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New TSF run shops newspaper

MegaByteCorporations wrote:

Although that could work, wouldn't it be a better interface if we just started putting them on both a post and a thread? And the Main Post on the thread could link to the articles.

Mega the Cardboard Robot

How about we just get there, and then we see what will work better in the time.
1000+ posts

New TSF run shops newspaper

An Interview with CrazyGoldfish3, the Founder and Owner of The Shop Federation

CrazyGoldfish3 is a Scratcher that will almost definitely go down in Scratch history. He is owner of a reliable Custom Block shop and more notably he's the Owner/Founder of The Shop Federation. He was interviewed by MegaByteCorporations about TSF.

When asked what The Shop Federation was he swiftly replied, “The Shop Federation is an organization that was founded by me in December, 2015. It helps Small Shops get due recognition, while at the same time Big Shops get many advantages. We do Endorsements for small shops and Certification for bigger ones, plus so much more.”

He says that he came up with the idea while in a debate for a position in Tropical Waves when he was asked by the Moderator about unique ideas. He said that he was always a fan of business related stuff, and professionalism. He then decide that he should bring that to scratch hence TSF.

He was then asked about assistance when he first started up, and he said, “Almost immediatly I was met by support from various Scratchers who wanted to know the whos, the whys, the whens, etc. I did give them some minor details, but I mainly kept it to myself to build up the hype. Finally, I asked a Shop for the Banner that you currently see overhanging TSF today, and that day I started it up, on my own.”

He told MegaByte that, “We haven't done everything right, but we are getting a lot better, and I'm confident that our future is bright.”

MegaByte also asked about what specific ideas Crazy had about TSF. To this he replied, “The whole timeframe of TSF I break into 3 Phases. Phase 1 was Start, which went from the beginning all the way to the start of this summer, a few months ago. Then, Phase 2 is Reform, which started just recently. We have many, many goals, and Reform is going to be not only getting the Hierarchy up to date, but also completing our many tasks at hand: Guilds, Specialized Campaign, House of Representatives, Endorsements, Certifications, and more. After all that hard work, we will finally get to Phase 3, Smooth Rolling, where we are all set for a long time to come.”

The final question was about which goal would be achieved soonest, and to this Crazy remarked, “Well, this very Newspaper has definitely risen in importance, and I'm honestly surprised where we are with it, but besides that, I think that getting our Specialized Campaign to booster what we said we were going to do will get done the soonest.”

I am sure that we will be hearing a lot more from this Scratcher very soon. But for now thanks for reading.

- monkeytooper, Writer of The Federation Times

(For post link)

Last edited by CrazyGoldfish3 (Sept. 3, 2016 13:44:18)

1000+ posts

New TSF run shops newspaper

Anything I could do?

Mega the Cardboard Robot

Trust, but verify ⅼ There is a madness to my method ⅼ Always outnumbered, never outclassed ⅼ They said I couldn't, so I did ⅼ I didn't lie, I circumnavigated the truth ⅼ Determination is the wake up call to the human will ⅼ I don't want to hurt you. And you know that I can ⅼ People can change - there is reason for hope ⅼ True friends stab you in the front ⅼ No I'm not ‘giving up’ I'm just too classy to fight an idiot like you
1000+ posts

New TSF run shops newspaper

TheFederationTimes wrote:

Cover ☑ wrote:


The Federation Times ISSUE #1 DATE: 9/Something ☑

Cover Story Headline: “TSF COURT HAVING A SAY” or something along those lines ☑

Featuring Interviews with makethebrainhappy, CrazyGoldfish3, and Austinato! ☑

*Feature Shop: ✔ Ray of light ✔* ☑

Enjoy reading! ☑

Ads ☑ wrote:

Banner+Link for each Ad-
The Emporium: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/198697/?page=1 ☑ Banner: http://i68.tinypic.com/ibyo13.png
Laetus Graphics Studio: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/210590/ ☑ Banner: http://i.cubeupload.com/VQxRpq.png
Consili Designs: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/173751/ ☑ Banner: http://i.cubeupload.com/fGdsmx.png
2538 Shop: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/197584/ ☑ Banner: http://i.cubeupload.com/G3Wgd7.jpg
Sigton's Shop: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/158252/ ☑ Banner: http://i.cubeupload.com/zMJz3D.png
Co49: https://scratch.mit.edu/users/Co49/ ☑ Banner: http://i68.tinypic.com/2w2h26v.png
Employee of the Week will be determined after the issue has been completed. ☑
SDS Jingle: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/108642968/ ☑ Banner: http://i.cubeupload.com/whQep4.png

