Discuss Scratch

1000+ posts

The United Shops of Scratch - Topic 1 (2016-2018)

I’m bored. Again.

Sup, I’m 78ch3, person on the internet, TBGForums Member, owner of 78ch3's Everything Shop™ + The United Shops Of Scratch + Scratch Shop Reviewers Federation, and a very lazy person in general (IDK why). My pronouns are she/they for anyone interested. The bold orange words are links. Click them plz
Click here to find out how to get into any scratch account, without the password
Liquid Metal LLC - Information, Investigation, Infiltration /|\ Click to join the Advanced Stealth Combat RP /|\

My PC: AMD Ryzen 7 5800X, AMD Radeon RX 6800XT ROG Strix Liquid cooled OC edition, ROG Strix x570-E Gaming, Corsair Vengeance Pro 32GB DDR4 (4x8GB), Seagate FireCuda 520 PCIe Gen 4 NVMe (500GB), Crucial P2 PCIe Gen 3 NVMe (1TB), Corsair HX1000, Gigabyte G34WQC, RIG 800HD.
I mostly play Fortnite, Minecraft, the Touhou Project series and Terraria

Oh, you won’t see this without a ctrl+shift+down.
People need better thumbnails.
Also there's a lot of anti-kumquat equipment but the kumquats are too scared to come within 100 kilometres of me.
1000+ posts

The United Shops of Scratch - Topic 1 (2016-2018)

Name of Shop*: ‘Adsuri’s Shop!!!!!'
Link to Shop*:https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/306785/
Motto/Slogans:We Offer Reviews, Project Ideas, & BBCode Help!
Representatives*: No one yet
Population*: just me so far(trying to make shop popular)
Specialties*: in slogan

H                                                                                    He
Li Be B C N O F Ne
Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar
K Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr
Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I Xe
Cs Ba Hf Ta W Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg Tl Pb Bi Po At Rn
Fr Ra Rf Db Sg Bh Hs Mt Ds Rg Cn Nh Fl Mc Lv Ts Og

La Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu
Ac Th Pa U Np Pu Am Cm Bk Cf Es Fm Md No Lr

100+ posts

The United Shops of Scratch - Topic 1 (2016-2018)

Any update on the INV Store?

1000+ posts

The United Shops of Scratch - Topic 1 (2016-2018)

I think that the USS needs to do an activity check of all shops, reps and people in senior positions.

Hi, I'm FloatingMuffins!
You can call me Muffins!
Age 17 | Irish | Traditional Catholic | Conservative

1000+ posts

The United Shops of Scratch - Topic 1 (2016-2018)

PurpleRabbit07 wrote:

Any update on the INV Store?
Working on getting that project started.

FloatingMuffins wrote:

I think that the USS needs to do an activity check of all shops, reps and people in senior positions.
Yes, we should do that sometime soon.

7500+ posts (19th)
1000+ posts

The United Shops of Scratch - Topic 1 (2016-2018)

Austinato wrote:

PurpleRabbit07 wrote:

Any update on the INV Store?
Working on getting that project started.

FloatingMuffins wrote:

I think that the USS needs to do an activity check of all shops, reps and people in senior positions.
Yes, we should do that sometime soon.
If you want I can make out a proposal of what the rep system could look like.

Hi, I'm FloatingMuffins!
You can call me Muffins!
Age 17 | Irish | Traditional Catholic | Conservative

1000+ posts

The United Shops of Scratch - Topic 1 (2016-2018)

adsuri wrote:

Name of Shop*: ‘Adsuri’s Shop!!!!!'
Link to Shop*:https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/306785/
Motto/Slogans:We Offer Reviews, Project Ideas, & BBCode Help!
Representatives*: No one yet
Population*: just me so far(trying to make shop popular)
Specialties*: in slogan

H                                                                                    He
Li Be B C N O F Ne
Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar
K Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr
Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I Xe
Cs Ba Hf Ta W Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg Tl Pb Bi Po At Rn
Fr Ra Rf Db Sg Bh Hs Mt Ds Rg Cn Nh Fl Mc Lv Ts Og

La Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu
Ac Th Pa U Np Pu Am Cm Bk Cf Es Fm Md No Lr

