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1000+ posts

Athena - Space Age RP

Hello! Welcome to Athena RP. This is a space age themed RP. If you are interested in participation, please read on!

This will be a role-playing collaboration, and yes, role-playing is necessary. It will make collaborating fun as well as interesting. Each member will have his/her own character. You will act as if you are that character.

When we have enough members, we will begin to make projects about the RP World we are in. The places and organizations will be entirely fictional, though they may be based on real life people or places. We will make a variety of projects about it, including games, hero profiles, stories and art. And it will be fun!

RP prequel, so you can get some info on what RP will be about.
“And the lucky numbers are… 14563, 28965, 38513, 90127, 87164, 21947…”
The elegantly dressed woman continues to drone out the numbers, a white smile plastered on her face, but you don’t listen to her. You hold the silver ticket in your hand, staring numbly at the golden letters flashing across.
“Congratulations, lucky participants.” You slowly return your gaze to the hologram standing before you on your ticket. The ghost like projection was a little too real, as the woman’s gaze holds such direct eye contact that it’s a struggle not to look away. Her grin broadens as she announces, “You have been deemed worthy to board to U.S. Columbus, on a direct flight to the International Space Station ‘Athena.’”
You, along with a handful of other lucky winners from around the world, will be staying at Athena, a research station dedicated to discovering the wonders of the universe around us. A state-of-the-art, self sustaining spacecraft, the station can go months without contact with any other life form, and often travels millions of miles away from earth to uncover a new mystery of space. Many a thrill seeker and knowledge craver have dreamed of boarding the Athena. And now their dreams have come true.

Now, what you have probably been waiting for! How to join!
Must be a scratcher
Over 75 forum posts
Knowledge to RP
How active are you?
How committed are you?
What are your skills?
Other info:
Character Creation Form:
Talents and skills:
Human, Alien, or Rogue? (see below):
Other info:

Humans are the people who work on Athena.
Rogues are the ones who have left Athena, and joined Destiny (another ship).
The Aliens are aliens called the Qur'gins who help some rouges.

Chain of Command, this has info about all different ranks that are involved in this collab.
Rank Descriptions:
Owner: Has full control over RP
Admins: They keep the thread and RP in order. Can accept members, deny members, and close RP threads.
Members: Regular RPing members
Trainees: Members who have not proven themselves worthy or RPing.
Rank Members:
Owner: ZLGames

Here are the official partners of the RP.

Last edited by ZLGames (Sept. 23, 2016 00:47:04)

If you see this text, reply saying “I hate Skype emojis” and you will receive a prize from my magical prize box
1000+ posts

Athena - Space Age RP

May I join?

Last edited by -Writer- (Feb. 10, 2016 01:02:00)

STORIES I The Paper Plane I Bananas I Winter ~ Part One I Winter ~ Part Two I Winter ~ Part Three
(\__/) “The world is a weird place.” -Sigton “MY CAPS BROKE” -Sigton
(='.'= ) “Why did you name your guitar Kyle? I thought that was my nickname!” ZLGames
(“)_(”) “My real name isn't Kyle. It's just what half of Scratch calls me now.” ZLGames | “Bitmap is easy. You just make something in vector then click ‘Convert to Bitmap’ ” - ZLGames (Kyle) | “If you think my jokes are too cheesy, you might be… LAUGHTOSE INTOLERANT!” - BlockWave's signature | “I WUV SPOODERS” - Ducky (Kyle) 1987 | “Someone is talking in your laptop, you should have it checked.” -My mom
1000+ posts

Athena - Space Age RP

I'll join

@K13Marie, @Writer and@Novakitty r my cute n sweet little sista HUG ME :D
1000+ posts

Athena - Space Age RP

-Writer- wrote:

May I join?
Yeah, I'm still working on it though. I'll add the application right now.