Interviews ☑ wrote:

Each interview + Article based around it-
makethebrainhappy: https://titanpad.com/2UxqOnHV9t ☑ Article: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/post/2180552/
CrazyGoldfish3: https://titanpad.com/2UxqOnHV9t (Under MTBH's) ☑ Article: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/post/2187322/
Austinato: https://titanpad.com/2UxqOnHV9t (Under CG3's) ☑ Article: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/post/2185755/

Articles wrote:

2 columns + Cover story-
Cover Story: CrazyGoldfish3; Banner: ; Article ☑:
[center][b][big]GETTING A SAY:[/big] The TSF Court to make a First Ever Ruling[/b][/center]
Later this week, the TSF Court, who has never actually made a ruling in the history of The Shop Federation, will now get a say. It is a simple case, for sure, but still a historical moment for the Federation. The Court is actually 2 members short of what it can be, but still is on an odd number, therefore the decision will still have a majority. 
The ruling will concern whether or not [url=https://scratch.mit.edu/users/CrazyGoldfish3/]CrazyGoldfish3's[/url] shop, deemed [url=https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/214891/]CrazyGoldfish3's Custom Block Shop -REMASTERED-[/url] , should be Endorsed. The reason why CrazyGoldfish3 can't do it is because of the fact that it is his Shop, and it wouldn't make much sense for him to be the one to determine whether or not it should be Endorsed, which would give a large amount of Advertising and boost the Shop overall, if it is his Shop! Therefore, the TSF Court, led by [url=https://scratch.mit.edu/users/makethebrainhappy/]makethebrainhappy[/url], will make the decision.
The Court is designed to hold 5 Justices, but due to recent Hierarchy reforms, is only sporting 3. Besides the Chief Justice, makethebrainhappy, the 2 other Justices are [url=https://scratch.mit.edu/users/Doni24/]Doni24[/url] and [url=https://scratch.mit.edu/users/Austinato/]Austinato[/url]. The Court might be incomplete, but is still functional, and will be able to make this minor ruling before they get 2 more dedicated Justices.
The Shop meets all Endorsement Standards, so all that is left to discuss for the Court is whether or not they consider Custom Block service unique enough. Until then, however, the Shop will simply be a basic member of TSF, waiting for a minor verdict that has historical implications.

Column 1: The Feature Shop Breakdown, with rainbow_waves ☑; Banner: http://i.cubeupload.com/p7SDhw.png
[center][big][b]Featured Shop Breakdown[/big], with rainbow_waves[/b][/big][/center]
At banana439monkey’s shop, Ray of Light, orders are a priority. Ray of Light provides a number of services that can not be found anywhere else! They offer Lego® Guides, websites, Unicode emojis, HTML code, and Scratch Wiki signatures.
Along with their special offers, Ray of Light also provides the traditional services: art, outros, ideas, stories, BBcode, projects, reviews, code, logos, and designs. At Ray of Light, orders are taken quickly, and completed within a week, guaranteeing happy customers. 
This shop is fairly old, as it has been open for almost nine months. It has fifty-two pages of order completion and satisfied customers, and no inactivity to be seen. The staff list is fairly small, with only fourteen workers, yet these Scratchers are dedicated to getting orders done quickly. 
All in all, Ray of Light is a great shop to go to if you want a large selection of services, and fast completion. The staff are friendly, the quality is high, and Ray of Light is, well, a ray of light.
Column 2: TSF Lately, with MegaByteCorporations ☑; Banner: http://i.cubeupload.com/38JnfY.png
[center][big][b]TSF Lately[/b][/big]
[i]With [url=https://scratch.mit.edu/users/MegaByteCorporations/]MegaByteCorporations[/url][/i][/center]
     Recently the Shop Federation has been going through some major changes. This began sometime near the end of [url=https://scratch.mit.edu/users/CrazyGoldfish3/]CrazyGolfish3's[/url] - who we'll call Crazy from now on - summer vacation. Crazy's summer inactiveness caused TSF to go into a very severe activity slump. About 3 posts were made very week, though occasionally there would be activity spikes that lasted a day or two. This caused TSF Officials to begin planning a complete reform of TSF, the only hampering circumstance was Crazy's absence from the happenings; and so TSF Officials opted to elect a Temporary Manager until Crazy returned from his hiatus. As election preparations were being made, Crazy returned, and with the return of Crazy, the reform truly began to happen. All of the inactive TSF Officials were cut, opening up spots for Hierarchy hopefuls.
[center][i]And that was [b]TSF Lately[/b] with MegaByteCorporations[/i][/center]

