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1000+ posts

Athena - Space Age RP

-Writer- wrote:

Edited it a bit. Better now?
Yep! Accepted!

If you see this text, reply saying “I hate Skype emojis” and you will receive a prize from my magical prize box
1000+ posts

Athena - Space Age RP

the_force wrote:

Ok so no rapid blood growth?
I don't think so…

My signature is kumquat proof.
But not tangerine pro-

Current Project:
Quotes: “In our last hour, we burn the most brightly, trying to deny that we are burning out.” -Me
“Well, no. 1024 Killerbytes make a Murderbyte.” -MegaByteCorporations
“I hate out of context quotes.” -Me
“I hate it when Cubeupload breaks.” -Also me
1000+ posts

Athena - Space Age RP

braxbroscratcher wrote:

Okay… can I plez bring in something demonic to kill… AKA a ship with an oblivion beam and SIX superweapons (yes, mega, it is the Flagship from our upcoming game and I will leave you to kill it alone) jk
I shall talk it to death(my specialty.).

Trust, but verify ⅼ There is a madness to my method ⅼ Always outnumbered, never outclassed ⅼ They said I couldn't, so I did ⅼ I didn't lie, I circumnavigated the truth ⅼ Determination is the wake up call to the human will ⅼ I don't want to hurt you. And you know that I can ⅼ People can change - there is reason for hope ⅼ True friends stab you in the front ⅼ No I'm not ‘giving up’ I'm just too classy to fight an idiot like you
1000+ posts

Athena - Space Age RP

MegaByteCorporations wrote:

braxbroscratcher wrote:

Okay… can I plez bring in something demonic to kill… AKA a ship with an oblivion beam and SIX superweapons (yes, mega, it is the Flagship from our upcoming game and I will leave you to kill it alone) jk
I shall talk it to death(my specialty.).
As it shuts off comms…

My signature is kumquat proof.
But not tangerine pro-

Current Project:
Quotes: “In our last hour, we burn the most brightly, trying to deny that we are burning out.” -Me
“Well, no. 1024 Killerbytes make a Murderbyte.” -MegaByteCorporations
“I hate out of context quotes.” -Me
“I hate it when Cubeupload breaks.” -Also me
1000+ posts

Athena - Space Age RP

Sorry, forget I applied. I don't have time.

1000+ posts

Athena - Space Age RP

dolphin_24 wrote:

Sorry, forget I applied. I don't have time.
I think you just don't want to RP in a full-scale apocalypse…

My signature is kumquat proof.
But not tangerine pro-

Current Project:
Quotes: “In our last hour, we burn the most brightly, trying to deny that we are burning out.” -Me
“Well, no. 1024 Killerbytes make a Murderbyte.” -MegaByteCorporations
“I hate out of context quotes.” -Me
“I hate it when Cubeupload breaks.” -Also me
1000+ posts

Athena - Space Age RP

MegaByteCorporations wrote:

I'm looking forward to see it.

If you see this text, reply saying “I hate Skype emojis” and you will receive a prize from my magical prize box
1000+ posts

Athena - Space Age RP

MegaByteCorporations wrote:

Name: Grant Cowper
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Personality: Quick-witted, smart aleck, friendly
Appearance: Tallish, Blond, blue-eyed, lean
Backstory: Grant ran away from home at a young age, seeking fortune, he ended up broke in a small town. He used what little money he had left to try for Athena, surprisingly he made it, he - this insignificant teenager - somehow succeeded in getting into the Athena Program.
Talents and skills: Track, Debating, and History(He has a Master's Degree)
Weaknesses: Arrogant, rude.
Occupation: None, does various jobs, lives in a self sustained tent outside of town.
Other info: ~
Accepted! Please fill out the other form for joining.

If you see this text, reply saying “I hate Skype emojis” and you will receive a prize from my magical prize box
1000+ posts

Athena - Space Age RP

Studio has been created! All of you should have been invited.

