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94 posts

{WE’RE OPEN}⭐️TᕼE ᔕᑭᗩᑕE ᔕᕼOᑭ⭐️ - ᑎOᗯ ᕼIᖇIᑎG! ᗯE OᖴᖴEᖇ E᙭ᑭEᖇTIᔕE Iᑎ ᗩᖇT, ᑕOᗪIᑎG ᗩᑎᗪ ᖇEᐯIEᗯᔕ, ⌛️ᗩᒪᒪ ᗯITᕼIᑎ 24 ᕼOᑌᖇᔕ ᗩT ᗰOᔕT!⌛️

Hello! I'm MrGigabyte, and I joined Scratch in 2014 (I was 9 years old). I love making games on Scratch because of the amazing community, and even though I do create with other programming languages, I enjoy Scratch the most! I'm working a ton on new games and stuff to share on my own account, but because I have free time and want to be a larger part of the Scratch community, I am applying to be a coder on The Space Shop. I love the requests part of the Scratch forums, and I have found artist for my own programs there! I also enjoy music, playing guitar, and YouTube videos

Activity: Because I have been working on lots of new games and stuff on Scratch, I log on and check my mails about 4 times a day.
Alternate accounts: @MrKilobyte - All the work I share will be on this account, and I will link to it. (I have had many other accounts before my current ones, but I don't use them at all anymore)
Examples of your work (MUST be included):
Here is a little platformer I made last year https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/193927778/ It has a pretty creative story.
Here is my largest project which took a few months to create. It's called City Seed, and basically you can build your own city in it, level up, complete goals, and stuff. There are a TON of features and special buildings and decorations. You can also save and load your city from save codes. I didn't create the building art btw. They were made in collaboration with @Nadalia and @kathylaura. City Seed was featured on 12/11/2017
Here's City Seed: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/178912518/ (I'm working on a City Seed update right now)
What orders you prefer taking: I prefer coding orders because I have more experience coding on Scratch than art. (Also I'm not very good at digital art)
What you can add to The Space Shop: I can communicate with everyone who makes an order and work with people so I can code exactly what they want. My goal for The Space Shop is to make it as reliable, user friendly, and welcoming as possible. I want to get users exactly what they pictured in their mind every time they order. (And quickly!) I also have a contact page on my own website where I can receive info and respond to it ASAP (http://mrgigabytescratch.com/contact )

I hope you consider my resume! tysm!

Last edited by MrGigabyte (June 24, 2018 01:38:06)

Hi. I make games and stuff on Scratch.
Website: http://MrGigabyteScratch.com/
1000+ posts

{WE’RE OPEN}⭐️TᕼE ᔕᑭᗩᑕE ᔕᕼOᑭ⭐️ - ᑎOᗯ ᕼIᖇIᑎG! ᗯE OᖴᖴEᖇ E᙭ᑭEᖇTIᔕE Iᑎ ᗩᖇT, ᑕOᗪIᑎG ᗩᑎᗪ ᖇEᐯIEᗯᔕ, ⌛️ᗩᒪᒪ ᗯITᕼIᑎ 24 ᕼOᑌᖇᔕ ᗩT ᗰOᔕT!⌛️

MrGigabyte wrote:

Hello! I'm MrGigabyte, and I joined Scratch in 2014 (I was 9 years old). I love making games on Scratch because of the amazing community, and even though I do create with other programming languages, I enjoy Scratch the most! I'm working a ton on new games and stuff to share on my own account, but because I have free time and want to be a larger part of the Scratch community, I am applying to be a coder on The Space Shop. I love the requests part of the Scratch forums, and I have found artist for my own programs there! I also enjoy music, playing guitar, and YouTube videos

