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500+ posts

☘ ✔ ✳✔ ✳ THE EMERALD SHOP 1.0 ✳✔ ✳✔ ✳Orders done ultra-quick by friendly, reliable, and professional staff! ✳☘ ✔ ✳

tarekzaki wrote:

IsaiahContreras wrote:

Username: IsaiahContreras
Work you want done: (e.g. logo, scripting, music) Debugging
Description of work: Look in the Stand_2 sprite for all of it. I need help for this part super badly. I decided to update it so the cat will precisely follow you, but every change I do so, it's like he instantly teleports directly to the player. Can this get fixed at all?
Colours: (if art)
When you want it done: As soon as possible
Are you following this thread (you don't have to): Yes
Any more info: Project https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/267541971/#editor
Taken! will be finished soon.
Ok. Thanks

The creative man that has many ideas
(The mind is the powerhouse to creativity::motion)::hat looks
use that creativity!::cap motion
1000+ posts

☘ ✔ ✳✔ ✳ THE EMERALD SHOP 1.0 ✳✔ ✳✔ ✳Orders done ultra-quick by friendly, reliable, and professional staff! ✳☘ ✔ ✳

1000+ posts

☘ ✔ ✳✔ ✳ THE EMERALD SHOP 1.0 ✳✔ ✳✔ ✳Orders done ultra-quick by friendly, reliable, and professional staff! ✳☘ ✔ ✳

pinkiepie710 wrote:

Hey! We have 26 unclaimed orders, maybe take some?
I can't!!! ;-; For some reason, Flash is being really annoying and since Wednesday, I'm unable to VIEW projects! And this whole update thing is confusing me. Can't wait for 3.0.

NilsTheChair | 5 years on Scratch | 4000+ posts | former wiki editor | 332nd FPC | CoR founder
1000+ posts

☘ ✔ ✳✔ ✳ THE EMERALD SHOP 1.0 ✳✔ ✳✔ ✳Orders done ultra-quick by friendly, reliable, and professional staff! ✳☘ ✔ ✳

Can we partner?
Link in my signature

1000+ posts

☘ ✔ ✳✔ ✳ THE EMERALD SHOP 1.0 ✳✔ ✳✔ ✳Orders done ultra-quick by friendly, reliable, and professional staff! ✳☘ ✔ ✳

Can someone do my order?

by @athenenocturna
1000+ posts

☘ ✔ ✳✔ ✳ THE EMERALD SHOP 1.0 ✳✔ ✳✔ ✳Orders done ultra-quick by friendly, reliable, and professional staff! ✳☘ ✔ ✳

Position(s) you are applying for: Logos Department, Emoji Department, Ideas Department, Manager of Logos Department
How active are you: Very
Total time on Scratch:I dunno, just very active
Scratcher status: Scratcher
Welcoming Committee member?: Nope
Scratch wiki editor?: Nope
Any experience in other shops?: Yep
Are you following this thread?: I will be in two seconds
Why should we pick you?: I think you need some help, and I can take orders pretty fast.

by @athenenocturna
77 posts

☘ ✔ ✳✔ ✳ THE EMERALD SHOP 1.0 ✳✔ ✳✔ ✳Orders done ultra-quick by friendly, reliable, and professional staff! ✳☘ ✔ ✳

NilsTheBest wrote:

pinkiepie710 wrote:

Hey! We have 26 unclaimed orders, maybe take some?
I can't!!! ;-; For some reason, Flash is being really annoying and since Wednesday, I'm unable to VIEW projects! And this whole update thing is confusing me. Can't wait for 3.0.
I am dreading 3.0 I never ever want it to come ..