500+ posts

The United Shops of Scratch - Topic 1 (2016-2018)

adsuri wrote:

adsuri wrote:

Name of Shop*: ‘Adsuri’s Shop!!!!!'
Link to Shop*:https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/306785/
Motto/Slogans:We Offer Reviews, Project Ideas, & BBCode Help!
Representatives*: No one yet
Population*: just me so far(trying to make shop popular)
Specialties*: in slogan
Your application will need to be removed by either the current president (7ch83) or a co-owner (Austinato or monkeytrooper)

I like Scratch 3.0! An immesurable improvment! Banner coming soon!
1000+ posts

The United Shops of Scratch - Topic 1 (2016-2018)

TimeLordPlanet wrote:

adsuri wrote:

adsuri wrote:

Name of Shop*: ‘Adsuri’s Shop!!!!!'
Link to Shop*:https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/306785/
Motto/Slogans:We Offer Reviews, Project Ideas, & BBCode Help!
Representatives*: No one yet
Population*: just me so far(trying to make shop popular)
Specialties*: in slogan
Your application will need to be removed by either the current president (7ch83) or a co-owner (Austinato or monkeytrooper)
Do you mean approved?

Hi, I'm FloatingMuffins!
You can call me Muffins!
Age 17 | Irish | Traditional Catholic | Conservative

1000+ posts

The United Shops of Scratch - Topic 1 (2016-2018)

FloatingMuffins wrote:

Austinato wrote:

PurpleRabbit07 wrote:

Any update on the INV Store?
Working on getting that project started.

FloatingMuffins wrote:

I think that the USS needs to do an activity check of all shops, reps and people in senior positions.
Yes, we should do that sometime soon.
If you want I can make out a proposal of what the rep system could look like.

7500+ posts (19th)
1000+ posts

The United Shops of Scratch - Topic 1 (2016-2018)

FloatingMuffins wrote:

TimeLordPlanet wrote:

adsuri wrote:

adsuri wrote:

Name of Shop*: ‘Adsuri’s Shop!!!!!'
Link to Shop*:https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/306785/
Motto/Slogans:We Offer Reviews, Project Ideas, & BBCode Help!
Representatives*: No one yet
Population*: just me so far(trying to make shop popular)
Specialties*: in slogan
Your application will need to be removed by either the current president (7ch83) or a co-owner (Austinato or monkeytrooper)
Do you mean approved?
I think so. I’m reviewing it now.

Sup, I’m 78ch3, person on the internet, TBGForums Member, owner of 78ch3's Everything Shop™ + The United Shops Of Scratch + Scratch Shop Reviewers Federation, and a very lazy person in general (IDK why). My pronouns are she/they for anyone interested. The bold orange words are links. Click them plz
Click here to find out how to get into any scratch account, without the password
Liquid Metal LLC - Information, Investigation, Infiltration /|\ Click to join the Advanced Stealth Combat RP /|\

My PC: AMD Ryzen 7 5800X, AMD Radeon RX 6800XT ROG Strix Liquid cooled OC edition, ROG Strix x570-E Gaming, Corsair Vengeance Pro 32GB DDR4 (4x8GB), Seagate FireCuda 520 PCIe Gen 4 NVMe (500GB), Crucial P2 PCIe Gen 3 NVMe (1TB), Corsair HX1000, Gigabyte G34WQC, RIG 800HD.
I mostly play Fortnite, Minecraft, the Touhou Project series and Terraria

Oh, you won’t see this without a ctrl+shift+down.
People need better thumbnails.
Also there's a lot of anti-kumquat equipment but the kumquats are too scared to come within 100 kilometres of me.
1000+ posts

The United Shops of Scratch - Topic 1 (2016-2018)

Austinato wrote:

FloatingMuffins wrote:

Austinato wrote:

PurpleRabbit07 wrote:

Any update on the INV Store?
Working on getting that project started.

FloatingMuffins wrote:

I think that the USS needs to do an activity check of all shops, reps and people in senior positions.
Yes, we should do that sometime soon.
If you want I can make out a proposal of what the rep system could look like.
Ok. I will get started on that. It should be ready by tomorrow.

