Discuss Scratch

8 posts

I'm so sorry.

Ah, whatever, I do have it written down, might as well.

So, as I said, my doggo Paisley got in a LOT of trouble…

We were on a walk. It was me, my 5yo sister, and two of my neighbors: a 3yo and a 9yo. We were just walking the dog…

An old man happened to be walking his dog. Now, Paisley gets REALLY excited around other doggos. She bolted for the other dog when she saw him, even getting loose off her leash. The man picked up his dog in a panic, and Paisley jumped on him and bit/scratched/something him on the elbow. We got her back on the leash, but this man kept yelling at us.

AND THEN HE TOLD HIS WIFE TO GET THE SHOTGUN. Like yeah, I live in a place where everyone owns a gun (except us- as martial arts people, we instead have real swords XD)…but THIS IS NOT OKAY. And keep in mind our group contains a 13yo, 9yo, 5yo, and 3yo. I REPEAT, THIS IS NOT OKAY.

Sadly, he lived a few houses away from where we stood at a dead-end street, so we just waited there for like…I don't know, 20 minutes? By then all the little ones were crying…I was barely holding it together. We didn't dare to walk past this man's house, where he was just standing in his front yard this whole time.

Like WHAT?! Apparently this guy called the cops on us… The little ones were freaking out, and I was trying to calm them, reminding them that the police here are good people, and they'll listen to us, and hopefully take our side…they're here to help. But I, too, was slowly losing my mind.

The policeman asked a bunch of questions, like whether Paisley had her rabies shot (YES, in case you were wondering), my mom's name and phone number, what street we lived on, standard stuff… He called my mom and she didn't answer (did I mention I didn't have my phone?).

Eventually (THANK GOODNESS) he escorted us back home, talked to my parents, and all… And then, after holding it together for the first half hour, I spent the half hour afterwards crying into my pillow/the couch/whatever I had in the vicinity. FUN TIMES!

Nobody shot anyone, nobody is in trouble (except maybe that man for threatening us- the policeman did mention that that was NOT OKAY, especially talking to kids), everything's fine, I'm not crying anymore, my doggo is safe, IT WORKS. But my gosh I was terrified O_O
8 posts

I'm so sorry.

I thought I'd have time to be on Scratch over the next few days (it's already Spring Break for me, lucky, right?), but I really really won't.
We're painting our room…

Last edited by HopesArtClass (March 9, 2020 10:17:07)

8 posts

I'm so sorry.

oop i didn't mean to post this-

Last edited by HopesArtClass (March 9, 2020 10:16:51)

11 posts

I'm so sorry.

Heyo! Might as well post this here-
This is the link to my video tutorial. This is the only way to make it actually link. And don't forget- the password is “Pearlescence”!
1 post

I'm so sorry.

woa ok what exactly is this????
100+ posts

I'm so sorry.

HopesArtClass wrote:

Ah, whatever, I do have it written down, might as well.

So, as I said, my doggo Paisley got in a LOT of trouble…

We were on a walk. It was me, my 5yo sister, and two of my neighbors: a 3yo and a 9yo. We were just walking the dog…

An old man happened to be walking his dog. Now, Paisley gets REALLY excited around other doggos. She bolted for the other dog when she saw him, even getting loose off her leash. The man picked up his dog in a panic, and Paisley jumped on him and bit/scratched/something him on the elbow. We got her back on the leash, but this man kept yelling at us.

AND THEN HE TOLD HIS WIFE TO GET THE SHOTGUN. Like yeah, I live in a place where everyone owns a gun (except us- as martial arts people, we instead have real swords XD)…but THIS IS NOT OKAY. And keep in mind our group contains a 13yo, 9yo, 5yo, and 3yo. I REPEAT, THIS IS NOT OKAY.

Sadly, he lived a few houses away from where we stood at a dead-end street, so we just waited there for like…I don't know, 20 minutes? By then all the little ones were crying…I was barely holding it together. We didn't dare to walk past this man's house, where he was just standing in his front yard this whole time.

Like WHAT?! Apparently this guy called the cops on us… The little ones were freaking out, and I was trying to calm them, reminding them that the police here are good people, and they'll listen to us, and hopefully take our side…they're here to help. But I, too, was slowly losing my mind.

