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⁂The Night Wolf / OPEN!!! COME HERE!!! WE'RE BACK!!! / 10/10 Quality & Speed! / New Products! NOW: Animation and photo editing!⁂

Lily-Lavender wrote:

Albraa60 wrote:

The shop has reopened, back to the glory days we go!
Reopening plan
-1 Apply at 1 shop at least for training (everybody)
-2 Advertise on various profiles about the shop (everybody)
-3 Make a deal with 2000+ views shop about marketing
-4 Add marketing roles in staff (everybody)
-5 Schedule the staff and add shifts (everybody)
-6 Label the ‘Pages’ code to make easier to read
-7 Advertise on various profiles about applying for staff (everybody)
-8 Make contests for the staff to compete in
-9 Make staff vote on firing a member (everybody)
Please give me feedback on which step you didn't like, and wish to remove.
The stuff with (everybody) on it, you need to do it, the ones with nothing are for the owner, me.

Could I ask what exactly you mean by 1?

Edit: I mean Plan Step 1

Also for shifts, I am free Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, at 16:30 to 19:00 BST/GMT (an estimate, because I am starting high school, and I don’t know how much homework I’ll be getting) and Saturday, Sunday, on and off
What the…this is weird, a middle schooler (aka: me) is a boss for a high schooler?!
Anyway, what i meant with step 1 is: go apply in a random shop and work there for at least 1 week to do a little bit of training, it's been a while since i made a banner, that's why i've made this step

Albraa60 is not here for you; he left the forums.

1000+ posts

⁂The Night Wolf / OPEN!!! COME HERE!!! WE'RE BACK!!! / 10/10 Quality & Speed! / New Products! NOW: Animation and photo editing!⁂


Albraa60 is not here for you; he left the forums.

500+ posts

⁂The Night Wolf / OPEN!!! COME HERE!!! WE'RE BACK!!! / 10/10 Quality & Speed! / New Products! NOW: Animation and photo editing!⁂

Hi @Albraa60,
I know that both The Night Wolf and The Night Wolf 2.0 were members of the USS and SCA. Now that you´ve reopened the original Night Wolf, do you want to become a member?

If you own a shop, think about joining the USS or SCA!

IMPORTANT: This siggy is getting interrupted because I lost my glasses. (Credit to @Chiroyce for the interruption´s BBCode)
Please set a status at Ocular by clicking the below image, to make @Jeffalo happy! #OcularStatusesTo5k
Interruption BBCode:
Please set a status at [url=https://ocular.jeffalo.net/?utm_campaign=Scratch%20signature%20link%20in%20<yourusername>%27s%20signature]Ocular[/url] by clicking the below image, to make [url=https://scratch.mit.edu/users/Jeffalo]@Jeffalo[/url] happy! #OcularStatusesTo2k :D
Kumquat slept in thy signature on Scratch. Kumquat openest thy place under your post
1000+ posts

⁂The Night Wolf / OPEN!!! COME HERE!!! WE'RE BACK!!! / 10/10 Quality & Speed! / New Products! NOW: Animation and photo editing!⁂



Check out qhatushoop!
“Like Photoshop for your words.”
1000+ posts

⁂The Night Wolf / OPEN!!! COME HERE!!! WE'RE BACK!!! / 10/10 Quality & Speed! / New Products! NOW: Animation and photo editing!⁂

misaPuding wrote:

Hi @Albraa60,
I know that both The Night Wolf and The Night Wolf 2.0 were members of the USS and SCA. Now that you´ve reopened the original Night Wolf, do you want to become a member?

Albraa60 is not here for you; he left the forums.

500+ posts

⁂The Night Wolf / OPEN!!! COME HERE!!! WE'RE BACK!!! / 10/10 Quality & Speed! / New Products! NOW: Animation and photo editing!⁂

Albraa60 wrote:

misaPuding wrote:

Hi @Albraa60,
I know that both The Night Wolf and The Night Wolf 2.0 were members of the USS and SCA. Now that you´ve reopened the original Night Wolf, do you want to become a member?

If you own a shop, think about joining the USS or SCA!