Hi, I'm FloatingMuffins!
You can call me Muffins!
Age 17 | Irish | Traditional Catholic | Conservative

500+ posts

The United Shops of Scratch - Topic 1 (2016-2018)

FloatingMuffins wrote:

TimeLordPlanet wrote:

adsuri wrote:

adsuri wrote:

Name of Shop*: ‘Adsuri’s Shop!!!!!'
Link to Shop*:https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/306785/
Motto/Slogans:We Offer Reviews, Project Ideas, & BBCode Help!
Representatives*: No one yet
Population*: just me so far(trying to make shop popular)
Specialties*: in slogan
Your application will need to be removed by either the current president (7ch83) or a co-owner (Austinato or monkeytrooper)
Do you mean approved?
Yes. My Linux GTK theme makes it harder to type.

I like Scratch 3.0! An immesurable improvment! Banner coming soon!
1000+ posts

The United Shops of Scratch - Topic 1 (2016-2018)

adsuri wrote:

Name of Shop*: ‘Adsuri’s Shop!!!!!'
Link to Shop*:https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/306785/
Motto/Slogans:We Offer Reviews, Project Ideas, & BBCode Help!
Representatives*: No one yet
Population*: just me so far(trying to make shop popular)
Specialties*: in slogan
Accepted! Welcome to the gang!

Sup, I’m 78ch3, person on the internet, TBGForums Member, owner of 78ch3's Everything Shop™ + The United Shops Of Scratch + Scratch Shop Reviewers Federation, and a very lazy person in general (IDK why). My pronouns are she/they for anyone interested. The bold orange words are links. Click them plz
Click here to find out how to get into any scratch account, without the password
Liquid Metal LLC - Information, Investigation, Infiltration /|\ Click to join the Advanced Stealth Combat RP /|\

My PC: AMD Ryzen 7 5800X, AMD Radeon RX 6800XT ROG Strix Liquid cooled OC edition, ROG Strix x570-E Gaming, Corsair Vengeance Pro 32GB DDR4 (4x8GB), Seagate FireCuda 520 PCIe Gen 4 NVMe (500GB), Crucial P2 PCIe Gen 3 NVMe (1TB), Corsair HX1000, Gigabyte G34WQC, RIG 800HD.
I mostly play Fortnite, Minecraft, the Touhou Project series and Terraria

Oh, you won’t see this without a ctrl+shift+down.
People need better thumbnails.
Also there's a lot of anti-kumquat equipment but the kumquats are too scared to come within 100 kilometres of me.
1000+ posts

The United Shops of Scratch - Topic 1 (2016-2018)

78ch3 wrote:

adsuri wrote:

Name of Shop*: ‘Adsuri’s Shop!!!!!'
Link to Shop*:https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/306785/
Motto/Slogans:We Offer Reviews, Project Ideas, & BBCode Help!
Representatives*: No one yet
Population*: just me so far(trying to make shop popular)
Specialties*: in slogan
Accepted! Welcome to the gang!
Let's do gang stuff

i made a project inspector!! https://project-inspector.pages.dev/
i made this online agenda: https://ejenda.org

i helped make this site: https://umassmakers.cloud/
1000+ posts

The United Shops of Scratch - Topic 1 (2016-2018)

Are we allowed to advertise for reps here.

Last edited by adsuri (Aug. 15, 2018 13:49:04)

H                                                                                    He
Li Be B C N O F Ne
Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar
K Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr
Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I Xe
Cs Ba Hf Ta W Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg Tl Pb Bi Po At Rn
Fr Ra Rf Db Sg Bh Hs Mt Ds Rg Cn Nh Fl Mc Lv Ts Og

La Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu
Ac Th Pa U Np Pu Am Cm Bk Cf Es Fm Md No Lr

1000+ posts

The United Shops of Scratch - Topic 1 (2016-2018)

My proposal for the reps system
I suggest we have two houses. The Senate and the House of Representatives (just like the USA political system)

The Senate
Each shop gets to have 2 people in the senate no matter what their population is. If they only have 1 member then they only get 1 senate position.