Activity: Because I have been working on lots of new games and stuff on Scratch, I log on and check my mails about 4 times a day.
Alternate accounts: @MrKilobyte - All the work I share will be on this account, and I will link to it. (I have had many other accounts before my current ones, but I don't use them at all anymore)
Examples of your work (MUST be included):
Here is a little platformer I made last year https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/193927778/ It has a pretty creative story.
Here is my largest project which took a few months to create. It's called City Seed, and basically you can build your own city in it, level up, complete goals, and stuff. There are a TON of features and special buildings and decorations. You can also save and load your city from save codes. I didn't create the building art btw. They were made in collaboration with @Nadalia and @kathylaura. City Seed was featured on 12/11/2017
Here's City Seed: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/178912518/ (I'm working on a City Seed update right now)
What orders you prefer taking: I prefer coding orders because I have more experience coding on Scratch than art. (Also I'm not very good at digital art)
What you can add to The Space Shop: I can communicate with everyone who makes an order and work with people so I can code exactly what they want. My goal for The Space Shop is to make it as reliable, user friendly, and welcoming as possible. I want to get users exactly what they pictured in their mind every time they order. (And quickly!) I also have a contact page on my own website where I can receive info and respond to it ASAP (http://mrgigabytescratch.com/contact )

I hope you consider my resume! tysm!
Accepted .
@EagleLily in like 2 seconds just gotta upload it to cubeupload

inactive :​)
1000+ posts

{WE’RE OPEN}⭐️TᕼE ᔕᑭᗩᑕE ᔕᕼOᑭ⭐️ - ᑎOᗯ ᕼIᖇIᑎG! ᗯE OᖴᖴEᖇ E᙭ᑭEᖇTIᔕE Iᑎ ᗩᖇT, ᑕOᗪIᑎG ᗩᑎᗪ ᖇEᐯIEᗯᔕ, ⌛️ᗩᒪᒪ ᗯITᕼIᑎ 24 ᕼOᑌᖇᔕ ᗩT ᗰOᔕT!⌛️

Eaglelily wrote:

Hi, is my signature finished? Thank you!


Last edited by hellounicorns2 (June 24, 2018 08:06:21)

inactive :​)
100+ posts

{WE’RE OPEN}⭐️TᕼE ᔕᑭᗩᑕE ᔕᕼOᑭ⭐️ - ᑎOᗯ ᕼIᖇIᑎG! ᗯE OᖴᖴEᖇ E᙭ᑭEᖇTIᔕE Iᑎ ᗩᖇT, ᑕOᗪIᑎG ᗩᑎᗪ ᖇEᐯIEᗯᔕ, ⌛️ᗩᒪᒪ ᗯITᕼIᑎ 24 ᕼOᑌᖇᔕ ᗩT ᗰOᔕT!⌛️

What it should look like: A guy who is falling from a height in the sky. It must have 2 costumes a with parachute and other without parachute.
Preferable time frame (when you would like it to be done by, please don't be demanding): 27 june
500+ posts

{WE’RE OPEN}⭐️TᕼE ᔕᑭᗩᑕE ᔕᕼOᑭ⭐️ - ᑎOᗯ ᕼIᖇIᑎG! ᗯE OᖴᖴEᖇ E᙭ᑭEᖇTIᔕE Iᑎ ᗩᖇT, ᑕOᗪIᑎG ᗩᑎᗪ ᖇEᐯIEᗯᔕ, ⌛️ᗩᒪᒪ ᗯITᕼIᑎ 24 ᕼOᑌᖇᔕ ᗩT ᗰOᔕT!⌛️

Link to thing advertised: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/230317184/
Prefered way of advertisement (signature, shoutout or link in notes and credits of other project): all
Preferable time frame (please don't be demanding): today plz
Time advertised: 2 weeks
Any other notes: none
100+ posts

{WE’RE OPEN}⭐️TᕼE ᔕᑭᗩᑕE ᔕᕼOᑭ⭐️ - ᑎOᗯ ᕼIᖇIᑎG! ᗯE OᖴᖴEᖇ E᙭ᑭEᖇTIᔕE Iᑎ ᗩᖇT, ᑕOᗪIᑎG ᗩᑎᗪ ᖇEᐯIEᗯᔕ, ⌛️ᗩᒪᒪ ᗯITᕼIᑎ 24 ᕼOᑌᖇᔕ ᗩT ᗰOᔕT!⌛️

hellounicorns2 wrote:

Eaglelily wrote:

Hi, is my signature finished? Thank you!


