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6 posts

Kingdom of Valor - Worldbuilding

This is a forum topic for the Kingdom of Valor. Here we can discuss what the world will be like, what the central conflict will be, etc.
The Kingdom of Valor is a studio created by @Rosyda that focuses on medieval/dynasty projects. It also hosts an RP, which is currently being built. If you would like to join, please comment in the studio here.

Links to possible ideas for the world and central conflict:

Last edited by PyIar (Aug. 20, 2018 18:34:41)

6 posts

Kingdom of Valor - Worldbuilding

Thanks to @Kanga27 and @LittleCoder506 for this
  • I think the animal kingdom should be united. However, I suggest they are right next to the land of humans, and the half animals can live in the middle. The witches are also next to them, as they are basically humans with powers. Elves should go next to the witches, and vampires next to humans(to suck their blood or something). The dark/evil people live in society with their kind, secretly or not so secretly doing evil. The humans don't know that there are any others in Valor except for the anima ls, because there is a barrier. But, war breaks out because a evil character on the run found someway to get past the barrier, and humans are chaotic because they didn't know what it was. Then, the kingdoms make their alliances(against/for humans) and there is a war.
  • Could happen when new elf rulers take throne.
  • Also, for those characters who are halfies, I think that occasionally a good character gets permission to visit the human world on a quest or so, and meet people and fall in love. However, their identities must remain secret, so they must have a spell on them that makes them unable to say anything about the magical world.
  • Say that someone breaches the wall accidentally, because they didn't have the spell on. Or a member of the Tenth Eye or some other evil organization tries to make the Humans easier to defeat by having the Vampires and Tenth Eye members team up and try to end the human race.
    Dark person discovers border spell

Last edited by PyIar (Aug. 9, 2018 21:12:10)

36 posts

Kingdom of Valor - Worldbuilding


Hey y'all! ^u<
12 posts

Kingdom of Valor - Worldbuilding

Amazing! :3
This is turning out quiet nice! x3
I'd like to see a Map of Valor too xD
36 posts

Kingdom of Valor - Worldbuilding


Hey y'all! ^u<
36 posts

Kingdom of Valor - Worldbuilding

Maybe I could make one later? Or @Rosyda could. I have school

Hey y'all! ^u<
12 posts

Kingdom of Valor - Worldbuilding

Lol same, XD
I should go study now…
3 posts

Kingdom of Valor - Worldbuilding

It's summer where I live, I could easily make a map. I have Paint Tool SAI, I could just go make a fairly detailed map of Valor and copy it into a Scratch background. This would be sufficient unless Rosyda wants to make a better one (She is way more capable of making a map look nice than I am, I can't believe I'll be working on KoV with her and PyIar, Oaka_Moka, and more people that are legends on scratch)

Last edited by LittleCoder506 (Aug. 10, 2018 02:37:50)

3 posts

Kingdom of Valor - Worldbuilding

12 posts

Kingdom of Valor - Worldbuilding

I have a suggestion for the tenth eye members can weaken the humans. The tenth eye is a secret association no one knows about yet.
There could be a series of crimes happening and no one could be aware of who did them. They could be capturing and keeping hostages any humans or alliances of human he step out of the barrier :3
36 posts

Kingdom of Valor - Worldbuilding

Oh yeah! But the Tenth Eye would only capture human-lovers, and only once a year so it isn't suspicious! My new character, Ruby, is a daughter of an elf who fought in the war.
So, as a summary of what I'm thinking of for a plot is that the animal kingdom is all united, the human kingdom is to the right of it, and half animals live somewhere in the middle. Witches live above them, elves live to the left of them, and vampires live below humans. Faeries live near the witches and humans. Half animals include kitsunes, werewolves, etc. Faeries include pixies. Elves include imps. Humans have a barrier around them to prevent magical beings from passing through.They think they are the only ones in Valor except for animals. To pass through the barrier, the king/queen' s most loyal spell-caster puts a spell on you that allows you to pass the barrier. Magical beings may go to perform quests, or to fall in love. The humans who are married to mythical beings may live in the magical part of Valor. A evil being(evil beings live with their kind in the allotted land or elsewhere) discovered the spell and passed through, causing chaos. The lands quickly form alliances(against/for humans) who are known by what they believe. If elves fight for the humans, elves who want to fight against the humans join the group fighting against them. To maintain loyalty, a spell-caster uses a spell to check that everyone is loyal. When going through the barrier, the spell prevents you from revealing that there is a magical world, and magic beings must go in cloaked in a spell that will change what they look like. (I forgot to mention this earlier). Those who fight for the humans will be the Bronze. Those who fight against them will be the Silver. (Mythical beings= silver blood in my mind. Bronze is close to red, and humans have red blood).

Hey y'all! ^u<
12 posts

Kingdom of Valor - Worldbuilding

sounds good! ^.^
36 posts

Kingdom of Valor - Worldbuilding

Lol thanks. It took a lot of effort to write all of that.

Last edited by Kanga27 (Aug. 11, 2018 02:43:19)

Hey y'all! ^u<
1 post

Kingdom of Valor - Worldbuilding

Umm… My character, Eleua, is a princess, so which kingdom is she the princess of?
36 posts

Kingdom of Valor - Worldbuilding

Hmmm. Good question. Maybe the princess of whatever race she is?

Hey y'all! ^u<
85 posts

Kingdom of Valor - Worldbuilding

followed the discussion, I think this turned out quite nicely, I have been wondering though, should I separate the animation and game project or should I just blend them into one
36 posts

Kingdom of Valor - Worldbuilding

Your choice. Thanks for the promo!

Hey y'all! ^u<
12 posts

Kingdom of Valor - Worldbuilding

You could make them separate if you feel like putting them both in all one project would cause to much lag and scripts to load :3 Do whatever works for you ^.^
79 posts

Kingdom of Valor - Worldbuilding

umm you guys need any help
36 posts

Kingdom of Valor - Worldbuilding

No, we're good. But feel free to present any ideas

Hey y'all! ^u<

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