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Add the "Invite followers" button back to studios!

FuturePilot23 wrote:

I agree that followers bar should be re-added.

I have disliked this bar since I found out it existed. I have some followers who don't like being invited to studios, and I want to respect their wishes, but it's really hard to remember that. I found this to be a nice solution.

i would like to sincerely apologize for the above post.

i am stupid, weird, worthless, and in general a bad person but at least i am decent at platformers.
1000+ posts

Add the "Invite followers" button back to studios!

Queer_Royalty wrote:

FuturePilot23 wrote:

I agree that followers bar should be re-added.

I have disliked this bar since I found out it existed. I have some followers who don't like being invited to studios, and I want to respect their wishes, but it's really hard to remember that. I found this to be a nice solution.
I want back followers bar, but with a new feature: a list of Scratchers you can't invite. This could be a good solution.

(IT) Ciao! Mi chiamo Mattia, ho 12 anni e vivo in Sardegna! Mi piace realizzare videogiochi professionali e progetti fantastici su Scratch. Ricordati di seguirmi e di guardare i miei progetti, iscriviti anche al mio canale YouTube! Grazie!
(EN) Hi! I'm Mattia, I'm 12 and I live in Sardinia! I love making professional video games and awesome projects on Scratch. Remember to follow me and watch my projects, subscribe to my YouTube channel too! Thank you!
1000+ posts

Add the "Invite followers" button back to studios!

D-ScratchNinja wrote:

It looks like this suggestion is a duplicate of this one.
This topic is actually more active, so it might get merged.

do y'all know what time of year it is? also use shift+down to scroll
GIVE AN INTERNET so i can feed my family

“if on edge, bounce” block visualization

oh, so you drink water?
describe the flavor without using the word “water”
1000+ posts

Add the "Invite followers" button back to studios!

I'm supporting just because it was a feature that some people used and got removed for now apparent reason.
41 posts

Add the "Invite followers" button back to studios!

Reev0102 wrote:

No support. You invite a Scratcher to a studio because you think they make projects that fit the theme of the studio, not because they are following you.
I 100% agree. People are caring so much about followers

Hey there! I'm @windows9000jb and I enjoy making games, operating systems, and fun little programs! I'm working on Level Editor, a sort of sandbox game, and a CTrain simulator (Calgary, Canada)!
Level Editor: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/562369467/

1000+ posts

Add the "Invite followers" button back to studios!

Reev0102 wrote:

No support. You invite a Scratcher to a studio because you think they make projects that fit the theme of the studio, not because they are following you.
And the studios that don't have a theme?

do y'all know what time of year it is? also use shift+down to scroll
GIVE AN INTERNET so i can feed my family

“if on edge, bounce” block visualization

oh, so you drink water?
describe the flavor without using the word “water”
1000+ posts

Add the "Invite followers" button back to studios!

ScratchCat1038 wrote:

Reev0102 wrote:

No support. You invite a Scratcher to a studio because you think they make projects that fit the theme of the studio, not because they are following you.
And the studios that don't have a theme?
When someone asks to be a curator in the comments; invite them.

i would like to sincerely apologize for the above post.

i am stupid, weird, worthless, and in general a bad person but at least i am decent at platformers.
71 posts

Add the "Invite followers" button back to studios!

Reev0102 wrote:

DJUmbreon2 wrote:

Reev0102 wrote:

No support. You invite a Scratcher to a studio because you think they make projects that fit the theme of the studio, not because they are following you.
Wut if you are posting an announcement
If you post a project, it shows up in your followers' “What's Happening” section on the main page.
But wut if someone is following a lot of people so they don't see the announcement

Last edited by wrenchythewrench123 (July 12, 2021 16:51:14)

Game Maker since 2020
Formerly named imear234
Join Date (Former Account) - Oct 24 2018
Join Date (Current Account) - Apr 5 2020
1000+ posts

Add the "Invite followers" button back to studios!

wrenchythewrench123 wrote:

Reev0102 wrote:

DJUmbreon2 wrote:

Reev0102 wrote:

No support. You invite a Scratcher to a studio because you think they make projects that fit the theme of the studio, not because they are following you.
Wut if you are posting an announcement
If you post a project, it shows up in your followers' “What's Happening” section on the main page.
But wut if someone is following a lot of people so they don't see the announcement
Then they need to stop following a lot of people

1000+ posts

Add the "Invite followers" button back to studios!

wrenchythewrench123 wrote:

US-Systems wrote:

Hi everyone! I'm writing this topic for ask to restore “Followers” bar in the Curators tab in the galleries. I think ST removed this without reason, but I think that “Followers” bar is a good feature for Scratch website. Thanks!
:O Download [Removed]! They updated it so you can get old studios back!
please don't name browser extensions

Last edited by wvj (July 15, 2021 11:54:43)

1000+ posts

Add the "Invite followers" button back to studios!