100+ posts

{WE’RE OPEN}⭐️TᕼE ᔕᑭᗩᑕE ᔕᕼOᑭ⭐️ - ᑎOᗯ ᕼIᖇIᑎG! ᗯE OᖴᖴEᖇ E᙭ᑭEᖇTIᔕE Iᑎ ᗩᖇT, ᑕOᗪIᑎG ᗩᑎᗪ ᖇEᐯIEᗯᔕ, ⌛️ᗩᒪᒪ ᗯITᕼIᑎ 24 ᕼOᑌᖇᔕ ᗩT ᗰOᔕT!⌛️

BloxyPlayz123 wrote:

BloxyPlayz123 wrote:

FloatingMuffins wrote:

Hi! Could I please get a banner for my shop?
Could I get something like the first example listed here.

Main text: The Emerald Shop (in white)
Additional text (optional):
Dimensions: same size as in the example
Pictures on top (please insert a picture of the picture): Emeralds all over the banner varying in size.
General themes:
Preferable time frame: I would like it done by the 1st July
I'll do it! <3
Ok, I have created it, but I have a question. What website would you like me to put the banner on?
I have finally made it!!! Here is the link, hope you like it! <3 http://u.cubeupload.com/Bloxy/00TheEmeraldShop.png

Last edited by BloxyPlayz123 (June 26, 2018 18:30:19)

100+ posts

{WE’RE OPEN}⭐️TᕼE ᔕᑭᗩᑕE ᔕᕼOᑭ⭐️ - ᑎOᗯ ᕼIᖇIᑎG! ᗯE OᖴᖴEᖇ E᙭ᑭEᖇTIᔕE Iᑎ ᗩᖇT, ᑕOᗪIᑎG ᗩᑎᗪ ᖇEᐯIEᗯᔕ, ⌛️ᗩᒪᒪ ᗯITᕼIᑎ 24 ᕼOᑌᖇᔕ ᗩT ᗰOᔕT!⌛️

minepie7yt wrote:

Purpose of coding i need a online chat
Any information about the context a online chat
Preferable time frame soon
Other none
Order complete, minepie7yt gave a 7 out of ten for the order

I made a game called "The True Ninja". It may sound like a rip-off to @Will_Wams the ninja series but I made it quite a bit different. The second game is out is now out and in my opinion, is much better than the first. Click here to see some other games I made!

I am willing to help, as long as it is in my capability to do so. (I think I am a decent programmer but not the best artist).

When asking help (to me or anyone else), attempt first, if you encounter trouble, that's when you ask help. If I created your scripts, then it would be hard for you to understand what they do. If you attempted but it did not work out, you will at least have an idea of what each script does and it will be easy to identify the modifications that made your script work. TLDR; Try, and ask help if if it does not work out

“It is the job that never started that takes the longest time to finish”- Samwise from Lord of the Rings
1000+ posts

{WE’RE OPEN}⭐️TᕼE ᔕᑭᗩᑕE ᔕᕼOᑭ⭐️ - ᑎOᗯ ᕼIᖇIᑎG! ᗯE OᖴᖴEᖇ E᙭ᑭEᖇTIᔕE Iᑎ ᗩᖇT, ᑕOᗪIᑎG ᗩᑎᗪ ᖇEᐯIEᗯᔕ, ⌛️ᗩᒪᒪ ᗯITᕼIᑎ 24 ᕼOᑌᖇᔕ ᗩT ᗰOᔕT!⌛️

Bump . . .

