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Leopard: Edit Scratch projects as JavaScript code

Hey I uploaded this project: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/686612887/
but when I converted it to JavaScript a button that was supposed to do something didn't work even though it did on scratch. Can you help?

Here's the javascript version: https://croq5s.csb.app/

Last edited by Time-lapse-studios (Aug. 11, 2022 05:08:56)

3 posts

Leopard: Edit Scratch projects as JavaScript code

hi, I have this project, but it also gives an Argument sandboxId for data.sandboxId is missing. error.
send help pls, what's going wrong?

here's the project link if you're curious: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/722167498/

Last edited by cyAn_5648 (Aug. 16, 2022 05:40:32)

9 posts

Leopard: Edit Scratch projects as JavaScript code

I put in https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/721027674/
and result was
Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘0’)

Last edited by Do_not_create (Aug. 16, 2022 06:59:26)

1 post

Leopard: Edit Scratch projects as JavaScript code

This leopard converter is really cool! I am trying to learn more JavaScript with the manual translations page but I noticed that there was no translation available for a cloud variable. (Link) I also noticed that fixing this issue is not on the upcoming improvements list. What alternative methods are there for simple data transfer across the cloud in JavaScript? (Suppose I have a variable called “variable” and I want it to be set equal to 12 on all devices on a website. How would I do that?)
500+ posts

Leopard: Edit Scratch projects as JavaScript code

WesleyMcGinnOpen in Ocular wrote:

This leopard converter is really cool! I am trying to learn more JavaScript with the manual translations page but I noticed that there was no translation available for a cloud variable. (Link) I also noticed that fixing this issue is not on the upcoming improvements list. What alternative methods are there for simple data transfer across the cloud in JavaScript? (Suppose I have a variable called “variable” and I want it to be set equal to 12 on all devices on a website. How would I do that?)
That's actually a lot more complicated than you think. You need a server in order to use cloud variables. I'd suggest that you don't worry about it.

Hi, I'm ego-lay_atman-bay. Please check out these projects.
500+ posts

Leopard: Edit Scratch projects as JavaScript code

ego-lay_atman-bay wrote:

WesleyMcGinnOpen in Ocular wrote:

This leopard converter is really cool! I am trying to learn more JavaScript with the manual translations page but I noticed that there was no translation available for a cloud variable. (Link) I also noticed that fixing this issue is not on the upcoming improvements list. What alternative methods are there for simple data transfer across the cloud in JavaScript? (Suppose I have a variable called “variable” and I want it to be set equal to 12 on all devices on a website. How would I do that?)
That's actually a lot more complicated than you think. You need a server in order to use cloud variables. I'd suggest that you don't worry about it.

WesleyMcGinn wrote:

This leopard converter is really cool! I am trying to learn more JavaScript with the manual translations page but I noticed that there was no translation available for a cloud variable. (Link) I also noticed that fixing this issue is not on the upcoming improvements list. What alternative methods are there for simple data transfer across the cloud in JavaScript? (Suppose I have a variable called “variable” and I want it to be set equal to 12 on all devices on a website. How would I do that?)
You should learn about the various protocols that power the internet. Here are the main ones that you would care about in your use case:
  • HTTP (wikipedia)
    HTTP is a way for the server (the thing that keeps track of state across different computers) to communicate with the client (who requests state and updates it). It's on the beginning of every single URL (or at least most, discussed later) you visit: https/www.google.com (the “s” stands for secure, meaning the connection is encrypted). There are a couple widely used versions, but all of them share a common plain-text base request/response format:
    Example Request (annotations marked with //)
    POST /myform HTTP/1.1        // Start line (using HTTP 1.1, POSTing to http://localhost:8000/myform)
    Host: localhost:8000 // Start headers
    User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh). Firefox/51.0
    Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,*/*;q=0.8 Accept-Language: en-US,en;q-0.5
    Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
    Connection: keep-alive
    Upgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1
    Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=-12656974
    Content-Length: 345 // End headers
    // Empty line
    -12656974 // Content body (using boundary between multipart data as -12656974)
    Datadatadata // Content body
    Example response:
    HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden
    Content-Type: text/html; charset-iso-8859-1
    Date: Wed, 10 Aug 2016 09:23:25 GMT Keep-Alive: timeout-5, max-1000 Connection: Keep-Alive
    Age: 3464
    Date: Wed, 10 Aug 2016 09:46:25 GMT
    X-Cache-Info: caching
    Content-Length: 220

