similarly coloured sand. As she picked up more samples, she noticed a pattern. The snow came in three colours- white, brown and grey. Most of the rocks were brown, grey or black, and were all very crumbly and fragile.

Then it came time for her to return to the ship. Teira cautiously made her way across the rough but fragile ground, only retracting the crampon spikes once she was a step away from the ship- she definitely did not want to risk falling over now, because otherwise she might spill the samples. She slid the airlock shut behind her, and once again she was sprayed with the decontamination mist, only this time it came in high-pressure jets that cleaned off all the semi-melted snow and mud that stuck to her. As the hatch opened, she removed her helmet and began to take off the suit. Without the added weight of about a hundred layers of material, Teira suddenly realised how weak the gravity really was. She flexed her fingers, her hand free from the restrictive bulk of the glove that really prevented her from doing anything apart from picking up samples. Teira handed the case of samples to Klara, who was the geologist in the team.

Timeskip 3 days. The team was doing their research as usual when Klara emerged from her lab. She had a somewhat confused and flustered expression on her face as she announced “…guys, I have some… interesting news.” She brought out a diagram of the mineral and chemical components that the samples contained. “As far as the research shows… that snow, it's made from the same components as milk.” The rest of the crew shared looks of confusion. “The rocks, on the other hand, have components similar to chocolate and flour… how it happened I don't know, but we seem to have found that this moon is made of several chocolate-based ice creams.” Teira had a look of incredulity. “WHAAAT?” she exclaimed, nearly knocking over a storage compartment in the process. Klara admitted “It's true. I didn't believe it at first either, but I've repeatedly tested it with every method I know. It's made of milk, and there's nothing we can really do about it.”

Time passed as research went on. Upon their return to earth, the crew of the Tawny Albatross decided to sponsor a well-known ice cream chain to create a custom flavour of ice cream- vanilla, chocolate, rocky road and cookies and cream, all swirled together into one. The name of this ice cream? Spacemilk.

936 words

8 posts

Scratch Writing Camp Writing Sharing Thread (March 2022)


+330 POETRY (not counting titles)

Memory (or lack thereof) - Pantoum

I've never been good at catching facts inside my mind
Hand to me your name and I'm sure to forget
I promise you I'm always trying to remind
But my head's a little clumsy and I swear I'm not a threat

Hand to me your name and I'm sure to forget
My memory's been my enemy for something like a century
But my head's a little clumsy and I swear I'm not a threat
There ain't much of a remedy and it's bound to be my legacy

My memory's been my enemy for something like a century
Feel free to correct, redirect, or change the subject
There ain't much of a remedy and it's bound to be my legacy
My efforts are in effect but too much you can't expect

Feel free to correct, redirect, or change the subject
I promise you I'm always trying to remind
My efforts are in effect but too much you can't expect
I've never been good at catching facts inside my mind

Length - Tetractys

Stretching out.
Now, breathing room.
Practically expansive, as this grows.

His Gaze - Triolet

His piercing gaze, fraught with intensity
clouds my vision. With distraction,
the clearness is stricken with brevity,
his piercing gaze. Fraught with intensity,
dangerously crowding as pieces of weaponry.
I can't look away, nor take action.
His piercing gaze, fraught with intensity
clouds my vision with distraction.

The Ending - Etheree

Floating, flighting, fleeing from the ending.
Amending or pretending they're safe.
It creeps up on them, closer now.
Thou mighty, diminished by
decreasing syllables.
As hard as you try,
It's almost done.
The ending
is now

Away - Free Verse

the rasping lilt of a foreign tongue,
you don't know what it says but that's what makes it

invoking sensation.

the faint scent of spices, growing stronger as you approach
the names written in an illegible scrawl, but you can see they are


the taste of travel
the scent of the world
the sound of a new city


+513 ESSAY

A tiny house is the best mode of living for those who are just getting started in life. If you're graduating soon, consider a tiny house instead of a falling-apart home in a suburb that's going to take half of your yearly income on loans every year, or an apartment that costs thousands of dollars for every square feet - and that's rent that you pay monthly. A tiny house, on the other hand, is a low-income, low-impact option that gives you the most possible bang for your buck.

A tiny house is extremely cost-efficient, with an average cost of $30,000 – $60,000. However, if you're ready to get creative (or you've got the means to splurge a little) a tiny house can cost as little as $8,000 or as much as $150,000. Many tiny houses contain lots of DIY (do it yourself) features, and some companies even offer kits where you build the entire house on your own! For recent college graduates, or those who have just joined the workforce, this amount of money - for a great, sustainable home - is a massive boon as compared to the standard value of an average home - about $269,039. For /standard value/. Wow, that's a lot of cash. Assuming that most students have student debt to pay off, they're probably not keen on adding yet another loan to the pile from buying a mediocre, non-customizable home. A tiny house also allows for you to splurge on choice items - you need an awesome countertop? Perfect; you're only buying a few feet of the material. Customization, freedom of movement, and environmental benefits are all other reasons that tiny houses are far superior. Who hasn't dreamed of that perfect crevice in their house, only to find that it's far above their price range? Finally, tiny houses are great for those who live alone, since they're - as you may have guessed - tiny!

Though it might be an unconventional lifestyle that many don't consider, tiny-house building and buying is beginning to become a booming business, especially for those looking to become young homeowners after their college years, or even after their high school education. With new social norms after the pandemic, working from home is becoming all the more popular, and students may want the freedom that comes with having their own home, and being able to drive it all around the country. Living by yourself in a tiny house can sometimes actually be more square footage than a small apartment, which is a choice for many - and apartments tend to be overpriced and not well-maintained. With a tiny house, you'll be saving cash, and also creating a home that's uniquely you - after all, you're the one building or choosing all of the furnishing! While it might not be the best place to host parties, you'll save enough cash that going out won't be the penny-pinched hassle that some of your homeowner friends might frequently face. In conclusion, tiny homes are the most sensible and fun alternative to ordinary housing for those who are at the beginning of their experience as a homeowner.


ACE and LARK enter a dance club from stage right. LARK’S expression breaks into a smile at the bustling, loud venue, while ACE is glaring at anyone who deigns to meet his eye. DANCER 2 waves at LARK, who gives DANCER 2 a smile back.

ACE (stiffly, whispering):
I don’t dance.

ACE looks uncomfortable as the lights flash on his face, highlight the sweat beginning to bead on his forehead.

LARK (whispering):
Stop looking so stiff! You’re going to blow our cover just by glaring like that.

LARK grabs ACE’S arm and pulls him through the crowd, avoiding looking at his eyes and instead smiling at the slightly tipsy patrons around the duo. DANCER 4 begins to wave LARK over, but LARK shakes her head politely and turns back to ACE who gives her a withering glare.

ACE (stumbling over words):
This is — how do you even know where this is?

LARK hesitates.

My sister. She dances.

ACE (incredulously):

ACE looks around, glare morphing into something of confusion. ACE begins to say something else, but is shushed by LARK’S answer.

No, idiot.

LARK gives ACE a friendly punch on the shoulder. ACE winces.

She goes here in her free time. I come with her sometimes. Now quickly, we have to order drinks or else we’ll look bad and attract attention. Get whatever you want.

DANCER 1 begins to talk to LARK, and ACE sits there silently, looking at a menu that LARK has handed him.

A ginger ale, please.

LARK smiles broadly, and it somehow doesn’t seem forced.

LARK (to ACE):
I don’t drink

ACE (without looking at the menu; quickly):
I’ll take… I’ll just have the same.

LARK nods, satisfied with his answer. DANCER 1 leaves stage left with their orders.

Where’s your ghost?

ACE shushes LARK, his glare back to his face.

Someone might hear us.

LARK waves a hand dismissively. “

It’s much too loud for that. Plus, the people here will just assume we’re tipsy. Now where did he go?

ACE: He can disappear at will, talk to only me at will, or become completely corporeal at will. It’s usually useful.

LARK nods.

ACE (continued):
He’s probably around here somewhere.

LARK looks around and changes the subject.

Are you worried about the bomb?

LARK’S voice drops as DANCER 1 walks in from stage left, setting down two golden bubbling glasses in front of them.

Are you?

Well, my parents and siblings weren't in that room.

ACE (curtly):
They’ll be fine.

LARK finally meets ACE’S eyes.

LARK (challenging):
Why? Are they all going to end up like Ian?

He was a special case.

It is clear that LARK doesn’t think that’s a sufficient answer.

