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1000+ posts

ARE YOU A SONIC FAN? Yes? Great! No? Great! Either way, consider joining our collab! | Sonic the Anime | Largest Collab on Scratch | ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Smiley100P wrote:

goldfish678 wrote:

Okay, here's my idea for the episode lineup:

1. pilot
2. Checked Mate
3. Episode with Tails and Zooey
4. Humane Society for the Chao
5. Shadows and Flames
6. Robot Kitten
7. season finale
Alright, then! This is gonna be great!
I agree!

Smiley100P wrote:

Smiley100P wrote:

“Robotic Kitten”- Tails builds himself, well, a robotic kitten, and everyone's like “ERMEHGERSHWHYYYYY”
And Eggman notices, and goes on watch because M-30-W (Meow) seems suspicious to him. And he's not!

Alright, official voice acting casting is starting-
For the pilot, we need voice actors for SONIC, TAILS, KNUCKLES, AMY, CREAM, TIKAL, VANILLA, EGGMAN, CHEESE, and CUBOT.

I'm assuming PPL is gonna be all the female characters, so that leaves us with


That leaves six characters, which is easily divisible by 2 or 3.

If Spycapt54 wants to voice act, I've compiled a possible complete cast:
Smiley100P - SONIC, CUBOT

If Spycapt doesn't, I've compiled another possible complete cast:

Notice I say the word possible. These are almost completely random, and the roles can be switched very easily.

Let me know if you want to be a specific character.

1000+ posts

ARE YOU A SONIC FAN? Yes? Great! No? Great! Either way, consider joining our collab! | Sonic the Anime | Largest Collab on Scratch | ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

goldfish678 wrote:

Smiley100P wrote:

goldfish678 wrote:

Okay, here's my idea for the episode lineup:

1. pilot
2. Checked Mate
3. Episode with Tails and Zooey
4. Humane Society for the Chao
5. Shadows and Flames
6. Robot Kitten
7. season finale
Alright, then! This is gonna be great!
I agree!

Smiley100P wrote:

Smiley100P wrote:

“Robotic Kitten”- Tails builds himself, well, a robotic kitten, and everyone's like “ERMEHGERSHWHYYYYY”
And Eggman notices, and goes on watch because M-30-W (Meow) seems suspicious to him. And he's not!

Alright, official voice acting casting is starting-
For the pilot, we need voice actors for SONIC, TAILS, KNUCKLES, AMY, CREAM, TIKAL, VANILLA, EGGMAN, CHEESE, and CUBOT.

I'm assuming PPL is gonna be all the female characters, so that leaves us with


That leaves six characters, which is easily divisible by 2 or 3.

If Spycapt54 wants to voice act, I've compiled a possible complete cast:
Smiley100P - SONIC, CUBOT

If Spycapt doesn't, I've compiled another possible complete cast:

Notice I say the word possible. These are almost completely random, and the roles can be switched very easily.

Let me know if you want to be a specific character.

2. Thanks. I also think the episode would end in a cliffhanger where an ELDRICH ABOMINATION would be interested, leading to the finale.
3. I could do Sonic, Cubot, and quite possibly Eggman.

Net Neutrality is done and over with and we still have free speech so yay
And knuckles.
1000+ posts

ARE YOU A SONIC FAN? Yes? Great! No? Great! Either way, consider joining our collab! | Sonic the Anime | Largest Collab on Scratch | ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Smiley100P wrote:

goldfish678 wrote:

Smiley100P wrote:

goldfish678 wrote:

Okay, here's my idea for the episode lineup:

1. pilot
2. Checked Mate
3. Episode with Tails and Zooey
4. Humane Society for the Chao
5. Shadows and Flames
6. Robot Kitten
7. season finale
Alright, then! This is gonna be great!
I agree!

Smiley100P wrote:

Smiley100P wrote:

“Robotic Kitten”- Tails builds himself, well, a robotic kitten, and everyone's like “ERMEHGERSHWHYYYYY”
And Eggman notices, and goes on watch because M-30-W (Meow) seems suspicious to him. And he's not!

Alright, official voice acting casting is starting-
For the pilot, we need voice actors for SONIC, TAILS, KNUCKLES, AMY, CREAM, TIKAL, VANILLA, EGGMAN, CHEESE, and CUBOT.

I'm assuming PPL is gonna be all the female characters, so that leaves us with


That leaves six characters, which is easily divisible by 2 or 3.

If Spycapt54 wants to voice act, I've compiled a possible complete cast:
Smiley100P - SONIC, CUBOT

If Spycapt doesn't, I've compiled another possible complete cast:

Notice I say the word possible. These are almost completely random, and the roles can be switched very easily.

Let me know if you want to be a specific character.

2. Thanks. I also think the episode would end in a cliffhanger where an ELDRICH ABOMINATION would be interested, leading to the finale.
3. I could do Sonic, Cubot, and quite possibly Eggman.
2. Maybe it could be a mechanical abomination build by Eggman
3. ok

Last edited by goldfish678 (Aug. 18, 2016 21:01:01)

1000+ posts

ARE YOU A SONIC FAN? Yes? Great! No? Great! Either way, consider joining our collab! | Sonic the Anime | Largest Collab on Scratch | ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

goldfish678 wrote:

wow, it seems like whenever the subject is Sonic we always run into a huge quote chain issue xD

Day in the Life of a Hedgehog: OFFICIAL SCRIPT

Spycapt54 wrote:

OK, here is the pilot…
The pilot introduces the main characters SONIC, TAILS, KNUCKLES, AMY, CREAM, TIKAL, VANILLA, EGGMAN, and CHEESE.
The pilot starts were Sonic is running through Green Hill zone, freeing animals from their pods. The Dr. Comes out and says, “WHAT ARE YOU DOING, STOP THAT!” Sonic shames him for catching innocent animals. Sonic uses a homing attack and hits the eggmobile and Eggman flees. Sonic runs back, laughing to himself. The intro plays. Sonic is now seen in Tails' workshop. Tails is fixing the Tornado and Sonic is talking about how Eggman has no imagination in taking over the planet. Tails slides out from under the Tornado and reminds him about the party at Knuckle's house. Sonic hops down and says, “Right, I think he wants me to meet someone… Why else would I be at one of his parties, I'm not even a gym member! See ya there!” Sonic heads off. The screen fades out and fades in on Sonic opening the door to his house. Knuckles yells,“Hey, Sonic's here.” Sonic facepalms at him and his gym member friends. Knuckles hands him some “punch”. Sonic drinks out of it and then spits it out and asks what it was. Knuckles responds with,“Kale smoothie, to build muscle.” Sonic says,“I don't need muscle, I have speed.” Knuckles responds with,“Fair enough…” Sonic asks who he wants him to meet. Knuckles looks around and asks,“Hey, were's Tikal?” An Ox points to the veranda. Knuckles says,“You remember Tikal, right? Well, she is an old friend of mine… We would hang out all the time and she acts like the sister I never had!” steps out on the deck and says, “Tikal, you remember Sonic, right?” Tikal sits up in the chair she was resting in. She says, “Sonic, hi, long time no see, huh?” Sonic responds with,“Yeah, is Chaos behaving himself? And what happened to the floating thing?” Tikal says,“He has been behaving, surprisingly. Oh, I want to fit in with you guys now, so I don't hover al the time.” Sonic chuckles and says,“The more the merrier.” Tails runs ip and pants,“Egg…man caught… Miss… Rabbit… Help.” Sonic holds his fist to his chest and says,“This time he went too far, Tikal, you say you wanna join us, why don't you come with us?” She squeals,“YES, I WOULD LOVE TO!” She floats slightly above the ground out of excitement. Tikal puts her feet on the ground. Amy and Cream and Cream run up. Cream waves her arms and says,“Mr. Sonic, please, you have to save momma!” Cheese says, “Chao Chao” as if to add more detail. Cheese's eye catches Tikal and he warmly greets her. Tikal giggles and says, “It's nice to see you too, Cheese!” Amy yells,“Come on guys, are we gonna save Miss Vanilla or are we gonna talk?” She picks up her hammer and says,“Let's go!” Sonic rolls his eyes and asks, “Who made you in charge?” Our heroes, with their new friend Tikal, run towards Eggman's base. Sonic warns them about Badniks and how they come out of nowhere in the forest close to it. Three Egg Pawns, armed with freeze rays, jump out of the bushes. Knuckles KO punches one while Amy and Cheese take out the other two. Three rabbits are freed and Cream asks if they had seen her mother? They point to the dome(Which has Eggman's face on it.) on the mountain above them. Amy says,“That's what I thought!” They start the climb to the base. Tails is seen airlifting Sonic to the ledge above him. Cream is flying with her ears, but a spinner flies up and knocks her down. Amy catches her and Cheese smashes it. Knuckles is climbing the mountain and pulls himself up to the top. The screen zooms out to show Orbot and Cubot watching servailence. They call over their boss. Eggman slams his hands on the table and sends out a wave of robots. Sonic, Tails, Cream, Amy, and Tikal are now at the entrance as well. Tails pulls out his handheld and hacks the base and opens the gate. Suddenly, an army of Badniks run out. Sonic tells his friends to flee. Sonic then spin dashes through them and begins to run through the base, dodging everything Eggman throws at him. Sonic jumps into an air vent and spin dashes through the grate and lands in Eggman's computer room. Eggman, Orbot, and Cubot challenge appear and challenge Sonic. Eggman chooses the Egg Scorpion. Sonic is knocked around the arena, but his friends, except of Cream, bust down the door and stuns the robot. After a duel, Sonic wins and demands him to give back Vanilla. In the background, someone is knocking on the glass of a holding cell. It turns out to be Vanilla. Sonic breaks her free. Vanilla thanks him and asks, “Sonic, is Cream alright?” He carries Vanilla outside and back to her home. Sonic opens the gate and Cream runs up to her mother. Cream says, “Momma, are you OK? Thank you Mr. Sonic!” Vanilla and Cream warmly and tearfully embrace. Vanilla thanks Sonic again. Sonic responds with,“It's what I do. But I couldn't have done it without my friends!” Credits Roll


(starts out on a black screen)

(1 second pause)

(fades into a white screen)

if, and only if, we use the name “senneksp33d” –> (senneksp33d logo fades in and out)

(fades back to black)

(Text "A collab between
insert more users here if necessary

fades in, pauses, and fades back out)

(Text ”we present.." fades in, pauses, and fades back out)


(fades in on Green Hill Zone)


Suddenly, SONIC starts blazing (no pun intended) across the screen.

(When SONIC goes out of sight, the camera shifts to capture SONIC's running.)

A bunch of pods catch SONIC's eye. He starts letting the animals free. EGGMAN comes out.

EGGMAN: “WHAT ARE YOU DOING, STOP THAT!” <– extremely angered

SONIC: “Oh, sure, right after you stop catching innocent animals for no apparent reason.” <– sarcastically

EGGMAN: “I'm gonna destroy the world, you fool! That's your ‘apparent reason’!”

SONIC: “Really? If you have an IQ of 300, we'd all really expect you to come up with something better than this.” <– shaming Eggman

SONIC uses a homing attack to hit the eggmobile. EGGMAN flees. SONIC runs back, laughing to himself.

(When SONIC is offscreen, the screen fades out and fades in to the intro, which is likely just to be a placeholder at first, unless we can work on all the episodes at the same time. The intro fades out.)

(The blackness fades out and Tails' workshop fades in, along with the text “Episode 1: Day in the Life of a Hedgehog”. Upbeat music is playing in the background. The ‘camera’ is slowly zooming in on Tails' workshop. // Animators: this basically means make Tails' workshop a seperate sprite and make it increase very slowly in size when the time comes. \\ It quickly cuts to Tails fixing the Tornado from underneath and Sonic, leaning to the side with his elbow propped up against a table, playing with one of Tails' wrenches.)

SONIC: “Y'know, I don't know how Eggman plans to take over the planet. Like, (<– In a casual voice | –> In an imitation of Eggman) oh, I'm gonna capture all the little animals and put them into little capsules that have no security whatsoever and anyone can open at any given moment, mwahahahaha, (back to a casual voice again –>) like, I don't know how that guy expects for the world to be his if he tries to destroy the food chain or whatever-”

TAILS: “Actually, that's a pretty good hypothesis..” <– from under the Tornado

SONIC: “Point is, it all just seems… unrealistic. If he wants to take over the world, he'd better get his act together.”

TAILS slides out from under the Tornado.

TAILS: “Remember Knuckles' party tonight.”

SONIC: "Right, I think he wants me to meet someone… Why else would I be at one of his parties, I'm not even a gym member! See ya there!”

SONIC runs off.

(The screen fades out and fades in on Sonic opening the door to Knuckles' house.)

KNUCKLES: “Hey, Sonic's here.” <– yelling

SONIC facepalms at him and his gym member friends.

KNUCKLES: “Want some punch?”

SONIC drinks out of it and spits it out.

SONIC: “What the heck was that?!” <– surprised

KNUCKLES: “Kale smoothie, to build muscle.” <– casually

SONIC: “I don't need muscle, I have speed.” <– confidently

KNUCKLES: “Fair enough…”

SONIC: “So who do you want me to meet?” <– casually

KNUCKLES looks around.

KNUCKLES: “Hey, where's Tikal?”

An ox points to the veranda.

KNUCKLES: “You remember Tikal, right? Well, she is an old friend of mine… We would hang out all the time and she acts like the sister I never had!”

Knuckles steps out on the deck.

KNUCKLES: “Tikal, you remember Sonic, right?”

TIKAL sits up in the chair she was resting in.

TIKAL: “Sonic, hi, long time no see, huh?”

SONIC smiles.

SONIC: “Yeah, is Chaos behaving himself? And what happened to the floating thing?”

TIKAL: “He has been behaving, surprisingly. Oh, I want to fit in with you guys now, so I don't hover all the time."

SONIC chuckles.

SONIC: “The more the merrier.”

TAILS runs up and pants.

TAILS: “Egg…man caught… Miss… Rabbit… Help.” <– panting, of course

SONIC holds his fist to his chest.

SONIC: “This time he went too far, Tikal, you say you wanna join us, why don't you come with us?”

TIKAL: “YES, I WOULD LOVE TO!” <– squealing

TIKAL floats slightly above the ground out of excitement. She puts her feet on the ground.

AMY and CREAM run up. CREAM waves her arms.

// Note: is Cream waving her arms normally or one-frame anime style?