1000+ posts

{WE’RE OPEN}⭐️TᕼE ᔕᑭᗩᑕE ᔕᕼOᑭ⭐️ - ᑎOᗯ ᕼIᖇIᑎG! ᗯE OᖴᖴEᖇ E᙭ᑭEᖇTIᔕE Iᑎ ᗩᖇT, ᑕOᗪIᑎG ᗩᑎᗪ ᖇEᐯIEᗯᔕ, ⌛️ᗩᒪᒪ ᗯITᕼIᑎ 24 ᕼOᑌᖇᔕ ᗩT ᗰOᔕT!⌛️

XCat wrote:

Bump . . .

inactive :​)
1000+ posts

{WE’RE OPEN}⭐️TᕼE ᔕᑭᗩᑕE ᔕᕼOᑭ⭐️ - ᑎOᗯ ᕼIᖇIᑎG! ᗯE OᖴᖴEᖇ E᙭ᑭEᖇTIᔕE Iᑎ ᗩᖇT, ᑕOᗪIᑎG ᗩᑎᗪ ᖇEᐯIEᗯᔕ, ⌛️ᗩᒪᒪ ᗯITᕼIᑎ 24 ᕼOᑌᖇᔕ ᗩT ᗰOᔕT!⌛️

Hello! I run a newspaper called The Scratch Telegram and we would love to stay updated on the news here to add to our articles. It would be really useful if someone here could apply for a watcher position and just update us occasionally with any big news. Please consider this (especially because it would be very much in your favour) and apply soon.

1000+ posts

{WE’RE OPEN}⭐️TᕼE ᔕᑭᗩᑕE ᔕᕼOᑭ⭐️ - ᑎOᗯ ᕼIᖇIᑎG! ᗯE OᖴᖴEᖇ E᙭ᑭEᖇTIᔕE Iᑎ ᗩᖇT, ᑕOᗪIᑎG ᗩᑎᗪ ᖇEᐯIEᗯᔕ, ⌛️ᗩᒪᒪ ᗯITᕼIᑎ 24 ᕼOᑌᖇᔕ ᗩT ᗰOᔕT!⌛️

RPP-Exploration wrote:

Hello! I run a newspaper called The Scratch Telegram and we would love to stay updated on the news here to add to our articles. It would be really useful if someone here could apply for a watcher position and just update us occasionally with any big news. Please consider this (especially because it would be very much in your favour) and apply soon.
I will apply!

inactive :​)
100+ posts

{WE’RE OPEN}⭐️TᕼE ᔕᑭᗩᑕE ᔕᕼOᑭ⭐️ - ᑎOᗯ ᕼIᖇIᑎG! ᗯE OᖴᖴEᖇ E᙭ᑭEᖇTIᔕE Iᑎ ᗩᖇT, ᑕOᗪIᑎG ᗩᑎᗪ ᖇEᐯIEᗯᔕ, ⌛️ᗩᒪᒪ ᗯITᕼIᑎ 24 ᕼOᑌᖇᔕ ᗩT ᗰOᔕT!⌛️

i will be inactive from july 9th to july 13th.
100+ posts

{WE’RE OPEN}⭐️TᕼE ᔕᑭᗩᑕE ᔕᕼOᑭ⭐️ - ᑎOᗯ ᕼIᖇIᑎG! ᗯE OᖴᖴEᖇ E᙭ᑭEᖇTIᔕE Iᑎ ᗩᖇT, ᑕOᗪIᑎG ᗩᑎᗪ ᖇEᐯIEᗯᔕ, ⌛️ᗩᒪᒪ ᗯITᕼIᑎ 24 ᕼOᑌᖇᔕ ᗩT ᗰOᔕT!⌛️

littlebunny06 wrote:

Hi. I have never asked for a request until now(sorry if I did something wrong lol). I need art help and feedback for my WIP in my signature. More specifically a preview of the new update: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/229681386. You can see examples of projects here: https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/5084263/.

I am inexperienced in aesthetic design so I want someone to draw the menu and designs for the editor and I will try to make it pen(if you are really determined, you can make pen art for the menu and editor). You can also give me art feedback.

A 480x 360 thumbnail for it would be great!

How do you rate it currently?
Did you have problems? Lag? Glitches?
What could I add?

Thanks to anyone who helps BTW I am constantly working on this project.