If you see this text, reply saying “I hate Skype emojis” and you will receive a prize from my magical prize box
1000+ posts

Athena - Space Age RP

ZLGames wrote:

Studio has been created! All of you should have been invited.
Okay! Can we start?

STORIES I The Paper Plane I Bananas I Winter ~ Part One I Winter ~ Part Two I Winter ~ Part Three
(\__/) “The world is a weird place.” -Sigton “MY CAPS BROKE” -Sigton
(='.'= ) “Why did you name your guitar Kyle? I thought that was my nickname!” ZLGames
(“)_(”) “My real name isn't Kyle. It's just what half of Scratch calls me now.” ZLGames | “Bitmap is easy. You just make something in vector then click ‘Convert to Bitmap’ ” - ZLGames (Kyle) | “If you think my jokes are too cheesy, you might be… LAUGHTOSE INTOLERANT!” - BlockWave's signature | “I WUV SPOODERS” - Ducky (Kyle) 1987 | “Someone is talking in your laptop, you should have it checked.” -My mom
1000+ posts

Athena - Space Age RP

Username: 16luongl1
Nickname: 16
Credentials: Super Hero RP, a few others that aren't as well known, a bunch of collabs/shops
How active are you? 8.5
How committed are you? 9
What are your skills? Coding, management/administration, more coding
Other info: I'm slightly more active on RP's than on other stuff.

Edited version:
Name: Marcus Innes
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Personality: Humorous, charismatic, natural leader, always takes command
Appearance: Brown hair, brown eyes, average height.
Backstory: Marcus's parents died when he was young, so he was forced to take care of himself at the orphanage. He quickly became popular and a leader among his age group, and found his calling as an intellectual prodigy and champion chess grandmaster. This skill has translated into many other things, in which he has found a natural affinity for tactics and strategy, which complemented his leadership abilities. About to enter university in Game Theory/Computer Science, he was one of the lucky people to get chosen to go to Athena.
Talents and skills: Leadership, Tactics/Strategy, Technology (sort of)
Weaknesses: Physical fitness. When he's thinking, he normally pays little to no attention to anything else, which is sometimes dangerous for his own health and well-being. He has no sense of familial loyalty, not having known any of his own.
Occupation: Student/Chess Grandmaster
Other info: He was a little upset when he found out he couldn't take his pet falcon on board. He always takes command whenever he can.

Last edited by 16luongl1 (Feb. 10, 2016 15:02:38)

Credits to @aleynesansonnet
1000+ posts

Athena - Space Age RP

16luongl1 wrote:

Username: 16luongl1
Nickname: 16
Credentials: Super Hero RP, a few others that aren't as well known, a bunch of collabs/shops
How active are you? 8.5
How committed are you? 9
What are your skills? Coding, management/administration, more coding
Other info: I'm slightly more active on RP's than on other stuff.

Name: Marcus Innes
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Personality: Humorous, charismatic, natural leader, generally takes command
Appearance: Brown hair, brown eyes, average height.
Backstory: Marcus's parents died when he was young, so he was forced to take care of himself at the orphanage. He quickly became popular and a leader among his age group, and found his calling as a prodigy and champion chess player. This skill has translated into many other things, in which he has found a natural affinity for tactics and strategy. About to enter university in Game Theory/Computer Science, he was one of the lucky people to get chosen to go to Athena.
Talents and skills: Tactics/Strategy, Leadership, Technology (sort of)
Weaknesses: One-to-one close quarter combat, general physical fitness
Occupation: Student
Other info: He was a little upset when he found out he couldn't take his pet falcon on board.
Not that the falcon would like space…

My signature is kumquat proof.
But not tangerine pro-

Current Project:
Quotes: “In our last hour, we burn the most brightly, trying to deny that we are burning out.” -Me
“Well, no. 1024 Killerbytes make a Murderbyte.” -MegaByteCorporations
“I hate out of context quotes.” -Me
“I hate it when Cubeupload breaks.” -Also me
1000+ posts

Athena - Space Age RP

ZLGames wrote:

Studio has been created! All of you should have been invited.
Can I be admin?