Unique Article to issue-
Topic: Guilds, by monkeytrooper ☑

Recently the TSF has set up a new Guilds program. It is designed so that shops that sell the same things can discuss individually regarding different topics. There are many benefits of being in a Guild. It gives partnerships, deals, ideas, and more to the joined shops. Currently Guilds are for TSF members only. To join a Guild you must first become a TSF member, then apply for your Guild. Currently, we have two Guilds, Personal Art (logos, banners, etc.) and Project Art (sprites, backgrounds.) (NOTE TO PAPER STAFF, Place links to the guilds where they're mentioned) More Guilds will be coming soon, such as Writing, Music, and Scripting. We urge all shops to join the TSF and a Guild, so please consider it.[/code]

Review ☑ wrote:

One Detailed Review of a Shop- Ocean Breeze Shop of Everything: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/159006/

Review: Interface: 20/20 Very easy to use, and understand.
Order-Related Activity: 10/20 Almost immediately my order was swamped in a storm of music-related offtropicness, I had to bump it twice before someone took my order.
Staff: 14/20 They were quite kind, but again, too offtropic.
Order Completion Swiftness: 20/20 They completed it on the same day.
Order Final Product: 20/20 Exactly what the order said.
Overall: 84/100 - About 4 stars out of 5 - About 8/10

Article: https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/post/2188291/

Polls☑ wrote:

2 Standard Polls-
Who should be our Scratcher of the next issue? A: rollercoasterfan- https://scratch.mit.edu/users/rollercoasterfan/, B: Sigton- https://scratch.mit.edu/users/Sigton/ , C: ZLGames- https://scratch.mit.edu/users/ZLGames/
Which project should we feature next issue? A: Bubble Bear- https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/118843730/ , B: Stages of Government in Ancient Greece- https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/70830574/ , C: Summer- https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/108683988/

1 Unique to the Issue Poll-
Do you think CrazyGoldfish3's Shop deserves to be Endorsed? A: Yes, B: No ☑

- Additional Art Pieces (Sigton + RCF)
- Formatting to Newspaper Style (Everyone)
- Banner for Cover Story
- Add links to rainbow_waves' and monkeytrooper's stories.

Last edited by CrazyGoldfish3 (Sept. 4, 2016 13:39:57)

1000+ posts

New TSF run shops newspaper

MegaByteCorporations wrote:

Ocean Breeze Raw Review:

Interface: 20/20 Very easy to use, and understand.
Order-Related Activity: 10/20 Almost immediately my order was swamped in a storm of music-related offtropicness, I had to bump it twice before someone took my order.
Staff: 14/20 They were quite kind, but again, too offtropic.
Order Completion Swiftness: 20/20 They completed it on the same day.
Order Final Product: 20/20 Exactly what the order said.
Overall: 84/100 - About 4 out of 5 stars - About 8/10

Ocean Breeze Article:

Ocean Breeze Shop of Almost Anything
Reviewed by MegaByteCorporations

Recently, I ordered a piece of art from Ocean Breeze Shop of Almost Anything, by rainbow_waves, and I was thoroughly satisfied by how my order turned out. However, there were some things I disliked about the service; one of these things was how my order was almost immediately swamped in offtropicness and I bump my order twice before anyone noticed it. Despite this, they still managed to get my order done on the same day, and the finished product was exactly what I asked for. All in all, Ocean Breeze is a quite decent shop.

Now you editors can do your thing.