If you see this text, reply saying “I hate Skype emojis” and you will receive a prize from my magical prize box
1000+ posts

Athena - Space Age RP

Username: -Writer-
Nickname: Kat
You know them
How active are you? 9/10
How committed are you? 9/10
What are your skills? Being random, writing, improv, art
Other info: None

STORIES I The Paper Plane I Bananas I Winter ~ Part One I Winter ~ Part Two I Winter ~ Part Three
(\__/) “The world is a weird place.” -Sigton “MY CAPS BROKE” -Sigton
(='.'= ) “Why did you name your guitar Kyle? I thought that was my nickname!” ZLGames
(“)_(”) “My real name isn't Kyle. It's just what half of Scratch calls me now.” ZLGames | “Bitmap is easy. You just make something in vector then click ‘Convert to Bitmap’ ” - ZLGames (Kyle) | “If you think my jokes are too cheesy, you might be… LAUGHTOSE INTOLERANT!” - BlockWave's signature | “I WUV SPOODERS” - Ducky (Kyle) 1987 | “Someone is talking in your laptop, you should have it checked.” -My mom
1000+ posts

Athena - Space Age RP

-Writer- wrote:

Username: -Writer-
Nickname: Kat
You know them
How active are you? 9/10
How committed are you? 9/10
What are your skills? Being random, writing, improv, art
Other info: None
Accepted! Please fill out the character form. I just added it.

If you see this text, reply saying “I hate Skype emojis” and you will receive a prize from my magical prize box
1000+ posts

Athena - Space Age RP

Name: Mara Jade Cooper
Gender: Female
Age: 21
Personality: funny uses sarcasm happy
Appearance: dyed red hair green eyes
Backstory: recruit for the UNSC
Talents and skills: weapon specialist, CQC specialist and high military IQ
Weaknesses: snipers
Occupation: lieutenant in UNSC
Other info:

Name: Dr Hasley
Gender: Female
Age: 25
Personality: serious when at work
Appearance: no glasses wears a lab coat black hair
Backstory: graduated in Harvard
Talents and skills: knows every technology and species
Weaknesses: fighting
Occupation: head researcher
Other info:

@K13Marie, @Writer and@Novakitty r my cute n sweet little sista HUG ME :D
1000+ posts

Athena - Space Age RP

the_force wrote:

Name: Mara Jade Cooper
Gender: Female
Age: 21
Personality: funny uses sarcasm happy
Appearance: dyed red hair green eyes
Backstory: recruit for the UNSC
Talents and skills: weapon specialist, CQC specialist and high military IQ
Weaknesses: snipers
Occupation: lieutenant in UNSC
Other info:

Name: Dr Hasley
Gender: Female
Age: 25
Personality: serious when at work
Appearance: no glasses wears a lab coat black hair
Backstory: graduated in Harvard
Talents and skills: knows every technology and species
Weaknesses: fighting
Occupation: head researcher
Other info:
I think I will keep it to one character, until we get enough members.

Please add more info to the one you would like to use, and fill out the other application.

If you see this text, reply saying “I hate Skype emojis” and you will receive a prize from my magical prize box
1000+ posts

Athena - Space Age RP

Name: Mara Jade Cooper
Gender: Female
Age: 21
Personality: funny uses sarcasm happy
Appearance: dyed red hair green eyes
Backstory: she was recruited by the UNSC. They found her smart and aggressive. She was also tested for super human abilities. The project was cancelled after they ejected her with rapid blood growth. She has O blood type
Talents and skills: weapon specialist, CQC specialist and high military IQ and very acrobatic
Weaknesses: snipers
Occupation: lieutenant in UNSC
Other info

Username: the force
Nickname: force
Credentials: endless rp super hero rp tri faction rp
How active are you? 9.37272
How committed are you? 9.276086
What are your skills? Admin/mod
Other info:

@K13Marie, @Writer and@Novakitty r my cute n sweet little sista HUG ME :D
1000+ posts

Athena - Space Age RP

Username: braxbroscratcher
Nickname: Brax or Braxbro
Credentials: Erm… wut?
How active are you? 8.5/10
How committed are you? 6.5/10
What are your skills? Art, coding, RPing, derailing threads, animation, and making people have headaches
Other info: I am extremely volatile at times; diplomacy doesn't tend to end well…

My signature is kumquat proof.
But not tangerine pro-

Current Project:
Quotes: “In our last hour, we burn the most brightly, trying to deny that we are burning out.” -Me
“Well, no. 1024 Killerbytes make a Murderbyte.” -MegaByteCorporations
“I hate out of context quotes.” -Me
“I hate it when Cubeupload breaks.” -Also me
1000+ posts

Athena - Space Age RP

ZLGames wrote:

-Writer- wrote:

Username: -Writer-
Nickname: Kat
You know them
How active are you? 9/10
How committed are you? 9/10
What are your skills? Being random, writing, improv, art
Other info: None
Accepted! Please fill out the character form. I just added it.

