Discuss Scratch

1 post

I'm so sorry.

Ill miss you Hopes, Even though we havent known eachother for that long
94 posts

I'm so sorry.

Happy Valentine's Day everyone!

Hush children, it's storytime! >:3
So, we had free time in choir today! A lot of the girls are in theater as well (because obviously) and they have a lot of hilarious improv games. Everyone came up with the BEST characters! (Ofc, we didn't describe ‘em or anything, it’s improv!) One girl in particular, we'll call her Kate, got a stuffed animal and a lollipop for Valentine's Day, so naturally her character was a little girl, like 7-ish years old in my opinion. Little Kate, for a long time, said the same thing to everyone she met. (Keep in mind all of these are from various hilarious characters.)

“Have you seen my mommy?”

“Have you seen my mommy?”

“Have you seen my mommy?”

“Have you seen my mommy?”

“Have you seen my mommy?”
No, where is she?
“She went to the store yesterday.”

Have you found your mommy yet?
“My mommy's dead.”

Hi! Do you have parents?
Yay! I love parents! I love people! I mean-
“…at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean…”
“Have you seen my mommy?”

So that's fun.
And they all lived happily ever after, the end!
Now storytime's over, children, go to sleep now.

100+ posts

I'm so sorry.

Happy Valentines Day! I played improv games with some of my friends today as well, they're really fun!

procrastination station

11 posts

I'm so sorry.

hopes hopes hopes!!!!! i finished your aesthetic hope you like it!!!! ^^

also lol thats HILARIOUS XDDDDD
100+ posts

I'm so sorry.

HopesNDreams wrote:

Happy Valentine's Day everyone!

Hush children, it's storytime! >:3
So, we had free time in choir today! A lot of the girls are in theater as well (because obviously) and they have a lot of hilarious improv games. Everyone came up with the BEST characters! (Ofc, we didn't describe ‘em or anything, it’s improv!) One girl in particular, we'll call her Kate, got a stuffed animal and a lollipop for Valentine's Day, so naturally her character was a little girl, like 7-ish years old in my opinion. Little Kate, for a long time, said the same thing to everyone she met. (Keep in mind all of these are from various hilarious characters.)

“Have you seen my mommy?”

“Have you seen my mommy?”

“Have you seen my mommy?”

“Have you seen my mommy?”

“Have you seen my mommy?”
No, where is she?
“She went to the store yesterday.”

Have you found your mommy yet?
“My mommy's dead.”

Hi! Do you have parents?
Yay! I love parents! I love people! I mean-
“…at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean…”
“Have you seen my mommy?”

So that's fun.
And they all lived happily ever after, the end!
Now storytime's over, children, go to sleep now.
You are back! (or not?) Happy Valentines Day!

Last edited by Kosstepkos (Today 14:40:36)

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Помоги с переводом Русской Скретч Вики - форум

100+ posts

I'm so sorry.

Public class Main();
public static Void();
System.Out.PrintLn("hi there.");

i luv koenigseggs I is a hackr FYI
console.log(“hi); I’m an ethical hacker FYI
100+ posts

I'm so sorry.

HPD1155 wrote:

Public class Main();
public static Void();
System.Out.PrintLn("hi there.");
public class Program {

public static void main(String args) {

System.out.println(“Hello HopesNDreams!”);
System.out.println(“Bye HopesNDreams…”);

Last edited by Kosstepkos (Today 14:40:36)

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Помоги с переводом Русской Скретч Вики - форум

100+ posts

I'm so sorry.

Kosstepkos wrote:

HPD1155 wrote:

Public class Main();
public static Void();
System.Out.PrintLn("hi there.");
public class Program {

public static void main(String args) {

System.out.println(“Hello HopesNDreams!”);
System.out.println(“Bye HopesNDreams…”);

Last edited by Kosstepkos (Feb. 15, 2020 20:02:30)

Last edited by Kosstepkos (Today 14:40:36)

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Помоги с переводом Русской Скретч Вики - форум

100+ posts

I'm so sorry.