The policeman asked a bunch of questions, like whether Paisley had her rabies shot (YES, in case you were wondering), my mom's name and phone number, what street we lived on, standard stuff… He called my mom and she didn't answer (did I mention I didn't have my phone?).

Eventually (THANK GOODNESS) he escorted us back home, talked to my parents, and all… And then, after holding it together for the first half hour, I spent the half hour afterwards crying into my pillow/the couch/whatever I had in the vicinity. FUN TIMES!

Nobody shot anyone, nobody is in trouble (except maybe that man for threatening us- the policeman did mention that that was NOT OKAY, especially talking to kids), everything's fine, I'm not crying anymore, my doggo is safe, IT WORKS. But my gosh I was terrified O_O

oh my gosh o-o I'm glad everything's ok…. I would be so so so terrified….

procrastination station

100+ posts

I'm so sorry.

HopesArtClass wrote:

Randoming wrote:

Wait. What's your other secret account? I know one but not the other.
Also, how confusing and frustrating does it get trying to keep track of all these accounts and who knows of which one(s)?
I will tell you soon. That's part of that big announcement/bad news…everything has to come with good news, right? But I want to do everything I want to do on that account before I reveal it XD
And yeah it's very very very very very confusing, at least with the account you know. But the other one, only a few people know: Elle, Chaya, Jade, Summer, Anni, Sunny, and some random person who guessed, one of those “Horse Lover something something” accounts I think…(there's a lot of Horse Lover accounts…)

I am slightly traumatized because someone threatened to shoot my dog today…but I don't feel like doing that story right now. Maybe in the morning.

Instead, a funny story…
One time my 5-year-old sister said, “I want to watch Ryan's World!” (which is an extremely popular & annoying kids' YouTube channel)
My dad responded, “It's nighttime where Ryan lives. He's probably asleep.”
*nod* Clever. Very clever, Dad.
Without missing a beat: “Well Bob Ross is dead and we watch him all the time.” With that little toddler shrug and all…


And congrats on 500+ !!

procrastination station

63 posts

I'm so sorry.

HopesNDreams wrote:

Hey! I had two write two texts (one expository, one poem) for English on the same topic- the topic I chose was rain! My essay was eh, but my poem was good enough to share with you. Thus:

(Edit: yes, I read all those, btw! and sorry bro I don't need a pfp XD)

For a Rainy Day
By HopesNDreams

Let thunder chase the sun away
Behind the mist, unseen
The world is blanketed in gray
Yet all around is green

We can’t quite hear the flowers sing
But all of nature knows
The joy the coming storm will bring
To any tree or rose

The clouds roll in anticipation
Growing dark as they fly
Then watch their great load’s liberation
As it falls from the sky!

Look up as the first droplet falls
Watch its companions’ flight
Listen to the thunder’s calls
After a burst of light

The raindrops tapping on the ground
Their rhythm fills the air
In sleepless nights, rest is found
From daytime’s summer glare

Or go outside, splash in the haze
Go out, dance in the rain
Or simply watch, and be amazed
And you won’t be the same

And when the storm has died away
The shining sun reveals
A freshly purified, clear day
And colors once concealed

Amongst those defying the gray
Are misty streaks of light
A rainbow wears her proud display
Of colors, clear and bright.

Is rain depressed? It is your choice
But if I had a say
I’d tell the whole world to rejoice
For a rainy day!
Wow! Ths is amazing! your really good! <3

“Yes I'm a dreamer, for a dreamer can only found its way through the moonlight, and his punishment is he sees the dawn before the rest of the world”- Oscar Wilde
I'm Starry!
8 posts

I'm so sorry.

Woo! I got my computer back! (long story- and no, I wasn't grounded or anything XD)

So now I'm able to tell you guys our news about the COVID-19 (formerly known as “coronavirus”- I like calling it by its proper name to confuse people XD). And by the way, anyone else notice that COVID is just COronaVIrus Disease? XD

The COVID-19 has hit us here in Yee-Haw Land!