Edit: I don't really have a deadline for this but try to keep it down a week. Also, if there is something else you can help with, feel free to help.
bump… To be sure someone has seen it.

Last edited by littlebunny06 (July 26, 2018 02:12:08)

3D Graphics on Scratch studio: https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/32030084/

OLD(no more BETA development ): Follow Gamma Engine Beta development here: https://scratch.mit.edu/studios/30998173/
100+ posts

{WE’RE OPEN}⭐️TᕼE ᔕᑭᗩᑕE ᔕᕼOᑭ⭐️ - ᑎOᗯ ᕼIᖇIᑎG! ᗯE OᖴᖴEᖇ E᙭ᑭEᖇTIᔕE Iᑎ ᗩᖇT, ᑕOᗪIᑎG ᗩᑎᗪ ᖇEᐯIEᗯᔕ, ⌛️ᗩᒪᒪ ᗯITᕼIᑎ 24 ᕼOᑌᖇᔕ ᗩT ᗰOᔕT!⌛️

Hi, I'd like to order a review.
Brief description of game/animation (only brief, we don't want any spoilers!): an FPC application.
How harsh would you like it to be? (we will always be constructive, but be careful because if you choose too harsh you may be disappointed with your review )? I'd like as much criticism as I can get, so be as harsh as you want
Length of gameplay/animation: Varies on your reading speed, there's 5 sections
Any other notes: Not really Please don't ask me to add a mouse trail though, many people have said it and I'm opposed to using them as they distract from the project's original purpose and are unoriginal IMHO.
Suppershoppa rewards code (optional): Can somebody tell me what this is please?? Sorry!
Preferable time frame (when you would like it to be done by, please don't be demanding): Preferably by Thursday but if you can't get it earlier than whenever

Thanks !!!

Last edited by CatOverload (July 3, 2018 11:23:40)

Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish on its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing it is stupid.
- Albert Einstein
100+ posts

{WE’RE OPEN}⭐️TᕼE ᔕᑭᗩᑕE ᔕᕼOᑭ⭐️ - ᑎOᗯ ᕼIᖇIᑎG! ᗯE OᖴᖴEᖇ E᙭ᑭEᖇTIᔕE Iᑎ ᗩᖇT, ᑕOᗪIᑎG ᗩᑎᗪ ᖇEᐯIEᗯᔕ, ⌛️ᗩᒪᒪ ᗯITᕼIᑎ 24 ᕼOᑌᖇᔕ ᗩT ᗰOᔕT!⌛️

CatOverload wrote:

Hi, I'd like to order a review.
Brief description of game/animation (only brief, we don't want any spoilers!): an FPC application.
How harsh would you like it to be? (we will always be constructive, but be careful because if you choose too harsh you may be disappointed with your review )? I'd like as much criticism as I can get, so be as harsh as you want
Length of gameplay/animation: Varies on your reading speed, there's 5 sections
Any other notes: Not really Please don't ask me to add a mouse trail though, many people have said it and I'm opposed to using them as they distract from the project's original purpose and are unoriginal IMHO.
Suppershoppa rewards code (optional): Can somebody tell me what this is please?? Sorry!
Preferable time frame (when you would like it to be done by, please don't be demanding): Preferably by Thursday but if you can't get it earlier than whenever

Thanks !!!
Where's the link?

I made a game called "The True Ninja". It may sound like a rip-off to @Will_Wams the ninja series but I made it quite a bit different. The second game is out is now out and in my opinion, is much better than the first. Click here to see some other games I made!

I am willing to help, as long as it is in my capability to do so. (I think I am a decent programmer but not the best artist).