IMPORTANT: This siggy is getting interrupted because I lost my glasses. (Credit to @Chiroyce for the interruption´s BBCode)
Please set a status at Ocular by clicking the below image, to make @Jeffalo happy! #OcularStatusesTo5k
Interruption BBCode:
Please set a status at [url=https://ocular.jeffalo.net/?utm_campaign=Scratch%20signature%20link%20in%20<yourusername>%27s%20signature]Ocular[/url] by clicking the below image, to make [url=https://scratch.mit.edu/users/Jeffalo]@Jeffalo[/url] happy! #OcularStatusesTo2k :D
Kumquat slept in thy signature on Scratch. Kumquat openest thy place under your post
1000+ posts

⁂The Night Wolf / OPEN!!! COME HERE!!! WE'RE BACK!!! / 10/10 Quality & Speed! / New Products! NOW: Animation and photo editing!⁂

Kitkatz6040 wrote:

Well, you did not disappoint me, by coming back online.

Albraa60 is not here for you; he left the forums.

1000+ posts

⁂The Night Wolf / OPEN!!! COME HERE!!! WE'RE BACK!!! / 10/10 Quality & Speed! / New Products! NOW: Animation and photo editing!⁂

Albraa60 wrote:

What the…this is weird, a middle schooler (aka: me) is a boss for a high schooler?!
Anyway, what i meant with step 1 is: go apply in a random shop and work there for at least 1 week to do a little bit of training, it's been a while since i made a banner, that's why i've made this step

oki I will do that
1000+ posts

⁂The Night Wolf / OPEN!!! COME HERE!!! WE'RE BACK!!! / 10/10 Quality & Speed! / New Products! NOW: Animation and photo editing!⁂


Albraa60 is not here for you; he left the forums.

1000+ posts

⁂The Night Wolf / OPEN!!! COME HERE!!! WE'RE BACK!!! / 10/10 Quality & Speed! / New Products! NOW: Animation and photo editing!⁂

Albraa60 wrote:

What the…this is weird, a middle schooler (aka: me) is a boss for a high schooler?!

oh if there's middle school where you live, then I'm a middle schooler, i'm 11, but here its called high school
1000+ posts

⁂The Night Wolf / OPEN!!! COME HERE!!! WE'RE BACK!!! / 10/10 Quality & Speed! / New Products! NOW: Animation and photo editing!⁂

Lily-Lavender wrote:

Albraa60 wrote:

What the…this is weird, a middle schooler (aka: me) is a boss for a high schooler?!

oh if there's middle school where you live, then I'm a middle schooler, i'm 11, but here its called high school
lol that's weird, im older than you and its still middle school

i cannot find this cool topic pleeease help… Don't worry, Ocular has you covered! also, please set a status!

if you can't see the “cubuplod is werk” banner then cubeupload is down.
((get dodged lol:: operators)(https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/488605725/:: pen):: motion)
1000+ posts

⁂The Night Wolf / OPEN!!! COME HERE!!! WE'RE BACK!!! / 10/10 Quality & Speed! / New Products! NOW: Animation and photo editing!⁂

airplanedodge wrote:

Lily-Lavender wrote:

Albraa60 wrote:

What the…this is weird, a middle schooler (aka: me) is a boss for a high schooler?!

oh if there's middle school where you live, then I'm a middle schooler, i'm 11, but here its called high school
lol that's weird, im older than you and its still middle school

I’m starting Year 7 today
1000+ posts

⁂The Night Wolf / OPEN!!! COME HERE!!! WE'RE BACK!!! / 10/10 Quality & Speed! / New Products! NOW: Animation and photo editing!⁂

Lily-Lavender wrote:

Albraa60 wrote:

What the…this is weird, a middle schooler (aka: me) is a boss for a high schooler?!

oh if there's middle school where you live, then I'm a middle schooler, i'm 11, but here its called high school

Albraa60 is not here for you; he left the forums.

1000+ posts

⁂The Night Wolf / OPEN!!! COME HERE!!! WE'RE BACK!!! / 10/10 Quality & Speed! / New Products! NOW: Animation and photo editing!⁂

Albraa60 wrote:

When you find out Part 2 of Caves and Cliffs isn't coming until December:

Also why is Ro still in there?