The nearest case is less than 20 minutes' drive away. Everyone's stocking up on food & supplies. Spring break is extended a week, maybe more- and even church is closed this Sunday

So just…

I'm not scared at all, I'm just loving the thrill of the state of emergency everyone's in. There is an uncanny lack of fear XD
100+ posts

I'm so sorry.

HopesArtClass wrote:

So now I'm able to tell you guys our news about the COVID-19 (formerly known as “coronavirus”- I like calling it by its proper name to confuse people XD). And by the way, anyone else notice that COVID is just COronaVIrus Disease? XD
covid-19 officially means CoronaVirus Disease 2019. I'm pretty sure a news article has explained it.

thank hoo for reading

hey if its 10am for you at the time of reading this ur legally obliged to comment on my profile about it <3
63 posts

I'm so sorry.

HopesArtClass wrote:

Woo! I got my computer back! (long story- and no, I wasn't grounded or anything XD)

So now I'm able to tell you guys our news about the COVID-19 (formerly known as “coronavirus”- I like calling it by its proper name to confuse people XD). And by the way, anyone else notice that COVID is just COronaVIrus Disease? XD

The COVID-19 has hit us here in Yee-Haw Land!

The nearest case is less than 20 minutes' drive away. Everyone's stocking up on food & supplies. Spring break is extended a week, maybe more- and even church is closed this Sunday

So just…

I'm not scared at all, I'm just loving the thrill of the state of emergency everyone's in. There is an uncanny lack of fear XD

I'm not really scared either, just a little worried. But, it's funny seeing everyone freaking out of toilet paper XDDDDD

“Yes I'm a dreamer, for a dreamer can only found its way through the moonlight, and his punishment is he sees the dawn before the rest of the world”- Oscar Wilde
I'm Starry!
100+ posts

I'm so sorry.

HopesArtClass wrote:

Woo! I got my computer back! (long story- and no, I wasn't grounded or anything XD)

So now I'm able to tell you guys our news about the COVID-19 (formerly known as “coronavirus”- I like calling it by its proper name to confuse people XD). And by the way, anyone else notice that COVID is just COronaVIrus Disease? XD

The COVID-19 has hit us here in Yee-Haw Land!

The nearest case is less than 20 minutes' drive away. Everyone's stocking up on food & supplies. Spring break is extended a week, maybe more- and even church is closed this Sunday

So just…

I'm not scared at all, I'm just loving the thrill of the state of emergency everyone's in. There is an uncanny lack of fear XD

I'm sort of confused xD My school is closed and so is my church and all activities I normally participate in. so…xD

procrastination station

6 posts

I'm so sorry.

17 posts

I'm so sorry.

maverick78921 wrote:

this is my favorite tupac song
Before you go, I just wanna share this,
Christmas like a shining star, Those candy canes and all,
With family you love,
With times that are tough,
Freeom and sunlight as what you become,
But the best thing,
Is all those prescious times that are true love.

Have a good day or month or year

100+ posts

I'm so sorry.

RavenclawMockingjay wrote:


wow! that's a very long time. Ours are just closed “until further notice”

procrastination station

73 posts

I'm so sorry.

Hopes. Oh, I miss you so much. But this break is good for you. And I don't want you to be stressed to come back or anything, even though we all miss you.

By Buzzy Bee Banners
63 posts

I'm so sorry.

I just thought I’d check in. We all really miss you, even scratchers who barely know you, like me. I hope your okay, and I can’t wait for your return, and i just hope when you come back everything will be okay <3333

“Yes I'm a dreamer, for a dreamer can only found its way through the moonlight, and his punishment is he sees the dawn before the rest of the world”- Oscar Wilde
I'm Starry!
94 posts

I'm so sorry.

RavenclawMockingjay wrote:


Judy27Moody wrote:

Hopes. Oh, I miss you so much. But this break is good for you. And I don't want you to be stressed to come back or anything, even though we all miss you.

-StarrySkies wrote:

We all really miss you, even scratchers who barely know you, like me. I hope your okay, and I can’t wait for your return, and i just hope when you come back everything will be okay <3333
No, please. Don't miss me. I don't want you to miss me. I want you to be happy, even (or especially) without me. I'm happy… I just want you to be happy too.
And I will come back, soon, for a little while…I just keep procrastinating stuff XD

11 posts

I'm so sorry.