How is he alive? Necromancy is illegal, and you’re not a poet anyway.

He’s not alive. He’s a ghost.

He died, and now he’s not. Is he a poet?


ACE pauses.

ACE (continued):
We’re all immortal through memory. His poems are what he left behind, and his legacy renders him life. He hid a spell in some of his work. As long as he’s remembered, he won’t die. I only had to activate the spell.

How did he do that?

IAN (offstage):
Creativity, my bird.

IAN glides in from stage right, flying to land next to the two of them. ACE doesn’t look surprised, but LARK gasps.

It’s the lifeforce of all our magic. I just found a loophole if you will. A way to harness it in a unique way. The poets already run life and death. I just found a way to stay alive.

ACE (muttering under his breath):
I helped.

IAN (grudgingly):
I guess he helped too.

I’m almost certain that’s illegal. But I don’t really care.

Well, neither do I.

LARK ignores ACE.

Ok, we need a plan.

IAN (happily):
Agreed. Finally, a voice of reason.

ACE, LARK, and IAN are silent, but the club still bustles around them.

We should stay here. We’ll have a better alibi, plus, it’ll look way too suspicious if we show up right now. And I bet the guilds are in chaos.

LARK hesitates.

There are rooms upstairs. God, that sounds like an awful innuendo. I’m not attracted to you in the slightest, but we might have to pretend.

ACE hesitates and then nods.

That sounds good. Ian will follow us. Come on.


ACE: The more we sit here — the more I sit here — the more attention I draw. I look out of place. Now, do what you did in the ballroom. Pretend like you’re flirting with me.

Do I look like I know how to flirt?

ACE, LARK, and IAN exit stage right, their argument slowly dimming down.

The curtain drops.



PIECE ONE +423 words
My fingers rap relentlessly against the wooden desk, occasionally stopping their incessant thrumming only to trace initials carved in the wood from years long passed. Restless, one might have called me, but it wasn't movement I desired. No, if I could rest I would have been happy, but instead all I can do is take a deep breath as the fifty-second question to my AP Government test stared me down.
I can do this.
Or, can I? Yet again, it is about something I vaguely knew about, but intangible notions of legal provisions weren't ever enough to get me through that class - you had to Know, with a capital ‘k’, what you were talking about. Sighing, I filled in the Scantron, dutifully moving onto the next question. All around me, pencils scratched against the paper as Earl Warren's court was debated, as students desperately tried to remember why exactly the Judiciary Act of 1789 was declared unconstitutional, and the legal gray area surrounding free speech and flag burning.
'Concurring opinion,' I mumble under my breath as I read out the question in my head, receiving a small glare from my teacher. I smile back, because I'm not sure what else I'm supposed to do.
Fifty-five questions, and them I'm free.
As I fill in the last bubble - B, though it could have been D - I raise my hand, too mentally fatigued to even check my answers. I'm the first one done, and in a normal class a rush of social anxiety would have frozen me in place, reducing me to nothing more than someone doodling on their paper until another student is the first. However, in this class, there's no way I'm putting myself under any more emotional agony (that's an intentional tort that you can sue for in a civil lawsuit, my brain supplies, too broken from days of civil law research) just to alleviate some fleeting fear.
My teacher comes over, and I hand her my paper wordlessly. She purses her lips and nods.
“You can do whatever you'd like, as long as it's quiet, for the rest of class.”
I nod back. Pulling out my computer, I quickly ctrl-windows-rightarrow over to my writing desktop, opening up wordcounter.net. I've already read through the nonfi section of the weekly, and I just need two more pieces of writing to knock it out - I can do it.
This time, I'm confident that I can achieve my goal, and slowly - but not too slowly, for this is SWC after all - I've reached 400 words.

PIECE TWO +402 words
The legal system is widely looked down upon for its classist provisions, such as cash bail. Cash bail should be eliminated in all areas. This would provide many benefits for taxpayers and those who can't afford to pay bail. It helps diminish class and socioeconomic status discrimination in the judicial system. While some people may take advantage of not having to pay bail, the majority of cases are successful.
Bail, or the practice of paying to get out of jail before a trial, is typically set at high amounts. Many poor people cannot pay, whereas most well-off people can easily fork over the cash. For these low-income people, while a short stay in jail might not seem like such a big deal, it can greatly damage job or school prospects in the future. Additionally, if someone disappears from their life, kids, or job without warning, it can have serious backlash - such as getting fired or losing custody of children - even if it's only for a few days. Defendants who spent multiple days in jail were much more likely to commit crimes again then those held for less then a day. Finally, those who aren't able to pay bail may plead false guilty more often, which disrupts the justice system and their personal lives.
While some might argue that no bail would allow dangerous criminals out of captivity, eliminating bail isn't the problem, since released individuals could have just paid to get out. This argument points at the flaw of being “presumed innocent until proven guilty” and is part of a larger problem. Another argument is that systems are being put into place to assess the risk of someone committing a crime after released, and the third one is that very few cases actually result in crimes after release. I believe that those who could be considered dangerous or flight risks should not be given a bail option, especially if they have committed a felony. The use of analyzation systems such as those used in New Jersey to decide how likely someone is to go out and commit a violent crime may be a solution to this problem.
In conclusion, cash bail is an archaic and unfair form of release and does much more harm to innocent people than it helps. Eliminating cash bail should be an action that many people are passionate about, and it should be done as soon as possible.
90 posts

Scratch Writing Camp Writing Sharing Thread (March 2022)

Daily - Mango habanero, kiwifruit, dragonfruit - Horror for the win!!

Chapter One - The Best Types of Friends

I stared at my ice cream in hunger. It was taunting me, staring at me in that smug look the people in your classroom always give you when their done with a test before you. I stared right back, unfazed in the slightest towards that look. I was trying a new flavor today- one that no-one had ever tasted outside of this shop. It was called- what was it called, again? oh yes, Kiwifruit. I was just kidding about the shop thing, by the way. It's too good to have not been tasted outside of this shop.

You know, It really did taste a bit like one of the BEST flavors known to mankind. In my opinion, anyways. It is called….drum roll please….Dragon-fruit!

It tastes, well, just like the real dragonfruit!! It's creamy, pink, well, maybe not pink. Red? No, not red. Pink? NO, red. Pinky red! That's what it looks like. Well, it kind of also look a bit purple…NO! I will not go into the debate of want color is Dragon-fruit ice cream again! That already happened last week!! I REFUSE to allow it to happen once more! Nope! I fully refuse! No way!

Oh, uhm, right. Sorry about that. Anyways, the Kiwifruit ice cream was good! I felt the unexplainable urge to try just.. ONE more. Or so. Yeah, probably more than one, if we are being honest. All that was left was the question- what flavor?

{This is honestly just a small series now lol}

Chapter Two - New and Old

'Hmmmmm..' I thought, staring up at the menu of ice creams. ‘Which one should I get?’ The cashier was staring at me. I looked around, and noticed that EVERYONE was staring at me! I made a quick reflex choice- one from a long, long time ago. “I'll have the Mango Habanero, please!”

I blurted it out. ‘Why did I choose that?’ I wondered. I smiled as the cashier handed me the ice cream. The ice cream was orange, suprise suprise, it's what it looked like on the menu. And looked VERY creamy.

Now, I have NEVER heard of the- what is it called? Oh yes, Mango thing. Never once in my life! And trust me, people talk about ice cream A LOT in my school. Like, an EXTREME amount of ice cream talk.

I tasted the ice cream. And I kept tasting it. Over and over again. It was amazing! I went back to the counter and ordered tow more. And I ate them both in record time! I went back to the counter and ordered my new three favorites– “I'll have the Mango Habanero, the Dragonfruit, and the Kiwifruit ice cream, please!”