CREAM: “Mr. Sonic, please, you have to save my momma!” <– distressed

CHEESE: “Chao chao.”

CHEESE's eye catches TIKAL.

CHEESE: “Chao chao! Chao chao chao chao chao?”

// Note: can Cheese speak English or not? xD

TIKAL giggles.

TIKAL: “It's nice to see you too, Cheese!”

AMY: “Come on guys, are we gonna save Miss Vanilla or are we gonna talk?”

AMY picks up her hammer.

AMY: “Let's go!”

SONIC rolls his eyes.

SONIC: “Who made you in charge?”

Our heroes, with their new friend Tikal, run towards Eggman's base.

SONIC: “Hey, guys? Just a heads up - see that forest right there? When we even get near it, Badniks are gonna come out of NOWHERE. So brace yourselves.” <– yelling

Three Egg Pawns, armed with freeze rays, jump out of the bushes. KNUCKLES KO punches one while AMY and CHEESE take out the other two. Three rabbits are freed.

CREAM: “Have you seen my mother?”

The rabbits point to the dome (which has Eggman's face on it).

AMY: “That's what I thought!”

They start to climb to the base. TAILS is seen airlifting SONIC to the ledge above him. CREAM is flying with her ears, but a spinner flies up and knocks her down. AMY catches CREAM and CHEESE smashes the spinner. KNUCKLES is climbing the mountain and pulls himself up.

(The screen zooms out to show Orbot and Cubot watching surveillance.)

Cubot: “Uh, boss?”

EGGMAN slams his hands on the table and sends out a wave of robots. TAILS pulls out his handheld and begins to hack the gate. TIKAL and AMY watch from a distance.

TIKAL: “Uh.. do you know what he's doing?”

AMY: “No clue.” <– softly

The gate opens. Suddenly, an army of Badniks run out.

SONIC: “ONE WORD. FLEE!” <– yelling

SONIC spin dashes through the robots and begins to run through the base, dodging everything EGGMAN throws at him. SONIC jumps into an air vent, spin dashes through the grate, and lands in EGGMAN's computer room. EGGMAN, ORBOT, and CUBOT challenge appear // Note: I have no idea what “challenge appear” means \\ and challenge SONIC.

EGGMAN: “I choose the Egg Scorpion!”

SONIC is knocked around the arena, but his friends (except for CREAM) bust down the door and stun the robot. After a duel, SONIC wins.

SONIC: “Now give me back Vanilla.”

In the background, someone is knocking on the glass of a holding cell. It turns out to be VANILLA. SONIC breaks her free.

VANILLA: “Oh, thank you so much, Sonic! Is Cream alright?”

SONIC carries VANILLA outside and back to her home. SONIC opens the gate and CREAM runs up to her mother as VANILLA jumps down.

CREAM: “Momma, are you OK? Thank you Mr. Sonic!”

VANILLA and CREAM warmly and tearfully embrace.

VANILLA: “Thank you again, Sonic. I was beginning to get so worried!”

SONIC: “It's what I do. But I couldn't have done it without my friends!”


WOW that took forever

Anyway, now we can start casting voice acting I guess.

edit: removed all the empty lines at the end of this post
How about Tikal stays with Cream so she can have another line at the end.
1000+ posts

ARE YOU A SONIC FAN? Yes? Great! No? Great! Either way, consider joining our collab! | Sonic the Anime | Largest Collab on Scratch | ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Spycapt54 wrote:

goldfish678 wrote:

wow, it seems like whenever the subject is Sonic we always run into a huge quote chain issue xD

Day in the Life of a Hedgehog: OFFICIAL SCRIPT

Spycapt54 wrote:

OK, here is the pilot…
The pilot introduces the main characters SONIC, TAILS, KNUCKLES, AMY, CREAM, TIKAL, VANILLA, EGGMAN, and CHEESE.
The pilot starts were Sonic is running through Green Hill zone, freeing animals from their pods. The Dr. Comes out and says, “WHAT ARE YOU DOING, STOP THAT!” Sonic shames him for catching innocent animals. Sonic uses a homing attack and hits the eggmobile and Eggman flees. Sonic runs back, laughing to himself. The intro plays. Sonic is now seen in Tails' workshop. Tails is fixing the Tornado and Sonic is talking about how Eggman has no imagination in taking over the planet. Tails slides out from under the Tornado and reminds him about the party at Knuckle's house. Sonic hops down and says, “Right, I think he wants me to meet someone… Why else would I be at one of his parties, I'm not even a gym member! See ya there!” Sonic heads off. The screen fades out and fades in on Sonic opening the door to his house. Knuckles yells,“Hey, Sonic's here.” Sonic facepalms at him and his gym member friends. Knuckles hands him some “punch”. Sonic drinks out of it and then spits it out and asks what it was. Knuckles responds with,“Kale smoothie, to build muscle.” Sonic says,“I don't need muscle, I have speed.” Knuckles responds with,“Fair enough…” Sonic asks who he wants him to meet. Knuckles looks around and asks,“Hey, were's Tikal?” An Ox points to the veranda. Knuckles says,“You remember Tikal, right? Well, she is an old friend of mine… We would hang out all the time and she acts like the sister I never had!” steps out on the deck and says, “Tikal, you remember Sonic, right?” Tikal sits up in the chair she was resting in. She says, “Sonic, hi, long time no see, huh?” Sonic responds with,“Yeah, is Chaos behaving himself? And what happened to the floating thing?” Tikal says,“He has been behaving, surprisingly. Oh, I want to fit in with you guys now, so I don't hover al the time.” Sonic chuckles and says,“The more the merrier.” Tails runs ip and pants,“Egg…man caught… Miss… Rabbit… Help.” Sonic holds his fist to his chest and says,“This time he went too far, Tikal, you say you wanna join us, why don't you come with us?” She squeals,“YES, I WOULD LOVE TO!” She floats slightly above the ground out of excitement. Tikal puts her feet on the ground. Amy and Cream and Cream run up. Cream waves her arms and says,“Mr. Sonic, please, you have to save momma!” Cheese says, “Chao Chao” as if to add more detail. Cheese's eye catches Tikal and he warmly greets her. Tikal giggles and says, “It's nice to see you too, Cheese!” Amy yells,“Come on guys, are we gonna save Miss Vanilla or are we gonna talk?” She picks up her hammer and says,“Let's go!” Sonic rolls his eyes and asks, “Who made you in charge?” Our heroes, with their new friend Tikal, run towards Eggman's base. Sonic warns them about Badniks and how they come out of nowhere in the forest close to it. Three Egg Pawns, armed with freeze rays, jump out of the bushes. Knuckles KO punches one while Amy and Cheese take out the other two. Three rabbits are freed and Cream asks if they had seen her mother? They point to the dome(Which has Eggman's face on it.) on the mountain above them. Amy says,“That's what I thought!” They start the climb to the base. Tails is seen airlifting Sonic to the ledge above him. Cream is flying with her ears, but a spinner flies up and knocks her down. Amy catches her and Cheese smashes it. Knuckles is climbing the mountain and pulls himself up to the top. The screen zooms out to show Orbot and Cubot watching servailence. They call over their boss. Eggman slams his hands on the table and sends out a wave of robots. Sonic, Tails, Cream, Amy, and Tikal are now at the entrance as well. Tails pulls out his handheld and hacks the base and opens the gate. Suddenly, an army of Badniks run out. Sonic tells his friends to flee. Sonic then spin dashes through them and begins to run through the base, dodging everything Eggman throws at him. Sonic jumps into an air vent and spin dashes through the grate and lands in Eggman's computer room. Eggman, Orbot, and Cubot challenge appear and challenge Sonic. Eggman chooses the Egg Scorpion. Sonic is knocked around the arena, but his friends, except of Cream, bust down the door and stuns the robot. After a duel, Sonic wins and demands him to give back Vanilla. In the background, someone is knocking on the glass of a holding cell. It turns out to be Vanilla. Sonic breaks her free. Vanilla thanks him and asks, “Sonic, is Cream alright?” He carries Vanilla outside and back to her home. Sonic opens the gate and Cream runs up to her mother. Cream says, “Momma, are you OK? Thank you Mr. Sonic!” Vanilla and Cream warmly and tearfully embrace. Vanilla thanks Sonic again. Sonic responds with,“It's what I do. But I couldn't have done it without my friends!” Credits Roll


(starts out on a black screen)

(1 second pause)

(fades into a white screen)

if, and only if, we use the name “senneksp33d” –> (senneksp33d logo fades in and out)

(fades back to black)

(Text "A collab between
insert more users here if necessary

fades in, pauses, and fades back out)

(Text ”we present.." fades in, pauses, and fades back out)


(fades in on Green Hill Zone)


Suddenly, SONIC starts blazing (no pun intended) across the screen.

(When SONIC goes out of sight, the camera shifts to capture SONIC's running.)

A bunch of pods catch SONIC's eye. He starts letting the animals free. EGGMAN comes out.

EGGMAN: “WHAT ARE YOU DOING, STOP THAT!” <– extremely angered

SONIC: “Oh, sure, right after you stop catching innocent animals for no apparent reason.” <– sarcastically

EGGMAN: “I'm gonna destroy the world, you fool! That's your ‘apparent reason’!”

SONIC: “Really? If you have an IQ of 300, we'd all really expect you to come up with something better than this.” <– shaming Eggman

SONIC uses a homing attack to hit the eggmobile. EGGMAN flees. SONIC runs back, laughing to himself.

(When SONIC is offscreen, the screen fades out and fades in to the intro, which is likely just to be a placeholder at first, unless we can work on all the episodes at the same time. The intro fades out.)

(The blackness fades out and Tails' workshop fades in, along with the text “Episode 1: Day in the Life of a Hedgehog”. Upbeat music is playing in the background. The ‘camera’ is slowly zooming in on Tails' workshop. // Animators: this basically means make Tails' workshop a seperate sprite and make it increase very slowly in size when the time comes. \\ It quickly cuts to Tails fixing the Tornado from underneath and Sonic, leaning to the side with his elbow propped up against a table, playing with one of Tails' wrenches.)

SONIC: “Y'know, I don't know how Eggman plans to take over the planet. Like, (<– In a casual voice | –> In an imitation of Eggman) oh, I'm gonna capture all the little animals and put them into little capsules that have no security whatsoever and anyone can open at any given moment, mwahahahaha, (back to a casual voice again –>) like, I don't know how that guy expects for the world to be his if he tries to destroy the food chain or whatever-”

TAILS: “Actually, that's a pretty good hypothesis..” <– from under the Tornado

SONIC: “Point is, it all just seems… unrealistic. If he wants to take over the world, he'd better get his act together.”

TAILS slides out from under the Tornado.

TAILS: “Remember Knuckles' party tonight.”

SONIC: "Right, I think he wants me to meet someone… Why else would I be at one of his parties, I'm not even a gym member! See ya there!”

SONIC runs off.

(The screen fades out and fades in on Sonic opening the door to Knuckles' house.)

KNUCKLES: “Hey, Sonic's here.” <– yelling

SONIC facepalms at him and his gym member friends.

KNUCKLES: “Want some punch?”

SONIC drinks out of it and spits it out.

SONIC: “What the heck was that?!” <– surprised

KNUCKLES: “Kale smoothie, to build muscle.” <– casually

SONIC: “I don't need muscle, I have speed.” <– confidently

KNUCKLES: “Fair enough…”

SONIC: “So who do you want me to meet?” <– casually

KNUCKLES looks around.

KNUCKLES: “Hey, where's Tikal?”

An ox points to the veranda.

KNUCKLES: “You remember Tikal, right? Well, she is an old friend of mine… We would hang out all the time and she acts like the sister I never had!”

Knuckles steps out on the deck.

KNUCKLES: “Tikal, you remember Sonic, right?”

TIKAL sits up in the chair she was resting in.

TIKAL: “Sonic, hi, long time no see, huh?”

SONIC smiles.

SONIC: “Yeah, is Chaos behaving himself? And what happened to the floating thing?”

TIKAL: “He has been behaving, surprisingly. Oh, I want to fit in with you guys now, so I don't hover all the time."

SONIC chuckles.

SONIC: “The more the merrier.”

TAILS runs up and pants.

TAILS: “Egg…man caught… Miss… Rabbit… Help.” <– panting, of course

SONIC holds his fist to his chest.

SONIC: “This time he went too far, Tikal, you say you wanna join us, why don't you come with us?”

TIKAL: “YES, I WOULD LOVE TO!” <– squealing

TIKAL floats slightly above the ground out of excitement. She puts her feet on the ground.

AMY and CREAM run up. CREAM waves her arms.

// Note: is Cream waving her arms normally or one-frame anime style?

CREAM: “Mr. Sonic, please, you have to save my momma!” <– distressed

CHEESE: “Chao chao.”

CHEESE's eye catches TIKAL.

CHEESE: “Chao chao! Chao chao chao chao chao?”

// Note: can Cheese speak English or not? xD

TIKAL giggles.

TIKAL: “It's nice to see you too, Cheese!”

AMY: “Come on guys, are we gonna save Miss Vanilla or are we gonna talk?”

AMY picks up her hammer.

AMY: “Let's go!”

SONIC rolls his eyes.

SONIC: “Who made you in charge?”

Our heroes, with their new friend Tikal, run towards Eggman's base.

SONIC: “Hey, guys? Just a heads up - see that forest right there? When we even get near it, Badniks are gonna come out of NOWHERE. So brace yourselves.” <– yelling

Three Egg Pawns, armed with freeze rays, jump out of the bushes. KNUCKLES KO punches one while AMY and CHEESE take out the other two. Three rabbits are freed.

CREAM: “Have you seen my mother?”

The rabbits point to the dome (which has Eggman's face on it).

AMY: “That's what I thought!”

They start to climb to the base. TAILS is seen airlifting SONIC to the ledge above him. CREAM is flying with her ears, but a spinner flies up and knocks her down. AMY catches CREAM and CHEESE smashes the spinner. KNUCKLES is climbing the mountain and pulls himself up.

(The screen zooms out to show Orbot and Cubot watching surveillance.)

Cubot: “Uh, boss?”

EGGMAN slams his hands on the table and sends out a wave of robots. TAILS pulls out his handheld and begins to hack the gate. TIKAL and AMY watch from a distance.

TIKAL: “Uh.. do you know what he's doing?”

AMY: “No clue.” <– softly

The gate opens. Suddenly, an army of Badniks run out.