Name: Winter Koepke
Gender: Female
Age: 12
Personality: Bubbly, friendly, energetic
Appearance: Blond hair, blueish eyes, likes blue
Backstory: She wasn't watched by her parents a lot, and they left her with her older sister, who didn't really watch her. Her sister is two years older.
Talents and skills: She's quite good with computers
Weaknesses: Not fully aware of danger
Occupation: Lucky number holder
Other info: She has an older sister, one years older, and an older brother, two years younger

STORIES I The Paper Plane I Bananas I Winter ~ Part One I Winter ~ Part Two I Winter ~ Part Three
(\__/) “The world is a weird place.” -Sigton “MY CAPS BROKE” -Sigton
(='.'= ) “Why did you name your guitar Kyle? I thought that was my nickname!” ZLGames
(“)_(”) “My real name isn't Kyle. It's just what half of Scratch calls me now.” ZLGames | “Bitmap is easy. You just make something in vector then click ‘Convert to Bitmap’ ” - ZLGames (Kyle) | “If you think my jokes are too cheesy, you might be… LAUGHTOSE INTOLERANT!” - BlockWave's signature | “I WUV SPOODERS” - Ducky (Kyle) 1987 | “Someone is talking in your laptop, you should have it checked.” -My mom
1000+ posts

Athena - Space Age RP

Name: Roflu Falex
Gender: Male
Age: 26
Personality: He's very talkative and annoying.
Appearance: He wears a blue jacket and sweatpants
Backstory: He was 24 when his parents died. He had been sad for years so, he decided to treat himself to a lottery ticket! He entered the lottery for a ticket and won, but he was in debt by 500 dollars. He almost sold his ticket, but decided he could do it.
Talents and skills: He can jump high.
Weaknesses: He hates when it's hot. Hates it.
Occupation: Banker.
Other info: none

1000+ posts

Athena - Space Age RP

-Writer- wrote:

ZLGames wrote:

-Writer- wrote:

Username: -Writer-
Nickname: Kat
You know them
How active are you? 9/10
How committed are you? 9/10
What are your skills? Being random, writing, improv, art
Other info: None
Accepted! Please fill out the character form. I just added it.

Name: Winter Koepke
Gender: Female
Age: 12
Personality: Bubbly, friendly, energetic
Appearance: Blond hair, blueish eyes, likes blue
Backstory: She wasn't watched by her parents a lot, and they left her with her older sister, who didn't really watch her. Her sister is two years older.
Talents and skills: She's quite good with computers
Weaknesses: Not fully aware of danger
Occupation: Lucky number holder
Other info: She has an older sister, one years older, and an older brother, two years younger
She gonna be Mara younger sis

@K13Marie, @Writer and@Novakitty r my cute n sweet little sista HUG ME :D
1000+ posts

Athena - Space Age RP

the_force wrote:

Name: Mara Jade Cooper
Gender: Female
Age: 21
Personality: funny uses sarcasm happy
Appearance: dyed red hair green eyes
Backstory: she was recruited by the UNSC. They found her smart and aggressive. She was also tested for super human abilities. The project was cancelled after they ejected her with rapid blood growth. She has O blood type
Talents and skills: weapon specialist, CQC specialist and high military IQ and very acrobatic
Weaknesses: snipers
Occupation: lieutenant in UNSC
Other info

Username: the force
Nickname: force
Credentials: endless rp super hero rp tri faction rp
How active are you? 9.37272
How committed are you? 9.276086
What are your skills? Admin/mod
Other info:
No super human abilities, but otherwise, accepted!

braxbroscratcher wrote:

Username: braxbroscratcher
Nickname: Brax or Braxbro
Credentials: Erm… wut?
How active are you? 8.5/10
How committed are you? 6.5/10
What are your skills? Art, coding, RPing, derailing threads, animation, and making people have headaches
Other info: I am extremely volatile at times; diplomacy doesn't tend to end well…
Accepted! Please create a character soon.

-Writer- wrote:

Name: Winter Koepke
Gender: Female
Age: 12
Personality: Bubbly, friendly, energetic
Appearance: Blond hair, blueish eyes, likes blue
Backstory: She wasn't watched by her parents a lot, and they left her with her older sister, who didn't really watch her. Her sister is two years older.
Talents and skills: She's quite good with computers
Weaknesses: Not fully aware of danger
Occupation: Lucky number holder
Other info: She has an older sister, one years older, and an older brother, two years younger
Add a bit more information, but otherwise it looks great!