And that's the end of my weird, but amazing ice cream story…

476 Words!
100+ posts

Scratch Writing Camp Writing Sharing Thread (March 2022)

Flavors were chocolate, butterscotch, and vanilla cheese
sorry, this was procrastinated and then rushed.
512 words

Once upon a time, in a faraway land, there lived a beautiful princess. She spent her days in her beautiful palace, brushing her golden hair and parading around in her luxurious dresses. Although she had everything a princess could desire, she was selfish, spoiled, and ungrateful. She would eat a plate of butterscotch bonbons and fling the waste at her servants, who were forbidden to speak in her presence. She would demand only the finest chocolates from the palace chocolatier and would throw a temper tantrum if the sweets were not to her liking.
But most of all, she loved ice cream.
To her, ice cream was the magical elixir on which all life depended. She craved the light creaminess of sorbet and the rich density of gelato. No matter the type of ice cream, the princess was truly addicted.
Every year, there was a grand ice cream festival throughout the kingdom. Every town, city, and village was to submit a new flavor of ice cream. The princess, addicted as she was, would sample each flavor and decide which she liked best. Each year, 33 towns participated. Each year, however, the same town won.
Last year it was an exotic guava mango that won, the year before that they went classic with a milky brown fudge. No matter the year, the flavor of ice cream, or the princess's mood, the one town still prevailed.
Little did they know, the tables were about to turn.
In the north of the kingdom, hidden by the dense forest, there was a small village with few inhabitants. They had gone unnoticed for many years, but with good reason. Ever since the flavor festival had begun, the village has spent every waking hour constructing the perfect ice cream flavor. They study the flavors that win each year; they study why the princess liked it in favor of the others.
This year, however, the small village was ready to step out of the shadows. They had constructed what they believed was the perfect ice cream flavor. So, they gathered their village and rode off on horseback to the capital, where the festival was being held.
But they were too late! As the fanfares sounded and the horses rode into the town square, the princess was about to announce the results. The leader of the village rushed to one of the guards stationed around the square and whispered frantically in his ear.
The princess looked beautiful as usual, her golden hair cascading down the back of her flowing dress. But when the guard came onto the podium and announced the village, she began to look excited.
She took a spoon of the new flavor from the guard and immediately closed her eyes in reverie. Emotions flooded across her face as tears began to roll down her cheeks.
Suddenly, her eyes flew open, and she spoke out to the gathered crowd.
“People of our grand kingdom, the winner of this year's festival… from a small village up north…”
The crowd grew quiet with suspense, eagerly awaiting the results.
“Vanilla Cheese!!!!!!”

i like a lot of stuff and i do a lot of things :)
6 posts

Scratch Writing Camp Writing Sharing Thread (March 2022)

Daily 2/3/22

Mist glared daggers at the girl across the room. Phoenix! Infinite wisdom on the line, and this headstrong princess thought they shouldn’t take it! I mean, really! It wasn’t as though such an offer came along every day!

The Hidden Library would close again, soon. They’d be thrown out into the harsh daylight of the normal world, and nothing would be different. None of the issues either of them had set out to resolve would be fixed, unless they took the Hidden Queen’s offer of infinite wisdom. Mist really didn’t understand the holdup.

Phoenix, on the other hand, was furious. How could Mist not see the trap here, the test? Everything, up to this point, had been a test. A test of courage, of determination, of pureness of heart. Everything! And this was the final one. Mist was ready to fall for it, but Phoenix sure wasn’t. There was something else, a better offer, if they didn’t take this one. Something.

The Hidden Queen still floated perfectly still, hovering just above the cracked bricks of the Library. Due to her golden mask, Phoenix couldn’t read her expression, but she somehow knew that this was the final test. That was how it always was in stories, after all.

“Mist,” Phoenix began, “What would infinite wisdom help you with, anyways? It wouldn’t solve any of the problems we set out to fix.”

“It would!” Mist protested. “If I always knew what to do, everything would be different! I could save my brother and my kingdom and everything! If I always knew everything, and always knew what to do, everything would be so much better!” Phoenix wasn’t sure about that. “Mist, it’s a test,” she tried to explain. “You want infinite wisdom out of greed.”

“And you want whatever better offer you think she’s hiding out of greed!” Mist shot back. “If you want anything, it is arguably out of greed!” Phoenix couldn’t argue with that. “All right. Take the wisdom. But if this comes back to bite you, don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

Mist approached the Hidden Queen. “I- I will accept your gift.” The Hidden Queen did not say a word, but simply placed her hand atop Mist’s raven hair. Mist’s eyes widened.

“I… know everything,” she whispered. “And I sure wish I didn’t.”

Phoenix frowned. Of all the bad things to occur, this was one she didn’t expect.

“Phoenix,” Mist whispered. “Everything, everything that brought us here was a lie.”

Winter | she/her | artist/animator
8 posts

Scratch Writing Camp Writing Sharing Thread (March 2022)

Flavours by Ilishaqueen
Word Count: 992
Flavours: Chocolate; ice; wind.

On an exceptionally hot summer afternoon, Skye shuffled sluggishly down the road, in shorts and an oversized, baggy t-shirt. To say she was absolutely boiling under the sun is an understatement. In fact, Skye was quite surprised she hadn't melted into a puddle yet!
After walking meaninglessly in a circle around the neighbourhood for some time, Skye decided she'd eat something. I mean, it's not like I'm doing anything, wandering around endlessly, she thought.
So she perambulated slowly over to the shop-filled street. She slouched to it because it was far too hot to do anything more than drag yourself along the road, going half a kilometre per hour. Even so, it wasn't long before Skye reached the little street. She looked around at the shops uninterestedly, until a very eccentric neon sign caught her eye. It was an electric red, and Skye was quite certain that if she looked at it any longer the light would blind her! But still, she kept looking. It was extremely large, far too big for the minuscule shop underneath it. “Creamy Dreams” is what it read. Hmm, looks like a new gelato shop! she said to herself, when she was near enough to see what was on display at the shop window, which was a gigantic collection of different flavours of ice-cream in all different colours. She opened the tiny shop's door, and the small bell hanging over the top of the door frame rang loudly. She made her way to the counter, where a rather pimply-looking teenager sat lazily, chewing gum noisily. “Excuse me,” Skye said quietly. The pimply teenager took no notice, most likely because she was blasting loud rock music on her headphones. “Excuse me!” Skye repeated, a little louder this time. The teenager still didn't hear her. "Excuse me!“ Skye yelled yet again, this time finally getting the attention of the careless teen. ”No need to shout,“ the teenager said in an annoyed voice, as she absent-mindedly removed her headphones.
”Sorry, but I'd like to order..“ Skye said shyly, but she was, as a matter of fact, thoroughly annoyed at the extremely irritating teen. The teenager blew a bubble of gum at Skye. ”Alright. What flavour?“ she said, although she really couldn't care less. Skye, who was getting exasperated with the girl at the counter, sighed. Finally they were getting somewhere! Skye glanced at each and every gelato flavour, until the teenager loudly blew another bubble of gum. ”Hurry up,“ she said grouchily. Skye scowled at the teenager, and continued looking at the flavours.
After looking idly at the scoops for a long time just to get on the irritating teenager's nerves, Skye finally settled on three flavours, two of which she had never heard of, even though she was an extreme ice cream enthusiast; Ice, wind, and the classic chocolate ice-cream (because no bowl of ice-cream is a good bowl of ice-cream without chocolate! thought Skye). The pimply teenager carelessly plonked the three scoops into a paper ice-cream cup, shoved a mini plastic spoon on top and handed it to Skye. ”Pay up,“ the teenager said simply. ”Four dollars, fifty cents,“. Skye reached into her pocket, and extracted an old and crumpled five dollar bill. ”Keep the change,“ said Skye, as she slammed it on the counter.
She came out of the shop, feeling pleased. She sat down in the chair outside of the shop and turned her attention to her ice-cream scoops. To her surprise, they were already melting! I'd better hurry up, though Skye, or I'll have to buy more and deal with that girl again!.
She decided to eat some of the chocolate scoop, first. She picked up the plastic spoon and tucked in. In no time at all, the chocolate scoop was gone! So Skye picked up some of the ice gelato. ”Wait. Ice flavoured ice-cream?“ said Skye aloud. ”That doesn't make sense..“. But she ate it all the same. First, she brought it right up to her nose. And then she sniffed it. Smells okay, Skye said to herself. She opened her mouth and popped the bit of gelato smack-bang on her tongue. Her mouth practically froze! Skye tried her hardest not to scream, but unfortunately her hardest wasn't enough and she let out an ear-piercing yell. Everyone on the street stared at her, before casually returning to what they were doing, as if nothing had happened. She was about to spit the ice-cream out when she realised it wasn't that bad! ”Hey,“ she said. ”This actually tastes okay!“.
If Skye were to describe it, she would've described it as ‘cloudy’, since it really was cloud-like! It was extremely soft, yet it didn't really have a flavour- it was sort of like just sugar, but something in it was kind of tart, and so Skye enjoyed it thoroughly. Once she had completely gobbled the whole thing up, she looked at the last scoop. It was half-melted and didn't look very enjoyable, since it was just a weird dirt color, with funny looking white wispy bits that looked like cotton candy stuck on it.
Skye opened her mouth and took a lick. And another lick. And then she threw half of the scoop into her mouth! It tasted like all sorts of things, with hints of lemon, honey, hibiscus and even raspberry. And the white wispy bits tasted like the sugar pearls on birthday cake. And I can tell you, Skye enjoyed that scoop very much! So it was very unfortunate for her when she finished it. ”Dang it!" she yelled, yet again causing everyone on the street to stare at her, surprised.
She ran straight back into Creamy Dreams. She caused the little bell above the door to cause such a racket once she opened the door that even the girl behind the counter noticed her! “Alrighty then. What flavour?” she asked uninterestedly. “Ten scoops of Wind ice-cream, please,” Skye responded eagerly.