77 posts

☘ ✔ ✳✔ ✳ THE EMERALD SHOP 1.0 ✳✔ ✳✔ ✳Orders done ultra-quick by friendly, reliable, and professional staff! ✳☘ ✔ ✳

pinkiepie710 wrote:


~unclaimed orders: 26~

dude341 wrote:

OK, this order doesn't use the music order form from this shop. This is because I copied and pasted this from another shop, I want both shops to do this order but I'm just seeing which one is faster. Please respond to let me know what will happen, when this will be done, etc!
Music Form:
Username: dude341
What kind of music do you want: See “anything else”
Who do you want doing it: Anyone
When do you want it done: See “anything else”
Are you going to leave a review: Maybe
Anything else: OK, so this is an order a bit different from a standard music order. If you make music, you should know what a MIDI is, right? Even if you don't, you should have an option to export as a MIDI in your music making program. If you don't, then “Anvil Studio” is a great free music making program that can export as a MIDI. A MIDI is a special type of music file, that instead of just containing audio, instead it contains where the notes are and what instruments (from a selection of 128 instruments which will be familiar if you've ever used the note blocks in Scratch 1.4.) to use. It's how apps like Synthesia work and stuff. Anyway, what I would like is a recreation of the Wii Sports track “Tennis (Training)” (here) in the MIDI format. Basically just listen to that song and try to recreate the song yourself. Try and get the instruments as close as possible and use multiple instruments, not just one. I understand that recreating a song by just listening is very hard so you can get it done by December (NOTE: In the original order I meant December 1st. Due to the delay I will raise this to December 25th Due to this order not being taken, I will raise this date to January 09) to give you enough time. Please do not simply run the original song through a “MP3 to MIDI” converter, they are not meant for this type of thing and will just create a jumbled mess of piano notes! Thank you!

ronsid wrote:

Username: ronsid
Work you want done: (e.g. logo, scripting, music): scripting
Description of work:A logic evaluator which takes a list in the format Gate(ina=k,inb=l,out=someout)
Colours: (if art)
When you want it done: 1 week (10/18)
Are you following this thread (you don't have to):no
Any more info:Notify me when it's done

JudahPendleton wrote:

Username: I would like to be called JP_cards (JudahPendleton)
Work you want done: thumbnail for my final project Halo Capture The Flag 2
Description of work: add my the basic player in the game but in 3D, also can you add some explosions.
Colours: Background - blend dark Red and Navy Blue
have two flags - both blue and red have one of the flag being carried by a player
When you want it done: in the next 2 days
Are you following this thread (you don't have to): yes
Any more info: heres the link to my project - https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/206644145/
oh and also I may modify the thumbnail a bit

Dynamoo wrote:

Username: Dynamoo
Work you want done:Logo
Description of work: Pastel Aqua
Colours: (if art)
When you want it done: 4 days
Are you following this thread (you don't have to): yea
Any more info: My current logo has some things i like on it if that helps

-BubsyBobcat wrote:

Username: -BubsyBobcat
Work you want done: A thonk (I think it's an emoji order -pinkie)
Description of work: Basically a vector sprite of the thinking emoji, but it looks like Bubsy.
Colours: Bubsy's colors
When you want it done: IDC
Are you following this thread (you don't have to): That's purr-ect!
Any more info: No.

YaBoiSiege wrote:

Username: YaBoiSiege
Work you want done: (e.g. logo, scripting, music) Logo
Description of work: I kind of need a logo that abbreviates Siege's Projects
Colours: (if art) Light blue and white, like the scratch bar
When you want it done: As soon as possible
Are you following this thread (you don't have to): No
Any more info: Nope

tardistimemachine wrote:

I need two of your services.
Username: Tardistimemachine
Work you want done: Music and voice acting.
Description of work: I need a contemporary classical song called The Scratch Cryptids Theme. I would like it to be kind of like the music of John Williams. I also need two female voice actors and a male voice actor. I will need the male voice actor twice after this, as this is for a series of three animations.
When you want it done: In one week, if possible. I understand if you can't.
Are you following this thread (you don't have to): Yes.
Any more info: The voice actors will need to remix this project with their voice work. Lines and descriptions are in the Notes and Credits.
Thank you so much!
^^^ Needs two voices actors (male and female), and the music

wafflelot- wrote:

Username: wafflelot-
Work you want done: (e.g. logo, scripting, music) Animation
Description of work: An animation of something of the animator's choice!
Colours: (if art)
When you want it done: In a week (17/10/18)
Are you following this thread (you don't have to): Yes
Any more info: Please include my OC. If I like it I'll re-share it and give you a shoutout on my profile

MajorityWindow23 wrote:

I need some voice acting done
Username: Majorityindow23
Work you want done: Voice acting
Description of work: A male voice over the age of 11 saying “Oh yeah we wanna! for sure!”
Colours: None
When you want it done: Today or tommorow
Are you following this thread: Yeah
Anymore info: nah that's it
get it done soon!

sippingcider wrote:

I have a bunch of artwork I could use some help with completing, so I am going to list a bunch of orders. No need to do them all, just pick one that looks fun to do.
For all of these orders: They are for the game: Adventures in Phycia, they are backgrounds for different scenes in this text-based Adventures/RPG game. Anyone who does art for it will get credit in the comments of the game.
Username: SippingCider
What You Want Done: Game Background Scene Art (480x360 pixels)
Description of work: A medieval training camp on the shore of an island. Here are some details but they do not all need to be shown in the scene: the island has mountains. There are rats in the training grounds. There is a ship docked at the camp. The soldiers at the camp are well equipped and heavily armored. This camp is ruled by the nation called Chea.
Colours: any
When you want it done: the sooner the better, but no set deadline.
Are you following this thread (you don't have to): no
Any more info: see top of this post
Username: SippingCider
What You Want Done: Game Background Scene (480x360 pixels)
Description of work: A medieval town on a beach next to a thick forest. Here are some details but they do not all need to be in the picture: The town is surrounded by a wooden fence. There is a stone well, a tavern, a general shop, a mystics hut, and a library. The town's name is Kindle, and there is a sign to the entrance of the town that says, "Welcome to Kindle Town, where good things start. There is a farmhouse on the edge of the town."
Colours: any
When you want it done: the sooner the better, but no set deadline.
Are you following this thread (you don't have to): no
Any more info: see top of this post
Username: SippingCider
What You Want Done: Game Background Scene (480x360 pixels)
Description of work: A thick forest. Here are some details but they do not all need to be in the picture: The trees are mostly tall, blocking out the sun. There is a native people's village among the trees in the center of the forest. All sorts of magical and non-magical creatures live in this forest.
Colours: green
When you want it done: the sooner the better, but no set deadline.
Are you following this thread (you don't have to): no
Any more info: see top of this post
Username: SippingCider
What You Want Done: Game Background Scene (480x360 pixels)
Description of work: A city with a golden palace in the center. Here are some details but they do not all need to be in the picture: The city is divided into two parts, the rich inner part and the poor outer part. There is a maze of alleyways in the poor part of town. Gold domes glitter in the sun from the rich part of town. A golden gate separates the rich from the poor. Priests from a church walk the streets, preaching to the commoners. The town's name is the Sun Palace.
Colours: gold (for domes), otherwise any colors
When you want it done: the sooner the better, but no set deadline.
Are you following this thread (you don't have to): no
Any more info: see top of this post
That's it, thanks for reading!

JJBullet wrote:

Username: JJBullet
Work you want done: (e.g. logo, scripting, music): Logo
Description of work: text “JJBullet” with a random shapes background
Colours: (if art): surprise me
When you want it done: ASAP
Are you following this thread (you don't have to): Yes
Any more info: can it be done with the best quality

wafflelot- wrote:

Username: wafflelot-
Work you want done: (e.g. logo, scripting, music) A blocksahde
Description of work: I need a DETAILED blockshade of this image: https://www.google.com.au/search?safe=active&rlz=1CAACBB_enAU780AU780&biw=1366&bih=641&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=bcPzW6rlFc-1rQHEzYHoAQ&q=footloose&oq=footloose&gs_l=img.3..0i67j0l3j0i67j0j0i67j0l3.1333.1759..2079…0.0..0.443.1368.0j1j0j1j2……1….1..gws-wiz-img.YBzbUm9Hi5Q#imgrc=mdCbB7FESFP6wM:
Colours: (if art) The colours of the image (blues)
When you want it done: ASAP!!! (21-23/11/18)
Are you following this thread (you don't have to): Yes!
Any more info: Notify me on my profile when its done please!

adsuri wrote:

Username: adsuri
Work you want done: (e.g. logo, scripting, music) emoji
Description of work: snowy owl hedwig from Harry Potter
Colours: (if art) white, normal snowy owl colors
When you want it done: not to soon but try to be quick
Are you following this thread (you don't have to): yes
Any more info: Make original picture good quality & bigger size, I'll resize it as needed.

