Discuss Scratch

1000+ posts

Crimson & Co's College of Collaboration [Student]

shinkansen wrote:

Co49 wrote:

Please post on the 11th September at 20:00 to 22:00 British Time but no sooner. Good luck!


I have to post between 20:00 to 22.00? What if I'm not awake at that time?
My suggestion: Make Zulu Time the Standard.


shinkansen wrote:

Can you please extend the deadline for the Standard Management Assignment? I'm kinda busy.

Junk_Collector wrote:

I'm lost here and I'm busy at school (homework, american flag football, etc.) I have to quit. sorry.
With everyone busy with school, you should come up with a way so people can easily balance CCCC with School. Because, in all cases, school, should come as priority.

Last edited by k9lego (Sept. 11, 2015 02:59:29)

- Let's Eat  Grandma! This is a hidden advertisement for the Collab Hyper Cloud Inc. :)
- Let's Eat, Grandma!
Commas Save Lives!

Nothing Much here…

If you want to reply to me, please comment with the link to the topic “On my profile page”. thanks. k9lego
1000+ posts

Crimson & Co's College of Collaboration [Student]

shinkansen wrote:

Co49 wrote:

Please post on the 11th September at 20:00 to 22:00 British Time but no sooner. Good luck!


I have to post between 20:00 to 22.00? What if I'm not awake at that time?
Don't worry, just post during the day sometime.
1000+ posts

Crimson & Co's College of Collaboration [Student]

shinkansen wrote:

I have a question about the custom block you made up there. Why would you declare a variable “Numberv” when you can just use “Number”? Doesn't that just waste memory?

Yes, but I'm inexperienced witch Forum Scripts, so for awhile it wasn't working. Also, there's a secret in that particular script that I would cover in Lesson 2. Lesson 3 would probably be more Scripting with them, then 4 create a certain engine maybe, then 5, who knows.
1000+ posts

Crimson & Co's College of Collaboration [Student]

CrazyGoldfish3 wrote:

shinkansen wrote:

I have a question about the custom block you made up there. Why would you declare a variable “Numberv” when you can just use “Number”? Doesn't that just waste memory?

Yes, but I'm inexperienced witch Forum Scripts, so for awhile it wasn't working. Also, there's a secret in that particular script that I would cover in Lesson 2. Lesson 3 would probably be more Scripting with them, then 4 create a certain engine maybe, then 5, who knows.
(This better?:: custom arg)
Do it like this:
(input name:: custom arg)


1000+ posts

Crimson & Co's College of Collaboration [Student]

shinkansen wrote:

Can you please extend the deadline for the Standard Management Assignment? I'm kinda busy.
One or two days? Plus, please follow the studio as that is where announcements will be made from now.
500+ posts

Crimson & Co's College of Collaboration [Student]

CrazyGoldfish3 wrote:

Co49 wrote:

Scratch_Hairstyles wrote:

What are the different areas you explore in CCCC?

Different courses?

I believe that is what she was referring to, yes.
yes xx

1000+ posts

Crimson & Co's College of Collaboration [Student]

Scratch_Hairstyles wrote:

CrazyGoldfish3 wrote:

Co49 wrote:

Scratch_Hairstyles wrote:

What are the different areas you explore in CCCC?

Different courses?

I believe that is what she was referring to, yes.
yes xx

All standard courses include:
Customer Services
Music Art

and these courses can also lead to advanced level and a SPeC (Special Professional Course).
500+ posts

Crimson & Co's College of Collaboration [Student]

Co49 wrote:

Scratch_Hairstyles wrote:

CrazyGoldfish3 wrote:

Co49 wrote:

Scratch_Hairstyles wrote:

What are the different areas you explore in CCCC?

Different courses?

