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- Jaydencat555
7 posts
The Official List of Rejected Suggestions
I know some extension we need : So not everyone thinkee a new extension for scratch 4.0 so I will show you what is it
Extension is
Face Detection!
These are the variations of blocks
Showing what it is
Hides it
Set transparency / alpha
And here’s the blocks!
Detect For a :: extension
Detect :: extension
Hide Camera :: extension
Set to (50) :: extension
Extension is
Face Detection!
These are the variations of blocks
Showing what it is
Hides it
Set transparency / alpha
And here’s the blocks!
Detect For a :: extension
Detect :: extension
Hide Camera :: extension
Set to (50) :: extension
Last edited by Jaydencat555 (Sept. 27, 2024 02:58:15)
- Jaydencat555
7 posts
The Official List of Rejected Suggestions
My browser / operating system: MacOS Macintosh X 10.15.7, Safari 16.6, No Flash version detected
Last edited by Jaydencat555 (Sept. 27, 2024 02:58:55)
- DifferentDance8
1000+ posts
The Official List of Rejected Suggestions
Blockspammers wouldn't get banned unless what they blockspammed was really inappropiateYou are probably gonna be banned soon too. Don't blockspam. Okk!!if <(user) = [illegal]> then
report :: #ff0000
set [user v] to [blocked]
- BluePixelLOLLL
1000+ posts
The Official List of Rejected Suggestions
I got warned for doing thisBlockspammers wouldn't get banned unless what they blockspammed was really inappropiateYou are probably gonna be banned soon too. Don't blockspam. Okk!!if <(user) = [illegal]> then
report :: #ff0000
set [user v] to [blocked]
<<<<<<>>>>>>So I don't want that to happen to anyone else
- Catscratcher07
1000+ posts
The Official List of Rejected Suggestions
Make a true equation with <(5-5) = (0)> format return tru just got rejected.
- 8to16
1000+ posts
The Official List of Rejected Suggestions
(#8920)when <> might be rejected because of ambiguity, but if <> then () else () is not rejected to my knowledge as of now.
are these blocks(if <> then [] else []::control)rejected
When <>::events
Sorry, you have to wait 60 seconds between posts. NOOOOOO-
- Ollie-Young
500+ posts
The Official List of Rejected Suggestions
Yeah the hat was implemented as:(#8920)when <> might be rejected because of ambiguity, but if <> then () else () is not rejected to my knowledge as of now.
are these blocks(if <> then [] else []::control)rejected
When <>::events
Sorry, you have to wait 60 seconds between posts. NOOOOOO-
When <> is true :: events hatBut I don’t think the other block would be implemented unless it was a boolean
- 8to16
1000+ posts
The Official List of Rejected Suggestions
(#8937)there's a trick in scratch-blocks that allows you to make certain reporters fit in boolean spaces, similar to how booleans fit in reporter spaces. this is already done with the “item # of list” block.
But I don’t think the other block would be implemented unless it was a boolean
- Ollie-Young
500+ posts
The Official List of Rejected Suggestions
Huh.(#8937)there's a trick in scratch-blocks that allows you to make certain reporters fit in boolean spaces, similar to how booleans fit in reporter spaces. this is already done with the “item # of list” block.
But I don’t think the other block would be implemented unless it was a boolean
- 8to16
1000+ posts
The Official List of Rejected Suggestions
(#8939)Basically go into the code for the scratch code editor engine (scratch-blocks) and change a couple of stuff. Then compile scratch-blocks and you can use variables in if-blocks.
I won't get into too much detail to avoid getting off-topic. (We already are…)
Anyways, let's get back on the rails.
- Za-Chary
1000+ posts
The Official List of Rejected Suggestions
Sounds like a good idea to me. I just added a bit of text about it.Add it under 3.1 so people do not use it as a solution to chat projects with cloud.A language filter block got rejected.Hmm. What do others think?