Last edited by Kitkatz6040 (Sept. 7, 2021 12:54:00)


Check out qhatushoop!
“Like Photoshop for your words.”
1000+ posts

⁂The Night Wolf / OPEN!!! COME HERE!!! WE'RE BACK!!! / 10/10 Quality & Speed! / New Products! NOW: Animation and photo editing!⁂

Kitkatz6040 wrote:

Albraa60 wrote:

When you find out Part 2 of Caves and Cliffs isn't coming until December:

Also why is Ro still in there?
Who's Ro…
also, do you know joe?

Last edited by Albraa60 (Sept. 7, 2021 13:45:58)

Albraa60 is not here for you; he left the forums.

1000+ posts

⁂The Night Wolf / OPEN!!! COME HERE!!! WE'RE BACK!!! / 10/10 Quality & Speed! / New Products! NOW: Animation and photo editing!⁂

uh what

~ Use highlight + ctrl + shift +down ~

Historic Stuff:
Potato Shop
& Lightning Studios 3.0
Also the SCA siggy button (design) was made by incompletesentenc-
100+ posts

⁂The Night Wolf / OPEN!!! COME HERE!!! WE'RE BACK!!! / 10/10 Quality & Speed! / New Products! NOW: Animation and photo editing!⁂

What do you need? (art or banner , code , etc): Profile picture.
Description (colors, images, text etc.): The human-cat character from this project doing a “nyah” pose (hands raised to about the ears with palms in front and open, with a :3 face.) Whether or not you want to do an original illustration for it or just use the existing sprite as a base is up to you.
Size(in pixels please) : 500px by 500px (the resolution of Scratch profile pictures)
Due date : N/A, I would obviously prefer it soon-ish but you're welcome to take your time. It isn't life or death.
Who do you want to do your order? (optional): N/A
Are you following this thread? (optional): No. I would seriously prefer you notify me via comments if/when the order is done because it's easy for stuff to get lost in big threads like this.
1000+ posts

⁂The Night Wolf / OPEN!!! COME HERE!!! WE'RE BACK!!! / 10/10 Quality & Speed! / New Products! NOW: Animation and photo editing!⁂

StillTalksInBlocks wrote:

What do you need? (art or banner , code , etc): Profile picture.
Description (colors, images, text etc.): The human-cat character from this project doing a “nyah” pose (hands raised to about the ears with palms in front and open, with a :3 face.) Whether or not you want to do an original illustration for it or just use the existing sprite as a base is up to you.
Size(in pixels please) : 500px by 500px (the resolution of Scratch profile pictures)
Due date : N/A, I would obviously prefer it soon-ish but you're welcome to take your time. It isn't life or death.
Who do you want to do your order? (optional): N/A
Are you following this thread? (optional): No. I would seriously prefer you notify me via comments if/when the order is done because it's easy for stuff to get lost in big threads like this.
I'm taking this, based on the customer's needs, I can safely call this order ‘hell’

Albraa60 is not here for you; he left the forums.

1000+ posts

⁂The Night Wolf / OPEN!!! COME HERE!!! WE'RE BACK!!! / 10/10 Quality & Speed! / New Products! NOW: Animation and photo editing!⁂

Also, anyone want a free painting i just made in 10 minutes? It's called “Squidward in debt”

Last edited by Albraa60 (Sept. 9, 2021 08:21:46)

Albraa60 is not here for you; he left the forums.

1000+ posts

⁂The Night Wolf / OPEN!!! COME HERE!!! WE'RE BACK!!! / 10/10 Quality & Speed! / New Products! NOW: Animation and photo editing!⁂

Albraa60 wrote:

Also, anyone want a free painting i just made in 10 minutes? It's called “Squidward in debt”
Sounds hilarious.


Check out qhatushoop!
“Like Photoshop for your words.”
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  • » ⁂The Night Wolf / OPEN!!! COME HERE!!! WE'RE BACK!!! / 10/10 Quality & Speed! / New Products! NOW: Animation and photo editing!⁂ [RSS Feed]

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