If you see this text, reply saying “I hate Skype emojis” and you will receive a prize from my magical prize box
1000+ posts

Athena - Space Age RP

dolphin_24 wrote:

Name: Roflu Falex
Gender: Male
Age: 26
Personality: He's very talkative and annoying.
Appearance: He wears a blue jacket and sweatpants
Backstory: He was 24 when his parents died. He had been sad for years so, he decided to treat himself to a lottery ticket! He entered the lottery for a ticket and won, but he was in debt by 500 dollars. He almost sold his ticket, but decided he could do it.
Talents and skills: He can jump high.
Weaknesses: He hates when it's hot. Hates it.
Occupation: Banker.
Other info: none

EDIT: Please fill out the joining form too.

Last edited by ZLGames (Feb. 10, 2016 01:38:38)

If you see this text, reply saying “I hate Skype emojis” and you will receive a prize from my magical prize box
1000+ posts

Athena - Space Age RP

ZLGames wrote:

-Writer- wrote:

Name: Winter Koepke
Gender: Female
Age: 12
Personality: Bubbly, friendly, energetic
Appearance: Blond hair, blueish eyes, likes blue
Backstory: She wasn't watched by her parents a lot, and they left her with her older sister, who didn't really watch her. Her sister is a lot older then her. Her sister's name is Mara Jade Cooper.
Talents and skills: She's quite good with computers, has strong bond with sister
Weaknesses: Not fully aware of danger, partly absent
Occupation: Lucky number holder
Other info: She has an older sister, one years older
Add a bit more information, but otherwise it looks great!
Edited it a bit. Better now?

Last edited by -Writer- (Feb. 10, 2016 01:45:19)

STORIES I The Paper Plane I Bananas I Winter ~ Part One I Winter ~ Part Two I Winter ~ Part Three
(\__/) “The world is a weird place.” -Sigton “MY CAPS BROKE” -Sigton
(='.'= ) “Why did you name your guitar Kyle? I thought that was my nickname!” ZLGames
(“)_(”) “My real name isn't Kyle. It's just what half of Scratch calls me now.” ZLGames | “Bitmap is easy. You just make something in vector then click ‘Convert to Bitmap’ ” - ZLGames (Kyle) | “If you think my jokes are too cheesy, you might be… LAUGHTOSE INTOLERANT!” - BlockWave's signature | “I WUV SPOODERS” - Ducky (Kyle) 1987 | “Someone is talking in your laptop, you should have it checked.” -My mom
1000+ posts

Athena - Space Age RP

Name: Grant Cowper
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Personality: Quick-witted, smart aleck, friendly
Appearance: Tallish, Blond, blue-eyed, lean
Backstory: Grant ran away from home at a young age, seeking fortune, he ended up broke in a small town. He used what little money he had left to try for Athena, surprisingly he made it, he - this insignificant teenager - somehow succeeded in getting into the Athena Program.
Talents and skills: Track, Debating, and History(He has a Master's Degree)
Weaknesses: Arrogant, rude.
Occupation: None, does various jobs, lives in a self sustained tent outside of town.
Other info: ~

Last edited by MegaByteCorporations (Feb. 10, 2016 01:51:21)

Trust, but verify ⅼ There is a madness to my method ⅼ Always outnumbered, never outclassed ⅼ They said I couldn't, so I did ⅼ I didn't lie, I circumnavigated the truth ⅼ Determination is the wake up call to the human will ⅼ I don't want to hurt you. And you know that I can ⅼ People can change - there is reason for hope ⅼ True friends stab you in the front ⅼ No I'm not ‘giving up’ I'm just too classy to fight an idiot like you
1000+ posts

Athena - Space Age RP

ZLGames wrote:

the_force wrote:

Name: Mara Jade Cooper
Gender: Female
Age: 21
Personality: funny uses sarcasm happy
Appearance: dyed red hair green eyes
Backstory: she was recruited by the UNSC. They found her smart and aggressive. She was also tested for super human abilities. The project was cancelled after they ejected her with rapid blood growth. She has O blood type
Talents and skills: weapon specialist, CQC specialist and high military IQ and very acrobatic
Weaknesses: snipers
Occupation: lieutenant in UNSC
Other info

Username: the force
Nickname: force
Credentials: endless rp super hero rp tri faction rp
How active are you? 9.37272
How committed are you? 9.276086
What are your skills? Admin/mod
Other info:
No super human abilities, but otherwise, accepted!

braxbroscratcher wrote:

Username: braxbroscratcher
Nickname: Brax or Braxbro
Credentials: Erm… wut?
How active are you? 8.5/10
How committed are you? 6.5/10
What are your skills? Art, coding, RPing, derailing threads, animation, and making people have headaches
Other info: I am extremely volatile at times; diplomacy doesn't tend to end well…
Accepted! Please create a character soon.