I believe that is what she was referring to, yes.
yes xx

All standard courses include:
Customer Services
Music Art

and these courses can also lead to advanced level and a SPeC (Special Professional Course).
Thank u x

1000+ posts

Crimson & Co's College of Collaboration [Student]

Sigton wrote:

(This better?:: custom arg)
Do it like this:
(input name:: custom arg)


when green flag clicked
when [Sigton] teaches you something:: events arg
broadcast (Thanks. I wanted to learn how to do that.:: custom arg)
1000+ posts

Crimson & Co's College of Collaboration [Student]

Can we make an university Xd

Last edited by the_force (Sept. 11, 2015 23:38:16)

@K13Marie, @Writer and@Novakitty r my cute n sweet little sista HUG ME :D
1000+ posts

Crimson & Co's College of Collaboration [Student]

the_force wrote:

Can we make an university Xd

You mean a real University? XD A Campus? Because we already have a College… (XD)
100+ posts

Crimson & Co's College of Collaboration [Student]

Co49 wrote:

Standard Management Course - Delegation Scenario #1
You are the manager of a small mixed roles team in a large game collaboration. You have been asked by the Leader of the collaboration to complete a task. You must break the task up and delegate it to your team. You cannot complete any work yourself as you are already involved with a part of the project. The task
"Please create the draft of a new mini project we are making; it is a simple platform game. It needs a menu and scrolling sensor/engine. Just build the base of it and other teams can build on it. Also, we need some background music and please program the AI of a few different enemies. Graphics should be vector and look professional. Thanks."
Here are the members of your team:

Shadow Sword
A very skilled programmer with lots of experience but cannot do too much as Shadow Sword is already working on another project. Shadow mentioned that they could spare some time but not that much.

A composer who is able to write many different types of music. Has enough time to compose two songs before the deadline as Musico as lots of time available.

A general programmer with little experience however has made any simple games. Paul23 has lots of spare time on his hands.

A graphic artist who is great with pixel art. For your last project (a classic RPG), Byte made excellent pixel characters. Byte said he could try and make vector characters although Byte has had very little experience with vector.

You must write down what tasks you would give to who, why (in detail) and anything you might say to your Chief. Don not worry about the deadline. This will count towards your course criteria if you respond successfully. Please post on the 11th September at 20:00 to 22:00 British Time but no sooner. Good luck!

Shadow Sword will create the scrolling sensor/engine and the AIs because he is a very skilled programmer. On the other hand, Paul will develop the menu since he is a general programmer. Musico will be in charge of composing background music because of his wide knowledge of music. Byte will create the graphics in bitmap, and Paul will learn vector graphics in his free time and convert Byte's bitmap images into vector manually.

when I receive [launch missile v]

if <touching [the moon v] ?> then

say [Success!!!] for (2) secs

36 posts

Crimson & Co's College of Collaboration [Student]

CrazyGoldfish3 wrote:

Sigton wrote:

(This better?:: custom arg)
Do it like this:
(input name:: custom arg)


when green flag clicked
when [Sigton v] teaches you something:: events arg
broadcast (Thanks. I wanted to learn how to do that.:: custom arg)
No problem


1000+ posts

Crimson & Co's College of Collaboration [Student]

Shadow Sword will create the scrolling sensor/engine and the AIs because he is a very skilled programmer. On the other hand, Paul will develop the menu since he is a general programmer. Musico will be in charge of composing background music because of his wide knowledge of music. Byte will create the graphics in bitmap, and Paul will learn vector graphics in his free time and convert Byte's bitmap images into vector manually.
Good response!

Shadow Sword: He could do the scrolling sensor, as that would be more professional, but won't take up too much time.
Musico: As he can only compose two songs, he could do the menu music, and make the in-game music too.
Paul23: Since he is a general programmer, he could do the scrolling engine and the AI, plus the menu, because that's not too hard.
Byte: His specialty is pixel art, so I would let him do the basics, like levels, menu, and whatever else he can do. As for the rest, someone else could do it.
Good response, you should tell the Chief that Byte cannot complete the task.

Shadow Sword (I would assign them to doing the AI because he/she has a bit of time, but he is very skilled. It would take him almost all of the time he has to help. The AI wouldn't be TOO complicated unless it has a whole bunch of jumping and anything for it to get through the levels. IF he has any more time on his/her hands, I would suggest they do the scrolling engine/sensor.)
Musico (I would assign them to make the background music and some title screen music. Thus only doing two songs, it would be good for it to be game music/menu music.)
Paul23 (I would let them do the menu and anything else that goes with the menu. He doesn't have a lot of skill, and this would be easy. I would also let them do the programming of the character.)
Byte (I would at least have them do the levels and character looks. He could do anything else that's easy and has to do with art. He can't do vector that well, so this would be a good idea. Not too hard for him/her. The levels I could help him out with.)
Good response too!