TheNeonBoy wrote:

Username: @TheNeonBoy
Work you want done: (e.g. logo, scripting, music) Scripting And Art For A Game Named Uno
Description of work: I need uno cards, as well as reverse, color changing and swap,
Also repeat some numbers but with different colors
Colours: (if art) Colors of the uno game
When you want it done: Take Your Time
Are you following this thread (you don't have to): Yes
Any more info: Nope, But Thxxx

redglitter wrote:

Username: redglitter
Work you want done: (e.g. logo, scripting, music) Voice Acting
Description of work: I have a new animated series called School for Paws and I'm looking for some voice actors.There are other positions open too but the only thing that's holding be back right now is that I have hardly any voice actors and need more. The link is here. If you're interested, please let me know on the the thread, and feel free to ask me any questions there.
Colours: (if art)
When you want it done: Anytime, but preferably soon - I'm hoping for the pilot to be out by Mid December and S1 E1 to be out sometime in January.
Are you following this thread (you don't have to): Yes
Any more info: (none)

Gametime210 wrote:

Hello! I am Gametime210, and I am working on an Operating System called Quake OS (https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/230279661/?fromexplore=true). I am on the lookout for some musics for my Setup screen, similar to Microsoft Windows XP.
Username: Gametime210
Work you want done: Music
Description of work: Calming, soothing, tech feeling
When you want it done: As much time as needed. But preferably before the new year hits. (2019)
Are you following this thread (you don't have to): Yes I am!
Any more info: It should be inspired from this track right here: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/188244636/

IsaiahContreras wrote:

Username: IsaiahContreras
Work you want done: (e.g. logo, scripting, music) Voice Acting
Description of work: All the info can be found here: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/266021836/
Colours: (if art)
When you want it done: As soon as possible
Are you following this thread (you don't have to): Yes
Any more info:

Riddle_Man wrote:

Username: Riddle_Man
Work you want done: (e.g. logo, scripting, music): Banner
Description of work: A banner that says “Scratch Dictionary” that looks dictionary-ish.
Colours: (if art) Orange for bacground and for the words I want black
When you want it done: Soon as possible
Are you following this thread (you don't have to):In a minute
Any more info:

SpyGuy9 wrote:

Username: SpyGuy9
Work you want done: Animation tips / touch-up
Description of work: A way to touch up the scene where the dog says “Hi! My name is Poppy!”
Colours: N/A
When you want it done: As fast as you can get it.
Are you following this thread (you don't have to): yep.
Any more info: Please try to find any tips first before touching up. P.S. this is not supposed to be live yet, so there are spoilers.

SnitchSpirit wrote:

Username: Snitchspirit

Work you want done: (e.g. logo, scripting, music): I want debugging for this maze project: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/260759781/#editor
Description of work: It is supposed to have four levels where the goal is for the apple to touch the bananna

Colours: (if art): None

When you want it done: Please take your time as this is more for my own learning purposes than as an assignment.

1. Get the apple to stop moving crazily
2. For the teleport to only be in level 2 and 3
3. For the screens to go in order of level screen and then the maze
4. Level 3 will also be one
5. 2 bats in level 4
6. Gold coins to disappear on level screen
7. The apple to go back to the start if it hits the bat or the outline of the maze
Are you following this thread (you don't have to): Yes, I am
Any more info: Some of these may already work but as I'm not sure what works doublechecking these aspects will be extremely useful. Thanks in advance

KDT123 wrote:

Username: KDT123
Work you want done: art/banner
Description of work: I would like a thumbnail for a studio titled Scratch's Many Mazes. The thumbnail should feature the title (Scratch's Many Mazes). Be creative with the text and the rest of the thumbnail and make it look as good as possible. What it looks like is entirely up to you, but something that suits the title. Size 286 x 180px.
Colours: Whatever is most suitable
When you want it done: No time limit, but ASAP.
Are you following this thread (you don't have to): No
Any more info: This is a bit of a competition, I am putting this order in 7 shops. I will only use 1 thumbnail for now. I will follow the creator of the shop AND the thumbnail maker if this thumbnail gets used. I will also choose 3 other shop's thumbnails. I will follow the people who make those thumbnails, but not the shop creators. For the other thumbnails, I will love one project made by the thumbnail maker. I will keep each thumbnail in case I want to use it later, so don't think that it definitely won't be used at all if I don't use it for the studio. Thank you very much!
Please put a message on my profile when you finish the order.

