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Heya! I just want to say that I tried to make a FNaF cloud multiplayer long ago, but I had nobody to test it with, so I assumed it didn't work. Now I'm here to ask anyone with two computers to see if it works. Here it is. Somebody please try it and tell me in the comments if it works.

ENaAS here.
4 posts

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theres this bug that when you want to move a drawing, like change the size of the costume, it ether 1, glitches out and gose to one randome place on the screen, or 2, duplicate the picture ON TOP on the one u want to move. this is really anoying for me becuse if i make a good drawing i than have to SPAM the undo button! plz fix dis
26 posts

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I can't search on the discuss page.
when green flag clicked
say [help me plz]
9 posts

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cs339527 wrote:

I can't search on the discuss page.
when green flag clicked
say [help me plz]
Me neither

ENaAS here.
25 posts

Report cloud data glitches here

princesslovebug wrote:

theres this bug that when you want to move a drawing, like change the size of the costume, it ether 1, glitches out and gose to one randome place on the screen, or 2, duplicate the picture ON TOP on the one u want to move. this is really anoying for me becuse if i make a good drawing i than have to SPAM the undo button! plz fix dis

cs339527 wrote:

I can't search on the discuss page.
when green flag clicked
say [help me plz]

Please don't post irrelevant things here. Post it in the actual “Bug and Glitches” sub-forum.

(^-^)/ :: grey //My happiness face
500+ posts

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I had a cloud variable I think was called named player ID i tried to delete it then it came back rename it and it made another cloud variable so I had over 16 and my game didn't work

The fruit wars rage on, until… I eat the pears and apples . Wait what????? No matter what anyone says I like minecraft. And I just realised… you couldn't trust me, so anyone but me
Wait what?

http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/144794441 is unshared you will not get a sneak peak! Hey sheriff eat the food.

yeetus thy skeetus and leetus my geetus

500+ posts

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Before I even had the variable problem it didn't work so the game is broken

Last edited by ironman_warmachine (Nov. 19, 2016 09:47:01)

The fruit wars rage on, until… I eat the pears and apples . Wait what????? No matter what anyone says I like minecraft. And I just realised… you couldn't trust me, so anyone but me
Wait what?

http://scratch.mit.edu/projects/144794441 is unshared you will not get a sneak peak! Hey sheriff eat the food.

yeetus thy skeetus and leetus my geetus

5 posts

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You can't delete cloud variables!:(
12 posts

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12 posts

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I was testing out my game and when you save in it you can click the green flag and it will have saved, however whenever I refresh the page or exit out and go back to the project, the cloud variable is at zero. I am using chrome on windows 10 and here is my project https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/132912098/
12 posts

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RY3021 wrote:

You can't delete cloud variables!:(
You can delete cloud variables it just may be your computer is not fast enough or the connection to the internet is just bad, hope this helped!
29 posts

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My browser / operating system: Windows NT 10.0, Microsoft Internet Explorer 11.0, Flash 23.0 (release 0)
I can't delete cloud variables once my project is shared. Is that a glitch or is that supposed to happen? It will be deleted but then it will reappear even if I refresh the page the variable is still there.

Also I just discovered the funniest glitch EVER with cloud variables!!! I made there be 20 cloud variables and each one has a lot of clouds in it. Here is a link to the funny cloud data glitch: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/134978899/#player

Last edited by BunnyTales (Dec. 7, 2016 17:38:17)

1000+ posts

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BunnyTales wrote:

My browser / operating system: Windows NT 10.0, Microsoft Internet Explorer 11.0, Flash 23.0 (release 0)
I can't delete cloud variables once my project is shared. Is that a glitch or is that supposed to happen? It will be deleted but then it will reappear even if I refresh the page the variable is still there.

Also I just discovered the funniest glitch EVER with cloud variables!!! I made there be 20 cloud variables and each one has a lot of clouds in it. Here is a link to the funny cloud data glitch: https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/134978899/#player
That's a glitch. You don't actually have 20 cloud variables, only 10 are real


Google Sv4mvJbXBJPClyDgc7p5WkYITBi618 to see all my posts

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Not sure if this is really a glitch or not, but might be interesting.

I have Flash 23, debug version, so I see any error messages that occur in a SWF file. On a couple projects, including my own, I get a “cannot access a property or method of a null object reference” error. When this happens the edit doesn't seem to go through, although I'm not sure about that. Seems to be something to do with sending/receiving JSON data from the server and something getting messed up in decoding. Not really sure, I'm too lazy to look at the code today.

Screenshot is linked. Hope that is helpful in some way.


lose (the game v)
22 posts

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Is there a limit in how many cloud datas you can measure? I mean, is there a maximum limit of cloud lists you can have?

when I receive [idea v]
go to [computer v]
if <(week) = (weekend)> then
repeat until <(more interesting thing)> = <(available)>
set [programming mode] to [on]

go to [more interesting thing]

go to [phone]
wait (9817314326564389) secs

100+ posts

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mrscratch88 wrote:

Is there a limit in how many cloud datas you can measure? I mean, is there a maximum limit of cloud lists you can have?
That's irrelevant to this specific topic. Post in the Questions about Scratch forum for an answer, hope this helped!
6 posts

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Definitely seems like there's a problem with cloud variables updating.

For a round-based online game I'm working on, I'm using a “Game Data” cloud variable that is essential for giving information to the other player about what you are doing, and It seems like it's not being updated at all once you're connected and assigned a Player ID (1 or 2). After clicking the green flag, it updates again, though. Kinda frustrating.

I hope the scratch team can find a solution to this. Until then, it's a matter of patience I guess.
1000+ posts

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it seems to me that sometimes when I re-import a project from disk, or someone remixes my project, the cloud variable used for highscores doesn't function any more - new scores are not persisted. After I delete and re-create the cloud variable, everything is back to normal. I noticed the same problem once I dragged the sprite with the cloud variable via backpack into another project.

I guess I have to implement a backup-and-restore mechanism for highscores. Hopefully someone can look into this problem.

Kind regards,

Last edited by ArnoHu (Dec. 14, 2016 10:15:07)

29 posts

Report cloud data glitches here

My cloud variables won't save when I am playing my game. They are numbers so it should be fine. I watch as they go up but then they go back down to what they were. I tried recreating them but it still happens. I even was on a different account and still the cloud variables would go back and not save or it would save but if you left the game and came back then it would be back to normal. Please could someone help. It is my featured project that is called Kirby stimulator 1.7. Why aren't the cloud variables saving. I tried recreating them and they still don't save. HELP!

Last edited by BunnyTales (Dec. 16, 2016 16:19:44)

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