SONIC: “ONE WORD. FLEE!” <– yelling

SONIC spin dashes through the robots and begins to run through the base, dodging everything EGGMAN throws at him. SONIC jumps into an air vent, spin dashes through the grate, and lands in EGGMAN's computer room. EGGMAN, ORBOT, and CUBOT challenge appear // Note: I have no idea what “challenge appear” means \\ and challenge SONIC.

EGGMAN: “I choose the Egg Scorpion!”

SONIC is knocked around the arena, but his friends (except for CREAM) bust down the door and stun the robot. After a duel, SONIC wins.

SONIC: “Now give me back Vanilla.”

In the background, someone is knocking on the glass of a holding cell. It turns out to be VANILLA. SONIC breaks her free.

VANILLA: “Oh, thank you so much, Sonic! Is Cream alright?”

SONIC carries VANILLA outside and back to her home. SONIC opens the gate and CREAM runs up to her mother as VANILLA jumps down.

CREAM: “Momma, are you OK? Thank you Mr. Sonic!”

VANILLA and CREAM warmly and tearfully embrace.

VANILLA: “Thank you again, Sonic. I was beginning to get so worried!”

SONIC: “It's what I do. But I couldn't have done it without my friends!”


WOW that took forever

Anyway, now we can start casting voice acting I guess.

edit: removed all the empty lines at the end of this post
How about Tikal stays with Cream so she can have another line at the end.
Sounds good! I'll add that in

also I asked you if you wanted to voice act on your profile
1000+ posts

ARE YOU A SONIC FAN? Yes? Great! No? Great! Either way, consider joining our collab! | Sonic the Anime | Largest Collab on Scratch | ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

goldfish678 wrote:

Spycapt54 wrote:

goldfish678 wrote:

wow, it seems like whenever the subject is Sonic we always run into a huge quote chain issue xD

Day in the Life of a Hedgehog: OFFICIAL SCRIPT

Spycapt54 wrote:

OK, here is the pilot…
The pilot introduces the main characters SONIC, TAILS, KNUCKLES, AMY, CREAM, TIKAL, VANILLA, EGGMAN, and CHEESE.
The pilot starts were Sonic is running through Green Hill zone, freeing animals from their pods. The Dr. Comes out and says, “WHAT ARE YOU DOING, STOP THAT!” Sonic shames him for catching innocent animals. Sonic uses a homing attack and hits the eggmobile and Eggman flees. Sonic runs back, laughing to himself. The intro plays. Sonic is now seen in Tails' workshop. Tails is fixing the Tornado and Sonic is talking about how Eggman has no imagination in taking over the planet. Tails slides out from under the Tornado and reminds him about the party at Knuckle's house. Sonic hops down and says, “Right, I think he wants me to meet someone… Why else would I be at one of his parties, I'm not even a gym member! See ya there!” Sonic heads off. The screen fades out and fades in on Sonic opening the door to his house. Knuckles yells,“Hey, Sonic's here.” Sonic facepalms at him and his gym member friends. Knuckles hands him some “punch”. Sonic drinks out of it and then spits it out and asks what it was. Knuckles responds with,“Kale smoothie, to build muscle.” Sonic says,“I don't need muscle, I have speed.” Knuckles responds with,“Fair enough…” Sonic asks who he wants him to meet. Knuckles looks around and asks,“Hey, were's Tikal?” An Ox points to the veranda. Knuckles says,“You remember Tikal, right? Well, she is an old friend of mine… We would hang out all the time and she acts like the sister I never had!” steps out on the deck and says, “Tikal, you remember Sonic, right?” Tikal sits up in the chair she was resting in. She says, “Sonic, hi, long time no see, huh?” Sonic responds with,“Yeah, is Chaos behaving himself? And what happened to the floating thing?” Tikal says,“He has been behaving, surprisingly. Oh, I want to fit in with you guys now, so I don't hover al the time.” Sonic chuckles and says,“The more the merrier.” Tails runs ip and pants,“Egg…man caught… Miss… Rabbit… Help.” Sonic holds his fist to his chest and says,“This time he went too far, Tikal, you say you wanna join us, why don't you come with us?” She squeals,“YES, I WOULD LOVE TO!” She floats slightly above the ground out of excitement. Tikal puts her feet on the ground. Amy and Cream and Cream run up. Cream waves her arms and says,“Mr. Sonic, please, you have to save momma!” Cheese says, “Chao Chao” as if to add more detail. Cheese's eye catches Tikal and he warmly greets her. Tikal giggles and says, “It's nice to see you too, Cheese!” Amy yells,“Come on guys, are we gonna save Miss Vanilla or are we gonna talk?” She picks up her hammer and says,“Let's go!” Sonic rolls his eyes and asks, “Who made you in charge?” Our heroes, with their new friend Tikal, run towards Eggman's base. Sonic warns them about Badniks and how they come out of nowhere in the forest close to it. Three Egg Pawns, armed with freeze rays, jump out of the bushes. Knuckles KO punches one while Amy and Cheese take out the other two. Three rabbits are freed and Cream asks if they had seen her mother? They point to the dome(Which has Eggman's face on it.) on the mountain above them. Amy says,“That's what I thought!” They start the climb to the base. Tails is seen airlifting Sonic to the ledge above him. Cream is flying with her ears, but a spinner flies up and knocks her down. Amy catches her and Cheese smashes it. Knuckles is climbing the mountain and pulls himself up to the top. The screen zooms out to show Orbot and Cubot watching servailence. They call over their boss. Eggman slams his hands on the table and sends out a wave of robots. Sonic, Tails, Cream, Amy, and Tikal are now at the entrance as well. Tails pulls out his handheld and hacks the base and opens the gate. Suddenly, an army of Badniks run out. Sonic tells his friends to flee. Sonic then spin dashes through them and begins to run through the base, dodging everything Eggman throws at him. Sonic jumps into an air vent and spin dashes through the grate and lands in Eggman's computer room. Eggman, Orbot, and Cubot challenge appear and challenge Sonic. Eggman chooses the Egg Scorpion. Sonic is knocked around the arena, but his friends, except of Cream, bust down the door and stuns the robot. After a duel, Sonic wins and demands him to give back Vanilla. In the background, someone is knocking on the glass of a holding cell. It turns out to be Vanilla. Sonic breaks her free. Vanilla thanks him and asks, “Sonic, is Cream alright?” He carries Vanilla outside and back to her home. Sonic opens the gate and Cream runs up to her mother. Cream says, “Momma, are you OK? Thank you Mr. Sonic!” Vanilla and Cream warmly and tearfully embrace. Vanilla thanks Sonic again. Sonic responds with,“It's what I do. But I couldn't have done it without my friends!” Credits Roll


(starts out on a black screen)

(1 second pause)

(fades into a white screen)

if, and only if, we use the name “senneksp33d” –> (senneksp33d logo fades in and out)

(fades back to black)

(Text "A collab between
insert more users here if necessary

fades in, pauses, and fades back out)

(Text ”we present.." fades in, pauses, and fades back out)


(fades in on Green Hill Zone)


Suddenly, SONIC starts blazing (no pun intended) across the screen.

(When SONIC goes out of sight, the camera shifts to capture SONIC's running.)

A bunch of pods catch SONIC's eye. He starts letting the animals free. EGGMAN comes out.

EGGMAN: “WHAT ARE YOU DOING, STOP THAT!” <– extremely angered

SONIC: “Oh, sure, right after you stop catching innocent animals for no apparent reason.” <– sarcastically

EGGMAN: “I'm gonna destroy the world, you fool! That's your ‘apparent reason’!”

SONIC: “Really? If you have an IQ of 300, we'd all really expect you to come up with something better than this.” <– shaming Eggman

SONIC uses a homing attack to hit the eggmobile. EGGMAN flees. SONIC runs back, laughing to himself.

(When SONIC is offscreen, the screen fades out and fades in to the intro, which is likely just to be a placeholder at first, unless we can work on all the episodes at the same time. The intro fades out.)

(The blackness fades out and Tails' workshop fades in, along with the text “Episode 1: Day in the Life of a Hedgehog”. Upbeat music is playing in the background. The ‘camera’ is slowly zooming in on Tails' workshop. // Animators: this basically means make Tails' workshop a seperate sprite and make it increase very slowly in size when the time comes. \\ It quickly cuts to Tails fixing the Tornado from underneath and Sonic, leaning to the side with his elbow propped up against a table, playing with one of Tails' wrenches.)

SONIC: “Y'know, I don't know how Eggman plans to take over the planet. Like, (<– In a casual voice | –> In an imitation of Eggman) oh, I'm gonna capture all the little animals and put them into little capsules that have no security whatsoever and anyone can open at any given moment, mwahahahaha, (back to a casual voice again –>) like, I don't know how that guy expects for the world to be his if he tries to destroy the food chain or whatever-”

TAILS: “Actually, that's a pretty good hypothesis..” <– from under the Tornado

SONIC: “Point is, it all just seems… unrealistic. If he wants to take over the world, he'd better get his act together.”

TAILS slides out from under the Tornado.

TAILS: “Remember Knuckles' party tonight.”

SONIC: "Right, I think he wants me to meet someone… Why else would I be at one of his parties, I'm not even a gym member! See ya there!”

SONIC runs off.

(The screen fades out and fades in on Sonic opening the door to Knuckles' house.)

KNUCKLES: “Hey, Sonic's here.” <– yelling

SONIC facepalms at him and his gym member friends.

KNUCKLES: “Want some punch?”

SONIC drinks out of it and spits it out.

SONIC: “What the heck was that?!” <– surprised

KNUCKLES: “Kale smoothie, to build muscle.” <– casually

SONIC: “I don't need muscle, I have speed.” <– confidently

KNUCKLES: “Fair enough…”

SONIC: “So who do you want me to meet?” <– casually

KNUCKLES looks around.

KNUCKLES: “Hey, where's Tikal?”

An ox points to the veranda.

KNUCKLES: “You remember Tikal, right? Well, she is an old friend of mine… We would hang out all the time and she acts like the sister I never had!”

Knuckles steps out on the deck.

KNUCKLES: “Tikal, you remember Sonic, right?”

TIKAL sits up in the chair she was resting in.

TIKAL: “Sonic, hi, long time no see, huh?”

SONIC smiles.

SONIC: “Yeah, is Chaos behaving himself? And what happened to the floating thing?”

TIKAL: “He has been behaving, surprisingly. Oh, I want to fit in with you guys now, so I don't hover all the time."

SONIC chuckles.

SONIC: “The more the merrier.”

TAILS runs up and pants.

TAILS: “Egg…man caught… Miss… Rabbit… Help.” <– panting, of course

SONIC holds his fist to his chest.

SONIC: “This time he went too far, Tikal, you say you wanna join us, why don't you come with us?”

TIKAL: “YES, I WOULD LOVE TO!” <– squealing

TIKAL floats slightly above the ground out of excitement. She puts her feet on the ground.

AMY and CREAM run up. CREAM waves her arms.

// Note: is Cream waving her arms normally or one-frame anime style?

CREAM: “Mr. Sonic, please, you have to save my momma!” <– distressed

CHEESE: “Chao chao.”

CHEESE's eye catches TIKAL.

CHEESE: “Chao chao! Chao chao chao chao chao?”

// Note: can Cheese speak English or not? xD

TIKAL giggles.

TIKAL: “It's nice to see you too, Cheese!”

AMY: “Come on guys, are we gonna save Miss Vanilla or are we gonna talk?”

AMY picks up her hammer.

AMY: “Let's go!”

SONIC rolls his eyes.

SONIC: “Who made you in charge?”

Our heroes, with their new friend Tikal, run towards Eggman's base.

SONIC: “Hey, guys? Just a heads up - see that forest right there? When we even get near it, Badniks are gonna come out of NOWHERE. So brace yourselves.” <– yelling

Three Egg Pawns, armed with freeze rays, jump out of the bushes. KNUCKLES KO punches one while AMY and CHEESE take out the other two. Three rabbits are freed.

CREAM: “Have you seen my mother?”

The rabbits point to the dome (which has Eggman's face on it).

AMY: “That's what I thought!”

They start to climb to the base. TAILS is seen airlifting SONIC to the ledge above him. CREAM is flying with her ears, but a spinner flies up and knocks her down. AMY catches CREAM and CHEESE smashes the spinner. KNUCKLES is climbing the mountain and pulls himself up.

(The screen zooms out to show Orbot and Cubot watching surveillance.)

Cubot: “Uh, boss?”

EGGMAN slams his hands on the table and sends out a wave of robots. TAILS pulls out his handheld and begins to hack the gate. TIKAL and AMY watch from a distance.

TIKAL: “Uh.. do you know what he's doing?”

AMY: “No clue.” <– softly

The gate opens. Suddenly, an army of Badniks run out.

SONIC: “ONE WORD. FLEE!” <– yelling

SONIC spin dashes through the robots and begins to run through the base, dodging everything EGGMAN throws at him. SONIC jumps into an air vent, spin dashes through the grate, and lands in EGGMAN's computer room. EGGMAN, ORBOT, and CUBOT challenge appear // Note: I have no idea what “challenge appear” means \\ and challenge SONIC.

EGGMAN: “I choose the Egg Scorpion!”

SONIC is knocked around the arena, but his friends (except for CREAM) bust down the door and stun the robot. After a duel, SONIC wins.

SONIC: “Now give me back Vanilla.”

In the background, someone is knocking on the glass of a holding cell. It turns out to be VANILLA. SONIC breaks her free.

VANILLA: “Oh, thank you so much, Sonic! Is Cream alright?”

SONIC carries VANILLA outside and back to her home. SONIC opens the gate and CREAM runs up to her mother as VANILLA jumps down.

CREAM: “Momma, are you OK? Thank you Mr. Sonic!”

VANILLA and CREAM warmly and tearfully embrace.

VANILLA: “Thank you again, Sonic. I was beginning to get so worried!”

SONIC: “It's what I do. But I couldn't have done it without my friends!”