The House of Representatives
1-3 members = 1 rep
4-7 members = 2 reps
8-11 members = 3 reps
12-16 members = 4 reps
17-21 members = 5 reps
22-27 members = 6 reps
28-34 members = 7 reps
35-42 members = 8 reps
43-51 members = 9 reps
52+ members = 10 reps

I know it is unlikely any shop will ever get over 40 members but I have covered these situations anyway.

A person cannot be a member of both the Senate and House of Representatives.

If anyone has any ideas for improvements for this just say so.

Hi, I'm FloatingMuffins!
You can call me Muffins!
Age 17 | Irish | Traditional Catholic | Conservative

1000+ posts

The United Shops of Scratch - Topic 1 (2016-2018)

FloatingMuffins wrote:

My proposal for the reps system
I suggest we have two houses. The Senate and the House of Representatives (just like the USA political system)

The Senate
Each shop gets to have 2 people in the senate no matter what their population is. If they only have 1 member then they only get 1 senate position.

The House of Representatives
1-3 members = 1 rep
4-7 members = 2 reps
8-11 members = 3 reps
12-16 members = 4 reps
17-21 members = 5 reps
22-27 members = 6 reps
28-34 members = 7 reps
35-42 members = 8 reps
43-51 members = 9 reps
52+ members = 10 reps

I know it is unlikely any shop will ever get over 40 members but I have covered these situations anyway.

A person cannot be a member of both the Senate and House of Representatives.

If anyone has any ideas for improvements for this just say so.
is it okay if i can use this for the SPAbut tweak it a bit?

i made a project inspector!! https://project-inspector.pages.dev/
i made this online agenda: https://ejenda.org

i helped make this site: https://umassmakers.cloud/
1000+ posts

The United Shops of Scratch - Topic 1 (2016-2018)

GrahamSH wrote:

FloatingMuffins wrote:

My proposal for the reps system
I suggest we have two houses. The Senate and the House of Representatives (just like the USA political system)

The Senate
Each shop gets to have 2 people in the senate no matter what their population is. If they only have 1 member then they only get 1 senate position.

The House of Representatives
1-3 members = 1 rep
4-7 members = 2 reps
8-11 members = 3 reps
12-16 members = 4 reps
17-21 members = 5 reps
22-27 members = 6 reps
28-34 members = 7 reps
35-42 members = 8 reps
43-51 members = 9 reps
52+ members = 10 reps

I know it is unlikely any shop will ever get over 40 members but I have covered these situations anyway.

A person cannot be a member of both the Senate and House of Representatives.

If anyone has any ideas for improvements for this just say so.
is it okay if i can use this for the SPAbut tweak it a bit?
Of course.

Hi, I'm FloatingMuffins!
You can call me Muffins!
Age 17 | Irish | Traditional Catholic | Conservative

1000+ posts

The United Shops of Scratch - Topic 1 (2016-2018)

GrahamSH wrote:

FloatingMuffins wrote:

My proposal for the reps system
I suggest we have two houses. The Senate and the House of Representatives (just like the USA political system)

The Senate
Each shop gets to have 2 people in the senate no matter what their population is. If they only have 1 member then they only get 1 senate position.

The House of Representatives
1-3 members = 1 rep
4-7 members = 2 reps
8-11 members = 3 reps
12-16 members = 4 reps
17-21 members = 5 reps
22-27 members = 6 reps
28-34 members = 7 reps
35-42 members = 8 reps
43-51 members = 9 reps
52+ members = 10 reps

I know it is unlikely any shop will ever get over 40 members but I have covered these situations anyway.

A person cannot be a member of both the Senate and House of Representatives.

If anyone has any ideas for improvements for this just say so.
is it okay if i can use this for the SPAbut tweak it a bit?
This was first proposed in the SPA by jromagnoli. I was campaigning off of it.

Do you need a good banner, or coding, or something else? Check out MasterOfTheTiger and Coder_Annika's Shop
sig by @myed - get yours here.

MasterOfTheTiger: Owner of MasterOfTheTiger's Shop Triple S, Shop Helpers, and SH Orders.
MasterOfTheTiger: Worker at GlitterStores, Request Shop, +
MasterOfTheTiger: Devoted to the success of Scratch Shops.

Do you need a good banner, or coding, or something else? Check out MasterOfTheTiger's shop - I do banners, logos, thumbnails, coding, intros and more here!

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