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24 posts

Add the "Invite followers" button back to studios!

Hello scratchers / ST. There was recently an update to the studio system and it looks amazing, but there is one problem. I can only invite curators by username now. I used to be able to click the “Invite followers” button and easily invite my followers to a studio, but now have to invite them one by one by username, which takes forever! (Especially considering I have over 4,800+ followers) Again the new studio update was great, but please consider adding the “Invite followers” button back to studios. Thanks and stay cool! -Coolbe22

EDIT: I agree with not having an “Invite ALL followers button”, but having the “Invite followers button” is very useful. It makes inviting people WAY easier. I use it to invite followers to my fanclub, notify followers of new projects, and lots of other small things. If someone is following you, they should want to see your content. There is a “What's happening” in the front page, but it is VERY small and if your following lots of people it doesn't really help.

Last edited by Coolbe22 (July 6, 2021 17:57:28)

1000+ posts

Add the "Invite followers" button back to studios!


Last edited by dertermenter (July 6, 2021 16:44:46)

The2000 wrote:

All suggestions are unnecessary. If a suggestion is necessary then it's a bug report.

dertermenter wrote:

April Fools Day on the forums has been a repeated privilege, not an expectation
1000+ posts

Add the "Invite followers" button back to studios!

Studios aren't meant as a way to notify all your followers about something. This is actually one of the few changes in the update I agree with.

This is Maximouse's signature. Learn more about signatures.
28 posts

Add the "Invite followers" button back to studios!

rm 09/07/2021 by @L_of_republic ; i now support

Last edited by L_of_republic (July 9, 2021 21:02:13)

it is lje
i am the https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/30000000/ guy
10 posts

Add the "Invite followers" button back to studios!

Coolbe22 wrote:

Hello scratchers / ST. There was recently an update to the studio system and it looks amazing, but there is one problem. I can only invite curators by username now. I used to be able to click the “Invite followers” button and easily invite my followers to a studio, but now have to invite them one by one by username, which takes forever! (Especially considering I have over 4,800+ followers) Again the new studio update was great, but please consider adding the “Invite followers” button back to studios. Thanks and stay cool! -Coolbe22

As well as that, Comment threads can only be up to 25 replies long (Which kills RPGs) Studios can not have more than 40 managers (bad for really huge studios/chatrooms) and Managers can not edit the title, thumbnail, or descriptions of studios (which basically makes their role pointless.)
1000+ posts

Add the "Invite followers" button back to studios!

If you mean the invite followers bar at the bottom of the screen then someone already suggested it
If you mean a button to invite all of your followers then:

A Scratch Team member wrote:

5.2 “Invite all followers” button for studios
This feature existed in Scratch 2.0, but it was an extremely easy way for one user to create lots of notification spam for other users, most of which was unwanted. By removing this feature, users are forced to work a little bit to invite a large number of users.
1000+ posts

Add the "Invite followers" button back to studios!

dhuls wrote:

If you mean the invite followers bar at the bottom of the screen then someone already suggested it
Do you have a link?

This is Maximouse's signature. Learn more about signatures.
44 posts

Add the "Invite followers" button back to studios!


Check out Sonic Dungeons, the best game ever made! https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/559341786/
Sonic Dungeons OST: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/847315699/

My name is not to insult, as potatoes are very good! I can't change my username now.
24 posts

Add the "Invite followers" button back to studios!

I agree with not having an “Invite ALL followers button”, but having the “Invite followers button” is very useful. It makes inviting people WAY easier. I use it to invite followers to my fanclub, notify followers of new projects, and lots of other small things. If someone is following you, they should want to see your content. There is a “What's happening” in the front page, but it is VERY small and if your following lots of people it doesn't really help.
100+ posts

Add the "Invite followers" button back to studios!

Support! When you follow somebody, it's (usually) for the purpose of wanting to know what they're up to, or because you like their projects. You should be able to invite your followers to studios because they've expressed an interest in what you've been creating. Studios are used or collabs, inviting people to maps, or inviting people to contests. They're not just for updates.

It also helps encourage Scratchers to only follow people they actually want to hear from. If you keep getting excessive studio invites from a person, you can just unfollow them.
1000+ posts

Add the "Invite followers" button back to studios!

I don't generally invite followers to my themed studios, and I don't have any studios made for my followers, and I don't really consider inviting my followers for no reason, so I have actually never used this feature before, simply put, the themed studios are the least affected by this as people usually ask to join, so that could be why Scratch didn't add it for the new update, the themed studios are one of the encouraged kinds of studios, and possibly what they were made for.

Also, Scratch said:
First, we hear you that the comment limit has made it difficult for text-based roleplayers to have long and drawn out conversations. The original, and current, intention of studios was for them to be a space where Scratchers can comment and collaborate on projects that share a common theme. We are aware that many people have used studios for a variety of purposes other than sharing and collaborating on projects, and that text-based roleplaying is one of those things. That’s always been okay so long as the activities follow the Community Guidelines. However, we can’t make decisions about Scratch features based on how they will impact text-based roleplaying. The changes to comment thread limits are meant to make studios of all themes have conversations involving all members of the studios stay near the top of studios, and that’s unfortunately at odds with the way text-based roleplayers use comment threads.
So I'm guessing they didn't add the followers bar to the new studio pages for a similar reason.