Kosstepkos wrote:

Kosstepkos wrote:

HPD1155 wrote:

Public class Main();
public static Void();
System.Out.PrintLn("hi there.");
public class Program {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        System.out.println("Hello HopesNDreams!");
		System.out.println("Bye HopesNDreams...");
looks like you know your stuff!!!!!!!!

Last edited by HPD1155 (Feb. 21, 2020 02:29:11)

i luv koenigseggs I is a hackr FYI
console.log(“hi); I’m an ethical hacker FYI
100+ posts

I'm so sorry.

Kosstepkos wrote:

Kosstepkos wrote:

HPD1155 wrote:

Public class Main();
public static Void();
System.Out.PrintLn("hi there.");
public class Program {

public static void main(String args) {

System.out.println(“Hello HopesNDreams!”);
System.out.println(“Bye HopesNDreams…”);
how about html
<button type="submit" class="unfollow-button button grey" title="Stop getting messages about new posts to this discussion">Unfollow Discussion</button>

i luv koenigseggs I is a hackr FYI
console.log(“hi); I’m an ethical hacker FYI
100+ posts

I'm so sorry.

HPD1155 wrote:

Kosstepkos wrote:

Kosstepkos wrote:

HPD1155 wrote:

Public class Main();
public static Void();
System.Out.PrintLn("hi there.");
public class Program {

public static void main(String args) {

System.out.println(“Hello HopesNDreams!”);
System.out.println(“Bye HopesNDreams…”);
how about html
<button type="submit" class="unfollow-button button grey" title="Stop getting messages about new posts to this discussion">Unfollow Discussion</button>
<a class="g_ij" data_pid="23"
>scratch discuss 8</a>

i luv koenigseggs I is a hackr FYI
console.log(“hi); I’m an ethical hacker FYI
94 posts

I'm so sorry.

In response to all that shenanigans…I've been learning HTML, but I don't know Java (though I know enough to recognize it XD)

Mkay! Blog:
My secret accounts have been getting more and more popular, and one of them has an alt ;w; As in, little miss Secret Account B has two accounts. In other words, my hiatus isn't going so well. Except it is. I may not have successfully been off Scratch entirely, but my secret accounts have helped me. There's very little stress and pressure involved in those two, and if you know either or both of them you know why. Secret Account B has been active, but not crazy active like I used to be here. I haven't been working on projects much in Secret Account A, but I've been working on my goal there, certainly, so that I can finish by fall. Speaking of which…if you know my Secret Account A, go to my profile there, to the studios I curate. There's something I want you to see.

8 posts

I'm so sorry.

I'm usually the one giving support, but I'm terrified right now. There's really nothing to my suspicion, yet I can't help but worry. Is there anyone online that I can talk to? Please?

What's the point in asking this? I'm about to get on the bus, and once I get home I'll know. We can't chat, nevermind…

I'm scared.

UPDATE: IT'S OKAY!!!!!!! I'm so happy. I thought something had happened to my mom, but she's just in the hospital for a kidney stone. All is well!!!!

Last edited by HopesArtClass (Feb. 20, 2020 22:10:50)

100+ posts

I'm so sorry.

That's good! <3 That sounds really scary, glad it's nothing serious.

Last edited by nerdi-girl (Feb. 21, 2020 02:23:30)

procrastination station

11 posts

I'm so sorry.

whats hiatus?
Followup did i spell it right?

Last edited by eeveefan149 (Feb. 22, 2020 05:25:25)

39 posts

I'm so sorry.

Hopes I've made something for you ^^ https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/366264745/
94 posts

I'm so sorry.

eeveefan149 wrote:

whats hiatus?
Followup did i spell it right?
Yes, you spelled it right. It means that you are not posting projects, not answering messages…for a while, till you return.
Urban Dictionary: "Hiatus is when someone or something goes on a break. 'Many people think one direction are still on hiatus, but no, they actually broke up.'"

8 posts

I'm so sorry.

say [you won’t regret it. =(]
if <what you do is this> then
move (10) steps

point in direction (See you later v)



Last edited by char-latte2609 (Feb. 24, 2020 21:38:26)

“TVs are very interesting, whenever someone turns one on, I got to the other room and read a book.”-I forget who said this
94 posts

I'm so sorry.