WOW that took forever

Anyway, now we can start casting voice acting I guess.

edit: removed all the empty lines at the end of this post
How about Tikal stays with Cream so she can have another line at the end.
Sounds good! I'll add that in

also I asked you if you wanted to voice act on your profile
I'll think about it…
The intro should be a basic cinematic showing the main heroes with original animations… Why only seven episodes in season one? Please tell me a season is one or two months instead of a year.
1000+ posts

ARE YOU A SONIC FAN? Yes? Great! No? Great! Either way, consider joining our collab! | Sonic the Anime | Largest Collab on Scratch | ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Spycapt54 wrote:

goldfish678 wrote:

Spycapt54 wrote:

goldfish678 wrote:

wow, it seems like whenever the subject is Sonic we always run into a huge quote chain issue xD

Day in the Life of a Hedgehog: OFFICIAL SCRIPT

Spycapt54 wrote:

OK, here is the pilot…
The pilot introduces the main characters SONIC, TAILS, KNUCKLES, AMY, CREAM, TIKAL, VANILLA, EGGMAN, and CHEESE.
The pilot starts were Sonic is running through Green Hill zone, freeing animals from their pods. The Dr. Comes out and says, “WHAT ARE YOU DOING, STOP THAT!” Sonic shames him for catching innocent animals. Sonic uses a homing attack and hits the eggmobile and Eggman flees. Sonic runs back, laughing to himself. The intro plays. Sonic is now seen in Tails' workshop. Tails is fixing the Tornado and Sonic is talking about how Eggman has no imagination in taking over the planet. Tails slides out from under the Tornado and reminds him about the party at Knuckle's house. Sonic hops down and says, “Right, I think he wants me to meet someone… Why else would I be at one of his parties, I'm not even a gym member! See ya there!” Sonic heads off. The screen fades out and fades in on Sonic opening the door to his house. Knuckles yells,“Hey, Sonic's here.” Sonic facepalms at him and his gym member friends. Knuckles hands him some “punch”. Sonic drinks out of it and then spits it out and asks what it was. Knuckles responds with,“Kale smoothie, to build muscle.” Sonic says,“I don't need muscle, I have speed.” Knuckles responds with,“Fair enough…” Sonic asks who he wants him to meet. Knuckles looks around and asks,“Hey, were's Tikal?” An Ox points to the veranda. Knuckles says,“You remember Tikal, right? Well, she is an old friend of mine… We would hang out all the time and she acts like the sister I never had!” steps out on the deck and says, “Tikal, you remember Sonic, right?” Tikal sits up in the chair she was resting in. She says, “Sonic, hi, long time no see, huh?” Sonic responds with,“Yeah, is Chaos behaving himself? And what happened to the floating thing?” Tikal says,“He has been behaving, surprisingly. Oh, I want to fit in with you guys now, so I don't hover al the time.” Sonic chuckles and says,“The more the merrier.” Tails runs ip and pants,“Egg…man caught… Miss… Rabbit… Help.” Sonic holds his fist to his chest and says,“This time he went too far, Tikal, you say you wanna join us, why don't you come with us?” She squeals,“YES, I WOULD LOVE TO!” She floats slightly above the ground out of excitement. Tikal puts her feet on the ground. Amy and Cream and Cream run up. Cream waves her arms and says,“Mr. Sonic, please, you have to save momma!” Cheese says, “Chao Chao” as if to add more detail. Cheese's eye catches Tikal and he warmly greets her. Tikal giggles and says, “It's nice to see you too, Cheese!” Amy yells,“Come on guys, are we gonna save Miss Vanilla or are we gonna talk?” She picks up her hammer and says,“Let's go!” Sonic rolls his eyes and asks, “Who made you in charge?” Our heroes, with their new friend Tikal, run towards Eggman's base. Sonic warns them about Badniks and how they come out of nowhere in the forest close to it. Three Egg Pawns, armed with freeze rays, jump out of the bushes. Knuckles KO punches one while Amy and Cheese take out the other two. Three rabbits are freed and Cream asks if they had seen her mother? They point to the dome(Which has Eggman's face on it.) on the mountain above them. Amy says,“That's what I thought!” They start the climb to the base. Tails is seen airlifting Sonic to the ledge above him. Cream is flying with her ears, but a spinner flies up and knocks her down. Amy catches her and Cheese smashes it. Knuckles is climbing the mountain and pulls himself up to the top. The screen zooms out to show Orbot and Cubot watching servailence. They call over their boss. Eggman slams his hands on the table and sends out a wave of robots. Sonic, Tails, Cream, Amy, and Tikal are now at the entrance as well. Tails pulls out his handheld and hacks the base and opens the gate. Suddenly, an army of Badniks run out. Sonic tells his friends to flee. Sonic then spin dashes through them and begins to run through the base, dodging everything Eggman throws at him. Sonic jumps into an air vent and spin dashes through the grate and lands in Eggman's computer room. Eggman, Orbot, and Cubot challenge appear and challenge Sonic. Eggman chooses the Egg Scorpion. Sonic is knocked around the arena, but his friends, except of Cream, bust down the door and stuns the robot. After a duel, Sonic wins and demands him to give back Vanilla. In the background, someone is knocking on the glass of a holding cell. It turns out to be Vanilla. Sonic breaks her free. Vanilla thanks him and asks, “Sonic, is Cream alright?” He carries Vanilla outside and back to her home. Sonic opens the gate and Cream runs up to her mother. Cream says, “Momma, are you OK? Thank you Mr. Sonic!” Vanilla and Cream warmly and tearfully embrace. Vanilla thanks Sonic again. Sonic responds with,“It's what I do. But I couldn't have done it without my friends!” Credits Roll


(starts out on a black screen)

(1 second pause)

(fades into a white screen)

if, and only if, we use the name “senneksp33d” –> (senneksp33d logo fades in and out)

(fades back to black)

(Text "A collab between
insert more users here if necessary

fades in, pauses, and fades back out)

(Text ”we present.." fades in, pauses, and fades back out)


(fades in on Green Hill Zone)


Suddenly, SONIC starts blazing (no pun intended) across the screen.

(When SONIC goes out of sight, the camera shifts to capture SONIC's running.)

A bunch of pods catch SONIC's eye. He starts letting the animals free. EGGMAN comes out.

EGGMAN: “WHAT ARE YOU DOING, STOP THAT!” <– extremely angered

SONIC: “Oh, sure, right after you stop catching innocent animals for no apparent reason.” <– sarcastically

EGGMAN: “I'm gonna destroy the world, you fool! That's your ‘apparent reason’!”

SONIC: “Really? If you have an IQ of 300, we'd all really expect you to come up with something better than this.” <– shaming Eggman

SONIC uses a homing attack to hit the eggmobile. EGGMAN flees. SONIC runs back, laughing to himself.

(When SONIC is offscreen, the screen fades out and fades in to the intro, which is likely just to be a placeholder at first, unless we can work on all the episodes at the same time. The intro fades out.)

(The blackness fades out and Tails' workshop fades in, along with the text “Episode 1: Day in the Life of a Hedgehog”. Upbeat music is playing in the background. The ‘camera’ is slowly zooming in on Tails' workshop. // Animators: this basically means make Tails' workshop a seperate sprite and make it increase very slowly in size when the time comes. \\ It quickly cuts to Tails fixing the Tornado from underneath and Sonic, leaning to the side with his elbow propped up against a table, playing with one of Tails' wrenches.)

SONIC: “Y'know, I don't know how Eggman plans to take over the planet. Like, (<– In a casual voice | –> In an imitation of Eggman) oh, I'm gonna capture all the little animals and put them into little capsules that have no security whatsoever and anyone can open at any given moment, mwahahahaha, (back to a casual voice again –>) like, I don't know how that guy expects for the world to be his if he tries to destroy the food chain or whatever-”

TAILS: “Actually, that's a pretty good hypothesis..” <– from under the Tornado

SONIC: “Point is, it all just seems… unrealistic. If he wants to take over the world, he'd better get his act together.”

TAILS slides out from under the Tornado.

TAILS: “Remember Knuckles' party tonight.”

SONIC: "Right, I think he wants me to meet someone… Why else would I be at one of his parties, I'm not even a gym member! See ya there!”

SONIC runs off.

(The screen fades out and fades in on Sonic opening the door to Knuckles' house.)

KNUCKLES: “Hey, Sonic's here.” <– yelling

SONIC facepalms at him and his gym member friends.

KNUCKLES: “Want some punch?”

SONIC drinks out of it and spits it out.

SONIC: “What the heck was that?!” <– surprised

KNUCKLES: “Kale smoothie, to build muscle.” <– casually

SONIC: “I don't need muscle, I have speed.” <– confidently

KNUCKLES: “Fair enough…”

SONIC: “So who do you want me to meet?” <– casually

KNUCKLES looks around.

KNUCKLES: “Hey, where's Tikal?”

An ox points to the veranda.

KNUCKLES: “You remember Tikal, right? Well, she is an old friend of mine… We would hang out all the time and she acts like the sister I never had!”

Knuckles steps out on the deck.

KNUCKLES: “Tikal, you remember Sonic, right?”

TIKAL sits up in the chair she was resting in.

TIKAL: “Sonic, hi, long time no see, huh?”

SONIC smiles.

SONIC: “Yeah, is Chaos behaving himself? And what happened to the floating thing?”

TIKAL: “He has been behaving, surprisingly. Oh, I want to fit in with you guys now, so I don't hover all the time."

SONIC chuckles.

SONIC: “The more the merrier.”

TAILS runs up and pants.

TAILS: “Egg…man caught… Miss… Rabbit… Help.” <– panting, of course

SONIC holds his fist to his chest.

SONIC: “This time he went too far, Tikal, you say you wanna join us, why don't you come with us?”

TIKAL: “YES, I WOULD LOVE TO!” <– squealing

TIKAL floats slightly above the ground out of excitement. She puts her feet on the ground.

AMY and CREAM run up. CREAM waves her arms.

// Note: is Cream waving her arms normally or one-frame anime style?

CREAM: “Mr. Sonic, please, you have to save my momma!” <– distressed

CHEESE: “Chao chao.”

CHEESE's eye catches TIKAL.

CHEESE: “Chao chao! Chao chao chao chao chao?”

// Note: can Cheese speak English or not? xD

TIKAL giggles.

TIKAL: “It's nice to see you too, Cheese!”

AMY: “Come on guys, are we gonna save Miss Vanilla or are we gonna talk?”

AMY picks up her hammer.

AMY: “Let's go!”

SONIC rolls his eyes.

SONIC: “Who made you in charge?”

Our heroes, with their new friend Tikal, run towards Eggman's base.

SONIC: “Hey, guys? Just a heads up - see that forest right there? When we even get near it, Badniks are gonna come out of NOWHERE. So brace yourselves.” <– yelling

Three Egg Pawns, armed with freeze rays, jump out of the bushes. KNUCKLES KO punches one while AMY and CHEESE take out the other two. Three rabbits are freed.

CREAM: “Have you seen my mother?”

The rabbits point to the dome (which has Eggman's face on it).

AMY: “That's what I thought!”

They start to climb to the base. TAILS is seen airlifting SONIC to the ledge above him. CREAM is flying with her ears, but a spinner flies up and knocks her down. AMY catches CREAM and CHEESE smashes the spinner. KNUCKLES is climbing the mountain and pulls himself up.

(The screen zooms out to show Orbot and Cubot watching surveillance.)

Cubot: “Uh, boss?”

EGGMAN slams his hands on the table and sends out a wave of robots. TAILS pulls out his handheld and begins to hack the gate. TIKAL and AMY watch from a distance.

TIKAL: “Uh.. do you know what he's doing?”

AMY: “No clue.” <– softly

The gate opens. Suddenly, an army of Badniks run out.

SONIC: “ONE WORD. FLEE!” <– yelling

SONIC spin dashes through the robots and begins to run through the base, dodging everything EGGMAN throws at him. SONIC jumps into an air vent, spin dashes through the grate, and lands in EGGMAN's computer room. EGGMAN, ORBOT, and CUBOT challenge appear // Note: I have no idea what “challenge appear” means \\ and challenge SONIC.

EGGMAN: “I choose the Egg Scorpion!”

SONIC is knocked around the arena, but his friends (except for CREAM) bust down the door and stun the robot. After a duel, SONIC wins.

SONIC: “Now give me back Vanilla.”

In the background, someone is knocking on the glass of a holding cell. It turns out to be VANILLA. SONIC breaks her free.

VANILLA: “Oh, thank you so much, Sonic! Is Cream alright?”

SONIC carries VANILLA outside and back to her home. SONIC opens the gate and CREAM runs up to her mother as VANILLA jumps down.

CREAM: “Momma, are you OK? Thank you Mr. Sonic!”

VANILLA and CREAM warmly and tearfully embrace.

VANILLA: “Thank you again, Sonic. I was beginning to get so worried!”

SONIC: “It's what I do. But I couldn't have done it without my friends!”