Lolmander wrote:

Username: Lolmander
Work you want done: (e.g. logo, scripting, music) Art
Description of work: A race car.
Colours: (if art) Use a nice pallet, including red and black
When you want it done: As long as it takes to make it good, but please be quick.
Are you following this thread (you don't have to): Yes.
Any more info: I want it to be semi-realistic, but semi-cartoony, please lightly shade it.

IsaiahContreras wrote:

Username: IsaiahContreras
Work you want done: (e.g. logo, scripting, music) Debugging
Description of work: Look in the Stand_2 sprite for all of it. I need help for this part super badly. I decided to update it so the cat will precisely follow you, but every change I do so, it's like he instantly teleports directly to the player. Can this get fixed at all?
Colours: (if art)
When you want it done: As soon as possible
Are you following this thread (you don't have to): Yes
Any more info: Project https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/267541971/#editor
Unclaimed orders! Be sure to snip out the ones you're not taking to avoid cluttering the forum!
Just for reference, the oldest orders are at the top. Please take some of those, even if you’re not in that department!
~don't quote the entire post~
~snip the orders that you aren't talking about~
how do you find these orders t take them???

1000+ posts

☘ ✔ ✳✔ ✳ THE EMERALD SHOP 1.0 ✳✔ ✳✔ ✳Orders done ultra-quick by friendly, reliable, and professional staff! ✳☘ ✔ ✳

Riddle_Man wrote:

Position(s) you are applying for: Logos Department, Emoji Department, Ideas Department, Manager of Logos Department
How active are you: Very
Total time on Scratch:I dunno, just very active
Scratcher status: Scratcher
Welcoming Committee member?: Nope
Scratch wiki editor?: Nope
Any experience in other shops?: Yep
Are you following this thread?: I will be in two seconds
Why should we pick you?: I think you need some help, and I can take orders pretty fast.

MajorityWindow23 wrote:

pinkiepie710 wrote:

~unclaimed orders snipped~
how do you find these orders t take them???
What do you mean? Just say which ones you're taking. If you're asking how I find the orders, I just put them in every time a new order pops up.

Last edited by pinkiepie710 (Dec. 7, 2018 21:35:13)

500+ posts

☘ ✔ ✳✔ ✳ THE EMERALD SHOP 1.0 ✳✔ ✳✔ ✳Orders done ultra-quick by friendly, reliable, and professional staff! ✳☘ ✔ ✳

MajorityWindow23 wrote:

pinkiepie710 wrote:


IsaiahContreras wrote:

Username: IsaiahContreras
Work you want done: (e.g. logo, scripting, music) Debugging
Description of work: Look in the Stand_2 sprite for all of it. I need help for this part super badly. I decided to update it so the cat will precisely follow you, but every change I do so, it's like he instantly teleports directly to the player. Can this get fixed at all?
Colours: (if art)
When you want it done: As soon as possible
Are you following this thread (you don't have to): Yes
Any more info: Project https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/267541971/#editor
Unclaimed orders! Be sure to snip out the ones you're not taking to avoid cluttering the forum!
Just for reference, the oldest orders are at the top. Please take some of those, even if you’re not in that department!
Someone is taking my debugging order already

The creative man that has many ideas
(The mind is the powerhouse to creativity::motion)::hat looks
use that creativity!::cap motion
1000+ posts

☘ ✔ ✳✔ ✳ THE EMERALD SHOP 1.0 ✳✔ ✳✔ ✳Orders done ultra-quick by friendly, reliable, and professional staff! ✳☘ ✔ ✳

MajorityWindow23 wrote:

NilsTheBest wrote:

pinkiepie710 wrote:

Hey! We have 26 unclaimed orders, maybe take some?
I can't!!! ;-; For some reason, Flash is being really annoying and since Wednesday, I'm unable to VIEW projects! And this whole update thing is confusing me. Can't wait for 3.0.
I am dreading 3.0 I never ever want it to come ..
If 3.0 never came, we would have stayed in Flash, and Scratch would've been gone in 2020 forever due to Flash becoming obsolete.