    (more data)
    (from MDN web docs - link)
    So basically, every webpage uses this format to send and receive information, even when you don't reload the page, via AJAX. Of course, under the hood, all of this is being sent in sockets and encoded in binary, but you shouldn't care about that.
    However, you are asking for super-fast response times, something HTTP is not good at. So, you're going to have to use another protocol, which keeps a connection open for a long time to send information fast in the lifetime of the page.
  • WebSocket
    WebSockets are slightly lower-level, but thankfully (or not!) JavaScript has a nice wrapper around them. This is how the Scratch website sends cloud vars, through a websocket to wss/clouddata.scratch.mit.edu/ (note the different protocol, WSS = web socket secure). It uses up-down information handling (comments with //):
    ↑ {"method":"handshake","user":"ZZC12345","project_id":"--redacted--"} // Handshake: initial values are passed like user, project id
    ↑ {"method":"create","user":"ZZC12345","project_id":"--redacted--","name":"☁ test","value":0} // I created a cloud variable!
    ↓ {"method":"ack","name":"☁ test","reply":"OK"} // Scratch's server responded and said that the creation was successful.
    ↑ {"method":"set","user":"ZZC12345","project_id":"--redacted--","name":"☁ test","value":"0"} // I set a cloud variable to 0.
    ↓ {"method":"set","project_id":"--redacted--","name":"☁ test","value":"1"} // I opened another tab and set a cloud variable; note the down arrow saying the server sent that back.
Basically, don't try to do it for a Scratch project, just write your own game in JavaScript/something else and code your own server, but if you want that you've outgrown Scratch and Leopard.

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Make sure to check out these cool projects, written in real code! (outdated, sorry)
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1000+ posts

Leopard: Edit Scratch projects as JavaScript code

WesleyMcGinn wrote:

This leopard converter is really cool! I am trying to learn more JavaScript with the manual translations page but I noticed that there was no translation available for a cloud variable. (Link) I also noticed that fixing this issue is not on the upcoming improvements list. What alternative methods are there for simple data transfer across the cloud in JavaScript? (Suppose I have a variable called “variable” and I want it to be set equal to 12 on all devices on a website. How would I do that?)
Yeah… As others have written, that is unfortunately much harder than you would expect.

The way Scratch does it is to use a server, which is basically a computer that is connected to the internet at all times. When you set a cloud variable, your computer notifies the server, and then the server goes and notifies everyone else who's currently viewing the project. All of this is done over websockets. If you don't need it to be completely instantaneous, you can ditch the websockets part, which will simplify your life a lot, but you still need a server of some kind.

It's all a bit more tricky than you would hope.
3 posts

Leopard: Edit Scratch projects as JavaScript code

minor repost here, but I still don't understand why my project keeps giving me
Argument sandboxId for data.sandboxId is missing

whenever I try to convert it. Is there something I'm missing? I removed all the cloud variables, made sure all the lists work, had no variable or list have the same name - etc. the link is at https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/722167498/

I've tried most of my other projects, and they converted just fine, even though some of them… broke, especially ones involving clones. Someone help?

Last edited by cyAn_5648 (Aug. 18, 2022 01:15:49)

1000+ posts

Leopard: Edit Scratch projects as JavaScript code

cyAn_5648 wrote:

minor repost here, but I still don't understand why my project keeps giving me
Argument sandboxId for data.sandboxId is missing

whenever I try to convert it. Is there something I'm missing? I removed all the cloud variables, made sure all the lists work, had no variable or list have the same name - etc. the link is at https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/722167498/

I've tried most of my other projects, and they converted just fine, even though some of them… broke, especially ones involving clones. Someone help?
Thanks for reposting! It helps me overcome my laziness.

I am looking at your project and although I'm not 100% sure, my guess is that the “Cloud List” sprite is causing the issue. You have some costumes with weird names. (For example, costume 90 is called =Ä.) I am sure there's a good reason for including those names, but I'm pretty sure that's what's breaking Codesandbox. Leopard creates one file for each costume, and it tries to name the file according to the costume name. I would bet that Codesandbox thinks that those characters are not valid in a file name.