Mega the Cardboard Robot

Trust, but verify ⅼ There is a madness to my method ⅼ Always outnumbered, never outclassed ⅼ They said I couldn't, so I did ⅼ I didn't lie, I circumnavigated the truth ⅼ Determination is the wake up call to the human will ⅼ I don't want to hurt you. And you know that I can ⅼ People can change - there is reason for hope ⅼ True friends stab you in the front ⅼ No I'm not ‘giving up’ I'm just too classy to fight an idiot like you
1000+ posts

New TSF run shops newspaper

MegaByteCorporations wrote:

Ocean Breeze Raw Review:

Interface: 20/20 Very easy to use, and understand.
Order-Related Activity: 10/20 Almost immediately my order was swamped in a storm of music-related offtropicness, I had to bump it twice before someone took my order.
Staff: 14/20 They were quite kind, but again, too offtropic.
Order Completion Swiftness: 20/20 They completed it on the same day.
Order Final Product: 20/20 Exactly what the order said.
Overall: 84/100 - About 4 out of 5 stars - About 8/10

Ocean Breeze Article:

Ocean Breeze Shop of Almost Anything
Reviewed by MegaByteCorporations

Recently, I ordered a piece of art from Ocean Breeze Shop of Almost Anything, owned by rainbow_waves, and I was thoroughly satisfied by how my order turned out. However, there were some things I disliked about the service; one of these things was how my order was almost immediately swamped in offtropicness, and I ended up bumping my order twice before anyone noticed it. Despite this, they still managed to get my order done on the same day, and the finished product was exactly what I asked for. All in all, Ocean Breeze is a decent shop.


Credit to Sigton for the signature, ordered at Sigton's Shop

Click to edit your signature!
1000+ posts

New TSF run shops newspaper

Recently, I ordered a piece of art from Ocean Breeze Shop of Almost Anything, owned by rainbow_waves, and I was thoroughly satisfied by how my order turned out. However, there were some things I disliked about the service; one of these things was how my order was almost immediately swamped in offtopicness, and I ended up bumping my order twice before anyone noticed it. Despite this, they still managed to get my order done on the same day, and the finished product was exactly what I asked for. All in all, Ocean Breeze is a good shop with some flaws.

- MegaByteCorportations, Writer of The Federation Times

Last edited by CrazyGoldfish3 (Sept. 3, 2016 22:07:03)

1000+ posts

New TSF run shops newspaper

[quote][center][b][big]Review of Ocean Breeze Shop of Almost Anything[/big][/b][/center]
Recently, I ordered a piece of art from [url=https://scratch.mit.edu/discuss/topic/159006/]Ocean Breeze Shop of Almost Anything[/url], owned by [url=https://scratch.mit.edu/users/rainbow_waves/]rainbow_waves[/url], and I was thoroughly satisfied by how my order turned out. However, there were some things I disliked about the service; one of these things was how my order was almost immediately swamped in offtopicness, and I ended up bumping my order [i]twice[/i] before anyone noticed it. Despite this, they still managed to get my order done on the same day, and the finished product was exactly what I asked for. All in all, Ocean Breeze is a good shop with some flaws.
- MegaByteCorportations, Writer of The Federation Times[/quote]

It's Sunday, so we have to pull everything together and make it look good.

Mega the Cardboard Robot

Last edited by MegaByteCorporations (Sept. 4, 2016 11:52:44)

Trust, but verify ⅼ There is a madness to my method ⅼ Always outnumbered, never outclassed ⅼ They said I couldn't, so I did ⅼ I didn't lie, I circumnavigated the truth ⅼ Determination is the wake up call to the human will ⅼ I don't want to hurt you. And you know that I can ⅼ People can change - there is reason for hope ⅼ True friends stab you in the front ⅼ No I'm not ‘giving up’ I'm just too classy to fight an idiot like you
1000+ posts

New TSF run shops newspaper

As seen in my Layout post a couple posts above, we need Co49's logo, a Banner for the Cover Story, and links added to rainbow_waves' Featured Shop Breakdown, and monkeytrooper's Guilds.