✧・゚:* bea - poetry - jiu-jitsuka - pianist - artist *:・゚✧

45 posts

Scratch Writing Camp Writing Sharing Thread (March 2022)

“curry, sunshine, and oil” - waterlily7859
words count: 420

one day, everything that hurts me will be blown away. one day, i'll fly to the sky, where the clouds are swimming. one day, i'll sit in the sunshine and close my eyes.


it was a catalog of modern mistakes; the oil on water still screams her name. can’t they hear it? they do hear it. but all society does is blame. blame, blame, blame. blaming their way into 1984.

i want to sit in the sunshine, but her fingers ran away with themselves, and it was all documented. they should know, then. they know yet they still blame me. i hate her. i hate her so much. she’s not the victim, i am. i want to scream that so loud that the whole world knows the truth. but i hate them too. i hate the whole world. even if they hear my begs and pleads, will it even change anything?

i want it to be one day. i want to fly to the sky, i want everything that hurts me to fade away.

will it ever be one day?

she was someone’s daughter.

i’m someone’s son.

there’s a big difference, they say. i’ve got the power, i’ve got the control.

there are hundreds of people screens away, laughing with her. they should know i have no power, no control. they do know. yet it’s all pinned on me.

i stare at the blossoming trees lined up down the sidewalk. their structures are strong, but their features are delicate, as if one blossom ripped off would cause the whole tree to shatter. and after one shatters, the next would, and they would all fall down like dominos.

some people look strong, but they're not. they won't believe me. they will never believe me.

i will never be able to get to “one day”.

i’m broken.

did she shatter?

perhaps. but we all shatter.

but when she breaks, they blame me. they pin it all on me.

then i shatter. my mind, broken in pieces. shards floating around in who knows where. people have seen my debris before, and those people still blame me.

i don’t want to be glued back together. i just want to sit in the sunshine, and close my eyes.


the petals fall gently—they drift, drift, drift: falling their way down to a nightmare. i feel bad for them, when they hit the floor. they have no way back up.

do i have a way back up?



curry is yummy
curry, sunshine, and oil
all unrelated

45 posts

Scratch Writing Camp Writing Sharing Thread (March 2022)

^^ inspired by “sunshine” - stray kids, “oil on water” - bastille, and “blame” - bastille

Last edited by seventene (March 3, 2022 16:04:11)

1000+ posts

Scratch Writing Camp Writing Sharing Thread (March 2022)

First Weekly

Part 1: Poe-try hard
The show begins
Water swirled, lighting up
I watched it's glimmer
Fleeting, flicker out
A trail of sparkles
Set out at Sunset

Humming a tune
My Mother gardened
A bed of roses
And stars
Drawing of the motionless
Amber, broods on the darkness
Then broods on dawn
Time swayed away
And couldn't stop

(free verse)
Approaching the door, desperately wanting to know
What secrets could be in store, hiding behind the door?
I wanted to know, please let me know…
The door wouldn't budge, instead it shrunk back
Like a coward hiding from some attack

I wanted in, I wanted to see
What could be waiting there for me?
I kicked and pushed
And squeezed and budged
But the door remained motionless

The answers were behind that door
Concealed from the world, unwilling to share
What secrets could be found behind that marvelous door

So I sat there, wondering:
What's behind the door?
Please let me in, don't hide
I sat there wondering, pondering the question
'Whats hiding inside the door?' forevermore.

Fire burning bright
Motionless Phenomenons
Waiting to Happen

Stars twinkling bright
A rare beauty shinning
On a quiet night

Springtime is about
Flowers blooming, birds chirping
A beautiful sight

If the stars stopped shinning, what would happen? Would the world drown in a wave of darkness? Each day the stars use up energy, and energy is limited. Nothing in existance can contain enough energy to live forever, no matter how powerful. If one day humanity is left to the dark, people must find the light. There will always be light around us, even in the dark. The people who seek light shall find it, and help the biosphere continue to grow and thrive. Enjoy the starlight, while it's still around. For one day you might ask for it, and not find it's brilliance.

The fogged up window was clouded with misery from below.
If only my head would clear up….
The room started spinning, like a roller coaster with no end in sight
I can't do it anymore, I just can't
The constant headaches won't stop.
Someone beg them to stop, I wish to enjoy my humble life.
The room suddenly went pitch black
Leave me alone, I can't take anymore of this…
How much tossing and turning can one person possibly endure?
It started drizzling, raining, pouring
Why must I be drowning? What have I done to deserve this?
Make it stop….make it stop…..
I woke up.
But it didn't stop. The only way to make it stop is with force
I must find her….I must make it stop
The pain will all go away, and it will finally stop
Word Count: 447

Part 2: Essay about why Children should read more

Ahhh, reading. What a wonderful thing to do in leisure time. There's a decent amount of children who are avid readers, but you'll be surprised at the number of kids who only read when they are forced to. Even then sometimes they won't read. This is not only unhealthy but a negative impact on the child's education. Reading is an important factor in life, and children should try and read more.

The first benefit to reading a lot is that reading actually helps make you smarter. You need to read for every subject in school, whether it be Math, Science, History, or any language. Reading is an important part of your education. You can't have any subject without reading. When you grow older, you have to read long paragraphs, and articles. These gradually grow longer as you age. You don't want to be the student lagging behind everyone because you can't read that much because it overwhelms you. Reading often will help you be prepared for these things. Reading books also helps broaden your vocabulary. When you get into older grades, teachers don't want to see words such as ‘happy’ or ‘sad’ on your essays and such. They want to see words like ‘contented’ or ‘inconsolable.’ Books can expose you to new, more complex and intricate words. Teachers are, and always will be impressed and dazzled by your range of words. Another advantage to reading more often than not is that reading is a productive hobby, that can also be enjoyable. Sure, it's not as seemly fun as playing video games, but you can still relax and have a moment of peace. Incredibly good books can spark you're imagination and transport you to vastly different settings. When you get lost in a good book, you can imagine that you are anyone living anywhere. Sometimes, the best pleasure is to escape reality for a moment and enjoy a good book. Another advantage to reading more often then not is that parents won't yell at your for it. Now, what do I mean by that? Well, when you're on your phone for three hours, and haven't done your homework, your parents are bound to be irritated with you. Reading on the other hand won't be something that parents will get ticked off about. Of course, you shouldn't be reading if you have important things to do. But it's an enjoyable activity to do that parents will be proud of you for doing. Another benefit to reading is that it broadens your mind. Reading helps give your mind a workout. And this workout can actually be entertaining. Instead of doing math drills, or sitting listening to a miserable lesson, you can read. Reading books gives your brain puzzles to try and solve, or taking in new, important information. It doesn't matter what genre book you read, your brain is still exercising and expanding.

So, why not try and read more? You see all the wonderful benefits reading has on your brain, so why not? Of course, it isn't healthy to read for ten hours a day, but it's a pleasurable activity to do in your downtime. If you've been pondering on ways to try and smarten yourself up, why not pick up a book?
Word Count: 538

Part 3: Adapting an Old Writing Piece into a Script
(this was a SWC fanfic I wrote for last session)
We start off in the Sci-Fi cabin, where ARIA is trying to get AMY to confess her plans to her

Amy…why won't you tell me what happened here?(voice starts cracking) I have already put several pieces of the puzzle together, I'm just waiting for you to confirm some things.

AMY:(not wanting to tell her)
I- I just…. you see-

She is interrupted by VI and PIKA, who come in the room riding on goats. VI starts hurling watermelons at ARIA. PIKA gesters to AMY to get on her goat, MONTY

ARIA:(clearly annoyed)
Wh-WHAT? How is this possible!??!