I'm not 100% sure about this, but it's my best guess as to what's going wrong.
3 posts

Leopard: Edit Scratch projects as JavaScript code

PullJosh wrote:

cyAn_5648 wrote:

minor repost here, but I still don't understand why my project keeps giving me
Argument sandboxId for data.sandboxId is missing

whenever I try to convert it. Is there something I'm missing? I removed all the cloud variables, made sure all the lists work, had no variable or list have the same name - etc. the link is at https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/722167498/

I've tried most of my other projects, and they converted just fine, even though some of them… broke, especially ones involving clones. Someone help?
Thanks for reposting! It helps me overcome my laziness.

I am looking at your project and although I'm not 100% sure, my guess is that the “Cloud List” sprite is causing the issue. You have some costumes with weird names. (For example, costume 90 is called =Ä.) I am sure there's a good reason for including those names, but I'm pretty sure that's what's breaking Codesandbox. Leopard creates one file for each costume, and it tries to name the file according to the costume name. I would bet that Codesandbox thinks that those characters are not valid in a file name.

I'm not 100% sure about this, but it's my best guess as to what's going wrong.

As it turns out, you were right, lol. I deleted the cloud list sprites… and baam it converted. The project kinda broke (especially with the when this sprite clicked) but I can always try to debug it. Thx

Last edited by cyAn_5648 (Aug. 18, 2022 06:52:50)

500+ posts

Leopard: Edit Scratch projects as JavaScript code

PullJosh wrote:

Some Scratch blocks are not yet supported. Check the translations page to see which blocks have JavaScript equivalents using Leopard. More blocks will be supported over time.
Are you aware that this link leads to a 404 error?

Last edited by kaj (Tomorrow, 27:09:07)

To scroll through a signature, highlight some text in the signature, then use:
((shift) + (up/down arrow))

To add a signature, go to the bottom of Discussion Home and click “Change your signature.”

I had a bigger signature, but it was eaten by an Evil Kumquat.

<´・ω・` :: sensing> //This is Sam. He will protect my signature from future attacks.
100+ posts

Leopard: Edit Scratch projects as JavaScript code

When trying to convert Griffpatch's "The Luckiest Scratcher v1.0“ project, it tells me ”Argument sandboxId for data.sandboxId is missing".
1 post

Leopard: Edit Scratch projects as JavaScript code

Why doesn't this project work?
1000+ posts

Leopard: Edit Scratch projects as JavaScript code

jbthepig wrote:

PullJosh wrote:

Some Scratch blocks are not yet supported. Check the translations page to see which blocks have JavaScript equivalents using Leopard. More blocks will be supported over time.
Are you aware that this link leads to a 404 error?
Good catch! Thank you. I will fix it in the original post.
10 posts

Leopard: Edit Scratch projects as JavaScript code

i got a error about “Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘SEQUENCE’)” my project is https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/715914050/

Last edited by IdiotMan123199 (Aug. 24, 2022 02:02:04)

1 post

Leopard: Edit Scratch projects as JavaScript code

I tried and checked everything but Leopard couldn't convert my scratch project
my project : https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/723422182/
Leopard is saying “Argument sandboxId for data.sandboxId is missing.” - I have no idea what it means
please someone help me
29 posts

Leopard: Edit Scratch projects as JavaScript code

can u teach me how do I use leopard
6 posts

Leopard: Edit Scratch projects as JavaScript code

https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/724611476/editor/ doesn't work the error is “Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘0’)”


Last edited by slava-seattle (Aug. 25, 2022 00:34:55)

100+ posts

Leopard: Edit Scratch projects as JavaScript code

How would I import an sb3 into this?

Problem, Scratch Team?

500+ posts

Leopard: Edit Scratch projects as JavaScript code

Vedant_Jain wrote:

can u teach me how do I use leopard
Go to https://leopardjs.com/ and enter the URL of your Scratch project.

Last edited by kaj (Tomorrow, 27:09:07)

To scroll through a signature, highlight some text in the signature, then use:
((shift) + (up/down arrow))

To add a signature, go to the bottom of Discussion Home and click “Change your signature.”

I had a bigger signature, but it was eaten by an Evil Kumquat.

<´・ω・` :: sensing> //This is Sam. He will protect my signature from future attacks.

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