I just went straight to my messages page when I was online. I thought I was on one of my secret accounts. NO, I WAS HERE. Meaning I had to actually go through and answer everything, and people are going to be like, “Wait, I thought you were on hiatus.” YES I AM BUT I HAD NO CHOICE but to answer them, since the minute you go to your messages page Scratch counts them as “read”. Alas! The struggle is real XD

On an unrelated note, I've been reading the Lord of the Rings! I'm about 6 chapters into the Two Towers, and…gosh. I love these characters.
Gandalf: Yes.
Aragorn: Straight-up paladin. Especially if you play D&D. But either way I think you know what I'm saying XD
Legolas: Poetic.
Treebeard: Ah yes I do love the Ents, especially this one. Though I doubt it, I do hope they one day find the Entwives; I would love to meet them.
Gollum: I know the story of Smeagol, and at least I know some of his motivation now… but I still don't quite get Gollum. I hope to learn more.
Everyone else: I could care less tbh XD Yes, this includes Frodo. Go away Frodo.

What else is going on in my life right now?
~Just got a new bed for my little sister! There's 4 of us kids; my older brother, me, my little sisters. All three of us girls share a room xP We had a bunk bed and a toddler bed, which broke, so now my sister sleeps in a cool little rolly bed that slides under the bunk bed. 3 in one! xPPP
~Been NOT writing, or drawing, actually. Too busy…when does a girl have TIME?!
~Chose my classes for high school! Next year, besides my core classes, I'm taking Principles of Education and Training; Health (required); Speech (required); Spanish II; and Treble Choir I. If you want to know what classes I plan to take in future years, just ask :3
~MoTiVaTiOn To Do StUfF…exists, question mark?
~Started actually writing in my journal consistently again, for the first time in a few months!
~Finally decided on a few of my personal goals (yes, for the new youth program at church) for this year. I'm starting small…walking my dog every day for 2 weeks (I'm really bad about that), filling up my journal, indexing an hour a month, that sort of thing. If it goes well, I'll upgrade!
~Buncha stuff…can't think of them at the moment. I guess I've spent a lot of time contemplating life, as usual…which is very useful, actually. It helps me organize myself and learn new concepts, and teach them to others. I want everyone's lives to be better, including mine. Oh- and I've been writing a long speech describing my internal conflicts and resolutions, and my main philosophies and perspectives…so that maybe, just maybe, you can see inside my head a little when I finish.

Last edited by HopesNDreams (Feb. 24, 2020 23:08:30)

94 posts

I'm so sorry.

Huh. Something tells me no one reads these. Ah well.

How to Make Someone's Day
Episode 1: Say Thank You

(Ack, this is going to increase your opinion of me, isn't it? Noooo! Your opinion of me is already higher than it should be! Ah well XD)

I just got to school, and as I do every day, I said thank you to my bus driver as I got off the bus. He didn't say “you're welcome”, but that doesn't matter. Why? Why would I say thank you to my bus driver when he's just doing his job?

Well, simply because no one does. Bus drivers don't get much appreciation. They take 40 kids to school and get paid. No one says thank you… But just because they're just doing their job, just because they're being paid, does that mean they don't deserve appreciation? Even if you hate them, even if their attitude is bad… Especially if their attitude is bad, they're still doing their job despite everything. And odds are, you wouldn't be able to get to school without them. A bus driver isn't a particularly pleasant job, partly because no one appreciates you for it. So maybe I'm a highlight of his day.

Or maybe I'm not. Or, say you don't ride the bus. We have other chances. I say thank you to my mom and dad if one of them has to drive me to school, or home from school. I say thank you to my friends, if I ride with them. I say thank you to my teachers as I leave the classroom. These jobs don't get much appreciation. It doesn't matter whether or not you like the person. It doesn't matter whether or not they had to do it. They did a service for you, and they deserve to be appreciated.

Last edited by HopesNDreams (Feb. 27, 2020 13:43:34)

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