AMY, PIKA, and VI quickly dash away from Aria, leaving the Sci-Fi realm. When the three reach the Contemporary Cafiteria, VI says good-bye to AMY and PIKA

Thanks for helping us Vi, we really appreciate it.

Aww, it's nothing. After all, that's what allies are for.

AMY and PIKA head back to the Adventure Mountain, where all the campers including Co leaders VIVI and PANDORA were waiting for their return.

Oh my gosh, Amy, are you alright?

Amy nods, looking a bit tired

PIKA:(dead serious)
Amy, why don't you tell us what exactly happened back there?

Amy sighs and nods

Basically, Sci-Fi found out about our plans. Aria kidnapped me when I was alone in the Fan-fiction library, and she wanted me to tell her what was going on.

Everyone gasps in surprise

So we need a new plan. A different plan. Maybe we should try attacking Poet-

She is cut off by Pika, who shoots her a disgusted look

Poetry is our ally. We never will attack them. They just want to help us.

AMY rolls her eyes in disbelief. Pika notices, and turns to face her

PIKA:(getting annoyed)
Amy, you don't believe me? Why?

AMY lets out a deep sigh

AMY:(looking around at the campers)
….I'd rather not state my reasoning.

PIKA realizes why AMY refuses to say.

Alright then, but we still need a new plan. Maybe we should figure it out later.

Everyone besides AMY nods in agreement. The campers break up into groups to be with either VIVI or PANDORA. AMY, who plans to go write some more, exits. PIKA wants to know why AMY is being so secretive, so she follows her.

Why are you following me Pika?(temper rising) Am I not aloud to be alone?

The last time you were alone, you were caught by Sci-Fi and brought in for questioning. Do you want that to happen again?

Amy shakes her head furiously

Anyway, I'm sure you already you already have a plan. Your very good with attack straegies.

You know me well Pika. Maybe a little too well for my liking, but yes; I have a new plan.

PIKA eyes AMY curiously

Ooooh, so what's your new plan? Are we going to try attacking a different one of our enemies?

No. I want Sci-Fi to fall. They deserve it, especially after today. But exactly how we're going to do it…

She pauses, looking at Pika. She isn't sure whether to trust her or not.

I think we should betray Poetry.

PIKA looks at AMY in shock

Amy, how many times must I tell you that Poetry are our allies? They aren't the spies who went behind our backs and told Sci-Fi. You really need to stop assuming things.

Fine. But then as cabin leader what are YOU going to do?

Alert all our allies. Ask them for support against Sci-Fi. Then you can tell them your plan you are keeping to yourself and we can unite against Sci-Fi. Once we emerge victorious, we can focus on writing words.

That's if you had allies you could trust, not ones who tip off Sci-Fi and give them valuable information-

PIKA decides to ignore AMY's remark

Come on Amy, let's get to work.

PIKA climbs onto MONTY, and AMY climbs onto a different goat as the two set off for Contemporary

Of course we'll help you! We'll do anything to help bring Sci-Fi down. It's time that a different cabin wins SWC for once.

See Amy, didn't I tell you? We have allies who support us. You just have to stop worrying and loosen up a bit.

AMY thinks hard about PIKA's remark, as the two travel from Contemporary, to Thriller, to Real-Fi and Non-Fi

PIKA:(getting annoyed)
Amy? Amy! AMY!??!?

AMY:(snaps out of her thoughts)
H-Huh? Yeah Pika? What is it?

We got support from all our allies thus far. Isn't that good?(notices AMY starts thinking again, and not paying attention) Amy, are you paying attention to what I'm saying? You were the one who said this is important, and here you are not paying attention.
(I am stopping there since I'm tired)
Word Count: 800 exact
Part 4:Nonfiction

(memoir, naritive)


I immediately jumped up and started rubbing my head, in pain. I had banged my head yet again on this evil desk. I was attempting to finish my homework, but I kept drifting off. It was just so boring and pointless. I still had History and Spanish homework to answer, a chapter in a book to read for ELA, and a Science test to study for. I groaned, and glanced over at the clock, which read 10:43. No way I was going to finish all this homework tonight. I was drained of all energy. I sighed as I cleaned everything up. Guess I'm going to have to tell my teacher I didn't finish my homework…again. As I fell asleep, I felt guilty about not finishing the homework. Maybe I should set an alarm clock to wake me up early so I can finish. I reached over and set my alarm clock to wake me up at 7:00. That would give me two hours to get ready. After a while, I fell asleep.

ring, ringgg, ringgggggggggg. The alarm clock rang. I groaned, and tried to grab it with my hand without looking. I finally did, and I opened my eyes a bit to take a peek at the time. It read 8:46 AM. I laid there for a moment more, before the thought occurred to me that I overslept. I immediately jumped up and started getting ready. I kept my pajama's on, and pulled a shirt over myself, ran downstairs, and quickly popped a stale banana muffin into my mouth. I grabbed my pile of homework, and start down at my desk, and logged into Google Meet.

The first thing my teacher did after everyone(or almost everyone) was there, she asked us about our homework. When she got to me, I had to tell her I didn't finish it all. I left out the fact that I overslept. She merely starred at me in disgust that once again I had failed to complete my homework. She told me that it better not happen again, or she'll call my mother. I started nodding furiously. I hoped today she didn't give us as much homework…

It was then she announced that we were going to have our Science test on groundwater, which I had completely forgot to study for. At least I knew most of the material. When she gave us the link to our test, I blankly starred at the screen. They were some questions that off the bat I didn't know the answers to. I quickly rushed to start typing in the answers to questions I knew, or thought I did. The vocabulary ones I finished with in a breeze, and the ones about chemical weathering were fairly easy. It was the ones about the different zones of groundwater that got me. Those questions looked complex. I attempted to answer the questions as best as I could, but I knew I was bound to get a decent majority of them wrong.

When the teacher announced that time was up, I clicked summit. The computer automatically gave me a grade, a 83. I sighed in relief that I didn't fail. I knew that wasn't a great grade, but I could have done way worse. Some of the other students reactions to their grades were easy to read, they failed miserably. That meant that I must have received one of the higher grades in the class. Maybe the teacher wouldn't be so irritated with me after this. But I knew I could have done better then that. I told myself that next time there was a test, I should try to study more.

(Information about why schools shouldn't force having uniforms)
this counts as non-fiction, right?

How would you feel if you had to spend a whole school day in a school uniform? The uniform is itchy and uncomfortable. You are trying to focus on your schoolwork, but you simply cannot. You decide that one day in a school uniform is enough to drive you crazy, and you can’t stand having to wear the same uniform for the rest of the school year. This is why school uniforms should not be required to wear by public school students.

One reason why School uniforms should not be mandatory in public schools is that they take away the right for students to express themselves. The first amendment of the US constitution states that all individuals have the right to express themselves freely. School uniforms take away that right by forcing students to wear uniforms. In Sweden, a government agency decided that uniforms are a violation of human rights because what you wear should be considered as a way to express yourself. Uniforms can also take away your ability to show you support a certain cause. For example, you wanted to show your support for Breast Cancer Awareness and wear pink. You wouldn’t be allowed to wear a pink shirt because the schools force you to wear your uniforms. You're not allowed to put a shirt over your uniform either. You are unable to show your support in that way. Also for students who are transgenered, gender-fluid, or non-binary might feel uncomfortoble wearing school uniforms. Girls usually have to wear skirts, and boys have to wear pants. For students who are still trying to figure out where they fall on the gender spectrum might feel excluded. Some schools let girls wear pants and boys wear skirts, but most schools don’t. School uniforms take away individuality. Everyone is going to be wearing the same uniform, so everyone will be looking the same. This takes away a person’s uniqueness.

Another reason why students in public schools should not be forced to wear uniforms is because the uniforms are itchy and could distract you from working. Some kids are very sensitive to certain materials. So some of the materials used to make the uniforms could bother them. Some students are opposed to wearing buttons or zippers. Some school uniforms do have buttons and zippers so this will cause an issue for kids who oppose them. Many students don’t like wearing restrictive clothing. School uniforms often restrict your movement. Also many girls don’t like wearing ‘traditional’ girls clothing. Most schools require girls to wear skirts and dresses. School uniforms are often tight and the collar annoys you. School uniforms come in very limited range of sizes, so they might not fix everyone. People come in all different sizes and shapes, so school uniforms might be too small, too big, too tight, or too loose for someone. This will bother them and distract them. When you are in the classroom, your job is to learn new things that you will need later in life to succeed. If your uniform is uncomfortable, you will not be able to learn to the best of your ability. School uniforms are supposed to take your mind off of what other people are wearing, but this raises another problem: being able to stay focused. It's hard to walk around the school if you are wearing something uncomfortable. Your uniforms will be bothering you all day.