Yes, I finally revealed myself on Pearl, my gosh I was DONE there! (even though I didn't finish all my requests ;P) So yeah, it's just HopesNDreams, HopesArtClass, and JustAnotherFriend now…
Yup, that's my big reveal!

And good news: I'm back! For a couple weeks, maybe months, anyway.

Now, bad-ish/not-so-horrible news…

Things have changed.
I have changed.

When I first left, I was…really, really upset about it.
Now…I'm not upset at all anymore. I'm happy.
The minute I came to terms with the idea that I'm not supposed to be here on Scratch…suddenly, I'm not upset. I should be…but I'm not.
I'm happy. And I hate to see that you're not.

All this worry about being forgotten. I was never really afraid of that. What I was really afraid of was what really happened: I'm no longer emotionally attached to Scratch. All this worry about being forgotten, and now I'm the one who has forgotten you…

Isn't that sad?
It should be, but I'm not sad. Are you?
Probably. That's okay. You have every right to feel that way.

Have I hurt you?
If I have ever, ever hurt you, I need to know. Even, or especially, if I hurt you by leaving. By “abandoning” you, maybe. Or otherwise. If you've been hurt by me and kept it to yourself, stop now. Come out of hiding. Tell me what I have done wrong. Don't worry, you won't hurt or offend me. Such things can't hurt me anymore. But it is incredibly important that I know what I have done wrong, so that I can make things right with the time I have left…so that I can leave with a clear conscience.

Yes, I said leave.
Aren't you already gone? Well yes, but actually no.
HopesNDreams is leaving leaving. Forever.

That's another thing that's changed.
At first, I was just taking a break for the sake of school, like Jade. But that's not true anymore. I don't quite know how to explain this, but…God has been telling me I'm not supposed to be on Scratch. At first this came as a surprise. I'm a better person for having been here. I've learned so much and taught so much; I've made so many friends and helped so many people. But God told me to leave anyway… Why? I'm not sure, but I have to trust Him. I have learned so much, but I guess Scratch is not where I'll learn more. I have helped so many people, but I guess Scratch is no longer where I'll help the most people. It's not that Scratch is a bad thing…but my time is up.

Scratch has been wonderful, but this chapter of my life is over. This is where I was meant to be, but now I'm supposed to be somewhere else. Does that make sense?

It was when I realized this, that I stopped feeling joy from Scratch. It's strange… I suppose it makes it not hurt me. I know this probably hurts you…but what can I do?

I ask you again:
Have I hurt you?

If so, I'm sorry. Go ahead, yell at me. Rant at me. Tell me all about how I have abandoned you…go ahead, tell me all your problems. I won't get upset, I promise. I will help if I can, but if I can't, I apologize. Hopefully typing it all out made you feel better…it always does for me.
Or you may be surprised to find that you're not hurt. You're not hurt at all. You're happy. You're happy because we will meet again someday. You're happy because I'm following what God says. You're happy because I'm happy. You're happy because we have a few more months together. You're happy because…it's better to be happy than to be sad. If that's you…fantastic! You've learned something. You may be surprised to have that power. I was, when I first discovered it.

Either way…I promise, you are stronger than you think. You can carry on without me. You did for YEARS, before you met me, didn't you? I hope whatever imprint I left on you, isn't one that will only show when I am present. That is not the point of an imprint!

Maybe I had a mission here on Scratch. If I did, my mission is complete. If God is telling me to leave, it means whatever I was meant to do here, is done. So let us rejoice! I have completed a mission! And now that one mission is complete, I must go off and do the next one!

I need you to smile.
Crying does no good.
I was here to make others happy.
I cannot leave with you upset. If you are upset, my mission is incomplete.
Crying won't make me stay. It'll just mean I failed.

Last edited by Pearlescence (March 16, 2020 19:03:24)

100+ posts

I'm so sorry.

Pearlescence wrote:

I'm preparing my big announcement, but that also includes bad news

I knew it >

Well I had guessed that xD

Last edited by nerdi-girl (March 16, 2020 15:05:02)

procrastination station


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