NilsTheChair | 5 years on Scratch | 4000+ posts | former wiki editor | 332nd FPC | CoR founder
1000+ posts

☘ ✔ ✳✔ ✳ THE EMERALD SHOP 1.0 ✳✔ ✳✔ ✳Orders done ultra-quick by friendly, reliable, and professional staff! ✳☘ ✔ ✳

MajorityWindow23 wrote:

NilsTheBest wrote:

pinkiepie710 wrote:

Hey! We have 26 unclaimed orders, maybe take some?
I can't!!! ;-; For some reason, Flash is being really annoying and since Wednesday, I'm unable to VIEW projects! And this whole update thing is confusing me. Can't wait for 3.0.
I am dreading 3.0 I never ever want it to come ..
*slowly shoves sig under couch*

H                                                                                    He
Li Be B C N O F Ne
Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar
K Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr
Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I Xe
Cs Ba Hf Ta W Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg Tl Pb Bi Po At Rn
Fr Ra Rf Db Sg Bh Hs Mt Ds Rg Cn Nh Fl Mc Lv Ts Og

La Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu
Ac Th Pa U Np Pu Am Cm Bk Cf Es Fm Md No Lr

1000+ posts

☘ ✔ ✳✔ ✳ THE EMERALD SHOP 1.0 ✳✔ ✳✔ ✳Orders done ultra-quick by friendly, reliable, and professional staff! ✳☘ ✔ ✳

NilsTheBest wrote:

MajorityWindow23 wrote:

NilsTheBest wrote:

pinkiepie710 wrote:

Hey! We have 26 unclaimed orders, maybe take some?
I can't!!! ;-; For some reason, Flash is being really annoying and since Wednesday, I'm unable to VIEW projects! And this whole update thing is confusing me. Can't wait for 3.0.
I am dreading 3.0 I never ever want it to come.
If 3.0 never came, we would have stayed in Flash, and Scratch would've been gone in 2020 forever due to Flash becoming obsolete.
A lot of people currently have issues with 3.0, but people need to remember that it's a beta! The current version isn't complete, and it's coming with a lot of new things as well! We'll be able to view projects on mobile (not edit them yet), it won't require flash, they're updating the backpack, and I actually like the new coding interface. I'll admit the blocks are a bit big, but it's just to make the interface more tablet-friendly. I also like that you don't need to click the teeny “i” button on sprites to see their info anymore. If you have questions or comments, they go here.
80 posts

☘ ✔ ✳✔ ✳ THE EMERALD SHOP 1.0 ✳✔ ✳✔ ✳Orders done ultra-quick by friendly, reliable, and professional staff! ✳☘ ✔ ✳

Username: chessytoasties
Work you want done: Background/Sprite
Description of work: I have made a mock-up and basically its a Christmas edition of my “Take to the Skies!” game. So I need a new title screen. I want it to be a snowy hill with gingerbread houses on it, Santa in his sleigh flying above the town and the logo should be Christmas colours too. Make it a much better version of this: https://imgur.com/a/iowK2Vg
Colours: Christmas colours! Reds, greens, yellows, purples, brown (gingerbread).
When you want it done: Before December 15th! (HMU with when you think it's gonna be done on my profile)
Are you following this thread: You betcha'!
Any more info: Make it as christmasy as you can! Lights, santa, gingerbread, sweets, snowmen. The whole lot! Credit will of course be given and a follow if I like your work lol

~ Jamie

Me in a nutshell?

Pfft, I don't think I'd fit…
Plus I'm allergic.

Wait, that's not what you meant?
Oh okay,
100+ posts

☘ ✔ ✳✔ ✳ THE EMERALD SHOP 1.0 ✳✔ ✳✔ ✳Orders done ultra-quick by friendly, reliable, and professional staff! ✳☘ ✔ ✳

pinkiepie710 wrote:

tardistimemachine wrote:

I need two of your services.
Username: Tardistimemachine
Work you want done: Music and voice acting.
Description of work: I need a contemporary classical song called The Scratch Cryptids Theme. I would like it to be kind of like the music of John Williams. I also need two female voice actors and a male voice actor. I will need the male voice actor twice after this, as this is for a series of three animations.
When you want it done: In one week, if possible. I understand if you can't.
Are you following this thread (you don't have to): Yes.
Any more info: The voice actors will need to remix this project with their voice work. Lines and descriptions are in the Notes and Credits.
Thank you so much!
^^^ Needs two voices actors (male and female), and the music
Nobody's taken the music part of the order yet as far as I know, so I'll take it.
1000+ posts

☘ ✔ ✳✔ ✳ THE EMERALD SHOP 1.0 ✳✔ ✳✔ ✳Orders done ultra-quick by friendly, reliable, and professional staff! ✳☘ ✔ ✳

lightspeedmind134 wrote:

pinkiepie710 wrote:

tardistimemachine wrote:

I need two of your services.
Username: Tardistimemachine
Work you want done: Music and voice acting.
Description of work: I need a contemporary classical song called The Scratch Cryptids Theme. I would like it to be kind of like the music of John Williams. I also need two female voice actors and a male voice actor. I will need the male voice actor twice after this, as this is for a series of three animations.
When you want it done: In one week, if possible. I understand if you can't.
Are you following this thread (you don't have to): Yes.
Any more info: The voice actors will need to remix this project with their voice work. Lines and descriptions are in the Notes and Credits.
Thank you so much!
^^^ Needs two voices actors (male and female), and the music
Nobody's taken the music part of the order yet as far as I know, so I'll take it.
oh thank the lord it's been so long
100+ posts

☘ ✔ ✳✔ ✳ THE EMERALD SHOP 1.0 ✳✔ ✳✔ ✳Orders done ultra-quick by friendly, reliable, and professional staff! ✳☘ ✔ ✳

pinkiepie710 wrote:

lightspeedmind134 wrote:

pinkiepie710 wrote:

tardistimemachine wrote:

^^^ Needs two voices actors (male and female) -snip-
oh thank the lord it's been so long
is the voice acting part of the order being taken care of? (just asking, i cant voice act ;-; )
-edited for more efficient snipping

Last edited by lightspeedmind134 (Dec. 8, 2018 06:34:46)

100+ posts

☘ ✔ ✳✔ ✳ THE EMERALD SHOP 1.0 ✳✔ ✳✔ ✳Orders done ultra-quick by friendly, reliable, and professional staff! ✳☘ ✔ ✳

Username: tarekzaki
Work you want done: Art
Description of work: I need a treasure map for a project I will soon share.
Colours: beige, brown
When you want it done: 1-2 days
Are you following this thread: Yes
Any more info:
  • It needs to be in vector.
  • It needs to be a bit like this image:

Last edited by tarekzaki (Dec. 8, 2018 06:44:30)

100+ posts

☘ ✔ ✳✔ ✳ THE EMERALD SHOP 1.0 ✳✔ ✳✔ ✳Orders done ultra-quick by friendly, reliable, and professional staff! ✳☘ ✔ ✳

lightspeedmind134 wrote:

pinkiepie710 wrote:

lightspeedmind134 wrote:

pinkiepie710 wrote:

tardistimemachine wrote:

^^^ Needs two voices actors (male and female) -snip-
oh thank the lord it's been so long
is the voice acting part of the order being taken care of? (just asking, i cant voice act ;-; )
-edited for more efficient snipping
Finished it, now if only I could make EDM like that ;-;
1000+ posts

☘ ✔ ✳✔ ✳ THE EMERALD SHOP 1.0 ✳✔ ✳✔ ✳Orders done ultra-quick by friendly, reliable, and professional staff! ✳☘ ✔ ✳

Position(s) you are applying for: Artist / Banner Artist / Voice Actress
How active are you: 8/10
Total time on Scratch: 2 years 9 months
Scratcher status: Yes (Scratcher)
Welcoming Committee member?: No
Scratch wiki editor?: Yes
Any experience in other shops?: Yes - I am the owner of GlitterStores, work at Buzzy Bee Banners, and I used to work at Sigton's Shop and few others.
Are you following this thread?: Yes
Why should we pick you?: I've had lots of experience in art and especially banner making - the whole trend of using Canva started from me when I introduced it at my banner academy (now closed) and people starting spreading the word. I can also voice act, hopefully quite well!

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