Well done, all your responses more excellent and you all passed the assignment! Well done

@Junk_Collector and iAmGroot235
You must submit your response or respond by the end of today otherwise you will have to do a different scenario and that will delay your graduation!

Last edited by Co49 (Sept. 13, 2015 14:45:48)

100+ posts

Crimson & Co's College of Collaboration [Student]

Co49 wrote:

Standard Management Course - Delegation Scenario #1
You are the manager of a small mixed roles team in a large game collaboration. You have been asked by the Leader of the collaboration to complete a task. You must break the task up and delegate it to your team. You cannot complete any work yourself as you are already involved with a part of the project. The task
"Please create the draft of a new mini project we are making; it is a simple platform game. It needs a menu and scrolling sensor/engine. Just build the base of it and other teams can build on it. Also, we need some background music and please program the AI of a few different enemies. Graphics should be vector and look professional. Thanks."
Here are the members of your team:

Shadow Sword
A very skilled programmer with lots of experience but cannot do too much as Shadow Sword is already working on another project. Shadow mentioned that they could spare some time but not that much. Shadow Sword would get the AI.

A composer who is able to write many different types of music. Has enough time to compose two songs before the deadline as Musico as lots of time available. Musico would make the music

A general programmer with little experience however has made any simple games. Paul23 has lots of spare time on his hands. Paul23 would get the scrolling sensing/engine (if they say they can't i would tell them to try make one using a tutorial, since they have a lot of time). Paul23 would also get the menu as an assignment.

A graphic artist who is great with pixel art. For your last project (a classic RPG), Byte made excellent pixel characters. Byte said he could try and make vector characters although Byte has had very little experience with vector. Would get the graphics (tutorial recommended if needed)

You must write down what tasks you would give to who, why (in detail) and anything you might say to your Chief. Don not worry about the deadline. This will count towards your course criteria if you respond successfully. Please post on the 11th September at 20:00 to 22:00 British Time but no sooner. Good luck!

Sorry it's late, but I've been busy.

Last edited by Junk_Collector (Sept. 13, 2015 15:54:01)

When (4)>(5)::extension
say [Who made this happen?!] in [Klingon v] so that (0.5 v) % of population of [earth v] understand you::looks
buy (lots v) of [cool clothes, cat launchers, and old bananas v] from [the bottom of that guy's left shoe v]::pen
fly to [mars v] on a [butterfly v] at (3) miles per hour::motion
1000+ posts

Crimson & Co's College of Collaboration [Student]


1000+ posts

Crimson & Co's College of Collaboration [Student]

Junk_Collector wrote:

Sorry it's late, but I've been busy.

I think you need some detail to justify some of your decisions here. If you need an extension then just ask but it is best in advance. How many more days do you need?
100+ posts

Crimson & Co's College of Collaboration [Student]

Hello! I am the head of Ripples of Wonder, and I am here to further discuss on our partnership. (ok, I can't talk so professionally sooooo)
Could you please re-write what you wrote in my shop with simpler words? I did understand many of it, but I would like to have it simpler so I may confirm what I have read.

(this may be directed at Crimson19, and please continue on my profile)

Last edited by juliemin888 (Sept. 13, 2015 17:55:08)

1000+ posts

Crimson & Co's College of Collaboration [Student]

juliemin888 wrote:

Hello! I am the head of Ripples of Wonder, and I am here to further discuss on our partnership. (ok, I can't talk so professionally sooooo)
Could you please re-write what you wrote in my shop with simpler words? I did understand many of it, but I would like to have it simpler so I may confirm what I have read.

(this may be directed at Crimson19)

We'd like to advertise your shop on our front-page as a partner and in exchange, people who try to attain higher positions (such as a manager) need a degree from here. It's a win-win situation as you have better workers and we have more customers .

500+ posts

Crimson & Co's College of Collaboration [Student]

Do you do requests for ppl or teach ppl stuff

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