One last reason why school uniforms should not be required in public schools is because it can be costly to pay for the uniforms. Parents already have to pay taxes, and the taxes are higher if the schools are good schools. They already have to pay to buy clothes for their children. Schools make parents buy the uniforms for their children to wear. For families of low income, paying for uniforms can be a challenge. Most families of low income depend on thrift stores and hand-me-downs. But with the uniforms, you have to buy them from the school. School uniforms are often only available from a limited number of suppliers. The lack of competition keeps the prizes of school uniforms high. Parents might struggle to be able to afford the uniforms. Also school uniforms come with a lot of different accessories like blazers, ties, and dress shoes. These make the uniforms cost even more. School uniforms can cost about $25-$200 per uniform. Students need at least 2-3 uniforms so they will have enough to make it through the week. Some schools also have uniforms for different types of weather. Some uniforms have uniforms for when it's cold, and uniforms for when it's hot. This can be very costly for some parents. Schools also tend to have a gym uniform that you must pay for as well. Imagine how much this will all cost. For a middle class white family, this might not be a huge problem. But for lower income families, this will cause a huge problem for the parents. Keeping a child in school with uniforms could be harder for some families than just buying them regular clothes.

Some researchers argue that school uniforms should be worn by students. They say that it could help reduce bullying and peer pressure between students. While a bully can’t make fun of someone because of what they're wearing, they can find other things to bother other students with. They could make fun of how you do your hair, how you walk, how you talk, whether you're smart or not, what your house looks like, etc. They will still find ways to make you miserable even if your school makes students wear uniforms. A bully’s goal is to try and make you miserable. Just because they can’t make fun of what you're wearing doesn’t mean that they will just leave you alone. They will go out of the way to annoy you, so they will still bother you even if you wear uniforms. Some researchers also say that students wearing uniforms will improve a child’s academic ability. But some studies show different. Just because the students are wearing uniforms doesn’t mean that they will do better in school. School uniforms might help keep students focused off of what other students are wearing. But that doesn’t mean that just because the students are wearing their uniforms, they will focus on their classwork. Students are also distracted by other things such as that they can’t wait for school to be over, thinking about what they will do after school, how mean one of their teachers are,etc. Since most students oppose wearing uniforms, they might just want to cause trouble. They will not focus during class so that way they can show they cannot focus with uniforms.

Uniforms are just a waste for the students, parents, and schools. They distract you from working by being itchy and uncomfortable, they take away one of the only ways students can express themselves in schools, and cause a problem for some families to try and afford them. This is why students should have to wear uniforms in public schools.
Word Count: 1,800 :O
Total Word Count: 3,585


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I have problems, don't worry about it

91 posts

Scratch Writing Camp Writing Sharing Thread (March 2022)

Daily 3 - 437 words
My words were sunshine, fire and night, chosen by Alba.

As I stared out of the window, the sun began to set behind the mountains. It sank beneath the mountains and slowly dusk turned to night. I opened the window, but instead of the cool night air rushing in, the air was as hot as it was at midday. Slam! I shut the window to keep the heat out - it was hot enough in the house already.
A few hours later, I opened my bedroom window. The air was still hot. For the first time in a while, I went to sleep with the window closed.
I had woken up before dawn that day. When I went outside, I was in a furnace. It was horribly hot and when I tried the water tap, nothing came through. I was left with nothing but my small water bottle. Nothing was going to keep me alive for long!
Outside, the mud was hard and cracked. I could not bear to stay outside for long - the heat drove me back inside. I watched the Sun rise whilst eating breakfast. As the light crept across the hard ground, I noticed something else was spreading - a fire! It must have been caused by the immense heat that would not go away last night! I ran out into the village, knocking on everyone’s doors and alerting them of the fire. Somehow, we were still expected to attend school.
At school, everyone was discussing the fire and no one paid any attention to whatever the teacher was waffling on about. Even the teachers could not ignore it when it was far too hot to go outside at morning break. Halfway through the third period, the headteacher came into our class and told us to grab our things because we were being evacuated further from the fire.
“What!” one of my classmates exclaimed, clapping their hand over their mouth.
“There’s nowhere we can go!” cried another pupil.
“Ahem!” The teacher called for silence.
“Thank you,” the head continued, “We have secured flights from the nearest airport.”
“But that’s miles away!” another pupil groaned.
“Well would you rather stay here and burn in the fire?” There was a dead silence. “Get packing, then!”
After hurriedly shoving everything away in our bags, the class was led outside to the playground. I met up with my friends, Faridah and Josh and we started talking about the fire. To our dismay, we were stopped almost immediately by an angry headteacher who demanded us to be quiet. Then we began to walk in single file in the direction of the airport, walking over the hard, cracked mud as we went.

100+ posts

Scratch Writing Camp Writing Sharing Thread (March 2022)

aa sorry posted this by mistake

Last edited by Coco_animator (March 3, 2022 16:18:25)

☁︎。゚⋆ ゚☾ ゚。⋆ ☾⋆。 ☾⋆。
once upon a time
the planets and
the fates and all
the stars aligned
。゚⋆ ゚☾ ゚。⋆ ☾⋆。 ☾⋆。☁︎
5 posts

Scratch Writing Camp Writing Sharing Thread (March 2022)


So… I’m kinda new here but I guess this is my post for SWC March!
I did some writing for a competition that I don’t want to enter.. it’s 100 words..
Here it is:
(Oh and before I forget pls feel free to critique me)

Sitting in my Ivy-cloaked cave, I felt all of the anger and frustration rush to the tips of my fingers. People had to,d me never to use my sought after powers - but suddenly I felt the urge to use them, so without warning I ran out of my cave. Feeling hotness at the tips of my hands - I was in a trance - suddenly changing spells as I destroyed the fairy village of Zantrix in Mersartha woods. Soon reality washed over me and I realised what I’d done.

Last edited by PeachyxMilk (March 3, 2022 16:19:51)

87 posts

Scratch Writing Camp Writing Sharing Thread (March 2022)

PART 1 OF THE 1st WEEKLY- 337 words

Poem #1: Haiku
in scratch writing camp
mythology for the win
(that is my cabin)

Poem #2: Acrostic
Words are my focus in this camp
Reading other people’s works and critiquing
I’m writing my own stories too
There are many different cabins
I’m in the mythology cabin, myth for short
Never going to miss a single daily
Going to win

Poem #3: Limerick
I want to win Scratch Writing Camp
But to 1st place there is no ramp
You have to take the stairs
And wasted time forswear
Just ignore that writer’s cramp

Poem #4: The World
It resonates throughout the land
Controlled by a single dictator’s hand
Awashed over the world, paralyzed,
While war goes on, uncivilized,
And the dictator the world despised
While innocents laid down their lives
In fear
And while the deaths and world raged on
Whilst the war and the death stayed on,
A deadly sickness the world was infecting
Every person the virus still affecting
All the world stood still in fear,
You could feel it in the air
And then came the ruler, Death
His soft dark robes, his chilling breath
He gathered up the souls by the dozens,
Undiscriminating through Ukrainians and Russians,
Itching to take that cold-hearted ruler,
Even Death believed that tyrant crueler
Causing more death than Death himself,
If only the dictator turned his hate to self.
Even the people of his country are against this
But he will make “disappear” all who resist
In the dictator’s country, if you oppose his views
You and your family, your lives you will lose

Poem #5: Clarity
Black hair at the roots
That slowly turn blonde
One purple eye and one green
Demeanor soft and calm.