WOW that took forever

Anyway, now we can start casting voice acting I guess.

edit: removed all the empty lines at the end of this post
How about Tikal stays with Cream so she can have another line at the end.
Sounds good! I'll add that in

also I asked you if you wanted to voice act on your profile
I'll think about it…
The intro should be a basic cinematic showing the main heroes with original animations… Why only seven episodes in season one? Please tell me a season is one or two months instead of a year.
Actually, Sonic destroys a few badniks and then a pod and when he talks about Eggman's plans he brings up Robots too.
1000+ posts

ARE YOU A SONIC FAN? Yes? Great! No? Great! Either way, consider joining our collab! | Sonic the Anime | Largest Collab on Scratch | ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Spycapt54 wrote:

goldfish678 wrote:

Spycapt54 wrote:

goldfish678 wrote:

wow, it seems like whenever the subject is Sonic we always run into a huge quote chain issue xD

Day in the Life of a Hedgehog: OFFICIAL SCRIPT

Spycapt54 wrote:

OK, here is the pilot…
The pilot introduces the main characters SONIC, TAILS, KNUCKLES, AMY, CREAM, TIKAL, VANILLA, EGGMAN, and CHEESE.
The pilot starts were Sonic is running through Green Hill zone, freeing animals from their pods. The Dr. Comes out and says, “WHAT ARE YOU DOING, STOP THAT!” Sonic shames him for catching innocent animals. Sonic uses a homing attack and hits the eggmobile and Eggman flees. Sonic runs back, laughing to himself. The intro plays. Sonic is now seen in Tails' workshop. Tails is fixing the Tornado and Sonic is talking about how Eggman has no imagination in taking over the planet. Tails slides out from under the Tornado and reminds him about the party at Knuckle's house. Sonic hops down and says, “Right, I think he wants me to meet someone… Why else would I be at one of his parties, I'm not even a gym member! See ya there!” Sonic heads off. The screen fades out and fades in on Sonic opening the door to his house. Knuckles yells,“Hey, Sonic's here.” Sonic facepalms at him and his gym member friends. Knuckles hands him some “punch”. Sonic drinks out of it and then spits it out and asks what it was. Knuckles responds with,“Kale smoothie, to build muscle.” Sonic says,“I don't need muscle, I have speed.” Knuckles responds with,“Fair enough…” Sonic asks who he wants him to meet. Knuckles looks around and asks,“Hey, were's Tikal?” An Ox points to the veranda. Knuckles says,“You remember Tikal, right? Well, she is an old friend of mine… We would hang out all the time and she acts like the sister I never had!” steps out on the deck and says, “Tikal, you remember Sonic, right?” Tikal sits up in the chair she was resting in. She says, “Sonic, hi, long time no see, huh?” Sonic responds with,“Yeah, is Chaos behaving himself? And what happened to the floating thing?” Tikal says,“He has been behaving, surprisingly. Oh, I want to fit in with you guys now, so I don't hover al the time.” Sonic chuckles and says,“The more the merrier.” Tails runs ip and pants,“Egg…man caught… Miss… Rabbit… Help.” Sonic holds his fist to his chest and says,“This time he went too far, Tikal, you say you wanna join us, why don't you come with us?” She squeals,“YES, I WOULD LOVE TO!” She floats slightly above the ground out of excitement. Tikal puts her feet on the ground. Amy and Cream and Cream run up. Cream waves her arms and says,“Mr. Sonic, please, you have to save momma!” Cheese says, “Chao Chao” as if to add more detail. Cheese's eye catches Tikal and he warmly greets her. Tikal giggles and says, “It's nice to see you too, Cheese!” Amy yells,“Come on guys, are we gonna save Miss Vanilla or are we gonna talk?” She picks up her hammer and says,“Let's go!” Sonic rolls his eyes and asks, “Who made you in charge?” Our heroes, with their new friend Tikal, run towards Eggman's base. Sonic warns them about Badniks and how they come out of nowhere in the forest close to it. Three Egg Pawns, armed with freeze rays, jump out of the bushes. Knuckles KO punches one while Amy and Cheese take out the other two. Three rabbits are freed and Cream asks if they had seen her mother? They point to the dome(Which has Eggman's face on it.) on the mountain above them. Amy says,“That's what I thought!” They start the climb to the base. Tails is seen airlifting Sonic to the ledge above him. Cream is flying with her ears, but a spinner flies up and knocks her down. Amy catches her and Cheese smashes it. Knuckles is climbing the mountain and pulls himself up to the top. The screen zooms out to show Orbot and Cubot watching servailence. They call over their boss. Eggman slams his hands on the table and sends out a wave of robots. Sonic, Tails, Cream, Amy, and Tikal are now at the entrance as well. Tails pulls out his handheld and hacks the base and opens the gate. Suddenly, an army of Badniks run out. Sonic tells his friends to flee. Sonic then spin dashes through them and begins to run through the base, dodging everything Eggman throws at him. Sonic jumps into an air vent and spin dashes through the grate and lands in Eggman's computer room. Eggman, Orbot, and Cubot challenge appear and challenge Sonic. Eggman chooses the Egg Scorpion. Sonic is knocked around the arena, but his friends, except of Cream, bust down the door and stuns the robot. After a duel, Sonic wins and demands him to give back Vanilla. In the background, someone is knocking on the glass of a holding cell. It turns out to be Vanilla. Sonic breaks her free. Vanilla thanks him and asks, “Sonic, is Cream alright?” He carries Vanilla outside and back to her home. Sonic opens the gate and Cream runs up to her mother. Cream says, “Momma, are you OK? Thank you Mr. Sonic!” Vanilla and Cream warmly and tearfully embrace. Vanilla thanks Sonic again. Sonic responds with,“It's what I do. But I couldn't have done it without my friends!” Credits Roll


(starts out on a black screen)

(1 second pause)

(fades into a white screen)

if, and only if, we use the name “senneksp33d” –> (senneksp33d logo fades in and out)

(fades back to black)

(Text "A collab between
insert more users here if necessary

fades in, pauses, and fades back out)

(Text ”we present.." fades in, pauses, and fades back out)


(fades in on Green Hill Zone)


Suddenly, SONIC starts blazing (no pun intended) across the screen.

(When SONIC goes out of sight, the camera shifts to capture SONIC's running.)

A bunch of pods catch SONIC's eye. He starts letting the animals free. EGGMAN comes out.

EGGMAN: “WHAT ARE YOU DOING, STOP THAT!” <– extremely angered

SONIC: “Oh, sure, right after you stop catching innocent animals for no apparent reason.” <– sarcastically

EGGMAN: “I'm gonna destroy the world, you fool! That's your ‘apparent reason’!”

SONIC: “Really? If you have an IQ of 300, we'd all really expect you to come up with something better than this.” <– shaming Eggman

SONIC uses a homing attack to hit the eggmobile. EGGMAN flees. SONIC runs back, laughing to himself.

(When SONIC is offscreen, the screen fades out and fades in to the intro, which is likely just to be a placeholder at first, unless we can work on all the episodes at the same time. The intro fades out.)

(The blackness fades out and Tails' workshop fades in, along with the text “Episode 1: Day in the Life of a Hedgehog”. Upbeat music is playing in the background. The ‘camera’ is slowly zooming in on Tails' workshop. // Animators: this basically means make Tails' workshop a seperate sprite and make it increase very slowly in size when the time comes. \\ It quickly cuts to Tails fixing the Tornado from underneath and Sonic, leaning to the side with his elbow propped up against a table, playing with one of Tails' wrenches.)

SONIC: “Y'know, I don't know how Eggman plans to take over the planet. Like, (<– In a casual voice | –> In an imitation of Eggman) oh, I'm gonna capture all the little animals and put them into little capsules that have no security whatsoever and anyone can open at any given moment, mwahahahaha, (back to a casual voice again –>) like, I don't know how that guy expects for the world to be his if he tries to destroy the food chain or whatever-”

TAILS: “Actually, that's a pretty good hypothesis..” <– from under the Tornado

SONIC: “Point is, it all just seems… unrealistic. If he wants to take over the world, he'd better get his act together.”

TAILS slides out from under the Tornado.

TAILS: “Remember Knuckles' party tonight.”

SONIC: "Right, I think he wants me to meet someone… Why else would I be at one of his parties, I'm not even a gym member! See ya there!”

SONIC runs off.

(The screen fades out and fades in on Sonic opening the door to Knuckles' house.)

KNUCKLES: “Hey, Sonic's here.” <– yelling

SONIC facepalms at him and his gym member friends.

KNUCKLES: “Want some punch?”

SONIC drinks out of it and spits it out.

SONIC: “What the heck was that?!” <– surprised

KNUCKLES: “Kale smoothie, to build muscle.” <– casually

SONIC: “I don't need muscle, I have speed.” <– confidently

KNUCKLES: “Fair enough…”

SONIC: “So who do you want me to meet?” <– casually

KNUCKLES looks around.

KNUCKLES: “Hey, where's Tikal?”

An ox points to the veranda.

KNUCKLES: “You remember Tikal, right? Well, she is an old friend of mine… We would hang out all the time and she acts like the sister I never had!”

Knuckles steps out on the deck.

KNUCKLES: “Tikal, you remember Sonic, right?”

TIKAL sits up in the chair she was resting in.

TIKAL: “Sonic, hi, long time no see, huh?”

SONIC smiles.

SONIC: “Yeah, is Chaos behaving himself? And what happened to the floating thing?”

TIKAL: “He has been behaving, surprisingly. Oh, I want to fit in with you guys now, so I don't hover all the time."

SONIC chuckles.

SONIC: “The more the merrier.”

TAILS runs up and pants.

TAILS: “Egg…man caught… Miss… Rabbit… Help.” <– panting, of course

SONIC holds his fist to his chest.

SONIC: “This time he went too far, Tikal, you say you wanna join us, why don't you come with us?”

TIKAL: “YES, I WOULD LOVE TO!” <– squealing

TIKAL floats slightly above the ground out of excitement. She puts her feet on the ground.

AMY and CREAM run up. CREAM waves her arms.

// Note: is Cream waving her arms normally or one-frame anime style?

CREAM: “Mr. Sonic, please, you have to save my momma!” <– distressed

CHEESE: “Chao chao.”

CHEESE's eye catches TIKAL.

CHEESE: “Chao chao! Chao chao chao chao chao?”

// Note: can Cheese speak English or not? xD

TIKAL giggles.

TIKAL: “It's nice to see you too, Cheese!”

AMY: “Come on guys, are we gonna save Miss Vanilla or are we gonna talk?”

AMY picks up her hammer.

AMY: “Let's go!”

SONIC rolls his eyes.

SONIC: “Who made you in charge?”

Our heroes, with their new friend Tikal, run towards Eggman's base.

SONIC: “Hey, guys? Just a heads up - see that forest right there? When we even get near it, Badniks are gonna come out of NOWHERE. So brace yourselves.” <– yelling

Three Egg Pawns, armed with freeze rays, jump out of the bushes. KNUCKLES KO punches one while AMY and CHEESE take out the other two. Three rabbits are freed.

CREAM: “Have you seen my mother?”

The rabbits point to the dome (which has Eggman's face on it).

AMY: “That's what I thought!”

They start to climb to the base. TAILS is seen airlifting SONIC to the ledge above him. CREAM is flying with her ears, but a spinner flies up and knocks her down. AMY catches CREAM and CHEESE smashes the spinner. KNUCKLES is climbing the mountain and pulls himself up.

(The screen zooms out to show Orbot and Cubot watching surveillance.)

Cubot: “Uh, boss?”

EGGMAN slams his hands on the table and sends out a wave of robots. TAILS pulls out his handheld and begins to hack the gate. TIKAL and AMY watch from a distance.

TIKAL: “Uh.. do you know what he's doing?”

AMY: “No clue.” <– softly

The gate opens. Suddenly, an army of Badniks run out.

SONIC: “ONE WORD. FLEE!” <– yelling

SONIC spin dashes through the robots and begins to run through the base, dodging everything EGGMAN throws at him. SONIC jumps into an air vent, spin dashes through the grate, and lands in EGGMAN's computer room. EGGMAN, ORBOT, and CUBOT challenge appear // Note: I have no idea what “challenge appear” means \\ and challenge SONIC.

EGGMAN: “I choose the Egg Scorpion!”

SONIC is knocked around the arena, but his friends (except for CREAM) bust down the door and stun the robot. After a duel, SONIC wins.

SONIC: “Now give me back Vanilla.”

In the background, someone is knocking on the glass of a holding cell. It turns out to be VANILLA. SONIC breaks her free.

VANILLA: “Oh, thank you so much, Sonic! Is Cream alright?”

SONIC carries VANILLA outside and back to her home. SONIC opens the gate and CREAM runs up to her mother as VANILLA jumps down.

CREAM: “Momma, are you OK? Thank you Mr. Sonic!”

VANILLA and CREAM warmly and tearfully embrace.

VANILLA: “Thank you again, Sonic. I was beginning to get so worried!”

SONIC: “It's what I do. But I couldn't have done it without my friends!”


WOW that took forever

Anyway, now we can start casting voice acting I guess.

edit: removed all the empty lines at the end of this post
How about Tikal stays with Cream so she can have another line at the end.
Sounds good! I'll add that in

also I asked you if you wanted to voice act on your profile
I'll think about it…
The intro should be a basic cinematic showing the main heroes with original animations… Why only seven episodes in season one? Please tell me a season is one or two months instead of a year.
1. ok!
2. sounds good!
3. Smiley100P suggested seven episodes per season, and that sounded fine to me, but if you want to extend that, that's also fine with me!
4. in real time or time passed in the season?
If real time: I don't think it'll take a year to make all the episodes in a season, but it might take one or two months xD
If time passed in the season: Probably just one or two months, if it was a year then that could be kinda ridiculous
1000+ posts

ARE YOU A SONIC FAN? Yes? Great! No? Great! Either way, consider joining our collab! | Sonic the Anime | Largest Collab on Scratch | ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

goldfish678 wrote:

Spycapt54 wrote:

goldfish678 wrote:

wow, it seems like whenever the subject is Sonic we always run into a huge quote chain issue xD

Day in the Life of a Hedgehog: OFFICIAL SCRIPT

Spycapt54 wrote:

OK, here is the pilot…
The pilot introduces the main characters SONIC, TAILS, KNUCKLES, AMY, CREAM, TIKAL, VANILLA, EGGMAN, and CHEESE.
The pilot starts were Sonic is running through Green Hill zone, freeing animals from their pods. The Dr. Comes out and says, “WHAT ARE YOU DOING, STOP THAT!” Sonic shames him for catching innocent animals. Sonic uses a homing attack and hits the eggmobile and Eggman flees. Sonic runs back, laughing to himself. The intro plays. Sonic is now seen in Tails' workshop. Tails is fixing the Tornado and Sonic is talking about how Eggman has no imagination in taking over the planet. Tails slides out from under the Tornado and reminds him about the party at Knuckle's house. Sonic hops down and says, “Right, I think he wants me to meet someone… Why else would I be at one of his parties, I'm not even a gym member! See ya there!” Sonic heads off. The screen fades out and fades in on Sonic opening the door to his house. Knuckles yells,“Hey, Sonic's here.” Sonic facepalms at him and his gym member friends. Knuckles hands him some “punch”. Sonic drinks out of it and then spits it out and asks what it was. Knuckles responds with,“Kale smoothie, to build muscle.” Sonic says,“I don't need muscle, I have speed.” Knuckles responds with,“Fair enough…” Sonic asks who he wants him to meet. Knuckles looks around and asks,“Hey, were's Tikal?” An Ox points to the veranda. Knuckles says,“You remember Tikal, right? Well, she is an old friend of mine… We would hang out all the time and she acts like the sister I never had!” steps out on the deck and says, “Tikal, you remember Sonic, right?” Tikal sits up in the chair she was resting in. She says, “Sonic, hi, long time no see, huh?” Sonic responds with,“Yeah, is Chaos behaving himself? And what happened to the floating thing?” Tikal says,“He has been behaving, surprisingly. Oh, I want to fit in with you guys now, so I don't hover al the time.” Sonic chuckles and says,“The more the merrier.” Tails runs ip and pants,“Egg…man caught… Miss… Rabbit… Help.” Sonic holds his fist to his chest and says,“This time he went too far, Tikal, you say you wanna join us, why don't you come with us?” She squeals,“YES, I WOULD LOVE TO!” She floats slightly above the ground out of excitement. Tikal puts her feet on the ground. Amy and Cream and Cream run up. Cream waves her arms and says,“Mr. Sonic, please, you have to save momma!” Cheese says, “Chao Chao” as if to add more detail. Cheese's eye catches Tikal and he warmly greets her. Tikal giggles and says, “It's nice to see you too, Cheese!” Amy yells,“Come on guys, are we gonna save Miss Vanilla or are we gonna talk?” She picks up her hammer and says,“Let's go!” Sonic rolls his eyes and asks, “Who made you in charge?” Our heroes, with their new friend Tikal, run towards Eggman's base. Sonic warns them about Badniks and how they come out of nowhere in the forest close to it. Three Egg Pawns, armed with freeze rays, jump out of the bushes. Knuckles KO punches one while Amy and Cheese take out the other two. Three rabbits are freed and Cream asks if they had seen her mother? They point to the dome(Which has Eggman's face on it.) on the mountain above them. Amy says,“That's what I thought!” They start the climb to the base. Tails is seen airlifting Sonic to the ledge above him. Cream is flying with her ears, but a spinner flies up and knocks her down. Amy catches her and Cheese smashes it. Knuckles is climbing the mountain and pulls himself up to the top. The screen zooms out to show Orbot and Cubot watching servailence. They call over their boss. Eggman slams his hands on the table and sends out a wave of robots. Sonic, Tails, Cream, Amy, and Tikal are now at the entrance as well. Tails pulls out his handheld and hacks the base and opens the gate. Suddenly, an army of Badniks run out. Sonic tells his friends to flee. Sonic then spin dashes through them and begins to run through the base, dodging everything Eggman throws at him. Sonic jumps into an air vent and spin dashes through the grate and lands in Eggman's computer room. Eggman, Orbot, and Cubot challenge appear and challenge Sonic. Eggman chooses the Egg Scorpion. Sonic is knocked around the arena, but his friends, except of Cream, bust down the door and stuns the robot. After a duel, Sonic wins and demands him to give back Vanilla. In the background, someone is knocking on the glass of a holding cell. It turns out to be Vanilla. Sonic breaks her free. Vanilla thanks him and asks, “Sonic, is Cream alright?” He carries Vanilla outside and back to her home. Sonic opens the gate and Cream runs up to her mother. Cream says, “Momma, are you OK? Thank you Mr. Sonic!” Vanilla and Cream warmly and tearfully embrace. Vanilla thanks Sonic again. Sonic responds with,“It's what I do. But I couldn't have done it without my friends!” Credits Roll


(starts out on a black screen)

(1 second pause)

(fades into a white screen)

if, and only if, we use the name “senneksp33d” –> (senneksp33d logo fades in and out)

(fades back to black)

(Text "A collab between
insert more users here if necessary

fades in, pauses, and fades back out)

(Text ”we present.." fades in, pauses, and fades back out)


(fades in on Green Hill Zone)


Suddenly, SONIC starts blazing (no pun intended) across the screen.

(When SONIC goes out of sight, the camera shifts to capture SONIC's running.)

A bunch of pods catch SONIC's eye. He starts letting the animals free. EGGMAN comes out.

EGGMAN: “WHAT ARE YOU DOING, STOP THAT!” <– extremely angered

SONIC: “Oh, sure, right after you stop catching innocent animals for no apparent reason.” <– sarcastically

EGGMAN: “I'm gonna destroy the world, you fool! That's your ‘apparent reason’!”

SONIC: “Really? If you have an IQ of 300, we'd all really expect you to come up with something better than this.” <– shaming Eggman

SONIC uses a homing attack to hit the eggmobile. EGGMAN flees. SONIC runs back, laughing to himself.

(When SONIC is offscreen, the screen fades out and fades in to the intro, which is likely just to be a placeholder at first, unless we can work on all the episodes at the same time. The intro fades out.)

(The blackness fades out and Tails' workshop fades in, along with the text “Episode 1: Day in the Life of a Hedgehog”. Upbeat music is playing in the background. The ‘camera’ is slowly zooming in on Tails' workshop. // Animators: this basically means make Tails' workshop a seperate sprite and make it increase very slowly in size when the time comes. \\ It quickly cuts to Tails fixing the Tornado from underneath and Sonic, leaning to the side with his elbow propped up against a table, playing with one of Tails' wrenches.)

SONIC: “Y'know, I don't know how Eggman plans to take over the planet. Like, (<– In a casual voice | –> In an imitation of Eggman) oh, I'm gonna capture all the little animals and put them into little capsules that have no security whatsoever and anyone can open at any given moment, mwahahahaha, (back to a casual voice again –>) like, I don't know how that guy expects for the world to be his if he tries to destroy the food chain or whatever-”

TAILS: “Actually, that's a pretty good hypothesis..” <– from under the Tornado

SONIC: “Point is, it all just seems… unrealistic. If he wants to take over the world, he'd better get his act together.”

TAILS slides out from under the Tornado.

TAILS: “Remember Knuckles' party tonight.”

SONIC: "Right, I think he wants me to meet someone… Why else would I be at one of his parties, I'm not even a gym member! See ya there!”

SONIC runs off.

(The screen fades out and fades in on Sonic opening the door to Knuckles' house.)

KNUCKLES: “Hey, Sonic's here.” <– yelling

SONIC facepalms at him and his gym member friends.

KNUCKLES: “Want some punch?”

SONIC drinks out of it and spits it out.

SONIC: “What the heck was that?!” <– surprised

KNUCKLES: “Kale smoothie, to build muscle.” <– casually

SONIC: “I don't need muscle, I have speed.” <– confidently

KNUCKLES: “Fair enough…”

SONIC: “So who do you want me to meet?” <– casually

KNUCKLES looks around.

KNUCKLES: “Hey, where's Tikal?”

An ox points to the veranda.

KNUCKLES: “You remember Tikal, right? Well, she is an old friend of mine… We would hang out all the time and she acts like the sister I never had!”

Knuckles steps out on the deck.

KNUCKLES: “Tikal, you remember Sonic, right?”

TIKAL sits up in the chair she was resting in.

TIKAL: “Sonic, hi, long time no see, huh?”

SONIC smiles.

SONIC: “Yeah, is Chaos behaving himself? And what happened to the floating thing?”

TIKAL: “He has been behaving, surprisingly. Oh, I want to fit in with you guys now, so I don't hover all the time."

SONIC chuckles.

SONIC: “The more the merrier.”

TAILS runs up and pants.

TAILS: “Egg…man caught… Miss… Rabbit… Help.” <– panting, of course

SONIC holds his fist to his chest.

SONIC: “This time he went too far, Tikal, you say you wanna join us, why don't you come with us?”

TIKAL: “YES, I WOULD LOVE TO!” <– squealing

TIKAL floats slightly above the ground out of excitement. She puts her feet on the ground.

AMY and CREAM run up. CREAM waves her arms.

// Note: is Cream waving her arms normally or one-frame anime style?

CREAM: “Mr. Sonic, please, you have to save my momma!” <– distressed

CHEESE: “Chao chao.”

CHEESE's eye catches TIKAL.

CHEESE: “Chao chao! Chao chao chao chao chao?”

// Note: can Cheese speak English or not? xD

TIKAL giggles.

TIKAL: “It's nice to see you too, Cheese!”

AMY: “Come on guys, are we gonna save Miss Vanilla or are we gonna talk?”

AMY picks up her hammer.

AMY: “Let's go!”

SONIC rolls his eyes.

SONIC: “Who made you in charge?”

Our heroes, with their new friend Tikal, run towards Eggman's base.

SONIC: “Hey, guys? Just a heads up - see that forest right there? When we even get near it, Badniks are gonna come out of NOWHERE. So brace yourselves.” <– yelling

Three Egg Pawns, armed with freeze rays, jump out of the bushes. KNUCKLES KO punches one while AMY and CHEESE take out the other two. Three rabbits are freed.

CREAM: “Have you seen my mother?”

The rabbits point to the dome (which has Eggman's face on it).

AMY: “That's what I thought!”

They start to climb to the base. TAILS is seen airlifting SONIC to the ledge above him. CREAM is flying with her ears, but a spinner flies up and knocks her down. AMY catches CREAM and CHEESE smashes the spinner. KNUCKLES is climbing the mountain and pulls himself up.

(The screen zooms out to show Orbot and Cubot watching surveillance.)

Cubot: “Uh, boss?”

EGGMAN slams his hands on the table and sends out a wave of robots. TAILS pulls out his handheld and begins to hack the gate. TIKAL and AMY watch from a distance.

TIKAL: “Uh.. do you know what he's doing?”

AMY: “No clue.” <– softly

The gate opens. Suddenly, an army of Badniks run out.

SONIC: “ONE WORD. FLEE!” <– yelling

SONIC spin dashes through the robots and begins to run through the base, dodging everything EGGMAN throws at him. SONIC jumps into an air vent, spin dashes through the grate, and lands in EGGMAN's computer room. EGGMAN, ORBOT, and CUBOT challenge appear // Note: I have no idea what “challenge appear” means \\ and challenge SONIC.

EGGMAN: “I choose the Egg Scorpion!”

SONIC is knocked around the arena, but his friends (except for CREAM) bust down the door and stun the robot. After a duel, SONIC wins.

SONIC: “Now give me back Vanilla.”

In the background, someone is knocking on the glass of a holding cell. It turns out to be VANILLA. SONIC breaks her free.

VANILLA: “Oh, thank you so much, Sonic! Is Cream alright?”

SONIC carries VANILLA outside and back to her home. SONIC opens the gate and CREAM runs up to her mother as VANILLA jumps down.

CREAM: “Momma, are you OK? Thank you Mr. Sonic!”

VANILLA and CREAM warmly and tearfully embrace.

VANILLA: “Thank you again, Sonic. I was beginning to get so worried!”

SONIC: “It's what I do. But I couldn't have done it without my friends!”


WOW that took forever

Anyway, now we can start casting voice acting I guess.

edit: removed all the empty lines at the end of this post
How about Tikal stays with Cream so she can have another line at the end.
Sounds good! I'll add that in

also I asked you if you wanted to voice act on your profile
The answers are, Cream's arm flailing is multi-frame, Cheese only says Chao but Tikal can speak Chao.
1000+ posts

ARE YOU A SONIC FAN? Yes? Great! No? Great! Either way, consider joining our collab! | Sonic the Anime | Largest Collab on Scratch | ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Spycapt54 wrote:

Spycapt54 wrote:

goldfish678 wrote:

Spycapt54 wrote:

goldfish678 wrote:

wow, it seems like whenever the subject is Sonic we always run into a huge quote chain issue xD

Day in the Life of a Hedgehog: OFFICIAL SCRIPT

Spycapt54 wrote:

OK, here is the pilot…
The pilot introduces the main characters SONIC, TAILS, KNUCKLES, AMY, CREAM, TIKAL, VANILLA, EGGMAN, and CHEESE.
The pilot starts were Sonic is running through Green Hill zone, freeing animals from their pods. The Dr. Comes out and says, “WHAT ARE YOU DOING, STOP THAT!” Sonic shames him for catching innocent animals. Sonic uses a homing attack and hits the eggmobile and Eggman flees. Sonic runs back, laughing to himself. The intro plays. Sonic is now seen in Tails' workshop. Tails is fixing the Tornado and Sonic is talking about how Eggman has no imagination in taking over the planet. Tails slides out from under the Tornado and reminds him about the party at Knuckle's house. Sonic hops down and says, “Right, I think he wants me to meet someone… Why else would I be at one of his parties, I'm not even a gym member! See ya there!” Sonic heads off. The screen fades out and fades in on Sonic opening the door to his house. Knuckles yells,“Hey, Sonic's here.” Sonic facepalms at him and his gym member friends. Knuckles hands him some “punch”. Sonic drinks out of it and then spits it out and asks what it was. Knuckles responds with,“Kale smoothie, to build muscle.” Sonic says,“I don't need muscle, I have speed.” Knuckles responds with,“Fair enough…” Sonic asks who he wants him to meet. Knuckles looks around and asks,“Hey, were's Tikal?” An Ox points to the veranda. Knuckles says,“You remember Tikal, right? Well, she is an old friend of mine… We would hang out all the time and she acts like the sister I never had!” steps out on the deck and says, “Tikal, you remember Sonic, right?” Tikal sits up in the chair she was resting in. She says, “Sonic, hi, long time no see, huh?” Sonic responds with,“Yeah, is Chaos behaving himself? And what happened to the floating thing?” Tikal says,“He has been behaving, surprisingly. Oh, I want to fit in with you guys now, so I don't hover al the time.” Sonic chuckles and says,“The more the merrier.” Tails runs ip and pants,“Egg…man caught… Miss… Rabbit… Help.” Sonic holds his fist to his chest and says,“This time he went too far, Tikal, you say you wanna join us, why don't you come with us?” She squeals,“YES, I WOULD LOVE TO!” She floats slightly above the ground out of excitement. Tikal puts her feet on the ground. Amy and Cream and Cream run up. Cream waves her arms and says,“Mr. Sonic, please, you have to save momma!” Cheese says, “Chao Chao” as if to add more detail. Cheese's eye catches Tikal and he warmly greets her. Tikal giggles and says, “It's nice to see you too, Cheese!” Amy yells,“Come on guys, are we gonna save Miss Vanilla or are we gonna talk?” She picks up her hammer and says,“Let's go!” Sonic rolls his eyes and asks, “Who made you in charge?” Our heroes, with their new friend Tikal, run towards Eggman's base. Sonic warns them about Badniks and how they come out of nowhere in the forest close to it. Three Egg Pawns, armed with freeze rays, jump out of the bushes. Knuckles KO punches one while Amy and Cheese take out the other two. Three rabbits are freed and Cream asks if they had seen her mother? They point to the dome(Which has Eggman's face on it.) on the mountain above them. Amy says,“That's what I thought!” They start the climb to the base. Tails is seen airlifting Sonic to the ledge above him. Cream is flying with her ears, but a spinner flies up and knocks her down. Amy catches her and Cheese smashes it. Knuckles is climbing the mountain and pulls himself up to the top. The screen zooms out to show Orbot and Cubot watching servailence. They call over their boss. Eggman slams his hands on the table and sends out a wave of robots. Sonic, Tails, Cream, Amy, and Tikal are now at the entrance as well. Tails pulls out his handheld and hacks the base and opens the gate. Suddenly, an army of Badniks run out. Sonic tells his friends to flee. Sonic then spin dashes through them and begins to run through the base, dodging everything Eggman throws at him. Sonic jumps into an air vent and spin dashes through the grate and lands in Eggman's computer room. Eggman, Orbot, and Cubot challenge appear and challenge Sonic. Eggman chooses the Egg Scorpion. Sonic is knocked around the arena, but his friends, except of Cream, bust down the door and stuns the robot. After a duel, Sonic wins and demands him to give back Vanilla. In the background, someone is knocking on the glass of a holding cell. It turns out to be Vanilla. Sonic breaks her free. Vanilla thanks him and asks, “Sonic, is Cream alright?” He carries Vanilla outside and back to her home. Sonic opens the gate and Cream runs up to her mother. Cream says, “Momma, are you OK? Thank you Mr. Sonic!” Vanilla and Cream warmly and tearfully embrace. Vanilla thanks Sonic again. Sonic responds with,“It's what I do. But I couldn't have done it without my friends!” Credits Roll


(starts out on a black screen)

(1 second pause)

(fades into a white screen)

if, and only if, we use the name “senneksp33d” –> (senneksp33d logo fades in and out)

(fades back to black)

(Text "A collab between
insert more users here if necessary

fades in, pauses, and fades back out)

(Text ”we present.." fades in, pauses, and fades back out)


(fades in on Green Hill Zone)


Suddenly, SONIC starts blazing (no pun intended) across the screen.