My signature is kumquat proof.
But not tangerine pro-

Current Project:
Quotes: “In our last hour, we burn the most brightly, trying to deny that we are burning out.” -Me
“Well, no. 1024 Killerbytes make a Murderbyte.” -MegaByteCorporations
“I hate out of context quotes.” -Me
“I hate it when Cubeupload breaks.” -Also me
1000+ posts

Athena - Space Age RP

braxbroscratcher wrote:

ZLGames wrote:

Studio has been created! All of you should have been invited.
Can I be admin?
Maybe, but not right now.

If you see this text, reply saying “I hate Skype emojis” and you will receive a prize from my magical prize box
1000+ posts

Athena - Space Age RP

First post on studio

@K13Marie, @Writer and@Novakitty r my cute n sweet little sista HUG ME :D
1000+ posts

Athena - Space Age RP

the_force wrote:

First post on studio

If you see this text, reply saying “I hate Skype emojis” and you will receive a prize from my magical prize box
1000+ posts

Athena - Space Age RP

I forgot about creating my own character.

If you see this text, reply saying “I hate Skype emojis” and you will receive a prize from my magical prize box
1000+ posts

Athena - Space Age RP

ZLGames wrote:

I forgot about creating my own character.

My signature is kumquat proof.
But not tangerine pro-

Current Project:
Quotes: “In our last hour, we burn the most brightly, trying to deny that we are burning out.” -Me
“Well, no. 1024 Killerbytes make a Murderbyte.” -MegaByteCorporations
“I hate out of context quotes.” -Me
“I hate it when Cubeupload breaks.” -Also me
1000+ posts

Athena - Space Age RP

Username: rainbow_waves
Nickname: Rainbow
Credentials: Owner of Ocean Breeze, manager of ZLGames shop, manager of Sigton's shop, director of Aleyne and company's shop of infinity, and a lot more things that I can list if you need them.
How active are you? 10/10
How committed are you? 10/10
What are your skills? Art, animating
Other info: Cheese?

Character Creation Form:
Name: Kiang Jinjing
Gender: Female
Age: 22
Personality: Bossy, kind
Appearance: Long black hair, green eyes, tall, thin.
Backstory: Parents treated her very badly as a child, so she ended up mostly living at her friends house. There she was introduced to programming, and took a natural liking to it. She became very good at it, and was hired to the Athena to help with programming.
Talents and skills: Solving Rubik's cube, being a leader, technology, running.
Weaknesses: Has terrible aim - can't hit anything more than 4 feet away.
Occupation: Programmer
Other info:

Last edited by rainbow_waves (Feb. 10, 2016 13:02:32)

1000+ posts

Athena - Space Age RP

rainbow_waves wrote:

Username: rainbow_waves
Nickname: Rainbow
Credentials: Owner of Ocean Breeze, manager of ZLGames shop, manager of Sigton's shop, director of Aleyne and company's shop of infinity, and a lot more things that I can list if you need them.
How active are you? 10/10
How committed are you? 10/10
What are your skills? Art, animating
Other info: Cheese?

Character Creation Form:
Name: Kiang Jinjing
Gender: Female
Age: 22
Personality: Bossy, kind
Appearance: Long black hair, green eyes, tall, thin.
Backstory: COMING SOON
Talents and skills: Solving Rubik's cube, being a leader, technology, running.
Weaknesses: Has terrible aim - can't hit anything more than 4 feet away.
Occupation: Programmer
Other info:
Accepted! Add the backstory, and your character should be good!

I will invite you too the studio soon.

If you see this text, reply saying “I hate Skype emojis” and you will receive a prize from my magical prize box

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