After that, we have pretty much the whole layout complete, and we will just need some nice BBcode, formatting skills, etc.
1000+ posts

New TSF run shops newspaper

Next issue will be done quicker as we already have the checklist which I pu on the FP

Signatures are a strange one really aren't they?
1000+ posts

New TSF run shops newspaper

monkeytrooper wrote:

Next issue will be done quicker as we already have the checklist which I pu on the FP

Yeah, and we already have some Art pieces that carry over in purpose done.
1000+ posts

New TSF run shops newspaper

rainbow_waves wrote:

Featured Shop Breakdown

Co49's logo

Thanks for the logo, but what I meant by links is that all the Usernames, Shop Names, etc, in the article are linked.
1000+ posts

New TSF run shops newspaper

We are still really close though! Here, I'll do that linking stuff, and then we can get everything Formatted. We will have a whole week to do it, but tomorrow, I uh… start *Coughing*
1000+ posts

New TSF run shops newspaper

CrazyGoldfish3 wrote:

We are still really close though! Here, I'll do that linking stuff, and then we can get everything Formatted. We will have a whole week to do it, but tomorrow, I uh… start *Coughing*

Mega the Cardboard Robot

Trust, but verify ⅼ There is a madness to my method ⅼ Always outnumbered, never outclassed ⅼ They said I couldn't, so I did ⅼ I didn't lie, I circumnavigated the truth ⅼ Determination is the wake up call to the human will ⅼ I don't want to hurt you. And you know that I can ⅼ People can change - there is reason for hope ⅼ True friends stab you in the front ⅼ No I'm not ‘giving up’ I'm just too classy to fight an idiot like you
1000+ posts

New TSF run shops newspaper

Manager: CrazyGoldfish3
General of Operations: monkeytrooper
Head BBcoder: rollercoasterfan
Head Editor: MegaByteCorporations
Head Writer: rainbow_waves
Head Artist: Sigton

BBcoders: Sigton, rollercoasterfan
Editors: monkeytrooper, rollercoasterfan, MegaByteCorporations, Lego-Lovin-Program
Writers: MegaByteCorporations, monkeytrooper, rainbow_waves, CrazyGoldfish3
Interviewers: CrazyGoldfish3, monkeytrooper, MegaByteCorporations, rainbow_waves
Artists: rollercoasterfan, MegaByteCorporations, rainbow_waves, Sigton

There was a tie at Head Artist, but when it comes to eligibility, this is the easiest route.
1000+ posts

New TSF run shops newspaper

MegaByteCorporations wrote:

CrazyGoldfish3 wrote:

We are still really close though! Here, I'll do that linking stuff, and then we can get everything Formatted. We will have a whole week to do it, but tomorrow, I uh… start school.

Mega the Cardboard Robot
1000+ posts

New TSF run shops newspaper

CrazyGoldfish3 wrote:

Manager: CrazyGoldfish3
General of Operations: monkeytrooper
Head BBcoder: rollercoasterfan
Head Editor: MegaByteCorporations
Head Writer: rainbow_waves
Head Artist: Sigton

BBcoders: Sigton, rollercoasterfan
Editors: monkeytrooper, rollercoasterfan, MegaByteCorporations, Lego-Lovin-Program
Writers: MegaByteCorporations, monkeytrooper, rainbow_waves, CrazyGoldfish3
Interviewers: CrazyGoldfish3, monkeytrooper, MegaByteCorporations, rainbow_waves
Artists: rollercoasterfan, MegaByteCorporations, rainbow_waves, Sigton

There was a tie at Head Artist, but when it comes to eligibility, this is the easiest route.
Well, actually its the only route, because if rainbow became Head Artist, then no one could be head Writer.

Mega the Cardboard Robot

Last edited by MegaByteCorporations (Sept. 5, 2016 12:19:49)

Trust, but verify ⅼ There is a madness to my method ⅼ Always outnumbered, never outclassed ⅼ They said I couldn't, so I did ⅼ I didn't lie, I circumnavigated the truth ⅼ Determination is the wake up call to the human will ⅼ I don't want to hurt you. And you know that I can ⅼ People can change - there is reason for hope ⅼ True friends stab you in the front ⅼ No I'm not ‘giving up’ I'm just too classy to fight an idiot like you
1000+ posts

New TSF run shops newspaper

MegaByteCorporations wrote:

Well, actually its the only route, because if rainbow became Head Artist, then no one could be head Writer.

Mega the Cardboard Robot

Doing Link stuff now.

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