(When SONIC goes out of sight, the camera shifts to capture SONIC's running.)

A bunch of pods catch SONIC's eye. He starts letting the animals free. EGGMAN comes out.

EGGMAN: “WHAT ARE YOU DOING, STOP THAT!” <– extremely angered

SONIC: “Oh, sure, right after you stop catching innocent animals for no apparent reason.” <– sarcastically

EGGMAN: “I'm gonna destroy the world, you fool! That's your ‘apparent reason’!”

SONIC: “Really? If you have an IQ of 300, we'd all really expect you to come up with something better than this.” <– shaming Eggman

SONIC uses a homing attack to hit the eggmobile. EGGMAN flees. SONIC runs back, laughing to himself.

(When SONIC is offscreen, the screen fades out and fades in to the intro, which is likely just to be a placeholder at first, unless we can work on all the episodes at the same time. The intro fades out.)

(The blackness fades out and Tails' workshop fades in, along with the text “Episode 1: Day in the Life of a Hedgehog”. Upbeat music is playing in the background. The ‘camera’ is slowly zooming in on Tails' workshop. // Animators: this basically means make Tails' workshop a seperate sprite and make it increase very slowly in size when the time comes. \\ It quickly cuts to Tails fixing the Tornado from underneath and Sonic, leaning to the side with his elbow propped up against a table, playing with one of Tails' wrenches.)

SONIC: “Y'know, I don't know how Eggman plans to take over the planet. Like, (<– In a casual voice | –> In an imitation of Eggman) oh, I'm gonna capture all the little animals and put them into little capsules that have no security whatsoever and anyone can open at any given moment, mwahahahaha, (back to a casual voice again –>) like, I don't know how that guy expects for the world to be his if he tries to destroy the food chain or whatever-”

TAILS: “Actually, that's a pretty good hypothesis..” <– from under the Tornado

SONIC: “Point is, it all just seems… unrealistic. If he wants to take over the world, he'd better get his act together.”

TAILS slides out from under the Tornado.

TAILS: “Remember Knuckles' party tonight.”

SONIC: "Right, I think he wants me to meet someone… Why else would I be at one of his parties, I'm not even a gym member! See ya there!”

SONIC runs off.

(The screen fades out and fades in on Sonic opening the door to Knuckles' house.)

KNUCKLES: “Hey, Sonic's here.” <– yelling

SONIC facepalms at him and his gym member friends.

KNUCKLES: “Want some punch?”

SONIC drinks out of it and spits it out.

SONIC: “What the heck was that?!” <– surprised

KNUCKLES: “Kale smoothie, to build muscle.” <– casually

SONIC: “I don't need muscle, I have speed.” <– confidently

KNUCKLES: “Fair enough…”

SONIC: “So who do you want me to meet?” <– casually

KNUCKLES looks around.

KNUCKLES: “Hey, where's Tikal?”

An ox points to the veranda.

KNUCKLES: “You remember Tikal, right? Well, she is an old friend of mine… We would hang out all the time and she acts like the sister I never had!”

Knuckles steps out on the deck.

KNUCKLES: “Tikal, you remember Sonic, right?”

TIKAL sits up in the chair she was resting in.

TIKAL: “Sonic, hi, long time no see, huh?”

SONIC smiles.

SONIC: “Yeah, is Chaos behaving himself? And what happened to the floating thing?”

TIKAL: “He has been behaving, surprisingly. Oh, I want to fit in with you guys now, so I don't hover all the time."

SONIC chuckles.

SONIC: “The more the merrier.”

TAILS runs up and pants.

TAILS: “Egg…man caught… Miss… Rabbit… Help.” <– panting, of course

SONIC holds his fist to his chest.

SONIC: “This time he went too far, Tikal, you say you wanna join us, why don't you come with us?”

TIKAL: “YES, I WOULD LOVE TO!” <– squealing

TIKAL floats slightly above the ground out of excitement. She puts her feet on the ground.

AMY and CREAM run up. CREAM waves her arms.

// Note: is Cream waving her arms normally or one-frame anime style?

CREAM: “Mr. Sonic, please, you have to save my momma!” <– distressed

CHEESE: “Chao chao.”

CHEESE's eye catches TIKAL.

CHEESE: “Chao chao! Chao chao chao chao chao?”

// Note: can Cheese speak English or not? xD

TIKAL giggles.

TIKAL: “It's nice to see you too, Cheese!”

AMY: “Come on guys, are we gonna save Miss Vanilla or are we gonna talk?”

AMY picks up her hammer.

AMY: “Let's go!”

SONIC rolls his eyes.

SONIC: “Who made you in charge?”

Our heroes, with their new friend Tikal, run towards Eggman's base.

SONIC: “Hey, guys? Just a heads up - see that forest right there? When we even get near it, Badniks are gonna come out of NOWHERE. So brace yourselves.” <– yelling

Three Egg Pawns, armed with freeze rays, jump out of the bushes. KNUCKLES KO punches one while AMY and CHEESE take out the other two. Three rabbits are freed.

CREAM: “Have you seen my mother?”

The rabbits point to the dome (which has Eggman's face on it).

AMY: “That's what I thought!”

They start to climb to the base. TAILS is seen airlifting SONIC to the ledge above him. CREAM is flying with her ears, but a spinner flies up and knocks her down. AMY catches CREAM and CHEESE smashes the spinner. KNUCKLES is climbing the mountain and pulls himself up.

(The screen zooms out to show Orbot and Cubot watching surveillance.)

Cubot: “Uh, boss?”

EGGMAN slams his hands on the table and sends out a wave of robots. TAILS pulls out his handheld and begins to hack the gate. TIKAL and AMY watch from a distance.

TIKAL: “Uh.. do you know what he's doing?”

AMY: “No clue.” <– softly

The gate opens. Suddenly, an army of Badniks run out.

SONIC: “ONE WORD. FLEE!” <– yelling

SONIC spin dashes through the robots and begins to run through the base, dodging everything EGGMAN throws at him. SONIC jumps into an air vent, spin dashes through the grate, and lands in EGGMAN's computer room. EGGMAN, ORBOT, and CUBOT challenge appear // Note: I have no idea what “challenge appear” means \\ and challenge SONIC.

EGGMAN: “I choose the Egg Scorpion!”

SONIC is knocked around the arena, but his friends (except for CREAM) bust down the door and stun the robot. After a duel, SONIC wins.

SONIC: “Now give me back Vanilla.”

In the background, someone is knocking on the glass of a holding cell. It turns out to be VANILLA. SONIC breaks her free.

VANILLA: “Oh, thank you so much, Sonic! Is Cream alright?”

SONIC carries VANILLA outside and back to her home. SONIC opens the gate and CREAM runs up to her mother as VANILLA jumps down.

CREAM: “Momma, are you OK? Thank you Mr. Sonic!”

VANILLA and CREAM warmly and tearfully embrace.

VANILLA: “Thank you again, Sonic. I was beginning to get so worried!”

SONIC: “It's what I do. But I couldn't have done it without my friends!”


WOW that took forever

Anyway, now we can start casting voice acting I guess.

edit: removed all the empty lines at the end of this post
How about Tikal stays with Cream so she can have another line at the end.
Sounds good! I'll add that in

also I asked you if you wanted to voice act on your profile
I'll think about it…
The intro should be a basic cinematic showing the main heroes with original animations… Why only seven episodes in season one? Please tell me a season is one or two months instead of a year.
Actually, Sonic destroys a few badniks and then a pod and when he talks about Eggman's plans he brings up Robots too.
Okay! I'll add that in too

Spycapt54 wrote:

goldfish678 wrote:

Spycapt54 wrote:

goldfish678 wrote:

wow, it seems like whenever the subject is Sonic we always run into a huge quote chain issue xD

Day in the Life of a Hedgehog: OFFICIAL SCRIPT

Spycapt54 wrote:

OK, here is the pilot…
The pilot introduces the main characters SONIC, TAILS, KNUCKLES, AMY, CREAM, TIKAL, VANILLA, EGGMAN, and CHEESE.
The pilot starts were Sonic is running through Green Hill zone, freeing animals from their pods. The Dr. Comes out and says, “WHAT ARE YOU DOING, STOP THAT!” Sonic shames him for catching innocent animals. Sonic uses a homing attack and hits the eggmobile and Eggman flees. Sonic runs back, laughing to himself. The intro plays. Sonic is now seen in Tails' workshop. Tails is fixing the Tornado and Sonic is talking about how Eggman has no imagination in taking over the planet. Tails slides out from under the Tornado and reminds him about the party at Knuckle's house. Sonic hops down and says, “Right, I think he wants me to meet someone… Why else would I be at one of his parties, I'm not even a gym member! See ya there!” Sonic heads off. The screen fades out and fades in on Sonic opening the door to his house. Knuckles yells,“Hey, Sonic's here.” Sonic facepalms at him and his gym member friends. Knuckles hands him some “punch”. Sonic drinks out of it and then spits it out and asks what it was. Knuckles responds with,“Kale smoothie, to build muscle.” Sonic says,“I don't need muscle, I have speed.” Knuckles responds with,“Fair enough…” Sonic asks who he wants him to meet. Knuckles looks around and asks,“Hey, were's Tikal?” An Ox points to the veranda. Knuckles says,“You remember Tikal, right? Well, she is an old friend of mine… We would hang out all the time and she acts like the sister I never had!” steps out on the deck and says, “Tikal, you remember Sonic, right?” Tikal sits up in the chair she was resting in. She says, “Sonic, hi, long time no see, huh?” Sonic responds with,“Yeah, is Chaos behaving himself? And what happened to the floating thing?” Tikal says,“He has been behaving, surprisingly. Oh, I want to fit in with you guys now, so I don't hover al the time.” Sonic chuckles and says,“The more the merrier.” Tails runs ip and pants,“Egg…man caught… Miss… Rabbit… Help.” Sonic holds his fist to his chest and says,“This time he went too far, Tikal, you say you wanna join us, why don't you come with us?” She squeals,“YES, I WOULD LOVE TO!” She floats slightly above the ground out of excitement. Tikal puts her feet on the ground. Amy and Cream and Cream run up. Cream waves her arms and says,“Mr. Sonic, please, you have to save momma!” Cheese says, “Chao Chao” as if to add more detail. Cheese's eye catches Tikal and he warmly greets her. Tikal giggles and says, “It's nice to see you too, Cheese!” Amy yells,“Come on guys, are we gonna save Miss Vanilla or are we gonna talk?” She picks up her hammer and says,“Let's go!” Sonic rolls his eyes and asks, “Who made you in charge?” Our heroes, with their new friend Tikal, run towards Eggman's base. Sonic warns them about Badniks and how they come out of nowhere in the forest close to it. Three Egg Pawns, armed with freeze rays, jump out of the bushes. Knuckles KO punches one while Amy and Cheese take out the other two. Three rabbits are freed and Cream asks if they had seen her mother? They point to the dome(Which has Eggman's face on it.) on the mountain above them. Amy says,“That's what I thought!” They start the climb to the base. Tails is seen airlifting Sonic to the ledge above him. Cream is flying with her ears, but a spinner flies up and knocks her down. Amy catches her and Cheese smashes it. Knuckles is climbing the mountain and pulls himself up to the top. The screen zooms out to show Orbot and Cubot watching servailence. They call over their boss. Eggman slams his hands on the table and sends out a wave of robots. Sonic, Tails, Cream, Amy, and Tikal are now at the entrance as well. Tails pulls out his handheld and hacks the base and opens the gate. Suddenly, an army of Badniks run out. Sonic tells his friends to flee. Sonic then spin dashes through them and begins to run through the base, dodging everything Eggman throws at him. Sonic jumps into an air vent and spin dashes through the grate and lands in Eggman's computer room. Eggman, Orbot, and Cubot challenge appear and challenge Sonic. Eggman chooses the Egg Scorpion. Sonic is knocked around the arena, but his friends, except of Cream, bust down the door and stuns the robot. After a duel, Sonic wins and demands him to give back Vanilla. In the background, someone is knocking on the glass of a holding cell. It turns out to be Vanilla. Sonic breaks her free. Vanilla thanks him and asks, “Sonic, is Cream alright?” He carries Vanilla outside and back to her home. Sonic opens the gate and Cream runs up to her mother. Cream says, “Momma, are you OK? Thank you Mr. Sonic!” Vanilla and Cream warmly and tearfully embrace. Vanilla thanks Sonic again. Sonic responds with,“It's what I do. But I couldn't have done it without my friends!” Credits Roll


(starts out on a black screen)

(1 second pause)

(fades into a white screen)

if, and only if, we use the name “senneksp33d” –> (senneksp33d logo fades in and out)

(fades back to black)

(Text "A collab between
insert more users here if necessary

fades in, pauses, and fades back out)

(Text ”we present.." fades in, pauses, and fades back out)


(fades in on Green Hill Zone)


Suddenly, SONIC starts blazing (no pun intended) across the screen.