Beautiful red lips,
Curved to a smile
Glowing diamond earrings,
And it all fits to style

Anyone who only hears her described
Could say all her colors will clash
But Clarity is simply gorgeous,
Therefore that statement would be rash

The perfect style of white flowing fabric
She wears all day and night
Complete her perfect image
Seeing Clarity is a stunning sight
100+ posts

Scratch Writing Camp Writing Sharing Thread (March 2022)

3.3 daily

ice cream flavors: midnight sky, coral reef, cherry explosion. - words from @mynameisleafshine

807 words (oop lol)

“Alicia!” Mom yelled.
With a big sigh, I stomped down the stairs. “What do you want now?”
“There's a new ice cream shop down the street! It's got amazing reviews. Would you like to come with me?”
My jaw dropped. She expected me to pretend like nothing had happened and go eat ice cream with her. “Whatever mom.”
She gave a half hearted smile. “Oh come on, it'll be fun!”
I rolled my eyes. “Fine. Lets go.”
She grabbed the car keys and her purse. “I'll pay,” She laughed.
I pushed past her, sitting in the back of the car, right in between the twins car seats. There were tons of crumbs and what I hoped weren't boogers back here, but I knew my mom. She would try to strike up a conversation and I really wasn't in the mood to talk to her. We sat in awkward silence as she played weird instrumental music on her fun.
“So, how's school? And you kn-”
“Mom, please. I'm not in the mood to talk.” I interrupted.
She nodded solemnly. “Of course.”
Finally, after what felt like a hundred hours, we arrived. The ice cream shop was so colorful and cheerful and bright that it hurt my eyes. Corny circus music was playing from ginormous speakers. Two mechanical penguins were dancing in front of the store. I cringed. I shouldn't have come.
Mom grinned and lead me inside. It was even worse on the inside. Kids were screaming, more mechanical penguins were singing, each wall had a different mural painted on it. Some murals were full of dancing animals, rainbows, and sparkles. One had unicorns eating ice cream and galloping over a pink ocean. Another wall had neon yellow aliens sitting around a purple campfire while eating s'mores and hot dogs. The last wall had a bunch of little kids holding hands with the mechanical penguins with ten bowls of ice cream balanced on their heads. I shuddered. This place was giving me the creeps for some reason.
“Howdy lady's! I'm Stewart, owner of this magical store. What would y'all like to order on this beautiful day.” The man at the counter said with a rich southern accent.
“We would like the Midnight Sky, Coral Reef, and Cherry Explosion please,” Mom told him.
“Ah, good choice. Those are my favorites,” Stewart replied, winking at Mom.
“Oh god.” I muttered.
An employee lead us to a table. “Your ice cream will be here soon!” They said.
“Hey look over there sweetie! It's Joshua!” Mom said, nudging my arm.
I looked over. Sure enough, he was standing at the counter, ordering ice cream. I gasped, fixing my hair and straightening the wrinkles in my shirt.
Mom giggled. “Teenage love. So cute. I remember when I first met your father. I had the biggest crush on him. But he was the football player and I was the nerd. So he didn't notice me until college. But I could give you some advice if you'd like!”
“Mom, I don't want to hear about your love life. It didn't work out anyways, didn't it. You and dad aren't together anymore. I probably shouldn't take your advice” I said, trying not to look at Joshua.
Mom flinched. “Yeah I suppose your right,” She replied, giving me an awkward laugh. “I'm gonna go head to the bathroom.” She said.
I scowled. I felt a little bad, but that felt good to say.
Joshua caught my eye and grinned. “Hey Alicia! They said to give this to you.” He said, handing me three cups of ice cream.
“Hi Joshua. What's up?” I replied.
He shrugged. “Eh not much. My mom dragged me to this cheesy place. Mind if I sit here?”
I nodded. “Mine dragged me here too. It's giving me the creeps.”
He laughed. “Ugh same. The ice cream actually is amazing though.”
I chucked. “Yeah right.”
“No seriously! Try the Midnight Sky. It's incredible!”
Hesitantly, I took a bite. My eyes widened. The flavors swirled in my mouth, tickling my throat. I gasped. “Oh my gosh! This is amazing!” I said, stuffing spoonfuls into my mouth.
Joshua chuckled. “It is! Hey Alicia.. uh.. Will you go to the Spring Fling with me?”
My spoon slipped from my grasp, clattering on the floor. “I'm sorry, what?”
“Oh, uh.. never mind. I knew that was stupid. Why would a girl like you ever go with a guy like me?” He said, awkwardly laughing.
I grinned. "For real? You want to go with me?
He looked me in the eyes. ”Uh.. yeah. I really like you Alicia.“
I smiled. ”So do I. I'd love to go to the dance with you!"
In the corner of my eye, I saw my mom watching us and smiling. I looked back over to Joshua. Maybe this place really was magical.

Last edited by scarIet-stars (March 3, 2022 17:43:47)

scarlet / mary <3
1000+ posts

Scratch Writing Camp Writing Sharing Thread (March 2022)

Fantasy Cabin Sparring
Words: 1006

One day, when the sun rose on Towname, a child decided to “borrow” a tow truck and tow away the sign that proclaimed Towname’s existence as a prank. This child did not want to have to “borrow” a tow truck and instead decided to go around asking adults in the town if they could use a tow truck.
This did not go over well, as the child could not drive.
After a long talk with their parents about how driving without a license is dangerous and illegal (which the child mostly ignored), the child turned to the second option of obtaining a tow truck: “borrowing”.
The two tow trucks the town owned were kept in a warehouse to the north of the town hall. After night, the child tried to sneak out of bed to get to a tow truck.
This did not go over well with the child’s parents, who did not want their child sneaking out of bed at night without them- and if the child told them why, their parents would definitely not approve of the cause.
The child did not know what to do until they realized that anyone could go to the warehouse in broad daylight. Then, they walked over to the warehouse, walked inside, and took a look at the two tow trucks.
Then, in their craftiest plan yet, they turned to Google. After a few hours of searching, they finally figured out how to operate a tow truck. They waited until nightfall to try, for the second time, to sneak out of their house and get a tow truck.
You can imagine that this did not go over well with their parents, who discovered this and decided that they were grounded for a week after doing something they were told not to do.
When the child headed to school, they were tired and annoyed that they did not seem to have any options. When they left school, they realized something. The school was north of the warehouse, so if the child remembered how to operate a tow truck, they could conceivably walk away and “borrow” the tow truck.
They only needed a few more things: a fishing line, a lot of marbles, a yardstick and a bucket. The first, third and fourth were easy enough to obtain. Their home’s garage had a fishing line, a yardstick, and a bucket in it, and so the child took them out and hid them under their bed.
The second item was more troublesome. While the child had an allowance, they could not spend it due to their previous plan getting them grounded for a week. After waiting for five more days, the child walked out to the general store south of their house and bought three bags of marbles.
They emptied all three bags into their bucket and stuffed everything into their backpack along with their lunchbox and textbooks. Their backpack was almost bursting, and they were positive that if anything else was put in there their backpack would explode and be only a few pieces of fabric, but they made do by taking out their textbooks and lunchbox for school.
After sitting through a numerous amount of boring classes, the child walked up to leave school and stuffed everything into their backpack once more. When they got to a reasonable distance from the warehouse, they took out their bucket, yardstick and fishing line and left their backpack just outside.
Then, they put their plan into action. Their first step was to break the window of the tow truck, and from then hope nobody noticed- if not, they would go to plan b.
The child raised their bucket over their head stuffed to the brim with marbles and slammed it against the window. The window cracked and shattered into little glass shards. The child tossed the yardstick, fishing line, and bucket through the window and into the truck and tried to climb in. Unfortunately for them, they were not wearing the right shoes for the job and slipped off. In anger, they took off their shoes and climbed in.
The second obstacle was the amount of glass shards, which made the child want their shoes back- which was exactly what the fishing hook was for. They very carefully reeled their shoes back in, at which point other people around the block began to notice.
The child was a very poor driver, and after a few false starts they drove out on the “borrowed” tow truck. Using the yardstick to control the pedals, they made their way to the sign and tossed their fishing hook out to yank out the sign (at which point they realized they didn’t need a tow truck) and began to drive away while also reeling in the line.
The sign strained for around half a minute, then snapped abruptly and sent the tow truck careening off. The child grabbed their supplies and tumbled out of the car, coming to a safe landing on a bed of grass while the tow truck continued on its path and fell down a canyon.
The child ran back to the town, where they were immediately taken into custody by the police for suspected theft of a tow truck. They were able to tow away the sign, but at the cost of a clean criminal record. Their parents grounded them for three months after they stole the tow truck, and so the fact that the town had no sign name was the only funny thing for said child during those three long months.
As the child grew up, they would earn a reputation for doing things supposed to be really hard to do, and they eventually founded the Ketchup-Wood-Tomato ice cream shop in Towname, in addition to publishing a book made of supposedly nonsense that somehow became very popular in Towname-
The child who grew up eventually became the both richest and most famous resident of Towname, and continued to scheme about how to prank the residents of Towname without doing something illegal.