-Writer- wrote:

Name: Winter Koepke
Gender: Female
Age: 12
Personality: Bubbly, friendly, energetic
Appearance: Blond hair, blueish eyes, likes blue
Backstory: She wasn't watched by her parents a lot, and they left her with her older sister, who didn't really watch her. Her sister is two years older.
Talents and skills: She's quite good with computers
Weaknesses: Not fully aware of danger
Occupation: Lucky number holder
Other info: She has an older sister, one years older, and an older brother, two years younger
Add a bit more information, but otherwise it looks great!
Okay… can I plez bring in something demonic to kill… AKA a ship with an oblivion beam and SIX superweapons (yes, mega, it is the Flagship from our upcoming game and I will leave you to kill it alone) jk

My signature is kumquat proof.
But not tangerine pro-

Current Project:
Quotes: “In our last hour, we burn the most brightly, trying to deny that we are burning out.” -Me
“Well, no. 1024 Killerbytes make a Murderbyte.” -MegaByteCorporations
“I hate out of context quotes.” -Me
“I hate it when Cubeupload breaks.” -Also me
1000+ posts

Athena - Space Age RP

braxbroscratcher wrote:

ZLGames wrote:

the_force wrote:

Name: Mara Jade Cooper
Gender: Female
Age: 21
Personality: funny uses sarcasm happy
Appearance: dyed red hair green eyes
Backstory: she was recruited by the UNSC. They found her smart and aggressive. She was also tested for super human abilities. The project was cancelled after they ejected her with rapid blood growth. She has O blood type
Talents and skills: weapon specialist, CQC specialist and high military IQ and very acrobatic
Weaknesses: snipers
Occupation: lieutenant in UNSC
Other info

Username: the force
Nickname: force
Credentials: endless rp super hero rp tri faction rp
How active are you? 9.37272
How committed are you? 9.276086
What are your skills? Admin/mod
Other info:
No super human abilities, but otherwise, accepted!

braxbroscratcher wrote:

Username: braxbroscratcher
Nickname: Brax or Braxbro
Credentials: Erm… wut?
How active are you? 8.5/10
How committed are you? 6.5/10
What are your skills? Art, coding, RPing, derailing threads, animation, and making people have headaches
Other info: I am extremely volatile at times; diplomacy doesn't tend to end well…
Accepted! Please create a character soon.

-Writer- wrote:

Name: Winter Koepke
Gender: Female
Age: 12
Personality: Bubbly, friendly, energetic
Appearance: Blond hair, blueish eyes, likes blue
Backstory: She wasn't watched by her parents a lot, and they left her with her older sister, who didn't really watch her. Her sister is two years older.
Talents and skills: She's quite good with computers
Weaknesses: Not fully aware of danger
Occupation: Lucky number holder
Other info: She has an older sister, one years older, and an older brother, two years younger
Add a bit more information, but otherwise it looks great!
Okay… can I plez bring in something demonic to kill… AKA a ship with an oblivion beam and SIX superweapons (yes, mega, it is the Flagship from our upcoming game and I will leave you to kill it alone) jk
jk i wont… xD Wouldn't that be fun… not. Especcially in the hands of a powerplayer of an RP'er…

My signature is kumquat proof.
But not tangerine pro-

Current Project:
Quotes: “In our last hour, we burn the most brightly, trying to deny that we are burning out.” -Me
“Well, no. 1024 Killerbytes make a Murderbyte.” -MegaByteCorporations
“I hate out of context quotes.” -Me
“I hate it when Cubeupload breaks.” -Also me
1000+ posts

Athena - Space Age RP

Ok so no rapid blood growth?

@K13Marie, @Writer and@Novakitty r my cute n sweet little sista HUG ME :D

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