Not anymore… King of the page

Thanks for finding those. I think I remember another one that was made a year or two ago, but I don't have a link to it. in just 2024 alone i have found 4 topics suggesting a scratch “movie”
I agree with you. I wonder where these suggestions are coming from. I do think they are not joke suggestions. At the same time, I don't know if this is considered “infrequent” or “obvious” enough to not add it to the list. I'll keep scrolling and see if anyone else has thoughts about this. surprisingly, there are no more suggestions before that year which suggest a scratch theatrical release. so i am not quite sure where the burst came from.
these don’t quite feel like joke suggestions either; the users who made these topics did actually have some belief in their suggestions, but i think we can still agree they’re a bit humorous and difficult to take seriously, because it doesn’t feel like the kind of stuff the scratch foundation would do.
Turbowarp Packager should be added to 2.5Do you have a link to a post where a Scratch Team member states that it is rejected? Maybe a link to the
Others explained it well, but another example was back when someone suggested “Remove the Report button.” If I added literally every rejected suggestion to this list, the list would be way too long, and that's not helpful if people have to scroll through suggestions that nobody is suggesting. Bro it’s the offical list of rejected suggestions, obviously rejected should count
https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/348410/?page=1#post-3518582 https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/729255/?page=7#post-8147068 advertisements are rejected. As in actual company adverts, unlike what's already included in tolorsIs this not already covered by 7.7?
7.7 is about any ads that give any money to Scratchers or the Scratch Team. I'm not sure what a “user-made ad” is referring to, and I'm not sure how 7.7 is worded in a way that doesn't include the suggestion you linked. Is that referencing user made ads (like roblox) or real ads? It seems like its phrased in a way that makes it seem like the first
I'm a little surprised this one's not already explicitly on the list, so I'll add a note to 4.2 about it. one must imagine Za-Chary happy
Not to my knowledge; although I seem to remember something about “when” being made in development but then being removed for some reason. are these blocks(if <> then [] else []::control)rejected
When <>::events
Make a true equation with <(5-5) = (0)> format return tru just got rejected.There have been suggestions before about typing in an equation/expression and having Scratch automatically solve/evaluate it, right? I don't think this is the only time this has been suggested. I am interested in adding this to the list, but I'd like to see when else this has been suggested.
- Scratch137
1000+ posts
The Official List of Rejected Suggestions
(#8939)I was able to find this one from 2018.Make a true equation with <(5-5) = (0)> format return tru just got rejected.There have been suggestions before about typing in an equation/expression and having Scratch automatically solve/evaluate it, right? I don't think this is the only time this has been suggested. I am interested in adding this to the list, but I'd like to see when else this has been suggested.
- starlightsparker
1000+ posts
The Official List of Rejected Suggestions
this one from 2018.I don’t believe it should be added. I was able to find
Two suggestions in 6 years is not quite enough.
- BluePixelLOLLL
1000+ posts
The Official List of Rejected Suggestions
I don't think that's enough.(#8939)I was able to find this one from 2018.Make a true equation with <(5-5) = (0)> format return tru just got rejected.There have been suggestions before about typing in an equation/expression and having Scratch automatically solve/evaluate it, right? I don't think this is the only time this has been suggested. I am interested in adding this to the list, but I'd like to see when else this has been suggested.
- greentreebee
100+ posts
The Official List of Rejected Suggestions
thats from 2018. is there a newer one?(#8939)I was able to find this one from 2018.Make a true equation with <(5-5) = (0)> format return tru just got rejected.There have been suggestions before about typing in an equation/expression and having Scratch automatically solve/evaluate it, right? I don't think this is the only time this has been suggested. I am interested in adding this to the list, but I'd like to see when else this has been suggested.
- 8to16
1000+ posts
The Official List of Rejected Suggestions
Last edited by 8to16 (Sept. 29, 2024 12:20:56)
- breakfast_for_dinner
1000+ posts
The Official List of Rejected Suggestions
(#8943)it's still relevant today
thats from 2018. is there a newer one?
- starlightsparker
1000+ posts
The Official List of Rejected Suggestions
Zach checks TOLoRS weekly. No need to repost just yet.(#8946)(#8944)
Roman numeral blocks got rejected.