Coolbe22 wrote:

I agree!!!!
1. please say why you agree
2. it's called support
71 posts

Add the "Invite followers" button back to studios!

wvj wrote:

wrenchythewrench123 wrote:

US-Systems wrote:

Hi everyone! I'm writing this topic for ask to restore “Followers” bar in the Curators tab in the galleries. I think ST removed this without reason, but I think that “Followers” bar is a good feature for Scratch website. Thanks!
:O Download [Removed]! They updated it so you can get old studios back!
please don't name browser extensions

Game Maker since 2020
Formerly named imear234
Join Date (Former Account) - Oct 24 2018
Join Date (Current Account) - Apr 5 2020
16 posts

Add the "Invite followers" button back to studios!

Coolbe22 wrote:

Hello scratchers / ST. There was recently an update to the studio system and it looks amazing, but there is one problem. I can only invite curators by username now. I used to be able to click the “Invite followers” button and easily invite my followers to a studio, but now have to invite them one by one by username, which takes forever! (Especially considering I have over 4,800+ followers) Again the new studio update was great, but please consider adding the “Invite followers” button back to studios. Thanks and stay cool! -Coolbe22

EDIT: I agree with not having an “Invite ALL followers button”, but having the “Invite followers button” is very useful. It makes inviting people WAY easier. I use it to invite followers to my fanclub, notify followers of new projects, and lots of other small things. If someone is following you, they should want to see your content. There is a “What's happening” in the front page, but it is VERY small and if your following lots of people it doesn't really help.
fr, i just don't want to have to go back and forth to memorize my followers' usernames so i can add them to my studio. it's so annoying.

thank u,
next <3
100+ posts

Add the "Invite followers" button back to studios!

Coolbe22 wrote:

I agree with not having an “Invite ALL followers button”, but having the “Invite followers button” is very useful. It makes inviting people WAY easier. I use it to invite followers to my fanclub, notify followers of new projects, and lots of other small things. If someone is following you, they should want to see your content. There is a “What's happening” in the front page, but it is VERY small and if your following lots of people it doesn't really help.

Very much agreed. As someone with a lot of followers, some of them aren't active when I am and they are active while I sleep. Studios can notify people about life way easier since there is more space in studio descriptions than project descriptions or comments. Also, we also need studios to invite friends so you can collab with them. Some of my friends have complex usernames, I don't like copy and pasting them in all the time, and 90% of the time, your friend is one of your followers, so you can simply go to them in the “invite followers” tab and click and you're done.

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1 post

Add the "Invite followers" button back to studios!

I support. As for the studio update I don’t exactly mind it - I could get used to it. All the changes have reasons, even if they’re ridiculous to some users. But why remove the invite followers option? It’s ridiculously annoying to go back, copy someone’s username, go to the studio page and paste it in. It will be really hard for famous scratchers, they would have to repeat the process one thousand or more times. There’s really no reason for removing it.
100+ posts

Add the "Invite followers" button back to studios!

Please do it by username.

Play Coin Clicker
100+ posts

Add the "Invite followers" button back to studios!

I 100% agree but what would it look like?, Would it be a button like this
Would it be the bar that we are used to?, Like this

Or whould it be a popup bit with your followers and the people you are following, Would it look like this

Thanks, just wondering about those things

But still 100% support as it makes it eaier to make fan studios


14 posts

Add the "Invite followers" button back to studios!

Coolbe22 wrote:

I agree with not having an “Invite ALL followers button”, but having the “Invite followers button” is very useful. It makes inviting people WAY easier. I use it to invite followers to my fanclub, notify followers of new projects, and lots of other small things. If someone is following you, they should want to see your content. There is a “What's happening” in the front page, but it is VERY small and if your following lots of people it doesn't really help.
agreed it was very useful with an invite followers button, if people don't want studio spam they just need to unfollow you so it is not very helpful removing that mechanism.

totally not crying in the corner of my room
1000+ posts

Add the "Invite followers" button back to studios!

Support. This would make inviting people a lot easier.

Be moist


14 posts

Add the "Invite followers" button back to studios!

Reev0102 wrote:

No support. You invite a Scratcher to a studio because you think they make projects that fit the theme of the studio, not because they are following you.
yes, sometimes that is the case, but alot of people invite their followers for an occasion they want to share, rps, etc. it would be very hard if we couldn't haave an invite followers mechanism

totally not crying in the corner of my room

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