Last edited by Peach_Drawing (March 6, 2022 16:50:59)

「 Procrastinator - Exhausted - Awkward - Chaotic - Human - Inconsistently Social
(peachi - she/they(/xey) - artist, camp tropiland co-host, writer)
81 posts

Scratch Writing Camp Writing Sharing Thread (March 2022)

3/32022 daily: Flavors: Cotton Candy , Honey comb crumble and Cinnamon Pie Crumble. Number of words: 506.

It was the beginning of summer break. Finally there would be no more school and no more homework for Willa. She had woken up at 9 am. She brushed her teeth and dressed on her stylish summer shirt with jean shorts. Willa rushed down stairs for breakfast. Her mom was sipping tea on a rocking chair while her dad was working on the computer. “Mother what about Breakfast?” Willa asked hungrily. “Porridge.” Was the reply. “Porridge?!? WHY MOTHER WHY?!?” Willa exclaimed indignantly. “Honey I don’t have much things to make a proper breakfast for you. After you finish your breakfast, you can go to the market and buy the groceries I need.” Answered her mother.

“Fine.” Grumbled Willa. Hastily she ate her porridge and her mother gave the list of groceries. It showed: “2 Tins of Peaches, Butter, Bread, Cinnamon, Apples, Eggs, Milk and Fresh Cream.” ‘What a lot of items.’ Thought Willa. “Here’s the money for buying the groceries. Don’t take long to get it.” Warned Mother. “Alright Mother.” Answered Willa. Willa took her wooden basket along. She said goodbye and ran to the Market. It was a hot summers’ day. Willa had become hot and sweaty after the running. She managed to get all the items from the groceries’ list. After the payment Willa walked out of the market and sat down at the bench.

“It’s so hot outside. I wonder if there’s an Ice cream parlor nearby.” Wondered hot and sweaty Willa. She looked around. Most of the ice cream parlors were shut. Except there was one which was called “Summer & Co.” This one was the only one which had not been shut. “Might as well go there to have ice cream.” She glanced. Willa walked over to the parlor. Once she entered, she could see a man of 70 sitting on a chair, reading a magazine. “Good morning Sir. May I have the menu please?” Asked Willa Politely. With surprise, the elderly man jumped up. “Oh Good morning missy. Sorry I hadn’t seen you earlier, I was reading an interesting magazine. “ Said the Old man. “Here you go.” He said passing the young customer a menu. Willa looked at it for a few minutes and then she chose the flavors. “I’d like a triple scoop ice cream please. The flavor of the scoops should be Cotton candy, honeycomb candy crumble and Crumbled Cinnamon Pie please.” She ordered.

The gentleman hastily scooped all the flavors Willa wanted and then he put it in a cone. “Here you go.” He said Handing the triple scoop Ice cream to the customer. “Thanks.” Said Willa and licked her ice cream. “How much is the payment Sir?” Asked Willa later. “It’s free child. I decided to give it for free as you were polite.” Replied the man. “Thank you very much! I better get back home now.” Exclaimed Willa. She said good bye and left. “What a lovely Lass she is. A kind soul.” Thought the old man as he got back to his magazine.

~Sitka ★
5 posts

Scratch Writing Camp Writing Sharing Thread (March 2022)

PeachyxMilk wrote:


So… I’m kinda new here but I guess this is my post for SWC March!
I did some writing for a competition that I don’t want to enter.. it’s 100 words..
Here it is:
(Oh and before I forget pls feel free to critique me)

Sitting in my Ivy-cloaked cave, I felt all of the anger and frustration rush to the tips of my fingers. People had to,d me never to use my sought after powers - but suddenly I felt the urge to use them, so without warning I ran out of my cave. Feeling hotness at the tips of my hands - I was in a trance - suddenly changing spells as I destroyed the fairy village of Zantrix in Mersartha woods. Soon reality washed over me and I realised what I’d done.

I did the daily! +378 words!
I jumped off the bus, saying thanks to the driver, and I set off on my way home. Passing the shopping street, I looked in the windows as I walked on. I saw the chemist’s medicine and the butcher’s meat, i turned left at the grocers and carried on towards the MicroPizza shop and cafe. But, where there was meant to be the separation of the Pizza place and Corner shop Cafe, the was another building. It was painted baby blue, pink and yellow, in stripes and looked like rock you get at the seaside, and in neat, bold writing it said Mystic’s Ice Parlour. I looked at the sandwich board outside and it said “ Try out 3 flavours of Ice Cream in one go!”. Obviously, being the person i am, i had to go inside and see the flavours. As i stepped in, the tinkling of a bell rung in the silence. There was an old lady sitting behind the counter with an apron in the same colours of the shop on. She had a name badge wich read “Mystic”. What an odd name, i thought as she gave me a lovely smile and her bright blue eyes sparkled. She asked me what flavours i wanted, so i studied the unit with the ice cream in. The three little signs said “ Flamingo Feel”, “Bat Biscuit” and “Axolotl Aroma”. I said “ Please may i have all three in one tub?”, and she replied “of course”. So, I got a tub of all three flavours for just 3 pound (I had kept some change in my blazer pocket for bake sales and things) and they tasted.. Quirky. It's strange, because each flavour was as if the animal itself had a flavour… if they did? The flamingo one was tropical, and reminded you of…. Well… that feeling of Flamingo. The Bat Biscuit was the same, but it tasted more chocolatey, and the Axolotl was just…. Axolotl….. But the strange thing is that they tasted AMAZING together, just AMAZING!!!
So after that escapade I went home, but when I walked to the bus stop again in the morning, the Parlour had completely disappeared! There was nothing but wall between the Pizza place and cafe… it was as if it never existed…!
100+ posts

Scratch Writing Camp Writing Sharing Thread (March 2022)

MC daily! (inspired by the flavors “Morning dew, campfire, and evening breeze”) 537 words

A gentle breeze blew into my face as I held the marshmallow stick into the fire, and I smiled.
Camping with my friends each year was always amazing. It was the same awesome thing every summer. We all would go camping together at the creek a few blocks away. It wasn't exactly camping, but that's what we called it. We'd get together every day for a week and roast marshmallows, go hiking, and more “camp activities.” It was because there never were any camps to go to, and since we were best friends, we just made our own camp. We even had a name for it: Camp Creek. After we were done, or simply tired, we'd go back to our houses and then do it again the next day.
It was the last day of Camp Creek for us, and I sadly would have to go home the next day. Like, home home. We were all on vacation, and we all happened to go to the same place every year, but we actually lived in very different places.
Anyway, I was sitting around the campfire with my friends (their names were Abbey, Sadie, and May, by the way). Abbey spoke up. “I'm sorry I didn't say this earlier, but… I don't think I'll be here next summer. Or the next, or the next, or the next.”
We all had different responses. I was purely shocked and surprised (and almost dropped my marshmallow into the fire), Sadie was confused, and May was sad.
“I'm sorry guys…” Abbey sighed. “My parents are deciding to… split up, and my dad doesn't want to go here, and since I'm living with my dad soon, I don't think I'll show up.”
“Oh.” I look down. Abbey was a really good friend. So were the others, but… Abbey was the first friend I made in this group, and I was closest with her. And I wasn't ready for her to leave yet.
There was an awkward silence. Abbey stood up. “Maybe I should go already.”
“Don't, please,” I said. “Not yet.”
She sat down. “Okay.”
May spoke up. “Abbey, I will miss you a lot. You've been a good friend.” Sadie nodded in agreement.
“Thanks, guys,” Abbey smiled. “Is it okay, though, if we just get back to talking…?”
And so we did. But I felt a little sad inside. I wish camp would never end. And then for the first time, I asked Abbey for her phone number. So we could keep in touch.
She was surprised. “I thought we weren't supposed to do that.”
I bit my lip. “I know, but if I'm never seeing you again…”
Abbey looked uncomfortable. “I mean, if you really want to.” She said her phone number and I made sure to write it down. I noticed May and Sadie writing it down too, and then I suddenly had the idea of a group chat instead of just texting Abbey. As long as we promised not to text each other over the summer (besides Abbey, of course).
The next day, I packed up and rode home, and pulled out my phone and added everybody. I had thought of a solution, and we were all happy now.

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