When asking help (to me or anyone else), attempt first, if you encounter trouble, that's when you ask help. If I created your scripts, then it would be hard for you to understand what they do. If you attempted but it did not work out, you will at least have an idea of what each script does and it will be easy to identify the modifications that made your script work. TLDR; Try, and ask help if if it does not work out

“It is the job that never started that takes the longest time to finish”- Samwise from Lord of the Rings
6 posts

{WE’RE OPEN}⭐️TᕼE ᔕᑭᗩᑕE ᔕᕼOᑭ⭐️ - ᑎOᗯ ᕼIᖇIᑎG! ᗯE OᖴᖴEᖇ E᙭ᑭEᖇTIᔕE Iᑎ ᗩᖇT, ᑕOᗪIᑎG ᗩᑎᗪ ᖇEᐯIEᗯᔕ, ⌛️ᗩᒪᒪ ᗯITᕼIᑎ 24 ᕼOᑌᖇᔕ ᗩT ᗰOᔕT!⌛️

sorry if this is a bit awkward, since this is literally my first post on this account, so i hope i'm doing this right. (i don’t even know if you can still do this)

Activity: 8/10
Alternate accounts: @snowgryphon (no longer active)
Examples of your work (MUST be included): https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/234286462/ https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/230684041/
What orders you prefer taking: costumes, thumbnails, i can try logos (i can’t see the second to last two art related things) and if you allow it, i’m also okay with average requests.
What you can add to The Space Shop: i'll be another artist who helps others make their projects even better (i didn't know what to say here)

Last edited by maervyre (July 3, 2018 16:33:07)

100+ posts

{WE’RE OPEN}⭐️TᕼE ᔕᑭᗩᑕE ᔕᕼOᑭ⭐️ - ᑎOᗯ ᕼIᖇIᑎG! ᗯE OᖴᖴEᖇ E᙭ᑭEᖇTIᔕE Iᑎ ᗩᖇT, ᑕOᗪIᑎG ᗩᑎᗪ ᖇEᐯIEᗯᔕ, ⌛️ᗩᒪᒪ ᗯITᕼIᑎ 24 ᕼOᑌᖇᔕ ᗩT ᗰOᔕT!⌛️

maervyre wrote:

sorry if this is a bit awkward, since this is literally my first post on this account, so i hope i'm doing this right. (i don’t even know if you can still do this)

Activity: digital art (mainly art requests, occasionally trades and costumes)
Alternate accounts: @snowgryphon (no longer active)
Examples of your work (MUST be included): https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/234286462/ https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/230684041/
What orders you prefer taking: costumes, thumbnails, i can try logos (i can’t see the second to last two art related things) and if you allow it, i’m also okay with average requests.
What you can add to The Space Shop: i'll be another artist who helps others make their projects even better (i didn't know what to say here)
(BTW I think the activity means how active you are out of 10 but if not then… this is awkward…)

80 posts

{WE’RE OPEN}⭐️TᕼE ᔕᑭᗩᑕE ᔕᕼOᑭ⭐️ - ᑎOᗯ ᕼIᖇIᑎG! ᗯE OᖴᖴEᖇ E᙭ᑭEᖇTIᔕE Iᑎ ᗩᖇT, ᑕOᗪIᑎG ᗩᑎᗪ ᖇEᐯIEᗯᔕ, ⌛️ᗩᒪᒪ ᗯITᕼIᑎ 24 ᕼOᑌᖇᔕ ᗩT ᗰOᔕT!⌛️

hellounicorns2 wrote:

Sweetlyshy wrote:

Sure, but I tried like 3 other shops and none responded. Which shop do you have in mind?
I’ll just try look for a small shop dedicated to art .
I own a shop, it's half dedicated to art and I can have a go at it if you want. BTW I'm not that good at art.
80 posts

{WE’RE OPEN}⭐️TᕼE ᔕᑭᗩᑕE ᔕᕼOᑭ⭐️ - ᑎOᗯ ᕼIᖇIᑎG! ᗯE OᖴᖴEᖇ E᙭ᑭEᖇTIᔕE Iᑎ ᗩᖇT, ᑕOᗪIᑎG ᗩᑎᗪ ᖇEᐯIEᗯᔕ, ⌛️ᗩᒪᒪ ᗯITᕼIᑎ 24 ᕼOᑌᖇᔕ ᗩT ᗰOᔕT!⌛️

Could you transform this song into MP3 please?
I would like it ASAP please.
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