(When SONIC goes out of sight, the camera shifts to capture SONIC's running.)

A bunch of pods catch SONIC's eye. He starts letting the animals free. EGGMAN comes out.

EGGMAN: “WHAT ARE YOU DOING, STOP THAT!” <– extremely angered

SONIC: “Oh, sure, right after you stop catching innocent animals for no apparent reason.” <– sarcastically

EGGMAN: “I'm gonna destroy the world, you fool! That's your ‘apparent reason’!”

SONIC: “Really? If you have an IQ of 300, we'd all really expect you to come up with something better than this.” <– shaming Eggman

SONIC uses a homing attack to hit the eggmobile. EGGMAN flees. SONIC runs back, laughing to himself.

(When SONIC is offscreen, the screen fades out and fades in to the intro, which is likely just to be a placeholder at first, unless we can work on all the episodes at the same time. The intro fades out.)

(The blackness fades out and Tails' workshop fades in, along with the text “Episode 1: Day in the Life of a Hedgehog”. Upbeat music is playing in the background. The ‘camera’ is slowly zooming in on Tails' workshop. // Animators: this basically means make Tails' workshop a seperate sprite and make it increase very slowly in size when the time comes. \\ It quickly cuts to Tails fixing the Tornado from underneath and Sonic, leaning to the side with his elbow propped up against a table, playing with one of Tails' wrenches.)

SONIC: “Y'know, I don't know how Eggman plans to take over the planet. Like, (<– In a casual voice | –> In an imitation of Eggman) oh, I'm gonna capture all the little animals and put them into little capsules that have no security whatsoever and anyone can open at any given moment, mwahahahaha, (back to a casual voice again –>) like, I don't know how that guy expects for the world to be his if he tries to destroy the food chain or whatever-”

TAILS: “Actually, that's a pretty good hypothesis..” <– from under the Tornado

SONIC: “Point is, it all just seems… unrealistic. If he wants to take over the world, he'd better get his act together.”

TAILS slides out from under the Tornado.

TAILS: “Remember Knuckles' party tonight.”

SONIC: "Right, I think he wants me to meet someone… Why else would I be at one of his parties, I'm not even a gym member! See ya there!”

SONIC runs off.

(The screen fades out and fades in on Sonic opening the door to Knuckles' house.)

KNUCKLES: “Hey, Sonic's here.” <– yelling

SONIC facepalms at him and his gym member friends.

KNUCKLES: “Want some punch?”

SONIC drinks out of it and spits it out.

SONIC: “What the heck was that?!” <– surprised

KNUCKLES: “Kale smoothie, to build muscle.” <– casually

SONIC: “I don't need muscle, I have speed.” <– confidently

KNUCKLES: “Fair enough…”

SONIC: “So who do you want me to meet?” <– casually

KNUCKLES looks around.

KNUCKLES: “Hey, where's Tikal?”

An ox points to the veranda.

KNUCKLES: “You remember Tikal, right? Well, she is an old friend of mine… We would hang out all the time and she acts like the sister I never had!”

Knuckles steps out on the deck.

KNUCKLES: “Tikal, you remember Sonic, right?”

TIKAL sits up in the chair she was resting in.

TIKAL: “Sonic, hi, long time no see, huh?”

SONIC smiles.

SONIC: “Yeah, is Chaos behaving himself? And what happened to the floating thing?”

TIKAL: “He has been behaving, surprisingly. Oh, I want to fit in with you guys now, so I don't hover all the time."

SONIC chuckles.

SONIC: “The more the merrier.”

TAILS runs up and pants.

TAILS: “Egg…man caught… Miss… Rabbit… Help.” <– panting, of course

SONIC holds his fist to his chest.

SONIC: “This time he went too far, Tikal, you say you wanna join us, why don't you come with us?”

TIKAL: “YES, I WOULD LOVE TO!” <– squealing

TIKAL floats slightly above the ground out of excitement. She puts her feet on the ground.

AMY and CREAM run up. CREAM waves her arms.

// Note: is Cream waving her arms normally or one-frame anime style?

CREAM: “Mr. Sonic, please, you have to save my momma!” <– distressed

CHEESE: “Chao chao.”

CHEESE's eye catches TIKAL.

CHEESE: “Chao chao! Chao chao chao chao chao?”

// Note: can Cheese speak English or not? xD

TIKAL giggles.

TIKAL: “It's nice to see you too, Cheese!”

AMY: “Come on guys, are we gonna save Miss Vanilla or are we gonna talk?”

AMY picks up her hammer.

AMY: “Let's go!”

SONIC rolls his eyes.

SONIC: “Who made you in charge?”

Our heroes, with their new friend Tikal, run towards Eggman's base.

SONIC: “Hey, guys? Just a heads up - see that forest right there? When we even get near it, Badniks are gonna come out of NOWHERE. So brace yourselves.” <– yelling

Three Egg Pawns, armed with freeze rays, jump out of the bushes. KNUCKLES KO punches one while AMY and CHEESE take out the other two. Three rabbits are freed.

CREAM: “Have you seen my mother?”

The rabbits point to the dome (which has Eggman's face on it).

AMY: “That's what I thought!”

They start to climb to the base. TAILS is seen airlifting SONIC to the ledge above him. CREAM is flying with her ears, but a spinner flies up and knocks her down. AMY catches CREAM and CHEESE smashes the spinner. KNUCKLES is climbing the mountain and pulls himself up.

(The screen zooms out to show Orbot and Cubot watching surveillance.)

Cubot: “Uh, boss?”

EGGMAN slams his hands on the table and sends out a wave of robots. TAILS pulls out his handheld and begins to hack the gate. TIKAL and AMY watch from a distance.

TIKAL: “Uh.. do you know what he's doing?”

AMY: “No clue.” <– softly

The gate opens. Suddenly, an army of Badniks run out.

SONIC: “ONE WORD. FLEE!” <– yelling

SONIC spin dashes through the robots and begins to run through the base, dodging everything EGGMAN throws at him. SONIC jumps into an air vent, spin dashes through the grate, and lands in EGGMAN's computer room. EGGMAN, ORBOT, and CUBOT challenge appear // Note: I have no idea what “challenge appear” means \\ and challenge SONIC.

EGGMAN: “I choose the Egg Scorpion!”

SONIC is knocked around the arena, but his friends (except for CREAM) bust down the door and stun the robot. After a duel, SONIC wins.

SONIC: “Now give me back Vanilla.”

In the background, someone is knocking on the glass of a holding cell. It turns out to be VANILLA. SONIC breaks her free.

VANILLA: “Oh, thank you so much, Sonic! Is Cream alright?”

SONIC carries VANILLA outside and back to her home. SONIC opens the gate and CREAM runs up to her mother as VANILLA jumps down.

CREAM: “Momma, are you OK? Thank you Mr. Sonic!”

VANILLA and CREAM warmly and tearfully embrace.

VANILLA: “Thank you again, Sonic. I was beginning to get so worried!”

SONIC: “It's what I do. But I couldn't have done it without my friends!”


WOW that took forever

Anyway, now we can start casting voice acting I guess.

edit: removed all the empty lines at the end of this post
How about Tikal stays with Cream so she can have another line at the end.
Sounds good! I'll add that in

also I asked you if you wanted to voice act on your profile
The answers are, Cream's arm flailing is multi-frame, Cheese only says Chao but Tikal can speak Chao.
Ok! I'll add that in too
1000+ posts

ARE YOU A SONIC FAN? Yes? Great! No? Great! Either way, consider joining our collab! | Sonic the Anime | Largest Collab on Scratch | ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

goldfish678 wrote:

Smiley100P wrote:

goldfish678 wrote:

Okay, here's my idea for the episode lineup:

1. pilot
2. Checked Mate
3. Episode with Tails and Zooey
4. Humane Society for the Chao
5. Shadows and Flames
6. Robot Kitten
7. season finale
Alright, then! This is gonna be great!
I agree!

Smiley100P wrote:

Smiley100P wrote:

“Robotic Kitten”- Tails builds himself, well, a robotic kitten, and everyone's like “ERMEHGERSHWHYYYYY”
And Eggman notices, and goes on watch because M-30-W (Meow) seems suspicious to him. And he's not!

Alright, official voice acting casting is starting-
For the pilot, we need voice actors for SONIC, TAILS, KNUCKLES, AMY, CREAM, TIKAL, VANILLA, EGGMAN, CHEESE, and CUBOT.

I'm assuming PPL is gonna be all the female characters, so that leaves us with


That leaves six characters, which is easily divisible by 2 or 3.

If Spycapt54 wants to voice act, I've compiled a possible complete cast:
Smiley100P - SONIC, CUBOT

If Spycapt doesn't, I've compiled another possible complete cast:

Notice I say the word possible. These are almost completely random, and the roles can be switched very easily.

Let me know if you want to be a specific character.

You forgot Zooey, Espio, Vector, and Charmy(I'll check my voice and get that to you, but I don't want to voice Eggman, but I could be Vector as long as heck isn't in one of my lines)
1000+ posts

ARE YOU A SONIC FAN? Yes? Great! No? Great! Either way, consider joining our collab! | Sonic the Anime | Largest Collab on Scratch | ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Spycapt54 wrote:

goldfish678 wrote:

Smiley100P wrote:

goldfish678 wrote:

Okay, here's my idea for the episode lineup:

1. pilot
2. Checked Mate
3. Episode with Tails and Zooey
4. Humane Society for the Chao
5. Shadows and Flames
6. Robot Kitten
7. season finale
Alright, then! This is gonna be great!
I agree!

Smiley100P wrote:

Smiley100P wrote:

“Robotic Kitten”- Tails builds himself, well, a robotic kitten, and everyone's like “ERMEHGERSHWHYYYYY”
And Eggman notices, and goes on watch because M-30-W (Meow) seems suspicious to him. And he's not!

Alright, official voice acting casting is starting-
For the pilot, we need voice actors for SONIC, TAILS, KNUCKLES, AMY, CREAM, TIKAL, VANILLA, EGGMAN, CHEESE, and CUBOT.

I'm assuming PPL is gonna be all the female characters, so that leaves us with


That leaves six characters, which is easily divisible by 2 or 3.

If Spycapt54 wants to voice act, I've compiled a possible complete cast:
Smiley100P - SONIC, CUBOT

If Spycapt doesn't, I've compiled another possible complete cast:

Notice I say the word possible. These are almost completely random, and the roles can be switched very easily.

Let me know if you want to be a specific character.

You forgot Zooey, Espio, Vector, and Charmy(I'll check my voice and get that to you, but I don't want to voice Eggman, but I could be Vector as long as heck isn't in one of my lines)
I was just talking about voice acting for the pilot. If you do want to voice for the pilot, which characters would you want to do? I know Smiley100P is probably doing Sonic and Cubot (and possibly Eggman if you end up not voice acting) and I'm fine with anything. But I'll note that you could be vector in future episodes.
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Here are the minor OCs.

Waterfall “the Cat” Drops
She's 16 year old cyan cat that works as a spy for GUN. She often works with Shadow and Rouge, but rarely with Sonic and his friends. She can turn invisible and has hydrokinesis.

Tundra “the Rabbit” Frost
She's a 15 year old white rabbit whose parents died at a young age. Although she looks average, she has can control the direction of the wind. (She was originally a spiritologist but I dropped that out.)

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How should we introduce Andrew Rose? He can't be in the first seven episodes, but he can't appear after the 20th.
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PrincessPanda_test_ wrote:

Here are the minor OCs.

Waterfall “the Cat” Drops
She's 16 year old cyan cat that works as a spy for GUN. She often works with Shadow and Rouge, but rarely with Sonic and his friends. She can turn invisible and has hydrokinesis.

Tundra “the Rabbit” Frost
She's a 15 year old white rabbit whose parents died at a young age. Although she looks average, she has can control the direction of the wind. (She was originally a spiritologist but I dropped that out.)

Also, the script for the pilot has been posted. You're being casted to voice act all the female characters (Cream, Amy, Tikal, Vanilla)
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goldfish678 wrote:

PrincessPanda_test_ wrote:

Here are the minor OCs.

Waterfall “the Cat” Drops
She's 16 year old cyan cat that works as a spy for GUN. She often works with Shadow and Rouge, but rarely with Sonic and his friends. She can turn invisible and has hydrokinesis.

Tundra “the Rabbit” Frost
She's a 15 year old white rabbit whose parents died at a young age. Although she looks average, she has can control the direction of the wind. (She was originally a spiritologist but I dropped that out.)

Also, the script for the pilot has been posted. You're being casted to voice act all the female characters (Cream, Amy, Tikal, Vanilla)
Okey dokey on the rokey.

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Spycapt54 wrote:

How should we introduce Andrew Rose? He can't be in the first seven episodes, but he can't appear after the 20th.
Maybe Cream goes over to Amy's house for a playdate sometime in Season 2 or early Season 3.
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PrincessPanda_test_ wrote:

Here are the minor OCs.

Waterfall “the Cat” Drops
She's 16 year old cyan cat that works as a spy for GUN. She often works with Shadow and Rouge, but rarely with Sonic and his friends. She can turn invisible and has hydrokinesis.

Tundra “the Rabbit” Frost
She's a 15 year old white rabbit whose parents died at a young age. Although she looks average, she has can control the direction of the wind. (She was originally a spiritologist but I dropped that out.)
Tundra could be Cream's cousin, Vanilla takes care of her but she is still her niece instead of her daughter… Cream is overjoyed to find she decided to pay a visit on a break from collage.
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goldfish678 wrote:

Spycapt54 wrote:

How should we introduce Andrew Rose? He can't be in the first seven episodes, but he can't appear after the 20th.
Maybe Cream goes over to Amy's house for a playdate sometime in Season 2 or early Season 3.
Speaking of Cream, how about she has a sister-sister relationship with Tikal? And Vanilla even says“You're like a daughter to me Tikal.” Vanilla is just that nurturing.
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Spycapt54 wrote:

goldfish678 wrote:

Spycapt54 wrote:

How should we introduce Andrew Rose? He can't be in the first seven episodes, but he can't appear after the 20th.
Maybe Cream goes over to Amy's house for a playdate sometime in Season 2 or early Season 3.
Speaking of Cream, how about she has a sister-sister relationship with Tikal? And Vanilla even says“You're like a daughter to me Tikal.” Vanilla is just that nurturing.
Like, they're actually biological sisters, or they just have a relationship similar to a sister-sister relationship?
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