Last edited by D-ScratchNinja (July 9, 2021 19:13:30)

D-ScratchNinja • he/him
- The following is my signature, which always shows up below my posts. -

New! Filter through my projects with my website.

Need to fix an issue? Check out this studio for solutions to some common problems!

OS: Windows 11 / Browser: Microsoft Edge / Time zone: PST/PDT
100+ posts

Add the "Invite followers" button back to studios!

Coolbe22 wrote:

Hello scratchers / ST. There was recently an update to the studio system and it looks amazing, but there is one problem. I can only invite curators by username now. I used to be able to click the “Invite followers” button and easily invite my followers to a studio, but now have to invite them one by one by username, which takes forever! (Especially considering I have over 4,800+ followers) Again the new studio update was great, but please consider adding the “Invite followers” button back to studios. Thanks and stay cool! -Coolbe22

EDIT: I agree with not having an “Invite ALL followers button”, but having the “Invite followers button” is very useful. It makes inviting people WAY easier. I use it to invite followers to my fanclub, notify followers of new projects, and lots of other small things. If someone is following you, they should want to see your content. There is a “What's happening” in the front page, but it is VERY small and if your following lots of people it doesn't really help.
I Agree

Games - Animations - Art
1000+ posts

Add the "Invite followers" button back to studios!

Hi everyone! I'm writing this topic for ask to restore “Followers” bar in the Curators tab in the galleries. I think ST removed this without reason, but I think that “Followers” bar is a good feature for Scratch website. Thanks!

Last edited by US-Systems (July 8, 2021 13:47:36)

(IT) Ciao! Mi chiamo Mattia, ho 12 anni e vivo in Sardegna! Mi piace realizzare videogiochi professionali e progetti fantastici su Scratch. Ricordati di seguirmi e di guardare i miei progetti, iscriviti anche al mio canale YouTube! Grazie!
(EN) Hi! I'm Mattia, I'm 12 and I live in Sardinia! I love making professional video games and awesome projects on Scratch. Remember to follow me and watch my projects, subscribe to my YouTube channel too! Thank you!
1000+ posts

Add the "Invite followers" button back to studios!


(IT) Ciao! Mi chiamo Mattia, ho 12 anni e vivo in Sardegna! Mi piace realizzare videogiochi professionali e progetti fantastici su Scratch. Ricordati di seguirmi e di guardare i miei progetti, iscriviti anche al mio canale YouTube! Grazie!
(EN) Hi! I'm Mattia, I'm 12 and I live in Sardinia! I love making professional video games and awesome projects on Scratch. Remember to follow me and watch my projects, subscribe to my YouTube channel too! Thank you!
1000+ posts

Add the "Invite followers" button back to studios!


(IT) Ciao! Mi chiamo Mattia, ho 12 anni e vivo in Sardegna! Mi piace realizzare videogiochi professionali e progetti fantastici su Scratch. Ricordati di seguirmi e di guardare i miei progetti, iscriviti anche al mio canale YouTube! Grazie!
(EN) Hi! I'm Mattia, I'm 12 and I live in Sardinia! I love making professional video games and awesome projects on Scratch. Remember to follow me and watch my projects, subscribe to my YouTube channel too! Thank you!
1000+ posts

Add the "Invite followers" button back to studios!

lNFP wrote:


Don't spam please.

Last edited by US-Systems (July 8, 2021 13:52:19)

(IT) Ciao! Mi chiamo Mattia, ho 12 anni e vivo in Sardegna! Mi piace realizzare videogiochi professionali e progetti fantastici su Scratch. Ricordati di seguirmi e di guardare i miei progetti, iscriviti anche al mio canale YouTube! Grazie!
(EN) Hi! I'm Mattia, I'm 12 and I live in Sardinia! I love making professional video games and awesome projects on Scratch. Remember to follow me and watch my projects, subscribe to my YouTube channel too! Thank you!
1000+ posts

Add the "Invite followers" button back to studios!

lNFP wrote:

US-Systems wrote:

lNFP wrote:


Don't spam please.

Last edited by US-Systems (July 8, 2021 13:55:41)

(IT) Ciao! Mi chiamo Mattia, ho 12 anni e vivo in Sardegna! Mi piace realizzare videogiochi professionali e progetti fantastici su Scratch. Ricordati di seguirmi e di guardare i miei progetti, iscriviti anche al mio canale YouTube! Grazie!
(EN) Hi! I'm Mattia, I'm 12 and I live in Sardinia! I love making professional video games and awesome projects on Scratch. Remember to follow me and watch my projects, subscribe to my YouTube channel too! Thank you!
24 posts

Add the "Invite followers" button back to studios!

I agree!!!!
1000+ posts

Add the "Invite followers" button back to studios!


(IT) Ciao! Mi chiamo Mattia, ho 12 anni e vivo in Sardegna! Mi piace realizzare videogiochi professionali e progetti fantastici su Scratch. Ricordati di seguirmi e di guardare i miei progetti, iscriviti anche al mio canale YouTube! Grazie!
(EN) Hi! I'm Mattia, I'm 12 and I live in Sardinia! I love making professional video games and awesome projects on Scratch. Remember to follow me and watch my projects, subscribe to my YouTube channel too! Thank you!
100+ posts

Add the "Invite followers" button back to studios!

No support, before the Great Studio Update, they never showed the curator's followers. Also, if they did, the numbers would take up too much space and annoying.

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